Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 69-100

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 69-100

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 69 (Dance It Up Baby)

Joe's POV

The weeks went by quite fast, next thing I knew it was already February. It was drawing closer and closer to V-Day, which I couldn't wait for cause I had something really special all planned for Nick. Though he had tried to guess it and tickle it out of me, I wouldn't give cause just like him I can be the one in charge. Any who, today was Friday the 4th, ooh I know but tonight Kevin and his girl, Nick and I, were all going out to dinner together and dancing. I actually got the idea from Kev, funny I know right considering I didn't really like him much. Over the weeks I get you can say we kind of hit off. I think we've actually become great buds especially cause he finally caught on that the reason I didn't like him at first was because I thought he had a crush on Nick. He joked around saying "yeah sure I got a huge mega crush on Nick! He's so hot!!!" He pretty much thought I was a worry wort for being so crazy about the whole subject. But now we're cool, I can see that Kev's just a fun loving non-stop talking straight guy.

I could tell Nick was happy I was making progress, speaking of mister beautiful. He has been doing so great. He's getting the hang of this whole famous thing everyday, he's such a stud muffin! And school's been excellent as always for him and me too. We're actually doing both great, happy as can be and living the dream together. Tonight I'm glad is our break, its been a little crazy with all the interviews, TV appearances and scheduling for music videos, and .... on and on. Its nearly 7:00 PM and time to party! "Nick dearest! Time to get a move on, we told Kev we'd be there by 7:30!," I called to him. Most likely sexy superstar was finishing up little touches to look good. But in truth, no matter what he did or wore or how he smelled, he put the D in divine. I too was busy getting ready, but was now finished up. So I thought I'd sneak up on him, since he didn't answer me back. I found him looking back and forth between two different jackets. "Hey there love," I kissed his cheek and then his lips.

He smiled, "Oh! Good you're here, I need an opinion. Which jacket, white or black?" I chuckled and grinned, "Whichever you like beautiful. Any look amazing on you," I winked. He rolled his eyes and lightly hit my shoulder, "I'm serious you. Pick one, or we're going to be late." I laughed again and pretended to rub my shoulder, "Ouch! You pack a hard punch Nick. You been working out?" He giggled, "Sure do! You're my workout. Now seriously make a choice." I looked back and forth like he did earlier, "Eenie, meanie, mineey, mo ..... catch a tiger by its toe ....," He smiled yelling a bit, "Joe!" I grinned, "Okay. Let me see, the black one cause it would match you're shoes." He looked down and back at the jacket, "Ohh, thanks!" I pecked his lips, "Anytime adorable, now I know you look like a sexy striking starlight, but what-"

He held up a hand to my lips, "You're so handsome and hot looking, the words alone don't do you justice." I smiled and pecked hi lips again, "Right back at you baby. So, are we ready to go now?" He put on the jacket and nodded, "Yep. Lets do it!" I chuckled and tangled our hands together, leading him to my car. I opened up his door and then my own and then began the drive over to the club. According to Kev, it was a private one for celebrities only so there shouldn't be too much of a commotion, but then again .... thats what they've been saying to us all the time. We made it in like 15 minutes, thank goodness it was close by else the traffic might have been hard to get through, after all its California and Friday night, like I said time to dance and have some fun! 

He pulled up to the main entrance and let the VIP guys take care of my car. And just as Nick and I started walking, as per usual the paparazzi was snapping their shots away like there's no tomorrow. Most of them were screaming our names like "Nick! Nick! Look this way!" or "Joe! Joe! Can you turn towards Nick?" It was funny and always a rush for the both of us. We always posed together. After a few minutes we went on in to the club and were immediately greeted by Kev and Danielle. "Joe! Nick! You guys are here, awesome! Just in time to order!," said he bubbly said. "This is Danielle as I'm sure you two remember. Danielle, ... these are my guys!" We all exchanged hugs and hellos and took our seats in a big booth table. In no time a waiter came over to us taking our drink orders and meals, while in the meantime we chatted. 

"I'm so glad you guys could make it, I've always wanted to come here! Ooh, you know what we should do next time? .... Go bowling!," Kevin pretty much went on and on. "Bowling?," said Nick said while giggling. "Yeah, what he said," I joined in. Danielle just smiled and said, "Yep. Its his favorite activity other than singing and playing the guitar all the time." Kev nodded happily, "She's right it is. I love it, its my thing." I just raised my eyebrows and smiled, "What do you say Nick?" I watched him giggle so cutely nodding, "I'm up for it, if YOU are." Both Kev and Danielle said, "OOH!" I just smirked sexily, "Always baby. Its on, Kev. Bowling it is." My eyes were locked on Nick's alone and vice versa. Baby boy wants to make it a challenge? Then let the games begin!

Soon enough our meals arrived and we ate together. I gotta admit it was pretty good, the pizza, the starter salad, and the french fries were really off the hook. After finishing up, Nick and I hit the dance floor. This was something I had been looking forward the entire night. While Kev danced with his girl, I wanted noting more than to spin and see my guy shake his sexy little self. We started off with an oldie "This Is Your Night (Main Mix)" by Amber. I had the pleasure of Nick shaking his head just like in the "Night At The Roxbury." I watched as he sexily moved his hips and pretty much moved like mister smooth. I followed holding his hands up while we led the way together. Thats when I pulled him real close to me and he put his right leg around my waist. Can you say freaking OMG?! We danced on and on, moving together perfectly. I couldn't help and sing along with the words to him, in which he just giggled so cutely. I could hear Kev and Danielle cheer us on and others too, but honestly my attention was Nick. Nothing could get me to look, not when he's dancing, something that I rarely get to see cause he's always so shy but tonight he seems to be loosened up and a whole new Nick, my God! "You go baby, WHOOO!" 

We danced to a many variety of songs from Taio Cruz's "Higher," which my mouth literally hit the ground seeing what Nick did with the beat. He got into it and moved so beautifully. He sung along too and turned me on so much the way he teased and smiled. Then on Katy Perry"s "Firework", we sort of slow-meduim danced. Like the song title Nick was exactly like a firework, so beautiful beyond words and certainly made me go "Oh oh oh, oh oh oh." Then on Britney Spears' "Hold It Against Me," was downright hot the way Nick licked his lips and pulled me close almost grinding on me. Mmmmph! I might have to steal him away earlier and throw him right on our bed! Cascada's "Evacuate The Dancefloor," Nick and I both got really into. We moved to the lyrics and had a ball. We jumped up and down to the beat and pulled each other leading back and forth. My favorite part was always dipping Nick and making him jump to land in my arms. He was still so light and easy to pick up, sexy cutie pie thats my Nick! Usher's "More," was another fun and cool one. I took the beginning to strut for Nick and get his attention. He blushed as I moved to the beat and threw some random things in there. "Want More?," Nick I huskily whispered in his ear. He nodded and giggled, so I went on "bringing the fire and pushing the limit." Other's like Christina Aguilera's "Running Out Of Time," DJ Encore's "High On Life," Elize's "Lovesick (Beatfreakz Radio Edit)," Enrique Iglesias' "Tonight (I'm Loving You)," Jordin Sparks' "SOS (Let The Music Play)," "Love Lockdown" by Kanye West, "We R Who We R," by Ke$ha, to Lady GaGa's "Just Dance," and more.

By the end of the night we were so danced out, that Nick and I called it a night at 11:00 PM and went straight home saying our byes to Kev and Dani. We immediately  ran up to the shower and fooled around in there for a bit. Then before Nick could finish drying off, I pounced on him and grabbed a condom and went into him. "Ahh ... God ... baby you're so .... OMG!!" He giggled and arched his back, "Y-you too, mmmm, faster please!" I rocked him fast and hard, the both of screaming and coming like crazy. We continued like that the rest of the night for as long as the both of us could go, we eventually collapse together and fell right to sleep, mmmmm divine sexy husband indeed.

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 70 (It's V-Day, My Darling)

Joe's POV

February 14 Monday had arrived & I was already awake early & ready to go. I had everything all planned out in my mind, now left was to execute every part for my lovely and adorable Nick, whom of which is sleeping as sweetly as always. I just love watching him slumber, it always makes me smile. But if I didn't do something I'd probably be stuck staring forever, so I gently moved him from lying on his face to his back. He opened one eye sleepily, looking at me. "Hey there, love," I pecked his lips gently while he stretched & leaned up to receive my lips. "Morning Mr. King-of-Love, Happy Valentines Day," he winked. I grinned wide & winked back, "Happy Valentines Day dearest Nick." I stuck up one finger to signal one minute & revealed a breakfast tray with all of Nick's favorite foods. I had the satisfaction of watching his eyes widen & him gasping in shock. "Oh, Joe!," he exclaimed hugging me while I set the tray beside him. "Nothing but the very best for the man I love with all my heart. And today baby, its all about Y-O-U.," I waved the single red rose playfully on his nose gently. 

He blushed & bit his lip, "But what about you? I love you so much too & I want to show you how happy you make me feel." I clunked our foreheads together & breathed him in deeply, "You show me everyday Nick. You don't have to do much to make my heart spiral out of my control or ignite my passion for you. Today, baby your the prince, my prince. So you eat up & I'll get dressed," I winked & disappeared to get ready.

Nick's POV

He is so sweet, I smiled to myself. He had made me pancakes & put scoops of peanut butter on top, with buttermilk syrup my favorite along with a warm cup of tea, & nice cold water. The rose was a nice touch cause he had put it in a small skinny vase with water & best of all had tied a cute clear white bow around the vase. Joe's such a romantic man, he alone makes my heart flutter, I'm the happiest guy alive. I did wonder what he had planned today? He's a surpriser no doubt & comes up with random cute things. I giggled, well whatever it was, I'm sure I'd find out soon enough. My Joe, oh my Joe, he's my man. I finished eating & getting dressed in the next few seconds. I decided on a magenta long sleeve blouse along with a black tie & same color dress pants & shiny black shoes. I styled my hair a little differently making my curls almost flatten, looking as cool as I possibly could. 

"Hi There, sexy," purred a voice. I turned around to see my guy licking his lips over & over again. I giggled, he looked pretty fine too. He was wearing a black long sleeve dress shirt with a small cute pomegranite colored bow tie, with a black suit jacket, along with matching black pants & shoes. I blushed eying him up & down, "That you, Joe?," I teased. He too eyed me the same way & came up to me sexily & pressed his lips onto mine. "That is definitely your color, baby," he whispered against my lips. I smiled & nodded, smelling his perfume, "Mmmm, you smell good." He wrapped his hands around my waist, pressed our chests together, "As do you, sweetie." I moaned a bit & wrapped my arms around his neck.

He whispered again in my ear, biting it a bit, "Time to go my love." I nodded & watched him pick up my breakfast tray & take it to the kitchen, then he came back to me & took my hand in his. He lead me to his car & opened the door for me & sped off to our surprise location no doubt. He drove us to the airport & we climbed into our private jet. He murmured something to the pilot, but I couldn't hear them. He then sat beside me, & we watched together as we took off from the runway. The skies were beautifully clear before the rain that was predicted to come sometime next week. Our flight lasted around 15-20 minutes & then we landed. As Joe took my hand & lead me to a smaller means of transportation. My eyes just widened & I gasped shocked, "A motorcycle Joe, really?" He just grinned & bit his lip, "Yep! What do you think?" I just stared at it & smiled, "You're crazy sometimes, you know that right?" He nodded & hugged me, "Yeah, but also crazy in love with you. Come on, get on baby."

He climbed on first & I then I got on after him wrapping my arms around his waist after we put our helmets on. He took off fast, showing off no doubt for me. I giggled & looked around at the view. There was a harbor area next to the airport & tall buildings, it almost looked like New York, but it wasn't. I happened to see a sign that said San Diego. So thats where we were, hmmm. But still where is Joe planning on taking us on a motorcycle? In the next few minutes my question were answered, when he rode up to SeaWorld. We got our parking pass & then Joe picked a spot & parked. We got off together & thats when Joe revealed our tickets for the day. "Surprise Nick!," he exclaimed. I hugged him, "I love it Joe! This is going to be so cool!" We then walked in together & were given a schedule of all the shows & attractions. Joe lead us to the Blue Horizons show first where bottle-nose dolphins performed. It was so neat seeing them leaping & doing all sorts of fun tricks while getting rewarded with fish. 

They were so graceful & at the same time so speedy. Their sounds were so cute too, they way they communicated with others. Afterwards, we made our way to the Sea Lions LIVE show, which was also awesome cause they made the show fun & interactive with some of the people. They also had trained walruses & small penguins that were so both the cutest animals ever. Then we choose to go over to the the barn area of their clydesdale horses, which were just so huge! And they also had two dalmatian dogs too. Next we went over to the check out the ride Journey To Atlantis. Joe immediately grabbed my hand when he saw the ride & we both started running towards the line area, lucky it was a short wait. Joe was practically bouncing up & down to get wet thanks to this roller coaster wet ride. I was excited too, just a little reluctant to actually get wet. When it was our turn, Joe raised his hands in the air, while I held on as the coaster took off quite fast I might add. By the end, we were a little soaked, but it was actually pretty fun. We just laughed it off & ran off checking out the small & beautiful Commerson dolphins.

Afterwards we ran off towards their Wild Arctic Ride where we get to explore the world of the arctic & its beautiful scenery & animals. It shook us around making us laugh & sometimes scream. Then once we got off the ride, we got to explore the big & so gentle beluga whales that swam around in a large tank. Next to them were the also giant polar bears, & then the colossal walruses. We also stumbled on a 25-foot-long ice wall, which was actually real ice! It was so cold, as Joe & I put on cheeks against the wall. Joe of course was also snapping pics every chance he could get, it was so funny cause I kept trying pretending to run off & scare him, but it didn't really work cause he kept on catching me. The Penguin Encounter was the next exhibit next to us, where we went on in to darkness, to see some of the cutest little fellows in tuxedos you could ever see. Then we discovered the Shark Encounter where we were surrounded by some sharp teeth friends. We also went by the California Tide Pool, where we got to touch & pick up actual starfish of different sizes & colors.

Next was Turtle Reef, where we got a up close view of the sweet & adorable gliding turtles, & of course Pacific Point where we could observe the sea lions much closer as they swim back & forth & also sleep on the rocks, so sleepily. We kind of ran through Flamingo Cove fast cause they kind of smelled so bad, but they were so cute at the same time. We took tours through Aquarium de la Mer & the World of the Sea aquarium where we saw many different fishes, & other amazing creatures. We took a break to get cotton candy, a churro, & hot chocolate, along with two good slices of mushroom & tomato slices of pizza. Then we walked over to the Coco Loco Arcade & Games, where Joe & I kind of found our inner kid likeness in each other playing all the games that are typically for the kids, but we didn't really care. We also got to touch sting rays in another exhibit, which were so slimy & rubbery! It made me cringe for a minute, but Joe reminded me that they were pretty cool animals, so I loosened up & smiled as I observed them & petted them. 

At Rocky Point Preserve, Joe & I were able to come face to face with the smart & awesome bottle-nose dolphins whom of which were just are rubbery & smooth. Joe & I bought some small fish to feed them & they came right over. We laughed a bit as we threw the fish into their mouths. They just smiled & make friendly sounds & eventually swam off. Next Joe & I made our way over to Shipwreck Rapids, another wet ride where people sit in these small circular rafts & journey through the rapids. This was another fun one where Joe & I got completely soaked, but lucky my man came packed with new changes of clothes. I giggled as I put on a SeaWorld sweater & pants, it felt kind of homey. And Joe's same outfit looked nice of him, kind of outlining his muscular thighs & legs nicely. Towards the end of the day, we took a romantic ride on the Bayside Skyride, which took us in the air across the park & water beside it. He took this time to sing & hum different love songs to me, while my heart just sighed happily & I melted in his embraces.

I knew that Joe was saving Believe for last cause that was where Shamu & the other orca whales would perform their amazing show. So in the meantime he took me over to the close up viewing shot to see Shamu. The orca is their biggest whale in the entire park. Its also just beautiful with its colors of black & white, just like Ying & Yang. We took pics & watched the orcas swim around in the largest tank I'd ever seen. Joe then lead me back to the playground area which was huge for the kids, but adults were climbing the ropes up to the higher play areas. Joe & I climbed too, though at one time I lost my balance was about to fall, but then Joe saved me, but we ended up tumbling into the ropes that held us up above the ground. 

"See, ... caught ya baby," Joe breathed. I laughed & hugged him, "Thank you, my hero." Next Joe dragged me back to the Shamu area cause there had been announcement that the show was about to begin. Joe & I got great seats, but I knew of the splash zone, so we sat up a few rows above it so we'd stay dry. We watched the show, as the lights dimmed & the story began of the orcas. It was pretty spectacular, the effects, the lighting, & of course the whales & their trainers. After the show finished, Joe took on one final ride above the 265 feet Skytower, where we got a beautiful panoramic view of the entire park & the city. It was nighttime, & the fireworks were just beginning. It was so romantic, being up high with Joe & watching the sky light up like the forth of July, but it was even better. Joe & I shared a long kiss. "I love you Nick, Happy Valentines Day my darling," he said giving me another single red rose. I smiled happily, "And I love you Joe, Happy Valentines Day my loving man."

Next he surprised me with our outfits from earlier but they were back to dry & smelled like they were freshly cleaned. He just winked & we went back to the ground & into the restrooms to get re-dressed cause Joe said he had one more surprise to end the night. I hopped aboard the motorcycle once again, as he drove us to our ending location for the night. He led me to a secluded tower right next to the ocean, on the high cliffs where there was a table for two, dinner & drinks all ready, with two long candles lit & a dozen red roses all set in a bouquet on the table along with heart shaped chocolates & a big white teddy bear with a heart saying "I love you." My knees buckled right there & then & I literally fell down to the floor. Joe's eyes widened as he raced over to me there on the floor. "Nick! Nick! Baby, are you OK? Say something," he begged worried for me. I looked into his eyes & smiled, "I'm wonderful," I spoke softly. "I'm just- shocked & surprised is all. You were all out to make this entire day so special for me. Everything today has been the best day ever, thank you baby," I kissed his lips sweetly & hugged him tightly. "Thank you for everything," I whispered. He nodded & wiped the little tears that were appearing in the corners of my eyes, & kissed me back repeatedly. He then helped me up & led me over to the table seating me & we dined together. After the diner, we danced slowly together with music & then we took a ride on the motorcycle all the way back home. Once back home, we took a long bubble bath together, washing each other's bodies & hair. We then rinsed off & went off to bed where we ending our evening in making soft & sweet love. "You love is like magic ... Nick," Joe breathed hotly in my ear. I blushed & flipped him over so I could pleasure him, "So is your love ... Joe, oh," I moaned. We continued throughout the night, at last falling asleep .... hearts beating as one.

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 71 (Hannah Montana: Me & Mr. Jonas x3 Un-Edited)

Nick's POV 

March 14 arrived, one day after Daylight Saving Time had begun. Through the weeks, both Joe & I's schedules were crazy busy between school & our music career. Today though was going to a cool kinda day cause we've all been invited to join Miley Cyrus on her Disney show & do an episode with her. None of us have seen the script yet, but I'm sure as far as the show goes it'll be funny. I bet Kev & Dani are already there cause they're both really early risers. Joe & I, on the other hand are still stuck completely in bed together. But however I'm the only one up right now. Joe's catching his usual loud & cute Z's. Suddenly I got a call from Kev from my cell. I answered, "Hey Kev. What's up?" Kev on the other line was talking really fast, "Morning Nick! Thank God you're up. Listen you like gotta get Joe up, all of Miley's people are all set & she's here too. We're all waiting on you guys. I suggest waking him up with some cold water or something."

I giggled, "All right. All right, we've be there shortly & thanks for the advice Kev, but I think I have something else in mind. Cya soon, bye," We both hung up & I looked at Joe & for a moment of guilt of what I was about to do, but it had to be done. I took in a breath & stood up on our bed & began bouncing up & down fast. "Joe! Wake up baby!" 

Joe's POV

I groggily opened a single eye seeing my Nick wide awake & bouncing like Tigger or something on our bed. I put a big pillow over my head, "Go back to sleep baby!" Nick stopped for a minute, "I can't babe. We gotta get going. Miley & everyone is all there at the studio. We're late!" I clung to the pillow, "So what?" He then pulled all my covers & sheet off of me, for once I was wearing boxers. Next he pulled the pillow away & I finally sat up, "OK, I'm up! Happy now baby?" He gave me a I'm sorry look & pressed a quick kiss to my lips, then he jumped off the bed landing perfectly on his feet & went back & forth getting dressed. I watched for a few minutes till he yelled , "JOE!" 

