Cellphone Genie

Cellphone Genie

A Story by VirgoAvatar

Vid intro at YT channel VirgoAvatar ;-] Ending episode will be Chapter 5 ^_^ 1shot


Cellphone Genie

Chapter 1


Nick Jonas ...... age 18

Joe Jonas ....... age 21

Cellphone: iPhone4

[Inspired by a TV commercial & Disney's classic story ... Aladdin ;-]

Nick: *I was riding my bike home through another blustering day in California. It was still chilly for winter, but near to spring. I had just gotten what I had been waiting for, for a long time .... I got my very own iPhone4! I was so psyched, I'd been saving up to get one and now I had it the pocket of my pants. It was the coolest thing ever and was so worth saving up for. It had so many functions and capabilities, each of which I couldn't wait to check out. Oh yeah, my name's Nick Jonas. I'm your regular aspiring musician. I write my own songs and play a lot of instruments. Oh and best of all, I'm gay. Yep real great bumper sticker, but there it is. I live alone and I'm completely independent. I don't actually have a boyfriend, yet .... but I'm waiting to meet the right guy. I cycled home fast too excited to get into my room an collapse right on my bed. And I was super stared for food!*

*In the next few seconds I rode into my complex's gates and up to my apartment, which was only 1 bed room and 1 bath, but it was all I needed. I clicked my keys into the the door hole and went right in, taking my bike along with me. I wheeled it out to the square patio I had and put it out there. I went right over to the kitchen and bent down to grab my smart water bottle down on the bottom door. I gulped, enjoying the coolness of it. As I wiped my mouth, I ran off to my room and let myself fall onto my bed. I grabbed my new cell and stared at it admiring its classy look. And it was all mine, whoo! Thats when my thoughts were put on hold when my stomach let out a loud growl. Time to eat! I got up fast and went back to the kitchen and put down my phone on my table. I opened up the fridge trying to think of what the heck I could eat.*

*I searched around till my eyes settled on some pizza from Costco. I shrugged and got two slices and heated them up in a frying pan on medium-high heat and waited. In the meantime I was just thinking about my phone and the pizza, too busy to see a sudden blue smoke appear from the phone*

Joe: *I regained my human form and the cellphone I once was, but no more. I looked around curiously at my surroundings finding my new master by the stove cooking pizza* Hey there!

Nick: *I jumped out of my skin and pushed myself against the sink* What the-? Who are you?!

Joe: *I smiled and waved* Uh, Hi! Name's Joe and I'm your genie kid! What's your name?

Nick: *I blinked, my mouth open wide* WHAT?!

Joe: *I rolled my eyes and showed him what I meant* See? I'm a genie, you know ... "Your wish is ... my command" ... kind of thing. *I made him float up a few feet from the ground*

Nick: *I looked down and screamed* H-how the heck is this happening?! This is impossible! I'm dreaming! I'm dreaming!

Joe: *I smirked* Denial my friend. Listen it would be just easier if you just accepted it and relaxed. Its 2011, who freaks out anymore?

Nick: *I laughed sarcastically* Yeah right! Just ... "relax?" Easy for you to say! You're not the one who's floating above my kitchen floor!

Joe: *I shrugged* Touchy. You should be happy kid, most people would love hovering let alone having their very own genie.

Nick: *I shook my head* Well, not me! Put me down! I don't even need a genie. I have all I want. I got my iPhone4! I *I pointed to the table to see it cellphone-less* What in the world? It was right there! Where did it go? Did you take it?! I swear if you don't put me down and give my phone back, I'm going-

Joe: *I chuckled* Ooh! Spunky kid aren'tcha. Well, since you insist. *I put him down*

Nick: *I gasped as I landed perfectly on my feet* Thank you. Now would you please give my phone and leave?

Joe: *I shook my head* Sorry can't do kiddo. I'm your genie whether you want it or not. And I'm sorry about your phone, but that was actually I guess whatcha call my "lamp form."

Nick: *I rubbed my eyes and burst out yelling* WHAT?! No, no, no! This isn't happening to me. Not now, no. Do you realize how long I've waited for that phone?! Give it back to me right now!

Joe: *I sighed and took a seat at his table* Like I said kid, I can't. The cell's gone and I don't really need it to house me anymore, so it disappeared. But what I can do for ya, is if you make a wish I can give you a brand new one.

Nick: *I laughed out loud* You still expect me to believe that you're some kind of genie just because I was floating in the air? You don't even look like one!

Joe: *I raised my eyebrows and got off my chair and went over to him, getting in his face* And what am I supposed to look like, huh?

Nick: *I bit my lip nervously and blushed, shrugging*

Joe: *I stared eye to eye with him speaking* You think I'm suppose to be big and blue and have a little golden lamp or something? I'm not "Aladdin's" genie. I'm a new generation genie. I look and talk just like you. I'm human, but one with unbelievable powers. Except kid, from this moment I .... serve you.

Nick: *I still was blushing because of how close he was to me. He looked so hot, for a genie if that really was what he said. He was wearing a black leather jacket with a dark blue long sleeve shirt that fit him perfectly. And also black skinny jeans and same color sneakers. He looked like he was around 21 years old and had brownish black hair that looked so tempting to touch. His face had some stubble, but thats what made him look even more sexy. And voice was deep and manly. But the buzz kill was that he kept on calling me a kid and it was starting to make me a little irritated* I'm ... not a kid.

Joe: *I raised both my brows* That right? Hmmm, don't look like it. What are ya, 18?

Nick: *I blushed more and gasped* How did you know t-that?

Joe: *I shrugged* You look it kid. So you going tell me your name now?

Nick: *I frowned* Am not. Why should I, why don't you just read my mind or something? *Just as I said, I wish I hadn't cause he would see that I actually like him*

Joe: *I laughed out loud* I'm a genie kid, not a fortune teller. And the longer you don't say your name, the more I'm going to call ya kid. *I winked*

Nick: *I frowned more, but on the inside sighed in relief. Thank God!* Fine. Alright, my name is ... Nick.

Joe: *I smiled an patted his shoulder* See Nick, that wasn't so hard was it?

Nick: *I shivered with nervousness and shook my head*

Joe: *I grinned and chuckled* No need to be nervous Nick. I'mma explain, so why don'tcha sit down while I do so?

Nick: *I blushed brightly and silently took a seat and waited*

Joe: *I cleared my throat* As of today, I'm your genie. I belong to you and can only take orders from you. Why they sent me here, I don't really know, but I guess we'll find out together. So like I said before, my name's Joe Jonas, age 21 at your complete service. Whatever you want you gotta wish it and pesto you will get it. Wishes are nicely unlimited for the moment, unless you start to get greedy then it goes down to the regular old fashioned count of three. And your free to tell whoever you wish, but they can't command me. Anyone can see me and I can see them. Now, about my sleeping accommodations-

Nick: *I listened to every word he said and still couldn't believe my own ears. Was I really still awake?*

Joe: *I pinched his arm a bit* Are you paying attention Nick?

Nick: *I jumped and grimaced* Ouch!

Joe: *I shrugged* Sorry, just making sure you were still there.

Nick: *I sighed* You know for someone who can't read minds, how did you-

Joe: *I smiled* Its your expressions, guess they give ya away Nick.

Nick: *My eyes widened. I guess that was true. I had to be less expressive around Joe, till I get everything he's been saying down. So I was right, he's 21! Still very hot, wonder if he's gay? Guess I'll find have to find out. The whole thing sounds too good to be true* Yeah, .... sorry go on.

Joe: *I continued* So where shall I be sleeping, y'know when you don't need me?

Nick: *I blushed again and thought* Well, ... um .... I don't really have anything but my bed .... but if you ... want you can ... crash on .... the sofa. *I showed him*

Joe: *I followed him and nodded* That'll work. So thats where I'll be in my down time. And you don't burden yourself about anything else I need, I can get everything else.

Nick: *Sill blushing, I nodded and coughed awkwardly* A-a-alright then. *Suddenly I remembered my pizza and went racing back to the kitchen to find it completely burned* Shoot! 

Joe: *I followed him and looked over his shoulder* Hmmm, brunt pizza bummer. Y'know if you want I could give you two new ones fresh and hot and non-burned.

Nick: *I bit my lip and looked at him, after shutting off the burner* You want me to waste a wish on two slices of pizza even thought its unlimited?

Joe: *I shook my head* No, I didn't say that. I could do as a favor not a wish, whatta ya say?

Nick: *I shrugged* Um, sure.

Joe: *I nodded and changed the two pizzas to just as what I said they'd be* Pizza is severed ... master.

Nick: *I blushed and took the two slices and the plate and murmured* Thank you, ... but y-you don't have to call me t-that. 

Joe: *I smiled and bowed my head slightly* Your welcome, anytime. And I know, its just fun to say sometimes ... Nick.

Nick: *I shyly smiled and eat my pizza* Um, ... do you want anything?

Joe: *I shook my head and smiled* Nope. I told ya, I can get things on my own, but thanks anyways. So tell me Nick, you live here all by yourself?

