Paradise Ep 58-100

Paradise Ep 58-100

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Paradise Ep. 58 (Flyin' High & The Story of Delena)

~ Meanwhile at the same time Selena, explained about wizards to Nick ... Demi was doing the exact same for Joe. So now they've moved on to the subject of how ... Delena began ;-) ~

Joe: *Here I am flying on a carpet with Demi over the entire Fiji area. It's so incredible!* Sooooo, Dems are you going to tell about Lena?

Demi: Why sure Joe, I'd love to! Oh, meeting Lena was the best thing that happened to me, even better than becoming a star & living the dream. Better than all the fans, success, career, everything. I never knew what love was till I met her. She changed my whole world! Ever since my 1st acting role, on Barney & Friends (2002) where I met her, oh Joe .... it was the best! We of course grew to be best friends forever & thats when 1st told me she was a wizard. Yeah I was super surprised at the time, but after she explained everything to me, it made perfect sense. So on the whole relationship thing, I knew from the moment I 1st saw her I liked her, more than a friend, more than a best friend. The thing was that I was so scared to tell her how I felt & also even more scared if she wouldn't understand. Same as you right? *Joe nodded*

Joe: Nick As well. So continue girl, then what happened?

Demi: Well finally when Lena starting doing her series Wizards of Walvery Place in 2007, thats when I told her. I said to myself, thats its been 5 years since I met her. I'd kept my feelings wrapped for so long & I just didn't see the point in hiding it any longer. So I set up a very romantic dinner for just the 2 of us & told her that I loved her & that I wanted her to be my girlfriend. She started crying & bouncing up & down, that she too felt the same feel. And with that we shared our very 1st kiss & we've been (sings) inseparable.

Joe: *High-5's her & chuckles* Thats awesome Dems! Very sweet. So, ... what about your parents, um how'd they take the news?

Demi: Funny you should mention that, cause when we told them, we totally did not expect their reaction. Get this Joe, they actually already knew that we loved each other!

Joe: *Eyes widen* No, way!

Demi: Thats exactly what we said. We we're like how did you know? They said it was so obvious & written all over are faces. And what made us really start balling in tears, was when they said "Finally you guys are together! Congrats girls! We're so happy for you & we love you so much!" Its just ... *pauses, wiping the tears away from my eyes* after hearing them say that, I mean everything was like a dream. My parents & Lena's were so supportive, they didn't care that we were 2 girls, who were so in love & dating. Even my sisters were like extremely happy for us.  

Joe: *Embraces her* Thats amazing. I'm really happy for you & Lena. 

Demi: *Smiles* Thanks, Joe. Your the best! And thank you for playing along with the whole were dating thing, for the paparazzi & fans. 

Joe: Anything for my best friend. So I hear Lena's got herself her 1st non-Dinsey film, right?

Demi: Yeah! Its called Ramona and Beezus, I'm so excited for her. I just wish we could more films together, cause I really loved working on Princess Protection Program with her. Sooooo, what about you & Nick? 

Joe: *Heart flutters just at the thought of Nick* Cool. Yeah you 2 should do more films together. Oh, come on Dems! *laughs* Like you & Lena are not spying on us or watching a rewind reality show of us? 

Demi: Wait a minute! How'd you know? *smiles innocently* 

Joe: Call it a wild guess. 

Demi: Yeah, okay so we do watch our own personal vids of your Joick times together, its pretty cute! 

Joe: Even the ...

Demi: *Hits his arm* No! Not that! We stop watching cause we all know that love makings private!

Joe: I see. Thanks.

Demi: Your welcome. But seriously, when are you guys going to tell your parents? 

Joe: *Bites lip* Well, Nick & I decided on telling them 1st thing when we get back in the beginning of July, right before the tour starts.

Demi: *Pats shoulder* It'll be fine Joe. Me & Lena are sure of it. Your parents are understanding & love you 2 very much. I just have a feeling they'll be happy for the both of you. And once they accept you, you & Nick will have all that anxiety off your guys' shoulder. And then ... we can rock our tour, whooo! 

Joe: You got it Dems! Whoo! ~ They continue to fly off & talk with each other. Back to Nick & Selena ~

Nick: *Still soaring high over the islands ... which is beyond cool!* Hey Sel, how'd you & Demi 1st get together as a couple?

Selena: I thought you'd never ask! Oh. My. Gosh. Nick. Well, I'm sure Dems is explaining it to Joe, just by the regular way of just talking .. but what fun is that? *takes the wand & out of thin air appears a big screen*

Nick: *Stares in awe as the exact moment of Delena begins on the screen, just like a movie! And she even made the experience complete with popcorn & soda, not to mention that we've stopped flying & are floating above the ocean in the air* 

Selena: *Smiles & happily kicks back, relaxing watching the vid with Nick* 

~ Introducing Delena's 1st Date (Complete with subtitles)  ~

Selena: *Gettting ready for my date with Demi. Yeah, date ... at least I hope that that whats it is. Why else would she ask to get together & celebrate our hard work together ... just us all alone. Oh. My. God. Get a grip, breathe girl. Okay I'm officially nervous, I'm shaking & my hearts racing .. & I'm not even there yet! What is really driving me crazy other than all the emotions I'm feeling right now, is what Demi wants to tell me. She said it was important & that we'd talk about it tonight. Secretly I hope she's going to admit that she's in love with me, cause I wanna admit that I love her sooo bad. Just look at our past, we've been BFFs for 5 years, she & I tell each other EVERYTHING. Sadly though I have NOT told her everything. Sure she knows I'm a wizard, thats not talking about. The truth is ... that I'm gay & I've been in love with Demi since I 1st met her. When I met her, we were both 10 years old. So of course, we hit off as BFFs & she accepted me as wizard. Since I told about my powers, we've been tighter than ever. But over the years my feelings have been making my heart beat constantly whenever I'm around her, I blush so easily, I get tongue-tied, basically I'm a lovesick mess when it comes to Demi. I'm 15 right now, & I tell you I'm so in love with Demi, I just want to scream it out loud. Well preferably just calmly tell her the truth. I don't want to hide things from her, else I feel guilty & the longer I hide this from her, I mean what if we grow apart cause I'm too scared (SO SCARED) to just be honest. God, help me, please*

Demi: *I'm just about ready for my date with Lena tonight. Date, oh how I, love the sound of that. Yep thats right, I'm in love with Selena. I've loved her since I 1st laid eyes on her, & since the 5 yrs. we've been BFFS, I've been dying to tell her about my feelings. To be honest, I really scared about telling her, but I know I have to do this. I can't lie to her anymore, & I just love her so much. So I'm gay & in love with my BFF, just the thought of her makes my smile widen & my heart warm. Just breathe Demi, you can do this* Selena ... I love you. *nods in the mirror* Well, its now of never. *grabs purse & leaves to pick up Lena, which just takes a snap of my fingers to pop myself over to her house/rings doorbell*

Selena: *Hears doorbell. SHE'S HERE!!! I immediately popped downstairs & answered the door* H-Hi Demi. *Oh my stars, I'm breathless. ~ Demi's & Selena's outfits: ~

Demi: *Gods, she's a dream!* Hi Lena! Ready for some celebrating?! *starts to dance like party over here kind of thing, yeah I know its lame, but its me*

Selena: *Giggling, relaxes a little, smiling happily* Yep, lets go!

Demi: *That little giggle of hers is so CUTE* Well then *grabs her hand & snaps my fingers to take the both of us to our dinner/date* here we are! *we both arrive at:* Soooo, what do you think?

Selena: *Gazes in pure wonder & absolute happiness* Whispers: Demi ... this is really ... beautiful. 

Demi: *Not as beautiful as you are Lena* Yeah it is, isn't it. Now I hope your hungry cause dinner is served. *gestures her to the table*

Selena: *Dreamily sits down, not noticing that Demi has tucked my chair in for me. Whoa! Back up, she just ... I felt my cheeks blushing & my heart pounding in my ears. I took a deep breath* T-thanks.

Demi: *Chuckles* No problem Lena. *winks & takes my seat/grabs a glass & raises it* To us. 

Selena: *Does the same grabbing the glass* T-to u-us. ~ Both ding their glasses together & drink their sparkling cider, their eyes never leaving each others ~

Demi: *Smiling cheerfully* Eat up! *begins to eat*

Selena: *Takes a bite of meal & gasps* This. Is. So. Good!

Demi: *Nods* I thought you'd like the lobster special, nothing but the best for tonight. I mean after all, you've been working so hard Lena. Your show's a success & you've guest stared on Hannah Montana, you're so rocking it girl! And ... I just know your futures going to be a bright one. 

Selena: *Giggles softly* Me, come on Demi, you're new to Disney & already have your own min-show (As The Bell Rings). I just know you're gonna be the best! You got serious potential, you're a natural. 

Demi: Thank you. And best of all I think both of our music careers are just going to take off. And when it does, we're totally going to a movie together & a music video!

Selena: *Raises an eyebrow* Have you been future traveling again? *Wants to say but doesn't: without me!*

Demi: *Shrugs guilty* A little. I was just curious about what could be in store for us. And I definitely that its going to happen, but even better than a possible future could ever show. 

Selena: Really? So its all about being famous huh? 

Demi: Yes. But there's ... something even more than that. 

Selena: *Stops eating* L-like what?

Demi: *Wipes mouth with a napkin, clears throat & sighs deeply* Lena ... I have something that I need to tell you. I ... have for awhile.

Selena: *Heart racing a mile a min* G-go on. 

Demi: *Gets up from my chair & leans down next to her, looking at her beautiful face* There's no easy way to say this ... please don't hate me for this. *leans up & grabs her face in my hands, staring into her eyes* Selena, I'm in love with you.

Selena: *Before I could react, she crashed her lips on my own, kissing me so deeply. At. Last! I kissed back with passion & wrapped my arms around her neck, while she pulled me up with her to stand up. Our. 1st. Kiss. This ..... is the best moment of my life!*

Demi: *Once I kissed her, I had expected her to push me away or run away or something. Instead I felt her lips move with mine, in perfect unison. Could it be ... that ... she .... I pulled away & looked into eyes, both of us breathless* Lena?

Selena: *Blushes & smiles brightly* And I'm in love with you Demi, so much. I've always been. I love you. *pecks her lips & giggles*

Demi: *Hugs her closely, spinning her round in my arms* Lena?! Oh my Lena! I love you so much too. You have no idea how much I love you. 

Selena: *Embraces her, I just love the warmth of her* Oh, Demi, I'm SO happy right now. I've wanted to tell you for a long time. I'm sorry ... I was so scared of what you'd think. *pulls away, very teary eyed* I thought you'd leave me. 

Demi: *Gently wipes her tears & soothes her* Me too, me too Lena. I was scared, just like you. I thought you'd run away from me. *grabs her hands & rubs them* Oh Lena, I would never ever leave you. I love you.

Selena: *Smiling, giggles lightly, still crying a bit* I will never run from you. Demi, I love you. 

Demi: *Beams* Lena ... would you be my girlfriend?

Selena: Yes! Will you be mine?

Demi: A billion times yes! *kisses her*

Selena: *Kisses back with so much love. Nothing else matters, just the 2 of us together ... right here .... right now*

~ A few min.'s later, after their constant kissing ;-) ~

Demi: *Pulls away & leads her back to sit at the table to finish their dinner* So, baby girl now that we're together as a couple, I just want to say thank you for being the most wonderful best friend I've ever had. Its true since, I met you my whole world has been like an absolute dream. Your happiness, your smiles, the way you blush, your cuteness, ... everything baby girl, its why I love you so. 

Selena: *Blushes* Your welcome Demi baby. I should be the 1 thanking you, you've brought so much joy. You've been an amazing best friend, always there for me, your the way you laugh just makes me smile, the way you're so gorgeous, your confidence in yourself & me .... oh everything baby. I love you so much!

Demi: Baby girl ... close your eyes. I have something for you.

Selena: *Still blushing, closes eyes, waiting*

Demi: *Snaps fingers* Open your eyes. 

Selena: *Looks down at my wrist & gasps* Oh! Demi! Its ... so pretty! ~ Demi's gift to Lena: ~ Thank you, thank you so much! *rugs over to her to hug her*

Demi: *Very happy* Your very welcome Lena. I'm so glad you like it. 

Selena: *Gets an idea & silently casts a spell* 

Demi: *Feels something on my neck, looks down & gasps, eyes wide* Oh Lena! Its beautiful baby girl, thank you. I love it! And I love you! *presses a sweet kiss to her lips*

Selena: *Giggles & deepens the kiss* 

Demi: *Laughs*

Selena: *Pulls away* What is it, love?

Demi: *Looks down at our plates* It seems like, we're not going to finish the meal? 

Selena: Oh right! Well ... then *pecks her lips quickly & sits down blushing* Lets finish this! 

Demi: *Winks* Only if you want to.

Selena: I do. I so do. ~ At last finish their meal & head to Demi's house, have changed magically into their PJs. ~

Demi: *In my room, sitting on my bed watching Lena flop down with her face in the pillows*

Selena: Thjssujojqwhwkhathehbedfsjkndnfskfnnjhfdk! 

Demi: *Chuckles & whispers into her ear* In english please Lena.

Selena: *Sits up & snuggles into her chest* I said, this was THE best night ever just with you!

Demi: *Sighs dreamily & presses my lips to her forehead* Indeed it was. Now ... wanna spend the night?

Selena: *Turns red* O-of course. 

Demi: *Kisses her cheek* Its all right baby girl. I'm nervous too. 

Selena: *Smiles big. She understands me so well. Thats why I love her so* Okay baby. 

Demi: *Wraps arms around her, pulling her closer to me* I love you Lena. Sleep well, baby girl.

Selena: *Also wraps arms around her* I love you Demi. Good-night baby. ~ Together they fall asleep in each other's arms. Here's a pic of their 1st date together couple photo: (THE END). ~

Paradise Ep. 59 (We're just ... Chillin' In The Summertime)

Nick: *Balling with happy tears* That ... was ... so ... beautiful! 

Selena: *So content* Thank you Nick. I'm so glad I got to share this with you. *hugs him*

???1: *Trying not to chuckle so loud, covering mouth*

???2: *Your going to blow our cover! Sssh!*

Selena: *Looks up & smiles knowingly* Hi, Demi & Joe!

Nick: *Wipes tears & looks up* Demi! Joe!! What are you guys doing here? How long have you 2 been there?

Demi: *Floats down to Lena & shrugs* Hiya Lena! *pecks her lips sweetly* I wanted to show Joe here our vid, I figured you'd be playing it for Nick. Sooo, we decided to watch over you guys, & of the our beloved film. 

Joe: *Also floats down to Nick & embraces him lovingly* Hey you. *kisses his lips* Sorry to sneak up on you like that. Lets just say the min. you guys started the film, me & Demi were here. 

Nick: *Kisses back* I knew you couldn't stay away for long. I'm glad your here with us. Did you cry too baby?

Joe: *Nods* I did get teary eyed. *looks at Delena* I couldn't help it, you girls' memory was just so romantic!

Selena: *Laughs* Well, Demi planned it that way. That night is definitely 1 of my fav. nights, well among others. *looks at Demi*

Joe: *Eyes widen* Wow. 

Nick: *Blushes* Yeah ... what he said. 

Demi: *Rolls eyes* Oh come on guys! Its not like Nick haven't been showing your love to each other. *looks at Lena* Lena & I, do it all the time. Its quite amazing. *winks*

Selena: *Blushes a lot brighter than Nick* She's right. Its the best feeling, isn't it ... *turns to Nick*

Joe: *Looks at Nick & smiles warmly*

Nick: *Its my turn to blush much deeper* It sure is. *leans head to rest in Joe's chest*

Joe: *Wraps arms around Nick* To Delena! And to us. *everyone cheers & hugs*

Nick: So what now?

Demi: *Realizes something* Oh gosh! Don't think I've forgotten about my bonding time with you Nick! Lena, its time to spend time with Joe. Come on people, we've got some gossiping to do! *winks, pulling Nick with me/, floats back up to my magic carpet, sitting with Nick, waves to Lena & Joe* Cya 2 later! *disappears with Nick*

Joe: *Raises both eyebrows* Thats so Demi. 

Selena: *Giggles* Most definitely. Come on, Joe. 

Joe: *Takes place beside her* Ready girl! Lets fly!

Selena: You got it! Hand on! *flies off speedily*

Joe: *Whooping joyously* ~ Back to Demi & Nick. ~

Nick: *Hanging on, laughing at the same time nervous* Whoa!! Sloow down Dems!

Demi: *Laughing out of control* Sorry Nick. But Lena has begun the race! 

Nick: What race?!

Demi: The. Race. We're competing to see who can circle the entire globe, while staying in the atmosphere, the fastest! Whoo!

Nick: What! When did this happen? I didn't hear you & Sel mention anything about thisss.

Demi: We're communicating by reading each other's thoughts. Hang on tighter Nick, this about to get speedy! 

Nick: *Braces myself* WHOA!!!!!! ~ Back to Lena & Joe. ~

Joe: Oh! So thats what's happening! I thought you were just showing off the speed (Laughs happily). Well bring it on Sel, its on!

Selena: Awesome Joe! Hang on dude, its about to get super windy! 

Joe: Whooo-hoooo!!!!!

Selena: Almost there! 

Demi: Closer!

Selena: You wish!

Demi: I'm going to winnn!

Selena: Not so fast baby! *picks up speed*

Nick: *Officially have covered my eyes*


Nick: *Smiles a bit, slowly opens eyes, seeing that Sel & Joe at flying super fast almost like .... we're going to ...* CRASH!!!

Demi: Oh no we're not!! *pasts the finish line* Ha! In your face LENA! Have fun swimming! *winks & takes off again*

Joe: Whoa, what?

Selena: Hold your nose Joe, we're going down!

Joe: *Sees that the magic carpet that has been supporting us this whole time has disappeared into thin air & that me & Sel are now falling into the water* Sel!

Selena: No worries Joe, we'll be okay! I'm a wiiiizaaard!!! *lands into the water nice & easy, with Joe who ending up stumbling anyways & falling back into the water. I started laughing, yep its true he's a clutz* 

Joe: *Rises up, shaking the water off* Whoo! What a ride! So I'm guessing that Demi won, & our punishment was losing our transportation & falling into the water?

Selena: * Still laughing* Yeah. Thats pretty much it. Sorry about Joe, I should have warned you & Nick, that Demi & I can get a little ...

Joe: *Chuckles* You mean competitive? Hey totally know the feeling, no problem Sel. Nick & me, get it, after all you girls know how we get when it comes to sports. Anyways the whole speedy race was really fun! And best of all, we're (sings): chillin' in the summertime!! 

Selena: *This how I look at this very moment: * Whoo, you go Joe!!

Joe: *Sings a bit more of song & the stops & starts splashing her* 

Selena: *Splashing back & then gets an idea, & out appears a beach ball*

Joe: *Begins to play ball with her* Al right! Awe-some!

Selena: *Smiling* Lets make this more interesting! *does a spell* Ta-da what do think?

Joe: *Still playing ball, while observing that there is a spiral of ocean water circling us & at the same time spraying us lightly with its sea spray* I say too cool! ~ They continue to play & have fun. Back with the other 2. ~

Demi: *This is my outfit: . And Nick & I have decided to do some stand up paddling (or SUP)* Whew! I love this tropical climate, soo nice!! You & Joe, have all this paradise to your selves, its really perfect!

Nick: *Giggles* Yeah we're thinking of maybe living here, one day in the future. You & Sel, should visit here more often.

Demi: Certainly! Especially our best buds are going to get married really soon & everything, we're SO gonna be here!

Nick: *Blushes* Whoa slow down there Dems. Me & Joe are still very young, there's plenty of time for marriage. Besides, we got to get our families blessing 1st. 

Demi: And I just you know you will. Everything will turn out amazingly! I can't wait! The marriage of the century, OMG! *squeals*

Nick: *Laughs* Thanks. I can't wait either. The thought of it is just .... heavenly. But what about you & Sel, do plan on asking her?

Demi: Are you kidding me?! Absolutely!! I've thought about it a lot, & I want to wait cause we are only 17 the both os us, going on 18. I'm thinking of maybe when we're 19 or perhaps sooner. I promise you & Joe though, as soon as I figure out everything, we'll tell you guys. *winks*

Nick: Sounds like a plan, I love it. Gods, Demi ... you & Sel are just such a sweet couple together! 

Demi: Thank you, thank you. But ... you & Joe are the 1's who's totally sweet!!! Its so meant to be!

Nick: *Nods* You can say that again. 

Demi: Best of all Nick, you & Joe, can have a baby! Thats so super awesome, you 2 will be wonderful parents. 

Nick: *Blushes* You sure you're not weirded out that I'm like that?

Demi: *Pretends to think about it & then bursts into laughter* Nick, oh my gosh, are you kidding boy? Its better than magic!

Nick: *Chuckles softly* You sure about that?

Demi: Yes, for sure. Look at this way Nick, you a boy ... can have a baby & its real. How magical is that? You have been given a gift, & I just am so happy that you & Joe are together. I see nothing but love, love, love in your guys' future. Happy perfect bliss, strong passionate love for each other, a loving family & 1 of your own one day, its a blessing. 

Nick: Thank you Demi. Your such a amazing friend. 

Demi: Buds 4ever! *winks* 

Nick: Yeah 4ever! Hey do you & Sel want to start a family all on your own?

Demi: OMG yes! Lena & I definitely want a family, a life together the whole shebang. Trust me Mr. President, sexy Lena & me, are absolutely stuck on each other. 

Nick: *Laughs* I see Mrs. Lovato Gomez or Gomez Lovato. 

Demi: Ooh giving us each other's last names, I love it! For a min., I thought you were going to say Mrs. Delena.

Nick: Why not? You guys gave us Joick. Or was it Joeick or Jick?

Demi: *Chuckles* Well honestly I like the spelling of J-O-I-C-K vs. J-O-E-I-C-K cause its just better the other way. Jick sounds like when Justin Bieber called you Jick Nonas & you called him Bustin Jieber. You see the whole Jick thing could be you & Joe, or your nickname from Lil JB. But honestly, its whatever you & Joe like, thats what matters. *smiles, while nodding* And as for why I don't like always like Delena, is because people really like David Henrie & Selena together as a couple. And going by "Semi" just doesn't really sound ... you know cute. I was thinking of Demena or Demi-lena or something. Lena really insisted that I attached my first name's letters to her name. And I also thought of Selema (this one I kind of liked, but still I'm not sure) or Selemi (which I instantly banished caused it sounded like salami or something). So I honestly don't know about the joined couple name.

Nick: We like Joick, that seems to really just fit us. Listen, you know that David is in love with Jake, so their couple names are already different. I think every name including Delena (minus the Selemi 1), is perfect. Maybe you could use all them, change off a variety, it could be fun. Besides, all that counts is that you 2 love each other & are happy. 

Demi: Wow, psychic much? Lena said something very similar to what you just said. You 2 are so right, it doesn't matter. You've got Joe & I've got Lena, we're so in love! Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujahhhhh!

Nick: *Laughs* 

Paradise Ep. 60 (Dinner & A Show)

Nick: *Throughout the rest of the day, me & Demi just had a blast hanging out. We talked, laughed, swam, explored .... & lots of other cool things. I was really fun & I totally enjoyed hanging out with Demi & Sel. As I was beginning to get dressed, my thoughts just went to Joe. He said he had a surprise for everyone tonight. I giggled, thats my Joe, always planning surprises. I wonder if the girls already know what it is? I shrugged & finished putting on my dinner jacket & left my room to meet up with the girls. I knocked on Sel's door 1st & she opened up fast & smiled at me happily. 

Selena: Nick! Are you ready to find out what Joe's secret surprise is tonight?

Nick: Am I ever. Do you know what he has planned?

Selena: Truthfully I could easily see the answer, but Demi insisted that I let it be a surprise for everyone. And she's absolutely right, I don't wanna spoil the fun!

Nick: *Laughs* No I guess not. But I still wonder. 

Selena: *Walking with Nick, their hands linked like BFFS* Yeah, no worries, we'll find out soon! *winks at him*

Nick: *Smiles* True. Just out of curiosity Sel, why are you walking when you can just pop *makes hands go pop*

Selena: *Rolls eyes/smiling* Lets just say its Demi's idea of not always using magic to do EVERY little thing. And you know once again, she's completely right, I mean the girls so wise! *gets all floaty just thinking about her*

Nick: Aww! So lovestruck. 

Selena: *Snaps out of it* Hey, you too boy! Oh ... look we here! *looks at Demi & Joe* Hey baby! *kisses Demi's lips* Hi Joe!

Demi: *Kisses back sweetly* Hiya baby girl! *eyes travel over Lena* You look amazing! *snaps attention to Nick* Hey Nick!

Selena: *Blushes & playfully hits Demi's shoulder lightly* You too. 

Joe: Hey Sel! *goes over to Nick*

Nick: Hey Demi! *walks up to Joe* Hey you, looking sharp. *beams at him* Nice. 

Joe: *Magically reveals a single red rose & hands it Nick* For you, sexy. 

Nick: *Blushes & takes the rose, smelling its beautiful aroma* Mmmm. Thank you, handsome. *winks*

Joe: *Extends my arm for Nick to grab* Shall we?

Nick: *Smilies dreamily* We shall. 

Demi: *Has already guided Lena to their table/seated her. I took my place right beside Lena & took her hand squeezing it* Soooo, Joe what is the BIG surprise?

Joe: *I too guided Nick to the table & helped Nick with his seat. I clapped my hands & cleared my throat standing there in front of the girls & Nick, getting ready to make announcement* Ladies & gentlemen (winks at Nick sexily), I present to you *reveals all their meals that had already been placed in front of them* your dinner. *takes a bow* Courteously of yours truly. 

Nick: *Rolls eyes still dreamily. Thats my man, sooo dramatic & suave, God I adore it. I clapped along with the girls* Well done my love. It looks divine!

Demi: *Already has taken a bite* Mmmmm, delish Joe.

Selena: *Eating too* Superb mister. 

Nick: *Tries it too* Oh! Oh my God, so heavenly.

Joe: *Chuckles* Fantastic, I managed to make a pretty awesome dinner. Now, I want you all to continue enjoying, while I go over here. *goes to the stage, everything is already perfectly set up & ready to go*

Nick: *Continues to eat, but then stops* Joe? What are you doing? Aren't you going to come join us?

Joe: *Takes the mike & begins to speak into it, grinning* Like I said, just sit back & enjoy. I would join you Nick, but I already have eaten. However, I do have an additional surprise to your amazing meal. And this 1st number goes out to our guests of honer, Demi & Selena. *points to them* Girls this 1s for you! *Begins to sing ...

Michael Buble's "Feeling Good"

Birds flying high

You know how I feel

Sun in the sky

You know how I feel

Breeze driftin' on by

You know how I feel

It's a new dawn

It's a new day

It's a new life

For me

And I'm feeling good

I'mmmmmm feeling good

Fish in the sea

You know how I feel

River running free

You know how I feel

Blossom on a tree

You know how I feel

It's a new dawn

It's a new day

It's a new life

For me

And I'm feeling good

Dragonfly out in the sun you know what I mean, don't you know

Butterflies all havin' fun you know what I mean

Sleep in peace when day is done

That's what I mean

And this old world is a new world

And a bold world

For me, oh forrrrrrrrrrrrr meee!

Stars when you shine

You know how I feel

Scent of the pine

You know how I feel

Oh freedom is MINE!

And I know how I feel

Repeat: It's a new dawn

It's a new day

It's a new life, huh

For me

And I'm feeling goooooood

I'mmmmm feeling good 

I-I-I feeeel so good (x2)

*Song Ends. As does my very dramatic & fun performance*

~ This is Demi & Selena's outfit's BTW: . ~                     

Nick: *As soon as Joe started singing, I immediately recognized the song. I could not begin to describe how SEXY my man looked up on stage, strutting his stuff. My skin was seriously burning & my mouth totally watering with desire. Forget the meal, there's only one person I want, that can satisfy me. I mean the way he sung the song with such passion & those looks, God if looks could kill, I'd be dead. I tell he was having some serious fun with the song & enjoying teasing me. I'm sure he planned it all, down to the T. However, I could care less about what else he planned cause really at this moment I could barely focus on anything else, just Joe. The way he's moving & starring, I feel chills all over my body. Its so hot & cold at the same time. I mean like ... WOW! When my man has a surprise in store, he sure doesn't disappoint! He's such a dream & SO confident, especially when he losses himself in a song. My God what a turn on!*

Selena: *Claps & cheers loudly* Whooo!!! You show stealer!

Demi: *Also clapping & cheering* Very nice show!

Nick: *It took me a few more sec's to fully to recover from Joe's incredibly SEXY show. But when I did I clapped & cheered like crazy!* Brava baby!!

Joe: *Takes a bow & grins happily* Thank you, thank you. I knew you'd all like that. *looks at Nick heatedly*

Nick: *Notices the look & shivers once again/blushes*

Selena: More Joe!

Demi: Yeah, show us! 

Joe: *Chuckles* Al right, you asked for it! This 1's for you Nick! *winks & begins new song ...*

Marc Anthony's "I Need To Know"

They say around the way

You’ve asked for me

There’s even talk about

You wanting me

I must admit that’s what

I want to hear

But that’s just talk

Until you take me there


If it’s true don’t leave me

All alone out here

Wondering if you’re ever

Gonna take me there

Tell me what you’re feeling

‘Cause I need to know

Girl you gotta let me know

Which way to go

‘Cause I need to know

I need to know

Tell me baby boy

‘Cause I need to know

I need to know

I need to know

Tell me baby boy

‘Cause I need to know

My every thought

is of this being true

It’s getting harder

Not to think of you

Boy I’m exactly

Where I want to be

The only thing’s

I need you here with me

Repeat Chorus

*Ends song. Catching my breathe, while enjoying the absolute speechless & stunned Nick staring with the widest eyes. That's right baby boy, its all for you*

Demi: *Whistling* Whoo!