I put my hands up, "I know. I'm going." So I got dressed along with him. Soon enough we were both ready & as I was about to get a muffin, he grabbed my hand pulling me to the door, "No food, we'll eat when we get there." I pouted as my stomach growled a bit & followed him. I let him drive for once & we took off. 20 minutes later we arrived & were greeted by everyone talking all at once. David was the first to whistle & say, "Whoa! Whoa! Enough everybody, our two guys are here & we can start. Joe & Nick, follow us."

We did just that & sat down in tall chairs in a circle, Nick, Kev, Dani, Miley, David, & I. Lucky right next to us were many assorted foods & drinks, I secretly mouthed thank God. Kev saw it though & covered a laugh. I just rolled my eyes & shrugged. We were then given each scripts & started reading it. Overall from what I got from it, it sounded great. But then Miley spoke up, "I like it. I do, but I think we should try something different from the script. Just see where it takes us." All of us were all for it, but David was like "You sure Mi? Cause we can write any part you didn't like."

She shook her head, "No, no. Not necessary. We'll just improvise at little bit, y'know shake it up. And if that doesn't work, then we'll just go with the original So lets start, Kev, Joe, Nick. You three come with me & lets start." We all nodded & got up following her to the set. 

We cut to the scene when we all first meet her as Hannah. "Sweet niblets! Its the JONAS BROTHERS!," said a shocked Miley. "Dudes! ..." said Kev. "Its Hannah ...," said I said. "Montana!," finished Nick. Kev turned to us fast & took a deep breath, "Just be cool guys, she's just a singer/songwriter just like us. Remember be cool." He sucked in another breath & opened the door as we all went over to her. "Hi Hannah, nice to meetcha, we're the-," Kev said before he got cut off.

She blushed & giggled flirty waving her right hand "No need for intros boys. I know who you are & I LOVE your music." Nick & I looked at each other, while Kev just stared at her saying, "We're such big fans of yours too." I nodded smiling, "Thats right, we love your music." Nick then added, "Wow you're so stylish girl." I rolled my eyes shrugging, "Uh, sorry he's like WAY into fashion." Kev joined in saying, "Yea, pay him no mind."

She smiled brightly, laughing, "No prob. And thanks Nick. You're pretty sylin' yourself. But, ...," she eyed Kev up & down continuing "Kev you're lookin' fine." Kev grinned, "Right back atcha hot stuff." Robbie Ray aka Billy Ray Cyrus cut in, "Hey, whoa whoa. I'm her farther." Kev put up his hands, "Sorry mister-," he stopped. 

Part 2

"Wait a minute. Aren't you Robbie Ray?" Billy raised his eyebrows, "Thats right." I went next saying, "I knew it! You write all the songs." Billy shifted his weight & nodded, "That I do." Kev excitedly said, "Sir, you're songs are genius! I loved 'Nobody's Perfect!' Its totally amazing!" 

I continued next, "Yeah! I love how it starts off soft, and then BAM! Everybody makes mistakes, everybody has those days. (Nick & Kev then joined in.) Everybody knows what, what I'm takin' 'bout, everybody gets that way." Billy grinned, "Wowie, thanks guys. That means a lot." Nick gasped, "Are you kidding sir, you're so amazing! Its beyond awesome to be in YOUR presence." Miley then hugged her dad proudly, "Yep! Thats my daddy! All mine. OMG mega idea major! We don't we all do a song together?!"

Nick's POV

I was first to squeal, "OMG, yes!" Joe chuckled & so did Kev. "I'm in," Joe said. "Me too!," Kev smiled. "Whoo! Then its all settled! In the meantime, why don't we all hang out?," Miley suggested. But before any of us could answer, Billy cut in once again, "Darlin' aren't you forgetting someone?" She pretended to think, "Now that you mention it, you're so right. I almost forgot my BFF, OMG she's going to freak when she meets these adorable (looks at all guys, mostly Kev for the longest time) rockstars," she winked at Kev. Billy looked shocked, "But what about-"

Miley patted his shoulder, "No worries, I won't be too long. I'll call ya dad, love ya!," she gave him a big hug & kissed his cheek. "Now, lets have some fun," she linked arms with us & began leading the way leaving Billy there with his arms folded thinking, "Three young boys over, her own father? Well guess thats just being a teen."

We all headed to the beach after changing our clothes, meeting Miley's friend their Emily aka Lily. The second she laid eyes on us, she screamed. "Epppp! ...," was all she could get out. Miley smiled & hugged her, "What Lily? You act like you've never seen three JoBros on the beach before?" Lily smiled nervously, kind of bouncing on her feet whispering to Miley, "You. I. JoBros. Ahhh," she stuttered. Miley lightly slapped her cheek hissing to her, "Snap out of it & say hi, don't be rude!"

Lily shook her head fast & blushed clearing her throat, "Ahem, uh ... sorry bout that. I'm cool now. Its very nice to meet you guys. I'm Lily." She extended her hand to each other us, but turned my handshake into a big tight hug. I looked at Joe & Kev, blushing, while they "awww'ed" & Miley was busy trying to pry Lily off of me. "Lily? Let go of the JoBro. Back away from the cuteness."

At last she released me & I took a breath of air, while she gasped apologizing non-stop. "Its fine Lily. I'm all right." Joe added "Yeah, he'll shake it off. Now are we going to swim or what?!" Kev said, "Last one in gets seaweed in their hair!" Lily & Miely both made a disgusted face & took off speedily running. Kev ran close to Miley, while Joe grabbed my wrist making me run too. With Joe on my left & Lily joined us on my right, I was kind sandwiched in. Kev was first to dive in & come up fast wetting Miley next. Joe raised his eyebrows playfully, "Your turn curly!" I tried to out run him, but Lily trapped me.

"Oh, Nick you're so much cuter in person. And you look so HOT with no shirt on," she beamed. Joe burst out laughing while I blushed madly & threw myself into an oncoming wave. "Nick! Wait for me," Lily called also diving in. I surfaced but thanks to Joe holding me in my arms, "Got ya," he grinned. Lily then came up out of the water, knocking right into us before she could take her hands away from wiping her eyes. We all fell back into the water tumbling. This time Lily landed in Joe's arms & I l just was left by myself.

At least I thought so, until Kev came out of no where lifted me right out of the water once again. "Kev! You. Ahh!," I was thrown back into the waves. Miley & him exchanged high-5's, while I re-surfaced sputtering out water. "What is this, dunk Nick day?," I said out loud. Meanwhile Lily blushed looked at Joe saying, "Wow. You have nice eyes & brows. And your lips, even more wow," she went on. Joe smiled & tickled her off of him, "You're wow yourself Lil's."

She blushed & ran to Miley real quick whispering, "You hear that? He. Gave. Me. A. Nickname already! This is awesome!" Miley just rolled her eyes & smiled a little, "Thats cute Lil's but you can have Joe or Nick, but Kev's ... all mine." Lily's eyes widened, "Ooh, sounds like I'm not the only one having a JoBro-romanance!"

"You got that right girl, now who are you going to choose?" Lily blushed, "I really know now. I thought I loved Nick the most. But then when I fell on Joe, I just got so floaty."

Part 3

Miley grinned, "Floaty indeed, more like obsessed, but can't blame ya when they're such HOT guys." Lily blushed & hit her arm whispering, "Not so loud! They'll hear us." Miley just shrugged & giggled, "They probably already do thanks to you." Lily gasped, "Eh? Me? What about you-," she was cut off. "Are you just going to stand her talking to me, or you going to get over there with possibly one of your major crushes, hmm?"

Suddenly we tossed a beach ball towards the both of us, Kev calling "Up for a little ball girls?" Miley was first to smile confidently, "Oh, we're ready cause its on!" She hit back towards Kev & then he hit it to Lily who hit to me & lastly I did to Joe. Back & forth it went, splashing, running here & there & mostly having a blast altogether. Eventually Kev & Miley took a long walk down the beach, while Joe tried out surfing. That left just Lily & I again on the beach. She sat next to me on the big towel Miley had brought.

"What types of girls do you like Nick," she asked me. I shrugged & tried to change the subject, Doesn't really matter. So you & Hannah have always been best friends?" She frowned for a second & then smiled, "I see. Yea since like forever, Her & I are like this," she said while twisted two of her right fingers together.

I grinned & replied, "Thats awesome." Then Lily asked another surprising question, "Do you like me?" I smiled & nodded, "Yeah, definitely. You're a great friend." She leaned up & looked at me, "Thats not what a meant. I mean as a girlfriend?"

I bit my lip & laughed nervously, "Oh, look there's Joe! Hey, dude!" I got up as he came over running soaking wet looking so hot, "Hey Lil's! Nick! OMG, you gotta try the whole surfing thing, its gnarly!" He then shook his hair wetting up both. Lily stood up screaming, "Joe!" She then smiled getting an idea & ran into his arms knocking him down into the sand, with her on top.

Joe grunted saying, "Whoa! Hello to you too girl." She just blushed & whispered something into his ear. Joe's eyes looked shocked, but then he shrugged & smiled, "I'll tell everyone later."

Next thing I know, Joe had Lily off him & was smiling over at me. He then said, "Run." I looked at him puzzled, "Come again?" He smirked saying more loudly, "RUN!" I gasped & took off fast, & when I looked back I saw he was fast on my tail & gaining speed. So what he wanted was a chase, well that was something I definitely give him that.

I ran with all my might, breathing in & out, plus smiling that I was still a little bit ahead of him. My legs carried me across the shore not slowing or getting tired. I noticed Joe was was the same, so I attempted to turn around & go back towards Lily who just watched us from her same spot observing. Just as I was turning back, Joe whipped into an even faster speed catching me & hugging me close wrapping his hands around me from behind.

"Gotcha! Trying to out run me = a caught Nick," he winked. I blushed & struggled a bit, "OK, so you're fast. Let me go, will ya?" He spun me around facing him, "I don't think so." He then grinned & pulled me up over his shoulder carrying me. I gasped, "Joe?! Put me down!"

Joe just patted my lower back, "No way. Enjoy it dude." I blushed madly & felt sparks from his touch. I fell into silence as he continued to walk back towards Lily no doubt. By the time we got back, the sunset was a happening & Kev & Miley were back. Finally Joe put me down on the towel carefully & winked. Kev & Miley just smiled & snuggled up in each others arms. Lily just sat there drinking a soda sipping watching Joe & I mostly.

I tried to focus on the sun as it went down in a snap, watching the sky turn many colors. When at last it was gone, Kev stood up grinning from ear to ear, "Everyone I have an announcement. Ahem, Hannah & I, are officially a couple." Miley smiled brightly too adding, "Awww, Kevy!" Lily squealed, "Oooh! Whoo!"

We all clapped for them, as Miley stood up too as Kev stole a sweet kiss. I bit my lip blushing a bit at their cuteness together. And when they opened their eyes & pulled away, Kev & gave Joe a pat on his shoulder while Miley winked at him. Joe then took a deep breath & got up in front of us, while Kev & Miley sat back down. He smiled happily, "I actually have something to say too. So here it goes .... firstly I'm gay. And I'm so in love with Nick."

My mouth dropped open as I sat there frozen. Miley was moving her head from left to right signaling for me to get up there or to probably say something, while Kev nodded & mouthed "Go for it."

I wobbly stood up & went over to Joe. I just looked at him & said quietly, "Me too I feel the same Joe. I love you too." Joe grinned & instantly hugged me tightly as his lips found mine. I got lost in the kiss, my eyes closed in a wonderful way as I slipped away into his arms holding & warming me. I could hear in the background lots of clapping & cheering, as we pulled away smiling at each other.

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 72 (Ridonculous? Yea!)

Joe's POV

When I pulled away from the kiss, I was smiling happily as I gazed into Nick's lovable eyes. By that time, everyone was standing up next to us. Kev gave Nick & I a hug bear hug saying, "Thats my guys!" And Miley kissed both of our cheeks whispering, "I just knew it." Lastly Lily gave a small smile, but clearly she was confused & upset. She ran off saying she had to go, Miley immediately tried to run to catch up with her, but I stopped her saying to her & everyone, "Chillax guys. I'll talk t her." With that I went after her easily finding her walking fast.

I got in front of her stopping her from moving on, "What's up Lil's?" She frowned & folded her arms, "Seriously Joe?" I nodded, "Look I know how you must feel-," she cut in. "And how's that Mr. Rockstar with his newly band mate boyfriend?," she sighed & continued, "Why didn't you just tell me at the beginning? Why'd you have to wait till later to come clean huh? Would have saved me looking like the most embarrassed girl in the world that made a fool of herself."

I sighed too, pulling her into a hug, "I'm sorry Lily. You're right, I should've told you sooner. I really like you as a friend & I know Nick does too. We just didn't think-," I trailed off. "Save it, Joe. I get it. No need to explain. I took it the wrong way & it was all me," I laughed a bit. "What's so funny?," I questioned.

She smiled & hit my shoulder a little, "Me. OK, so I forgive you & Nick. Its just that I want so much to find the right guy for me, y'know?" I spoke, "You will girl. You're a smart, beautiful, & amazing girl. And any guy that can't see that, doesn't know what he's missing because you're something special just like Hannah." She giggled, "Yeah I guess. And wow, you're a cool cat aren't you? But, your words do make me feel a lot better, not to mention there's always other rockstars. And now, looks like Hannah's got one of her own."

I laughed & draped my arm around her shoulder while she laid her head down on me, "Thats the spirit girly. And watch it with the rockstars, were not always this nice. And yep, those two have really hit it off." She spoke again, "Mmm. Yea, true that .... else I'd probably balling hysterically, while Hannah would be thinking up another of her crazy plans to get even or something ridonculous. Any-hoo, I'm happy for her & Kev. Just tell me one thing."

I nodded going on, "Really? Hannah's mischievous side huh? If you're going to ask if Kev's the type that breaks a girls heart, than no. He's the-," she continued for me. "She is, oh boy. You have NO idea. Good to know & I'm relieved to hear that else we'd have major problems here. And I know, Kev's, the cute, romantic one. While you're, the cute, funny one. And Nick is, the cute, sensitive one."

I raised an eyebrow, "So I see. Yea now, is Hannah the type of girl to break a guys heart? And thats an interesting cute perspective of us, you come up with that?" She shrugged & looked at me, "Hannah's not a heartbreaker either, you've got nothing to be worried about," except that she lives a double life but hey its how she is, "And actually it was half Hannah & the other half it was me."

I chuckled, "Good. And thats pretty cool. Now, what do say we re-join everyone?," I stood up offering her my hand. She smiled & took it, "I say yes." We then walked back together while everyone came crowding around us asking us if everything was alright. Lily & I gave each other hug & winked holding a thumbs up sign up. We all broke into a big group hug cheering for the makeup. Afterwards we dropped both girls off at their homes & promised we'd meet up with them tomorrow to work on the song.

The next morning arrived & just as we all were heading back to pick up Hannah & Lily, we got a text from the both of them saying "Change of plans guys. Our dad's bugging about hanging out with ya'll so late yesterday. So we're both kinda of grounded. But never fear, we're going to sneak out with disguises. We'll meetcha in 10. Cya y'all real soon!" Kev, Nick, & I just stared at our cells incredulously, but then Kev spoke, "Guess even a superstar like my girl gets sentenced to stay home." Nick shook his head, "You all know this is going to get them & us in big trouble?"

Part 2

Joe: *I laughed & winked* Troubles my middle name. I say bring it on! *Kev just laughed almost falling over*

Nick: No its not. And you're a kid sometimes you know that?

Joe:*I smiled* Eh, well you get me. And so what curly pop? *I played with his curls getting closer to him*

Nick *I blushed* Ha ha, Joe. 

Joe: *Just then as I was going to lean in for a kiss, we pulled up to Hannah's house awaiting for a sign of them. We watched & once we saw them each of us gasped louder than the next as the two girls got into the car. Except both of them were dressed like guys & even looked strangely like real dudes*

Kev: Hannah?

Joe: *Nick & I said together* Lily? 

Mi: *Miley smiled & waved* Actually its Milo for the moment & this here is Otis. 

Lil: *The guys just stared at us & I blushed* Look guys, this SO was not my idea. But its the only way her dad won't recognize us for the meantime till we get caught.

Mi: *I added* We won't get caught. These are full proof disguises. And by ya'll's faces its SO working! Bam!

Lil: Yea, whatever you say Hannah, but why did we have to be GUYS?

Mi: *I scoffed* Because ... Lil's MY dad is actually going out to the studio to work on some songs. And if he were to recognize us for real, we'd be much worse than grounded, so chill girl. It be all good right guys?

Kev: If you say so sweetie. *I kissed her forehead* Y'know for a dude, you're still a major cutie. *I touched her nose*

Mi: *I beamed* See, Kev thinks so. *I laughed* Thanks babe.

Joe: Well whatever works for ya. I think its pretty awesome idea.

Lil: *I rolled my eyes* Easy for you to say.

Nick: *I pushed a finger to my lips* Shh guys. Even with the ladies' disguise, we're going to have a blast writing together, am I right?

Joe: *I gripped his shoulders smiling* So right!

Kev: Agreed!

Mi: Yea!

Lil: *They all looked at me & I smiled too* Lets do this! *We soon got to the recording studio pretty much hiding behind the guys the entire time just in case Robbie came out of no where. When we finally got into the room, we all sighed a huge relief, but just as we're about to high-five, of course the moment we all were dreading happened*

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 73 (We've Got The Party!) Part 1

Mi: Sweet niblets, get down girl! Stall him, make him leave guys! *I grabbed Lily fast & pulled her down with me to hide*

Kev: *I gave the girls a quick thumbs up sign & we all turned our attention to Mr. Stewart*

Billy: *I was about to head home when I got a glimpse of the JoBros in another room, so I went on over* Hey guys, what's up?

Kev: * I exclaimed* Hey Mr. Stewart! Good to see ya!

Joe: *I nodded* Yea, it is. Us? Nothing much, just messing around with songs & stuff.

Nick: Yep! We just started.

Billy: Thats cool. Listen sorry about the girls' not being here to work on that song y'all planned to do together. But even my little girl can't be out hanging with rockstars late at night like that.

Kev: *I cleared my throat* We know that sir & we're really sorry about that.

Billy: Its fine, cause I know they're at home probably sore at me, but its just how a dad's got to roll.

Kev: *I laughed* Right! Thats the way you roll.

Joe: *I smiled* Yea, well its all been good fun seeing ya sir, but we gotta get going with ... the music & stuff.

Nick: Yea, so we'll catch you later sir ... sir dude.

Billy: Alrighty then, guess I'll cya around soon. Take care guys, bye. *I waved & left walking off*

Kev: *We made sure he was fully gone till I pushed a button notifying the girls* Its OK girls, the coast is clear!

Mi: *I sighed so relieved & stood up with Lily* Thank Goodness, sheese I thought he'd never leave!

Lil: No kidding, my heart was beating so fast. I thought for sure we were gonners!

Kev: *I went over to Miley & kissed her* We'll its all good like you said it was going to be & we're now fully ready to start the song.

Mi: *I smiled* At last. *So we did just that, we all collaborated while Lily sat beside us watching. Soon enough we all finished writing cheering* Whoo! This sounds amazing!

Kev: Definitely awesome!

Joe: Makes ya move!

Nick: Sweet & rocking!

Lil: I love it guys!

Billy: *I stood behind them all & cleared my throat as they all turned around to face me hesitantly with a stunned look on all their faces* What? You think I didn't realize what's going on here? *Nobody spoke, Lily sank in her chair & tried to avoid eye contact, while Miley just shrugged*

Mi: Look, ... Dad I know this looks bad & all & we're sorry about sneaking like we did & lying, but-

Billy: I know darlin'. No need to explain. I get it.

Mi: You do? Now I'm confused. Am I dreaming?

Billy: Yea I do. Not exactly. You see, I knew you'd try something like this & so I letcha all go & was about bust ya'll when I first saw the guys, but then I stayed & watched as ya'll worked together. And it all sounds great truly.

Mi: So, ... does this mean we're off the hook?