Nick: *I nodded and continued to eat, talking in between bites* Okay. Um, ... yeah I do. 

Joe: *I nodded and watched him eat* How's the pizza?

Nick: *I blushed* Its ... good.

Joe: *I smiled* Good to know. *I winked* So whatcha in to? Any hobbies?

Nick: *I wanted to say him, but I didn't* Just .... song writing, sining, and playing instruments.

Joe: *I nodded and smiled more* That so? Which ones?

Nick: Just piano, guitar, drums, the keyboard, .... a couple others. Um, ... can I ask you a question?

Joe: Cool. Yeah, shoot ask away.

Nick: *I stammered* Are .... you ... related ... to ... me?

Joe: *I chucked and patted his shoulder* Don't think so Nick. Your last name Jonas too?

Nick: *I sighed a bit* Yeah it is.

Joe: Well, I can assure you I'm not your long lost brother or anything like that, just a genie plain and simple.

Nick: *I finished eating a few minutes later and began to wash my plate*

Joe: *I went with him* Whatcha doing?

Nick: *I jumped and turned to see him right behind me watching* J-just ... doing the dishes ....

Joe: *I looked at his sink filled with a few things* Okay. Two questions here, one why not put it in the washer or two why don't just wish them to be done?

Nick: *I looked down and then back up speaking softly* Um, I-I .... don't really like using the washer, just because I don't mind doing them by hand, it saves the water supply for more important things. And again, I think this is something I don't really need to wish. I'm not in a hurry.

Joe: *I was a little taken aback* Whoa.

Nick: *I raised my eyebrows* What?

Joe: *I shook my head* Nothing really, just never heard of a teenager actually caring enough to try and save the planet and more importantly not jump at the chance to wish like there's no tomorrow. I'm impressed Nick.

Nick: *I blushed and resumed washing to hide my face* I-its nothing really. I'm sure a lot of teens do the same.

Joe: *I laughed a bit* I wish that was true, but again its 2011 Nick. Teens these days are kind of hard to get them to do anything chore related.

Nick: I don't know about that, but maybe. 

Joe: *I continued* You're different Nick. I like that.

Nick: *I blushed brightly* Um, .... t-thanks. *Thank goodness I finished and left the kitchen. It was already 5:15 PM and starting to get dark. So I turned the light off and went off to close every curtain, while Joe pretty much followed me every step of the way*

Joe: So, ... what's next?

Nick: *As I finished I gestured for him to do something* Why don't you watch some TV?

Joe: *I looked at it and then back at him* What for? Going somewhere?

Nick: *I bit my lip and blushed* Um, ... y-yeah ... to the ... s-shower.

Joe: *I shrugged* Alrighty then, nuff said. I'll be here if you need me. *I sat down on the couch and turning on the tube with the remote*

Nick: *I sighed in relief and went off to the shower and closed the door. I usually don't close the door, but since I have a guy here I'm too nervous to leave it open. This is all so weird, who knew that in one day my life would change right before my eyes? I looked at my reflection in the mirror and saw the blush still there. Dang it, why do I always blush so easily? I'm going to have to work on that. In the meantime, I took off my clothes and turned on the shower and got in sliding the glass door*

Joe: *Flipping the channels one by one, I couldn't find one single thing that I actually wanted to watch. So I switched it off and laid back. Nick's pretty cute for his age. I hadn't expected my new master to be so adorable looking and shy, although he wasn't like that in the beginning. He was all fired up and ready to scream, but then just like that he calmed a bit and got all quiet. Wonder if he's gay and thats why he's nervous around me? Wouldn't mind kissing him or being in a relationship with him. In fact, I'm pretty tempted to go spy on him. Juts because he thinks he's closed the door and I can't see, he better think again!*

*I couldn't help it, the temptation was too strong for me to resist. So I went into invisible mode and appeared above Nick's shower watching him. Mmmm, nice assets. He was just washing his face and scrubbing his perfectly curly hair which was now all suzzed up with bubbles and shampoo. He had looked so sexy with his plaid orange long sleeve shirt and black wool coat, with his blue jean skinnies and black converses, but .... he looked even more sexy without his clothes on, hiding his beauty. My God, what white skin! And his was so skinny, but so cute. Nice arms and legs and chest and .... oh whoa there! A feminine part? Okay .... I can work with that. Actually, ... hmmmm, now that I think about it, it fits him. I totally love it!*

*I licked my lips, mmmmm, yep I definitely love that. I have the urge to drop right in and join mister sexy, but question is will he let me? Probably not, but I've got something else in mind. I got so turned on watching him scrub himself clean, mmmm, slower baby .... don't rush it. In like less than ten minutes, he finished and rinsed himself off and got out sliding the glass door. I watched glued to his body as he wrapped a towel around his small hips that I so longed to touch. He opened was about to open the door when I appeared back where I was suppose to be, but then got another quick idea. As he opened the door I appeared directly in front of him*

Joe: *I grinned* Hey there, Nick-ko! Have a nice shower? *I smirked*

Nick: *I nearly jumped a couple feet in the air and screamed aloud* What the fruit?!

Joe: *I just grinned more* What?

Nick: *I blushed and tightly held onto my towel* W-what are YOU doing here?

Joe: *I shrugged* I was bored. There was nothing even remotely interesting on that tube of yours. Say how big is it by the way? 

Nick: *I frowned* R-right. Its a 42," why?

Joe: *I raised my hands* Easy Nick-a-roo, just asking. So, why'd you say "what the fruit?" Isn't it what the fu-

Nick: *I yelled at him* Its MY substitute for the real word. You got a problem with that?

Joe: *My eyes widened and I smiled* Alright. No need to shout Nicky. So, ya decided what you want to wish up first?

Nick: *I bit my lip and glared at him* No, not yet. But would you please move?

Joe: *I shook my head* Why? Y'know you're kind of a tough cookie Nick-ster. I mean, come on. There's gotta be something that you want, right?

Nick: *I rolled my eyes* Maybe I am or maybe I'm just smart and like to take my time deciding, instead of making a hasty quick decision. You ever consider that?

Joe: *I grinned* Well, I know that now.

Nick: *I sighed heavily* Now please go bother someone else, okay? I gotta get by and get dressed. When I'm ready to make a wish, I'll call you over.

Joe: *I bowed* As you wish master ... Nick. *And I moved and went back to the couch*

Nick: *I murmured* Thank you. *I went on into my bedroom and locked it just in case and quickly dried off, getting dressed in a white long sleeve shirt and black pants. It was a little cold, so I added on white socks. I came out from my room and went back to the bathroom, taking my towel, re-haning it and went to blow drying my hair and brushing my teeth*

Joe: *I made him believe him that I was back watching TV once again, but instead was secretly spying on him again. He's pretty clean and organized, not to mention a sexy and entertaining ball of energy. He looked cute in his little bedtime clothes, but I still could fully picture him clothing-less. He finished up fast, so it was now my que to return back to reality. Well at least for now*

Nick: *I finished everything and turned off the bathroom light and went to the kitchen passing mister annoying to the brink of ugh-ness*

Joe: *I waved as I relaxed happily on the couch, smiling* All finished I see, whatcha doing now?

Nick: *I pointed to the kitchen* Getting some water.

Joe: *I nodded, still smiling* Cool. Then what?

Nick: *I got the bottle and just few sips and put it back* Suppose I'll see what's on TV.

Joe: *I got up off the couch and went over to him* Are you sure, you don't want to wish for a new phone? I can replace easy peasy. What do ya say?

Nick: *I raised my eyebrow* And you're sure you can make a new one appear, just like that?

Joe: *I nodded, grinning* Just like that. Don't believe me? I'll give you a demo, watch this Nick! *In a blink a brand new phone appeared in the air hovering before his eyes* Still doubt me now?

Nick: *I gasped* Whoa! 

Joe: *I chuckled* Yep, I do have that effect on people. So wish for it, though you have two ways to do so. First youcan to do it aloud or second silently, either way you'll still get it. So what's it going to be?

Nick: *I thought for a minute. It is what I saved for, so I suppose what's one wish for now? I really wanted to wait, but I still wanted the phone. I wish for the iPhone4*

Joe: *I grinned* Option two it is! There you are Nick, you're first wish!

Nick: *I watched in awe as the phone floated right into my hands* Whoa.

Joe: Aw, come on dude I'm sure you have more than "whoa" to say.

Nick: *I just stared at it and back at him* Sorry, um, thanks ... thanks a lot.

Joe: *I winked* No prob. So what's so amazing about this thing anyways? Wouldn't you rather have had something bigger?

Nick: *I gasped* You serious? This "thing" is super cool, it can hold millions of apps and takes pics, moves, hold music, and so much more. Bigger isn't always better, besides I'm 100% cool with the natural size it is.

Joe: Okay. If you say so. Hey, I know a fun-ner activity than just watching boring old TV, wanna fly?

Nick: *My eyes widened* F-fly?

Joe: *I smirked* Airplane-less I mean. You up for it?