Selena: Awesome man!

Nick: *That ... man ... is .... such ... a ... FLIRT!!! But God, I'm loving it. Not only is it so sexy, its hard not to just fall for him. Yeah Nick, your going to get a crazy hot wild man ... tonight. Looks like I'm the prey tonight, not that I mind, he does know how to please me. He's so on FIRE tonight. Apart keeps forgetting about Sel & Demi being here, I could just go up to him & beg him to make love to me right here! Focus .... Nick. Focus, focus, focus .... Just as I was saying that, I began starring at his muscular body, OMG, hot, hot , hot, hot, HOTTTTT! Whoa! Wait a min., when did he take off his shirt & reveal a muscle t-shirt? My. Oh. MY!*

Joe: *By the look on Nick's face, I got him just where I want him. I tell he's so aroused by me. And in fact so am I, but who cares. Later baby boy, you'll get some major LOVING. For now I think I'll tease him some more, but I'll slow it down for him* And now for the next song! *begins singing ....*

Brian McKnight's "The Only One For Me"

La la lla la la la la

la la

la la la la la la

la la lla la la la la

la la

la la la la la la

You say you've seen too many things,

that turn out to be too good to be true.

Against your better judgment, opened up your heart,

'til you found the joke was on you.

Looking out on the rest of our lives,

If we're gonna be together or apart.

About the only way I know how to come,

is right straight from my heart.

I want you now,

I'll show you how

I can be the man you need me to be 

I've been around,

but now I've found

that you're the only one for me.

Say you'll never fall again

You won't subject yourself to such pain

If you give me half a chance I will

Never leave you standing out in the rain

But if you think that i could look you in your face and lie right

through my teeth

then turn around and walk away

Cross my heart, boy I care for you and when I look into your eyes i

must say...

I need you now

I'll show you how

I can be the man you need me to be

I've been around

but now I've found

that you're the only one for me

I need you so

I can't let go

Gonna be all that I can be

I want you still

I always will

cause you're the only one for me

la la lla la la la la

la la

la la la la la la

la la lla la la la la

la la

la la la la la la

I want you now

I'll show you how

I can be the man you need me to be

I've been around

but now I've found

that you're the only one for me

I need you so

I can't let go

Gonna be all that I can be

I want you still

I always will

cause you're the only one for me    

*I let the song fade out & paused for awhile letting my message skink in to Nick. I swear to God, Nick is the only one for me. I Love him. As I looked up, I could see the happiness shinning through his eyes, at the same time, tears spilling. I blew him a kiss & that made him chock up even more. Thats when I jumped off the stage & ran to him. I lifted him off his chair & spun him in my arms. I pulled him close & kissed his lips tenderly. I heard murmur into my ear:" that was so beautiful Joe, I loved it. Thank you." I responded by murmuring back: "your welcome my lovely Nick. I once again kissed him gently, cause he was still so emotional over the song & of course being near me. I wiped his tears & cuddled his close, so lovingly and softly. It was a few sec's later that I realized Dems & Lena were hugging each other close watching us with awe. They smiled & giggled & continued to watch us*

Nick: *I don't why, but that song that Joe choose ... really made me incredibly emotional. He sung the lyrics directly to my heat and soul. My whole heart felt warm & so loved. I forgot everything & just allowed myself to be swept away into my dreamland, where only Joe & I existed. He sure knows how to make me show my true self, my vulnerable self. His kisses alone made me feel better & his warmth just made me blush. Our hearts were as one, beating only for each. It was beautiful. No other words were needed, just ths moment right here*

Selena: *Demi aren't they just super adorable or what?!*

Demi: *They are indeed. So made for each other, just like you are made just for me*

Selena: *Oh Demi*

Demi: *Begins to kiss her sweet & softly* 

Selena: *Moans a little*

Joe: *Laughs*

Nick: Giggles*

Demi: *Pulls away* What?

Joe: *Looks at Nick & back at the girls* Nothing.

Nick: *Smiles* Nothing at all.

Demi: *Glares* Uh-huh. Well then ... *gets an idea* why don't we let Mr. Joe take a break ... and let my sexy Lena sing a song or 2?

Selena: *Giggles* It would be my pleasure. *winks & goes up to the stage & takes the mike* Any requests?

Demi: *Calls* Anything sexy gorgeous!

Joe: *Chuckles* Yeah. What she said!

Nick: *Smiles* Go for it, Sel!

Selena: *Thinks for a min., ooh I got it! Begins to sing ...* 

Janet Jackson's "All For You"


All my girls at the party

Look at that body

Shakin' that thing

Like I never did see

Got a nice package alright

Guess I'm gonna have to ride tonight (x2)



Chika ahhh


It's all for you

If you really want it

It's all for you

If you say you need it

It's all for you

If you gotta have it

It's all for you

If you make a move

It's all for you 

I see you staring out the corner of my eye

You seem uneasy want to approach me

Throw me a line

But then something inside you grabs you

Says who am I

I know exactly cuz it happens with all the guys 

So you so what you gonna do

Come on and talk to me

Promise you won't even have an attitude

I'll let you sit right next to me

Don't join the list with the other fools

That ain't the way to be

Yes, it's cool

Yes, I'm in the mood

Intimidation's got that mind 


Can't be afraid or keep me waiting too long

Before you know it

I'll be outta here, I'll be gone

Don't try to be all clever, cute or even sly

Don't have to work that hard

Just be yourself and let that be your guide 

So you so what you gonna do

Come on and talk to me

Promise you won't even have an attitude

I'll let you sit right next to me

Don't join the list with the other fools

That ain't the way to be

Yes, it's cool

Yes, I'm in the mood

Intimidation every time 


1st Chant


*Song ends. I can by the look on everyone's face, they I gave quite a show. Especially Demi's face, hahaha. Gotcha baby!*

Demi: That's what I'm talking about! Whooo!

Joe: Awesome girl!

Nick: Cool!

Selena: Thanks guys! And for my next one, why not my new single? Get ready! *Sings ...*

Lena's "A Year Without Rain"


Can you feel me 

When I think about you 

With every breath I take 

Every minute 

No matter what I do 

My world is an empty place 

Like I've been wonderin the desert 

For a thousand days ( ohhuh ) 

Don't know if it's a mirage 

But I always see your face, baby 

I'm missing you so much 

Can't help it, I'm in love 

A day without you is like a year without rain 

I need you by my side 

Don't know how I'll survive 

A day without you is like a year without rain 

Ohhohoh, Woooaaahh woaahh 

The stars are burning 

I hear your voice in my mind (it's in my mind) 

Can't you hear me calling 

My heart is yearning 

Like the ocean that's running dry 

Catch me I'm falling 

It's like the ground is crumbling underneath my feet 

Won't you save me 

There's gonna be a monsoon 

When you get back to me 

Ohhhh baby 

I'm missing you so much 

Can't help it, I'm in love (love) 

A day without you is like a year without rain 

I need you by my side (side) 

Don't know how I'll survive 

A day without you is like a year without rain 

Ohhohoh, Woooaaahh woaahh 

So let this drought come to an end 

And may this desert flower again 

I'm so glad you found me 

Stick around me 


It's a world 

No wonder 

With you in my life 

So Hurry baby, Don't waste no more time 

And I need you here 

I can't explain 

But a day without you 

Is like a year without rain 


I'm missing you so much (much) 

Can't help it, I'm in love 

A day without you is like a year without rain 

I need you by my side (side) 

Don't know how I'll survive 

A day without you is like a year without rain 

Ohhohoh, Woooaaahh woaahh 

Ooohh, Ooooooooouuhh

*My song fades out & I know how much Demi loves this song, cause basically it's about her. And only her*

Demi: A-maz-ing Lena!!

Joe: You rock!

Nick: Whooo! 

Selena: *Laughs & takes a bow* Now Demi I know for a fact you'd LOVE to perform next. So get up here!

Demi: *Grins from ear to ear* Don't mind if I do! *takes the stage, hugs Lena on the way before she returns to her seat* So ... I think I'll begin with this! *Sings ...*

Jessica Simpson's "I Think I'm In Love With You"

Yeah, yeah yeah yeah

Yeah yeah..

Yeah yeah Ohhhhh

Everytime you're near baby

I get kinda crazy in my head for you

I don't know what to do

And oh baby

I get kinda shaky when they mention you

I just lose my cool

My friends tell me

Somethin has come over me

And I think I know what it is

I think I'm in love

Girl I think that I'm in love with you

I've been doin silly things when it comes to you

In love, boy I think that I'm in love with you

I've been tellin all my friends what I feel for you

Just the other night baby, I saw you hangin

You were with your crew

I was with mine too

You took me by surprise

When you turn and look me in my eyes

Girl you really blow my mind

I don't know what's gotten into me

But, I think I know what it is

I think I'm in love

Girl I think that I'm in love with you

I've been doin silly things when it comes to you

In love, boy I think that I'm in love with you

I've been tellin all my friends what I feel for you

Girl I think that I'm in love with you

I've been doin silly things when it comes to you

In love, boy I think that I'm in love with you

I've been tellin all my friends what I feel for you

Somethin strange has come over me

Got me goin out of my mind

Never met a guy like you before

You make me feel special inside

I think I'm in love

Girl I think that I'm in love with you

I've been doin silly things when it comes to you

Girl I think I'm in love with you

I've been tellin all my friends what I feel for you

Girl I think that I'm in love with you

I've been doin silly things when it comes to you

Girl I think I'm in love with you

I've been tellin all my friends what I feel for you

Girl I think that I'm in love with you

I've been doin silly things when it comes to you

Girl I think I'm in love with you

I've been tellin all my friends what I feel for you

*End of song. Lena for sure loved it, cause she's blushing non-stop, how cute*

Selena: Awesome baby!

Nick: Amazing Demi!

Joe: Rocking it Dems!

Demi: *Giggles* Thanks! And now for the finale! *Sings ...*

Demi's "Until Your Mine"

My state of mind has finally

got the best of me

I need you next to me

I'll try to find a way that I

can get to you

Just wanna get to you

The world I see is perfect now,

you're all around

With you I can breathe

Until you're mine, I have to find

A way to fill this hole inside

I can't survive without you here

by my side

Until you're mine, not gonna be

Even close to complete

I won't rest until you're mine


Alone inside, I can only hear 

your voice

Ringing through the noise

Can't find my mind, keeps on 

coming back to you

Always back to you

Wanted something out of reach

It's killing me, you're all i see, yeah

Until you're mine, I have to find

A way to fill this hole inside

I can't survive without you here by

my side

Until you're mine, not gonna be

Even close to complete

I won't rest until you're mine


Just stop wondering

If we were meant to be

Forget about fate and just hold me

I'm ready to begin

The waiting has to end

Right now, today

I've gotta find a way


Until you're


Until you're mine, I have to find

A way to fill this hole inside

I can't survive without you here by

my side

Until you're mine, not gonna be

Even close to complete

I won't rest until you're mine


My state of mind, has finally got the

best of me,

I need you next to me...

*Finishes song & takes a bow, smiling happily*

Selena: Beautiful!

Nick: So moving!

Joe: Awesome-ness! 

Paradise Ep. 61 Endless Love

Demi: Thank you! Now ... I'm sure you all, like me, have been waiting for 1 special person here to be singing, right? So ... without further ado ... take it away Nick! *leaves the stage, giving Nick a high-5 on the way back, sits next to Lena*

Nick: *I quickly raced to the stage & took the mike from Demi. I was excited cause I knew exactly what I wanted to sing for Joe & the girls. Secretly more for Joe though*

Delena: *Hey! We heard that!

Nick: *Blushes. Sorry, but it is really for Joe*

Delena: *No worries. Sweep him off his feet, buddy*

Nick: *I will thanks. Thats when I began to sing the following ...*

Bruce Robert's "Beyond the Stars" 

Ohhhhhhh-ohhh ohhh ohhh 

yeeaaah ohhh ohhh

Here in the night

Just you and me

And all of the world

Your all I see

If we could fly away

Together we'll fly 


And here we are

Somewhere beyond the stars

If we made a wish

It might come true


Just listen to the dreams

In your heart

Hold them and wish them

With all your might

And maybe ... someday

We'll know how close we are

Love is waiting there

Beyond the stars

Yeah yeahhh


And maybe ... someday 

We'll know how close we are

Love is waiting there

Beyond the stars, ohhhh

We can find our way

Beyond the stars


*And with that I ended softly & gracefully. I looked at Joe, & I couldn't believe what I saw. He was in tears, crying & sobbing hysterically, something I would be totally doing. He mouthed to me: "I love you." I smiled inside & out, & mouthed it back. I knew the song would move him*

Joe: *That song, I can't believe he choose that song. Not only did it move me to tears, but my heart will always be now & forever only his. My Nick is amazing & I'm so happy right now, I can't tell you how happy I am. This moment is perfect & I'll treasure it always. You know at 1st, I thought Nick wrote this song & then I recognized it. Its an oldie, but goodie (well at least for Me & Nick). Its from the animated film "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer & the Island of Misfit Toys (2001)." The original singer was Bruce Roberts. its a wonderful song & sooo amazing!*

Demi: *Cheering* Whoo boy!

Selena: Love it! 

Nick: *Smiles & closes my eyes, talking into the mike* Thank you ... everyone. Now for this next song ... I'm gonna need a certain special man ... by my side ... to sing with me. Joe ... come up here?

Joe: *Goes to the stage in a flash* I thought you'd ... never ask. *kisses his lips & quickly grabs a mike* Whispers to Nick: What are we singing baby boy? 

Nick: *Whispers in his ear* 

Joe: *Eyes widen & nods once. And the song begins ...*

Mariah Carey & Luther Vandross' "Endless Love"

My love

There's only you in my life

The only thing that's right, oooh

My first love (yeah)

You're every breath I take

You're every step I make

And I-I-I

I want to share

All my love with you

No one else will do

And your eyes (your eyes, your eyes)

They tell me how much you care

Oh, yes

You'll always be

My endless love

Two hearts

Two hearts that beat as one

Our lives have just begun

And forever

I'll hold you close in my arms

I can't resist your charms

And I-I-I

I'd play the fool

For you, I'm sure

You know I don't mind

(No, you know I don't mind)

And yes

You mean the world to me

I know I've found in you

My endless love

And love

I'd play the fool

For you, I'm sure

You know I don't mind

(Whoa, you know I don't mind)

Oh, yeah yes

You'd be the only one

'Cause no, I can't deny

This love I have inside

And I'll give it all to you

My love (my love, my love) 

My endless love

Mmmmm (my love)

Nick: *Our last song ended & the with that Joe embraced me tightly & kissed me with super passion. I couldn't resist & gave in to his lips, his touch, everything. I'm his. He does this to me & more, I'm so happy baby. He lifted me up, & I wrapped my thighs around his waist & my hands around his neck. While his hands were tightly secured around my waist. It ... was ... absolute ... bliss. Cloud 9 ... here I come*

Joe: *The song was brilliant & I can't seem to stop smiling at Nick. Always when we do duets together, all my focus goes directly to singing to him, & only him. He's my heart and soul no doubt, without him I know life wouldn't be the same. I got admit right now, I could just rip off ... all his clothes & make sweet sweet love to him ... right here .... right now. Soon Joe. Soon. The nights still young. And not to mention, the girls are still here. Its amazing you know, Demi has Lena & I have Nick, we're all so in love, its the best!*

Selena: Bravo guys!

Demi: Ditto! Whooo! 

Nick: *So for the rest of the evening, we danced with each other. Me with Sel, then Demi, then Joe. Joe ... all to myself, mmmm. Easy Nick. You'll be in Joe's arms & bed ... soon enough. Soon enough, came around pretty quickly cause Demi & Sel were flirting with each other non-stop. Guess we're all lovestruck/lovesick. So we said our goodbyes & hugged. The girls promised we'd see more of them real soon & to take care. And with that, Joe & I, started our shower together. He picked me up & walked in with me* You were ... incredible tonight Joe.

Joe: *Sets Nick down, now the both of us are standing under the shower, letting the hot water run over our bodies* You more so, than me Nick. *begins to wash Nick's body with soap*

Nick: *Smiles & moans softly, also washes Joe's body* Us ... both baby.

Joe: *Groans* Your hands ... oh .... they feel soooo good against my skin. 

Nick: *Giggles a bit & continues* Same goes for you. Soooo nice. 

Joe: *Groans louder, hearing my voice echo off the walls*

Nick: *Eyes open. As I looked at Joe & giggled even more, I happened to look down at his lower half. To my surprise his was very ... very turned on. Though what made my eyes grow wider was the fact that Joe was thrusting his hips in the air! Plus the man had on a condom?* Um ... Joe? Whatcha doing?

Joe: *Grins* Practicing for your next surprise!

Nick: *Okay eyes ... officially as wide as can be right now. I'm pretty sure I'm completely red* Y-you ... I-I-I ...

Joe: *Winks* Just a ... little shower love baby. *moves closer to him & carefully sinks my length into him, grasping his shoulders* Unnh, Nick.

Nick: *Shuts eyes tight, gripping Joe closer, moans* Unh! J-joe ...

Joe: *Thrusts into him, pretty fast* Nick!

Nick: *Shaking* Ohhhhh, Joe, uhh oh!

Joe: *Moves much faster* 

Nick: *Cries out loud cause of the immense pleasure*

Joe: *His sounds & the feeling of being inside him, is sending me into such unimaginable pleasure. He makes me go even more crazy*

Nick: *Comes* Ohhhh!

Joe: *Groans VERY loud* NICK!

Nick: *Whines & moans* Jjjjooooeeee, uhhh. 

Joe: *That did it ... I came. I could feel that Nick was getting tired, so I pulled out of him for now. I was breathing pretty heavy just like him, & the water was still steaming hot, so I turned it down to cool the both of us down. I hugged Nick close & kissed him gently*

Nick: *I felt a bit weak, after Joe pulled out of me. I tell you, no matter how many times, we make love I still can't believe he's inside me. Its the most amazing feeling, nothing compares. Wow! Joe's quite a fireball when he's super aroused, I wonder if I bring that out, in him?*

Joe: *I helped him finish washing up & shampooing, & vice versa. After a few min.'s, I turned out the shower & grabbed a towel for the both of us & carried Nick out. No matter what, he still looks like a little boy with his slender figure. I set him on top of our sink for a sec., so I could peel off the condom & toss it. Thats when I looked up at Nick* You okay, Nick?

Nick: *I was too busy in my thoughts to hear what Joe was saying or asking me. I swear, when he makes love to me, I lose all focus & go into a wonderland beyond belief. The way he thrusts inside me & fills me, ohhh, I shake with shivers just thinking about it. Its such amazing pleasure. I can't believe he was already prepared to make love to me like that ... in the shower. I blushed & my heart raced at the feeling, ohhh, so so so blissful*

PART 3!!!!!

Joe: *Looks like my baby's in a trance. I grinned, but I do want him to come back to reality* Nick!

Nick: *Blinks out my trance-like state & moans super loud* UHHHHHHH! W-whattt?

Joe: *Gasps & grins even wider* Whoa! You okay ... there Nick? *trying to hold in my laughter*

Nick: *Shudders* What happened? Why ... are you laughing?

Joe: *Can't hold in the laughter anymore, bursts out, almost crying* Look ... down .... baby ... boy ...

Nick: *Looks down hesitantly & gasps* 

Joe: *Trying to calm down my laughter, but its useless* I'm ... sorry ... baby ... I ... know .... its ... not ... funny. Its ... just ... that ... you ... just ... had ... an ... orgasm.

Nick: *Though its pretty embarrassing, he's right! I came, & oh my God ... I'm still coming!* Joe! Stop laughing like a hyena, & get over here & help me!

Joe: *Pulls myself together* Okay, okay. I'm sorry Nick. *walks up to him & lets my hand travel to his feminine area. Thats when I stuck 1 finger into him, watching him grip the sides of the sink & moan* That ... better?

Nick: *Closes eyes & blushes* Joe!! Stoppppp, I'm going to .... c-come even more!

Joe: *Adds a 2nd finger thrusting into him* Not until, you finish coming. Or ... you say you didn't mean to call me a hyena. *raises a eyebrow*

Nick: *Truth be told, I'm actually liking his hands thrusting in me. And on the other hand, I'm breathing heavy once again & extremely turned on. He's taking advantage of my orgasm, & being a tease as usual. If I weren't enjoying this so much, I'd so tease him back, but right now its pretty much impossible. He has all the control over me. Guess I'll have to corporate, for now* I-I'm s-s-sorry I called y-you a h-hyena! N-now pleaseeee!

Joe: *Grins sexily* Not just yet ... *whispers hotly in his ear & bites it causing him yelp loud* you're still very aroused. 

Nick: *Continues to come & moan in absolute pleasure* Jjjjjjjoooooooooeeeeeee!

Joe: *I think thats enough for now. I pulled my fingers out of him & kissed him hotly* Yourrrr sooooo sseeexxyy!

Nick: *Weakly kisses back, but then pushes him back & while I walked back into the shower rinsing off my come*

Joe: *I guess I'll let him be, for now. I washed my hands & put on a robe. Who needs clothes, when I still have other ... things planned?*

Nick: *I rinsed off quickly & re-dried myself, I was about to walk out of the bathroom, when he swooped me up & laid me down on the bed, while he climbed on top, smirking sexily* Joe! *I groaned, how can he be still so aroused? Thats when I noticed how hard his length was & it that ... he had come a bit too* Honestly, baby aren't you tired?

Joe: *Thinks for a sec* Not *kiss* one *kiss* bit. *kiss*

Nick: *Rolls over on my right side* What if I am?

Joe: *Lets him roll out from underneath me. I moved closer to him, drinking in his beautifully creamy body. I took 2 right fingers & lightly let them trail from his shoulder down to his hip. I kept repeating the same motion, sending chills* What if we have 1 more hot love making session?

Nick: *Laughs wryly* And what if you want more?

Joe: *Kisses his back of his neck* What I want is you. I promise just 1 more time baby?

Nick: *Trying to be strong* And if I should refuse?

Joe: *Bites his shoulder* Then I'll remind you who's the tiger in this relationship. Sweet gazelle. *kisses the bite mark*

Ep. 62 (Can't Resist)

Nick: *I yelped once again, he's really serious tonight. It seems the more I try to resist, I fall under his charms & give in. So much for strength tonight Nick, looks like your lover's bringing the heat. Am I powerless against him or just weak for more of his amazing love?* If I agree with you be fully satisfied? 

Joe: *Pulls him to face me, stroking his cheeks tenderly* I already am Nick. I just want make you feel amazing. *leans away & grabs a nearby condom & places it on myself & hovers over Nick's body* You ready baby?

Nick: *Kisses his lips deeply* That answer your wondering?

Joe: *Slides in very carefully* Most definitely sexy. *groans*

Nick: *Gets lost in his thrusting that pick up after a couple min.'s. Already I'm on fire & so is he. He's quite aroused & so am I, the both of us moaning & groaning for more. Together it seems like we can't get enough of each other, like being away for too long is like heart breaking. We're so close its so beautiful. Who knew my brother & I would be so deeply madly truly in love?*

Joe: *I just love hearing the voice of Nick when ever I'm inside him. God he's angel. He makes me fall deeper into those pure warm eyes, is those eyes that I remember from day 1. I remember when he was born, I was really excited & nervous at the same time. The second I laid eyes on him, I fell in love. I saw the most beautiful baby boy staring all around, a newborn that has just come into life. It was heaven sent & I knew he'd be special. My Nick, looking at him now even though we're both consumed in making love to each other, I still see in those eyes the same Nick I saw when he was 1st born. He hasn't changed, his heart is still full of happiness and joy, his mind has grown up making him so wise. Though, his voice has changed, his hair, his height, I still see the same lovable Nick*

Nick: *We continued making love for a long time, how I love Joe. Ever since I was born, he's been there every step of the way. I remember those eyes watching over me. He cares so much for me, it makes me very happy. Though he's almost 21 years old, I still see the Joe I fell in love with. He has always been my best friend, my 1st love. Growing up with him, he was always so huggy with me. At times I thought it was just brotherly love, but the more he hugged me the more I thought could he be feeling what I'm feeling? I loved every hug, just being in his arms was enough for me. And the way he always made me crack up with laughter, making me so comfortable & full of smiles. He's funny, clumsy, daring, charming, so handsome, crazy, so hot, unpredictable, an amazing cheer upper, caring, so strong, passionate, & so much more*

Joe: *Eventually we both grew tired & fell asleep still joined together. I wrapped the covers over us & snuggled into my beautiful baby brother* 

~ Next morning ~

Joe: *Just looking at him sleeping like the sweet little angel he is, so captivating. And his little snores, along with his skin looking so tempting to just ... kiss & touch. Its only 11:45 AM, & I'm already feeling like repeating the whole last night experience again! But for his sake, I know he's probably super exhausted, which is why ... today we'll relax & cuddle. Cuddling, that sounds really nice. Just being by his side is soooo nice! I better snap out of my Nick daydream and get busy to getting our breakfast ready, cause I'm sure he's going to starved. Speaking of food, I'm getting pretty hungry myself. So with that, I got myself out of Nick's arms as quiet as I could & made my way to the kitchen. 15 min.'s later, I had everything set & ready, so I figured now was a good time to wake my sweet prince from his slumber. My prince, I smiled to myself. He is a prince, & he's all mine. So once again, I went to our room & found him still in his deep sleep. Awww! I don't want to wake him up, he looks too peaceful. But on the other hand, the food will get cold. Decisions decisions. What's a Joe to do? Hmmmm, let me think for a moment ... ... ... Ohhh, I got it! I went over to his side & carefully picked him up in my arms, I thought he'd at least stir & wake up. NOPE! Nick's pretty stuck in sleep, well good cause that makes my plan so much easier. I carried him quietly to my secret destination & placed him down in it. Sec's later I turned on the switch & watched a sleeping Nick wake up with a scream*

Nick: *Trying to block the water from falling on my face* JOE!!!!!!

Joe: *Laughing* Time to get up Nick!

Nick: *Sputtering* Not funny, Joe!!  

Part 2!!!!

Joe: *Chuckles* Sure it is baby boy. *turns off the shower* Now get dressed, breakfast's ready. 

Nick: *Glares at him* Uh-huh, s'funny baby. *about to get up & grab a towel* 

Joe: *Gets 1 for him & wrapped him* Don't be mad Nicky. I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist. *shrugs innocently*

Nick: *Gets an idea. I giggled* I'm not mad Joey. Its okay, really. You can't help yourself, its true you can't resist. *kisses him passionately*

Joe: *Deepens the kiss, groans a bit* 

Nick: *Deepens the kiss even more, slowly but steadily backing Joe into my target location*

Joe: *Too busy to notice where Nick's leading him. Just continues to get lost his Nick's kiss & lips*

Nick: *As swiftly as I kissed him, I pushed him back into the shower & turned the water on full blast & ran off laughing* Gotcha babe-bee!! Hahaha!

Joe: *Finally realizes what just happened & starts screaming* HEY! Thats COLD! I didn't turn it on COLDDD! *turns off the shower, & runs after Nick. He's so lucky were both naked, cause now its on!* Yeah, you better run, you you cutie you!

Nick: *Giggling, while trying to run & escape Joe's rage* Nice save Mr. Smooth! Catch me if you can, babe-bee!

Joe: *Smirking* My pleasure Nick! *gains speed & has Nick just about cornered* Ha, give up Mr. Sexy?

Nick: *Smiles* Let me think about it ... .... NOPE! Slowww poke!!!

Joe: *Eyes widen. Oh no he DIDN'T! THATS IT! Time to go to turbo mode! And with my speed picked up,  totally pounced & tackled my sweet tricky gazelle* Ha! Pinned you now!

Nick: *Okay so I put I up a good fight, but I have a feeling Joe's not going to let this go. He's probably got more in store for me for a punishment* You sure did! Now, how's about getting off of me & actually getting dressed & eating the breakfast you made?

Joe: *Grins wickedly& Give me 1 reason why I should?

Nick: *Stomach growls loud* I'm hungry. 

Joe: *Chuckles* Al right ... Give me another reason.

Nick: *Smiles* You're hungry too.

Joe: *Shakes head* Am not. 

Nick: *Eye brows raise* Oh yeah? Then what's that noise?

Joe: *Stomach grumbles louder for me to hear* Um .... not me. 

Nick: *Stares* You sure?

Joe: *Stomach grumbles even more* Okay! Okay! I'm hungry too! *pulls him up* Get dressed Sexy, before I change my mind. But don't think this little game's not finished, we'll settle this later. *kisses his forehead* 

Nick: *Shrugs* Whatever you say. *gets dressed, along with Joe & goes to the dining room* Looks like a promising meal. 

Joe: *Pulls up his chair for him* Only the best of the best for you. *winks & sits beside him* Enjoy!

Nick: *Giggles* Your so sweet! *takes a bite* Mmm! You know you could totally have a career in this. Your such a natural! *eats more*

Joe: *Shrugs & laughs* I could, but then I wouldn't be with you, traveling to beautiful places, touring & rocking out with my favorite little rock star. 

Nick: *Chuckles* No I guess not. But still your amazing!

Joe: *Smiles happily* When I'm with you its truly amazing. *takes his hand, rubs it back & forth & places a single kiss on it* You know I love you right?

Nick: *Closes eyes* Yes. Do you know how much I love you?

Joe: *Thinks about it* Maybe, wanna show me how much? 

Nick: *Grins* With pleasure. *leans to kiss him deeply, making him groan in response* Well?

Joe: *Catches breath* Wow! You really love me! 

Nick: *Giggles* I sure do. Now, as for our plans today, I thought we'd do a little wind-surfing? I heard of a great spot we could try, it would be really fun & something new. 

Joe: *Smirks* I say let's go for it! 