Billy: I didn't say that, y'all are in trouble, but we'll worry about that later. In the meantime, lets hear that winning song now. But, ... you two girls might wanna lose the guy getup.

Mi: *I smiled & hugged him & then grabbed Lil's hand* Thank you daddy. We'll be back! *Once we changed into slammin' clothes, we returned & began the song "We've Got The Party." It was so cool, as we took the performance from the studio to the beach just having the time of our lives* We've got the party ... with us! *And with that the director called cut & we all cheered* Awesome, work JoBros, Dad, & Lily ... I mean Emily!

Part 2

Joe: *We all hugged & high-5ed & stuff until David came over to all of us with a nervous look on his face. We all turned out attention to him*

David: *I tried to smile* That was awesome you guys, all of ya. It was 1st rate.

Mi: *I put my hands on my hips & took off my blonde wig* But?

David: *My smiled faulted then* Its just that its so different from the original script. I know you used similar things in it, but overall you changed it. Its awesome if it was for Nickelodeon, but this is DISNEY. We can't OK viewers to just see gay couples kissing, no offense Joe & Nick, I have nothing against it truly, but its just too inappropriate. I hope you all understand that its nothing personal but we just can't go ahead with what you guys just acted out. I'm afraid we're going to have to start again from the top with the original.

Mi: *I folded my arms & nodded* You got it David, we'll do it again then.

David: *I sighed a bit* Great. And once again, it was really an amazing performance. If I really could, I'd air it. I'm sorry everyone. *I walked away thinking, I wouldn't mind it at all it was Nick & I though, then I'd happily risk everything, including getting banned from Disney*

Mi: *I turned to Joe & Nick first* Aside from that unpleasantness & bad news, I really loved how it all played out. And I think adding your love for each other, was the perfect touch of romance.

Em: *I stood beside her & smiled* She's right. I wish they'd air this instead.

Kev: Maybe one day? *I hugged Dani & gave her a kiss*

Joe: *I smiled too* Its s'OK everyone, its cool. All that matters to Nick & I that we're together always.

Nick: *I beamed* Yea, always.

Mi: *I squealed along with with Emily* AWWWW! *We group hugged & then got into character acting out the way the script was originally set. We took pretty much the whole day, doing takes & mostly goofing off too. But towards the end when it was all finished, we celebrated together at small party. We looked fabulous & the guys too. We mostly had a lot of fun dancing with each other to music, some of us getting our groove on & stuff. There was a moment in particular where David quietly pulled me away from the party & into a private room just to talk* So what's up?

David: *I smiled then frowned* You know what Miley. What the heck was up with today? Changing the script?

Mi: *I shrugged & put down my glass of apple cider* I just thought it was be something different & true for once. Besides the guys were really into it to. What's the deal?

David: *I sighed frustrated* Do you not see my plans here Mi? I'm trying to break Joe & Nick up & how am I going to do that if you're interfering is only brining them closer together?!

Mi: *I waved my hands up & frowned* I know that, sorry jeeze. I get it that you have a major thing for Nick, Dav but honestly Joe & him are like this. *I twisted 2 fingers together* They're inseparable. Its not going to be easy & in that case, why don't you just let them be? They're happy in love together, why ruin a good thing?

David: *I went over to her furiously making her fall against a small desk nearby* You think I don't know that? You think that its going to harder than I thought? No matter how "inseparable" those 2 are, they're going to break up, mark my words! I will not let them just be, I want Nick. And that good thing is going to come to  short end very, very soon. And you're going to help me, Mi. So, don't you EVER forget you place in this & or try to convince me of my own wants!

Mi: *I frowned & pushed him off of me* Fine. I get IT.

David: *I straightened my shoulders letting out a deep breath* Good. And don't you forget it. Now, why are you standing there, this heres a party, you should get back to it.

Mi: *I fake smiled* As you wish, DAV-ID. *With that I went back to party trying to forget the hostile encounter*

David: *I sighed & stared out the window. Its only a matter of time now. Just a little bit longer. Once they both graduate & get some more fame in, then its goodbye Joe Jonas & hello Nick, my love. Ha ha, ooh how I LOVE the sound of it!*

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 74 (Pleasure Points) Part 1

Nick: *Soon enough the party came to end & we all hugged & kissed each other's cheek goodbying, while Joe drove us back home. I was kinda of sleepy now, after all of the dancing. I yawned out loud*

Joe: *I smiled* Aww, my baby's tired. Hold on sweetie we'll be home shortly & I'll carry you up.

Nick: *I smiled sweetly & leaned back in my seat, closing my eyes* Mmm-hmm.

Joe: *I chuckled softly looking at him for a split second before turning my attention back to the road. We arrived home in the next few minutes & as I pulled in & cut the engine, taking the keys & opening my door to get up walking around to Nick's side to find him absolutely wiped. I just stood there for a little bit, my eyes taking in every single detail* And I thought I was the tired 1 today. *I murmured to myself softly & then carefully picked up Nick in my arms balancing him as I put the keys through the front door & opened it. I turned on 1 light & took him upstairs putting him on the bed for a little bit, while I was about to turn off Nick & my cell's, but then I caught a glimpse of a message that was left probably a few minutes ago most likely. It was from Mi, saying how fun everything was & that she wishes us luck for our future together & to keep in touch. I grinned & turned off both cells & went back downstairs to turn off the lights we didn't need on late at this hour. As I went back up, I started stripping my clothes & just as I was going to go back to Nick & do the same, I found the bed empty along with his clothes already off. I then heard the sound of the shower running* So, he went on without me, uh-huh.

Joe: *I opened the door & saw his beautiful figure in the shower looking sexy as ever. I stared for a long time just admiring his body & licking my lips along the way*

Nick: *As I shampooed my hair & scrubbed my face with soap & a small facial towel, I got the feeling I wasn't entirely alone. Of course that feeling was of Joe no question. I giggled silently blushing at the thought of him just standing there staring at me. I couldn't resist seeing if I was right, so I opened the sliding door slightly & peaked out a little. And to no surprise there he was just as I thought, 100% staring. I bit my lip & laughed* Aren't you going to shower with me? Or you going to continue staring at a body you see constantly everyday?

Joe: *I grinned* Of course, I just couldn't resist sneaking peaks before. *I climbed in behind him & continued grinning* Hello lovely baby boy.

Nick: *I smiled* Hello to you to Mr. Creepy Watcher, get a good look babe? *I turned back around to rinse under the water, while he stood a few feet behind me*

Joe: *I smirked & hugged him also getting absolutely wet* Every minute of the day & more.

Nick: *I blushed & opened my eyes* That so?

Joe: *I nipped the back of his ear earning a tiny moan from him* Very so. In fact, the views looking amazing right now too.

Nick: *I blushed redder & moaned again* Joe ...

Joe: *I pressed myself closer against him* Nick ...

Nick: *I shut my eyes tight as I felt his erection against me, moaning louder* Unn ...

Joe: *I smiled & kissed the back of his neck* My baby.

Part 2

Nick: *I moaned again* Ughnnn .... *He felt so warm & so hard & he was so close* Ugnnn ....

Joe: *I rubbed his shoulders gently & then slowly brought my hands down his chest rubbing lightly*

Nick: Ughnn! ..... Joe ..... *My unsteady breathing & my shaking against him was bringing me closer to coming, I could feel it* Nnnn.

Joe: *I nipped her ear again, while my hands rubbing his n*****s in slow circles* Nick ....

Nick: *I arched my back into him more moaning louder* UGNN! ... Ahhh .... JOE ...

Joe: *I smiled nuzzled the back of his neck, while my hands traveled father down his body seeking 1 area & 1 area only*

Nick: *My eyes opened fast in realization of what he was doing. I moaned again* OH! ... JOEE ....

Joe: *I smiled even more as my hands at last found their home. I slipped 1 finger into him, while my other hand rubbed him right below his belly button*

Nick: *I felt his finger instantly pushing inside me & bringing me endless everlasting pleasure where to the point I was continually crying out from the INCREDIBLE sensations he was giving me* Unnnn! .... Oh! ..... JOEEE! ... UGH!

Joe: *I added more fingers feeling Nick tighten against me & I grinned moving them faster*

Nick: *I whined & even thrusting a little into his fingers begging for more until finally I came* OMG JOE!

Joe: *I felt his liquid & smiled at the sight feeling him continuously coming, while I kissed his hair & I whispering hotly into his ear* Thatta Nicky.

Nick: *I moaned again* UGH! ... Nnnn ... OHHHHH! *I couldn't take it no longer, I grabbed his hips firmly with my hands & made him go into me with his pressing hard & OMG BIG length* JOEEEE!!

Joe: *I gasped looking down seeing what Nick had done. I was pressed inside him deeply. I felt him shaking a lot & desperately trying to grip the walls with his hands. I was about to start pulling out when his hands gripped mine tightly* Nick?

Nick: *My eyes were tearing up slightly. It hurt me so much, but I wanted so much for the pain to go away & the pleasure to take over* D-don't pull out .... p-please. D-don't move .... e-either. J-just ... w-w-wait.

Part 3

Joe: *I didn't move, but I couldn't take Nick's pain. I knew that this was hurting him* Nick, let me pull out baby. I don't want to hurt you anymore.

Nick: *I panted* J-Joe .... its a-l-l-lright. Stay inside, p-p-please.

Joe: *I bit my lip holding back a seriously loud pleasurable groan. I slowly spoke* Baby please. You don't have to do this.

Nick: *I whined as I throbbed inside & out* T-hrust ...

Joe: *I shook my head* Baby-

Nick: *I moaned louder* Nnn! THRUST JOE!

Joe: *I breathed in deeply & thrusted into him slowly* Nick ...

Nick: *I panted & moaned* Ohhh, ... miGOD! Mooore Joeeee!

Joe: *My eyes widened at how hot he sounded, not just he voice but how it felt against my hard length thrusting in & out of him. This was something I haven't pictured Nick ever letting me do, just cause he had the his front area where I could slip inside of him each & every time we made love together. But, ... this was something else, something new, something amazing*

Nick: *I continued to moan non-stop as my eyes shut tight together savoring every time I felt him thrust. It was hypnotizing & electrifying. At first it had hurt so much & now that feeling was long gone & the pleasure was taking over the both of us. I'd never thought we'd make love like this, but secretly I've kinda been curious about it. If I wasn't how I was, he & I be doing this more often just because it would've been the only way for us to connect* UGH .... UGHHHH .... OHHHH!

Joe: *I held onto his hips moving faster. The pleasure just kept on ripping through me all over, it was uncontrollable. I never knew it could be like this, it was both new to us. Once again I was his 1st taking his virginity both from before & now this. He was all mine. All I could do was continually move in & out getting deeper & deeper, feeling nothing but .... absolute bliss* Mmmm, oh, Nick!

Nick: *I breathed heavy & cried out numerous times. He was so warm & all inside me. I moved along with him, or at least tried to cause the feeling was filling me so much & weakening me. If not for the shower's walls I'd slip & sink to the bottom of the floor where the water was falling. He moved so gently & also heavenly if I do say so. Even with the faster speeds he gave me, it felt so amazing* JOE!!

Joe: *I couldn't hold in my release no more, it came right then & there fast & into him while I let out a very loud groan* NICK!!

Nick: *My eyes went wider, my mouth dropped opened & I gripped his hands tightly screaming* JOEEEE!!! *I felt it, the hot liquid of his come rush inside me. It was a lot, the feeling like nothing I'd ever experienced before. I tried to catch my breath, panting in & out*

Joe: *I too was breathing heavily. I wrapped my arms around Nick's stomach & pressed my lips to the back of his neck as sweetly as I could, whispering his name so softly* Nick.

Nick: *He was still attached to me & I just let my head fall back happily against him closing my eyes & then re-opening them* Oh, Joe.

Part 4

Joe: *I smiled & carefully pulled out of him & turned him around to face me*

Nick: *I moaned again as I felt him slide out of me, I was still throbbing. As we faced each other, I could see the lovingness in his eyes & I blushed falling into them*

Joe: *I caressed his cheeks & pressed a firm kiss to his lips & then pulled away smiling. I looked at him from top to bottom, taking in his beautiful flushed face & body* Oh baby boy, that was magical.

Nick: *I blushed & bit my lip letting the hot water run over me* I know, it was.

Joe: *I grinned* Need help re-washing baby?

Nick: *I smiled* Yes my sexy man.

Joe: *I winked & scrubbed his body all over till he was all squeaky clean & he did the same for me. As we got out, he just grabbed 1 of our big towels & wrapped it around us. He went to dry my body & I smiled doing the exact same same for him. Once we were completely dried I was about to turn right walking to our dressers to get some boxers or something, when he grabbed my hand. My eyebrow rose up a little* Have something else in mind lovely?

Nick: *I blushed madly & nodded biting my lip* Oh, yes. *I lead him to the bed & pushed him down firmly getting on top of him, looking into his eyes & then placing a passionate kiss on his lips* Please be mine, always.

Joe: *I smiled & kissed back* Always I promise you Nick.

Nick: *I smiled to* Good. Because you're SO mine.

Joe: *I winked* Right backatcha baby boy. Now exactly, what did you have in mind?

Nick: *I smirked* Continuation of course.

Joe: *I grinned* Sounds like its going to be an all night thing?

Nick: *I blushed* If we, want it to be.

Joe: *I licked my lips* Heck ya I do!

Nick: *I giggled, still blushing* Then, allow ME. *I flipped off of him & pressed my buttocks to his length & slightly turned around to nod*

Joe: *I grinned & slid myself into him* Ohh, baby.

Nick: *I moaned & closed my eyes riding him as I felt him sit up somewhat. After a little bit, he spun me around to face him as I continued moving on top of him, placing my hands on his chest for support. And we made love like that for as long as the both of us could go, both collapsing into a beautiful sleep together in the end*

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 75 (Sugarpie Honeybunch) Part 1

Nick: *Another week went by (March 21st now), & in came the reviews of the our debut with Miley on Hannah Montana. From the news it was a success & it got about 10.7 million viewers watching & it was ranked the highest rated episode ever. We were all psyched & at the same time shocked at the response, Joe & I, especially. And now there were thousands of girls tweeting about I having a crush on Miley because I had said to her in the script: "You're pretty. Uh, pretty good with the singing and the dancing that you do. Wow, you're pretty." I found the whole thing funny though cause I'm of course gay & married to Joe, yet there's these silly rumors that I could be bi. Joe on the other hand, just went into a fit full of laughter the second he heard the news* I know, I know babe, this is pretty hysterical.

Joe: *I caught my breath speaking* Whew, teen girls & paparazzi! What major gossip & false accusations.

Nick: *I shook my head & sighed* Well its how it goes, I guess. But on an important subject, its at last our spring break where we're both off from school & work, what do you have planned?

Joe: *I raised my eyebrows, clasping my hands together* Ooh yes! Well its a surprise baby. *I touched his nose playfully, winking*

Nick: *I pouted a bit playing along* But honey, I wanna know now.

Joe: *I shook my head & grinned* You will soon my dearest. *I kissed his lips wrapped my arms & our thick blankets around him & I*

Nick: *I warmly smiled & kissed back* Very well, my secretive & clever man.

Joe: *I grinned touching his cheek* And best of all, I've already packed for the both of us. All we need to do is eat some delish breakfast & get going to our jet.

Nick: Ah, nice. So what's on the menu?

Joe: *I kissed him smirking* Well me for 1 thing & 2nd whatever my soulmate desires.

Nick: *I giggled* Smooth my love. Hmmm, I love the 1st. *kiss* And for the 2nd, I pick thick or thin pancakes. *kiss*

Joe: *I made his kisses deeper* Mmm! What if I want just your kisses alone? *I flipped his body underneath mine & stared hungrily into his eyes licking my lips* And my, what lips they are irresistible. 

Nick: *I blush smiling* Mmmm, indeed baby. But soon enough our stomachs will growl. So are yours, very irresistible. *I whispered* Sing to me.

Joe: *I smiled & took a breath singing* I want to be with you.

Nick: *I joined in singing & smiling too* And do so I.

Joe: I love you with all my heart.

Nick: You had it right from the start.

Joe: And its love, its love, its loveeee.

Nick: Looking into to your eyes, I know that my life's begun.

Joe: And when I feel your heartbeat in time with mine, I feel the warmth just like the sun.

Nick: In voice & in your love, I know this is meant to be.

Joe: Always & forever we can see.

Nick: 2 souls once lost & now we're found.

Joe: And I can't stand if you were not around.

Nick: Because its love, its love, its love, its love.

Joe: And because your mine, all mine, all mine, all mineee. 

Nick: Just hold me & love me.

Joe: I will not ever let you go. For if I ever do than I'm fool & born to be renewed.

Nick: Cause with you its love all the way.

Joe: And together ... we'll always stay. *Together singing* In .... love. *We ended & I pulled him in for a tender kiss, whispering* I love you.

Nick: And I love you, oh Joe.

Joe: *I smiled & then picked him up fast* You're so cute & beautiful, I can't take it baby boy.

Nick: *I giggled* Thank you. *Suddenly my stomach made its hungry sounds* Ooh.

Joe: *I looked down & laughed softly* My baby's hungry. I'm on it. *I pressed my lips to his again* Get dressed lovely & I'll take care of the rest. *I set him down carefully & winked*

Nick: *I titled my head to the side, still giggling* Thank you handsome. *I started walking off when I felt him pat my butt cutely & giving it a little pinch causing me to squeal out loud* Oh!

Joe: *I couldn't resist & once I let go I went off to the kitchen getting started with breakfast. And also I turned on some music, first getting John Mayer's "3x5" song as I put on an apron & got out all the ingredients needed, also turning on the burner*

Nick: *I smiled as I went off to the bathroom, as I changed my clothes & got ready. Soon enough I had 1 of my fav. plaid shirts on & a pair of skinnies & my converses all set. And just as I reentered the kitchen I found Joe singing along to the original version of "I Can't Help Myself Sugarpie Honeybunch."  I joined in too & together we sang lovingly, till Joe wanted me to go solo & I continued as he watched & listened happily*

Joe: *I enjoyed his little performance as he really got into the song, making me smile constantly. I loved when he snapped his fingers, winking & pretended like his was holding a mike in his hand. He was such a beautiful rockstar. I cheered once he finished & he flung into my arms & I hugged him happily* That was stellar, love!

  • Part 2

  • Joe: *After eating & driving to the airport we finally got on our jet & buckled up together as it took off from the ground* WHOO!

  • Nick: *I giggled*

  • Joe: *I put my hands up continuing to whoop like crazy*

  • Nick: *I shook my head & tried to hold in the laughter I knew was going to burst out*

  • Joe: *I looked at Nick & then frowned* What?!

  • Nick: *My laughter erupted*

  • Joe: *I yelled* NICK!

  • Nick: *I raised 1 finger & kept on laughing trying to contain it but really couldn't*

  • Joe: *I folded my arms impatiently tapping my foot, still frowning*

  • Nick: *When at last I stopped I took a deep breath getting back to normal* Sorry Joe.

  • Joe: *I nodded* Now exactly what was that all about?

  • Nick: *I pointed at him* You. You were acting so silly.

  • Joe: *I looked at him* Uh-uh, I see. *I got up from my seat & got right in his face seriously* Am I still now?

  • Nick: *I blushed* No.

  • Joe: *Wickedly I grinned* Its OK baby. But you know for laughing at me, I think I deserve a kiss.

  • Nick: *I pecked his lips & smiled*

  • Joe: *I pouted* Thats all?

  • Nick: *I shook my head & grabbed his face & made the kiss hot & long*

  • Joe: *I smiled kissed back with so much love*

  • Nick: *When at last we pulled away we were both catching our breath & looking at each other hotly*

  • Joe: Now ... thats ... what ... I'm ... takin' about!

  • Nick: *I laughed* Easy lover, you'll get more later when we land wherever your takin' the both of us.

  • Joe: Agreed. And I know you're never gonna be able to guess it.

  • Nick: But you say I'm gonna love it right?

  • Joe: Mm-hmm!

  • Nick: Kay Mr. Crazy.

  • Joe: You mean crazy in love with Y-O-U!

  • Nick: Right back atcha. *A couple hrs later we arrived & to even make it more a surprise, Joe blind folded me just to make sure I didn't sneak a peak. He guided me the entire time till I felt our new car stop. Joe helped me out & then suddenly picked me up carrying me up to what I think was stairs. The air felt colder & it was quiet, like really quiet. It smelled nice, but also so familiar* Joe can I look now?