Nick: *I just looked at him* I-I ... don't know.

Joe: *I walked up closer to him* Come on, it will be fun I promise.

Nick: *I thought about it more. The truth is I've always wanted to fly, like magically. Maybe he's right* O-okay.

Joe: *I grinned brightly* All right, awesome! And you don't need to change clothes or anything, I've got it all covered. Just hang tight and enjoy the ride. *I winked*

Nick: *I blinked, one second I was in my home, the next I was floating directly above it* Oh my God.

Joe: *I smiled* I know right? This is just hovering mode, and best of all anywhere we fly no one can see us and any weather like rain, wind, snow, or anything can't affect us. Let's cruise Nick, I'll lead the way.

Nick: *I nodded and marveled at everything I was seeing. Everything was in a birds eye view, it was dark and a little cloudy but the stars where still visible. I can't believe this, I'm freaking flying!*

Joe: *We flew over the hills over to the coast close to his nearby harbor and went up north. I could tell by his face, he was amazed by it. I chuckled to myself. I eventually flew closer below the ocean line, watching him touch the water in and out a little bit* Neat isn't it Nick?!

Nick: *I smiled and nodded* Definitely awesome. 

Joe: *Next I flew him over to the city side past Knott's Berry Farm and Disneyland, all the way to L.A. then to Universal Studios, then over the high mountains nearby. I also showed him all the speeds I go, from slow, medium, fast, and lighting fast. He really liked all them. I also took him above the clouds, to get a closer look at the stars* Stellar aren't they?

Nick: *I spun around in all directions gazing at their colors and brightness* They sure are.

Joe: *I grinned* Ready to go up and beyond where no human could go without a magical genie on their side?

Nick: *I gasped loudly* D-do you mean .... space?

Joe: *I nodded* Bingo! Wanna see it?

Nick: *I smiled and nodded fast* Y-yeah.

Joe: *I laughed* Alrighty hang on, up to space we go! *Faster than Iron Man's suit could go, we were up above the Earth gazing down at the blue sphere* Welcome to space Nick! Home to many other planets, stars, galaxies, and so forth!

Nick: *I stared in wonder as I looked at the Earth, it was so blue and just so beautiful. I couldn't believe this was happening. I could see the sun, the moon, mercury, mars, and venus all nearby. I could visit all over and explore to my hearts content* This is so amazing!

Joe: *I smiled* Nothing quite like it, I know. Its a beauty, *I murmured low under my breath* Not as beautiful as you though. 

Nick: *I asked* Can we see all the planets?

Joe: *I nodded* Whatever you want Nick, follow me.

Nick: *We flew by the every planet, each so incredible and beautiful than the last. The gas giants were so big and looked even more stellar in person. They had recently decided that Pluto was no longer a planet, but I still thought it had potential to be. Seeing everything like this was even more perfect than a dream, it was the coolest thing ever*

Joe: *I knew that he was enjoying seeing everything eye to eye. But honestly, space wasn't my main interest, Nick was. The sparkling stars and gigantic planets had nothing on Nick, he was flawless and unlike anyone I'd ever met. He was something else, something heavenly and divine intertwined into one*

Nick: *My heart was beating out of my chest, my eyes were close to tears, I'm pretty sure I frozen with happiness. I was in a state of bliss. Nothing mattered but this. Dear God, it was breathtaking. I longed to explore more, but then suddenly sleepiness overcame me* Joe, could we go back home now?

Joe: *I tore myself from my thoughts and looked at him* You okay?

Nick: *I smiled and yawned in the process* Y-yeah, just a little tired is all.

Joe: *I nodded* Not to worry, we'll be home in a jiff-ee. No worries, you can always come back anytime ya want. *I winked and led of back to Earth*

Nick: *I nodded and tried to stay awake long enough to make it back home, but could no longer hold it in*

Joe: *I caught Nick before he could fall away from me, he was fast asleep, just like that? My, tired angelic boy. Hmm, go figure I guess. I landed back in his room, right in front of his bed. I carefully put him in it and smiled pulled up the covers for him and lightly rubbing his hair and forehead. Just then I looked around his room, besides the blue sheeted bed and pillow cases, he had a desk, with a laptop and printer, two small bookshelves, and two separate shelves for music and DVDs. I'd look at his collection tomorrow. And on his walls, he had some pictures of animals like a beluga whale, orcas, emperor penguins, and a big picture of what looked like Tahiti to me. His closet were two mirror sliding doors which had shoes perfectly organized and shirts on hangers. To be honest, he didn't have much. Guess I'll have to change that for him. As I turned off the light, I changed in a snap to sleeping clothes and joined Nick in bed. Though I know I'd probably get an ear full tomorrow morning, it would be so worth it ... to be next to mister cutie pie*

Cellphone Genie Chapter 2 (Parts 1-4)

Nick: *I was in a dreamy state of sleep until I felt the sunshine trying to peer through the slits of my curtains. I wanted to sleep more, but knew I should get up & not oversleep like I usually do. I yawned quietly, stretching with my arms & legs. I felt so snuggled in my blanket & body pillow that I always had next to me. My eyes wouldn't open up though, so I just tried to feel around to lean myself up from my bed. I found my body pillow but then as my fingers pushed on it & I sat up, my sleepy eyes suddenly opened up to big owl eyes. What I saw was far from what I expected it to be. Joe, my so-called genie, was fast asleep right next to me in MY bed! I jumped out fast & gasped. What the heck is going on?*

Nick: *Did he think after flying around last night in the air & in space, that he could just crash in my room? There's gotta be a explanation for this. I just stared at him hotly trying to think of the best way to do something. I paced back & forth & came up with nothing. So I went to the bathroom & then walked over to my kitchen preparing my own breakfast. I should knock him right out of his sleep, making him fall right off my bed. I should be having a serious fit & yelling at him, but what good would that do? He's a genie & obviously much more powerful than me, but still what gives him the right to just hop into my space? I'm starting to think he's just trying to mess with me. Maybe all this genie stuff is like some sort of test or something? Well, whatever it is, I'm not going to let it mess with me no longer. I'm just going to act like he doesn't exist. Now back to more important matters, what am I going to eat?*

Nick: *I looked through my fridge & came up with a eggs with plenty of veggies like onions, spinach, mushrooms, & green peppers, plus a delish corn tortilla. I also put on a small pot of water on high heat to make for my morning tea. I also put on Access Hollywood & eat as I watched & then got up to get my tea. Just as I was about to sit down at the table with my hot drink, I found him just casually standing with one hand leaning on against the wall, just grinning. I frowned & sat down silently*

Joe: *My eyebrows raised a bit in shock. So he wasn't going to start yelling, instead the silent treatment then, hmm. Well, we'll see about that* Morning Nick! *I chimed*

Nick: *I eat my food & sipped my tea, just ignoring him & continuing to watch the TV*

Joe: *I killed the TV's power by simply magically pulling its cord* So, Nick how's your breakfast?

Nick: *I sighed. Why did I have to get an annoying genie? Why couldn't I get Aladdin's funny & awesome guy, or better yet, why didn't I just get left out* Its fine & Morning Joe *I mumbled*

Joe: *I pulled up a seat across from him & just smiled at him* Aww, come on Nick. You don't need to be so gloomy. I mean its an awesome day in the neighborhood right? Nice sunshine & a perfect day for traveling! I say we explore the whole world in less than 60 seconds! We could see everything you've always wanted to see? Just name it & we'll be there in a snap.

Nick: *I shook my head & got up off my chair carrying my empty plate to the sink* No thanks.

Joe: *I followed him & turned him around* Seriously Nick? OK I know what you want. You want be rich beyond your dreams? I could give you endless wealth, a palace or mansion, a new car, your own helicopter. So whatcha think?

Nick: *I just shook my head again* No thanks, its not necessary.

Joe: *I was open mouthed shocked now* You're kidding right Nick? OK so you want to become super famous & have a record deal, tour the world & have billions & billions of girls throwing themselves at you. Is that it?

Nick: *I smacked my own forehead & sighed* I don't just want to be handed fame, I want to work at it so I can become a profession & make it on my own.

Joe: But I can make it happen just like that. You don't need to do anything but relax.

Nick: *I frowned* You don't get it Joe. I don't want you to do that. How will I learn if I'm just given these kind of things? I understand you just wanna help, but I really don't need it. Today I command you have a day off all right? I'll let you know when I need you.