Nick: *Laughs* Lets! *The both of us finished our meal & got ready to hit the great outdoors. I breathed the fresh air, ah, the warm sun mixed with a very nice cool breeze. This is the life! So me & Joe got in our car & drove to our destination, of course I gave directions seeing that Joe doesn't really know where to go. Once we got there, we rented our gear & just went for it. Seeing how neither of us had done this, we figured we'd just wing it. We watched others & we're amazed how they just breezed right through the water & the wind. Got to admit, over on this side of the island, its much windy. But absolutely perfect for this sport! After countless tries, we had no skills whatsoever. Gotta admit it that we needed some help. And just like that, I got my wish. A boy who looked my age pulled up & offered me some help* 

???1: Hey there! Need help?

Ep. 63 (Hello Twins)

Nick: *Wipes the water out of my eyes* Yeah, sure do. *looks up* Thanks- *gasps* Cole [Sprouse]?!

???1: *Eyes widen* Yeah ... Oh my gosh! Nick Jonas?! Ha! What a small world! What are you doing out here? I didn't know you were vacationing.

Nick: *Laughs* Yep! I'll say so. I'm here with my brother Joe, were on break from everything & stuff, so we've been relaxing here. We going back home in like 2 months. So how long have you been here? Is your brother Dylan with you too?

Cole: *Jumps off the surfboard & into the water* So much better! *sighs happily* Being here is the best! So your here with Joe, huh, & he's trying out wind-surfing too? Like uh-oh! *giggles a bit* Yeah Dylan here's with me, lets see we just got here a few days ago. 

Nick: Neat. Demi & Selena were here the other day, hanging out with us. So speaking of Dylan, where is he? 

Cole: *Smiles* I'm sure he's around here somewhere. He's quite a surfer!

~ With Joe ~

Joe: *Somehow I got a little lost & ended at the other end of the shore. I gotta get back to Nick! Ughh this thing is kind of heavy! As I struggled to pull it up, I heard some1 calling me* Hey there, could you help me. I'm new at this & have no idea what I'm doing. *looks at a young blonde hair boy* Dylan?!

???2: *Takes off sun glasses* Yeah, man thats me! Who are you- *stops* Joe Jonas?! Whoa! Here let me help you. Trust me this is more tricker than it looks. Good thing I was around man, there's some serious waves & the winds picking up. *helps him to the shore* There, better right?

Joe: *Sighs* Yeah, I'll say! Dude I can't believe you're here? Like wow, 1st Demi & Selena, now you & ... Speaking of which, where is Cole? 

Dylan: *Shrugs* No idea. But he'll turn up. So you with your brothers? 

Joe: *Smiles to myself* Just Nick. We've been vacationing here for awhile, we're on break. 

Dylan: Super cool, well whatta say we go find them & sneak up of them in we can?

Joe: I like the way you think!

Dylan: Comes from years of practice, come on! *We spotted our bro's takin' on the beach* Perfect they're distracted, time to go in, you ready Jonas?

Joe: Ready Sprouse, lets do it!

Dylan: *I soon gave Joe the signal to ambush our guys & I swear it was hilarious when they both jumped like 5 ft in the air* GOT YA!

Cole: *I squealed sort of* I knew it was you! *I hit his arm*

Dylan: Sure ya did. *I gave him a quick bro hug*

Nick: *I went over to Joe* So you guys plan this?

Joe: Mm! Call it a double teaming of bros vs. bros.

Nick: Ha ha, good 1. Sup Dylan?

Dylan: Hey man, well lookie here Cole, we've got ourselves 2 JoBros on the island vacationing too, what are the odds?!

Cole: I Know, nice to run into familiar faces. So what do all say we put down the wind surfing for now & chill with some grub?

Nick: *I laughed* Sounds awesome, Joe & I would love to.

Joe: Count of us in.

Dylan: Awesome, well follow us we know this amazing fish & chips places, OMG its wild & they also have the best smoothies I've ever had!

Cole: *We were walking already towards it* Plus the shaved ice is a must have.

Joe: Who could resist that, wow?!

Nick: So where are you guys staying?

Cole: Just down the road in our private condo we're just renting. I swear when they said paradise, they just weren't kidding huh?

Dylan: Don't we know it, its the craziest most relaxing place. Its just feels so ...

Nick: Free?

Dylan: Bingo!

Joe: To freeness guys!

Cole: Here here!

Nick: *After ordering & sipping our drinks we continued talking* So how long you 2 staying?

Dylan: Seriously we wouldn't mind staying forever, but we only got a week here till we have to get to shooting for On Deck.

Cole: Which we're going to be soon wrapping up our On Deck Movie too.

Nick: Very cool. So how's the cast?

Dylan: Doing great, they're also taking their breaks but they chose to go back to their families, which Cole & I did at 1st too, but we decided we really wanted more than anything was to get away, like far away. We found out bout this place & boom, here we are now. Its 1 of the BEST decisions we've ever made together.

Cole: He said it all. Really we're just happy to have time to have more our kind of fun like swimming & stuff.

Nick: We can relate to that, its so awesome being here.

Joe: An we've pretty much had a new adventure every single day.

Cole: See, thats 1 of the many things Dyl & I wanna do too. We've heard there's loads to do, its just we're so wowed with it all we haven't really a clue where to start.

Dylan: Well besides the wind surfing, swimming, & snorkeling he means.

Joe: How bout this then, you guys can hang with us & we'll show you the sites.

Dylan: That would be crazy awesome, dude heck yes!

Cole: *I giggled* Looks like we're so in!

Ep. 64 (Brotherly Love)

Nick: *Soon after we were done munching & sipping our most excellent meals we all hit the water again ready to continue trying master wind surfing* Whooo! *I whopped as in time I soon got the hand of it*

Joe: Yah, you go bab- uh boy!

Dylan: *I just looked at Joe for a sec there & then shook it off thinking I probably heard it wrong* Cole whooo man excellent riding!

Cole: *I called back to him* Thanks, I had a great teacher!

Dylan: *I chuckled*

Joe: *I looked at Dylan & Cole & for a min there I swear I thought I saw signs of flirting. But I then I rolled my eyes. It couldn't be, you're looking too much into Joe. I looked back at Nick as he came over to me* Very nice work bro! *I high-5ed him*

Nick: *I smiled high-5ing back* How bout we do some diving now guys?

Joe: I say yah!

Dylan: Oh yeah, bring it!

Cole: Lets gear up!

Nick: *We sprinted for the shore & got the essentials & a small boat & took off* How bout over there, its still close to shore but also deep enough to see plenty of awesome fish.

Dylan: Gotcha Nick, perfect dude.

Cole: Oh let me grab the camera, I can't miss this photo opt.

Joe: *I dived in 1st giving a thumbs up sign*

Dylan: *I jumped on in next making a big splash*

Cole: *I laughed* They're so cu- cool! *I jumped in fast mentally yelling at myself for almost slipping*

Nick: *I just smiled, starting to get a thought but then I just shrugged & joined them. Once under the water we all swam together in a group exploring each inch of the ocean world. We saw so many species, it put the A in awesome. I loved the water. Diving past everything just made me smile like there's no tomorrow. And in that time Joe & Dylan showed off with cool tricks acting like dolphins & almost mermen well to me. Cole was busy too taking pics from distances being sure not to disturb any of the creatures. Then something caught my attention, something that shined thanks to the sunlight. I dived down to the bottom & found a huge a abalone shell*

Joe: *As soon as I saw Nick dive down we all followed & I was the 1st to tap his shoulder to see what was up*

Nick: *I turned around to see them all waiting behind me. I smiled excitedly & showed them the shell*

Joe: *I clapped even though there was no sound to it*

Dylan: *I gave Nick 2 big thumbs up*

Cole: *I took a pic of Nick & the shell & smiled*

Nick: *After posing, I handed each of the guys the shell so we could get more shots of them. Then we did some as a group 1, but IDK if we were sure it came out, but we shrugged & continued to explore. The day went on & soon the sun started to go down, thats when we surfaced back up to the boat & came back to the shore* Did you see how big that green sea turtle was?!

Joe: That we did, it was impossible not to see.

Cole: And what about that colorful starfish, wowsers that was amazing!

Dylan: And that baby sea horse was so small, my God, he was pretty cute! Now I don't know bout you 3, but I'm starved!

Nick: Me too.

Cole: And me.

Joe: Then lets grab some dinner together after we loose this getup & get into drier clothes.

Nick: A good plan indeedy.

Dylan: Alrighty then, Cole & I will we right back in a gifee & we'll meet up in 10 kay?

Joe: Done deal, break.

Cole: *Dylan & I bounded off to our car & drove back after we finished rinsing off*

Nick: *It was lucky Joe & I had always made sure to have a change of clothes & in no time we were dressed & ready although our hair was still a little wet, I think for Joe it was a nice touch* Looking quite sexy bro!

Joe: *I winked* Right back atcha baby, you are SEXY! *I leaned in for a kiss*

Nick: Ah-ah Joe. What if the twins see us?

Joe: Then we'll just explain things. I don't like hiding my love for you.

Nick: Me neither. *I gave in & kissed him back, that 1 kiss building & building becoming a deep kind of kiss*

Joe: *I pushed him gently back towards the car door not breaking the kiss*

Nick: *I moaned* Ohh Joe mmmm ...

Joe: *I used my hands to warm up his body creating wonderful friction for him*

Nick: *I moaned again* Ugnnn ... yes.

Dylan: *I cleared my throat* Ahem.

Joe: *At 1st I heard nothing but Nick & I continued to lift him around me*

Nick: *I pulled away & gasped loudly*

Joe: *I froze & pulled away looking in the direction Nick was & there they were just like I'd predicted*

Nick: *I bit my lip & turned red looking at them*

Joe: Alright guys the jigs up for Nick & I, the truth is that we're dating. We're in love. *I hugged Nick & kissed him again* I'm sorry but actually I'm not sorry cause I know this looks strange & whatever, but I love him so much & he loves me. We're soul mates & nothing is going to change that.

Ep. 65 (Why Is The Truth So Hard?)

Nick: *No 1 spoke, the silence was maddening & starting to really get to me. I was shaking with nervousness*

Joe: *I hugged Nick tighter feeling his fear, but at the same time trying to calm him. We'd made it through tougher things & this 1 wasn't going to change anything, at least I hoped & prayed with everything I had*

Dylan: *I whispered some things to Cole & then he did the same back to me*

Cole: *I nodded to Dyl*

Dylan: Well good for you 2! Big congrats, thats so awesome! Seriously though you guys don't have to be so frozen stiff, Cole & I are cool with it cause ... well we're ...

Cole: Together too. *I finished for him*

Nick: *My mouth dropped open* You are?

Joe: What he said.

Cole: *I smiled & grabbed Dyl's hand* We're a couple too, but in really hush hush secrecy.

Dylan: *I grinned* Thats right, we haven't told any1, not even our parents. You 2 are the 1st 1's to know.

Nick: OhMiGosh!

Cole: Yeah we know. We've been dating since we confessed we felt more than brotherly love for each other back when we were 15. And now that we're almost 19, we've continued to keep it just between the 2 of us till now.

Dylan: You see, when we saw you 2 kissing like that, we realized that you guys are just like us. You 2 are also bro's to each other, yet you're completely in love, its the same for Cole & I. We feel the exact same, except we'd never been brave enough to come out especially to our family.

Joe: Well thing is we haven't told our parents just yet, we're waiting till we return back home before we begin the 2010 summer tour.

Nick: And our other bro's know & only some of our closest friends.

Cole: Wow! So wait Kev & Frankie accept you guys the way you are?

Joe: 100% supported, they're pretty cool with it.

Nick: We're just concerned bout our parents mainly since they're pretty much the last 1's to find out & our grandparents too.

Dylan: Mm-hmm, I see. Like I said, so you guys are the same just like us.

Joe: *We all got in the car next continuing our conversation* 3 yrs keeping it hidden huh? How'd you 2 do it?

Dylan: For starters it wasn't easy thats for sure. We were both completely freaked at the time when we told each other 1 night. I didn't even think in a million yrs that Cole here would feel the same as me.

Cole: Same here, I was nervous as can be when I told him. But we soon realized we completely felt the same, but we also knew that there was no way we could ever tell anyone about it.

Joe: Parents? Friends? Fans?

Dylan: Right on. Our parents would have a heart attack it they knew. So many times though we just wanted to tell them the truth, but something always held us back. We didn't want to be separated for 1 thing, but more importantly we didn't want to break are family up. We can't live without each other, but even more we can't live without been a happy family together. So we pretended to be straight & just act like bro's around every1.

Cole: Though at times, we really wanted nothing more than to be alone together, it became harder & harder, but even now whenever we get the chance ... we jump on it.

Dylan: I love Cole & I always want to be with him, but there's just no way we ever can be freely without hurting our family. We know for a strong fact they would not take it well.

Cole: We still don't like living a lie, but it just seems the only way.

Joe: So you didn't even trust you friends to keep the secret?

Dylan: We wanted too come clean with them, but we just didn't want the word getting around.

Cole: Its hard to hide from your friends, but in the end we had no choice but to do it.

Nick: So thats why you're here, to be free & in love with each other.

Dylan: Exactly. And same way with you guys too right?

Nick: Yes, but you guys should really tell your parents.

Joe: Nick's right. You guys can't go on like this. You gotta tell them & see what happens.

Dylan: How can we?

Cole: They'll won't understand.

Joe: You'll be surprised how understanding family can be. *So I told them stories bout Drake & Josh, Dems & Lena, & other couples*

Cole: Wow, so this whole same sex couple thing is happening all over.

Joe: Yeah, funny right?

Dylan: Very. Huh so we're not so alone since so many are coming out bout themselves. Maybe you guys are right.

Cole: Its worth a try.

Nick: And no matter what we support you 2 to the fullest & are cheering you guys on every step of the way.

Cole: Thank you Nick & Joe. We appreciate that so much.

Dylan: Man who knew we'd all meet up this way & both be so in love with our bro's?

Joe: *I chuckled* I know right? Its wonderful.

Nick: And beautiful.

Cole: *Dreamily* The best indeed.

Nick: *I giggled* So Cole lemma guess Dyl's the man right?

Cole: *I blushed* Yeah mainly.

Dylan: And Joe's your man right Nicky?

Nick: In every way yes.

Joe: I think tonight definitely calls for a toast: to bro's being able to love each other!

Ep. 66 Romancing & Dancing

Nick: *Once we arrived @ the Bad Dog Cafe said to have the most incredible gourmet pizzas/more* Wow this place is amazing! *I commented*

Joe: Thats exactly why I chose it, heard many great things bout it, so I made sure to make dinner reservations. *I went up to the hostess* Joe Jonas, for 4 please.

Hostess: Right this way Mr. Jonas. Tonight's specials are Oranges w/ Anchovies, Scallops w/ Sun-dried Tomato Tapende, & the Salmon & Cucumber Mousse. Enjoy gentlemen.

Joe: Thank you Miss. *We followed her as we all sat down at our private table* So what's it gonna be fellas?

Cole: How does 1 chose from such an extensive menu?

Dylan: Easy C, you just go eenie meenie mo & voilà! What'd I pick? *Looks down at the menu*

Cole: *I giggled as I looked at his choice* Looks like you're getting the Smoked Salmon Noodles w/ Caviar bro.

Dylan: *I shrugged* See, easy as it gets. Now what bout you cute stuff?

Cole: *I blushed & looked in search of an appealing choice* Hmm, the Maple Glazed Scallops looks interesting.

Dylan: Uh-huh, maple & scallops? *I pretended to gag* You sure thats what you want baby?

Cole: Yes.

Dylan: Kay its your stomach. What bout you Nick?

Nick: Since Joe spoke of pizza, I'm really wanting that, but there's so many choices. I don't even think CA Pizza Kitchen has this many varieties of pizza.

Joe: May I make a suggestion?

Nick: Please.

Joe: How bout the Hot Eggplant Pizza? Its got pretty much everything, red bell peppers, red onions, cherry tomatoes, your choice of your own fav pizza crust, clove garlic, mozzarella, basil leaves, oregano, balsamic vinegar, salt, ground black pepper, & extra virgin olive oil.

Nick: Wowsers, how do you know all that?

Joe: It says so & I kind of remember eating this kind of pizza once back home.

Nick: Well then that is SO my choice, thanks babe! *I pecked his lips*

Joe: *I winked pecking back* NP baby boy, & now I think I'll get the Spinach & Shrimp Pizza. *Once the server came around taking those exact orders & drinks, we heard some music starting to play live. We all watched in awe dancers moving to the sounds of the drums* Dyl you thinking what I'm thinking?

Dylan: I think so. *We stood up together at the same time & each extended our hands to our guys* Cole baby may I have this dance?

Cole: *I took his hand naturally smiling happily* Yes.

Dylan: *I lead Cole to the dance floor. Tonight my focus was all on my beautiful brother*

Joe: *I smiled watching them & then too extended my hand towards Nick* Care to dance my lovely Nick?

Nick: *I smiled brightly & took his hand* Oh yes.

Joe: *Once on the dance floor & I lead Nick, pulling him close to me & hummed a long with the music*

Nick: *I giggled lightly when I watched Joe's hips shake from time to time*

Joe: Ooh some1's so checkin me out!

Nick: *I laughed* How can I not w/ those moves baby? You're funny.

Joe: True that, now watch this! *I suddenly spun Nick in many circles until he spun out* Whoo!

Nick: *I spun laughing loudly* Whoa! I'm dizzy now.

Joe: You won't be for long, lemma take care of that. *I went over to him kissing him*

Dylan: *As Joe & Nick danced cutely together closely, Cole & I watched them & then focused back on each other. I dipped him & make the contact we shared go slowly in motion, our eyes locked on 1 another*

Cole: *I clung to him & laughing softly at his suaveness* My brother in shining armor. *I mused*

Dylan: *I grinned* Yah? Well my brother lover got me acting lovesick.

Cole: Mm-hmm, same here. *I cupped his cheek & gazed into his eyes lovingly*

Dylan: *That look in Cole's eyes sent so much love straight into me. I couldn't hold back from stopping our dance moments, when my lips crashed passionately on his*

Cole: *I moaned & wrapped my arms round his neck, making sure we were so close, no space whatever so ever in between us* Oh Dylan.

Joe: *Nick & I stopped for a few moments watching them* They're so in love.

Nick: Its beautiful isn't it?

Joe: It so is, just we are together.

Nick: Yeah.

Joe: *Just then I saw all our dinner plates being placed on our table, but I don't think the Sprouses noticed cause they were busy kissing each other over & over again* Well, IDK bout them, but you wanna chow down on this meal?

Nick: *I looked at him, then to the twins & then back to Joe* Alrighty. *Joe took my hand & lead me over to the table as we both took our 1st bites* OMG this is SO GOOD!

Joe: *I chewed swallowing, nodding happily* Didn't I tell you, mm my God.

Nick: Wanna a slice of mine?

Joe: And 1 of mine? *We nodded giving each other a piece & feeing each other it* OH!

Nick: MM-HM!

Ep. 67 (Beach Camping)

Cole: *It was the smell of the food that finally caught my attention, dazedly I slowly pulled away from Cole. My breathing was all over the place & my eyes like a does. I whispered* I smell-

Dylan: *My eyes opened the same speed & my nose caught the smell* Food. *I nodded & took his hand leading him back to the table w/ the guys* Smells amazing guys!

Nick: It is.

Joe: You guys gotta try this! *I gave them each a slice of Nick & mine's pizza's for them to try*

Cole: Thanks guys. *I bit into Nick's 1st & my eyes widened* Wow!

Nick: *I giggled* Yum-ness right?

Cole: *I groaned appreciatively*

Dylan: *I chuckled & took a bite of Joe's & then Nick's* WOW what pizza!

Cole: *I was still munching nodding*

Dylan: Looks like the pizza's rendered him speechless.

Cole: *I blushed swallowing* Sorry bout that guys, its just SO AMAZING!

Nick: No need to say sorry, we all agree its out of this world for sure.

Joe: How's your seafood dishes BTW?

Dylan: Pretty good, my random choices resulted in another winner.

Cole: *I laughed* Mine's pretty awesome too, man I wouldn't mind this kind of food back home.

Dylan: Oh, we are SO coming back here, but 1st I just got a cool idea.

Cole: Oh, oh what what baby?

Dylan: Well how bout after dinner & a little bit more dancing, why don't we crash all together huh?

Nick: Who's place though?

Joe: Ours.

Dylan: No ours.

Nick: *Cole & I exchanged a muffled giggle* How bout instead a camp out by the shore?

Cole: Nick's got something there, that way we could just rush into the ocean when we all wake up.

Dylan: Its sounds neat to me. But I this so calls for marshmallows!

Nick: *I burst out laughing* Lemma guess you're a big camper?

Dylan: Yah, its super fun! Plus Cole & I are experts at it, remember we LOVE the great outdoors.

Joe: *I chuckled* Then its settled, team Jonas & Sprouse is collaborating together.

Nick: *I whooped*

Cole: *I cheered*

Dylan: And tomorrow the games will begin! *I laughed excitedly*

Cole: What do you mean games?

Dylan: I mean full on games to have some colossal fun!

Cole: Sounds funny like a competition.

Dylan: Who said anything bout that, its just games.

Cole: Mmm-hmm, I believe that but whatever lets get all the stuff together guys. Joe & Nick, you bring whatever you wanna bring & Dyl & I will handle the tents sound good?

Nick: Sweet!

Joe: Tastic!

Dylan: Awesome lets do this then! *Once we finished eating the last of our meals we bounded for Joe's car. Then he dropped Cole & I off at our place while they drove to their place* Sleeping bags check! *I yelled as I put them beside the front door*

Cole: Good! Pillows, blankets, firewood & the lighter, water & snacks all checks baby!

Dylan: Great, anything we forgetting?

Cole: Well we'll be close by to our place, so if so 1 of us could easily come back for it.

Dylan: Sounds like a plan my man! *I hugged him from behind breathing him in* Mmm!

Cole: *I smiled blushing* Oh so now you're smelling me?

Dylan: No rule against that baby, plus you smell so good. Its gonna be tricky now making love w/ you tonight.

Cole: *I giggled cutely* Who said we'd have to give it up?

Dylan: *I gasped* But what bout the Jonases?

Cole: Oh, I'm sure if anything Joe's not going just sleep next to Nick. Just like you Dyl's you 2 are pretty much one & the same.

Dylan: Hmm, maybe. That both great guys for sure.

Cole: That they are my love. Now lets do a 2nd check just to make sure. *I turned around to kiss him & then we broke away to return to our duties*

Nick: *Joe & I packed the essentials & carried it to the car. Then we drove back to the twin's place, Joe honking his horn while I smiled racing out to help them. They came out with their things & I helped, as did Joe & then we drove right over across the street to the beach. It only took less than 15 min's to set up everything from the tents & fire* Looks great guys!

Dylan: Marshmallow any1? *I busy cooking them already as I sat in the sand w/ Cole*

Nick: Oh definitely!

Joe: Count me as well. *We went over sitting with them all together in a group. Dyl handed us each 2 marshmallows as he continued to cook some more* Mmm, good sweetness!

Nick: *I ate mine slowly savoring the taste* No doubt of it, mm.

Dylan: Nothin' like them marshmallows.

Cole: Uh-huh no kidding.

Nick: *We continued to eat till we were all marshmallow-ed out. Thats when we leaned back in our guy's arms & looked at the stars commenting on their beauty & brightness. Towards the end of the evening we all went inside our tents & slept away, well after the loving I shared w/ Joe, & I'm sure the Sprouses with each other too*

Ep. 68 (Jonases Vs. The Sprouses Round 1)

Cole: *The next morning Nick & I woke up 1st* So you ready to wake em up Nicky?

Nick: *I smirked* Indeedy, but you why gotta run like wild when they wake up.

Cole: NP, we'll be long gone before they even see us.

Nick: If ya say so. *So while Cole tip toed back into his bro's tent, I went back Joe's. I looked at him for a moment feeling a little guilty but I knew I had to go through with just cause as Cole noted ... this was going to be kinda fun. I put the stuff beside him & then ran out fast meeting up with Cole at the exact same time* You do it?

Cole: Yeah, now lets go hide kay.

Nick: Where though?

Cole: Um, good point. Back at my place or Joe's car they'd certainly find us, so oh oh oh!

Nick: What is it?

Cole: I've totally got it, follow me. *I lead Nick to this cave that I'd found when I got sort of separated from Dyl. It was not underwater, but I'm sure in storm cases, it surely would be* So, whatcha think?

Nick: *I think they won't be able to find us.

Cole: But thats the point Nick.

Nick: But we haven't given them any hints.

Cole: Not to worry my friend, they will or we could surprise them even more.

Nick: I'll take the 2nd choice.

Cole: Cool with me, not shush. They're bout to get a slippery wake up call.

Nick: Oh God. *I tried to hide my laughter*

Cole: And 5, 4, 3, 2, & 1!

Joe: *I leaned next to what I thought was Nick's body when suddenly I felt a sticky wet thingy. My eyes widened seeing a big HUGE lump of seaweed all next to me* WHAT THE HECK?! NICKKKKKK!

Nick: *My eyes shut tight as I softly laughed*

Joe: *I tried to get up but sort of slipped back down* OH! *I screamed* NICHOLAS JERRY JONAS YOU'RE SO GOING TO GET IT! *I huffed & got outside of the tent looking for Nick* SHOW YOURSELF BABY!

Dylan: *I was awoken with Joe's loud voice screaming for Nick* SHUT UP JONAS! SOME PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP .. right Cole- *I looked over at my baby & gasped when I found a bunch of seaweed* OMG! *I went flying out of the tent so fast that I went straight for the water gasping for air* WHAT IN THE WORLD?!

Cole: *I bit my lip hard trying not to burst out*

Joe: *I went straight over to Dyl* Lemma guess you had the same wake up call as me?

Dylan: *I nodded* Yep, now where are they. I'm going to so get him for this?!

Joe: IDK, I don't see them anywhere.

Dylan: You check the car & I'll check back across the way kay.

Joe: Done. *Soon we came back to the beach after lots of searching* Anything?

Dylan: Zero, sip, nadda man. Where in the FIJI could they be hiding?

Cole: *Secretly during that time, Nick & I had hidden up in trees. Just then we both revealed ourselves finally* BOO!

Dylan: WHOA! *I fell back to find Cole upside down looking at me with a big great smile on his face*

Nick: *I did the same taping Joe's shoulder* HELLO!

Joe: *I too jumped & fell down once again* YOU!

Nick: Surprise fellas!

Joe: What the blazes you think you're doing Nick?

Nick: Well lemma see, pranking you guys & laughing our butts off!

Cole: He's right, we just couldn't help ourselves, but you gotta LOVE seaweed!

Joe: *I smiled wickedly* Y'know something tells me you should've stayed hidden Nicky.

Dylan: Yah, cause it would be so RUDE not to return the favor right Joe?

Joe: Precisely.

Nick: *I exchanged looks with Cole* Run dude! *We bounded in separate directions fast*

Cole: OH I'm GONE! *I took off like the wind knowing that Dyl was no doubt behind me*

Dylan: Yah you better run cuttie cause once I get my hands on you, you're gonna wish you hadn't have pranked us!

Joe: Come here baby! I promise not to punish you too much! *I soothed as I ran after Nick*

Nick: No, I'm not stopping Joe!

Joe: Then you're gonna lose cause I was made for speed! *I kicked into a faster speed & tackled Nick* HA! GOT YA! *I huffed as I'd pinned him*

Nick: Dang it! *I whined*

Joe: See, told you I'd win. Now bout your punishment, what shall it be?

Nick: A kiss & a truce?

Joe: Nah! *I wrestled with him till he was in the water*

Nick: JOE! *I gasped sputtering water*

Joe: Consider yourself luck cause I actually wanna begin the games with the Sprouses, but don't think this is over cause its so not.

Nick: *I blew a raspberry* Whatever you say Joey, so where's the twins?

Dylan: Right here! *I was carrying Cole over my shoulders walking towards them* So what do you all say to a little race hmm?

Cole: Dyl put me down this instant!

Dylan: *I patted his butt grinning* No can do cuttie, you're staying this way till we get on the boat, so Jonases you in?

Joe: Heck yeah we are!

Nick: Yep!

Ep. 69 (Cuteness)

Dylan: Excellent-ness! Then follow me to the boat & we'll kick things off. *We all walked towards the boat & got in, Cole was still struggling & yelling the entire time till I lifted him down & pressed a sweet long kiss to his lips* You were saying baby?

Cole: *I blinked giving in* I hate it when you do that.

Dylan: *I titled his chin up, grinning* According to that kiss, I'd say you loved it just as much as I did.

Cole: *I laughed* Hmp! *I turned around folding my arms*

Dylan: *I chuckled* Ooh some1 needs a hug! *I wrapping my arms around him squeezing him lovingly*

Cole: *I rolled my eyes* This doesn't mean anything.

Dylan: *I got an idea & pinched his butt hard* Really cause I think it means THIS!

Cole: *I yelped* Dylan!

Joe: Hey hate to interrupt your guys' love fest but where exactly are we going?

Dylan: *I winked at Cole* We're so continuing this later. *I ran over to the helm* Leave that to me man, Captain Dylan is now ready to set sail, whooo! Anchors away mates!

Joe: *I laughed* So how's this race gonna work?

Dylan: Well I've made sure to load 4 ski jets along this vessel for each of us, so we'll begin with that. Later on we can get a little more creative & get back @ our lovers. *I said lowly so Cole & Nick wouldn't hear*

Joe: I'm game.

Dylan: Thought you would be dude.

Nick: *Talking to Cole* Its so sweet how you & Dyl are.

Cole: *I smiled* Thanks, I know sometimes it might be a little too much cause we're so use to it being just us 2.

Nick: Nah, Joe & I are the same, its cute.

Cole: So you really think you're parents are going to be cool with you 2 dating?

Nick: We're praying & hoping it will be all alright. No matter their reaction we just want them to know the truth.

Cole: Yeah I see. Else you'd be like Dyl & I, going crazy over hiding it. I'm surprised neither of us have spill the beans a long time ago.

Nick: You guys aren't crazy, you're just being safe. But seriously you'll feel better when you guys tell your own parents.