  • Joe: *As soon as I'd finished carrying him up the stairs I set him down on his feet & smiled taking away his blind fold* Kay look baby!

  • Nick: *My eyes slowly opened & I gasped as I looked to find myself in what appeared to be the mountains surrounded by white snow!* O.M.G!

  • Joe: *I wrapped my arms around him* What do you think?!

  • Nick: *I laughed* I think you're the sweet most romantic guy on the planet! I can't believe it, its snow!

  • Joe: *I had secretly gotten a small snow ball ready & put it on top of Nick's curls* Gotcha!

  • Nick: *I squealed as I felt some of the ice fall off my head* Oh, so its like that?

  • Joe: *I grinned* Ooh watcha gonna do?

  • Nick: *I smiled* This! *I ran & jumped right on top of him knocking him down as we both grunted & laughed*

  • Joe: *My hands held his hips* Seriously though-

  • Nick: *I kissed him & then pulled away* I love it & I have a feeling that this is gonna be 1 snow-tastic break. Thank you Joe.

  • Joe: *I winked* Anything to make you happy & even more seeing that smile. *I touched his dimples*

  • Nick: *I blushed shyly*

  • Joe: So 1st things 1st, what do ya wanna do? Take a nice long warm jacuzzi bath together? Relax from the little bit of jetlag? Or eat something yummy for that cute-tastic tummy?

  • Nick: *I smiled* All of the above. BTW, where are we exactly?

  • Joe: *I sat up & re-carried him into our private cabin* Big Bear baby.

  • Nick: Really? Ah-ha! Thats why I recognize it.

  • Joe: And also why I choose it. So why don't you freshen up a bit sweetie, why I get to my cooking business?

  • Nick: *I laughed* Kay, be back. *I kissed him quick & then walked over to a gigantic massive bedroom & looked around finding all our luggage near the closest. So I took a fews min.'s before I returned back to Joe who was no surprise blasting Lemonade Mouth's "Determinate," while dancing & totally working the stove. I watched silently covering my mouth from laughing. I swear no matter what he's doing, he makes me laugh, pretty much anything he does is just so funny. Sometimes I wonder if he'd want to be a comedian*

  • Part 3

  • Joe: *I rocked out to the song & jumped up & down & did a bunch of moves with my hips while constantly keeping up with everything else I was doing kitchen wise. I especially love Adam Hicks sick rapping part, its awesome*

  • Nick: *I continued to smile as he still didn't notice I was back, till my phone rang giving me away*

  • Joe: *I turned to look at Nick* Ah-ha, caught ya!

  • Nick: *I smiled waving* Hello!

  • Joe: Don't hello me love, who's a calling us on our 1st day of vac?

  • Nick: It's just a text from David wishing us a nice time here in the mts. Wait he knew?

  • Joe: Yah. I told him & Kev. But when it came to you, I knew I had to keep it a secret till we got here.

  • Nick: Well that you did. Now big q, what are we eating?

  • Joe: Glad you asked. I'm making bean & cheese burritos with lots of tomatoes, spinach, & of course good old assorted all-ready grated cheeses. And to drink, we got got something warm: hot choco with whip cream of course & also hot apple cider that's waiting for you there on the table. And for dessert, some white chocolate cookies!

  • Nick: Mmm! *I breathed it all in* This is going to be so GOOD! 

  • Joe: *After munching down on our dinner, Nick & I retired to the hot tub together. He choose to get in the normal everyday way, while I on the other hand splashed right in knocking some the water right out* Opps!

  • Nick: *I laughed shaking my head* Always gotta make a BIG entrance.

  • Joe: *I grinned* Of course! Where's the fun in just slipping in boringly?

  • Nick: *I raised an eyebrow* Come again Mr?

  • Joe: *I kissed his forehead fast* Thats right BORING!

  • Nick: *I shouted* JOE!

  • Joe: *I teased him* WHAT?!

  • Nick: You you you!

  • Joe: I know you LOVE me & adore me.

  • Nick: *I dunked him* And LOVE doin' this!

  • Joe: *I gasped for air & grinned when I came back up* Oh you wanna play?

  • Nick: I think I'm up to the challenge.

  • Joe: Well then, bring it baby cause its ON!

  • Nick: Cool. And the stakes?

  • Joe: Kay tomorrow I've got skiing lessons for the both of us. So 1st 1 to master going down the immediate skier level slope, is the champ. So if you win you choose what you want & same goes for me if I win.

  • Nick: Really?

  • Joe: Do you accept Nicholas?

  • Nick: Deal.

  • Joe: Good! Then game on & oh BTW I look forward to it.

  • Nick: As do I. Now then, back to jet relaxing?

  • Joe: And maybe more. *I winked*

  • Nick: Uh-uh, not yet babe.

  • Joe: Ooh, so I gotta wait? Well then I'mma win for sure but I'm not so great at the whole waiting thing.

  • Nick: Oh well time to practice then.

  • Joe: But BABY!

  • Nick: Don't you baby me, a deals a deal, unless you're not a man of your word?

  • Joe: *I bit my lip*

  • Nick: Awesome. Then you get the pic.

  • Joe: But what about some kissing?

  • Nick: *I giggled* Still negotiable.

  • Joe: Splendid. *I pecked his lips*

  • Nick: But no tricks Joseph & no cheating.

  • Part 4

  • Joe: I swear to you I'll be good. But the q is can you?

  • Nick: Me?

  • Joe: Yah, cause you talk the talk, but can you walk the walk?

  • Nick: I certainly can.

  • Joe: Good cause if you can't resist this then I'd say you've gotta work on your control. *I pointed to myself*

  • Nick: *I LOLed*

  • Joe: Laugh all you want baby, but I know for a strong fact that you LOVE this.

  • Nick: I love it Mr. Ego, but I've still got a better chance of winning this thing than you.

  • Joe: Say whaa now? You think I can't resist you? Heh! Why's that?

  • Nick: *I shrugged* Maybe the reason is that 1 you love me. 2 you want me. And 3 you & only you got me.

  • Joe: So what you're saying is that I'm Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive?

  • Nick: 3 P's & yep all the way.

  • Joe: Hmm. I like it, but still I'm going to be the 1 winning this victory.

  • Nick: Think so?

  • Joe: Oh, I know SO. And even better when I win, you'll have to complete my request. It'll be something fantastical, like nothing you've ever pictured.

  • Nick: Mmm-hmm. So I should be scared?

  • Joe: Very.

  • Nick: *Mockingly* Oh, I'm shaking from head to toe!

  • Joe: We'll see baby, we'll see.

  • Nick: Any1 ever tell you're a very competitive.

  • Joe: Only when it comes to certain things.

  • Nick: Nice.

  • Joe: Yep. And I know you can be too, which is why this will be super hot indeed.

  • Nick: Cause its husband vs. husband?

  • Joe: Yes. Baby I am so gonna shred some ice!

  • Nick: *I laughed* Kay then.

  • Joe: *I wrapped my arms around him looking in his eyes* But no matter what its all about fun.

  • Nick: *I nodded & smiled cuddling into his shoulder*

  • Joe: *We hugged for awhile in the water, till finally we got out & showered & got into bed. Nick snuggled into me & we both fell asleep. The last thing I remember was coming up with the perfect task for Nick to do for me, & oh how it brought a smile to my face. The next morning, after cooking a massive breakfast & eating it together with Nick, we both got dressed & drove over to Bear Mt. Ski Resort. We got up looking at the slope from the lot & man was it so AWESOME! And today its closed to only certain individuals like Nick & I, also mainly because there's a bunch of pro skiers & snowboarders here as well. But no matter cause we all have the whole mt. to ski & have fun as we please without screaming fans & without crazy paparazzi bugging you on every move*

  • Nick: *Seeing the resort again was really neat & its been quite a while. Mmm, the air smells so good. Its just so fresh. The beautiful green trees are lined with snow & the slopes whoa are they steep. There's 1 trail in particular that they call Geronimo, which is So Cal's highest lift served peak. On the right side is Silver mt, another high peak. Basically there's 4 levels: beginner, intermediate, difficult, & expert. Of course for Joe & I, we'll begin at beginner & work up to the next level. There are 24 runs all together. In the beginner section there's the Learning Curve, Easy Street, Amusement Park, & The Gulch. Over in intermediate you got Acceleration, Ripcord, Upper Park Run, Silver Connection, Boneyard, Espressway, Hidden Valley, Central Park, Shortcut, Backdoors, Outlaw's Alley, Street Scene, Gambler, & The Park Run. 
  • In difficult is Exhibition, Rip's Run, & Outlaw. And finally like I said Expert is, Geronimo, The Wedge, & Showtime*

  • Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 76 (Time To Ski) Part 1

  • Joe: *I patted Nick's back, chuckling* You're sure your ready for this?

  • Nick: *I smiled* I was born ready.

  • Joe: *I grinned* Awesome then lets get it started baby. Good luck to ya. *I kissed his lips*

  • Nick: *I giggled* And good luck to you babe. *So in the next few min's we got our skiing gear & strapped it on & moved on over to the left of Little Bear Camp. We worked with our instructor for the beginning & then put to use what we learned & successfully made it through all the beginner levels. At 1st it had took some practice, especially Joe cause he's a kluz a lot of times & so accident prone. But even he didn't let that shake him, he continued on as did I. Both of us were fast learners & eager to get to the next level. We'd  pretty much mastered stopping with the formation of what they call the pizza. After hrs of constant beginner level training, Joe & I took a lift to an intermediate level. We decided to try The Park Run which was close to the starting elevation we were at 7,140'*

  • Nick: *The sec we got of the lift we both exchanged excited & nervous smiles as we looked down from our slope. It wasn't so bad but still it was downhill. I took a deep breath & nodded as we both went down at the exact time. I cautiously tried to take my time & slow myself down. My heart was beating very fast as I sped down the slope. Soon enough I got more comfortable as Joe & I arrived back down at the base as he cheered loudly*


  • Nick: *I breathed in & out trying to even my breathing & slow my mile a min racing heart*

  • Joe: *I looked over at Nick seeing him frozen with what appeared to be shock* You OK Nick?

  • Nick: *I nodded & smiled exhaling* Fine.

  • Joe: *I winked* Wasn't that so cool or what?!

  • Nick: *I finally caught my breath* Yeah, very.

  • Joe: *I grinned* Ready to try some more?

  • Nick: *I smiled* Sure thing.

  • Joe: Super! Lets GO! *I started off back to the lift as Nick followed behind me*

  • Nick: *I swear going that the slope was even more thrilling than a roller coaster going from 0 to 55 in sec. It was definitely a blast kind of feeling. I could Joe really loved & best of all he managed not to get hurt in the process. But still I didn't want to press myself to do anything too extreme. Sure I wanted to win, but I also didn't want loose sight of that this is still new to the both of us & that being careless & reckless is so not a good idea at elevations that go up higher all the way to 8, 560'. The thing with The Park Run was that we'd only tried the medium slope version, there was still the longer & up higher slope to take on* Which 1 are we doing next? *I asked*

  • Part 2

  • Joe: Hmm, well I figure we'll hit Central Park & then Hidden Valley, then over to the Accelerator.

  • Nick: Outstanding.

  • Joe: *I playfully hit hit his shoulder* Its gonna be fun, I promise!

  • Nick: Mm-hmm. *As soon as we got off quad lift Joe & I made our run down Central Park which was straight & we were back down to the base once again. How you just fly right down it, its unreal. Next we took the double lift up but realized that in order to even get to Hidden Valley's slope we'd have to 1st go through Expressway, so we did just that. And this time it was a lot higher than before & a much longer curving slope. It was nothing short of scary & amazing at the same time. Afterwards we tried Boneyard & Silver Connection which were EXTREMELY hard to get to. It was cool though but how we managed to get them, whoo talk about exhilarating!*

  • Joe: *I knew by each slope Nick was starting to really loosen up & let go. I was glad cause if anything I wanted him to be having fun, not so worried. Plus it was just classic looking over time to time seeing him skiing like the total stud muffin he is. Gods did he look fantastic & yet another natural talent has been born. I gotta tell you it was fabulous! The wind in your face, the snow perfect & totally ready to take a ride down. It all felt great. I must say the beginning stage was a little awkward for me, but like Nick I became to take control & own it. I was so psyched when Nick & I tried The Park Run which was close to Street Scene & Outlaw's alley. Apart of me really wanted to try Outlaw, but I knew that probably wasn't a good idea but I took it regardless. I ditched Nick for a bit & rejoined between him as we made it back down* WHOO-HOO!

  • Nick: *The sec that Joe had disappeared I realized he'd probably taken 1 of the Advanced routes & was seriously now freaking out. I turned around not expecting him to be directly behind, but even so when I did I jumped & frowned angry now* WHAT THE HECK JOE! *I tried to hit him but he evaded my attack*

  • Joe: *I laughed* What?! I was still right behind you, I just took a different path.

  • Nick: A path down the expert level?!

  • Joe: May-bee. And you know what it was GREAT!

  • Nick: You idiot! You stupid! What's wrong with you?! You could have gotten hurt!

  • Joe: *I let him get out his anger & finally spoke* Nick, Nick, Nick, like whoa calm down. Its s'ok. I had it all under control.

  • Nick: *I wasn't having any of it* I will NOT calm down! Don't you realize that we're still BEGINNERS & just because we went down intermediate levels doesn't make either of us qualified to skip up to the higher levels!

  • Joe: *I sighed* Its not a big deal Nick.

  • Nick: *I gritted my teeth* YES. IT. IS. *I was fuming. I mean if he hadn't been so completely ughhh I would still be smiling & giggling, but not now. He's thinks its funny. He doesn't get the risks or how worried I was. To him its just a game, 1 he wants to win. I turned my back on him & started to move away*

  • Joe: Hey! Where you going?

  • Nick: To the Accelerator.

  • Joe: Nick, wait! Please!

  • Nick: *I didn't slow. I even got on a lift by my self & let it take me up to the slope*

  • Joe: *I tried yelling at him some more, but he was totally ignoring me. Guess he's really upset. So I took my own lift following behind. That the time I just thought it was fun, but now Nick was taking it a different way. I wasn't too sure I liked the silent treatment. Once we arrived at the top of the slope, we got off the Access Express & I went over to him* Nick ... look I'm sorry. I really am.

  • Nick: Why?

  • Joe: Excuse me?

  • Nick: Why are YOU sorry?

  • Joe: *I nodded* I'm sorry for taking that slope & for making you worry.

  • Nick: And?

  • Joe: And for acting like a jerk & a little kid seeking a fun thrill ride.

  • Nick: And?

  • Joe: What more is there?

  • Nick: Plenty! You failed to say you're sorry for being so STUPID for risking your life!

  • Joe: Fine! I'm sorry for being a stupid man who risked his life!

  • Nick: Ugh!

  • Joe: Nick, please. I don't wanna fight, not with you. Its all my fault. I'm truly sorry. I won't ever do it again I promise.

  • Nick: *I looked at him* You do?

  • Joe: Yes I do. I'm sorry baby, really I am. Please don't be mad at me anymore. *I wrapped my arms around him*

  • Nick: On 1 condition.

  • Joe: Name it.

  • Nick: We finished this but only on intermediate levels.

  • Joe: Done.

  • Part 3

  • Nick: *I nodded* Good. *Then we took off down the slope & every slope after that we did nothing but seeming to tie every time. Neither of us could win for some reason so by the end of the early afternoon we decided to call it quits. Honestly we were skied out & in need of some serious grub. So we took off the ski stuff & got a nice & very warm lunch of course with hot choco as well. Together we ate & watched as the other guys went down the slopes super fast. We awed & oohed in amazement. Later we collapsed on a flat area of snow & made angels together. We laughed & played starting a snow ball fight but then just laid together catching our breath* This has been 1 crazy fun filled day.

  • Joe: *I chuckled* It has. Both neither of us won, so what now?

  • Nick: Well since we both tied I think we're still titled to do each other's request, dont'cha think?

  • Joe: *I grinned wickedly* Really?

  • Nick: Yep really. So I think I'll do the honors. *I whispered in his eyes what I wanted him to do*

  • Joe: *I listened & then looked at him my eyes wide as an owls*

  • Nick: What do think?

  • Joe: *I grew hard down below* I think I need to get going! *I pressed a quick kiss to his lips & I carried him taking him back to the car*

  • Nick: *I giggled* Easy Joe, you don't wanna slip on the ice especially with that b-

  • Joe: *I put him in his seat fast & got in myself & drove off even faster* Don't say it, I know.

  • Nick: *I laughed on & got an idea* Oh come on you can say it. You're soooo turned on. You're 100% h-

  • Joe: La-la-la-la-LA! Nick, don't distract me baby. I'm driving!

  • Nick: But I'm just getting started.

  • Joe: Baby!!

  • Nick: OK, I'll be good but you better hurry it up cause its going to be a mixture of hot & cold coming atcha.

  • Joe: *I stepped on the pedal & made it back to our cabin in the next sec's. I shot out of the car & got Nick & raced him up the stairs* Wait here, I'll be back.

  • Nick: *I winked* Don't be too long. I'll be waiting.

  • Joe: *I pressed another kiss to his lips, this time a long 1. Nick giggled causing me to break the kiss & return outside to start my project*

  • Nick: *As he proceeded to run off & do compete his task, I took a super hot shower & got all cleaned up. Mmm, now I smelled nice & ready to have some fun with Joe. It wasn't long after that I got out from the shower with a towel around my hips still dripping wet as I came face to face with my sexy Joe* Ready for me?

  • Joe: *I grinned* SO READY.

  • Nick: *I smiled* Help me dry of 1st though?

  • Joe: *My hands were already going* With pleasure. *I made sure he was completely dry before I wrapped a hot thermal blanket over him as I carried him outside down the stairs to a what I had built* Like honey?

  • Nick: *I smiled happily* Love babe, LOVE. *My eyes took in the igloos size which could accommodate both of us & more* You did a amazing job Joe, nicely done indeed.

  • Joe: *I smiled* Anything for my baby. Go on in, I'll be right behind ya. *I winked*

  • Nick: *I went in steeping on a bunch of mats leading to a bed with lots of pillows & blankets & also romantic music along with small scented candles lighting the whole inside. I gasped & jumped on the bed, completely naked*

  • Joe: *I licked my lips & watched him*

  • Nick: *I looked back at Joe & pouted* Aren't you going to join me?

  • Joe: *I smirked* Yes, but 1st I gotta tell ya MY request.

  • Nick: *I giggled* And what's that handsome?

  • Joe: *I whispered in his ear & then grinned as I pulled away*

  • Nick: Request very acceptable indeedy.

  • Joe: *I kissed his forehead & took a step back slowly stripping my clothes for him*

  • Nick: *I laughed & blushed as I continued to watch in perfect bliss*

  • Joe: *When at last I was down to the buff I joined him on the bed & breathed him in* OHMYGOSH you smell soooooooo GOOOD!

  • Nick: *I laughed again & felt his erection* Never mind that, some1's hard.

  • Joe: *I leaned back looking at him* Take me baby.

  • Nick: *I smiled still laughing pressing a kiss to his lips while I slid myself onto him* UGN.

  • Joe: *I held his hips loving this viewpoint & even more the feeling of him* I love you baby.

  • Nick: *I moved slowly moaning softly* And I love you baby. *That night I rode him. See that was his request to make sweet love to him for as long as I could go, while my request was for him to build an igloo & for him to make sweet love to me. Both of us got our turns again & again. Heat surrounded, even though it was freezing outside we were completely on fire together. It was passionate*

  • Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 77 (Slidin' Down Donut Tubes)

  • Joe: *The next morning I woke up 1st & slipped on a robe attempting to make breakfast for Nick. After last night's loving, ooh ... I bet besides me, he's going to be quite hungry. I left our love igloo & went outside, the sun was out & it was chilly. So I hurried up the steps & went on inside. I quickly went to the bathroom & the proceeded to cook some grub. I made traditional scrambled eggs with sharp cheddar cheese on top, sweet cinnamon texas toast with warm maple syrup, crisp cut potatoes, oatmeal with granola & also some fresh orange juice along with a warm cup of green tea with honey* Mm-hmmm this is going to be good. *I noted to myself*

  • Nick: *I yawned as my eyes opened. I sat up & looked at the clock Joe put inside our igloo, it read almost 11 AM. I blinked & got up stretching & yawning again. I got off the bed & put on a robe left by Joe. I smiled, he thought of everything. I sat on the edge of the bed & put on a pair of snow boots & ran outside & up the stairs happily knowing that my man was no doubt busy in the kitchen like always. I opened up the door & sang loudly* Goooood moringgggg Joeeeeeeee!!!