Joe: *I looked at him confused & puzzled* All right then Nick. As you wish. I will go off on my own, till you call for me. *I disappeared, but only into invisible mode. Never in my years of being a genie did I get a kid like Nick. I didn't understand his ways or why he wasn't making wishes left & right. He didn't even say anything about me sleeping with him, although I'd like it to be naked of course. Jeepers Nick, what gives? I decided instead of doing what he commanded me to do, I was going to stick around & watch him. I want to see if I can get to know what kind of person he is & maybe then I'll also learn what his heart truly desires. I mean the kids 18 years old, he's gotta WANT something. And I'm going to find out what it is, if it takes all day so be it. I watched interestingly as he went online for a bit & then went to playing some songs on his piano. I learned that he wrote his own music & could sing, very well I might add. He was looking hotter & hotter by the second*

Joe: *The way he closed his eyes & played was so incredibly sexy, it was hard not to drool at the sight. If only he'd forget the piano & pay attention to more important matters, like mainly either making a wish or becoming mine. Something told me he was special, more than words could describe. His voice was something else, something higher than the heavens themselves. It was very beautiful, just like him. I could listen to him forever. After playing he finally got dressed & I did the same but much faster cause after all I got powers, & then he got his bike out & took it out for a ride brining his backpack to carry a ball & his iphone along with earphones. I followed in the air above him still under the radar, at least the Nick radar. I followed as he went up his street to the small park across from his apartment complex. There was a basketball, followed by a grassy field, & a place area for the kids that had slides, swings, & other cute things for the little one's to have fun playing on. He stopped at the b-ball court & leaned his bike up against the metal bar*

Joe: *He got off the bike & got out the ball & began throwing free falls. He made every single shot perfectly, while I just stared in awe. So he was a natural on the court as well, hmmm, super interesting indeed. 15 minutes later, I watched him put the ball away & get out his iphone & on went his earphones. For a minute, there I thought he was just going to stand listening to his music, but then he began to move. His feet began doing some sort of fast dancing. What in the world was he doing, I wasn't sure. Mmmm, when in doubt google. I took a snapshot in my mind & sent it to google, awaiting its results. In 0.08 seconds I looked at the results & it said "shuffle dancing." I watched a couple vids on YT & saw about this shuffle thingy worked, it seemed to involve a lot of techno music & a lot of fancy footwork. I just nodded to myself & went back to watching Nick He was mostly looking down at his feet while moving. It actually looking funny, but I'm sure with his music he was moving to its beat. But still, I couldn't help chuckle. He really was good at this hobby of his. After like an hour & a half, he took a break & crashed into the grass just lying on his back closing his eyes, but still listening to his music*

Joe: *Thats when I got closer & hovered right above him, so technically I was on top of him though he still couldn't see me or even sense me for that matter. I actually liked this, but I really wish he'd give me a chance. Screw the wishes, I just want to be with him. Gee, it looks like I've fallen hard over this kid. Thats when I couldn't take it any longer, I became visible & allowed my body weight to carefully fall on top of him. Once he felt me, his eyes shot right open & he gasped, but before he could a word in, I cut him off with a kiss. His lips felt so very soft against my own. I wanted more, so I deepened the kiss*

Nick: *I was so tried from shuffling, so I decided to relax in the grass, where I thought I was alone but I was wrong. I opened my eyes when I felt the weight of someone on top of me. I gasped as I found it to be Joe. My heart was pounding fast & I was just about to seriously protest against this invasion of my private time, when I felt his lips upon my own. I couldn't move, my body like literally froze. My eyes wouldn't close,. My head was screaming that I should kick him off or something, but for some reason I was enjoying his lips. And when he broke through into my mouth, I surrendered weakly allowing him to explore me. I finally at last closed my eyes & let the millions & millions of tiny sensations go off within me. I was lost as his tongue collided with mine & he probed deeper. I struggled not to moan or make any sounds of pleasure, but it was harder that I thought. Thats when a part of reality came back to me & I opened up my eyes fast & I pushed him off me. I stood up & just stared at him. What did I just do?*

Joe: *I was so enjoying his lips, his kiss, the sweetest taste was taking over me. I thought we'd be kissing non-stop or so I thought. When he pushed me away & stood up so suddenly I just looked at him equally shocked & puzzled. Thats when I realized he probably still didn't even like me, let alone want a kiss. I had no regrets & I spoke it aloud* Nick, I know you told me to leave & have the day for myself, but I couldn't do that. The truth is that I really like you. Thats why I kissed you & revealed myself. This whole time I've been silently watching you. I just wanted to get to know the real you. *I stood up & walked up to him close* Will you be my boyfriend Nick?

Nick: *Between his kiss, his words & now confession, I still couldn't move. I wish I was back home. And then just like that I had disappeared away from him & the park. I was indeed back at my place, with my bike & backpack included. What the heck, Nick? You just wished to be away from him, but the thing is ... no matter where I wish to go, he will be able to find me & confront me. So it was pointless to wish to be somewhere else, but I also knew that I just wanted to be back home. He didn't listen to my command. He stayed behind & was watching me the whole time. I was boiling with anger & irritation because of him. Not only did he disobey my direct order, he stole my very first kiss. I was fuming. How could I trust him to do anything I say? Better yet, how can I get rid of him? Could I wish him away? I shrugged. Its worth a shot. I wish that Joe would go back to where he came from & leave me alone*

Nick: *I closed my eyes hoping the wish would work. I prayed it would. After two hours went by, I thought I was genie free, but then as I watching Eagle Eye on HBO, he appeared directly in front of the TV blocking my view with his arms crossed & a look of seriousness. Great, so much for wishing being able to solve things. I turned my back to him facing the sofa*

Joe: *I sighed & stood still* Nick, please hear me out. I know you don't like me or want anything to do with me, but please. I'm truly sorry I didn't obey your command earlier. I want to explain something but I think it would be easier to sing it *I began to sing Kelly Clarkson's "If I Can't Have You (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKUu3If8SuU)."*

Nick: *I turned back to face him as he began to sing. I listened to the lyrics & watched his emotions, he was really trying to tell me how he was feeling with the song. The thing is I wanted to give him a chance, but then how could I? I don't know anything about him, other than he's a genie. The real issue I have is that, part of me sort of likes him & the other half doesn't. No matter how sincere he's being, I can't just fall into his arms just like that. After he finished, I spoke* I get it Joe, I do. And I appreciate the apology & I'm flattered by your feelings, but now its my turn to say I'm sorry. Sorry that I don't feel the same way & I think it would just be better if we stayed just friends. In the meantime, since you're so eager to fulfill an actual wish of mine, I've got one.

Joe: *I stared at him. For the first time in my life, I felt hurt & rejection. I couldn't believe it, even after what I said & sang, it still didn't make any difference to him. With that, I just nodded for him to continue*

Nick: I wish to meet Lance Bass from Nsync in person.

Joe: *I nodded again & carried out his wish. In a flash we were on a beach in the Bahamas* This is where Mr. Bass is staying. Here, I'll take you to meet him.

Nick: *Before I started walking I looked down at my clothes. I wish I was wearing something more summery. And just like that, my clothes changed from wintery to short shorts that were blue & a red checkered short sleeve shirt along with brown comfy sandals. I smiled & followed Joe. I got to admit I was super nervous & excited at the same time. I'd always wanted to meet Lance. Secretly I've always had a huge crush on him even before he came out to the public. We climbed a few stairs to the pool area & I immediately identified him lounging away in the bright & very warm sun. Joe cleared his throat, bringing Lance's attention to the both of us. OMG, ITS LANCE BASS. I DON'T BELIEVE IT!*

Joe: Excuse the both of us Mr. Bass we're sorry to intrude on your relaxing time, but my friend Nick here is a huge fan of yours & has always wanted to meet you. He's an aspiring musician & songwriter.

Lance: *I sat up to face both guys* Hi guys. Its cool. I didn't expect a fan to find me here, but its fine. Really? Thats awesome, Nick is it?

Nick: *I blushed like a dork & smiled widely nodded* Um, yeah it is.

Joe: *Something snapped inside me* Well, I'll leave you two be. I'll be on the beach if you need me Nick. Bye, Mr. Bass. *With that I walked over, truly leaving them alone*

Nick: *I knew Joe was probably hurting & mega upset, but I made a promise to myself to make it up to him later. Right now, Lance Bass was right in front of me. And shirtless!*

Lance: *I waved bye to the other guy & turned my attention back to Nick* So, you seriously write your music?

Nick: *I smiled shyly* Yeah, I do, but its nothing much. I'm just something I like to do in my spare time.

Lance: *I gestured for him to take a seat* Yeah? Well its that something that really commits you to music. I'd love to hear one of your songs if you're willing to share.

Nick: *I blushed super red* You would?

Lance: *I smiled, nodding* Sure. I have instruments all over the place. Go on & pick one & play any song you want.

Nick: *I smiled brightly* Okay, um, I'll be right back. *With that I took off to find a guitar. I couldn't believe this was happening & its not even a dream!*

Cellphone Genie Chapter 3 Part 1

Joe: *I kept on walking down the beach just kicking the sand here & there & staring out to the water wishing things were different*

???: *I appeared right behind Joe, giggling* You know you shouldn't mope Joey.

Joe: *I turned around then startled to find a familiar face. I smiled at her* Why hello there, Kari. How you doing girly?

Kari: *I smiled big & embraced him warmly* Hello Joey! I'm awesome, been given a vacation off genie duties. So I see you & Nicky aren't doing so well. Wanna talk about it?