Cole: I hope you're right Nick. Anyways, can I ask you a personal q?

Nick: Shoot.

Cole: *Stammering* How does it feel to um make move for the 1st time?

Nick: *I giggled* Indescribable, its like being made for each other to love. Its the highest connection I've ever felt.

Cole: *I nodded blushing* The only reason I ask is cause well-

Nick: *I patted his back* You guys wanna experience it too?

Cole: Yeah. We've kissed a lot, touched each other & thats bout it. So we've never done anything past that. And I'm really nervous bout it.

Nick: Well have you talked to Dyl bout it?

Cole: Of course. We talked bout it a lot lately seeing how we're bout to turn 18 in a few months, we just feel like we really want to try it together.

Nick: Its normal to be nervous, but I can tell you once you get use to it ... its the most wonderful feeling & its like phenomenal & stellar in every way.

Cole: Mmm. *I sighed thinking dreamily bout it* The main concern is that we're never alone just like we are now. Its so hard to be together back home. I mean we can be as brotherly as we want, but in the end, as a couple its always got to be secret.

Nick: Cole listen man, you & Dyl are a really amazing couple & you both deserve to experience what's it like to connect with 1 another. You just gotta have faith in yourselves & confidence. I bet in time, you guys will get to be together freely real soon.

Cole: You really think so Nick?

Nick: I do. You've both come this far, what's a a little more time?

Cole: I guess you're right.

Nick: No worries Cole.

Cole: Um I had some more q's too. *Embarrassed*

Nick: Ask away, don't be shy. *I winked friendly*

Cole: Well I'm really nervous about oral & anal loving.

Nick: *I blushed* Mmm. Well to be honest I don't have any experience with that. Its something that Joe & I hadn't tried.

Cole: So what do you think of it?

Nick: Its fine if thats what you want to do.

Cole: *Really red now* Sorry I'm brining it up, I was just curious.

Nick: Its s'OK Cole.

Joe: Hey cutie pies X2, we're here, time to race! *I called to them*

Dylan: *I quit the engine & went over to the jet ski's working them into the water* Hurry up guys, enough taking its time for some speed racing!

Nick: *I laughed* We''ll be right there! *I called back* Ready to do this?

Cole: *I stood up* Yeah, but be careful. When Dyl gets racing he gets really crazy kid-like.

Nick: Oh I don't worry, Joe's just like that. He & Dly will probably be too busy racing towards their finish line.

Cole: *I fist pumped with Nick* Kay here goes nothing! *We went over & got on the jet skis* So what's the rules Dyl?

Dylan: *Clears throat* Listen up y'all! Here's the rules, from here around the entire island to back here @ the boat.

Ep. 70 (Jonases Vs. The Sprouses Round 1 & 2)

Nick: And?

Joe: *I laughed readying my gears*

Cole: *I giggled* Yah Dyl what else. I know you better than that, you've got more in store.

Dylan: Well I was bout to say that there will be no cheating, short cuts, speed bumping, reckless tricks & most importantly *Looking at Cole* no being cute!

Cole: Say what?

Dylan: You heard me Coley, you so much as try & distract me with that adorable face of yours so help me & I'mma tickle you non-stop!

Cole: *I shook my head & waved a hand gesturing whatever* Kay!

Dylan: Alrighty then everybody take their places & we'll go when I say 3!

Cole: Start Dyl! *I called after we'd spaced ourselves equally so we wouldn't run into each other*

Dylan: Jonases you ready for this?

Joe: Game ...

Nick: On! *I nodded finishing his sentence*

Dylan: Right people! 1, 2, & 3! *We each sped off at top speed* WHOOO! *I whooped* Victory here I come!

Joe: Not if I can help it Sprouse!

Dylan: Cya @ the finish line Jonas!

Nick: *I laughed as I flew past them* You guys were saying?

Joe: *My eyes widened* Whoo, you GO BABY!

Dylan: Cole baby come on, speed it up slow poke!

Cole: What if I like the speed I'm @?

Dylan: Then you're going to be last place babes! Now get a move on it!

Cole: Kay kay, I'll be right there! *I sped up more gaining on Dyl's left side as Joe was on his right & Nick was all the way in the front line way ahead*

Nick: *I turned right around the island looking back to see every gaining even more speed, almost on my tail. Uh-oh gotta move it*

Joe: *I then too zipped past Dyl & was close to Nick* Comin' @ you baby!

Nick: Catch me if you CAN! *I called*

Joe: *I laughed repeatedly* With PLEASURE!

Dylan: *I was getting seriously getting tired of being 3rd, so I curved around the island & turned more left & sped up finally passing Joe & Nick* Hoo-Boy! Heck yah! Whooo!

Cole: *I followed Dyl's same movements & then went past him* Wups looks like I'm 1st now!

Dylan: What? My own brother & lover? You sneaky little-

Cole: Cutie pie? I know baby!

Dylan: Hey get back here!

Cole: No way! I'm having too much fun!

Dylan: You blasted buster, I'm SO gonna past you!

Cole: Don't think so, looks like I've got more game Dyl!

Dylan: Oh! You're gonna be sorry.

Cole: Sorry that you can't zip it & race?

Dylan: Just wait Cole, I'mma tackle ya!

Cole: Just try it dude!

Dylan: I will!

Joe: *I passed Nick with ease & the twins* Wups would you look @ that, I'm in 1st!

Nick: Sprouses you guys better get a serious move on it, we're almost back to the boat!

Cole: We're right behind you guys!

Dylan: Oh not me! *I zipped past Cole & was neck & neck with Joe* 4 words Jonas: Do you feel lucky?

Joe: VERY! *We continued & flew past the boat then as we both lost our balances & fell into the water on our sides as our jet ski's halted to a stop*

Nick: *Cole & I were laughing hysterically when we reached back @ the boat. We both killed the power & jumping into their spots right next to them* Hello love!

Joe: *I sputtered & whooped* WHOO! Did I win?

Nick: *I bit my lip floating back* Not exactly.

Joe: Nicky say what?

Cole: Easy baby you're alright. *I told Dyl*

Dylan: I had it baby, I really had it.

Cole: *I kissed his cheek* I know you did. No worries kay?

Dylan: Oh no baby, I wanted to win it.

Cole: You already have ... me baby.

Dylan: *I looked @ him lovingly* Awww baby, thats right I do. And you got me, but what I don't got is VICTORY! Joe, what to say to another go?

Joe: *I turned around to face him swimming towards me* So like me, you don't except the tie?

Dylan: Exactly, so round 2?

Joe: *I nodded* Round 2.

Nick: *I shook my head* You 2 go ahead, we'll be chilling here.

Joe: Be right in a flash baby! Ready set ...

Dylan: Go! *Joe & I took off again around the island*

Nick: Why does something tell me those 2 are gonna keep on tying?

Cole: Cause they probably will. They're equally matched, but do they see that?

Nick: Nopey nope nope no.

Cole: Word.

Nick: So now what?

Cole: Hmm, what bout some SUP?

Nick: I could go for that.

Cole: Me too, come on lets go get em.

Nick: All hands to the boats! *We swam back towards it & traded our skis for boards & a paddle & balanced our weight & began paddling off exploring* MMMMM! *I breathed in the crystal clear air*

Cole: I know, its so fresh here.

Ep. 71 (Board Lovin')

Joe: *I was coming around the corner fast just close enough to the boat when I caught Nick's sexy body standing up SUPing. I lost focus again & spiraled out of control* Son of a gun!

Dylan: Too bad Jonas, guess Joe Jonas can't handle the SPROUSE-ANATOR WHOO! *I was just bout to claim victory when I caught site of Cole looking so irresistible that my mouth watered, wanting to go over to him & kiss him all over. Me & my darn libido!* WHOA! *I too splashed into the water once again coming up swimming over to Joe* Lemma guess what happened-

Joe: 2 FINE lookin' sexy guys on boards standing up without their shirts on, with wet shorts & wet hair blowing in the wind distract you?

Dylan: Yep, yep, & let me think ... yep! What do you say we call it quits for now & get over to them?

Joe: I say what the heck are we waiting for? Lets go over to them!

Dylan: I'm so with ya brother!

Joe: *Unfortunately we couldn't really sneak up on them like we wanted to cause the sounds of swimming & splashing gave us away* Well hey there SEXY Nick! *I winked leaned my arms on his board, 1/2 in the water & 1/2 out*

Nick: *I giggled* And who invited you?

Joe: Me, myself, & I. *I grinned*

Nick: *I smiled sticking my tongue out @ him a little* Well move it Joe.

Joe: No. *I pouted cutely continuing to hang on, stopping him from paddling on*

Nick: *I LOLed* Fine, then climb abroad.

Joe: Yay! *I exclaimed & stood up a little too fast as I climbed up* Whoa!

Nick: *I held him still* Don't move you klutz!

Joe: *I froze & then said* Hey I'm not a klutz.

Nick: Yes you are.

Joe: No I'm not.

Nick: Wanna bet?

Joe: Yeah I do.

Nick: Need I remind you of all the countless performances we did & you clumsily fell down & even off the stage?

Joe: I don't think that was really me.

Nick: Yeah? Then who was it?

Joe: Some1 who looks like me.

Nick: You saying you have a twin too?

Joe: Yeah & thats who you're thinking of. Its an easy mistake, any1 could make it.

Nick: *I put my hands on my hips* That right?

Joe: Yeah, so what bout a little sugar sugar?

Nick: *I smiled* Of course. *I put my hands on his chest leaning in for a kiss*

Joe: *I closed my eyes leaning in*

Nick: *I reopened my eyes & smirked cutely pushing him back as he fell backwards into the water*

Joe: *I found myself back in the water as I rose back to the surface* Oh so thats how it is now? Well 2 can definitely play that! *I leaped out of the water like a dolphin making him fall backwards on the board, also wetting us both as the board came back up to the top. I was now perfectly on top of Nick with his hands pinned high above his head* Now where were we? *I grinned wickedly*

Nick: *I giggled* I think I know where. *I grabbed his cheeks & pulled him down to me, kissing him again & again*

Joe: Mmmm, sugar-liscious baby. *I breathed continuing to kiss & play with his lips*

Dylan: *During that time, I'd hopped on Cole's board sitting over the edge grinning* I'm back sweetie pie.

Cole: *I laughed* Should I be thrilled?

Dylan: Yes cause *I touched his stomach teasingly with my right finger* I so want your lips right now.

Cole: *I blushed closing my eyes savoring his touch to the point of where I have absolute chills* Dyl I-I ...

Dylan: *I pulled him down to my level making him sit, shushing him* Don't talk, just love. *I winked*

Cole: *I nodded & leaned in with him for our kiss*

Dylan: *Our lips found each other & we both felt fireworks light up inside us. Thats when I pushed him back to lie down as I got on top of him*

Cole: *I moaned as I felt his sweet weight fall on mine*

Dylan: *I felt myself hardening against him, just like he was for me. I seriously do nothing more than to make love to him right then & there. Love on a board could you imagine it? I know right sexy & fun*

Cole: *I wrapped my legs around him as my hands rubbed his back up & down back & forth over & over again*

Dylan: *I groaned in pleasure. I really wanted him*

Cole: *When I felt his arms touch my n*****s rubbing them, thats when I arched my back high into him* DYLAN! *I hotly whisper screamed*

Dylan: *I thrusted myself against him, careful not to go too hard cause of the board would surely dunk us both into the water again*

Cole: *I moaned again* OH DYLAN ... I love you.

Dylan: *I smiled murmuring back* And i love you so much Cole.

Cole: *I loved the way this was going, it was like nothing we'd ever done, specially outside where any1 could see. But for once, I felt a sense of freeness just like Nick had said earlier. Normally something like this would be nearly impossible for us, but now look @ us, we're totally lovin' it, nothing but beautiful & so GOOD board lovin'*

Ep. 72 (Water Trampolining)

Dylan: *Here with Cole like this was something I'd dreamed for so long, just being able to be with him & love & please him. If I could I'd never want it to ever end. With him, I don't wanna ever let him go. I want to stay with him for life, he's my 1 & only, my brother, best friend & lover. I could tell he feels the same, by the way he deepens our kiss & is touching me wonderfully sending endless tingly sensations all over my body. He's such a dream, my dream come true*

Cole: *We eventually fell asleep on the board till it flipped & woke us up abruptly. We both rose the surface* Waves! *I muttered*

Dylan: *I coughed* Whoo, surprise 1 by the ocean!

Cole: *I laughed & tapped his nose with my right finger* It was time to wake up anyways. Now where's the other 2 lovers?

Dylan: DK, let me check. *I searched making my right hand cover above my eyes* Hmm, not there, not there, still not there, palm tree, palm tree, rock, flower, Joe jumping off a rock, our boat, ... whoa wait a min!

Cole: *I looked in the same direction as Dyl* OMG he's jumping off that rock.

Dylan: Oh, oh! I wanna try it, me me me! *I started swimming in their direction* Well ya coming or what? *I called back to Cole*

Cole: *I laughed* Yep! *I swam with him over the guys just in time to see Joe taking another crazy jump off the rocks* WOWIE!

Nick: *I turned to see the Sprouses behind me* Hey sleepy heads, sup?

Dylan: Well we were in both a wonderful peaceful sleep when the waves took control & knocked us over.

Nick: *I covered my mouth trying to laugh*

Dylan: Yah yeah, ha ha ha Nicky boy. So I see you guys are a jumping.

Nick: Well not me, just Joe showing off like always.

Dylan: That right? Well I'll try it too! *I swam over to the rocks getting out of the water just in time to join Joe* Hey! Who can do the biggest cannonball?!

Joe: That would be me. *I pointed both of my thumbs to myself*

Dylan: *I rolled my eyes* Pft, huh we'll see bout that man, you haven't seen technique like mine.

Joe: Let's see it then Sprousey. *I teased laughing*

Dylan: Don't mind if I do. *I rubbed my hands together & breathed & did a perfect dive & then cannonball-ed in*

Nick: *I cheered clapping*

Cole: That's my guy y'all WHOOO!

Dylan: *I smiled coming back up to the surface* Thank you, thank you. It was nothing.

Joe: *I called down to them all* Very nice man, I'm impressed. But have you seen 1 like this? *I jumped cannonball-ed pretty close to him & came back up* BOOM man!

Nick: *I giggled* Dynamite love!

Cole: *I laughed too watching Dyl*

Dylan: Pretty nice yourself dude, but-

Nick: Wait!

Cole: *We all looked at Nick*

Joe: Sup baby?

Dylan: Yah.

Nick: I just got in idea, why don't we get a water trampoline?

Cole: Y'know thats a awesome idea, I say yes for sure!

Joe: Yeppy yep yep!

Dylan: Oh heck yah, lets go get it!

Nick: *We swam back to the boat & packed up the jet skis & headed back to the shore real quick. During that time Joe & I ran to go get the trampoline, while the Sprouses ordered lunch to go. We then met back & returned out farther from the shore. We released the trampoline into the water & then each of us put on life-vests just in case of any accidents aka Joe & possibly Dyl* Alrighty bump it DJ!

Dylan: *I turned the music up playing "S.O.S." by Rihanna, all of us beginning jumping, dancing, & singing*

Cole: *Dyl & I bumped our hips together laughing*

Joe: *Nick & I moved to the beat doing crazy jumps in the air while making funny faces & waving our arms freely*

Dylan: *Sings* Lalala lalala la la lala la Ohhh. You know... I never felt like this before! Lalala lalala la la lala la Ohhh

Feels like.. so real.

Cole: *I giggled watching happily & then takes the next verse*

I'm obsessive when just one thought of you comes up

I'm aggressive just one thought of closing up

You got me stressing, incessantly pressing the issue

'Cause every moment gone you know I miss you

I'm the question and you're of course the answer

Just hold me close BOY 'cause I'm your tiny dancer

You make me shaken up, never mistaken

But I can't control myself, got me calling out for help.

Joick & Dole Together:

S.O.S. please someone help me.

It's not healthy... for me to feel this way

Y.O.U. are making this hard,

I can't take it, see it don't feel right

S.O.S. please someone help me

It's not healthy... for me to feel this way

Y.O.U. are making this hard

You got me tossin' and turnin' and can't sleep at night.

Joe: *It was my turn to sing to Nick*

This time please someone come and rescue me

'Cause you on my mind it's got me losing it

I'm lost, you got me lookin' for the rest of me

Love is testing me but still I'm losing it

This time please someone come and rescue me

'Cause you on my mind, it's got me losing it

I'm lost, you got me looking for the rest of me,

Got the best of me, so now I'm losing it.

Ep. 73 (Watery Games)


Just your presence and I 2nd guess my sanity

Yes it's a lesson, it's unfair, you stole my vanity

My tummy's up in knots so when I see you I get so hot

My common sense is out the door, can't seem to find the lock

Take on me (uh huh) you know inside you feel it right

Take me on I'm put desire up in your arms tonight

I'm out with you, you got me head over heels

BOY you keep me hanging on the way you make me feel.

All together:

S.O.S. please someone help me.

It's not healthy... for me to feel this way

Y.O.U. are making (Y.O.U.) this hard,

You got me tossin' and turnin' and can't sleep at night.

This time please someone come and rescue me

'Cause you on my mind, it's got me losing it ('Cause you on my mind)

I'm lost, you got me lookin' for the rest of me

Love is testing me but still I'm losing it

This time please someone come and rescue me (someone come and rescue me)

'Cause you on my mind got me losing it

I'm lost, you got me looking for the rest of me,

Got the best of me, so now I'm losing it.

Nick & Cole together:

BOY, you know you got me feeling open

And BOY, your loves enough with words unspoken

I said BOY I'm telling you, you got me open

I don't know what to do it's true

I'm going crazy over you,

I'm begging.

Joe & Dyl:

S.O.S. please somebody help me.

It's not healthy... for me to feel this way

Y.O.U. are making this hard (are you making this hard for me, baby?),

You got me tossin' and turnin' and can't sleep at night.

All together:

This time please someone come and rescue me (someone rescue me)

'Cause you on my mind, it's got me losing it

I'm lost, you got me lookin' for the rest of me

Love is testing me but still I'm losing it

This time please someone come and rescue me

'Cause you on my mind got me losing it ('cause any time)

I'm lost you, got me looking for the rest of me,

Got the best of me (best of me), I'm losing it.


Lala lala lala lala Ohhh

Ohh ohh lala lala lala lala

Oh oh.

Joe: *I scooped up Nick, just as Dyl did the same to Cole* Excellent work my baby! *I kissed his lips hugging him as I was jumping up & down in a circle*

Nick: *I laughed & kissed back* Thought you'd like that. *I murmured*

Dylan: And you baby, wow what vocals ... makes me want you all over again.

Cole: *I blushed* Ah-ah-ah babe, we've got the rest of the night for that.

Dylan: *I grinned* Ooh, gotcha. *I kissed him*

Cole: *I smiled kissing him back when all a sudden a felt something fly over us. We pulled away to see a football flying over our heads into the water splashing us both a little bit* Holy football! *I exclaimed*

Dylan: *I grinned again* Now we're taking! *I jumped into the water retrieving the ball* So who brought this?

Joe: That would be me! *I raised my hands proudly*

Dylan: Very nice my man!

Nick: And I brought a volley ball & oh get this there's also gonna be water basketball too!

Dylan: *I raised an eyebrow* NO WAY?!

Nick: Way Dly!

Dylan: Now thats something else, how the heck are you gonna pull that off Nick?

Nick: Easy, look behind you. *I pointed*

Dylan: *Cole & I turned around gasping together in awe as we saw another boat bringing over an inflatable basketball net/stand* SUPER COOL! *I exclaimed*

Cole: Way way cool!

Joe: Absolutely genius baby! *I kissed him again as we all then ran over in excitement as the captain set everything up & then left waving bye* Kay, Nick you're with me.

Nick: But baby I think we should switch it up.

Joe: You mean side with another team mate?

Nick: Yeah, Cole & I vs. you & Dyl.

Cole: *I high-5ed Nick* I'm cool with that.

Joe: *I just shrugged & smiled* Kay if thats the way you want it. Dyl looks like its you & me man, ya ready?

Dylan: Hoo-ha I was born ready bring it & you guys better watch it, double teaming coming atcha!

Nick: Come on ...

Cole: Start ..

Joe: The ...

Dylan: GAME! *We played together, back & forth running on the flat platform over the water. I had the ball, but Cole was trying to get it from me* Joe! *I passed it to him*

Joe: *I jumped getting it else it would've been seriously out of bounds. I smiled as Nick trying to steal it from me. I made some fancy movements kind of psyching him out & thats when I made my 1st goal* BAM-MO!

Nick: *I stayed calm winking* Good shot baby!

Joe: *I winked back* Thank you thank you!

Nick: *As Joe was bout to toss the ball to Dyl, Cole intercepted & caught it awesomely. He began to bound for our side to shoot, so I ran trying to block Joe*

Joe: Dyl get him!

Nick: Go for it Cole! *I shouted*

Dylan: *I was close to Cole blocking his shot*

Cole: *I took a breath & went for the shot & at 1st it looked like it was going to fall out, but then it moved in, shot made* WHOO! *I raised both my hands in the air*

Dylan: *I chuckled* Nice 1 my baby.

Ep. 74 (Ari & Her Sisters)

Cole: *I blew him a kiss*

Dylan: *I swooned*

Joe: *I laughed & yelled at Dly* Snap out of it, no falling apart!

Dylan: *I shook it off* You're right man, sorry! Cole, stop that!

Cole: *I smiled giggling knowing that I'd get him again cause he can't always handle being the tough 1 for long*

Nick: *I gotta hand it to Cole, he knows how to tease. Its really adorable & fun to watch*

Joe: *Our game continued on & on till we were tied, the last point would make or break it for either team* This is the final stance, every1 ready?

Nick: Bring ...

Cole: It ...

Dylan: ON! *Joe passed me the ball & as I dribbled running towards our goal point, I knew every1 was on my tail, but I wasn't going to let anything stand in my way. In that moment, I got only 1 shot to make it & now was the time. I threw the ball & in it went* OH YAH, LOOK @ THAT WHOO!

Joe: *I ran over to Dylan hugging him* Nice work Dyl!

Dylan: *I smiled bouncing up & down taking in the victorious moment*

Cole: *I ran over to Nick's side watching the guys hug it out* Good game.

Nick: Very good.

Joe: Kay evey1 take 30 or whatever! I gotta eat something.

Dylan: I hear ya man, I'm starved big time.

Nick: *Cole & I joined them & collapsed on the ground as they ran to get the picnic lunch they'd ordered. They came back with everything* Whoa you sure you guys have everything? *I teased*

Joe: Course ...

Dylan: *Arms full of stuff* We do!

Nick: *I laughed* Need ...

Cole: Help?

Dylan: Nah, I've got this. *I placed in down on the flat surface, thankful to be weightless now* Finally! *I sighed*

Cole: *I kissed his temple* Thank you baby.

Dylan: *I was instantly smiling* Kay guys feel free to dig in & splurge!

Cole: *I laughed & sat down with him & the guys*

Nick: *Joe & I sat together close to the guys & eat* Mmm, great sandwiches!

Cole: So so good!

Joe: Quite tasty, like in your face SubWay, pft!

Dylan: *I laughed* And Quizno's too! Although some of it is great, not as great as these ... these are definitely put the D in delish!

Nick: Yeah agreed!

Cole: Mmm-hmm baby. *We continued chowing down happily, sipping our drinks & enjoying the dessert of white & chocolate covered strawberries & banana on a stick ice cream kind of bars with sprinkles* So what's next- *I was bout to say more when we were all startled with an echo behind us in the water* ARI?!

Nick: *I leaped up looking over the side seeing her there* Its Ari!

Joe: *Dyl & I got up too seeing her there twirling happily in the water* Why hey there pretty girl!

Nick: How are you?

Ari: *I smiled & opened communication for Joe & Dylan, so they could hear me too. Very well young one. I just came by to visit you guys. From what I heard, you've all been having lots of fun*

Nick: That we are, we're so happy to see you, its been awhile.

Ari: *I know, thats why I've also come plus my some of my other sisters are here with me too*

Dylan: Hey Ari, s'great to see ya again!

Cole: Me too Ari.

Ari: *Likewise my twins. So judging on your guys' faces you're all wondering how Dylan & Cole here know bout me. Well what else but magic & of course Cole's gift*

Cole: *I nodded smiling* She's right, I have it the ability to-

Nick: Communicate with all creatures land & sea if they approach you.

Cole: Thats right, wait how'd you know?

Nick: I have it too.

Cole: Cool! What bout you Joe?

Joe: No just Nick here.

Cole: Same with Dyl. Ari why is that anyways?

Ari: *Hard to say my dears, the gift is random sometimes. Some family members just might have it, while others don't at all. Honestly if were up to me, I'd grant you 2 your own gifts but I'm afraid I can not*

Joe: No worries Ari, we understand. Besides we can hear you now.

Dylan: He's right.

Ari: *That is true. Now I have some girls that have been super excited to meet you guys. Jonases & Sprouses ... may I present: Bia (Bianna), Celi (Celiana), Dalli (Dalliana), Felli (Felliana), Nilli (Niliana), Ollie (Olliana), Pali (Paliana), Qia (Qiana), Ria (Riana), Sari (Sariana), Tari (Tariana), Uari (Uariana), Vari (Variana), Wari (Wariana), Xari (Xariana), & Yari (Yariana). And of course the other's you may have met from before: Emmi (Emmiana) our youngest baby sister, Gari (Gariana), Hali (Haliana), Iyia (Iyana), Jali (Jaliana), Kivie (Kiviana), Lari (Lariana), Malli (Malliana), & last but not certainly ... Zari (Zariana). And I the leader, Ari (Ariannia) all together 26 sisters*

Nick: *We all watched them in perfect awe as they each introduced themselves as their names were called. Once we'd greeted all the girls, we all cheered & said together as 1* NIce to meet you all!

Ep. 75 (The Racing Never Ends)

Joe: *We all then jumped into the water with them* Hey hey girlies! *I exclaimed as they circled us doing many tricks & whistling happily*

Nick: *We splashed & played taking turns riding them underneath the water. How they could go so fast with the extra weight was so amazing. Underwater every1 could still here them speak to us, though we couldn't say anything back cause of the water, but then Ari fixed that using her magic to give us all the ability to breathe & talk under the water freely. It was the coolest thing ever & now we could totally have more fun without worrying to return to the surface to gasp for air*

Cole: *Playing with all the different dolphins was so much fun. You'd think how would you tell 26 bottle nose dolphins apart, but actually we all began to notice each of the girls how their 1st letter shining right in between their eyes on their foreheads almost* Ari's what's with the letters?

Ari: *I giggled. Call it identification for us & for you. After all we all have the same color, but also we've been also trying different colors too that we love. Its kind of cool, plus the same grey color is nice but boring don't you think?*

Cole: *I laughed* A little, its actually unique you girls' idea.

Dylan: And clever, you girls are awesome!

Ari: *I laughed with my sisters. Thank you. We all replied together*

Joe: Watch this move, spiraling spin! Whooo!

Sari: *I laughed. Thats nothing, watch this alley oop, ha ha!

Joe: Splendid-riftic!

Dylan: Race time y'all, you girls game?

Bia: *Ready & willing! Girls start yourselves & go!*

Joe: *Dylan hung on to Bia, while I was on Sari & all the rest of the girls were racing too, but without passengers*

Cole: *While Dyl & Joe was busy racing as usual, I was juggling sea shells for Zari* Ta-da!

Zari: *I'd stayed behind for 2 reasons: 1, I didn't wanna race just yet & 2, I was having a pretty good time with Cole. Nice juggling, but watch this. I grabbed him & baby sister Emmi. Oh yeah, sea juggling = awesomeness!*

Cole: *I laughed as she was able to keep me & Emmi moving in a perfect circle till I was so dizzy* Whoa head rush!

Emmi: *Awww, Coley its s'Ok. It'll pass. Zari enough of the juggles kay?*

Zari: *Sorry bout that Cole, didn't mean to go so fast*

Cole: *I shook my head & returned to normal* Don't be, it was quite fun. *I winked*

Emmi: *I giggled swimming round him fast happily*

Zari: *I smiled as we continued to play*

Nick: *In the meantime I was busy talking just with Ari solely* I'm sure going to miss this place when Joe & I leave, & when the twins return back home too. Do you know of their concerns with telling their parents?

Ari: *I laid on a comfy bed of soft coral as did Nick. I know baby boy, but trust me anytime you say bye ... its just the beginning. We'll always find each other again no matter where we are. Yes, I do. And I wanted to say how pleased I was when you guys found each other. I knew the twins needed another couple like themselves so similar to talk with*

Nick: *I nodded* So you believe it will in end good for them when they tell their parents, the same way you feel for Joe & I?

Ari: *I believe it will be fine for all of you. You worry too much. Remember faith is the key. Doubting doesn't help solve anything, now getting the courage to do something no matter the consequences or results is brave. I truly commend you all on that. I know you're all capable of finding you're inner strength to make it through your future journeys*

Nick: But still the path won't be always easy right?

Ari: *No, not always. Life itself isn't easy. There's a lot to experience & learn from. That of which you young men are doing beautifully*

Nick: Mm-mm. Thank you Ari*

Ari: *Your welcome Nick*

Joe: *Cheering happily & loudly* Whooo take that Dly, I won, we totally won Sari!

Sari: *Stellarnarious!*

Dylan: *I rolled my eyes* Best 2 out of 3?

Joe: Seriously dude?

Dylan: Don't I look it?

Bia: *Sari & I giggled watching intently on the guys*

Joe: Maybe. Kay I accept.

Dylan: Great, girls ready?

Bia: *Sari & I exchanged looks & shook our heads. No we wanna watch this time*

Dylan: Awww, ok. Who else wants to race with us?

Qia: *Me!*

Ria: *And me! We so volunteer!*

Dylan: Kay then its set, Qia you're with me girl & Joe you're with Ria.