  • Joe: *I turned around & grinned* Well goooooood morinnggggg NIckkkkkk!!!

  • Nick: *I laughed & kissed him sweetly* Mmm! That smells so very very good.

  • Joe: *I winked & hugged him patting his butt softly* The breakfast buffet is served love!

  • Nick: *I looked around at what he had made this time, my smile brightening* WoW!

  • Joe: I know, how do I do it right? *I smiled big*

  • Nick: *I laughed again* Looks & smells awesome babe! Hold that thought, I'll be right back.

  • Joe: *I nodded & let go of him* Okey doeky!

  • Nick: *I smiled & padded off to the bathroom taking care of business & then coming back quickly just in time to join him* Back!

  • Joe: *I chuckled* I'm glad, lets eat!

  • Nick: *We eat together & turned on Access Hollywood Live hearing lots of news of The Royal Wedding. We also caught a commercial of ours that we did recently for Baby Bottle Pop, it actually came out to be a short-ish music video* Wow there we are Joey. 

  • Joe: *It was funny & cute the vid, mainly Nick caught my attention even thought I was in it & Kev too. What can I say, Nick's always my #1 biggest interest & love* I know baby, its us. How neat it that?!

  • Nick: *I giggled* Very. 

  • Joe: *I kissed his cheek* You did amazing in that vid baby.

  • Nick: *I blushed* You too Joe & Kev.

  • Joe: Hmm? Like Kev better than me?

  • Nick: *I pushed his arm* Like a brother silly.

  • Joe: *I grinned* I know, I'm just kidding baby. Plus Kev's got Dani, while I got you. *I hugged him swiftly*

  • Nick: *I laughed* I got ya babe.

  • Joe: *I kissed his nose* Alrighty as soon as we finish, I got some serious plans of F-U-N!

  • Nick: I figured that, so what's on our agenda today?

  • Joe: Not. Telling!

  • Nick: Awwwwww, but!

  • Joe: Not buts Nicky, unless its about your butt. *I winked*

  • Nick: *I almost choked on the food* JOE!

  • Joe: *I patted his back & handed him a glass of water quickly* Sorry baby.

  • Nick: *I gulped the water down*

  • Joe: Better?

  • NIck: *I nodded & began to start clearing away my plate when Joe caught my arm* What?

  • Joe: *I smiled* No cleaning up baby, thats my job. You get dressed warmly kay & I'll take care of this.

  • Nick: *I asked* Are you sure?

  • Joe: *I kissed his forehead* Positive.

  • Nick: *I nodded & walked away* Alrighty. *I then went into our bedroom & got dressed & also picked Joe's outfit. When I finished suiting up, he came into the room*

  • Joe: Oooh baby's ready & got my clothes set. Awwww! *I kissed his lips* Thanks baby!

  • Nick: *I winked*

  • Joe: *So after I got clothed & all ready to go, I took Nick's hand excitedly & led him to the car. We both got in & drove off down the street. Once there we parked & I got out to open Nick's door* Ta-da baby!

  • Nick: *I smiled uncontrollably* Alpine Slide!

  • Joe: The 1 & only baby. You like?

  • Nick: How could I not? Its 1 of the best & fun-est places to go to while here!

  • Joe: Exactly! Thats why I choose it, now give me a few sec's to collect our tickets & then we'll get started.

  • Nick: *I kissed his lips cutely* Amazing.

  • Joe: *I winked* You too. Be right back. *I walked over to the ticket booth, while Nick waited watching some people going on the magic carpet as they call it up to the top of the hill to slide down with their donut tubes*

  • Nick: *It wasn't packed as it usually was, no doubt another thing Joe arranged for us. He would do anything for us to have our alone time, especially when it comes to fun. Gotta admit though, I love him for that. Else what would it be like? Overcrowded & such*

  • Joe: *After getting the tickets, I made my way back to Nick & put his 1st & then mine* Alrighty set baby boy, ready to slide?

  • Part 2

  • Nick: Yep!

  • Joe: Thats what I love to hear! *I grabbed his hand & went in & I got the biggest tube ever & held on to it as we boarded the carpet to take us up. It moved VERY slowly, so Nick & I sat in the donut as it carried us up through the Plexiglas elevator-ish lift. And when it was time to get off, Nick & I scooted up & we walked on the snow to gaze at 5 lines to tube downward. The last 1 was called The Snake cause it curved like 1. It was the best 1 of them all*

  • Nick: *I looked around feeling like I was on top of the world*

  • Joe: *I saw Nick's face & I knew he was so happy, but even more so ready to tube it* Which 1 you wanna try 1st?

  • Nick: Hmm. Something that screams excitement!

  • Joe: Thought so. I think I have the perfect 1 in mind. I lead him over to the 1 & I laid down our tube. I sat down on it 1st as Nick sat in my arms* Ready to push off dear?

  • Nick: Yea!

  • Joe: Alright! *I used my hands as we reached the very edge & from there went curving down fast as we both screamed. Actually Nick was giggling screaming & I was just happily whooping all the way down*

  • Nick: *It went so fast, the curves slink-ed left & right & we soon reached the bottom as I rolled off accidentally still giggling*

  • Joe: *I chuckled loudly* Nick, you OK baby?

  • Nick: *I continued to giggle* Stellar!

  • Joe: *I hovered over above him as I helped him up* Awesome!

  • Nick: *We continued exactly like that for the rest of the day pretty much, sliding down every slope many many times laughing & having so much fun. When finally we left Alpine, Joe drove us to get some food which was a nice & big warm/hot pizza with mushrooms, tomatoes, pineapple small slices, mozzarella cheese, & a thick cheesy crust. And to drink 2 sprite's & for dessert a slice of lemon meringue pie* Whoo, I'm so stuffed! *I said after we'd left to the diner*

  • Joe: *I burped* Sorry excuse me.

  • Nick: *I laughed*

  • Joe: Yep. *I patted my stomach* I'm fully full.

  • Nick: So what now lover?

  • Joe: Well we could walk around & check out the town.

  • Nick: So we'll just walk off the calories?

  • Joe: *I winked* Among other things like nighttime satisfaction.

  • Nick: Ooh!

  • Joe: But 1st things 1st, maybe a little shopping too if we want to?

  • Nick: Sure sure.

  • Joe: *I put my arm around him as we walked down the street checking out the small stores from boutiques, a bookstore, 2 arcades, a movie theater, more restaurants & fast food chains, a couple hotels/condos, & more. Eventually we also walked all the way over to K-Mart & just bought some essential things & then we were walking back to the car when we heard some music. Nick & I exchanged looks & went over following the sounds as we went over to explore. It appeared to be a small party or something, people were dancing & music was playing from both a live source & a DJ* What do you think? Wanna join the dancing baby?

  • Nick: I don't know, we're not exactly invited.

  • Joe: Don't have to be, we can just crash the party.

  • Nick: But-

  • Joe: Just kidding Nick. But seriously check the sign. *I pointed to it*

  • Nick: *I looked at it. It read come on in & join the party* Whoa.

  • Joe: See. Lets go on in & check it out for a little while.

  • Nick: *I smiled as Joe took my hand & we entered in instantly getting a warm welcome*

  • Joe: *I lead the way straight to the dance floor & paused for a min, trying to identify the song*

  • Nick: *I laughed a little knowing he was trying to figure out the name, so I spoke 1st* Its "I Feel The Earth Move," originally by Carole King, by is now being sung by the new American Idols top 6: Hayley Reinhart & Casey Abrams.

  • Joe: I knew that.

  • Nick: *I laughed again* Yeah right, nice try Joe.

  • Joe: Well I knew it was Carole King's, but I just didn't remember those names.

  • Nick: Cha-yep.

  • Joe: Its true, but wait a min, how'd you know about it?

  • Nick: Idol silly, watch it from time to time.

  • Joe: Oh! Really? I didn't know that.

  • Nick: Well you forget a lot mister.

  • Joe: Just a little bit, maybe. So are those 2 your fav.'s?

  • Nick: And James Durbin, & Scotty McCreery.

  • Joe: What about the others, what's their names?

  • Nick: Pia Toscano too, but all the rest of them all good too in their own way.

  • Joe: Uh-huh. Who do you think will win?

  • Nick: Hard to say. Its been a twist like every time, so I don't know.

  • Joe: Hmm. We should perform on the show sometime or guest judge or mentor or something.

  • Nick: Sounds cool, plus we'd could meet the idols & wish them luck.

  • Joe: And they'd meet us ... the 3 guys that are climbing to the top of the music ... the JoBros.

  • Nick: *I giggled* Front man of course Joseph Jonas.

  • Joe: Oh, but more so Nicholas Jonas!

  • Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 78 (Hot Stuff)

  • Nick: *The next morning I woke up & sneaked out of bed quietly to see it was snowing outside. The small beautiful flakes floated down softly like a dream. It made me giggle*

  • Joe: *I sleepily opened 1 eye & identified Nick over by our large window* Sup baby?

  • Nick: *I jumped startled & smiled & pointed to the outside* Come see Joe.

  • Joe: *I wiped the sleep off my face & padded over to Nick* Its snow ... WOW!

  • Nick: Isn't it wowing?

  • Joe: Sure is, but not as wowing as a certain curly angel voice husband of mine.

  • Nick: Awww's, & not as wowing as my funny brighting up my day husband.

  • Joe: *I grabbed his cheeks softly* So. Cute!

  • Nick: *I giggled & tickled his chest*

  • Joe: *I released his cheeks & broke out into laughter* Alright, I give! NICK!

  • Nick: *I winked & gave him a kiss after I stopped tickling him* Mwah!

  • Joe: *I pulled him into my arms & lifted him up from the ground kissing back* Guess what love?!

  • Nick: You love me? *I smiled*

  • Joe: Of course I love you. Try again.

  • Nick: You have to go to the bathroom?

  • Joe: *I laughed* No! 1 more try.

  • Nick: Hmm. *I thought* You're hungry? Thirsty?

  • Joe: No, no & no dearest! Okay. *I clapped my hands together* Todays the day I'm going to let you pick our activity for the day! Ta-da!

  • Nick: *I laughed* Ooh so thats the big news? Well I like it, cause then that means today I get to be in charge. *I winked*

  • Joe: *I raised a playful eyebrow* Oh? And when did we decide this?

  • Nick: *I smiled* Just now. So scoot & get dressed & leave everything to me.

  • Joe: *I grinned* Mmm! I like it bossy, cya in a quick sec's than!

  • Nick: *I smiled & nodded* You can count on it! *I went off starting breakfast & then turned on the TV for a bit seeing what was up in the world. Min.'s later I served Joe his oatmeal & cream-of-wheat, along with our everyday morning tea* 

  • Joe: Mmm! I don't know how you do it Nick, but you're a spectacular chef!

  • Nick: *I smiled* So are you y'know.

  • Joe: Yeah maybe-ish but when it comes to you, you win hands down.

  • Nick: Mm? I don't know about that, but if you say so.

  • Joe: Thats right I said so. Speaking of, what do you have in mind for our plans? Do I get any little hints?

  • Nick: Do you really want 1?

  • Joe: Yes, pretty please?

  • Nick: *I giggled* Well ... it involves snow of course.

  • Joe: Yes ...

  • Nick: And something else that you're just going to have wait  & see.

  • Joe: You sure? *I teased*

  • Nick: *I smiled* Super sure.

  • Joe: So if ... I were to like try to seduce you, would it work?

  • Nick: Depends.

  • Joe: Mmm? Go on ...

  • Nick: *I winked & walked away from our table carrying my dish & his*

  • Joe: *Intrigued I followed him & wrapped my hands around his waist as he turned on the sinks water* You were saying ...

  • Nick: *I smiled to myself* Nothing!

  • Joe: *I grinned* You know you wanna spill.

  • Nick: Do I?

  • Joe: Yes. And if you don't then I'll have to do this ... *I nipped his ear playfully*

  • Nick: *I closed my eyes enjoying the feeling so much*

  • Joe: *I moved down to his neck*

  • Nick: *I bit my lip not allowing my moans to get out*

  • Joe: Come on Nick. I know you want to tell me & moan.

  • Nick: *I shook my head & tried to steady my breathing*

  • Joe: Stubborn, but I wonder for how long?

  • Nick: *For as long as I can*

  • Joe: *I smashed him closer into my chest, his entire back pressed up close against me*

  • Nick: *I felt the closeness & almost let out a load moan/gasp, but somehow I kept quiet trying to not fall for his irresistible charms*

  • Joe: Hmm? Tough love baby. Guess I have to step it up more ... *I stated to take off his shirt leaving him in his pants, boxers & white socks*

  • Nick: *I felt a cold chill not only from a nearby draft but because the lack of my shirt being removed. I shivered not knowing much longer I could actually last*

  • Joe: *I rubbed his chest fast, not bothering to go slowly or to tease. I knew that Nick was enjoying this, as much as I was*

  • Nick: *Who was I fooling? I wanted his touch, his kiss, everything. There's no way, I can't survive without it. Time to give in? I think so* OHH JOE!!

  • Joe: *And there it was. The moan  I was looking for* Mmm baby, again! *I touched him more & thrusted my lower half onto his perfect cute & soft butt*

  • Nick: *I gripped the sink's counter hard & cried out* JOE!! M-MORE!

  • Joe: *I grinned again* I'm sorry but I don't know if I heard that quite right.*I teased*

  • Nick: *I squeezed my eyes tight & pushed my self back into him moaning* JOE, UGHNN!!

  • Joe: *I smiled* I'm getting a sense that you like this.

  • Nick: *I knew he was teasing me just as I had to him, so I grinded against him still moaning*

  • Joe: *A very loud groan escaped my lips, critical mass had been reached for the both of us. I lifted him into my arms fast & ran to our bedroom throwing him roughly down*

  • Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 79 (Fanatics)

  • Nick: *After hours of loving time, we both got out of re-got out of bed & headed to my surprise spot* So what do you?

  • Joe: *I smiled as I looked at another ski resort called "Snow Summit"* I think its cool baby, so you just want to ski again?

  • Nick: *I shook my head* Who said anything about skiing?

  • Joe: *My eyes widened* So you have something else in mind?

  • Nick: *I winked* You bet I do, so follow me! *I gestured for him to follow*

  • Joe: *I continued smiled. I mean how could I say no. So I found myself following him to get our gear, but instead of the ski equipment from before ... he'd decided on snowboarding* Wow ... baby!

  • Nick: *I smiled brightly* See I told ya!

  • Joe: Oh this is awesome babe, no doubt of it, but 1 thing what about-

  • Nick: Not to worry love, I've got everything covered.

  • Joe: *I laughed* Y'know I love it when say that. *I pressed a kiss to his lips*

  • Nick: Thats cause you're always so hot for me.

  • Joe: Oh? And you're not for me? *I teased*

  • Nick: *I giggled* Come on you know the answer to the 1, now lets get going. I'm sure our instructor is waiting for us.

  • Joe: Got it Nicky. *I grinned & we grabbed our boards as I followed him back outside to the snow & we both walked coming face to face with our instructor*

  • Nick: *So after lesson after lesson, Joe & I both gave our new found skills a try or 2. Of course it took Joe some time, seeing how it was so much different from skiing, he well ... I guess you could stay stumbled ... a lot*

  • Joe: Man! How do people ride these things, they're like impossible! Urgh!

  • Nick: *I secretly laughed, but tried not to let him see since he was kinda struggling* No worries Joe, you'll get it. I mean its both our 1st times, what do you expect?

  • Joe: I don't know. I mean I know what you mean, but jeepers ... can't I catch a break?

  • Nick: *I decided he needed a little more motivation, so I went over to him & pressed a long kiss to his lips*

  • Joe: *Nick's kiss surprised me. Suddenly my entire body felt it was on fire & I felt something else ... determination*

  • Nick: *I smiled* Feel better?

  • Joe: *I nodded fast* Oh you bet! Bring it on, I say bring IT ON! WHOO!

  • Nick: *I laughed & patted his shoulder* Go for it baby, you can do it! *I cheered*

  • Joe: *With that I went on the lift & then got off shortly coming to the top of the hill & swallowed & went down. The feeling of going faster & faster just seemed so fast. Sec's went by & I'd made it down successfully without falling down like a goof. I laughed a bit in wonder* Whoa!

  • Nick: *I squealed* There you see babe! You did it, congrats! *I went over to him hugging him happily* I knew you could!

  • Joe: *I took a deep breath & smiled* Thanks baby. If it wasn't for the your sweet-tastic boast, I don't think I could have done it.

  • Nick: None sense! Sure you could, I believe in you always Joe.

  • Joe: I love you Nick!

  • Nick: *I blushed* And I love you, now care to go again?

  • Joe: OH YEAH!

  • Nick: *So after having nothing but stellar fun, we headed back down the slope to catch a bite to eat & just as Joe was returning our boards a bunch of girls suddenly came up to me squealing super loudly* Hi. *I said & they just smiled even more*

  • Girl #1: OMG ... you're NICK JONAS!!

  • Girl #2: I can't believe you're HERE!

  • Girl #3: Nick ... I LOVE YOU!!

  • Girl #4: You're the BEST!

  • Girl #5: *Stammering* Would ... you mind if we took a pic with you?

  • Nick: *I gave a friendly smile. I mean I was surprised by the sudden outburst & energy, but it was also sweet to know they enjoyed our music* Sure girls. 

  • Girl #2: Excuse me ... could you take a pic of all of us?

  • Random Skier: Uh .... sure, kay. *I took the camera from the overexcited girl & positioned myself to take the pic* Smile, 1, 2, 3! *The camera snapped the pic & I gave it back to the girl* There you go.

  • Girl #2: OMG thanks so much! 

  • Girl #1: So Nick ... are you here with Joe?

  • Nick: *I smiled* Yes, he is. In fact girls he's right behind you. *I pointed as they turned around frozenly gasping in awe as Joe just stood there confused & smiling. I mouthed to him: They're fans!*

  • Joe: *I nodded & gave them a flashing smile* Why hey there girls!

  • Girl #1: ITS ...

  • Girl #2: HIM ...

  • Girl #3: NICK's ...


  • Girl #5: *Whispers* HUSBAND!

  • Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 80 (Hello Captain America)

  • Joe: *Once again they squealed & were fawning all over me & Nick. They took loads of more pics with us, got our autographs & gave us each many hugs & kisses on the cheeks. By then we were attracting a lot of other attention so Nick & I tried to sneak away, but the girls continued to swarm us going on & on about how they loved & worshiped us & our music*

  • Nick: *All 5 girls were seriously not letting us move on. I was getting to the point of pure craziness. Now they were beginning to grab our butts & trying to dance super close to both of us. Thats when I came up with an idea* Ladies, ladies, ladies ... thank you for your support really, this has been amazing. But we really gotta get going. How about this, we'll give you tickets to our next show kay. Here you can call this number, which is David Archuleta's personal # & you can tell him all your info & get you all set up with tickets.

  • Girl #5: OMG deal! 

  • Joe: *I sighed in major relief as they slowly went away still squealing at the top of their lungs. When at last they left, I hugged Nick* Thank God! They were beginning to start asking us if they could come back with us.

  • Nick: *I hugged him back* I know, theyre teen age girls, what are going to? Plus they seemed like really passionate fans.

  • Joe: *I laughed lightly* A little too passionate I'd say. But now that I'm thinking babe, isn't David going to hit the ceiling about giving those girls his #?

  • Nick: *I bit my lip* Yeah I know, but it was the only way for them to calm down a bit & let us be, y'know. Plus I'll call him & explain what happened.

  • Joe: *I nodded* Y'know I thinking it might be a good idea to get a body guard.

  • Nick: *I started at him* Really Joe? We're new artists. Of course its going to like this. And David said this is just the beginning.

  • Joe: Yeah I know that, but thats what I'm saying. This way we can still meet them, but also be protected just in case something serious happens. Plus I don't want my baby trampled on by a bunch of screaming girls. I just won't have it.

  • Nick: Aww! Is someone a little overprotective as usual?

  • Joe: *I grinned* Its my job being a husband. You don't know who's out there to steal you away from me.