Joe: *I hugged her back, actually feeling a bit happier seeing her* Aww, I'm happy for you Kari. I could probably use one of those vacations right about now. There's nothing really much to say girl. Its complicated. *I sunk back into sadness & slumped on the sand, while she sat next to me, the both of us looking at the water*

Kari: Spill Joey. You know just cause I'm 11 years old doesn't mean I can't help ya. I'm very mature & wise thanks to being a genie. For instance, I know what Nicky truly wants to know.

Joe: *My eyes widened & I turned to her fast* I know that. What have you been traveling through the future? The past?

Kari: *I palmed my hand to his forehead, lightly smacking it* You can't be that clueless Joey. You're better than that. As a genie I expected you to use your head. The answers lie in Nicky's past. Did you even think to travel back there & see what his life was like? Didn't you question why he's alone?

Joe: *I swallowed & sighed, looking down* No I didn't. I didn't even think about it.

Kari: *I nodded* Come on Joey! We're genies, we're not like humans. You failed to recognize the important parts of learning about your master. I think its time you see what I'm talking about. Care to join me?

Joe: *I stood up, along with her & nodded* To Nick's past. *And then just like that,we were both transported to that destination. It was the day Nick was born. Together we watched Nick's mother screaming for her life, trying to push baby Nick out. Nick's dad was right by her side trying to soothe her, but honestly he looked like he ready to pass out. The doctor kept instructing to her to keep on pushing, that he was almost out. In the next few minutes, Nick was fully out & crying lightly. He looked so precious, the most beautiful baby I'd ever seen. The father looked so happy, while the mother just smiled weakly closing her eyes. A nurse wrapped Nick in a blanket & was about to hand it to the mother when suddenly they noticed that her heart monitor was not showing any heartbeat. They quickly gave Nick to the father, while they went to the mother's side trying to save her. After a few split seconds, her line went flat & she was lost. There was nothing more the doctors or anyone could do*

Joe: *Everything had happened so fast. Nick's father was hysterically crying. Kari & I felt a part of him die right then & there. He then quietly talked to the doctor that he didn't want Nick, that he was giving him up. The second I heard that, I fell to my knees & felt the tears falling from my cheeks. I watched helpless to do anything to change Nick's fate or his parents. Kari leaned next to me, patting my back pulling me into a hug* I had .... no idea ... that this- *I couldn't even say it aloud*

Kari: *I nodded, feeling his pain* Now you know the truth. This is how he became an orphan & never knew anything about his mother or father. You know what you have to do now Joey.

Joe: *I wiped my tears away & nodded* But this will devastate him. How can I show him such a past?

Kari: *We appeared back on the beach in the same place as we were before* You know in your heart that you have to tell him. It will bring out a lot of emotions for him, but he will at last know who & what he is. Thats a big part of what humans want to know, where they come from & so forth. Its not an easy task, but I know you care about him a lot. You love him. You must tell him because you love him.

Joe: *I took a deep breath* I understand Kari. But-

Kari: *I winked at him cheering him up a little* He's not truly in love with Lance, Joey. Its just a little crush, all teenage boys & girls for that matter have crushes. Its not real love.

Joe: *I smiled a little* That right girly?

Kari: *I shrugged cutely* Well if you doubt me Joey, you're just going to have to find out. You go back over there reveal the truth & maybe perhaps that'll bring the two of you closer together. I gotta bounce Joey, but seriously get on the ball. Love ya Joey! *I hugged him again & waved bye, disappearing*

Joe: *I smiled more hugging her back & waving* I will, thank you Kari, love you too.

Part 2

Nick: *As I played a few songs for Lance, he just watched smiling & listening. And when I finished I shyly spoke* Yeah, its not all the that good I know.

Lance: Actually Nick, you have some talent. I think you should definitely pursue this man. Its clear to me that this is what you wanna do, so go for it.

Nick: *I blushed* You think so? Really?

Lance: No question. You just need to have more confidence & you'll definitely make your dream come true. And while you're at it, you can be with your boyfriend.

Nick: *I stammered* What boyfriend?

Lance: That guy you first came over to me with. He really likes you.

Nick: How do you know that?

Lance: Well, he's been watching us since you started singing, his eyes have been fully focused on you.

Nick: Lance, actually he's not my boyfriend. I don't like him that way. I really like you.

*I blushed even more*

Lance: You just have a crush on me. Its not love. I think you have the real deal with Joe. Don't you care for him too?

Nick: I'm not sure. I barely know him. He's still a stranger to me.

Lance: You should get to know him more than. Cause what I'm sensing is that you two should be together. And that would probably explain, why he's giving my daggers for even being with you. After all, you're pretty cute Nick. *I winked*

Nick: *I fell back onto the patio chair, blushing madly*

Joe: *I could hear every word that they were saying. Thats when I at last walked over to Nick's side, who looked frozen with embarrassment* You ready to go Nick?

Nick: *Not really I thought, but then I saw Lance gave me a look, so I just nodded unable to speak*

Lance: You two take care. And it was a pleasure to meet you both. *I saw them off & chuckled. They are so sweet together*

Nick: *I waved goodbye along with Joe & followed him back to the beach. I made my wish to go back home & in that split second we appeared back there. Neither of us spoke so, I just went to the shower closing the door*

Joe: *I decided that after he emerged from his shower, I'd tell him about his past. It was going to be a tense evening I could already tell, but Kari was right. In the meantime, I killed some time boringly watching TV*

Nick: *After showering, brushing my teeth & getting my PJs on, I found Joe actually for once on the couch flipping through the channels. I cleared my throat*

Joe: *I turned off the TV immediately & turned to face Nick* I have something important to show you. It concerns your past.

Nick: *My eyes widened as I gasped quietly* Please, show me.

Joe: *I nodded & transported Nick & I back to his past. He watched & just like I had earlier & broke into overflowing tears. After it was done, I returned us back. He slumped onto the carpet, tears still going. I bent my knees to his level & hugged him tightly, rocking him* I'm truly sorry Nick. I wish that hadn't happened to you.

Nick: *I heard his words, felt his comforting & for the first time since I found out, I stopped crying. I wiped my tears away & looked at him gratefully* Thank you Joe. That really meant a lot to me seeing that & even though its heartbreaking. I'm actually happy that you were here with me. I couldn't have faced that alone & nor could I have even seen that without your help. I feel better now.

Joe: *He was trying to be strong, but I knew he was still sad on the inside* Your welcome Nick. I'm sorry that I couldn't show you sooner. I'm just so happy to be by your side too.

Nick: *I smiled & cuddled into his arms*

Joe: *His body was so close to mine. I could smell him, making me inhale deeply. His curls were soft against my cheek. I could feel his heart beat, it wasn't as rapid as it was before. It had slowed & calmed down. I wanted to kiss his lips again. Aside from everything that went down today, all I could think about was his lips. Thats when I pulled away & stared at him*

Nick: *His sudden pulling away confused me. He just stared at me with a look I couldn't really identify. All I knew was my heart began to pick up its pace of beating fast. I could feel my face warming more. I was nervous, but why?*

Joe: *I sensed his nervousness, but I couldn't hold myself back. My lips found his naturally. I wanted to make it deeper, but the question was would he let me?*

Nick: *When he kissed me, I quivered at the feeling. I could feel him wanting to make the kiss deeper, so with a another weak surrender I gave into his wants. He pushed me back to lie on the floor, while his body hovered over me, but then gently lowered it onto mine making my back arch*

Part 3

Joe: *It felt so right. His lips. His body. All of him underneath me. I bit his lip lightly, licking them like I was outlining their beautiful shape. My hands wandered up his chest, feeling his n****e rubbing it in circles*

Nick: *I arched my back again, trying my hardest not to cry out what Joe was making me feel*

Joe: *I knew he was holding back his moans. Time to step it up then. I pulled off his long sleeve top fast, breaking our kiss. He closed his eyes shivering from the cold. So I magically lit his fireplace which was nicely right next to us. I also made all my clothes but my boxers disappear as well. Next, I took off his pants & socks. Now both of us were in our boxers. I rubbed our chests together & kissed him passionately*

Nick: *I knew what he was aiming for, all of which I wasn't ready for. I broke his kiss & gasped for air. I pushed him off of me & stood up fast attempting to race to my bedroom, but before I could his arms wrapped around my waist. I could feel his erection pressed up against me. I softly spoke* Joe I can't do this. This is too fast.

Joe: *I turned him around & picked him up laying him on the bed, climbing on top of him looking in his eyes* Please Nick, give me a chance. I love you so much. I've never in my entire being felt like this. I want you to be mine & only mine.

Nick: *I blushed. I couldn't move, his body weight pinned me down. I couldn't escape. I never would* Why do you love me?