Joe: *I smiled nodding as Ria swam over to me* Thanks girl. *I patted her head*

Ria: *I giggled cheerfully. NP Joe, its a honor!*

Joe: *I smiled & kissed her head*

Ria: *I was blushing, but thankfully Joe couldn't tell*

Qia: *As Dly & I got together, I saw my sister's face & I squealed. Awwwwwww Ria is blushing, she's as red as a lobster!*

Ep. 76 (The Night Is Young)

Ria: *Am not*

Qia: *Are to!

Ria: *Am not not*

Qia: *Are so SO ha!*

Joe: *I grinned* Easy girls, its alright.

Dylan: Can we race now please you adorable pair of chickas?

Qia: *Yes! I took off fast*

Ria: *Yep! I raced beside her too*

Nick: *Throughout the rest of the afternoon we frolicked about having nothing short of a blast. When at last the sunset came a round, is when we said all ours byes to Ari & her sisters* Will we see you around again? *I asked Ari*

Ari: *I giggled. Always Nick. It was splendid hanging with you, Joe, Dylan, & Cole*

Cole: Ari wait there's something I've been meaning to ask you, but I'm sure how.

Ari: *I turned around to face him & the guys. Go on Cole*

Cole: I was wondering, I mean I know we're here in Fiji which so far seems to be paparazzi & fan free, but what I'm trying to ask is-

Ari: *How is that possible?*

Cole: Well yeah.

Ari: *Excellent q my boy. Its pretty simple, I have given each a protective invisible barrier that is always around you even now. You see, I can see you, but to any1 on the beach or any1 else, you're actually not even there*

Cole: Whoa, seriously?

Nick: Thats cool Ari.

Joe: I agree.

Dylan: Will we always be able to have that even when we leave?

Ari: *Yes Cole, its just something I thought you'd all enjoy cause I know how much all you just want your love lives to be private for the moment. And I'm afraid not Dylan, only because I have to be in range of all of you, which I am right now. So as long as you're in Fiji, it will remain this way*

Cole: Awww, if only we could still use it back home.

Nick: *I patted his shoulder*

Dylan: No worries Cole, but anyways Ari we're both extremely thankful for you right now.

Joe: And Nick & I was well, it has been awesome today.

Ari: *I smiled. Your welcome you guys, its been a pleasure. I must go now, but you all take care & we'll meet again real soon, all of us. Till then. I winked & swam off back home with my sisters*

Cole: I miss her already.

Nick: Me too.

Joe: Don't worry, she'll be back & we'll all see her again together.

Dylan: Y'know she's family to all of us, so of course we'll see her again. You can't separate family forever.

Cole: *I smiled* No I guess not.

Dylan: *I went over to him hugging his in my arms* Cheer up bud, no feeling sad. Its time to get glad! *I grinned*

Cole: *I laughed shaking my head at him*

Dylan: So Jonases, what say we all camp out on the boat tonight?

Joe: I'm cool with it.

Nick: Yeah sounds fun. *I giggled*

Dylan: Cool-io then! So Nicky, me & you haven't had too much bonding time. I say you & I go get he gear together.

Nick: Kay man, I'm right behind ya.

Dylan: And Joe & Cole, you 2 are in charge of food & stuff alright?

Joe: You got it.

Cole: No problem-o.

Dylan: *So as I brought the boat back into the shore, we each set off in our groups & did what we needed to do* So Nick you think we need anything else?

Nick: Like what?

Dylan: IDK, mood music, a movie, & a flashlight.

Nick: Whatcha planing?

Dylan: Thats for me to know & you & the other 2 to find out.

Nick: *I laughed* Whatever you say man.

Dylan: Kay then lets load this stuff on, cause my arms are starting to cramp again.

Cole: Alrighty Joe, we've got pretty much all the basic snacks & drinks.

Joe: Hmm.

Cole: What's up?

Joe: I totally just came up with something we need to get like ASAP.

Cole :Really what's that?

Joe: *I whispered it into his ear&

Cole: *I nodded* You sure?

Joe: Oh yeah, positive.

Cole: Alright, but it's gonna be messy.

Joe: Which is why its so fun. *I winked as I ran off to buy some with Cole. Once done we came back & met up with the guys* Set!

Cole: Yup!

Dylan: Good us too.

Nick: Wow you guys sure brought loads of stuff. *I noticed the bags were full from cheetos, lays, popcorn, ruffles, salted sunflower seeds, red licorice, oreo's, coke's, sprite's, & so much more*

Cole: Nothing like being prepared I always say.

Dylan: He does say that ...  A LOT.

Nick: *I laughed a little*

Joe: But its so true. Now Captain get this thing a running.

Dylan: Aye-aye mon! Everything come on & get it in! *Once out to sea & parking I quit the engine & clapped my hands* Kay for the 1st night's activity I was thinking a little-

Cole: *Excitedly* Star gazing?

Dylan: No.

Joe: Nighttime diving?

Dylan: No, but that is a cool idea, we'll have to do that next.

Nick: A movie?

Dylan: Later my man. Y'all didn't guess it, which is OK cause who could. *I then attacked* Bam!

Ep. 77 (Cya Next Time)

Cole: What the?

Joe: Water ...

Nick: Balloons seriously?

Dylan: What? No 1 has to say they're just for kids cause I use them all the time just like this. *I threw a bunch again* You see? *I laughed* I always said you guys were all wet!

Joe: Thats it, Dyls! *I grabbed my planned method of attack striking back* Opps looks like I had a little something up my sleeves too!

Dylan: Silly string? Ha, how original but very cleaver! *We continued to get soaked with the string & water till we all collapsed on each other* Kay that was-

Cole: Crazy ...

Nick: And fun ...

Joe: And boy do we make an awesome teaming of making a mess or what?!

Dylan: Yes ...

Nick: We ...

Cole: So do! So aside for being all a mess, now what?

Joe: I'm hungry.

Dylan: Me too.

Nick: *I laughed*

Cole: Well that doesn't surprise me, but what the heck ... lets eat! *We all lunged for the snacks & drinks just helped ourselves. When we were @ last full, we slumped down together in a circle & watched The Chronicles of Narnia The Dawn Of The Voyage Treader. After the movie ended, we just stared @ the stars till each of us drifted to sleep. The next few days we spent together was completely off the charts for fun, till sadly our last day had finally arrived & it was time for Dly & I to part with the Jonases* I can't believe we have to leave already, it feels like we just got here.

Dylan: I know, I know. I feel the same way. Its not fair I agree, but y'know this isn't goodbye right? *I walked over to him titling his chin up to look at me as I cupped his cheek with my free hand*

Cole: Yeah, but it still feels like it. I mean I really love it here with you & them. Its so hard to just pick up & leave like we are.

Dylan: *I nodded* We'll be back. And y'know its not the end its just the beginning. I think being here has changed us both & taught us a pretty important lesson.

Cole: What's that?

Dylan: Oh you know, guess baby.

Cole: That you & Joe could easily be brothers?

Dylan: True, but no.

Cole: That when we band together we sure have tons of fun?

Dylan: Very true, but still no.

Cole: Then what Dylan, tell me.

Dylan: You really don't know?

Cole: No now could you let me in on it please?

Dylan: We've learned to have faith, we're not afraid anymore. We're ready to face our parents & be together no matter what happens.

Cole: *I blushed gasping*

Dylan: *I kissed him sweetly* Everything will turn out right, you'll see. We have our amazing friends, a family who loves us & supports us, our love for each other. We can do this, together we're strong.

Cole: And willing.

Dylan: And ready to face anything. *I high-5ed him* Now lets get this stuff into the car & set off, I'm sure the Jonases are already there awaiting us.

Cole: Yeah, lets go. *I followed him out to the car helping with the luggage & then getting in. We both took a long look back at our condo & then the beach & together we said* Bye for now. *Soon enough after we left we arrived @ the airport & met up with the guys* We're going to miss you lots, the both of you.

Dylan: We've never had fun like this ever & especially with everything thats happened, its nothing short of magical.

Nick: *I tried not to cry as I spoke* Joe & I want to wish you both a safe flight back home & to call as soon as you 2 get in or text. You're not just our friends, you're our family.

Joe: He's so right hanging all together this whole week had been totally awesome & we're going to really miss you.

Dylan: Just promise us 1 thing.

Joe: What's that?

Dylan: That we'll return here all again together, parent happy & maybe for you 2 a married pair.

Joe: *I chuckled* Deal. *We began to each hug each other & then pulled in for 1 big great group hug*

Nick: *Now I was crying & Cole too*

Dylan: *We pulled away & just as Joe comforted Nick, I did the same for Cole* Well this is it fellas, its been cool but its past time for us to roll, so ... until we cya next time.

Cole: *I wiped my eyes & smiled* We love you guys.

Joe: And we love you guys. *I hugged Nick as we watched them walk away together getting on their plane as they waved bye to us*

Nick: Why does every bye for us seem to feel sad?

Joe: *I kissed his head* Not sad baby, we'll miss then a lot, but its not like they're going away forever. Be happy we got to hang with them, to help them & be friend them like family.

Nick: *I nodded as soon their plane took off down the runway & up into the sky like a bird* Cya real soon. *I whispered & then left the airport with Joe. Once back to our place, I just still kind of felt a little down. Luckily Joe knew an excellent fix for that. He carried me to our hot tub & we stayed in there for awhile just talking* Mmmm.

Ep. 78 (On Your Own)

Joe: Feel better Nicky?

Nick: Much. *I relaxed closing my eyes blissfully*

Joe: *I leaned in kissing his eyes* Awww. *After that we rinsed, got ready for bed & fell into a nice sleep dreaming away. The next few days went by in a blink, except this 1 day in particular today. Nick & I had exactly 1 week till we were due to return back home, time to face the music as they say. We both knew it was getting to be time so Nick decided on a day for us to be apart for once. which @ 1st I was a little surprised by the idea, but then I got over it. The deal was Nick would spend his day on the other side of the island, while I stayed close to our place. After breakfast, I decided to go for a nice refreshing swim. Ah, how the water just makes 1 relax* Oh yeah. *I murmured to myself. I closed my eyes & then opened them again just thinking. Truth be told I'd rather be with Nick right now then by myself. Since we came here, I just naturally love being with him all the time. Its crazy, cause you'd think well we'd eventually fight or something & end up not speaking to each other, but for Nick & I, we don't really have that. Plus arguing doesn't solve anything, now talking it out ... thats the stuff. I wonder though, is he upset @ me? I thought back to everything moment we've spent together & I couldn't really find anything where he'd been unhappy, well expect for the twins leaving, but seriously was he still not over it?*

Joe: *Thats when I stood up in the water & just stared out @ the sand. Maybe I'm making a big thing of this. Perhaps a little Joe time is exactly what I need, but then why do I feel so bored. I know! I just need to find something to take my mind off Nick for a bit, yeah thats what I'll do. Lemma think here, I'm on a island paradise with loads of things to do. I mean there's plenty of choices just gotta pick 1. Hmm, I heard bout this awesome golfing place down the way. I'll just go there. So I ran out out of the water grabbing my towel & went back to the room rinsing off & drying & then got dressed & made my way over. I got everything I needed & hit the grass going from golf hole to golf hole, pretty much nailing every shot except 1 or 2 misses. I played for like an hr & a 1/2 & looked @ the time, almost 2 PM & now back to bored, sheese. Kay I need a new plan, maybe some zip-lining this time. So I headed over to that & got started. Gotta say that the 1st try was very thrilling. it had me whooping a lot, so I went again & again pretty much having a lot more fun then the golf, but then as I break-ed to have lunch, I realized something*

Joe: *Why the heck am I doing this? Yeah its fun in all but more importantly look what's happened with Nick & everything. He's been in some serious stuff with the last 2 guys & if I'd been there for him, none of it would have happened. So why in the Sam Hill am I sitting here eating when he could be danger again? Screw this I'm going to go find him. So I did. I left & drove to the other side of the island & found him pretty easily cause I knew he'd rented a moped. I parked right next to him getting out & scouted the beach for him. And once I did, I smiled breaking into a run but then just as I started I stopped cause right next to him ... sitting was ... I don't believe it another guy. 1st I was going to go up to them both & say "hi how's it going", then I thought well its better just to keep an eye on them. This way if that creep tries anything funny I'll be right here to step in & oh how I will step in. I watched intently not moving from my convenient spot close to them. He looked vaguely familiar. He had blonde hair & looked pretty tall from what I could see. I know I've probably seen him before but where?*

Nick: *It had been a good idea @ 1st to be without Joe for 1 day for once, but as I laid on the beach just looking @ the water & @ random boats passing by, I realized it was a stupid idea. It wasn't like me to suggest this kind of thing especially when we're bros & together. So why'd I do it? Well I guess for a few short min.'s I just felt a little smothered by Joe & I just felt like I needed to be alone. And now that I am, it didn't feel as good as I thought it'd be. So after pretty much remaining in the same position & I was bout to get up & leave to find Joe when I bumped into some1*

Ep. 79 (Man Up)

Nick: Oh, excuse me, sorry I wasn't looking where I was going- *I looked up to see a tall man with blonde hair & a gleaming smile*

???: NP man. I'm Alex, Alex Pettyfer. *I extended my hand to him*

Nick: *I looked @ him & shook his hand* I'm Nick, Nick Jonas, nice to meet you.

Alex: Nick Jonas? Now I know I know that name, you're not 1 of those brothers from the Jonas Brothers are you?

Nick: Yeah, that would be me.

Alex: Wow dude, y'know I kinda of thought so.

Nick: And wait a min, aren't you the 1 who did Storm Breaker, I Am Number 4, & Beastly?

Alex: Guilty as charged.

Nick: Wow, those are some awesome movies dude.

Alex: *Chuckling* Thanks. You're music is pretty awesome too. So lemma guess you're vacationing here too?

Nick: Yeah, me & my brother Joe are.

Alex: Thats cool. I'm here with my girlfriend Dianna Argon & right now I'm just chilling till she gets back from her shopping time.

Nick: Neat.

Joe: *Then it hit me when I heard the guy's faint voice of who he was & I still couldn't believe it. Is it raining movie stars or what anymore? I mean I didn't mind Sel & Dems or the twins, but I'm starting to mind this guy with Nick. Now I know I can trust Nick, its him I don't trust. I mean just from looking @ him 1 couldn't probably tell he was just acting nice dude cause then when you least expect it ... out comes their other side, their true side. Its a good thing I'm here, else I know for fact things would've not ended alright. And I especially don't buy the "I have a girlfriend" thing anymore cause look @ how many people out there have been together & then suddenly 1 of them finds out they're been cheating on them & so & so*

Alex: So ya wanna hit the water?

Nick: Yeah sure.

Alex: Um, you might wanna take off your shirt & shoes unless thats just how you go in.

Nick: *I looked down blushing, biting my lip* Right, I'll meetcha in.

Alex: Kay, cya in a few. *I took off my shirt & dived right into the water*

Joe: *I smirked. Pft, show off*

Nick: *Once I took off my shirt & shoes I was left just in my board shorts* Hey.

Alex: Hey, the water's great. *I fell back splashing him* Ha ha!

Nick: *I laughed*

Alex: Oh! I almost forgot *Digging into my pockets* You ever see this?

Nick: What is it?

Alex: Dude its the Waboba Ball, it bounces on water.

Nick: Really?

Alex: Yeah, check it! *I threw it watching it go* Pretty tight huh?

Nick: Definitely awesome!

Alex: *Chuckling as I ran off to get & continuing to toss it to Nick* Nice catch!

Nick: *Laughing/smling* You too!

Joe: *So now they're like playing ball & having fun, nothing out of the ordinary but I'm still keeping watch, this dude's bound to bust out some kind of plan & when he does I'm going to be ready to jet right in yell "back off dude!"*

Alex: *I tossed it again to him, this time a little farther than I wanted* Sorry bout that I'll get it! *I ran after it*

Nick: S'ok I got it! *I ran to get it, but didn't notice he was racing to get it too, when we kind of crashed into each other & of course I fell down backwards* Whoa!

Alex: *I hadn't realized I was going to so fast till I kind of ran into Nick once I got the ball* Wups sorry dude didn't mean to clobber ya!  *I helped him up*

Nick: *I took his hand standing back up* No worries, forget it.

Alex: Whoa what's that? *Something out in the water caught my attention*

Nick: *I looked in the same direction* Looks like gigantic see through looking ball, y'know the kind you go in & walk on water.

Alex: Man thats sick, wanna get 1?

Nick: Sure why not.

Alex: Alright lets do it then! *Nick & I ran off into the water seeing how it goes for awhile till it gets deep & got ourselves 1 of the balls, but the only thing was that we could only get 1. They must be mega popular after all, so Nick & I took our turns trying it out laughing & goofing off*

Joe: *Great now they're totally hamster balling it without me? Well technically I'm uninvited, but not to worry cause I can easily just be like "Hey Nick & so & so, didn't know you'd be down here," even though its kind of lame seeing how I'm supposed to be on my side of the island, but whatever on that subject. I gotta say that that Alex guy has quite the arm for throwing, but honestly nobody really beats Nick when he gets pumped for sports, my bro's like a master @ it. Seriously though just watching from here is getting kind of old, I mean I'm not banned & not really doing anything wrong, well it you count the spying but so what, its my job to care bout Nick & make sure he's safe. Or maybe I'm just not capable of letting him be on his own, like even before we came here, before I revealed my feelings for him there were plenty of times where I thought man I just wanna be with Nick, but I need to man up cause at that time I didn't know he liked me back. Maybe I should just leave & let him be, or keeping spying till he leaves, yeah decisions decisions*

Ep. 80 (Need You Now)

Alex: *After fun after fun fun fun, Nick & I returned to the beach & collapsed on our towels* God this island is so awesome!

Nick: I know, its like you can't get enough of it.

Alex: *I propped up my head, laying on my right side* So where is your bro anyways?

Nick: Probably having fun back on the other side of the island, why?

Alex: *I shrugged* No reason, just thought you'd guys be together having fun y'know bro & bro.

Nick: Yeah we are just today we thought we'd venture off-

Alex: On your own?

Nick: *I nodded*

Alex: I get it, bro's need time away from each other, its natural.

Nick: *Yeah naturally a bad idea seeing how I miss him* So what bout Dianna & you, how long have you 2 been together if you don't mind me asking?

Alex: Not at all Nick. She's my life. We've been together for bout a yr now.

Nick: Wow, that sounds nice.

Alex: It is & we really love each other y'know. I feel like she's the 1 for me.

Nick: Cool.

Alex: What bout you man, got any1 special in your life?

Nick: *I blushed nodding* Yeah I do.

Alex: Thats awesome, well you hang on to her as long as you can, cause real love's what matters.

Nick: Yeah. *Thing is my special some1 is a him & my bro*

Joe: *Hearing Nick talk bout me, been then not talking bout me made me feel guilty. For 1 thing he trusts me to be on my own, yet you don't see girls flocking towards me like crazy trying to hit on me, but thats also cause that Ari mentioned you can turn the whole invisible thing on & off when you want*

Alex: Hey you got something in your hair there. *I pointed to his curls*

Nick: *I tried to get it with my hands* Where?

Alex: *Chuckling* Here allow me. *I leaned in closer to get the leaf that had wound up in his hair & threw off in the sand* There ya go. *I patted his hair* Wow your curls are really ... well curly.

Nick: *I laughed* Thanks & yeah its how my hair is.

Joe: *He's laughing. He smiling & that Alex guy just touched his hair like oh heck no! Just as I was bout to run over to them I tripped & foiled my whole plan* Ouch. *I muttered*

Nick: *I looked over & spotted Joe on the ground & ran over to him* Joe?! *I pulled him up* You OK?

Joe: *I shook it off & got up a little too fast* Yeah, I'm fine.

Nick: *I smiled* Good, hey um this is Alex Pettyfer. *I gestured towards him*

Alex: *I got up shaking his hand* Hey there Joe, nice to meet ya.

Joe: *I didn't smile* Hey. *I shook his hand & looked @ Nick* You ready to go?

Nick: *I nodded wondering why he looked so grumpy looking*

Joe: Cya ya round. *I nodded towards the guy*

Alex: Cya guys & enjoy you're vacation. *I waved them bye & then saw my girl arriving as I ran off the greet her*

Nick: *I smiled watching him*

Joe: Nick you ready? *I said a bit agitated*

Nick: Yes. *I got in the car, as he got in while he drove off* So where have you been?

Joe: Did some golfing, zip-lining & went for a swim.

Nick: Thats cool. Listen, um sorry for today.

Joe: Why's that?

Nick: Well I thought bout it more & I came to the same conclusion: I can't be without you & I'm sorry for coming up with the idea.

Joe: *I smiled a bit* I feel the same & its OK, no need to apologize to me Nick.

Nick: *For a moment there he sounded still a little off* You OK?

Joe: Yeah, just need to nap a little on the beach or something.

Nick: Alright. *I didn't press it any further. So once back we walked to the beach & we laid together on the towel & snuggled. Joe seemed to drift off fast while I just looked up @ the sky*

Joe: *Once in off to sleep I strangely woke to Nick & I's room, but only something seemed really off. I saw Nick lying on the bed naked twisting his right finger at some1. At 1st I thought it was me, & I smiled walking towards him to hug him, when then I went right through him. What the? I looked @ him & then saw what I so did NOT wanna see ... that Alex guy walking naked towards Nick. What the hell? I tried to stop him for walking towards Nick but it was no use. I couldn't touch them, I only went right through so I tried my voice* STOP! NICK its me, run away! Don't let HIM NEAR YOU! *Still no 1 looked or spoke to me. I was invisible. But I wasn't bout to let what I thought was bout to happen, but everything I tried had absolutely no effect whatsoever. Was I really forced to watch THIS?*

Nick: Come here baby, I need you now.

Alex: *Chuckling* And I need you oh SO MUCH! *Grinning*

Nick: Then take me Alex, make love to me non-stop.

Alex: Oh I will baby, I will. *I kissed his lips hungrily groaning as I pushed my body against his*

Nick: *Moaning* OH ALEX, ALEXXX! UGN!

Alex: *Touching all over his body & kissing him* MMM BABY!

Nick: Please. *Begging* Just do it!

Alex: *Smirking* I slipped my self into him groaning loud* OH YEAHHH BABY!

Nick: UGH. UGH. UGHH! *Moaning really loud*


Ep. 81 (There Goes My Heart Again)

Nick: *I woke up startled by Joe's voice fast & started to move him* Joe, wake up.

Joe: *Very mad* NO, NO, NO! THIS CAN'T BE REAL!

Nick: *I yelled* JOE!

Joe: *I opened my eyes then, sweating & very confused, leaning up too fast* Where am I?

Nick: *I jumped a little bit back from his fast movement not expecting it* Joe we're still on the beach, together.

Joe: *I looked around in every direction* Where is he?!

Nick: *Puzzled* Who?

Joe: That guy you were with earlier where is he?

Nick: What does Alex have to do with this?

Joe: *I felt my nostrils flare*

Nick: *I'd never seen him like this before* Joe? What's wrong? Is everything OK?

Joe: *Some of my anger went away but not all of it* Wait, have you been next to me this entire time?

Nick: Yes, I haven't moved.

Joe: *I nodded shaking my head sighing loudly* Then it was all just ... a really bad nightmare except the funny bout it, is its not night.

Nick: *I touched his shoulder* You wanna tell what it was about?

Joe: *I bit my lip*

Nick: Please Joe?

Joe: *Sighing* Fine, you & that guy were-were *I couldn't even say it, but I certainly could see it & I wish I hadn't. I tried again* making love right in front of me, but no matter what I said or did, neither of you could see me.

Nick: *I gasped totally shocked* Thats what you dreamt of?

Joe: *Nodding* Yeah & its why I'm awoke like I did.

Nick: *I hugged him then speaking* Joe ... you know I would never do that to you ever. I love you so much.

Joe: *I pulled away & looked into his eyes, those eyes so full of warmth & love staring right back into mine speaking nothing but from his heart* I know. *I spoke softly* I know. And I love you very much too. And I'm glad its all over now.

Nick: So is that why you were spying on me earlier?

Joe: *I bit my lip again* Yeah, but how'd you know?

Nick: Joe, I know you too well & you know as well as I do that we need each other which is actually what I was going to do before I ran into Alex.

Joe: So all that talking & having fun was just friend-like?

Nick: Joe, I don't believe you're asking that. Of course we're just friends, what did you think we were?

Joe: IDK, I just don't trust any men around you. You never know what they're up to. For all we know they could be-

Nick: Just a guy talking to another guy? What? Playing with a water ball? Is that what you're saying?

Joe: No, no, no. Its just what I mean is urgh, he could've just been acting y'know. Look @ Taylor & Kris, didn't they seem nice @ 1st then totally lose it & try to force you to be with them?

Nick: You're blowing this way out of proportion.

Joe: Am I? Look @ the bloody facts Nick.

Nick: Y'know what, you need to chill kay, its over & I'm fine & I said I was sorry so stop it.

Joe: I'm sorry too, but I just wanted to tell you-

Nick: How you felt? Well I get it now, so thanks.

Joe: Don't be mad Nick please.

Nick: I'm not, I'm just ... disappointed.

Joe: Cause I won't allow you to be alone or with another guy?

Nick: Your intentions are good but its just IDK overbearing sometimes. I mean I don't follow you ever to see if girls or guys for that matter are going to hit on you & try to steal me away.

Joe: Thats cause I immediately say I'm with some1 in a relationship & if they continue to bother me, I just leave. And how come you're turning this all on me?

Nick: Cause for once I almost wish I was wasn't the 1 getting all the attention from others all the time y'know, maybe that way you wouldn't need to be protective of me. You know I am capable of taking care of myself Joe.

Joe: The attentions never gonna stop Nick & thats why I need to be there for you, whether you need or not. I know you're practically an adult, but still-

Nick: You feel I need to be babied & looked after 24/7?

Joe: What I mean is-

Nick: Once again I know what you mean & whatever. Fine Joe, do what you need to do & I'll do what I need to kay.

Joe: Nick I-

Nick: What?

Joe: I'm sorry I just love you so much, I don't want anything to ever happen to you, because of it did & I wasn't there to help you, I'd never forgive myself. I love you Nick & I wanna take care of you always for the rest of our lives.

Nick: *My heart skipped a couple of beats* Joe.

Joe: S'ok Nick I know, I know.

Nick: *I hugged him for a long time not letting go* Sorry.

Joe: Don't be. *I kissed his head*

Nick: But-

Joe: *I kissed him smiling*

Nick: *I kissed back & we fell into each other forgetting everything except each other*

Ep. 82 (1 Day Before Our Last)

Nick: *Again time went by & it came down to 1 more day till we were leaving, so Joe & I got up early after eating breakfast & this time set out to see Ari 1 last time* Hey girl. *I smiled happily*

Ari: *Hello guys, you're just in time*

Joe: Ooh for what Ari?

Ari: *Well we all know that you 2 have pretty much did everything pretty much possible on this island, but the girls & I think we came up with something incredible & fun like you've 2 never seen*

Joe: Sounds awesome already, I'm in.

Nick: Me too, so when do we get to try it?

Ari: *Soon, but 1st how a little bit of sky diving dolphin style?*

Joe: You kidding ... YES!

Nick: *Laughing* So how is it going to work?

Ari: *Like this. In a silent command the Jonases, my sisters, & I went from being in the water to being up in the sky floating up high. See?*

Joe: *I looked down* WHOA, COOL!

Nick: *I laughed as my heart pounded*

Ari: *And no worries, none of us will ever get hurt cause with magic we're all equally protected. So kind of like a ride @ a theme park you just say when you wanna drop & you start to fall, free falling & then before you come in contact with the water you're immediately halted to a stop & then you can go as many times as you wish, pretty neat huh?*

Joe: Oh extremely girl. What are we waiting for lets try this, right Nicky?

Nick: *I winked* Yeah!

Ari: *Kay! Drop in 5, 4, 3, 2, & 1! WHOOO!!*

Joe: *I spread my arms like an eagle soaring, laughing*

Nick: *We fell so fast, Joe right beside me & Ari & all of sisters, we were all laughing like crazy, till in no time @ all we'd stopped just like Ari had said* HOLY

Joe: Moley! Again! *I chanted*

Nick: Definitely!

Ari: *Ha ha, as you wish. And you can't try it @ any height & location round the other islands*

Joe: Even from Space?

Ari: *Yep even there*

Joe: You hear that Nick?!

Nick: *Giggling* Yeah, sounds like awesomeness to me.

Ari: *Then lets take it up a notch, come on girls ... climbing time! Like an elevator but faster we all climbed up in the atmosphere. We've arrived, welcome to Space every1, next stop back down to Fiji*

Nick: *I looked around my mouth hanging open* OMG. *I spoke softly. Never in my wildest dreams had I dreamed of doing anything like this. It was remarkable. No 1 could ever be in space like this ever, & its all thanks to magic*

Joe: Holy planets! I can see them from here! Looky its Venus! And Mars!

Ari: *Yup, all of them & the rest of them. Plenty of places to explore here, but be careful its also a very easy place to get lost. Who knows where you could end up*

Joe: Like you mean in an alternative dimension?

Ari: *Mmm-hmm, here in space nothing is what it seems. Its a whole new world X's anything you possibly imagine*

Nick: Are there any others out here?

Ari: *You mean besides us right now?*

Nick: Yeah.

Ari: *An excellent q, but sadly nothing @ the moment. Were you expecting aliens?*

Nick: *Blushing* Maybe.

Joe: Are there aliens Ari?

Ari: *I smiled. Perhaps but not like you think they'd be*

Nick: Seriously? *Amazed*

Joe: *I stayed silent in awe as well*

Ari: *Lets just say they're invisible kind of beings that shine like stars & gleam like precious gems*

Joe: Oh my-

Nick: God.

Ari: *I laughed. Come on fellas its time to drop down Get ready 1, 2, 3 down!*

Joe: SNAP!