  • Nick: *I giggled* Don't worry Joe, it'll be OK. Besides you have me, no body else can & will ever get me.

  • Joe: *I smiled* Cause you're mine & I'm yours.

  • Nick: *I nodded grinning* Exactly. *Just as I was about to lean into to kiss him, a felt a tap on my shoulder*

  • ???: Hi there! Sorry to interrupt, but I couldn't help notice with those girls & everything .... name's Chris Evans.

  • Nick: *My mouth dropped* The Chris Evans?

  • Chris: *I chuckled* Yeah the 1 & the same. So you must be Nick from the JoBros right? And you, *I pointed at Joe* must be Joe, his band member & husband. Wowsers what a small world meeting you here in Big Bear of all places! *I exclaimed & shook their hands*

  • Nick: Yes, I am. *I shook his hand & smiled* Hey man congrats on your role for Captain America, thats so awesome!

  • Joe: *I gave a small smile & shook his hand& Hello, yeah I am. Nice meeting you, so what are you doing here?

  • Chris: Well vacationing just like you guys probably are, nothing like a little R&R y'know? And thanks, & congrats to you both in your career. I'm a big fan already of your guys' music, just awesome stuff!

  • Joe: Thanks & I see.

  • Chris: Hey would you guys like to join me? I'm just having a little good old stew & a drink.

  • Joe: *I bit my lip not really wanting to join him, but once I saw Nick's excited face, I sighed & nodded* Sure, why not.

  • Chris: Cool. So what are guys having? The fish & chips are amazing here & so its their signature mac & cheese. Ooh! And they also have out of this world lobster too!

  • Joe: *I smiled warily* Sounds great.

  • Nick: *I gazed at the menu for awhile* Wow, you're right it all looks great!

  • Chris: And to drink they have this MEGA hot chocolates that are just incredible.

  • Joe: Nice. *I commented*

  • Nick: Oh ... I'm so having that!

  • Chris: *After ordering them their drinks & dinner choices, we began talking a lot. For some reason I got the sense that Joe didn't really like me, which I get cause after all I did interrupt their kiss, but I just really wanted to meet them both. Am I fan? Yes, huge. Am I gay for either of them? No, but if I was ... I think I would be most drawn to Nick. He's a great guy, very spirited & filled with greatness, no doubt that he'll achieve in his career. Bi? No sorry, still no. I'm straight & just making conversation with them. Though I know that Joe must be getting tired of what seems like a buddy buddy connection w/ Nick, I think it was time after we finished our meals & drinks to bow out* Well, it was really cool to catch up with you guys, hope to see you again. Take care guys, cya! *I waved them bye & met up w/ my girlfriend giving her a big kiss & warm hug*

  • Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 81 (Outburst)

  • Joe: *After seeing him kiss that girl of his, it made me relax a little but still some part of me had felt jealous the entire time Nick talked with him. I mean yeah, I said some things here & there, but mainly they just seemed to click right away. Soon enough we arrived back home, with Nick still going on about Chris. I mainly stayed silent till I finally spoke* OK Nick, we're home, well not home home, but back to our cabin. I'm going to shower, kay.

  • Nick: *I smiled* No worries I'll just come with ya. I still can't believe we met Chris Evans, I mean isn't it amazing?

  • Joe: *That did it, I stood frozen & turned back to Nick with a POed look*

  • Nick: *I was about to go on more, when Joe suddenly turned around with a distraught look on his face* What's wrong? *I asked*

  • Joe: *I thought it better to say nothing so I did* Nothing.

  • Nick: *I wasn't convinced at all* But-

  • Joe: *I yelled at him* NICK ... I'm FINE!

  • Nick: *My eyes widened* You don't seem fine.

  • Joe: *I lost it then getting it all out* Kay you're right Nick, you're so right! I mean you always right, guess I can't hide anything from you! Wanna know what's really bugging me? Its your big new obsession with Chris Evans OK? You can't shut up about him! Its like on & on & on, & I'm tired of it already. Who cares y'know, the guys just an actor! Big deal! Do you have to keep talking about him as if he were so ... IDK God or something! I mean sheese, look its been a long day & I just don't wanna hear anymore about him & or how much you LIKE the guy, so can you just drop it?

  • Nick: *I listened to him, not realizing till now how upset he was over the whole Chris thing. Once he was done, he just turned away from me & got into the shower while I just stood there shocked. For a long time, I didn't move. I was deep in thought. I see where he's coming from with his whole outburst, but he took it too far this time. From Joe's POV, he actually thought I had a crush for Chris. Kay so I was overly excited just like the girls were for us, but its just because I'm a fan of his work. I mean, I didn't say I wanted to kiss or be with him. Joe just seriously overreacted. With that in mind, I shut the door of his bathroom & went over to another room we have, but didn't use because we obviously always slept together in 1 bed*

  • Nick: *I removed my clothes & showered. Once I finished I put on my pjs, brushed my teeth, turned off all my lights & went to bed. Urgh! The nerve of him, to ooh! I've never been so mad at him till now. I mean we've never really had a fight. Nothing serious, but now this just feels ... like a mess. I didn't want to fight, but somehow now I was angry. I mean I understand it all, I do, but where does he come off being the person who just has all the control? I mean I have some say in things. But mainly it just drives me crazy how he jumped to such crazy conclusions. I knew he was jealous. I knew it might have looked bad to an onlooker or something, but he's my husband*

  • Nick: *If he's going to get jealous over EVERY man I speak to weather it be just a friend or acquaintance or whatever, thats just too much. I love him, I love him so much, but this time ... I'm just real hurt. Why can't he just trust me? Have faith in me? I would never lie or cheat on him. I would never betray his trust or love. I just want him to know that. I just need to remind him. For as long as we're going to be together, he needs to know these things. So starting tomorrow morning things are going to be different. My man has to know that I love him & that I care about him, but also in a way that he doesn't ever jump to such conclusions again. Doubt isn't good. Feeling mad, sad, hurt, rejected, & other emotions like this are not good*

  • Joe: *I wanted to go over to his room. I wanted to say I was sorry. I wanted just to let this possessive thing blow over, like it had with David, but somehow it seems to be getting worse. I didn't want to yell at Nick, I'd only wanted to express my feelings. Though now looking back & recapping, it does seem very hurtful. I laid in bed feeling ashamed & alone. I wish I hadn't said it, but yet part of me wanted to say it. It was complicated. I love Nick. He's mine. But when I see he act like that with a guy like that, I just get so flustered. I don't mean to be like this, but still it comes out like I'm the bad guy. I sighed in the darkness. I missed him. His kiss. His touch. His body next to mine. His soft skin. Man ... I'd made a mess of things & on our vacation. I feel like an idiot*

  • Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 82 (Forgiveness)

  • Nick: *The next morning I woke up 1st & began packing things together, cause after all our vacation was coming to a close & it was time to get back to school & our careers. Once I was done, I made breakfast for myself & for him. I was still mad, but not as much as I was last night. All I wanted was to make peace with him. So I ate in silence as I waited for him to emerge from our former room*

  • Joe: *I immediately woke to the smell of sweet breakfast ... Nick. For a min, there I smiled & hoped off our bed & sprang to the door. Just as I gripped the door handle, my smile disappeared. For a moment, I'd actually forgotten our fight. I drew my hand back & then ruffled my hair, thinking. Well the only thing to do was do what I wanted last night. So I put on a robe & went out to the kitchen. I found him just sitting there looking down at his tea cup. He'd already finished his breakfast, & mine was right over from his. I cleared my throat, watching him look up* Um ... Morning.

  • Nick: *I gave a slight smile & nodded* Hey, good morning. *I gestured for him to take his seat to eat*

  • Joe: *I nodded too & did just that, but as I bean to speak he cut in* Nick ... I

  • Nick: *I shushed him* Its alright Joe, I get it & you're right too yknow. I wanted to say that I love you & I'm sorry that I went on about so & so. Mainly I want you to know that I would never ever break your heart. Joe, we're in this together always as 1.

  • Joe: *I listened & my eyes widened as I gasped*

  • Nick: *I cleared my own throat* Joe?

  • Joe: *I sighed & frowned* Baby I love you so much too. And you have no reason to say you're sorry, cause it was all my fault, all of it. I'm so sorry for being an idiot, being jealous, acting like I did & above all yelling at you. I didn't mean to. And its you who's right. I know that you would never hurt me, & I would never hurt you. I trust you Nick. And I trust us.

  • Nick: *I blinked small tears, my voice starting to break* I forgive you Joe, lets just forget it alright?

  • Joe: *I got up abruptly, pretty much knocking the chair right over as I went over to give him a big hug embracing him so lovingly* Oh baby!

  • Nick: *I clung to his warmth & felt a sense of feeling safe only in his arms as I closed my eyes & hugged him back*

  • Joe: *We stayed that way for awhile, till I got a ring from my phone. It was Kev, who at 1st I was going to ignore, but Nick insisted that we say hi & talk to him. So we did, which took more time cause Kev's a talker. Once done we say our byes/cyas, & then Nick & I ... you could say had a little make up loving time & then he helped me pack as we both made our way back to the airport traveling back home to L.A* Whoo, its even chilly here, what gives! *I asked while I was stuck with the luggage as Nick walked freely through the door*

  • Nick: *I giggled & turned around to help him* Its still 69 degrees babe.

  • Joe: *I shivered a bit* Doesn't feel like it.

  • Nick: *I pointed out* Well you didn't seem to complain in the mts.

  • Joe: Yeah, cause I was all bundled up like Santa Claus & come to think it, I never really thought about it.

  • Nick: There you see?

  • Joe: Mm. And I also see that I'm back home with the most lovable & beautiful guy ever!

  • Nick: *I kissed him* Love you too mister! *Just then my cell rang, this time from David* Hey David-ster what's up?!

  • David: Good good, y'know really good. How are you? Joe? How was Big Bear? You guys have fun?

  • Nick: *I laughed* Whoa, whoa slow down man. Joe & I are great as always, we just got back. Dude, it was the best! We have such a blast with everything! *I winked over @ Joe*

  • David: *I rolled my eyes, but kept my voice happy & excited for him* Ha ha, sorry just missed ya guys! Thats super awesome to hear, you gotta tell me all about it!

  • Joe: *I whispered to Nick: I'm gonna go take the rest of the stuff up to our room & take a nice shower*

  • Nick: *I whispered back: Kay, cya in a bit love! I sat back on the sofa in the living room & kicked back as I told David the entire shebang of pretty much everything all the way till the end* And thats it.

  • David: *I listened the whole time & then talked to him some more bout everything, also updating him on shows & TV interviews & other stuff. When we finally hung up, I laughed wickedly* Soon NICK JONAS, soon boy, mwhahahahaha!

  • Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 83 (Easter) Part 1

  • Nick: *Finally Easter Sunday arrived happily for Joe & I, & we were so ready to relax again. It had been a crazy busy month from March to April ... man lots of stuff. There were plenty of moments non-stop stuff. Between Joe, Kev, & I, we're all starting to get used to the whole stardom thing. And Joe & I both have exactly less than 1 month less left till we get our degrees! Its going to be so epic! Denise & Kevin & are so proud of both us. And all of our friends, including David too. He's psyched & he says after our day for that, we're going to go on our 1st world tour! We're all going to fly all over to do concerts & private shows for all our fans. We're all excited & nervous, but overall so ready to do it & have fun @ the same time*

  • Joe: *I was humming as I was busy doing some cooking as Nick & I were getting ready for our Easter celebration. Just as I was taking a batch of cookies out of the oven, Nick came in dressed so cutely that I almost knocked the cookies off the tray* WOW baby boy, just like wow!

  • Nick: *I grinned* You like?

  • Joe: *I raised my eyebrows simultaneously* Oh I like & love & I think its so Nick J!

  • Nick: *I blushed & pirouetted for him* Yeah?

  • Joe: *I licked my lips* Mmm-hmm! *He was wearing a nice cool white dress shirt, with a beige dress jacket & matching color pants with a black belt & black dress shoes & of course his fav silver watch, strutting the famous CUTE Nick J curls of beautiful brown-ness*

  • Nick: *I laughed & eyed him* And you ... *I gripped his tie pulling him closer to my chest* look perfect*

  • Joe: *I looked down at his hands & then back at him grinning happily* Really? *I teased* Ya sure?

  • Nick: *I giggled* Oh, yes. *He was wearing a checkered plaid shirt (heck yah!) with a matching blue-silverish tie that was skinny thin yet so soft just like satin or something. He also wore a soft grey dress jacket with matching pants, with a white belt & white matching shoes. His hair had grown back to the thickness that I love whether it be touching or just admiring him*

  • Joe: So guess we're both Easter ready?

  • Nick: *I kissed his lips & then bit my lip smiley* You got that right, so how's everything in the kitchen?

  • Joe: Ready to go & just perfect, if I do say so myself.

  • Nick: *I smiled* I'll be the judge of that. *I wandered over to the counter seeing what my man had come up with & I gotta admit he never ever fails to disappoint. I breathed in all in dreamily* OH ... GOD!

  • Joe: *I grinned again* That good huh?

  • Nick: Even better!

  • Joe: *I winked & then heard the doorbell ring* Uh-oh I think they're here!

  • Nick: *I giggled* Well don't stand there handsome, go open the door while I set out the plates.

  • Joe: Kay. *I padded over to the door & instantly when I opened it up I was swarmed with big hugs from my parents* Hey mom, dad!

  • Denise: *I smiled so happy to see him* Hello Joseph, Happy Easter! *I exclaimed* I brought you & Nicholas a gift! *I handed it to him excitedly*

  • Joe: *After they both released me from their loving hug, I gestured for them to enter on in as I took the gift* Aww you guys, you shouldn't have! NICK! The parents have arrived! *I called to him loudly*

  • Nick: *I came running just then* Denise! Kevin! Happy Easter! *I exclaimed as I gave them a warm hug*

  • Kevin: Well howdy there sons!

  • Denise: Nicholas my dear you look positively amazing! *I marveled at his outfit & then at Joe's* Both of you, my gosh ... *I started tearing up*

  • Kevin: *I hugged her* I know, they both look great don't they?

  • Joe: *I laughed* Alright you guys, we know how Nick & I look. Now you guys look just as wonderful too!

  • Nick: Indeedy! Why don't you come in have some little treats that Joe whipped up this morning.

  • Denise: *I inhaled deeply* Mmm! That cookies I smell?

  • Joe: *I laughed* What else ma?

  • Kevin: Hmm. I detect a lot of sweetness!

  • Nick: And chocolate, come you you 2! *We all went into the dining room & sat down together talking & eating. Afterwards is when we exchanged gifts* Denise & Kevin, Joe & I, would like you to open ours 1st if its OK. *We handed them our gift together*

  • Denise: *Paul & I exchanged warm smiles & opened the gift together finding a new waffle maker & a 2 front seat row concert tickets to Celine Dion* Oh my goodness! *I gasped*

  • Kevin: *I smiled, patting her hand* This is just wonderful sons, so wonderful. Thank you both. *We both gave them hugs & kisses again*

  • Nick: *Joe & I smiled too* We're glad you like it. Now I guess its our time?

  • Joe: Lets do it! *I said eagerly. Nick & I opened our gift to find a big picture frame with a recent pic of us wearing the exact same outfit @ the new Oceans 2 movie premier* Awww!

  • Nick: My gosh, thank you guys so much! This is amazing!

  • Joe: *I prepared for a toast just then* To my parents! To my Nick! And to everything in the world Happy Easter!

  • Nick: *We all toasted & took sips of our drinks & spent the rest of the day having a too cool easter egg hunt that was just so fun. We also played many games, just spending time together just like any family. It was so perfect*


  • Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 84 (Graduation)

  • Joe: *Soon enough May arrived in the scene & on to the splendidness of each of graduations. Nick's was 1st early in the morning while mine was much later in the afternoon. Funny enough though that they were both the same exact day! Nick & I rose quite early as we both got ready for his big day* My baby's did it! *I exclaimed*

  • Nick: *I winked as I finished putting on my suit* And you have done it too, my handsome sexy man & loving husband!

  • Joe: This is our day love & together *I offered my hand as he took it* we can do anything!

  • Nick: *I laughed & smiled happily* 2011 Grads!

  • Joe: WHOO! *After eating our breakfast, I drove Nick & I over to his college & parked. We found that all the other grads were all lining up together, so after Nick checked himself in. I gave him once last kiss & then said I'd see in inside as I already began taking gazillions of pics of him & that adorable red grown of his. He looked so grown up, very mature. My baby boy was graduating college!* I love you Nick & congratulations baby! *Finally I parted with him & took my seat next to my parents whom were already there & gushing with happiness & tears. David was here too & of course lots of people for Nick & I, from fans of all ages to the paparazzi as usual & even Miley Cyrus was here watching the commencement*

  • Nick: *Soon enough after a few min.'s of waiting our line moved & we followed each other in into the the room where every1 else was already gathered. It was quite a big room filled with many people all over. The cheers were loud, the lights were bright, everywhere I looked were smiles & after smiles. Next we all sat down together & listened to the speakers give their speeches & a little girl who sang the national anthem. 1 particular quote I will always remember is this 1: "Never give in to pessimism. Don’t know that you can’t fly, and you will soar like an eagle. Don’t end up regretting what you did not do because you were too lazy or too frightened to soar. Be a bumblebee! And soar to the heavens. You can do it." - Earl Bakken*

  • Nick: *Then at last my moment came, my name was called & I walked up 1st taking pics & then being received the book to put my diploma in. And then I shook hands with the staff & deans & did more pics, & then returned to my seat. In that moment it felt like a dream. I'd achieved something really great & I was sharing it with the people who were my family & friends, it was the best feeling. The traditional throwing of the cap happened then & music from the Black Eyed Peas "I Got A Feeling," played loudly over the speakers as cheering went on across the entire room. Next we moved outside & celebrated with cake & pizza & drinks. Joe came running over hugging me into a perfect spin* OH JOE!

  • Joe: Oh congrats my baby! *I couldn't stop smiling & being excited for him. My parents came over congrating him too & hugging him, all of us in 1 big group hug. I also handed Nick a single red rose & a cute teddy bear that had the same grown as him, with glasses & a little diploma/cap. My parents gave him flowers too, balloons, & other gifts. So during that time we all partied together till like forever. We talked with David & Mi & took plenty of more pics together. Next we headed to my university & did it all over again. Mine was a little different, but still there was always that same feeling we all felt when we walked when our name was called: a sense of great achievement & success. @ the point Nick was balling with happy tears, as were both my parents, & our friends. It was all emotional & stellar. Afterwards we partied again & again, the celebrating never seemed to stop, not once. By the end of the night when Nick & I retired, we'd totally collapsed on our bed after we'd showered for a long time* WOWIE!

  • Nick: I know.

  • Joe: That was 1 AMAZING day!

  • Nick: Sure was.

  • Joe: And y'know that entire time I think I never stopped smiling not even once.

  • Nick: *I chuckled* Yeah me too. It was incredible no doubt bout it. You've now have your B.A. degree & I've got my A.A. degree. Just got 2 more years babe & I'll be done. *I winked*

  • Joe: And I'm sure it'll go be just as fast as this did for us. Once again baby, congrats. I love you. *I kissed him*

  • Nick: *I blushed & kissed him back* And I love you. Congrats to you, you're achieved a great deal Joe today.

  • Joe: Yeah, that may be but wanna know what's my greatest most important achievement?

  • Nick: *I pondered cutely* Hmm, lemma think.

  • Joe: *I grinned & pounced on him* That would be you dearest.

  • Nick: Hmm? I thought so.

  • Joe: Better believe so. So speaking of achievements love, whatta say bout a little-

  • Nick: *I blushed again & giggled* No need to finish baby, cause I say ooohhh yes.

  • Joe: *I smiled as we made sweet sweet love together in perfect time over & over till the break of dawn*

  • Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 85 (World Tour)

Nick: Welcome to the Jonas Brothers in Concert w/ Demi Lovato & friends from Camp Rock tour! How's everybody doing tonight? *Listens as I hear endless loud screaming from the entire crowd, which BTW the way is packed from the front all the way to the top of the hill, its like crazy*

Joe: Is every1 ready to rock?! *Continues after Nick asking them another q, in response even more screaming, the crowd's ready to go. Time to play! We started off with "Play Our Music," followed by "Heart & Soul," continuing the performance. Overall with every song, every move, everything all together was incredible from the crowd it was all a total blast. Nick, Kev, & I & the rest of our team were having an awesome time performing. Once we finished we closed with "When You Look Me In The Eyes."* Thank you CA, I'm Joe Jonas & thank you so much for having us!