Joe: I love you because I'm happy when I'm around you. I love the way you sing & write your own music. I love that you shuffle like a pro. I love seeing you smile. I love kissing your lips. I love loving you. There's no one else I love with all my heart. I love you're gay. I love that I'm your genie. I love that you bicycle & play b-ball. I love that you think that you're iPhone4 is like the greatest thing in the world. I love how you cook your own breakfast. I love how you're so stubborn, how you sleep, how you're so independent, how you're shy & quiet. The way your heart beats fast whenever I'm near, how you try to run but I catch you. How you give in to my kisses & then refuse to moan. They way you cry, the way you laugh, the way you light up my whole world. Your feminine area that you think I don't know about but I do & I love too. Your soft & bouncy curls, your hairless smooth skin, your brown eyes, the way you talk, the way you play your piano & other instruments. The way you live a simple life & want to do everything on your own. How beautiful you are inside & out. The way you made me so jealous today with Lance because I love you with everything I have. The way you shine brighter than the stars themselves. You grab my heart every time I'm with you.

Part 4

Joe: I love that you didn't know magic existed till I showed up. I love how smart & wise you are. I love that you're 18. I love the way you've decorated your apartment. I love that I was able to be there when you saw your past. I love when I can comfort you & dry your tears. I love how our bodies are so close this very moment. I love your heart & soul, Nick you're my #1.

Nick: *My heart was thudding the entire time he spoke. With every confession of his feelings, I began to see & feel how much he loved me. I began to cry softly & once again he wiped my tears* I think I like you too.

Joe: *It wasn't what I wanted to hear but I prayed in time he would fall in love with me* I'm glad you feel that way.

Nick: Question though, how'd you know about my you know?

Joe: *I grinned* I kinda sorta of spied on you that first night we met & you were showering.

Nick: *I blushed* You would. But you still love me?

Joe: *I kissed him sweetly* I fall in love every time I kiss you & more.

Nick: *I smiled & giggled* Mmm. Joe, I'll be yours on one condition.

Joe: Anything Nick.

Nick: *I blushed again* Be gentle, I'm still a-

Joe: *I kissed his lips again & smiled happily* I will, my Nick. *Thats when I commanded the lights in his room off & I removed both of our boxers off. He finally let out a soft moan, making me smile in the darkness. I pushed myself against him, grinding*

Nick: *The feeling of him against me make my body heat up like literally. The length of him against me was amazing. He was freaking huge & super hard. It made me shiver at the thought of being inside of me. I breathed slowly* Please Joe. *I whispered*

Joe: *I took Nick's breathing & words as a sign to go on, so I did. I gently pushed myself inside of him feeling him at once tighten up around me. I groaned his name* Ohh Nick.

Nick: *I arched my back high & gripped his back hard. The pain was overbearing. It caused me to shake a bit & small tears to drip out from my eyes. I breathed slowly & tried to relax & push all the pain away. Eventually when he started thrusting I began to feel so much pleasure. He moved in & out taking me for a ride. I moaned his name many times, each louder than the next. The entire night he made love to me & we eventually fell asleep with him still inside of me*

Cellphone Genie Chapter 4 Part 1

Nick: *The next morning I woke up smiling uncontrollably. I still could picture everything Joe & I did together. I made me blush so much, but at the same time I never felt so happy. My first time was perfect & it was with Joe. I can't believe I didn't see it before. I tried to deny it, but when I met Joe I realize that with the both of us, it was love at first sight. I just choose to hide it & ignore it. I couldn't help but giggle, I made love with a genie. One handsome & incredibly SEXY genie who I now know that I love in return. I swear its like Joe & I were meant to be. In the course of our time together, I've finally fallen in love for real. Lance was right. Joe's my boyfriend, my #1. As my thoughts continued, I eventually stopped to realize that I was hungry & thirsty. Thing is though, Joe was still attached inside of me. Oh man, how was I going to pull out of him without waking him up? He was still cutting deep Z's, so I carefully & slowly slid myself out of him successfully. And when I did, I felt myself throbbing without his part inside of me*

Nick: *I felt a little weak, but I still wanted to get some food. So I got out of bed as silently as I could, putting on a fresh pair of boxers & a big old t-shirt of mine along with some baggy pants. I proceeded to the bathroom, then washing my hands, then brushing my teeth & then sneaking off to the kitchen. I looked around in search of something good for Joe & I, so I started off with all the ingredients & tools to make it. I was also praying I could do everything in time before Joe would wake up, or so I hoped. In 15 minutes I achieved my goal & set everything on two plates grabbing two trays also & carried it all off to Joe. I found he was still asleep just the way I left him. Hmm, I guess when a guy this HOT stays up making love like we did, then I guess its like only natural that he'd be completely wiped. Its crazy that I had the energy to even get up & cook. I just knew I wanted to make something for him. And I'm sure he'd be equally starved as I was. I eat quietly, watching him snore & sometimes he would turn on his other side. I just giggled watching happily*

Nick: *He's like no one I've ever met or even seen for that matter. Not just because he's a genie but because how seductive he is. His eyes hold mine. His body makes me feel so small against his, his strength is so strong. And how he just came into my life just like that. I never before wished for anything like this or anything big, but I'm still happy that he's here. I know at first I wasn't so gun ho about it. I'm almost scared that its all a dream & it never happened. I even pinched myself as I thought that making me cry out a little* Ouch. *Yep, this is real. Everything happened. Joe's a genie. My genie & now boyfriend. He was once an iPhone4 which I still gotta find out why. In fact there's endless questions to ask. Good thing he's here to answer every single one of them. Just then he began to stir & he opened up his eyes sleepily, smiling* Well morning!

Joe: *I smiled further* Good morning my Nick. *I leaned in to kiss him sweetly & then pulled away seeing his clothes & the two trays* Ooh outfit change & breakfast in bed? I must have one super duper awesome boyfriend to do such an amazing task after spending the most wonderful night together, am I right?

Nick: *I kissed back & laughed* So right. Go on, dig on in. Its all yours. I'm just finishing up mine too.

Joe: *I stretched & began to eat* Mmmm-hmmm!

Nick: *I laughed again* Like it?

Joe: I think the right term is LOVE it!

Nick: Good cause I just knew you'd be hungry. 

Joe: *I eat a few more bites & spoke* So hows the loveliest Nick doing this fine morning?

Nick: *I blushed* I feel amazing thanks.

Joe: *I pecked his lips* As do I. Last night was truly amazing.

Nick: *I pecked back & then pulled away looking into his eyes* I love you Joe.

Joe: *My smiled widened & my heart raced* You do? For real Nick?

Nick: *I smiled back* For real Joe. I love you.

Joe: *I embraced him then kissing his lips, his face, his hair over & over again*

Nick: *I giggled* Hey! You gotta finish eating, it will get cold!

Joe: *I winked* True true my lovely.

Nick: *We eat together finishing at the same time pretty much. Just as I was about to take our trays back, he pulled me back down to the bed*

Joe: You forget I got the power baby? *I took care of the dishes & trays for him*

Nick: I didn't but one thing babe. *I looked down at the sheets blushing super red*

Joe: *I followed his gaze & realized that his sheets were covered in both of our come. So I smirked wickedly & made them disappear replacing them with fresh ones . And I also made myself & Nick 100% clean again without having to shower though I had a plan after we cuddled & other things* See presto. Now come here you super cute boy you!

Part 2

Nick: *I felt refreshed & joined him in bed snuggling into his chest* You know cleanliness is close to godliness?

Joe: Sure do Nick-ster! And that is exactly why I did what I did. But do gotta say that you look so CUTE in those clothes. I wanna just tear them off ya & continue our time together.

Nick: *I blushed hiding my face in his neck* I bet you do. Thing is babe I'm a little weak from last night. I actually wanted to ask you questions.

Joe: Gotcha. I love you Nick, being with you is divine. Ooh questions eh? Ask away baby.

Nick: Well, how'd you become a genie?

Joe: *I was about to answer when I looked to my right seeing Kari appearing*

Nick: *I turned to see what he was looking at & saw a young girl about 11 years old I was guessing. I gasped slightly*

Kari: *I curtseyed to them both* Hey Joey & Nicky! Ooh you guys are a couple aren'tcha?! OMG!

Nick: *I blushed & tuned to Joe*

Joe: *I smiled & pulled him close to me* Nick, this here is my best friend & fellow genie, Kari, age 11. She's who I was hanging out with while you were with Lance. She's also the girl who helped me realize what I needed to learn about you, about your past.

Kari: *I winked* Thats right-O! Joey here is my bestie, he's like my big brother but not for real cause we're not really related. Indeedy I did help him out when he was feeling low. I'm psyched you two worked out everything. So do my ears deceive me or were you about to explain to Nicky here about being a genie?

Joe: *I grinned* You know it girly.

Nick: *I smiled too* You know the story Kari?