Nick: AHHH! *Falling fast feeling the adrenaline taking over*


Ari: *And back down to earth, how you 2 feel?*

Nick: Just-

Joe: Spectacular, thats so much better than any kind of sky diving, thats like the extremist, most exciting thing ever!

Ari: *I thought you'd enjoy it, my sisters & I love it, the flying & falling combined is just so awesome is it not?*

Nick: For sure Ari, but you think we could try the other activity you mentioned now?

Ari: *I conversed with my girls. You sure you're up for this?*

Nick: *I nodding smiling* Yes, right Joe?

Joe: Thats right, yes. So what's the big surprise?

Ari: *Yari & Xari places*

Yari: *I went over to underneath Nick making him sit on me. Hang on tight @ all times Nick*

Nick: *I laughed surprised & nodded* Kay.

Xari: *I did the same for Joe. Kay so this is going to be another thrilling experience, y'all heard of roller coasters right?*

Joe: Yeah.

Nick: Mmm-hmm.

Xari: *Well get ready for the ultimate coaster invisible & dolphin style. 0-60 here I go! Suddenly I took off making myself unseeable*

Joe: Whoooooooooooaaa!

Nick: *Yari had taken off too & done the same thing, as I screamed & watched as I went up & down, left & right, upside down & more. We kept @ this for awhile till we called it quits & collapsed for real in the water splashing each other* That was SO-

Joe: AMAZING as it comes! *After we played more in the water with all the girls we soon bid them bye till tomorrow when we were schedule to vamoose* Cya tomorrow Ari! *I called*

Nick: Yeah tomorrow don't forget.

Ari: *Smiling. I couldn't if I wanted, until tomorrow Nick & Joe, sleep well. I waved them bye with my sisters & left them returning home*

Ep. 83 (Together & Run The World)

Joe: *That night after Nick & I had showered & everything we just laid together on the bed staring @ the ceiling silently till we both drifted off. The next morning we rose bright & early again & just packing now. I'd asked Nick if he'd wanted to pack last night, which I'd figured he would want, but he insisted that we wait till morning. I knew he wanted to delay leaving, as did I, but in the end we both knew it was @ last time to say bon voyage. We went back & forth in our bedroom gathering everything & packing them away slowly, but no matter how slow we went we'd still couldn't stop from leaving. Here in Fiji, it had definitely become home for us. When @ last we had everything set in our luggage, we sat on the edge of our bed together* We still have some time y'know.

Nick: *I sighed & nodded* Yeah, but we're already set.

Joe: *I stood up then & extended my hand to him*

Nick: What?

Joe: *I grinned* Just take it.

Nick: *I placed my hand in his as he pulled me up to my feet & we led me to our patio outside. He put on the radio quickly finding the perfect song "Together" by the Intruders. He came back to me & sweeping me into a dance*

Joe: *I sang along*

(Together, together)

Oh, oh we could be on a desert

Lost without a place (place) to (to) go (go)

And we're so in love, in love with each other

That we wouldn't even (even) know (know).

(Oh, I) don't care (I don't care)

Anyplace, anywhere (anywhere)

(Just as long as) just as long

(We are there) as we are there, baby, baby

(Together) together, baby

(Together) together, baby

(Baby, just you and me) just you and me

(Woah) oh, how (happy) happy (we'll) we'll be (be).

And, oh, oh, oh, we could be in proverty

No one to lend a helping (helping) hand (hand)

But it's alright (alright), alright I know

Because you always under(under)stand(stand).

(Oh, I) & I don't care (I don't care)

Anyplace, anywhere (anywhere)

(Just as long as) just as long

(We can share) as we share them, baby, baby

(Together) together, baby

(Together) together, baby

(Baby, just you and me) just you and me

(Woah) oh, how (happy) happy (we'll) we'll (be) be.

(Oh, I) and I don't care (I don't care)

Anyplace, anywhere (anywhere)

(Just as long as) just as long

(We can share) as we share them, baby, baby

(Together) together, baby

(Together) together, baby

(Baby, just you and) just (me) you and me

(Woah) oh, how happy (happy) we'll (we'll) be (be).

(Together) oh, we're together

(Together) we're gonna stay together

(Together) do it all together

(Together) gonna work together

(Together) girl, every day, ever now

(Together) gonna stay together

(Together) oh, we're together.

Nick: *I sighed happily as I listened to Joe singing so sweetly to me. It made we feel happy all over again. When he finished we both leaned in for a sweet kiss making it deep till we pulled away super breathless* Oh Joe. *I softly said*

Joe: *I smiled grabbing his hands & pulling them up to my lips kissing the tops of them over & over again*

Nick: *Blushing/giggling* Joey.

Joe: *I just wanted to make him happy & take his mind off of leaving for the moment cause its here where we've shared each other & had some pretty incredible moments from beginning to end. We'll always remember this is where it all started & how it changed us both. Another song then came on this time Beyonce's "Run This World (Girls)," which couldn't have been a brighter dance-y music selection. I started rocking out even though it was for the girls, it just had an interesting hook & beat*

Nick: *I watched happily as he danced to the song. It made me laugh a lot, but that didn't stop him for continuing & also dragging me on the fun. We sang together not caring bout anything but this moment*

Joe: *Nothing beats Nick shaking his hips & fist pumping & jumping up & down to the song. It made grin brightly cause if you know Nick as well as I do, then you definitely know that this guy doesn't ever dance like this, so this is quite the treat. My baby's a stud muffin to the very end. I loved how he got into the song, totally working it & getting psyched just as I was. When Nick moves oooh how he can down & keep you in trance. Soon the song ended & I was totally pouted hoping for another song & Nick show. And just like that, I got my wish ... "I'm In You," by J.Lo* Go for it baby! *I winked gestured for him to do his thing*

Nick: *Shyly I stepped out & sang to the song & danced a little bit but not as much as I did for the other song. By the look on Joe's face he was so enjoying watching me. I hadn't expected to be doing this, but as I did it sure made me feel happier & less down*

Joe: *I watched in fasciation eyeing his every move cause if anything I loved moments like this & Nick moving was definitely @ the top of the list among other things* Whoo baby you've so got it! *I chanted*

Nick: *Blushing I continued till the song was done & Joe clapped happily* Kay no more. *I started to walk away back inside*

Ep. 84 (June/Home)

Joe: *I followed* Watcha getting?

Nick: Water you want any?

Joe: Sure baby.

Nick: *I handed him a bottle & we both drank*

Joe: Ahh, thats the stuff.

Nick: *I laughing* Yep. *For our last 30 min.'s on the island we just took a slow drive around the whole island till we came back to the airport* Guess its time. *I mumble falling back down to the way I was before*

Joe: Hey. *I hugged him from behind* Now come on, cheer up please for me? *Pouting*

Nick: *I giggled* IDK.

Joe: Pretty please Nick?

Nick: *I gave in* Alright, for you then.

Joe: Good. Now smile. *I commanded*

Nick: *I groaned* Do I have too?

Joe: *I raised an eyebrow* Do I have to use my methods of getting you to smile, cause I will do it.

Nick: *Blushing, slowly smiles*

Joe: *Grins* Much much better. Now all we gotta do is wait for Ari & her girls to see us off & then we'll get rolling.

Ari: *Appears with every1. Did some1 mention my name?*

Nick: *Happily* Ari!

Ari: *Winking. Y'know it & the rest of the gang. We all just wanted to make  sure you 2 got off safely*

Joe: And we appreciate that so much, thank you to you all. We're truly blessed to have you all in our lives now.

Nick: And we'll miss you dearly.

Ari: *Smiling. As will we. Good luck to you both, may you have a wonderful future full of love, happiness, & faith forever*

Joe: And we'll be seeing you again?

Ari: *You can can count on it. Whenever you may need me just call my name & even though I'll be far away, a creature nearer to you will get in touch with me*

Joe: We'll keep that in mind girl.

Ari: *You're plane is ready now. It is time. Until we meet again Nicholas & Joseph Jonas*

Joe: Bye Ari, take care girl. *Waving with Nick*

Nick: We love you so much Ari & every1! *Teary eyed*

Ari: *And we love you both very much. Be well you 2*

Nick: *I walked with Joe to our plane & as we did before we got in we both took 1 last look @ every1 as they floated invisibly cheering loudly & waving all bye. With tears & 1 last wave, I got inside the plane & settled in my seat alongside next to Joe's*

Joe: *As we sat down together & prepared for takeoff, I wiped Nick's tears & rubbing the tops of his hands soothing him*

Nick: *We took off then really fast in like a matter of sec's, off in the air we suddenly were way above the clouds. I'd closed my eyes just feeling wiped from all the emotions clinging @ my heart & soon drifted off to sleep. The next time I woke up, I blinked & whispered* Joe?

Joe: I'm here Nick. *I patted his shoulder*

Nick: *I looked @ him* Are we-

Joe: Almost home?

Nick: *Nodding*

Joe: Yes, just 30 more min's they said it'd be. And its officially June baby. And also got a text from mom & dad both.

Nick: *Eyes widen* What did they say?

Joe: Well they both just said they're really excited for us coming back home & they said they have big news to tell us.

Nick: Wonder what it could be?

Joe: Well noting how excited they sound & all the smiley faces, it sounds really good.

Nick: Yeah.

Joe: Hey, don't worry everything is going to be fine Nick, trust me. And trust everything we've learned.

Nick: I know, but we really need every1 to be there to hear our confession.

Joe: Already covered. *Smiling brightly*

Nick: You called Kev, & our grandparents?

Joe: Yep. Kev & Dani are already there, Frankie too, & as for our grandparents they're already there conveniently there.

Nick: *Smiling too* You're amazing.

Joe: I know, plus I just wanna take the worrying off your shoulders.

Nick: Sorry I'm just so nervous.

Joe: As am I. Something tells me we're gonna be all good.

Nick: *Sighing*

Joe: *Starts singing to him* Don't worry about a thing ,cause every little thing is gonna be alright. *Repeats & continues to sing the rest*

Nick: *I smiled swaying to the music*

Joe: Sayin' this is my message to you-ou-ou.

Nick: *Giggling now. His rendition of Bob Marley's hit song was the perfect cheerer upper*

Joe: And I can totally go on. *Sings another* Hakuna Matata: what a wonderful phrase, Hakuna Matata: ain't no passing craze ... *Gestures for Nick to take it*

Nick: *Smiling & breaths singing with him* It means no worries for the rest of your days. Oh!

Joe: It's our problem-free ...*Together* philosophy ... *Continues to sing till the end* Whoo!

Nick: *Laughing* You're so funny.

Joe: Thank you thank you, I'm here every week & time of the day except for when I'm with my Nick. *Winking*

Nick: *Blushing* And crazy.

Joe: Crazy in love, out of this world, so in love. *Grinning*

Pilot: *Announcement* Attention passengers we'll be landing shortly, please prepare for landing attendants as we make our descent into Dallas, its about 74 degrees with partly cloudy skies but mostly sunny.

Nick: *Smiling buckling back up* Hey put your seat belt on.

Joe: You sure?

Nick: Joe!

Joe: JK baby. *I clipped it on as we both felt the plane drop down fast to the ground, it was a little shaky but overall a fast landing. Once in the gates, we got up together & exited together* Home @ last! *I exclaimed breathing it in*

Nick: Home. *Nodding*

Ep. 85 (Family Meeting)

Joe: *Once out of the terminal, we were immediately greeted by our family* Surprise Nick. *I whispered before they all came running to us hugging us*

Nick: *Gasping/smiling/hugging them all back* Mom! Dad! Kev! Frankie! Dani! Grandma & Grandpa!

Joe: What he said, hola mi familia! *Hugging them all too*

Denise: Oh my boys, I've missed you so much! *Crying*

Nick: *Close to tears myself* Me too mom, all of you.

Joe: Don't cry mom we're back! *Winking* Hey Kev! *Big bro hugs him* Sup Mufasa?

Kev: *Excited* Hey Danger! *Hugging back* Real great dude, nothing like the family being all back together right Dani. *Hugging her close*

Dani: *Smiling brightly* Yeah & look @ you guys you're so nicely tanned!

Joe: *Chuckles* And you too, you gotta tell me all bout Hawaii!

Frankie: Hey what bout me?

Joe: Come here Frank the Tank. *Goes in to hug him* What's up little man?

Frankie: Nothing much except non-stoping taking bout when you guys would get here. *Points to mom*

Joe: *Laughs* Awww!

Nick: Hey squirt, you miss us too?

Frankie: Yep! And grandpa & grandma too. *Gestures to them*

Nick: Hey you guys! *Hugs them* How have you've been?

Grandma: Lovely my dearest, what about you?

Grandpa: Wonderful my son, you've no idea how happy we are to see ya, we've missed you lots!

Nick: *Smiling happily* I've been amazing.

Joe: Yeah & awesome, Fiji was so off the hook, chain & more! *Winks @ Nick*

Nick: *Trying not to blush & trying to change the subject* Lets go home.

Kevin: Follow us, we've got the car ready. And your mom & I prepared a sort of welcoming home lunch/dinner.

Nick: Sounds awesome.

Joe: *Really excited plus I've missed my mom's cooking* Lets go then people! *All of us walked to the car & got in together as dad drove us back home. Once inside the gates protecting us from outsiders & paparazzi/fans, we all got out & went on inside & eat all together in the dining room*

Denise: How was everything?

Joe: Splendid mom as always. *Smiling*

Nick: Superb all the way.

Denise : Aww I'm glad & so yours dad & we have exciting news for you Nicolas honey.

Nick: Really? *Surprised cause I thought it was for Joe & me*

Kevin: Well son, congrats you've officially got the part of Marius in Les Miserbles!

Nick: *Stunned/gasps* Really?

Kev: Yes, they want you on a jet to London tomorrow morning to start rehearsals.

Nick: *Speechless* OMG.

Denise: Congrats Nick.

Joe: To Nick. *Raises glass to toast as every1 follows & repeats*

Grandpa: You give them a show kiddo, we're so proud of you.

Grandma: You're going to be wonderful in it Nicky, we just know it.

Nick: *Smiles* Thanks every1, so much, this is really amazing news. I'm so psyched already.

Frankie: Go Mr. President! *Cheering*

Nick: *Laughs* Thanks little bro. *Just as mom started clearing the dishes, while we helped Joe & I then called a family meeting in the living room. Together every1 sat on the large L-shaped couch & stared up @ us in the middle of the room near the fireplace*

Denise: So what's this bout guys?

Frankie: Yeah its really hot & I wanna go swimming.

Nick: *Bits lip* Joe & I have something we got to tell you. *Clears throat, really nervous now*

Joe: *I saw Kev, Dani & even Frankie nod knowingly for us to continue. So I took a deep breath & took Nick's hand* Nick & I love each other. *Mom & dad just smiled like they already knew that, so I cleared it up* More than brothers, we've been dating each other. It happened the 1st day we arrived in Fiji, but we've always felt this way. I know this may be shocking & somewhat not easy to hear, but please hear us both out. Since Nick 1st came into my life, I've loved him. *I continued explaining our story in more detail as their smiles faded except for Kev, Dani & Frankie*

Denise: How can this be? *Bewildered*

Kevin: Are you guys telling me that your both GAY & are insisting in being together as in incest? *Trying to speak calmly*

NIck: *My heart pounded hard* Its all true, every word. *Squeezing Joe's hand harder* I love Joe so much & he loves me & were so in love.

Denise: *Speechless*

Kevin: *Upset* Joseph ... Nicholas go upstairs right now, to your own rooms please.

Nick: *Crying now/speaking softly* Dad please, we didn't mean to keep this hidden for so long. We're sorry & we want you to know we love you. I know this hard, but please try to understand how we feel.

Kevin: Upstairs now.

Joe: Mom?

Denise: *Looks @ them & nods for them to leave*

Nick: *Really crying a lot*

Joe: *Follows him trying my best to be strong for Nick & I*

Denise: *Finally speaks* Did any1 know bout this?

Kev: *Raises hand along with Dani & Frankie too*

Grandpa: *Raises my hand*

Grandma: *Raises my hand too*

Denise: *Looks @ them incredulously* Mother?

Kevin: Pop?

Grandpa: OK so we didn't know for sure till now, but Grandma & I have had our suspicions for awhile now.

Grandma: Really Denise & Paul, is this really shocking to hear?

Ep. 86 (Parent's Decision)

Denise: Excuse me?

Kevin: What do you mean?

Grandma: Its obvious that they love each other more than brothers, so why'd you have to send them away like that, like an outcast?

Grandpa: You see their faces? It was heartbreaking & all you have to say is "go to your rooms?"

Kevin: Pop & Ma, how can you be so calm? Did you not hear what they said to all of us?

Grandma: Every word & they spoke right from the heart. They've found true love together, they're soul mates.

Grandpa: You 2 need to say you're sorry to them immediately. They feel like you haven't really listened to them & dismissed them.

Denise: Wait a sec, how did you 3 know? *Looks @ Kev, Dani & Frankie*

Kev: *Grins* When I visited them in Fiji to tell them my news bout moving there with Dani, they came out to me & naturally I told Dani.

Frankie: And I pretty much knew already, they're always huggy all the time.

Denise: And you all except them like this?

Kev: You kidding me mom & dad, yes a million billion trillion times yes!

Dani: All the way yes.

Frankie: Yes just like they said.

Kevin: But, but but. None of this make sense, why would you all do that? They're brothers!

Frankie: So what? They're cute together, let em be.

Kev: Yeah dad, don't get me wrong its normal to shocked, its how I was too when they told me, but y'know I definitely know they're family & no matter what I love & support them both.

Dani: Thats right, we all do. *Holding Kev's hand as he's also holding Frankie's hand*

Grandpa: *Holding Frankie's hand & Grandma's* We support our kids no matter what.

Grandma: Now the question is will you support them? They're your sons & our grandchildren. Please just go talk to them.

Denise: *Sighs* Could you all just go to the pool while Kevin & I talk please? 

Grandma: Very well but think bout it. If you should need us just holler. *We all went outside to the pool leaving them alone*

Kevin: *Shakes head* Do believe all this?

Denise: IDK. Oh Kevin, they looked so sincere & frightened all over when they were talking. Nicky was shaking so much. Could we really not have seen this? 

Kevin: Dear, I know but this is just incredibly the craziest thing I've ever heard. I mean what are we supposed to do now?

Denise: Maybe we should try to understand.

Kevin: Not you too now, Denise, it isn't right. Don't you know that?

Denise: Of course I know that Kevin, but my mother's right no matter what we have to support them like we always have. They're both really special young men. I'm still shocked yes, but I am glad that they told us. I think they are serious about what they said.

Kevin: Thats just it, they can't feel that way about each other. We can't let them continue this relationship together, we got to-

Denise: What? Break them up & break their hearts along with it & make this family miserable?

Kevin: Denise!

Denise: Honey I know this is really hard on you, & for me too, but we got to do our best to remain calm. In time maybe we can grow to understand it more.

Nick: *I was lying in my old room, which Joe & I shared, but now I'm all alone crying my eyes out. I couldn't believe it had went down like that, it was exactly what I was expecting to happen but I also thought wouldn't happen*

Joe: *In my old room & I sat on my bed staring at the door expecting them to come in @ any moment & talk to me, but it never happened. Hrs seemed to past like nothing till I fell asleep*

Denise: *Kevin & talked for awhile trying to come to terms with everything, but it wasn't till later in the night when the rest of the family had retired to their rooms. Kevin & I decided to sleep on it & confront our sons in the morning*

Kevin: *The next morning came around & Denise & I took our turns going into our son's rooms to talk with them* Joseph wake up. *I shook him gently*

Joe: *I awoke & sat up biting my lip blinking the sleepiness away* Dad?

Kevin: Shush. I have something to say. *Clears throat* Do you really love Nicholas that much?

Joe: *I nodded* I have only 1 man & he's my life, Nick's my life Dad.

Kevin: *I nodded standing up* Follow me & come downstairs.

Joe: *I got up instantly following him*

Denise: *Shaking Nick gently* Nicholas baby wake up.

Nick: *I woke up wiped my tear stained face & cheeks* Mom?

Denise: *Bits lip* How much in love are you with Joseph honey?

Nick: *Gasps/whispers* Very much. He's my 1 true love & only soul mate, I love him Mom.

Denise: *Nods* Follow me.

Nick: *Gets up & follows her downstairs & sees Dad & Joe together waiting* What's going on? *I prayed with all my might*

Denise: *Grips Nick's shoulders* Nicholas & Joseph, your father & I have talked bout everything & we've come to a very important decision.

Joe: *Frozen, waiting just like Nick*

Kevin: *Frown turns into a smile* You 2 may be together.

Nick: *Falls apart sinking to the ground*

Joe: *Immediately catches him running to him* Nick baby are you alright?

Nick: *Looks up @ him with the brightest smile* I'm wonderful. *Softly says to him*

Ep. 87 (Celebration)

Nick: *Everything seemed to happen in a blink. My parents were smiling widely & happy for Joe & I. Everything inside me filled with so much happiness I'd thought I'd burst. My heart was so warm & I found myself crying all over again though I'd tried to hard to keep it in, I failed @ being too over emotional cause obviously it was a very emotional moment. My parents, the 2 people who brought me & Joe into this world, had accepted us as couple. All fears & my previous feelings from yesterday were now long gone. Ari had ben right. We'd made it through 1 of the biggest trying moments in our lives. It was surreal but nice*

Joe: *It was all smiles, even when Kev, Dani, Frankie, Grandpa & Grandmom all came into the living room & once again we all group hugged for the longest time. It was such a major relief to have our parents & every1 on our side now. I'd almost doubted for a moment when they'd sent us to our rooms, which had never happened to either of us seeing how we always strived to be good kids. But now we're all smiling, grinning, laughing & being together as a family. Everything about having faith had payed off big time & I was extremely grateful for it. I prayed again silently thanking the lord & our wonderful family*

Denise: Alright ever1 settle down, Joseph has something he wants to say. *We all sat down on the couch leaving Joe & Nick standing*

Joe: *I winked & smiled* Thank you so much my family, Nick & I, are so happy right now you have no idea how happy. And now I'd like to sing a song for my Nick, this 1's all for you. I began to sing: "Imagine Me Without" You by Jaci Velasquez"*

As long as stars shine down from heaven

And the rivers run into the sea

'Til the end of time, forever

You're the only love I'll need

In my life, you're all that matters

In my eyes, the only truth I see

When my hopes and dreams have shattered

You're the one that's there for me.

When I found you I was blessed

And I will never leave you

I need you.

Imagine me without you

I'd be lost and so confused

I wouldn't last a day

I'd be afraid without you there to see me through

Imagine me without you

Lord, you know it's just impossible

Because of you

It's all brand new

My life is now worth while

I can't imagine me without you.

When you caught me I was falling

Your love lifted me back on my feet

It was like you heard my calling

And you rushed to set me free.

When I found you I was blessed

And I will never leave you

I need you ...

I can't imagine me without you.

Nick: *The entire time he was singing, I just fell more in a blissful mood as I listened & watching him sing for me. It felt like the perfect song for him to communicate to the family & even more to me. I was near tears again, today I just couldn't seem to get it together. I was falling apart inside & out. Once he finished I ran & hugged him. I really wanted to kiss him, but I was afraid still for my parents watching*

Frankie: Oh just kiss already! *Closing his eyes covering them with my hands*

Kev: Go ahead bros!

Dani: Show your love. *Winks*

Grandma: Don't be shy boys.

Grandpa: We're all family here.

Denise: Its alright my loves ...

Kevin: Proceed. *Finishes her sentence*

Joe: *Grinning I pulled Nick in for a really long & tender loving kiss as we both pulled away both smiling brightly, as Nick was blushing cutely as always*

Nick: Joey I love you. *I clung to his chest hiding my face as I heard all kinds of cheering throughout the whole room*

Joe: *Hugs him closer stroking his hair, kissing his head* And I love you so much Nicky baby!

Nick: *Smiles shutting my eyes*

Joe: *Continues to sway him gently*

Frankie: KAY enough of the lovin', swimming time pretty please?!

Joe: *Chuckles* Sounds awesome, whatcha think Nick?

Nick: *Finally pulls away smiling just as I caught Grandma taking a pic of Joe & me* Grandma! *I squealed*

Grandma: What? No1 said I couldn't take pics of my boy's kissing?

Nick: *Turns really red trying to hide behind Joe* Do something.

Joe: *Grinning* Alright you heard my baby boy, pic time after swimming. *Winks*

Nick: Joe!

Joe: Right, every1 meet back outside in 5, break! *Every1 rushed off towards their rooms leaving Nick & I alone* See thats all you gotta say.

Nick: But Joe I-

Joe: *Smiles pressing a finger to his lips* Save it for the pool love. Besides they're family y'know once they're cool with something they LOVE takin' pics. And this case is no exception now shoo & get dressed before I do it myself & believe I so will do it.

Nick: *I laughed running climbing the stairs getting ready as did Joe & we all met back outside. Of course we all jumped in together splashing & playing ball & all kind of fun things, it was all a blast till the very end till we eat dinner & all went to our rooms to sleep. Except this time Joe slept in my room & in my bed as we drifted away happily snuggling warmly*

Ep. 88 (Mom's B-day/London & Les Miz/Inception)

Nick: *1 month flew by & it was now July. Sadly cause Joe & I had been in London together as I was working in the theater doing many rehearsals, we'd not been able to celebrate my Mom's b-day with her which was on the 12th, but that didn't stop Joe & I from calling her & wishing her an awesome day along with also sending a gift or 2. I also tweeted online bout it & Joe too* Can you believe we're in London Joe?

Joe: *I was walking with Nick cause he'd finished for the day* I know, its awesome. This place is amazing, not to mention I get to work on my british accent, observe. *Clears throat* Cheerio lad, top of the morning to ya Nicholas.

Nick: *Giggling* Nice work Joe.

Joe: Thanks Nick. *Winking. See in public we only did subtle flirting cause of course Nick & I wanted our relationship private & if any nosey paparazzi came around we just play around as our brotherly selves giving them the perfect slip, this way we don't have to questioned of anything & so far its worked like a charm* Ooh Feelin' alive, feelin' alive! *Singing 1 of new songs from JONAS L.A.*

Nick: Ooh my fav! Lemme just tweet that real quick! *Typing on my phone*

Joe: *Chuckling* Ya going to tweet every little thing?

Nick: No course not, just cool things I wanna share with the world.

Joe: Like hello? Goodnight, good morning, & hanging with Joe the most awesome bro in the world?

Nick: Exactly- hey wait a min, the most awesome?

Joe: *Grinning* I like to think I am, but if I'm not then just lemme know now so I can come up with something better.

Nick: Kay you awesome kind of dork.

Joe: Thats me, hey! *Raises an eyebrow*

Nick: *Sticks out tongue laughing*

Joe: Dang it! If we weren't outside like this, I'd bite that cute tongue & suck on it.

Nick: *Blushes brightly* Joe, ssh!

Joe: No1 can hear us, plus I think I've seen enough of London for now. Wanna order some food, get a movie & relax together in the suite?

Nick: Kay, but what should we pick, I'm torn between Inception & True Grit.

Joe: I say Inception, heard that plays with your mind.

Nick: Heard that when Pitball rapped it in "On The Floor," with J.Lo  too.

Joe: Know it all. *I teased*

Nick: Just when it comes to artists & movies I enjoy.

Joe: Same here y'know.

Nick: Yeah except you don't always recall them later on.

Joe: We're busy rockstars buddy we can't always recall it all.

Nick: True true, like when you forget the song lyrics to our songs.

Joe: Hey, it happens sometimes & if I do recall you do the same on occasion.

Nick: Kay guilty, now lets go its getting a little chilly out here!

Joe: Right behind ya dude, lead the way. *He broke into a run & I followed him till we'd entered our room. I immediately ordered the meal while he attended to the movie* Kay thanks. *Hanging up with room service* They'll be here in 15 min's, so I suggest you get yourself in the shower fast before I change my mind.

Nick: *Giggles* Whatever you say boss! *Walks off towards the bathroom. As I did so I thought back to the night I woke in the middle of the night looking @ joe smiling. I decided to tweet bout it taking my phone out of my pocket texting, but I changed it up saying how I couldn't believe I was in Les Miz again & that is such a dream come true, & I'm so happy to be apart of it & to have seen many fans show up. I finished it with: Love you all. Goodnight once again! So there'd been 2 reasons I'd been smiling, but mainly it was Joe who made me smile the most. Everything in life was just going so well it was like a dream day after day with him *

Joe: *Soon as he disappeared I revealed the rose I'd bought for him & placed it on the table as I waited for the food. Soon they came & left & thats when I placed it all beside the bed with his rose & padded towards the bathroom joining him* Hello!

Nick: *Laughing* Hello yourself, the food here already?

Joe: Yep, its all set. Now I just gotta shower with my cutie. *Squeezes his butt cutely*

Nick: *Smiling. We continued to play under the hot water washing each other until we were both fully clean & then we got out getting dressed. I smiled sniffing my lovely rose & kissing Joe's cheek* Thank you Joe.

Joe: *Grinning* Your welcome Nick. *Together we ate our dinner & watched the movie together till it was over & we fell asleep in each other's arms. A couple of days went by & Nick woke up w/o a voice so we had the cancel the matinee performance of Les Mis, which he'd tweeted to his fans. And I made sure to let him rest, waiting on him hand & foot till it arrived time for the 2nd show & he'd speedily made a full recovery so he did it as I watched him in awe & every1 in the audience, mainly it captivated me, which I accidentally tweeted on Nick's twitter. Watching him sing his heart out & give his all touched me so much. He was born to play the role & I loved watching every sec of it, his scenes the most. The way he sang every song filled my ears, caught my heart & made me sigh happily. He was every bit of incredible as I knew he'd be. That was my Nick born to sing & act & be amazing*

Ep. 89 (Tour Rehearsals)

Nick: *Once I'd fully finished with Les Miz, July 25 Joe & I prepared to leave London as I tweeted bout it letting the fans know it was sad for us both & that it was time to start a new chapter. That of course being the 2010 tour for Camp Rock 2 & JONAS L.A. July 30 we began the tour's rehearsals with Demi & the rest of the cast from movie including our little bro Frankie, reuniting with Kev, & with China Anne McClain too. Our CD for JONAS L.A. turned out great & was getting an amazing response, & the show was airing on Disney, so everything was really just going stellar. And also Sel & Dani were @ rehearsals too & our parents & grandparents once again* Kay lets start with Feelin' Alive then we'll do S.O.S.