Nick: *I smiled & waved after taking a bow with Joe & Kev* Thank you every1, 1 last time I'm Nick Jonas!

Kev: Thank you guys, I'm Kevin Jonas! *Together we waved & left the stage proceeding backstage* Whoo-hoo what a show, man awesome work you guys! *Still really pumped while drinking water & wiping the sweat off my forehead*

Nick: You too Kev, it was so stellar out there! *Also drinking water panting cause we really just gave our all right till the very end*

Joe: *Grinning jumping* Amazing show every1, AMAZING I say!

Nick: *Giggling gulping down every last drip of water then wiping my mouth* Mmm-hmm!

Joe: I especially loved your cover of Rebecca Black's "Friday" Nick. *Winks*

Kev: *Smiling nodding in total agreement* He's so right, it was very cool Nick, nice job man! *Pats his shoulder & then walks off to find Dani to celebrate with her*

Nick: *Blushes & shrugs* Thanks guys. Whew! *Takes a breath* Can't believe the tours already over, seemed like just yesterday we started.

Joe: *Nodding hugging his shoulders* I know, but y'know its not over just yet. We still have some fans to meet like right now. *Looks over @ 3 girls coming our way* Ready baby? Its fan time!

Nick: *Smiling* Ready lets do this. *We walked over to the girls whom were smiling so big totally speechless* Hi girls, welcome backstage, I'm Nick. *I gave them each a hug*

Joe: *Grinning & winking* Hiya girls, its pleasure to meet, you've met Nick I see. I'm Joe. *Hugs them as well*

Girl #1: *Super shy as can be but really excited just as much as my BFFs are* Hi guys. *Speaks softly* Its awesome to meet you, I'm Lana. *Blushing as they both hugged me*

Girl #2: *Waving really excited yet butterflies flying in my stomach nervous* Hey JoBros, I mean Joe & Nick, Joick. *OMG did I just say that? Oh well its true!* I'm Rae! *Really bubbly, shy*

Girl #3: *Trying to stay cool & calm but inside totally jumping/freaking out* Hey hey sex bombs! *Of course I've always wanted to say that but never thought I'd be meeting them with my girls, so it just kind of slipped. Oh well, its so true!* I'm Sehra. *Smiling a lot*

Joick: Nice to meet you Lana, Rae, & Sehra. Come with us. *We gestured them to follow us so we could show them around backstage*

Joe: So you girls enjoy the show tonight?

Rae: *Softly excitedly* Oh my gosh did we ever right girls?!

Sehra: For sure you're guys are so hot!

Lana: *Smiling nodding* Definitely it was an awesome concert!

Nick: *Smiling big* Any fav moments?

Sehra: *Knows exactly what to say* I loved it all!

Rae: *Nodding happily biting lip* Y-yeah its hard to pick just 1 moment, it was all fabulous!

Lana: Mmm-hmm, I mean you guys are such amazing singers & your songs are just so cool!

Sehra: And we all definitely love you 2 as a couple, we all love Joick!

Rae: Yeah you 2 make such a sweet-tastic couple its just so adorable!

Lana: And you really are just wonderful together, you guys are really blessed.

Nick: *Blushing* Thanks girls, we appreciate your kindness a lot.

Joe: Indeed, its so great to meet girls like yourselves who are just so amazing *Winks as we all arrived @ Kev's room, knocking*

Lana: *Ready to faint thankfully my girls squeezed my hands & reminded me to stay cool*

Kev: *Opens up the door with Dani by my side* Hey you 3 must be the lucky winners for tonight, welcome! I'm Kevin & this here's my wife, Dani. *Hugging her close smiling with her as the girls introduced themselves & we all exchanged hugs as we sat down & talked* So any1 here sing?

Rae: *Blushes slowly biting lip*

Nick What about you Rae?

Rae: *Shyly* N-no. *Looks @ the girls*

Nick: *Winks pleadingly* Come on please? I bet you have amazing voice, of all you.

Kev: *Pouting* Pretty please girls?

Nick: How about we all just do a little singing to any song?

Lana: *Blushing too* Sounds awesome. *Thinks how could we say no even though I'm super nervous now just as much as Raspberry & Strawberry are, but this is our moment to shine together & just have fun with them*

Sehra: Yeah! *Whispers to the girls which song we should do as we started singing "I"m Gonna Getcha Good"*

Rae: *All 3 of us started & in no time @ all the guys joined in with us as Nick grabbed a nearby guitar & started strumming, all of us smiling & grinning after we finished with an awesome finale*

Lana: *After hanging out with them for awhile we soon had to say our byes, but of 3 of us were smiling brightly as we left cause this was 1 night we'd never forget, the night we got to meet the JoBros in person on their last day of their tour* That ..

Rae: *Giggling* was so ...

Sehra: Amazing! *FInishes for her* Can you believe it girls we actually got to hang with the guys, I think I'm in heaven! *Swoons*

Rae: *Hyper, excited, so very happy with the rest of my girls shaking a bit* It was like a dream!

Lana: Best. Night. Ever! *I agreed as we all hugged each other, hi-5ed, & as we went home to continue talking about our incredible night*

  • Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 86 (Premonition)

  • Nick: *I remember 1 night after finishing the last date of the world tour, I came home

alone so tired. I sleepily put my key through the lock & opened the door & fumbled up the stairs to my bed. At 1st I wondered if I should shower & then I shrugged & just collapsed face 1st on my bed. Just when I thought I was about to drift off to sleep, the lights turned on & I groaned sleepily* Joe ... can ya please turn the lights off baby, I'm sleepy. *I waited for a response, yet he didn't speak* Joe, did you hear me? *Still no answer* Joe! *I leaned up turning to yell his name again till something made me stop* David? *I was puzzled, so I wiped my face, but he was still there* What are you doing in our room? Where's Joe?

David: *I bit my lip & laughed* Baby, are you feeling OK?

Nick: *My eyes widened* Baby?

David: Yeah thats right, you're my baby. *I tried to lean in to give him a kiss, sitting right next to him*

Nick: *I quickly moved away* Whoa, whoa whoa! What the hecks going on? Is this a dream?

David: *I shook my head* No. Baby you're really worrying me. Don't you even remember we're together?

Nick: What? *Stammering* This can't be. Thats not true. I'm with Joe, we're married. You're our manger!

David: Wow. You really are out of it baby. *I cleared my throat* Lemme clear up things then. 1, you were with Joe & set to be married but he cheated on you with Miley Cyus. 2, yes I was your manger but ever since your devastating break up, you & I have been dating for a while now.

Nick: No, no, no! It just can't be! I don't like you like that. What bout Kev?

David: Yes yes yes baby! It is & you haven't complained before. If I recall correctly we love each other very much & want more of me inside of you. Oh Kev, well he wasn't really for the band anymore cause he's just too busy with Dani. So now its just you solo Nick on stage with me cheering you every step of the way & loving you of course.

Nick: *I shook my head. I just couldn't process all this* I don't believe you!

David: Well ya better believe sweetie cause its reality, or do you still believe you're in dreamland?

Nick: This is a dream & any moment I'm going to wake up be back with Joe!

David: *I laughed dryly* If you say so, but don't be sad if you're disappointed baby.

Nick: Don't call me that! *OK I've got to get out of this twisted dimension. I closed my eyes & concentrated on waking up, but it didn't work. I even pinched myself & it still didn't work, expect I cried out* Ouch!

David: See, Nick. You're not dreaming just like I said. Now come to bed, I'll help get your mind off things. *I sexily began to strip my clothes off for him* Come on baby.

Nick: *My stomach literally wanted to throw up. I ran so fast out of the room & out the door while he was screaming calling my name. Thankfully he didn't follow me. I got into my car & drove off fast. I had to find Joe. I needed to find out what was going on. In min's I arrived at his parents home & I knocked hoping they'd still know me. But instead, someone opened their door* Good evening sorry to disturb, but I'm looking for Denise & Kevin Jonas. Do they still live here?

Person: Nope, they moved buddy sorry. Good night.

Nick: Wait, do you know where they moved to? *But the person had already closed the door & was no longer responding. So I tried Kev's place next* Kev? Dani? Please open up its me, its Nick!

Kev: Nick? Man what are you doing here, its like almost midnight.

Nick: I'm sorry for that, but I'm trying to find Joe. Do you know where he is?

Kev: Beats me dude, since the break up with you, he's probably still with Mi. You should try her.

Nick: Thanks, I will. And when did you grow a beard?

Kev: Dude I've always had a beard, now night & hope you find him, bye.

Nick: *Finding Mi next wasn't too tough, lucky she lived in L.A. too*

Mi: *I opened up the door surprised to see Nick there* Nick? What-

Nick: No time to explain, where's Joe?

Mi: Not with me that's for sure.

Nick: What do you mean?

Mi: You better come in. *He followed me into my mansion & we sat down together & talked* And that's the whole story.

Nick: So wait a min, you only dated him cause David told you to? So I would break up with him & go for David.

Mi: Yeah, & even another guy.

Nick: What the heck?

Mi: Austin Bulter. He played in JONAS L.A. with you & from what I've heard you've been having a secret relationship.

Nick: OMG. What's happened to me? To Joe? Mi's what's going on, I don't like this. This is not who I am.

Mi: Hmm, then my advice for you Nick is to try & make it right. And 1st you gotta find Joe. *I quickly gave him the address & wished him luck as he left to find him*

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 87 (Telling Joe)

Nick: *I was just about to knock on Joe's new place, when a hand grabbed my shoulder* Let me go! *I turned to find Austin right behind me*

Austin: Well hello to you 2 cupcake! Man what is up with you? 1st I get a crazy call from David saying that you've gone bananas & that you think you're with Joe. So exactly why are you looking for him anyways? Are you over me & David? Do you need more guys Nick, cause I thought what we had was pretty special & hot.

Nick: OK ew & gross. Stand aside Bulter. We're finished & David too. I love Joe, not you or David.

Austin: *I wouldn't let him go* Funny thing is that, I love you & I'm not a fan of breaking up so NO can do buttercup. Now lets go back to my place & we get forgot this whole thing & have some really great make up sex, whatta say?

Nick: *I nailed him right in his manhood making his voice go up a few octaves* Touch me ever again or come near me, you'll regret it. Now get lost!

Austin: *I dropped to the ground gasping* Fine whatever your loss sweetheart! *With that I took off angry & in pain*

Nick: *I made my way back to Joe's door & shook off all the weirdness & knocked once again. For a long time there was no answer, not even a light on. I was beginning to lose hope. Just as I was about to turn away, the door opened a bit & a voice spoke* Joe?

Joe: *I opened the door expecting to find some fan girl bugging me as usual, but instead I got the 1 person who I'd never would've guess* Nick? *I bit my lip* What do you want, why are you here? David & Austin cheat on you?

Nick: *I tried not to cry, my voice trying stay even* Can I please come in. We need to talk.

Joe: *I sighed heavily unsure what to say*

Nick: Please Joe.

Joe: *I nodded once & let him in closing the door & turning on the light leading him over to the couch* So what do you want to talk about?

Nick: *I noticed he looked completely different. His hair was super short. His facial hair had grown a bit & was a complete mess. His eyes looked tired, but overall he looked sullen. So I sat down & told him about my night's encounters & why I was here*

Joe: *While he spoke, I sat in perfect silence not even asking any q's or showing any expression till he finished* I see. So you think you're crazy & just wanna suddenly get back together?

Nick: Please Joe, you gotta believe me. This whole whatever this is, isn't either of us. Its all wrong. It wasn't like this. You & I were together happily married. We loved each other deeply. We promised we'd never hurt 1 another.

Joe: Yet, when I tried to explain everything you wouldn't let me. Why should I take YOU back?

Nick: *Tears were rolling in* Because I love you Joe, only you. Whatever either of us have done in this time, doesn't matter. All that matters is that we're together.

Joe: *I sighed again* Sorry, Nick. I just don't believe you & I think its bout time you left & went home.

Nick: No, please, please Joe.

Joe: I've heard enough, more than I wanted. You hurt me & now I'm gonna return the favor. *I pushed him out of my house & slammed the door hard* And stay away!

Nick: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! *I screamed & fell to my knees crying*

Joe: *Suddenly I was shocked awake by Nick. I got up fast & turned on the lights & gently shook Nick* Nick baby wake up.


Joe: *I shook him a little harder* Nick please wake up!

Nick: *I opened my eyes fast & got up off the bed standing. I was confused as I stammered hysterically* Where am I? What's going on?

Joe: *I too got up & hugged him close* Nick baby are you alright? Its me, its Joe.

Nick: *I looked at him scared* Joe? You said you'd never hurt me! You said we'd always be together!

Joe: *I tried to calm him down* Shhh, I'm here. Nick I love you. I would never hurt you. We are together. *I carefully moved my lips on his*

Nick: *I blinked back tears* I love you Joe, so much! *I kissed back & hugged him tight as he rocked me back & forth & then gently sat the both of us back down as he asked me to tell him what happened. I started from the beginning to the very end* Joe, it was so real!

Joe: *The entire time I listened & seriously as he explained it all, my heart broke. It pained me to think he'd experienced such a horrible dream, no not even, a nightmare such as that* Oh baby, its OK. I promise it was just a bad dream. Its not real. Everythings going to be alright now, you're safe with me.

Nick: *I nodded curling in his arms trying to push it all away* But Joe

Joe: What's up baby?

Nick: What if this was some sort of premonition? What if this dream is trying to tell us something? I mean from the beginning you didn't like David & even now I still don't fully believe that you trust him. What if the thing with Mi's is true?

Joe: *I kissed his forehead* Then tomorrow morning 1st thing we're going to do is comfort both of them once & for all.

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 88 (Confronting David)

Nick: *The next morning I woke along with Joe, we ate breakfast & called Mi asking her where we could meet her. She was luckily done with shooting for her new film, so she came over to our house greeting us both with a big smile* Hey Mi, thanks for coming. *We hugged*

Mi: You kidding, always awesome to see my 2 fav guys. So what's up fellas? Oh! How was your guys' spring break, huh? I wanna hear all bout it, didja guys ski & stuff?

Nick: *Joe & I chuckled together as she came on in after giving Joe & I a big hug & then followed us to the living room area to chat* The break was nothing short of a blast Mi.

Joe: *I nodded in agreement grinning* I couldn't have said it any better, he's so right.

Mi: Awww!

Joe: And we did ski & snowboard!

Mi: Oh cool! Bet you both were great at it!

Nick: *I giggled*

Joe: *I rolled my eyes & continued to grin*

Mi: *I raised a curious eyebrow* Ooh what happened exactly?

Nick: Well Joe-

Joe: Um honey I'll tell her kay?

Nick: *I winked & nodded*

Joe: *So I recapped for her the entire vac & after I finished just smiled & laughed a little* What's so funny?

Mi: Well you 2. You had fun, had a little fighting but so what? You're still the happiest couple I've ever seen in a long time.

Joe: True.

Nick: Thanks Mi.

Mi: NP. So what's the real reason you called me over hear? Are you trying to keep me in suspense?

Joe: *I chuckled lightly*

Nick: *I laughed nervously & asked her* Mi, um you wouldn't ever try to break up Joe & I?

Mi: *My smiled faded & I froze* W-what?

Nick: Say you wouldn't right? No matter who told you to do it. You wouldn't do it would you Mi?

Mi: *I stuttered* I-I-I.

Joe: *I looked at her* Well?

Mi: *I was ashamed to look at them now. I had no idea how they'd found out, but I sighed deeply & decided it was time to tell them the truth. So I did & after I had they both revealed that Nick had a strange dream bout all this. Thats when my mouth literally dropped open & I gasped & then bit my lip. For awhile no 1 spoke, we just looked @ each other. Finally I swallowed & spoke* I'm so sorry your guys. You had no idea how sorry I am for everything. I shouldn't even listened to David & I should've told you sooner. I understand if you guys hate me now.

Joe: *I was taken aback by her* Why would we hate you Mi? You didn't do anything wrong yet. You came clean now & thats all that matters. You're still our girl. *I patted her shoulder*

Mi: *My eyes teared* You do?

Nick: *I nodded smiling & giving her a hug* We sure do. We love you Mi & we're happy that your are friend.

Mi: *I exclaimed* Oh Nick, Joe! Thank you 2! *I embraced them both & rubbed my tears away* But what about David?

Nick: *I pulled away looking at Joe* Joe?

Joe: He's going to get his, lets go every1. *With that we all left & met David @ the studio in his office*

David: Joe, Nick, & Mi! So nice to see you all! How's my fav-

Joe: *I injected* Cut the crap Archuleta.

David: *I looked at him* What's up guys? Something the matter?

Joe: Yeah, you.

David: *I looked @ Joe & then @ Nick & Mi. They all wore the same look* Uh, I don't get it guys. You're joking right? This a prank?

Joe: Sit down!

David: *I grimaced at his tone* What for?

Joe: Just do it. *I said icily*

David: *I shook my head at 1st & just decided to comply for now* Can some1 in this room tell me what's wrong? You all look like seriously POed. What's the deal? You want salary increases? More down time? I can do it, just give me-

Joe: Shut up!

David: *I stopped talking & just gestured for him to talk. Inside though I was getting bugged with his attitude*

Joe: 1st things 1st you're fired.

David: *I was bout to speak but he gave me another icy look*

Joe: Our contract with you is officially terminated as of this point.

David: *I couldn't take it any loner* What the HELL is going on?! You can't do this!

Joe: Oh I believe we can, after all it was always ALL up to us.

David: *I shook my head angry* Why you doing this?

Joe: We told you. Oh & if you ever come near Nick & I, or any of our friends or family, I swear you'll regret the day you ever met me. Mi here has told us the truth about you & what you were planning to do with Nick & I. The jigs up man, so cut all this bullshivick innocent stuff.


David: *I laughed evilly* As you wish Jonas & Ms. MONTANA! Its all 100% true. I was gonna do it all & now that the cats out of the bad sort of speak, I'll be taking Nick with me! *I tried to go forth & grab him*

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 89 (Mangerless?)

Mi: *Joe & I blocked his way to Nick* You leave him alone David!

David: *I snarled & tried to aim a punch at them both*

Mi: *Joe & I gave a knowing smile & we moved out of the way & so did Nick, as David went running into the door knocking himself out cold* Whoo, we did! *I high-5ed the guys* Justice reigns supreme!

Nick: *After taking a relieved breath & high-5ing back, I ran straight into Joe's strong arms* Oh Joe!

Joe: *I hugged him lovingly & kissed him repeatedly* I love you Nick. Now we're safe & Mi too. *I smiled @ her after pulling after from Nick's lips* Thank you girl, that was some nice team work there. *I winked*

Mi: *I winked* Nothing to it & NP guys, anytime & anything. I'll call the police & they'll take care of David. In the meantime, what you say we celebrate this mangerless victory?

Nick: *I laughed* I'm in.

Joe: *I smiled* Count me in. *So after the police came & took David away, we all took off to a Ruby's diner together. We even called Kev & Dani to join, once again updating them 2 on the whole shebang*

Kev: Wow! I can't believe that man, David seemed like a nice guy.

Dani: *I nodded in agreement* Its a shame he had to be that way, but I'm glad you guys are through with him.

Joe: *I grinned hugging Nick's shoulders* Thanks Kev & Dani. Its a relief major to all of us.

Kev: But what now guys? What's going happen?

Dani: *I raised my hand* I know, its going be just fine. You all are gonna be just fine cause we're all together.

Mi: She's right. You 3 have a major career ahead of you guys no matter who you sign with next.

Nick: *I giggled* Thanks girls, that means a lot. So what we're mangerless for now, we'll make it through. After all *I nodded to Joe & Kev, in which we all said together in perfect unison* cause WE'RE THE JONAS BROTHERS!

Dani: *Mi & I exchanged smiles & loud cheers w/ the guys*

Kev: So who's getting what on the menu?

Nick: Oh, oh, oh! I wanna mint & chocolate milkshake & cheesey fries!

Joe: *I grinned* And I want the oreo cookie fantasy milkshake & seafood combo!

Mi: Peanut butter cup milkshake & the texas grilled cheese with fries too!