Kari: Know it & love it. Here, why don't we all watch a vid about it? *I made a big screen appear for all of us to see* Watch the screen Nicky *I winked cutely*

Nick: *I watched fascinated by what I was seeing & hearing. I learned it was the day Joe turned five & his parents got into a car crash. He didn't have any other family, thats when a woman appeared before him & took him in raising him as her own. She was Sebena, the queen of all genies, & also a mother to baby Joe. She blessed him with powers of a genie & thats how he got started. I saw over that span of time he had plenty of different masters, boys, girls, men, & woman of all ages. He was just as friendly with them as he was with me, but then again it wasn't exactly the same. He was truthful when he said he said he never felt this way before. I saw that he dated one fellow girl genie for a year, but then they broke up because she didn't love Joe the way she thought she did. From that moment Joe became gay & vowed to wait until he found someone who he would love & accept him for what he was*

Nick: *He met Kari shortly after that & they've been the best of friends, it was so sweet. In the end, I got a replay of our meeting & I blushed & also felt so embarrassed over how I had acted. Joe saw this & kissed my lips & forehead whispering his love for me*

Kari: *When it ended, I commanded the screen to disappear as well* So whatcha think Nicky?

Nick: *I smiled & got up out of the bed hugging her* I think Joe's the sweetest guy on the planet. 

Kari: *I giggled* I couldn't agree more!

Joe: *I got up as well, also sharing the hug* You guys are the best y'know that?

Nick: *I blushed & smiled more*

Kari: Che-yep! No kidding Joey. So, did you guys already make some sweet love? *I asked bubbly*

Nick: *I turned red & bit my lip*

Joe: *I stopped hugging her & put both my hands on my hips, raising an eyebrow* Kari.

Kari: *I shrugged innocently* What? I'm past old enough to know, plus its SO obvious that you two did just that. Aw-ness on your love!

Nick: *I couldn't help but smile shyly*

Joe: Thank you very much Kari. But don't you have somewhere else to be girl?

Kari: Nope. You forget that I'm like on a vacation? I'm free as a bird & I can totally hang here with you guys anytime!

Joe: Uh Kari, I like know that, but what I'm trying to say is that me & Nick wanna a little alone time.

Kari: *I grinned* AW! Thats super sweet! Well then, why didn't you say so? I'll be off then. But before I do, promise me one thing Joey & Nicky?

Joe: *Nick & I looked at each other & answered together* What?

Kari: *I exclaimed* Invite me over more, please?! And one other thing, Sebena will be visiting you both tomorrow after your guys' breakfast. She wishes to see you Joey & meet Nicky. Later lovers! *With that I took off leaving them*

Nick: *I giggled & then my eyes widened* She's a sweet kid. Oh my gosh, Sebena's coming to see us?! I repeat oh my GOSH!

Part 3

Joe: *I kissed his lips & crushed him to me* She is. And no worries Nick, Sebena's really a wonderful & loving woman. She's probably been watching this whole entire time & has decided to drop in. Don't be nervous, she's very understanding & just as sweet as Kari.

Nick: *I pulled away* Watching us? Everything? Seriously?!

Joe: OK, maybe not everything. She knows privacy. I meant with everything else. 

Nick: *I sighed relieved*

Joe: *I kissed him again* I love you Nick. And Sebena will love you too. 

Nick: *I smiled a bit* I hope so.

Joe: I know so. Now what do you say we go explore some nice & warm hot springs while gazing up at the stars in space?

Nick: I say lets go!

Joe: Ooh with pleasure baby.

Nick: *And just like that we were both floating in space in an actual hot spring just like Joe had described. It was past magical & downright stellar. It was just the most specialist of evenings. We could see many stars, planets, even the sun & each of the planet's moons. The water was so warm & relaxing, it made me just feel like heaven, especially in Joe's arms*

Joe: *I watched him curiously & gently turned his face to mine* What ya thinking about?

Nick: How romantic this is & you are.

Joe: Well, I aim to please. Tell me a secret baby.

Nick: Wow random much.

Joe: Please? *I pouted*

Nick: *I blushed* Well, I guess when you put it that way how can I possibly refuse. Let me think. Well I've never seen stars this close.

Joe: Pft! Nah, I mean something about you. Like for instant, take me I love being spontaneous & I don't like insects.

Nick: Really? I had no idea. Any type of bug or just all them?

Joe: All them except, maybe butterflies, ladybugs, dragonflies, & praying mantises.

Nick: What about rollie pollies or woodlouses as they're sometimes called.

Joe: Maybe, but definitely not for sure. I don't know those are like strange. Other than the ones I named, thats pretty much it baby. Now your turn.

Nick: OK. I like to wear socks sometimes with my sandals & I'm scared of earthquakes.

Joe: Socks & sandals? Oh come on baby I know you can come up with more than that. Plus being scared on natural disasters is pretty common. Next!

Nick: Bossy. If you really wanna know, I really love to blast Nsync's self-titled album while doing the dishes which makes me dance.

Joe: Whoo-hoo-hoo! Now you see? Thats what I'm talking about. Go on.

Nick: I mostly can't dance except shuffling & some jerking. I love watching Disney movies cause they're so classic. Um, I've always been a shy & quiet person. And even though I'm 18 & can drive & all, I choose not too. I can't really afford a car or insurance, plus I just don't wanna drive.

Joe: Oh, I believe you've got the moves Nick. No matter how you're dancing, I definitely would LOVE to see some more of that. And Disney eh? Aww, cutie pie baby boy. And I wouldn't want you any other way baby cause shyness to me is SO HOT! And big deal on the driving so what? Its a pain & costs way too much & is basically s series of problems to come. I say the best way to travel is flying. But do on, I'm loving this.

Nick: Oh! And if I could be any animal I always dreamed on being a wolf. I just love how cool they look with their fur & how they're mostly in packs. And I love listening to my favorite artists like Stevie Wonder, Elvis Costello, John Legend, & more. I just adore R&B/soul music, its just so amazing to me. And back in middle school, I was always practicing their songs while all the other kids were mostly playing handball & chatting with friends.

Joe: A wolf? Interesting! And nice choice of artists, I know their music too. Gotta say they're pretty awesome. Aww, so you were like the boy who kept to himself. Did you ever get any girls who confessed their feelings for you?

Nick: No, not that I know of. And if they did, I would have told them that I didn't like them back.

Joe: Harsh. Is it because you think a girl won't understand your lower half?

Nick: Yeah.

Joe: I get it baby. I can see why, but still it makes my heart sink that you've been alone all this time. 

Nick: It was, but I got on just fine.

Joe: Say whaa? Ahem?!

Part 4

Nick: But of course now that you're here, my life's been changed & I love it.

Joe: Thats more like it. And I'm loving it too. I'm happy that we found each other.

Nick: Mmm.

Joe: *As Nick & I talked more I just got so caught up in him that I eventually looked to down to see my throbbing erection. So far Nick hadn't noticed it, but that was about to change. I pressed it against his front watching his eyes widened & his voice letting out a sexy moan* Something wrong baby?

Nick: I see that & feel it. Someone's a little too turned on.

Joe: Can't help it. You do this to me, wanna go for a ride? *I grinned wickedly*

Nick: Hmm. Let me think abroad you, like heck yeah!

Joe: *I pushed him back* My turn first then yours?

Nick: *I moaned* UGH. Whatever you say.

Joe: *I thrusted into him going through all mixtures of speeds. He & I came so many times. His lips were always attached to mine. His body shaking & his back arching for more. My lips also sought his earlobe, neck, chest, & stomach. I left many bite marks on him, grinning in total satisfaction whenever he sounded out his pleasure. I went crazy rocking him harder & faster. I loved it when it was my turn. Eventually we collapsed together & Nick took control for a change & holy friggin crap he was every bit of cute & sexy combined. Tired as we both were, he went just as hard & fast making the both of us aroused all over again. His hip movements were trancelike & the way he just got into made me so darn hard. I couldn't take it anymore so I pushed him back & regained control. Nick is quite wild, something I find captivating. Though when I let myself loose, its past the point of no return*

Cellphone Genie Chapter 5 Part 1

Joe: *The next morning I woke first. I smiled over at Nick & pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, as I got out of bed. I then began preparing breakfast half on my own & half with magic. I knew if I did it all magic it wouldn't be right cause I wanted to show Nick I could make things for him too. So I did just that & it came out great. It was simple french toast but with blueberries. I levitated it into Nick's room & set it next to him. And in the meantime, I ate & watched over him. Afterwards I got fully dressed & went through Nick's things finding an outfit for him. Just because Sebena was coming didn't mean Nick needed to dress all fancy, but still I enjoyed picking one for him. I gotta say he had some cool stuff. Suddenly I heard chewing & fork sounds. I turned around & grinned* Good morning baby!

Nick: *I smiled as I ate replying* Hey good morning babe! Thanks so much for the food, its very good.

Joe: *I went over to him & pecked his lips* Awesomeness! And afterwards you can get you sexy self dressed & we'll be set.

Nick: *I blushed & looked down*

Joe: *I lifted his chin* Don't worry baby. Its going to be all good, I promise you.

Nick: *I smiled a little* If you say so.

Joe: Hey. *I moved the tray aside & kissed him passionately* I love you.

Nick: *I smiled & closed my eyes murmuring* I love you too. So what am I going to even wear?

Joe: Say no more, I've got ya covered baby boy. Check it. *I made the outfit float in the air along with the socks/shoes* Whactha think?