Joe: Lets run it fellas, whoo!

Kev: Ready when you are bros!

Dems: *Watching from the front of the stage with every1 else not performing with them* Go guys!

Sel: *Giggling* Own that stage!

Dani: Shake it guys!

Joe: Y'all got it. *The song started & we ran through it rockin' out so much till the very end. Even when we started up with the next song, we never hid our energy. Every song of ours only further pumped us all up for the concerts about to come. When we finished every1 clapped & cheered* Kay everybody take 10 & we'll run the next songs till the end.

Nick: Stellar rehearsal dude! *Even though most of every1 here now knew Joe & I were together as a couple we still acting brotherly just in case, it was better to be safe than sorry, not they we were scared but we just wanted to keep it hush hush as much as possible*

Joe: *Winks* Right back atcha Nick, like crazy vocals whoo!

Dems: *Runs over to them* And moves!

Sel: And flirty eyes, oh yeah we all saw that didn't we girls?

Dani: *We all nodding smiling* Yep, very nice & may I say how CUTE it is?!

Dems: *Giggles* Oh I already think they know that, dotcha lover boys?

Sel: Like hubba-hubba! *I teased*

Nick: *Blushes kind of, lately I've been trying to control the whole blushing thing, so far so good* Thanks girls. *I grabbed a water bottle drinking almost the whole thing* Whew! *I wiped the sweat off my forehead*

Joe: *Sitting on the edge of the stage dangling my legs* So when we finish y'all wanna hit CA's ocean, its like so hot wow?!

Nick: Like yeah!

Dani: Kev & I will be there!

Kev: *Chuckles joining them* You bet, who can't resist the beach I mean like come on.

Dems: Sel & I are in too, we LOVE the beach. Its summer like hello!

Sel: Plus this'll give us a chance to relax.

Joe: Awww, Disney been working ya 2?

Dems: A little, I mean it happens when you've got a show to do & a tour to do with my guys & more.

Sel: Right & an album & show too.

Joe: Which is why we all need the break. And don't forget to invite the rest of guys & girls Dems kay?

Dems: NP, you can count on me. Plus I think that they wanted to all tell us something major important, wonder what it could be? *Technically Sel & I already knew what they'd wanted to tell us, but only Joe, Nick, Kev, Dani & our parents  know bout Sel's real powers of wizardry*

Joe: Cool just as long as we finish up here fast, time to get back to rehearsal. Cya girls all later! *Nick & I waved them bye while we both got back to our places continuing where we'd left off till we'd finished. Lucky this had all taken place in the morning so we soon all headed out, 1st picking up a mega huge pizza, drinks & sweets for the beach & then met every1 @ Malibu* Hey hey! *I exclaimed just as Dems, Sel, Kev, Dani, Megs (Meghan Jette Martin), Aly (Alyson Stoner), Ann (Anna Maria Perez De Tagle), Jas (Jasmine Richards), Jor (Jordan Francis) & last but not least Ro (Roshon Fegan). After hugging it out & we all sat down & eat sitting in a circle munching on our pizza & stuff* So what's the big news?

Dems: Megs you go 1st. *I volunteered her*

Megs: *Smiles nervously* OK then, here goes nothing .. I'm bi. *I really nervous of what they were going to say but to my surprise Demi spoke 1st*

Dems: *Smiles friendly* See it wasn't so hard to say, any1 else bi? *Asks the rest of the group*

Aly: *Grins* Me too. *I hadn't been too nervous bout it but still it was my 1st time saying it aloud*

Ann: *Raises hand* Yep.

Jas: *Thumbs up sign* Yeah.

Jor: *Grinning @ Ro* Mm-hmm.

Ro: *Smiling, trying not to laugh* Yah. No1 body laugh I swear!

Sel: *Looks @ every1 in the group* We're not going to laugh are we guys?

Kev: *I'm so used to this kind of news so whatever they say I'm cool with, plus its awesome they're coming out* Nope not @ all.

Dani: *Smiles clapping* You're our friends, we support you to very end.

Nick: *Winks* She's right, we're all here for you.

Joe: *Grinning nodding* Friends till the very end, so who likes who now?

Jor: *Points to Ro* I love Ro, he's mine nobody else has dibs but me.

Ro: *Blushing* He's right I'm his, I love Jordy.

Nick: *Smiling* Awww!

Megs: Thats awesome you 2. Well the person I love the most is Tiffany Thorton. *Blushing now*

Joe: *Eyes widen* Shut up, our Tiff from Dem's show?

Megs: *Nods smiling to myself thinking of her* I just gotta tell her that, we haven't exactly gone out yet.

Dems: *Pats her shoulder* Girl you gotta tell her.

Sel: *Nodding like a lot* Like seriously, seize the moment & the day. *Winks*

Megs: *Looks @ Demi & Selena* You think so?

Dems: *Smiling brightly* For sure. Now what bout you Aly, who are you crushing on?

Aly: *Biting lip grinning proudly* Jennifer Stone from your show Wizards is my girl.

Sel: *Squealing* OMG, you girls NEED to be together!

Aly: *Laughs* I hope we can be.

Nick: *Smiling nodding & then looks over at the other 2 girls* And Ann & Jas, ... what bout you 2 girls?

Jas: *Smiles happily* Ann & are together already. *Holds her hand* She's my love.

Ann: *Giggles* And you're mine Jas.

Kev: *Clapping happy for every1* Wowie!

Dani: So cute! *Smiles @ all them*

Nick: *Leans my head next to Joe watching them. For the rest of the day we swam, relaxed & best of all had a total blast hanging out together in the summer sun*

Ep. 90 (Joe In Africa/Mistaken Impostor)

Joe: *The tour continued to go pretty slammin', every city was amazing & together all of us killed it every show. It was almost August & the summer was really heating up. Today Nick & I & the cast of CR2: FJ finished another interview where we laughed & goofed off like we always do. Afterwards, Chloe [Bridges] came to us revealing that she was also bi. Nick & I were starting to get use to all our friends coming out like this, she has a big crush on Jasmine Sagginario. We told her to tell Jas & to ring us to tell us bout their 1st date. Also Matthew ["Mdot" Finley], came over towards us to, but instead of saying he was bi, he actually said he was straight in which we said cool. He really loves Shanica Knowles from Hannah Montana the most* Awesome man, you 2 meet a sweet pair.

Mdot: Thx man, I just thought I'd let you guys know cause every1 else seems to be coming out which is cool, but its not me man.

Nick: *Smiles shrugging* We get it dude no need to explain.

Mdot: Cool, well I catch ya 2 later kay, I'm actually meeting up with my girl in 20.

Joe: Cya & have a good time.

Nick: And say hi for her for us.

Mdot: You guys got it, later Joick! *Waves bye running off towards my car*

Joe: *Laughs. Every1's been calling us that a lot recently, our couple name is pretty neat* So baby we've got some free time now, what would you like to do?

Nick: *Thinks until Joe's cell goes off* Uh-oh better get that.

Joe: *Rolls eyes grinning* Joe here. *Listening to the person talking on the other line* Mmm-hmm, OK. Tonight @ 8 PM, fine, bye. *Hangs up* That was Dad, he says I gotta take a plane over to Africa to raise awareness & stuff.

Nick: Aww, how long will you be there?

Joe: 2 days max & then I'm coming back in time for our next show.

Nick: So I'm staying here huh?

Joe: You won't be alone, Kev & Dani & every1 is here, & the sooner I leave the sooner I can return to you. *Smiles*

Nick: *Laughs* I like it when you put it like that.

Joe: Me too. *We hung out the rest of the day together & he saw he off when I left for my flight. Once in the air, I really wished he could come, but they needed him to stay. I was worried @ 1st but I know he's around all our awesome friends, he'll be fine & our families there too, I still prayed though that he'd be safe till I returned. The flight was really long in which I slept a lot, but once there I landed & got started on my African journey*

Nick: *It had been already 1 day since Joe had been gone. He called, texted, vid chatted every chance he got letting me know he was OK & how were things in Africa. From how he spoke, he sounded like he was really having a great time there getting to know people & see the land & everything. Meanwhile back here I was mostly playing baseball & doing some more miscellaneous stuff till another day without Joe went by. Thank goodness he was coming back home very soon. He said he had loads to tell me & I was most excited to see him again*

Joe: *Just then I came into Nick's room finding him laying on his bed looking up clearly waiting for me* Hey baby!

Nick: *I looked towards him gasping* Joe? Whoa, you're here! *I leaped up off the bed & ran to him embracing him* I missed you a lot. I can't believe how fast you got back here, how was your flight?

Joe: *Smiles still holding him* Long like the 1st ride, but I'm so glad to be back. Africa was so cool, I definitely want to go back, but next time it'll be the 2 of us. So how have you've been? You look just as beautiful as ever baby. *Winks*

Nick: *Giggles/blushes. Aww, sit down. I'm glad you had a great time & you're back now. I've been fine, just a little lovesick. Thanks Joe, you look amazing yourself.

Joe: *Hugs him tightly* Oh Nick, I'm sorry for leaving. I missed you so much, you have no idea, but now I'm here & starting right now I want nothing more than to do this *Leans in to kiss him*

Nick: *Smiles happily leaning in too, so happy to have him back in my arms* Joey. *Murmurs*

Joe: *Smirking secretly* Nicky. *Gets on top of him making the kiss deeper, beginning to remove their clothes*

Sel: *Meanwhile I'd been kind of spying on Nick continuing to watch over him just like Joe wanted. Funny thing when I saw him actually with Joe, my 1st response was it couldn't be because I'd just spoke to Joe like 5 min's ago & he wasn't due back for another hr. I knew something was wrong. So I used my magic to identify the impostor. When I saw who it really was I covered my mouth & immediately zapped myself to Dems & told her everything, together we appeared directly in front of the real Joe on the plane* Joe!

Joe: Whoa girls, hi to you too, what's up?

Dems: *Gasping* Joe Nick's in big trouble!

Joe: *Gets up fast* Take me to him.

Sel: Hang on every1! *We all disappeared from the plane & back into Nick's room*

Ep. 91 (Wizards To The Rescue)

Nick: *Moaning from Joe's lips sucking my n*****s* JOE!

Joe: *Still smirking sucking really hard* Mmm Nick!

Nick: *I cried out again when suddenly there was a bright flash making Joe fall off of me. He & I were in our boxers when I leaned up screaming from the load noise. I was about to run to Joe's side when I froze in total shock seeing Sel, Dems, David (Henry) & Jake (T. Austin), & another Joe* What the heck is going on? *I demanded*

David: *I carefully used my wand to levitate Nick over to the real Joe* We'll explain afterwards, 1st we gotta take care of the impostor posing as Joe. *Points to the other Joe* Stand up Lerman! *I commanded*

???: *Spits @ him* Stand aside all of you. I'm the real Joe, Nick. The 1 next to you is the IMPOSTOR!

David: Thats a lie! *Uses wand to reveal him* This here's Logan (Lerman), 1 of the evil kind of wizards.

Jake: I just read all his thoughts, he's been watching & waiting to get Nick alone for a long time. The jigs up Logan.

Nick: *Clinging to Joe watching it all, very worried & sickened that I let him do all that to me*

Joe: *Holding him close, extremely mad but knows now that he is wizard & for now will stand back unless the girls & guys need me*

Dems: *Standing next to Nick's right side also watching*

Sel: Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way Lerman, what's it going to be huh? But note that there's 3 of us & only 1 of you.

Logan: *Rolls eyes smirking* You think I'm scared of 3 wanna-be wizards from Disney, please! *Strikes lighting past Sel*

Sel: *Moves out of the way & strikes back @ him with a spell of my own*

David: *Nods to Jake, as we doubled teamed him*

Sel: *Smiles & joins them walking with them towards him*

Logan: *Groaning, but also laughing* Is that the BEST you 3 can do? Thats nothing! *Unleashes full power making all 3 of them fall back fiercely on their backs* Fools all of you! *Laughs very wickedly* You can't defeat me, I'm invincible, I've always been invincible. So here's how things are going work, Nick your coming with me & of course gonna be mine for eternity while the rest of you ... hmmm the boring way would be to erase your memories, but I think what would be even sweeter fun is to deprive you 3 of all your powers so then you'll be defenseless & will be no match for me, no that you even are now. As for you 2 mortals ... Joe & Demi, you have 2 options either keep quiet bout everything or be forced to work for me. So what's it going to be people? I don't have all day, well actually I do, but I rather spend time with Nick. *Looks @ Nick* You're quite a beauty, I'm going to enjoy having you all to myself. *Licks lips* After how good you taste *Groans wickedly remembering sucking his n*****s* I might just be the happiest wizard on earth, not to mention the most powerful.

Joe: *Really getting angry* You touch him again you'll regret it so much.

Logan: *Grins/laughing* Is that right Joe? Ha ha, good scare but request so denied. You have no power over me. *Zaps him throwing him across the room fast & hard against the bedroom door* Now stay there & while your @ it shut up. *Gags him*

Joe: *Struggling to get free but I can't move*

Logan: Who's next?

Dems: *Trying to not be scared* Just leave Nick & every1 here along Logan, there's no point in this.

Logan: *Gets in her face* Wrong again Demi. *About to do the same to her as I did Joe when once again I got zapped this time really hard making me fly across the room breaking the window*

Dems: *Runs to Sel*

Sel: Dems you OK baby? *Runs to her*

Dems: I'm fine, but don't worry about me. Save Nick & Joe please Selly.

Sel: *Grins* I plan to but not without my guys. *Nods towards David & Jake* Lets finish this! *We all charged going after Logan this time using everything we had, together we thought of Nick & Joe & with all our powers hitting him, it blinded him & the sky filled with a bright light & just as soon as had been created it exploded in a giant firework of colors sending us flying but we landed on the ground together safely seeing that Logan was now finally unconscious. Together we stripped him of all his powers & his memory & returned him back to his home As for any damage that was present we made that disappear as well. And Joe's plane had landed, but we made the pilots think he'd already got off of it. Lastly we all reappeared back in Nick's room, reclothing Nick & smiling cause we'd defeated 1 of the most troublesome wizards of all* You're safe now Joick. *Winks @ them*

Ep. 92 (Hanging Out With 6 Couples)

Joe: *Now free cause of the girls & guys, runs to Nick's side & embraces him spinning him* Oh Nick, my baby! Are you alright baby? *Studies his face & everything*

Nick: *Smiles kissing him to shut him up* That answer you're q Joey?

Joe: *Grinning so much* Mmm very much. *Looks lovingly into his eyes* I was so worried. I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner for you baby.

Nick: *Shushes him* Don't be sorry, you're home now & we're all safe now thanks to them. *Points to our saviors smiling kindly* Thank you all so much, if it wasn't for you, I don't know what would've happened.

Sel: Our pleasure Joick, you're our family too y'know. Besides we've all been itching to put the dude in his place & bam we do did it! *Spins breaking into a victory dance*

Dems: *Laughs & runs to her kissing her* Awesome job baby girl!

Sel: *Blushes & kisses back passionately giggling softly* Thanks Dems, nobody hurts my guys or my fav girl, not if I have something to say about it.

David: *Smiling* We're honored to have helped save the day, it definitely took team work, amazing job every1. *Winks @ Jake*

Jake: We're finally free of the poser, man was he annoying or what? *Laughs* We totally sent him packing whoooo! *Hugs David happily kissing all over his face* And stellar savin' Davie, you were amazing in action!

David: And you my dearest ... you were so brilliant. *Laughing & grinnning so happy to have Jake in my life, presses a sweet long kiss to his lips* Mmm baby boy.

Jake: *Giggles wrapping my arms around his neck & sighing dreamily, pretty much melting in his strong arms that are wrapping around my waist*

Joe: *Smiles @ them all along with Nick, until he caught my face & pulled me in for another deep kiss which totally distracted me & made me get really into to it, till I heard laughing & snickering, not to mention giggles too. We pulled away to look @ every1 just sitting on the bed together closely with 1 another just smiling like there's no tomorrow* Ahem. *Clears throat*

Nick: *Blushes so red shyly*

Jake: Aww so cute! Don't mind us we're not here.

David: What he said, we're silent. *Zips lips*

Dems: *Winks* Don't stop on our account.

Sel: *Chuckling* We don't wanna interrupt anything.

Joe: *Laughs* Something tells me that we can't just continue kissing with an audience watching. When did we become a movie?

Dems: Easy cause your both the stars of your very own Joick movie staring just you 2.

Jake: *Plays along* Yeah, critics give it 2 thumbs way WAY up!

David: *Nodding enthusiastically* Thats right & its passionate & very romantic.

Sel: *Adding to the plot* And its like no love story the world has ever seen, its sheer genius & beyond to be a classic. Now what to call it? *Thinks* Hmmm.

Dems: Magical Love.

Sel: Good, but it kind of fits us a little more sort of but its a great start girly.

David: Brotherly Love.

Sel: Very original but needs something a little more.

Jake: Romancing Jonas Style.

Sel: Ooh interesting Jakey, but still I'm not sure. What about ... Blissful? Kinda of just simple but sweet.

Joe: *Chuckles clapping @ all their attempts to name our love story as a film* We got 1 right Nicky?

Nick: *Winks smiling* All of yours are truly awesome, but we do have a title in mind.

Sel: *Eyes widen bouncing up & down excitedly* Oh oh please tell us!

Dems: *Chuckling* Yeah, spill!

Jake: I'm sure its perfect!

David: And fitting just for you 2. *Smiles*

Joe: Well since it all began in Fiji we think its natural to call our love ...

Nick: *Finishes knowingly* Paradise.

Dems: OMG like so brilliant!

Sel: I love it, it so fits you!

David: I knew it would, perfect just like Jakey here said!

Jake: Beautiful & strong & best of all so true! So now that the bad guys like vanquished & is no longer a wizard, what do you all say to some flying?

David: An excellent suggestion my lovely. *Grinning happily*

Dems: How could we say no? *Winks*

Sel: And plus it never gets old!

Joe: *Smiles cheering* Flying ...

Nick: It is! *Just as excited*

David: Jakey you do the honors baby boy.

Jake: *Giggles* It would be my absolute pleasure, hang on every1. *Uses wand to make us all disappear & reappear in the air up super high, all of each on a broom of our own* Do guys like the brooms or flying carpet or wings or-

Joe: *Chuckles* I'll try the wings! *Suddenly gets white wings on my back* Whoa! Thanks dude!

Jake: *Winks* NP, enjoy. Any1 else?

Nick: Nah, lets ride!

Sel: Onward then whooo!

Dems: *Laughing/whooping*

Nick: *For the rest of the day/afternoon we flew all of CA, checking on every1 & our parents letting them know what was up. Funny enough they were beginning to really except magic now that we were all hovering & flying in our own ways. Joe I think was really having the most fun cause he'd always dreamt of flying especially with wings like his, which I gotta really admit it was a hot look for him ... it totally reminded me of an angel so naturally since Joe himself is so heavenly inside & out, it was a matching fit. As for me riding on wizard broom like I was, was past awesomeness, it was the coolest!*

Ep. 93 (Joe's B-day/Parents Anniversary)

Nick: *Soon Joe's b-day arrived I was most excited for him cause after all it is his day to shine. I bounced happily on our bed trying to wake him up* Rise & shine Joey! Its your b-day, you're 21!

Joe: *Opens 1 eye 1/2 smiling* Thx Nicky. *Sleepily* What time is it? *Leaning up from the bed trying to wake up*

Nick: 10 AM baby. *Points to the clock on the wall*

Joe: *Looks @ it hearing it softly tick-tocking* Right, baby its kind of early, can't I sleep a little more? *Falls back into the pillows pulling the covers over my head, clinging to its warmth*

Nick: I would, but y'know its also-

Joe: Our parents anniversary? Yep I know that baby boy, but still I wanna sleep. Give me 30 min's please?

Nick: *Pouting* Aww OK, but if Frankie of Kev comes in here, y'know they won't let you sleep that long. *Thats right we're back home for this special day, so any min now I'm sure they'd be bursting in anyways. And just then it happened, like I predicted & moved away fast trying to convince them to let Joe be, but they weren't having any of it* Brace yourself Joe! *I warned*

Frankie: Sneak attack! *Pounces on Joe* Ha! I got ya Joey! *Laughing*

Kev: *I joined them too making sure Joe couldn't think of any ways to escape* Get up sleepy head its WAY past time to get up!

Joe: *The entire time I just smirked as I rose throwing them both off of me, throwing the covers off me* Alright I'm UP! Y'all better start running! *I looked @ them*

Frankie: Uh-oh, uh Kev did we have a back up plan here?

Kev: Stay strong lil bro, we've also got Nick on our side, right Nicky?

Nick: *Waving my hands* Hey you guys leave me out of this.

Joe: Frankie & Kev you 2 got actually 5 sec's to run else or I'm going get you fast & easy. And as for you Nicky thanks for staying on my side. *Winks @ him*

Nick: *Blushes/nods*

Frankie: *Laughs & runs* I'm so out of here Kev, you're on your own! *Running for safe cover cause when Joe attacks he means it*

Kev: *Rolls my eyes* Why should I go anywhere Joe? I'm the oldest here & I can still clobber ya if I want to.

Joe: *Grinning* Then bring it Mufasa & while you're @ it get the ice packs cause you're gonna need it!

Kev: *We charged @ each other then wrestling like we always do* Hey no tickling! *Trying not to laugh so hard, but failing 100%*

Joe: *Smirking continuing the torture* Why not its fun & obviously you're BIG time ticklish!

Kev: *Eyes watering trying to move away from Joe* Nick HELP bro!

Nick: *Shrugging/thinking: Guess I gotta. I pounced on Joe as Kev rolled away still laughing* Hey! *Smiling @ Joe*

Joe: So now I got to tickle you too? *Folds arms*

Nick: Hee hee. *Giggling* Run Kev! *We both bounded out of our room & ran fast down the stairs trying to evade Joe, but he was right on our tails, mainly mine* JOE! *Screaming loudly*

Frankie: *Watching in my safe place trying to contain my laughter*

Kev: *Just then hears something* Shush listen! *We all stopped running & listened pinpointing the sounds & found Frankie* Why hello! *Opens the door*

Frankie: *Waves smiley* Uh hey sup?

Joe: Oh nothing just this! *We all lifted him together carrying him high in the air*

Frankie: You guys call this a punishment, ha its cool, free ride!

Kev: Did we mention where we stop?

Nick: *Giggling*

Joe: *Also laughing*

Frankie: *Eyes widen* Don't tell me.

Kev: 3.

Nick: 2.

Joe: 1! *Throws him in the pool*

Frankie: AHHH! *Lands in getting all wet*

Denise: Kay thats enough playing for now boys, breakfast!

Nick: *Turns around guilty smiling*

Kev: Hey Ma! *High voice*

Joe: *Smoothly* Morning Mom happy anniversary to you & Dad! *Trying to distract her*

Denise: *Smiles knowingly/folds arms* Thanks boys. Come now we've got a lot to celebrate.

Frankie: *Dripping wet grabbing a nearby towel following them all back into the house*

Denise: *We all went into the kitchen to find my husband already there & a whole table set with breakfast plates* Oh my!

Kevin: Surprise dear & happy anniversary! *Hugs her/kisses her. Together we all sat down to pray & then ate. When we finished we sang happy b-day to Joseph & did presents for him & my wife & I. Afterwards Denise & I went away for a romantic day while the kids celebrated down @ the beach together*

Joe: Thanks baby boy. *Kisses Nick's head while sitting next to him on the beach watching Kev, Frankie & Dani playing volleyball*

Nick: For what? *Smiles*

Joe: For making this my best b-day ever.

Nick: *Kisses his lips* I love you bro.

Joe: And I love you lil bro. *Nuzzles neck sweetly. We laid together for awhile then joined every1. Later on we did another show & went home sleeping soundly in the night*

Ep. 94 (Chels & Nic)

Joe: *It was now September getting closer to my Nicky's b-day & Frankie's as well, along with all our other friend's too. We were busy back in CA finishing up our last night of the tour. We wanted to make it our best so we made sure to give a stellar performance full of tons of energy & fun. After Nick & I'd finished up random things to do, we got a chance to meet up with Chelsea Staub & Nicole Anderson* Hey Chels & Nic! Sup girls?! *Greets them with Nick hugging them both*

Chelsea: *Smiling brightly* Hey you 2, we're doing great! What bout yourselves? Nic & I heard all bout tour & CR.

Nic: Thats right, you guys are so rockin'!

Nick: We're amazing. And its only cause of you 2 wonderful ladies, without you we couldn't made JONAS L.A.

Joe: He's right, you girls are the best. *Winks*

Chelsea: Aww you guys are so sweet, so you got time to hang with us?

Nic: Maybe get a little something something to eat?

Nick: Where'd you have in mind?

Chelsea: Ooh but if we tell it won't be a surprise now would it? Come on follow us, I'll drive.

Nic: We promise you'll love it.

Joe: Then how can we ever refuse, lets go girls! *Follows them towards Chelsea's car getting in, Nic sitting @ shotgun & Nick & I in the back* Hey don't forget to turn up the jams girl!

Nic: Already on it. *Winks turning on music to their very own "L.A. Baby"*

Joe: Whooo! *We all sang along til l the very end* So you girls bought the soundtrack huh?

Chelsea: How could we NOT? Its you guys of course & its awesome. We love it a lot!

Nic: Every track is amazing in every way guys, you so went all out of this 1.

Joe: Thanks we try to strive for awesomeness.

Nick: And we aim to rock the house.

Chelsea: Oh definitely, you guys made it our top fav, we're so going to be playing this over & over again.

Nic: Although we've already done that, we never get tired of doing it all over again. Anyways, you psyched bout your guys' last show tonight?

Nick: Ready to rock &-

Joe: Bring the house down!

Nic: Awesome!

Chelsea: Alrighty fellas we're here, ta-da!

Joe: *Nick & I looked @ the restaurant noting that is was 1 we've never been too* Ooh do I detect fish? *Smelling something really good*

Nick: *Breathes it in too* Mmm it is isn't?

Nic: Yup!

Chelsea: Only the best fish place to visit. Come on, lets all go in! *We all walked on in getting a private table for the 4 of us as our server told us the specials & asked us what we wanted to drink. Then we all glanced down @ the menu checkin' out what they had making some recommendations for the guys & then ordered. I'll have the slamon with sherry glaze please.

Nic: And I'll take the tilapia with olive tapenade please.

Joe: The ahi tuna with cherry balsamic reduction please.

Nick: And for me, the cashew-crusted halibut please.

Server: Very well. *Writes down the order & takes their menus walking away*

Joe: Mmm I can't wait each of our meals sounds very tasty.

Nick: And very yummy.

Chelsea: Oh it will be off the chain in taste I assure you guys, its the best. But its also beside the reason why Nic & I brought you here.

Nic: See we've got a confession or 2. *Starting to blush looking @ Chels*

Joe: *Smiles big* Let me guess if I may?

Chelsea: Please do.

Joe: You & Nic are dating?

Chelsea: Yes. *Grinning proudly*

Joe: And you're head over heals in love?

Chelsea: You guessed it! *Chuckles* Is it obvious?

Joe: You're love for each other is written all over you're faces that even your eyes are gleaming.

Nick: *Smiling so happy for them* How long have you've been together?

Nic: Well just since you guys went on vacation.

Joe: What?!

Nick: Seriously?

Joe: Why didn't you ring us sooner?

Chelsea: Well you k'now how busy things can get in our lives, plus we really just wanted to tell you in person like you 2 told us.

Joe: So now seemed like the right moment for you 2?

Nic: Yeah, it just felt like it was time plus we both want you to know that we're gay too.

Joe: *Eyes widening* Oh wow!

Nick: Congrats you 2, you make a really cute couple.

Chelsea: Thanks guys, we love each other so much. Nic's my sweetie pie love. *Winks @ her*

Nic: *Winks back smiling* And Chels is my gorgeous adorable love.

Nick: *Beaming @ them along with Joe*

Joe: So sweet-tastic girls like seriously.

Chelsea: *Grins chuckling* So now that you 2 know our little secret we have just 1 request.

Nic: Can you guess it? *Excitedly*

Joe: *Smiles @ them & then @ Nick* You wanna be invited to our-

Nick: Future wedding?

Chelsea: Yep!

Nic: Oh yes yes yes!

Joe: Deal girls, only if you invite us to yours kay?

Chelsea: Deal. Cheers to our loves! *Raising glasses with every1. After eating our fishy meals we got up & danced it off together, doing a little karaoke & then saying our byes. Nic & I retired home kissing endlessly in her room* I love you Nicole. *Stroking her cheek lovingly*

Nic: *Beaming* And I love you, Chelsea. *Kisses her cuddling into her side falling asleep softly*

Ep. 95 (Nick & Frankie's B-day)

Nick: *After that night with the girls we did our last show & then retired to sleep. The next fews weeks came by & went & we celebrated my b-day, in which Joe made very special. Lemma recap the day ... I was sleeping next to him in our private cabin in Colorado exclusively & wonderfully alone. I awoke with a huge smile on my face as I felt Joe's kisses cover every inch of my face till I was closing my eyes tighter & giggling* J-joey! *Squealing*

Joe: *Grinning from ear-to-ear* Good morning Nicholas & happy b-day my love! *I sang with happiness showering my baby bro with so much love repeatedly* Wakey wakey lovely baby boy!