Nick: *I giggled* I think I love it.

Joe: Thats what I love to hear. So give me a little a show?

Nick: *I blushed* You-

Joe: *I winked flirty* I know, now go on baby boy. *I kissed his lips & watched intently as Nick got dressed. He looked better naked, but of course that look's reserved for only me* Looking fine as ever Nick. So ya ready?

Nick: *I smiled* Now I am. *Then the doorbell suddenly rang & I nearly jumped out of my skin. Joe took my hand & we walked to the door & he opened it & there was Sebena. She was dressed just like a normal everyday lady, she smiled warmly at both of us*

Sebena: *I pulled Joe into a hug* Hiya Joe. I've missed ya sweetie so much.

Joe: *I hugged back* Same here Sabena. Listen, thanks for visiting it means a lot to Nick & I. *I squeezed his shoulders happily* Speaking of, this here is my Nick.

Sebena: *I turned & smiled at him, giving him a hug too* Nick, of course. I've heard a lot about you. Its nice to finally meet you for real. I wanna say to how happy I am for you both. When I first heard that Joe had found love with someone, I was overjoyed. And same for you Nick, I knew I wanted to meet & get a chance to talk with you guys.

Nick: *I blushed as she hugged me just like a mother would for her son* I'm glad to meet you too Sebena. Please come in & we'll sit & talk. Can I get you something to drink?

Sebena: *I smiled warmly & came in, sitting on the couch* Any kind of tea would be lovely Nick & thank you.

Nick: *I nodded & winked* I'll get that ready, be back. 

Joe: *I sat on a chair across from her* Y'know that you could-

Sebena: *I gave him a really look* Joe y'know you could like learn from Nick here. After all, he does everything without magic.

Joe: *I chuckled* I am learning. And I love that he's like that, its why I can't stop smiling.

Nick: *I blushed & brought the tea* There you are. Do you like honey or agave?

Sebena: *I took the cup from him* Agaves fine sweetie & thank you so much.

Nick: No problem Sabena. *I got it & put some into her drink for her & sat with Joe watching her sip her tea*

Sebena: Mm-mm, thats good. Now then, besides meeting you Nick for the first time & also came here to talk to you both about something very important. You both saw the same past correct of each other?

Nick: *I nodded* Yes.

Joe: Yea. So?

Part 2

Sebena: *I took a breath* The past you both saw isn't the true past. Actually Joe & Nick you share the same past.

Nick: What?

Joe: I don't get it Sebena.

Sebena: *I nodded* I figured that so, take a look at this. *I sent them both back to their past to see what they needed to see*

Nick: *I gasped as Joe & I were transported into the past once again. I saw the same moment of my birth & from what I could see it looked the same. Then I saw something else. My eyes locked on a young boy by my dad's side. He looked a lot like Joe*

Joe: What the heck?! Thats me!

Nick: OMG. *How could this be? Suddenly it all connected together. Joe was my older brother. He was born first & then I came. Mom still didn't make it, & dad still gave me away, but before Joe was about to face the same as me, Sebena appeared & rescued him. Apparently Joe already had his powers & mom & dad couldn't control him, so were about to give him away anyways. I couldn't believe it though. I had a brother & it was Joe. Because he was different, Sebena raised him & helped with his powers. But she didn't forget about me, my whole life she's been watching over me making sure I was well cared for & loved. She guided the right guardians for me to live with, watched over me in school, always made certain I was eating healthy & always safe no matter what. Although I thought I had been alone all this time, in fact I wasn't. She was always there & Joe was apart of me. He shared the same DNA. Thats when my knees gave way* OMG!

Joe: *I knelt beside Nick holding him in my tight embrace* I know. This is crazy, but I don't care. I still love you & wanna be there for ya always Nick. *I looked into his eyes*

Nick: *I smiled, tears spilling a bit* And I love you Joe. *I pressed my lips to his & when we finally broke away from each other, we were back in my apartment. I blushed as Joe pulled me by his side closer looking at Sebena*

Joe: Why didn't you tell either of us sooner?

Sebena: I wanted too, but I took a journey to the future & saw that you'd two had fallen in love with each other. I didn't mind it, in fact I was happy for you both. But I knew that Nick had his life to live. When you turned 18 Nick, I decided it was by far enough time for you & Joe to meet. But first I wanted to see how you two would behave first before you knew you were brothers. I'm sorry for keeping it a secret from you both, but I thought it was for the best till you two worked out your feelings. I hope you forgive me in time.

Nick: *I pulled away from Joe & went to her giving her a big hug* Its all right Sebena. I get it. And I'm not mad at you or blaming you for anything. I'm happy you told us & I'm thankful for all you've done. *I began to tear up again*

Joe: *I went to their sides & hugged them both* Same here Sebena. Thank you for everything. You brought me to Nick. I'm forever grateful.

Sebena: *I smiled* Thank goodness. Your welcome. Now I'll let you two be, take care my sons. *I kissed each of their foreheads & hugged them once again* I love you both, Joe & Nick.

Nick: *I embraced her again* I love you Sebena-, I-I mean mother. *It was true. She was the closest person I could have as a mother. Her & Joe were my family & Kari too*

Part 3

Joe: *My heart sighed happily* I love you Sebena my mother & Nick my baby brother. *Then she waved & disappeared. I then hugged Nick to myself & wiped all his tears away* You are my baby brother Nicky forever more & I love ya with every fiber of my being. *I then put a box in his hand grinning widely*

Nick: *I gasped looking down at the small box & looked back at him* Joe? *He nodded & I slowly opened it up to find a the most beautiful ring inside it. I gasped & smiled brightly. OMG!*

Joe: *I went down on one knee & I looked up at him lovingly* Nicholas Jerry Jonas, I love you & I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me baby brother?

Nick: *I smiled more & nodded happily* Yes! Yes! Yes! I will Joseph Adam Jonas, my big brother.

Joe: *I grinned so much then & slid the ring on his finger & got up to press a long passionate kiss to his lips* My Nick.

Nick: *I blushed & kissed back hungrily* My Joe.

1 Yr Later ....

Joe: *It had been a one year since Nick & I got married. It had been the most happiest moment of my life. And now I was even more blessed because one week after the honeymoon, Nick & I found out he was pregnant. I almost had fainted when I heard the news, but then I got over it & actually was filled with overflowing happiness. Nick & I were going to fathers! Nine months went by quite fast, in that time a lot of things happened mostly with Nick's morning sickness, cravings, & worrying about gaining weight. I told him every day that he looked beautiful & I was so happy that he was mine. We made love many times which was extremely amazing! At last our baby arrived & Nick did awesome giving birth to a very healthy & beautiful baby .... boy who we named Jaylen Nate Jonas. He looked so much like Nick, he was so adorable. Another year soon went by & our baby boy was already two years old & talking!*

Joe: *And best of all Nick had made it big time with his music career, in fact we both did together. We made many albums together & did some touring doing shows all around the globe, bringing our baby boy along every step of the way*

Jaylen: Nicky?

Nick: *I held him smiling down happily* Yes baby boy?

Jaylen: *I giggled* How'd u & Joey meet?

Nick: *I was about to answer when mister man appeared next to me*

Joe: Easy Jay-Jay, I was assigned to be his cellphone genie. And from there, you could say we grew CLOSE. *I winked & pulled Nick beside me*

Nick: *I laughed* Its SO true Jaylie. *I leaned to kiss Joe's lips then pulled away kissing my baby boy's forehead*

Jaylen: *I floated in the air watching them trying to avoid the kiss, but he got me* Daddy!

Joe: Sounds like he needs more lovin' baby! *I winked & joined in kissing his head* Thats my baby boy.

Jaylen: *I giggled more* Daddies! Thats not fair! *I disappeared & reappeared behind them* Boo!

Joe: *I laughed & patted his head* Nice trick Jay.

Jaylen: *I smiled proudly* I know. Where's Kari? I wanna go play with her.

Nick: *Joe & I exchanged smiles* She's with grandma I believe. Go ahead baby boy, go play, but-

Jaylen: *I rolled my eyes cutely* "Be careful." I know Nicky & Joey. Be back soon daddies! *With that I went to find Kari*

Joe: They grow so fast, don't they.

Nick: *I stood beside the wall looking out towards the water* Mmm.

Joe: Hey. *I spun him around & kissed him* I love you.

Nick: *I smiled & kissed back* And I love you, my sexy genie.

~~~~~~~~~~The End~~~~~~~~~~~~

http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4094/4909806261_ac4e464ab5_z.jpg  = Joe holding a baby picture

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

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I love your stories! I don't mind at all that Nick has a "feminine part" in them, it actually makes having kids for them easier. I really love reading these when i cant find something good to read.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

LOVED IT! i really cant wait for the next chapter! im so freaking excited!

Posted 13 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

nick always has a "feminine part" in your stories but i don't mind love them

Posted 13 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on February 5, 2011
Last Updated on January 12, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joeick Joe/Nick Nick



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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