Nick: *I opened my eyes slowly smiling even bigger seeing Joe hovering over me without dropping his weight on me, which made bite my lip giggling as I pulled him onto me* Morning Joseph & thank you. Mmmm! *I kissed him sweetly letting my fingers get all tangled in his hair as I pulled gently*

Joe: *I pulled away then licking my lips* Ah-ah-ah, we've got the rest of the day for that. Its time for breakfast which voilà looky there! *Points to the cart with a tray of blueberry waffles & pancakes, syrup, orange juice & cold water along with the essential utensils for eating. Next to it was also a card, a bouquet of roses & a big box*

Nick: *I beamed happily taking ever inch of into my memory* Oh Joe! *I always loved when he cooked, it always made me smile. I hoped off the bed leaning over to pick up & read his car aloud* Dearest Nick, Happy B-day my beautiful & most amazing baby brother. Just wanted to wish you the best day ever filled with lots of love, happiness & of course joy. You're now 18 now & lovelier than ever, you've grown so much over the years ... it never fails to warm my heart. You've become every inch of the man I knew you'd be. I love you so much Nicholas Jerry Jonas, you're my only love & I will cherish you always till the end of time & more. You're my heart & soul baby boy, so once again Happy B-day! Love Your Big Bro, Joseph Adam Jonas. *I was in tears already from reading it, till he hugged me & wiped them all away* Thank you Joey. *Softly*

Joe: *Smiling lovingly* Your very welcome Nicky, my pleasure. *We sat up again, as I fed him the meal & he paused every now & then to smell the roses. He was also curious bout the present, so I lifted it on our bed & gestured for him to open it* Go on baby, its all for you.

Nick: *Smiling uncontrollably/opens the box gasping* OMG! *So speechless*

Joe: *Grinning still* You like it baby?

Nick: I love it! *Softly looking @ each of the gifts which ranged from scrapbooks of our pics only, old sentimental items from our childhood from drawings, songs that we'd started, toys we used to play with as children, our fav movies that we couldn't stop watching, & other cool things* Thank you so much Joe, this is incredible all of it. *Hugs him & then pecks his lips*

Joe: *Pulls away after a little bit* Now get dressed love, I have more in store today-

Nick: *Presses my hand to his lips* Shush.

Joe: *Smiles shutting up*

Nick: *Returns to kissing him as my hands worked to removed his boxers*

Joe: *I knew what he was doing & what he wanted, in which I smiled more & did the same to him. Soon we were skin to skin I put on a condom fast & carefully slid into him moving gently not wanting to hurt him in any way*

Nick: *Moaning loud* Joe UGH pleaseeee move more UGH. *Moving with him wanting more*

Joe: *Kisses him deeply, running my hands all over his body hotly as I little by little moved faster, groaning each time I thrusted inside*

Nick: *Eyes closed so in ecstasy as I felt Joe go faster. Every thrust brought us closer & higher to coming* UHNN JOEY!

Joe: *@ times I slowed down & picked up again, hitting his pleasure points softly* Nicky ohhh ...

Nick: *We continued like this the rest of the day kind of ruining the plans that Joe had for us, but I think all we needed more than anything was to be together like we were making love to each other so beautifully. Besides in the next days we made up for our bed time by exploring & embarking on some fun activities that were fun like fishing, hiking, & more. Soon we returned back home just in time for Frankie's 10th b-day* Hey lil man! *Hugging him as we got in the door back @ home with Joe*

Frankie: *Runs hugging them both tightly* Bout time you 2 showed up!

Joe: What, did we miss? *Raises eyebrow looking around playfully*

Frankie: *Grinning* Me!

Nick: *Laughs ruffling his hair* Is some1 excited or what?

Frankie: You bet come on we're just starting the cake!

Joe: *We all ran following him into the dining room with the rest of the family as we sang happy b-day to him, cheering loudly & enjoying the cake & then made our way to catch him opening all his presents, overall having a sweet day of loving, hugging, laughing & being together ... all of us a happy family*

Ep. 96 (Engagement Proposal)

Joe: *October 1, 2010 Friday came by & I knew this was going to be the day that both Nick & I would never forget* Time to rise my love. *Softly speaking to Nick leaning over to him*

Nick: *Sleepy-eyed* Baby please I'm sleeping. We don't have to be anywhere today.

Joe: No, but you do need to get up. Pretty please for your big bro?

Nick: Does this involve any pranks Joe?

Joe: 100% not baby boy.

Nick: You swear?

Joe: I swear, cross my heart, I swear. *Doing just that with my fingers as his eyed me*

Nick: *Smacks lips together/yawns loudly* Alright then, I'm up. *Stretches* So what's up Joe?

Joe: Something wonderful I promise baby, but 1st you got to get dressed. *Points to his naked body*

Nick: *Blushes looking down. It was strange being back in my old room back home with my whole family, yet still Joe & I had made love here* So do you y'know. Hey! Why do you have on boxers already! *Points to him*

Joe: Cause I baby boy woke up before you couldn't be very well walking around naked, not with every1 in the house anyways.

Nick: *Bites lip blushing again*

Joe: *Kisses his lips patting his head* Here you are baby. *Hands him a pair of boxers*

Nick: Actually I wanna take a shower if thats OK.

Joe: Of course baby, in fact thats another thing I did quickly before you woke up. So while you do that, I'll be downstairs working on breakfast.

Nick: Kay see ya then! *We took off in our separate directions, me to the shower & him kitchen. 10-15 min's later I was refreshed clean & dry & fully clothed in: Once downstairs I was greeted with a kiss by who else but my Joe in:* Wow! *Murmuring as I heard in the BG sounds of ooh's & ahh's* So what's for breakfast?

Joe: *Gestures for him to follow me to the table with the rest of the family, seating him* This morning's brunch consists of all your favs my dear ... french toast with lots of strawberries, blueberries, raspberries & bananas with maple syrup & a little eggs & potatoes on the side & finally to drink we got milk, orange juice & ice cold water.

Nick: *Smiles so much smelling it & looking @ my own plate* OMG!

Joe: *Grins* Alrighty every1 now that Nick is here, we can all eat together, but 1st we'll pray. *Bows head thanking the lord for the meal, for our family, for our success as a band & more* Amen! *Amen they all repeated & we ate together slowly & once finished I quickly cleared all the dishes excitedly*

Nick: Does any1 know what's up with Joe? I mean I know he's always happy but today he just seems like he's really really happy bout something.

Frankie: Well ... *Kev & Dani shot me looks not to tell & I smiled biting my lip* Y'know Joey, Nicky he's just happy to have you.

Nick: *Looks @ him* Uh huh.

Kev: What Frank means is that Joe's just being Joe.

Dani: Exactly why shouldn't he be happy when he's so in love?

Grandma: Besides he's been so bubbly dearest since he got over his shyness.

Grandpa: Thats right, he's just being fun loving Joe.

Joe: Alright I'm back! *Sing songy*

Nick: *Still doesn't know what's going on but definitely knows something is up & the whole family seems to be in on it* Kay spill now.

Joe: *Still grinning* Who spilt what? *Looks around trying to see what I missed*

Nick: You know what I mean Joe, what's going on? Every1 sitting in this room is acting funny & I wanna know what's up.

Joe: *Pats his shoulder* Its just Friday my love, its the weekend & its October, its just an awesome wonderful day.

Nick: *Folds arms* Hmm.

Joe: *Pulls him into the living room away from every1 making him sit down, while I grabbed a mike* Actually Nick there is something I want to ask you, but 1st I liked to sing a song for you ... begins singing "Before Your Love" By Kelly Clarkson, as the rest of the family comes into the room secretly standing behind Nick*

I wonder how I ever made it through the day 

How did I settle for a world in shades of gray? 

When you go in circles all the scenery looks the same 

And you don't know how 

And I looked into your eyes 

With the world stretched out in front of me and I realized 

I never lived before your love 

I never felt before your touch 

I never needed anyone to make me feel alive 

But then again, I wasn't really living 

I never lived before your love.

I wanted more than just an ordinary life 

All of my dreams seemed like castles in the sky 

I stand before you when my heart was in your hands 

And I don't know how 

I survived without your kiss 

'Cause you've given me a reason to exist .

I never lived before your love 

I never felt before your touch 

I never needed anyone to make me feel alive 

But then again, I wasn't really living 

I never lived 

I never lived before your love 

I never lived before your love.

And I don't know why 

Why the sun decides to shine 

But you breathed your love into me just in time.

I never lived before your love 

I never felt before your touch 

I never needed anyone to make me feel alive 

But then again, I wasn't really living 

I never lived 

I never lived before your love.

Nick: *As I listened to his song choice my heart began to warm, my smiled widened brightly & I was close to tears. And when he finished I clapped so much & ran to hug him* Joe that beautiful! *Kisses his lips & then pulls away* But you didn't have to sing how you feel, I know how you feel & I feel the exact way, I love you too.

Joe: *Takes breath & kneels* I love you more.

Nick: *Gasps taking 1 step back looking down @ him*

Joe: Nick, I love you so much. I've always loved you. And I want us to be together for life. So with my parent's blessing *Nods @ parents/family standing by* ...

Nick: *Briefly turns around to see them waving hi all smiling big, then turns back to Joe*

Joe: *Grabs Nick's hand* Nicholas Jerry Jonas, my lovely beautiful baby brother ... will you marry me? *Pops out the ring from my pocket*

Nick: *Crying/nodding/smiling/laughing/so HAPPY* YES, YES, YES! I will Joseph Adam Jonas.

Joe: *Smiles, stands up to hug him happily after sliding on the ring on his finger* Oh Nick! *Kisses him then as our family is clapping & breaking into loud happy cheers*

Ep. 97 (A Jonas Wedding)

Nick: *After pulling away from our kiss we were swarmed by our family congratulating us both. I was overjoyed with so much happiness*

Joe: Thank you so much every1, now its time for us to take our places come on! *Grabs Nick's hand as every1 goes to the limos*

Nick: Joe? What's going on now?

Joe: *Smiles as the car begins to move after we all settled in* Getting married of course.

Nick: You mean ...

Joe: Yep, the wedding has been secretly in the works since Mom & Dad accepted us together.

Nick: *Gasping* Whoa!

Joe: I know baby. So you ready for the most memorable day of your life or what?!

Nick: *Happily* So. Ready! *In a few min's we arrived @ the church & we got out as I gasped, but was taken by the arm by Mom, Dani & Grandma, while Joe waved blowing a kiss to me going with Dad, Kev, Frankie, & Grandpa. It all happened so fast, getting dressed in a white tux & getting ready for my wedding day. I was fully excited & nervous. I knew that I loved Joe & he loved me, soon all my little jitters would fade. Right now my man's standing @ the alter waiting for me. OMG I feel like I'm in a dream! Soon I heard the traditional music playing through the room & it was time to take our places. My mother took my side next to me as I started to shake*

Denise: Honey you ready to do this?

Nick: *Smiling inside out* Yes. *Together after it came our turn, we began to walk down the aisle, every1 turning round to face us. I walked with my mother, my eyes focusing on Joe standing up there looking amazing. Soon I arrived next to him & we smiled brightly together & our father started the ceremony*

Kevin: *After speaking a lot I finally came to the most important parts* Will you Joseph Adams Jonas take Nicolas Jerry Jonas to be your husband? To have & to hold & never part?

Joe: *Grinning SO happily & proudly* I do.

Kevin: *Smiles, nodding* And will you Nicholas Jerry Jonas take Joseph Adam Jonas to be your husband? To have & to hold & never part?

Nick: *Dreamily smiling* I do.

Kevin: *So happy for them, close to tears* Then by the powers vested by me & God I now pronounce you husband & husband. You may now kiss.

Nick: *We leaned in sharing a sweet kiss pulling away smiling so big. We laughed together holding hands walking down the aisle taking our 1st steps as husband & husband. All over our family, friends, & guests clapped cheered & smiled as we walked out of the church. @ 1st I was expecting paparazzi to be all over outside surrounding us, but as I looked all over I could now find even 1. No fans either. Joe whispered then to me explaining that this was Ari's contribution to us* Thank you Ari. *Whispering knowing she'd hear since she was here invisibly with her sisters. Next I tossed my bouquet & not surprisingly it landed in Sel's hands as her & Demi exchanged a warm smile & kissed each other. Next we went to our reception party sharing our 1st dance as a married couple. Joe & I swayed to our song sharing our intimate dance* I love you Joe.

~ "For Once In My Life" By Stevie Wonder playing ~

For once in my life I have someone who needs me

Someone I've needed so long

For once, unafraid, I can go where life leads me

And somehow I know I'll be strong.

For once I can touch what my heart used to dream of

Long before I knew

Someone warm like you

Would make my dreams come true.

For once in my life I won't let sorrow hurt me

Not like it hurt me before

For one, I have something I know won't desert me

I'm not alone anymore.

For once, I can say, this is mine, you can't take it

As long as I know I have love, I can make it

For once in my life, I have someone who needs me.

Joe: *Looking @ him so lovingly loving the moment with him* And I love you so much. *Kisses him passionately. After our dance we were greeted by so many couples congrating us. From Taylor Swift & Miley Cyrus, the Sprouse twins, Demi & Selena, Josh Peck & Drake Bell, Miranda Cosgrove & Jennette McCurdy, Jerry Trainor & Nathan Kress, Kendell Schmidt & Logan Henderson, Carlos Pena Jr. & James Maslow, Hutch Dano & Adam Hicks, Brenda Song & Maiara Walsh, Raven-Symone & Adrienne Bailon, Sabrin Bryan & Kiely Williams, David Henrie & Jake T. Autsin, Jennifer Stone & Alson Stoner, Meghan Jette Martin & Tiffany Thorton, Kyle Massey & Jason Dolley, Mitchel Musso & Jake Thomas, Jason Earles ~ Note he's age 22 in this ~ & Moises Arias (age 17), Doc Shaw & Matthew Timmons, Sterling Knight & Cody Linley, Debbie Ryan & Emily Osment, Corbin Bleu & Lucas Grabreel,  Ashley Tidstale & Monique Coleman, Zac Efron & Vanessa Hugens, Mdot & Shanice Knowles,  Aly & A.J.  ~ Sisterly couple ~, Doug Brochu & Brandon Mychal Smith, Chealse Kane & Nicole Anderson, Jordan Francis & Roshon Fegan, Jasmine Richards & Anna Maria Perez De Taglel, Keke Palmer & Ashley Argotal  & finally Jesse McCartney & Justin Bieber. Also we shared some time with a few more friends, Vanessa, Rae, Lena, Sehra & Lana (5 friends excited to be here)*

Nick: *I bowed my head, while moving right hand to touch my heart  communicating to my husband that "you have my heart" @ the end of Stevie Wonder song. It was so perfect the music, the people, the warmth & love, the happiness just radiating all over. It had been the most magical & wonderful wedding. I'm feel so blessed & so incredibly happy. Looking @ Joe right now, I know we're both going to have an amazing future together. Its been an incredible day, 1 that Joe & I will always remember & so will our family & dearest friends who've traveled here just to witness our wedding. Joe & I are so happy & also so happy for all of our friends, we'd knew that each of them would come together in time with the 1's they truly love the most. All & all, this day was all about 1 thing & 1 thing only: LOVE*

Ep. 98 (/Honeymoon In Paradise)

Nick: *After the night had winded down, Ari had appeared to us asking us an important question* Ari thank you so much for coming! *Smiling happily next to Joe*

Ari: *Are you kidding? It was an absolute pleasure Nick & Joe, congratulations to you both. Now I have a gift for you. I floated around them spiraling as lights wrapped around them like shining stars*

Joe: *I held Nick's hand grinning knowing exactly where she was taking us*

Nick: *I gasped as her magic wrapped around us & the next thing I blinked as seeing where we now were* OMG Ari ... its-

Ari: *Smiling happily*

Joe: *Finishes his sentence* Welcome back home to paradise my Nick. *Winking @ Ari* And thank you Ari for this.

Ari: *Once again its my pleasure & enjoy your honeymoon. Ta ta Jonases! With that I disappeared leaving them alone to celebrate together*

Nick: *I looked around still in shock to be back just like that/smiling so big*

Joe: *Still grinning* I thought the only place where we could celebrate tonight was no other than here ... our spot where it all began. *I hugged him from behind swaying his hips with mine from side to side*

Nick: *Giggling softly* But what about our family, our friends, our music?

Joe: They all know where we are, no worries I made sure to let every1 who we care about where we were staying. And as for our music ... I'd thought we'd make some tonight.

Nick: *Blushing turning around to face him* I meant our-

Joe: I know honey. We're staying here for a week & then returning back, after all this is our time.

Nick: *Bites lip smiling & then catches a glimpse of the sunset happening right that very sec* Joe look.

Joe: *I gazed with him still holding him tightly humming* This is our place.

Nick: Our special place. *I agreed as we watched together & then I began to sing to him*

He's got a smile

That I die for

Everyone knows that I'm

A prisoner of war

For him


Sometimes I wish

I had a kung-fu grip

I'd never let him slip away

He'd be my guy

I really wish he knew

What I feel is true

He'd be my guy

And I would be his hero too.

I'm so in love with him

I don't care who knows that I'm

Ready to fight

Ready to go

Just like a GI Joe.

Sometimes I wish

I had a kung-fu grip

I'd never let him slip away

He'd be my guy

I really wish he knew

What I feel is true

He would be my guy

And I would be his hero too.

Sometimes I wish

I had a kung-fu grip

I'd never let him slip away

He'd be my guy

I really wish he knew

What I feel is true

He would be my guy

And I would be his hero too

He'd be my guy

And I would be his hero too

He''d be my guy

And I would be his hero too.

Nick: *After I'd finished I smiled & sang 1 other song to Joe: "A Moment Like This" By Kelly Clarkson*

What if I told you it was all meant to be? 

Would you believe me, would you agree? 

Its almost that feeling that we've met before so tell me that you dont think Im crazy when I tell your love is here and now. 

A Moment like this. 

Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this. 

Some people search forever for that one special kiss. 

I cant believe its happening to me. 

Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this. 

Everything changes, but beauty remains. 

Something so tender I cant explain. 

Well I may be dreaming but til I awake..Can we make the dream last forever? 

And I'll cherish all the love we share for a moment like this. 

Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this. 

Some people search forever for that one special kiss. 

I cant believe its happening to me. 

Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this. 

The speed of waiting love of all. 

I wanna know that you will catch me when I fall. 

So let me tell you this. 

Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this ... 

Some people search a lifetime for a moment like this. 

Some people search forever for that one special kiss. 

I cant believe its happening to me. 

Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this. 

Joe: *Listening to his song made my heart beat wildly out of control. Whenever he sang, no matter if it was our songs or some1 else's, I smiled so in love. And once he finished I pulled him in for a deep passionate kiss holding him closer to me, my arms held his waist as his arms went around my neck. We fit together so beautifully. When we pulled away we both were panting & in his eyes & mine too, we knew what we wanted. So I picked him up carrying him over the threshold & laid him down on our bed inside our private love hut. We stripped each other to nothing kissing each other so passionately. For once I we agreed we didn't need a condom & I slipped inside of him grunting loudly* Ohhh Nick.

Nick: *I moaned feeling him fully inside me, his erection throbbing as we began to move as 1 thrusting, hip against hip, legs to legs, chest to chest, neck to neck, cheek to cheek, lips to lips* UGH OHHH JOE!

Joe: *I went slowly really making this a special night for Nick* UNN NICK! I LOVE YOU!

Nick: *I gripped his shoulders sliding my hands down his back soon wrapping my legs around his waist making him go deeper inside me as I screamed & moaned continuously his name* JOEY UGNNNN I LOVE YOU! *Panting/sweating*

Joe: *I moved a little harder groaning as I leaned into kiss him head. I wanted this night to be like no other, now that Nick & I were married. I knew that I loved him so much, always wanted to be with him & make a family with him. I knew he felt the same, our hearts were 1, our bodies, mind & soul. We belonged to each other, together we made love as 1 throughout the night. Many times when we came into each other we screamed each other's names groaning in relief. It was our 1st time all over again. Our dream to be together was @ last complete, we were bound together for life, never would we be apart. Our love is true & constant. Nick has always been my whole world from the moment I laid eyes on him, those brown eyes that had my heart from day 1. I want everyday to love him, be by his side, make him happy, take care of him no matter what, to laugh with him, & more. Nicholas is my husband & 1 true love, my baby brother who'd have thunk it, its true though I love him so much*

Nick: *Joseph is my big brother & now my husband. I want always to be his & for him to be mine. This whole day has been so joyous for us both. We're so in love. We were born to be together him & I*

Ep. 99 (2 Years Later/Our Kids)

Nick: *Our honeymoon was so romantic from the beginning to the very end. Joe had gone over & beyond to insure we recapped our memories there & make new 1's as well. 1 week had felt like bliss & yet went so fast. Once again we had to bid farewell to Ari & her sisters & every creature we'd ever met there & who helped us in moments of rescuing. Ari's last gift was for Joe this time, she was finally able to give Joe the ability to communicate with animals just like me. When we bid her & every1 farewell, we transported ourselves back home. But how you may ask? Well thats an easy 1, magic of course. See 1 of the many gifts we got, the most amazing & out of this world was Dems & Sel's gift, they'd given us our own magic to use as we wish but still bound to the wizard rules. It had been shocking, thrilling & stellar all @ the same time. This way we could travel & do pretty much anything we wanted, but even though we kind of had that thanks to our music industry, this was above beyond a truly wondrous gift. Joe & I were extremely grateful for it & only used it when we needed to, like for instance as I said getting home. I could never get over the look on my families face when they saw Joe & I popping in* Hey hey guys! *I smiled* Um, surprise!

Joe: *I loved spending the week in paradise, it had brought back so many found filled memories for Nick & I. We agreed that this would be our future home together, our own private place so we'd never have to say goodbye. And thanks to Ari's & Dems & Sel's gifts we could be here more often. Ari's gift of course was naturally so amazing cause now I could always hear her & all her sisters & other friends who'd we gotten to know more over the week. It had been so fun & so wonderful with Nick. We'd made love many times & shared so much passion. We could never be apart, this we knew. Saying bye for now was just something we had to do, not only because our of music careers, but just because as much as we could just use magic to build a house & everything & just show our parents, we wanted nothing more than to do it ourselves & of course get back to our family to show them our magic. Which judging by the looks on their faces right now they're just as stunned as we were when we 1st got our powers. We both explained it all to them the dets & even got to show them psychically how our story had unfolded. By the end they were less shocked & more ever excited & eager to try it a little themselves. So we went wherever they wanted, Hawaii for Kev & Dani, Paris for Mom & Dad, Spain for our grandparents, & Frankie choose Fiji interesting enough cause he wanted to meet Ari mainly & try the invisible skydiving & traveling to space thing as Nick & I had*

Nick: *2 years passed it was now September 2012. So many things had happened, where do I start? Joe had his single "See No More" that made the top 10 list & was album was a pretty big hit. As for me, I was working with lost of artists producing for them & also I landed another theater role in Hairspray. I played as Link Larkan @ the Hollywood Bowl in August 2011. And for Frankie, he's doing awesome doing various singing & acting opportunities. As for Kev & Dani, they're happy living in Hawaii together. Mom & Dad are awesome too living happily together, they're vacationing in the Bahamas currently. And as for our grandparents they're close to Fiji just sailing around the islands. As for our friends, Demi & Sel got married, Drake & Josh got married too & the Sprouse twins are doing great & their parents are finally cool with them dating, Chels & Nic also got engaged too & are planning their own wedding. As for Joe & I we also have 2 new additions to the family ... named Kian Noah Jonas & Kiara Rose Jonas, our beautiful twins. I'd 1st found our when I pregnant November, 2011. 9 mths later the twins were born in August 28, in the morning. Ari had helped with delivering them & every1 was there for their birth. It was the most wondrous moment for Joe & I. They're both so beautiful & precious & all ours, our children. Soon Dani was ready to give birth to her baby whom they named ... Annabel Diana Jonas* She's amazing Dani. *Smiling holding my twins standing beside Joe & the rest of the family*

Joe: Congrats Kev & Dani. And hello little Annabel, I'm your uncle Joe & this your uncle Nick! *Gestures to him*

Nick: Hello baby girl, welcome to the world. *Speaking softly as we all gathered around Kev & Dani & Annabel. Kian & Kiara gazed at Annabel cooing & smiling* Awww!

Joe: OMG lemma get the camera this is too cute! *Runs to grab it* Say cheese babies! *Kian, Kiara, & Annabel looked for a sec & then turned back looking all around* Thats a keeper definitely.

Nick: *Smiling happily close to happy tears spilling down my cheeks course I soon did & Joe kissed my head taking the twins from my arms as I grabbed a box of tissues*

Ep. 100 (Blessed)

Dani: *Kev & I were beaming so much watching everything taking place. Our baby daughter ... Annabel was so cute & looked so much like Kevin. I kissed her head as Kev hovered over looking over lovingly* My baby girl.

Kev: Our beautiful daughter oh my gosh I'm so blessed right now.

Dani: *Kisses Kev* I love you. *Kisses Annabel's forehead* And I love you.

Nick: *Drying eyes smiling leaning head on Joe's shoulder* Joe I love you. And I love Kian & Kiara so much.

Joe: *Grins happily, pecks his lips* And I love you Nick so very much & my baby boy & girl.

Denise: *Leaning next to Kevin* And we love you Kevin, Joseph, Nicholas, Frankie, Dani, Annabel, Kian, Kiara, Mom & Pop, all of you.

Kevin: To our kids, our grandchildren & grandparents. *We all hugged each other smiling so much*

Nick: *Another few months went by past  & it was Joe & I's anniversary & we we now just living happily together in Fiji with our kids. I was on the beach with Kiara, while Kian was in the water with Joe* Baby girl do you wanna build a sand castle? *Kiara was now 2 yrs old & Kian too, both whom were already walking & somewhat talking here & there*

Kiara: *Nods smiley* Yes yes yes!

Nick: *Laughs softly as she starts to jump up & down excitedly* Kay then we'll be needing these. *Grabs the a small shovel & bucket for her & myself*

Kirara: Yay! *Claps her hands together sort of running over to pick a spot*

Nick: Wait for me sweetie. *Runs after her & picks her up just in time before she was ready to fall* Be careful girly not so fast OK?

Kiara: Aww Daddy! *Giggling happily doesn't really understand but knows enough to nod*

Nick: *Nods smiling. I can't ever be angry @ her, neither can Joe cause 1 look @ our kids & we totally both fall apart every single time giving in to their extreme adorableness* Alrighty, use this shovel to dig & I'll make the castle.

Kiara: *Nods happily repeating him* Castle!

Nick: *Smiling still as I began to make mounds. A few min's later I have a pretty nice stack going on till Kiara accidently fell into it laughing* You OK Kiara? *Lifts her on her feet gently*

Kiara: Me OK! *Smiling big*

Nick: *Laughs a little* Wanna start again?

Kiara: *Shakes head* Water Daddy, water! *Points to the ocean*

Nick: *I bit my lip taking her into my arms* You wanna go in the water?

Kiara: Uh huh please please? *Pouting cutely*

Nick: *Shakes head laughing* OK, but we go together. *I walked to the water carrying her in my arms when suddenly Joe came running splashing at us with Kian in his arms grinning brightly*

Joe: Hey baby & baby girl, ready to swim?

Kian: Yeah, swim swim! *Repeats him*

Nick: Joe? *Raises an eyebrow at him*

Joe: *Kisses Nick's head* Don't worry my love, I haven't let him out of my sight. He's been trying to get away, but I wouldn't let go. *Kisses Kian's stomach* Isn't that right baby boy?

Kian: *Laughing* Daddy, stop it!

Joe: Nope, I love you too much! *Continues*

Kiara: *Pouts* What about me Daddy?

Joe: *Looks at her smiling & takes her from Nick's arms holding both of the kids* I love you too baby girl so much! *Kisses all over her face till she breaks out in a fit of giggles*

Kiara: D-daddy s-save me! *Asking Nick for help cause Joe is tickling her non-stop & I can't take it*

Nick: *Swoops in to rescue her* No worries Kiara I'm here baby girl, see?

Kiara: *Cuddles into Nick's chest hiding pointing at Joe* H-he tickled me too m-much!

Nick: *Smiles rubbing her back* I know baby girl I know. *Looks at Joe* You hear that Joe?

Joe: *Smiles guilty* I'm sorry baby girl, I love you & thats why I did it. *Trying to make her smile*

Kian: *Points to his sister* Smile Kia pretty please?

Kiara: *Looks @ them both & slowly smiles*

Kian: See not so hard! *Grinning*

Joe: *Kisses her head* Better Kiara?

Kiara: *Nods & but struggles to get free* Ari Ari Ari! *Chanting here name*

Ari: *Appears in right of her, kisses her head softly. Hello little dearest Kiara*

Kiara: *Has the ability to hear Ari & so does my brother Kian. Whenever I speak mind to mind, I can speak much better than out loud. Hi Ari! I missed you!*

Ari: *As did I baby girl, as did I. You ready to play?*

Kiara: *Can Kian come too? Looks at him*

Ari: *Only if its OK with your parents Kiara*

Kiara: *Looks at Nick & Joe pleadingly. Please Daddies, can we go & play with Ari, please?*

Joe: *Grins* I'm fine with it, Nicky?

Nick: *Sighs smiling* Very well but stay close to Ari & don't wander off OK?

Kiara: *Smiles brightly whooping. Alright! We will! Bye Daddies! Cya later! I was settled carefully on Ari's back along with Kian right behind me*

Kian: *Later daddies!*

Ari: *Smiles at Joick. We'll be back soon. Swims away with them securely on top of my fin*

Nick: *Joe & I watched them till we could no longer see them as he carried me back to shore & laid me down on the cool sand as I looked up at him on top of me*

Joe: *Grinning happily leaning into kiss him* Love you so very much Nicky.

Nick: *Giggles/smiling* I love you so very much Joey. Always & forever ...

Joe: *Finishes for him winking* Together in Paradise.

[A/N: "I have only one man & he's my life" - (For Joick) :-D]

              =THE END=

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

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Added on February 5, 2011
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joe Jonas Nick Jonas



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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