Dani: *I laughed* Black forest milkshake & the albacore melt!

Kev: Well then! I'll guess I'll get a hershey's chocolate milkshake & the pacific halibut fish & chips! *So I ordered all that for all of us & continued to talk & stuff. Once all our food & drinks came man did we all dig in & just enjoy it all to the fullest. Afterwards we all hung out at Santa Monica Pier. We checked out the aquarium 1st cause these cute little seahorses were making their debut. Then we took many rides on the roller coaster & also played some games winning prizes like stuffed animals for each other, just really having a blast together. Towards the end of the evening, we caught Brand X's Drive-In Free Movie, which was showing the 1st Jurassic Park movie. So we grabbed some hot popcorn & watched the movie together. Shortly after it ended we all said our byes, gave each other big hugs & promised we'd text each other later*

Nick: *I flopped on our bed happily still grinning from ear to ear from our day. It had turned out better than I'd expected*

Joe: Awww! Did some1 have a lot of fun or what today?

Nick: *I leaned up on my elbows looking at him* Loads baby! And now we're David free, whooo!

Joe: Yah! And now its *Sings* just the 2 of us ... we can make it if we try ... just the 2 of us ... just the 2 of us.

Nick: *I smiled excited* Ooh more babe!

Joe: Hmm? *I racked my brain for another good song* How bout this ... *Sings* Ooh ooh

We're no strangers to love

You know the rules and so do I

A full commitment's what I'm thinking of

You wouldn't get this from any other guy

I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling

Gotta make you understand

Never gonna give you up

Never gonna let you down

Never gonna run around and desert you

Never gonna make you cry

Never gonna say goodbye

Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

We've known each other for so long

Your heart's been aching but

You're too shy to say it

Inside we both know what's been going on

We know the game and we're gonna play it

And if you ask me how I'm feeling

Don't tell me you're too blind to see ...

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 90 (A New Beginning)

Joe: *After the whole David thing, we actually in time met our new label & signed, this time we're completely charge & still able to be the JoBros along with Kev. So we did more songs, releasing more albums, doing a little bit of acting & just still doing plenty of shows for our fans all over & doing things to give back & much more. It was an amazing time, the month of May was bringing forth a new beginning for all of us. Nick was growing wiser & wiser everyday, that stud muffin dominated totally with the songs, looking like the too awesome man he was. And Kev was getting so much attention too, he was starting to also get into directing as well besides doing a lot of music videos which came out so cool. And me, ... I thank God everyday for this life, for Nick, for our friends, family, fans, & our whole team behind us. Life was amazing* So what's on the agenda today Mr. President?

Nick: *I giggled & rolled my eyes. Recently Joe thought I could be the next president or something, I guess cause of the way I was always in charge most of the time along with Joe & Kev & maybe perhaps the old fashioned way I dress* Ha ha, DANGER!

Joe: Ooh you got me! *That's my new nickname cause no1 really knows what I'm capable of doing next, which made it lots & lots of fun. Kev had a nickname too, we named him "Mufasa," which to Nick & I, we think it fit perfectly. And Kev seemed to really dig it too* Seriously where are we going baby?

Nick: *I checked our agenda* To film the rest of our concert 3D movie remember Joe?

Joe: 3D?! Say whaaa?

Nick: *I laughed* Dude you knew about this.

Joe: I don't think so. Must have been some1 else you told cause I don't think I've heard this awesome news. Tell me more!

Nick: Well its all about our lives, what we've acomplished on our own & together as a band. Also we got special guests like Demi Lovato who course we starred with her in Camp Rock. And then there's Taylor Swift, that awesome country superstar sweeping the entire nation. And we've got our body guard, our entire JoBro crew, our family, our friends, & of course awesome fans from all over. Remember now?

Joe: Hmmm, are you positive Nick? Like 100%?

Nick: *I kissed him sweetly & winked* Yep!

Joe: Then ... I say COOL! No double cool, no triple cool!

Nick: *I laughed again* OK, OK babe I get it, now move that butt of yours. We gotta get going, don't wanna be late for our 1st day of shooting now, do we?

Joe: Course not! Lets boogie! *I speedily ran downstairs before him* See I'm ready! *I said excitedly* Hurry up babe, its all you now!

Nick: *My mouth dropped & I giggled* You, you you oohh!

Joe: *I grinned sexily* I know, I know. You awesome lovable stellar of a guy Joe! Thank you, thank you baby! *Nick came a running & he drove us off to the set. We got there in just the nick of time. So for the rest of the day, we spent loads of time filming, doing sound checks, goofing off, & more. It was pretty fun. We were all there. Dems was funny cause she kept making all this silly faces & then I started mimicking her, while Nick just kept on laughing & shaking his head making his curls bounce cutely. Kev on the other hand was too busy jumping up & down getting pumped for the performances to come. He was also working on these crazy spinning moves too, which was so awesome, I tell you 1 thing only Kev could pull that off like that*

Dems! *I motioned for her to come over so I could whisper something in her ear*

Demi: *I listened & then smiled nodded* Brb guys, I gotta run to the ladies room! *I walked past the guys secretly giggling when I was far enough away*

Nick: *I looked at Joe suspiciously* What'd you say to her?

Joe: *I shrugged cluelessly* Nothing. She's gotta go to the bathroom.

Nick: *I looked @ him* I know something else is up.

Joe: *I was bout to speak when Kev butted in*

Kev: Hey guys check this out! *Spins like crazy*

Joe: *I chuckled thats awesome man, but thats nothing watch this! *I took off in a run down the stage & slid on my knees pretty far* HA! Beat that!

Nick: *I was laughing till I watched as Joe went sliding right off the stage* JOE!

Joe: *Lucky I landed kinda of softly* Ow. *I laughed*

Nick: *I went over to him* You OK babe?

Joe: *I got up slowly* Fine, but I think we'd better install something cushion-like in the future just in case.

Nick: Only for you Mr. Klutz. *Suddenly I was shot with something wettish* What the heck? *I looked to see Dems & Taylor both with a water guns of some sorts blasting me soaking wet* DEMS? TAYLOR?

Joe: Great work girls, let it rip! *I grabbed 1 gun of my own & got him even more* Break time every1, whoo!

Kev: Oh thats it! *I grabbed 1 too & joined in.

Nick: *I laughed loudly & ran for cover to grab my own too. The rest of the day it pretty just like this: having too much fun*

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 91 (Summer Sun)

Nick: *June soon arrived & so did the summer sun. CA was burnin' up. That was actually 1 of our next hit songs for our new album, "A Little Bit Longer." It reached the top ten on iTunes & it was all over the radio, it was so neat. And for the music vid, my gosh it turned out so sick! Selena Gomez was in with us, she played my girlfriend & Joe, Kev, & I, each had our own roles in it. It was pretty cool stuff & loads of fun. We'd also finished the concert 3D movie & it was going to come out soon in theaters worldwide, so we are really psyched bout that. We also got to perform @ the white house, an SNL skit with Alec Baldwin, our own mini series show on Disney & of course JONAS, a voice role in Night At The Museum 2: Battle of The Smithsonian, music vids & songs for The Little Mermaid, The Jungle Book, & Meet The Robinsons*

Nick: *We also did a couple group projects with Dems, "On The Line," another with pretty much Dems, Mi, & Sel, "Send It On," & also Joe & Dems teamed up for "Make A Wave."  Every song was so amazing & just so cool to do w/ every1. So anyways for the our summer break, Joe & I, took off to the check out Catalina Island. We were staying for a bout a week, till we'd get back to work, well to us it was more than that. Our career together was our life, well @ times it felt like just livin' the dream* Mm!

Joe: *I grinned laying next to him on the large bed in our condo* I know it smells great here & outside too. I know for sure were gonna have a bunch of fun, so what do you say we start?

Nick: *I smiled* What about unpacking?

Joe: Leave till later, the great outdoors are a calling! They're just waiting for us to get outside & do some serious exploring all over the island. And you know what I say to that, I full speed ahead lets go!

Nick: *I laughed* Kay, but nothing too crazy, after all we just got here this morning.

Joe: But thats the beauty of it dear, you we can do whatever my baby wants. You wanna swim, we'll swim, you wanna relax we're gonna relax, you wanna-

Nick: *I pressed my fingers to his lips* I get the pic silly.

Joe: *I smiled silencing myself, but then I had to say* So what's it gonna be sweetie?

Nick: Hm, I think a little walking around Avalon seeing what they've got & then some swimming in the water cause its hot out there.

Joe: *I grabbed his & my board shorts* Say no more, here ya go my love.

Nick: *I laughed & we both got dressed. He's chose for me lavender/black & white board shorts & white muscle T, while Joe's: & a navy blue muscle T* Ooh looking summer-tastic Mr!

Joe: *I grabbed his hips pulling his close* And you as well baby. *I kissed him & we made are way looking around @everything. It was a lot of fun going in & out into the different variety of shops. Eventually we got hungry & had an amazing lunch at the pier. We ate our fish & chips happily & then bounded for the water. We decided to stay close to the shore for now, but eventually we got a idea to do a little kayaking* Just stroking with my baby, whoo! *I cheered*

Nick: *I was sitting right in front of Joe smiling all the way* WHO-HOO! *I agreed*

Joe: Baby looky there I think I see something!

Nick: *I looked around* What? Where Joe?

Joe: *Hums Jaws theme song*

Nick: *I frowned & hit Joe's shoulder* Stop that!

Joe: *I tried dolphin sounds next* Ee e e!

Nick: *I laughed & kept on paddling*

Joe: *Then suddenly I heard another sound & Nick & I both looked to see sea lions barking along the rocks & swimming around us* Er er er too!

Nick: *I smiled again & watched them play happily as we continued to move on. Eventually we settled on a beach & collapsed on the sand* Whew!

Joe: Whatta rush, whoo! *I panted along w/ Nick*

Nick: *I nodded*

Joe: *I flipped to my side & pecked his lips* Wanna do a little snorkeling now?

Nick: Sure, just give me a few min's.

Joe: Take your time, I'll get the gear brb. *I got up & ran back to the see-through kayak of ours* Got it! Oh & say cheese! *I captured a shot of him* Nice!

Nick: *I laughed & closed my eyes & then reopened them & joined him. Once in the water it was easier cause we could just float & swim. Hand in hand we swam together seeing tons of beautiful big bright colored orange Garibaldi fish swimming all around us. They were the brightest fish we'd seen in CA's waters. We continued for hrs & hrs  never seeming to tire of gazing upon the life of the sea creatures. When @ last the sun went down @ almost 8 PM, Joe & I retired back at our condo. We quickly showered & put on some cool clothes & had a romantic dinner together @ a restaurant nearby. Afterwards we were dancing when some1 who recognized us & asked to do a song or 2, so we did. People cheered & clapped, Joe had a lot of fun with it cause he was always the such a performer whether it be his mike tricks or just care free let loose way about him. I knew he enjoyed it & was born to do this*

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 92 (Anniversary)

Joe: *Finally our fav month of the year arrived, December. So much had happened to us during the seasons, it made us all feel truly blessed. For the holidays we'd returned to Maui to celebrate our 1 yr anniversary which was on the 13th. I arranged it all to very special for Nick & I, just the 2 of us as always but this time we'd stay to almost Christmas & then return to be with our family & friends* How's it feel to be back Nick?

Nick: *I smiled dreamily* The highest kind of wonderful.

Joe: *I kissed him tenderly playing with his lips* Thats how I feel too Nicky. Welcome back home.

Nick: *I smiled & kissed back, cupping his cheeks whispering* Welcome back Joey. *The 1st day back on Maui, we totally hit the sheets sleeping together. We were tired & wanted nothing more than to crash on the big king sized bed & get under the covers & snuggle into the pillows & into each other of course. The next morning Joe surprised me with another killer breakfast. See today was our day. The day we got married. Not only was the breakfast the most delish thing ever, he'd gone through to shower me with endless bunches of all assorted kinds of flowers. Not to mention plenty of sweet chocolate, nothing like a little sweetness to top it off* I love you so much Joseph. *I was close to crying, my heart felt so warm*

Joe: *I grinned* And I love you Nicholas, but this is far from over cause I have so much more for us do today. I wanted to sing you our song. *So I cleared my throat & began singing "Please Be Mine" & then topped it off with "When You Look Me In The Eyes". I'd changed up some parts emphasizing my love for him. Once I finished, he'd hopped off the bed & gave me a giant hug, kissing me & crying* Oh baby, no tears. *I wiped them away* This is a happy day.

Nick: *I nodded sniffling, my heart beating in time w/ his* I know, oh Joe, that was so beautiful. Every note went straight to my heart.

Joe: And mine. You're my #1 Nick. My heart beats for you.

Nick: *I wound my arms around his neck resting my head on his shoulder speaking softly* Oh Joe, you're my only 1 & my heart is your heart.

Joe: *I smiled & then pulled away walking to show him my surprise for him* Here baby.

Nick: *I gasped as he handed me a white tux* Joe?

Joe: I was wondering if you'd like to experience a Maui style wedding hmm?

Nick: *I exclaimed happily* YES, I'd love to!

Joe: Alrighty then love, you put that on & I'll get mine on too & then we'll head down to start the ceremony kay.

Nick: *I brightly smiled* Mmm! *And just like that Joe & I made our way to the ceremony he'd planned which was so beautiful every single part of it. He'd really made it like a dream, so special & very very romantic. We said our "I do's" once again, though both of us would never ever tire of saying those 2 little words, that & "I love you," which we repeated to each other for the rest of the day. It was magic. It was heavenly. I was blessed & loved* Baby thank you so much for everything today.

Joe: *We relaid in on a yacht watching the sunset together* Your welcome baby, anything for you. What was your fav part?

Nick: All of it. The ceremony, the showering of love, everything. And especially you.

Joe: *I laughed* Is was wondrous was it not? Me too, every little bit of today was beyond the very best ever. And I loved how you looked in your white suit, you were like a God I swear.

Nick: *I chuckled* Yes it was. BEST DAY EVER. And same goes for you Joe, your suit & you made my heart beat like crazy.

Joe: Mm-hmm. And flying in a parasail all around the island & then making love in the ocean.

Nick: *I blushed at the memory* It was perfect Joe.

Joe: And the gifts we gave each other, from simple lovable things like clothes, music, watches, & mostly each other, it was all so amazing my lovely Nick.

Nick: Happy 1 yr anniversary Joe.

Joe: Happy 1 yr anniversary Nick.

Nick: *I snuggled into him*

Joe: Baby how do you feel bout round 2?

Nick: *I blushed again & bit my lip* I say how could I resist. But ... here?

Joe: *I smiled* Its just us baby, no 1's around. We're all alone to do as we wish.

Nick: *I buried my face in his chest*

Joe: Or we could wait till we get back land, to our room?

Nick: *I pulled away & kissed him so full of passion*

Joe: *When we finally pulled away from 1 another, both of us had the same aroused look for each other* Nick *I breathed heavily*

Nick: *We sought each other's clothes & took them off. I kissed his lips again, then his neck down his chest as he flipped us over. We gazed into each other's eyes forever it seemed*

Joe: *I carefully slid into him groaning softly. Tonight I wanted this to be as tender & loving as possible. I wanted to show how much he means to me. And by the look in his eyes, I could tell he felt the same. With that we thrust together calling each other's name many times. In the end, we'd wound up sleeping together on the boat with a thick blanket wrapped around us. I whispered to Nick as he continued to sleep* I love you Nick, Nicholas Jerry Jonas, so much.

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 93 (Bowling W/ Kev & Dani)

Nick: *After celebrating Christmas & then the New Year with every1, 1 day in early February 2012 after V-Day, we'd just finished our last episode shooting for JONAS  L.A., along with a full soundtrack for it & plenty of interviews & TV appearances, also another album "Lines, Vines, & Trying Times," or LVT as the fans shortened it. Also we'd done another tour or 2 as well. And we're going to start Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam soon too with Dems & the rest of the cast. So its been a blast as always. Today though we're going to meet up with Kev & Dani to play a little bowling cause they've both being wanted to do this with us & us too* And no competitiveness Joey.

Joe: *I whined soft of* Why baby? Its just Kev, he's just as competitive. You ever see the way he plays baseball & golf? He's like super competitive.

Nick: *I laughed* Just try to be cool if you can. *I teased*

Joe: Oh? So its like that? You think I can't be cool? I was born cool!

Nick: And overconfident.

Joe: A little, kinda of, maybe yes.

Nick: Well like I said try out the cool side & just play for fun.

Joe: So I take I can't place any bets on any1?

Nick: *I rolled my eyes & smacked my own forehead lightly* Oh brother.

Joe: What? *I looked at him* What'd I say?

Nick: *I shook my head & smiled* Just come on Mr.

Joe: Just a sec, I wanna grab my own bowling bowl.

Nick: Don't forgot to bring your own shoes cause I don't think they let you rent your own.

Joe: Ha ha baby. I'm just being prepared, plus I see you're bringing your own too.

Nick: I know, just kidding babe.

Joe: Kay. *I grabbed his & mine things & the keys* Lets go.

Nick: *He drove us there & immediately when we both walked in the door, Kev came racing from the other side of the room happily as Dani just smiled & followed him* Hey Kev.

Kev: *I hugged them both* Sup Nick? Glad you guys could make it, Dani & I, already have a spot saved for all of us to play. Hey Joe!

Joe: Hey dude, great to see ya too & Dani.

Dani: *I hugged them too* Same here guys. So y'all ready to play?

Nick: Ready, right Joe?

Joe: Sure thing.

Kev: Alright then! This way! *Dani & I led the way & we started the game. I went 1st &  managed to knock down all the pins* Whoo nothing like the 1st strike!

Joe: *I sighed mumbling* You see that?

Dani: *I giggled & patted his back* Don't mind him, he's just having fun.

Joe: You sure?

Dani: *I nodded* He's Kev, this is how he is, funny & competitive.

Nick: Besides its just a game right Dani?

Dani: Right Nicky. *I secretly whispered to him* But he can go abroad sometimes, it'll take a lot for Joe to keep it real*

Nick: *I whispered back* He'll be fine, I hope. I prepped him before the game.

Dani: Good. Then it should all be good, if not I'll have to distract Kev.

Nick: *I laughed* Don't you always do that?

Dani: Yep! And it works every time.

Joe: *After Kev finished doing his little victory dance, Dani went & got her own strike as well. Next was Nick who nailed it to & then came by turn. I took a breath & gave my all & it resulted in a almost strike, just had to knock 1 more pin down*

Nick: Go baby! *I cheered*

Dani: *I whopped*

Kev: Go for it man!

Joe: *I took another deep breath & concentrated & successfully knocked the pin straight down* And BAM!

Nick: *We all high-5ed with him. And so the game kept on going, Dani & I had a lot of fun getting plenty of strikes, Kev owned it too & Joe was as well. I sighed in relief that he'd listened to my advice for once. This way it could be fun & not so serious. After many rounds, Dani & I called it quits for us for a little bit as Kev & Joe continued * Wow what a game its been!

Dani: I know, gotta love it though. Those 2 have a lot more energy.

Nick: *I looked back @ them* Yeah true that. Wanna get a slice of pizza or something to drink?

Dani: Yah, sure. 1 slice of pizza, a pretzel, & a big coke for me please. *I followed Nick to the food court area & we ordered together* Mmm, nothing like the smell of nice hot food & good music to listen to. Hey wait a min, I recognize that tune ... its *I snapped my fingers* its "Runaway Love" by Lil JB.

Nick: Aww yeah, Justin's pretty amazing & so talented.

Dani: *Sings with the sing*

Nick: *I joined in to the lyrics*

Joe: Its a tie!

Kev: I won dude.

Joe: No I did!

Nick: *Just then they got our attention & it was time operation grab our mans away from each other time. Once they cooled down, they ate some food & we're back to buddy buddy. For the rest of the evening we just all chilled together*

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 94 (Back To School)

Nick: *Months flew by & Joe & I celebrated our b-days & every1 else's. It was fall again close to releasing another album but not quite yet cause actually Joe & I had a little couple of plans to maybe do our very own solo non-JoBro records. But nothing was fully decided, but so far every1 was on board for it. Joe agreed that I should do mine solo project 1st & then he could go & Kev could get his own too. Overall our band was now a big time success & really just so awesome. Everyday just put the A in awesome truly. Never once did either of us take it all for granted or get all typical rockstar. No we stayed humbled & thankful for what we had. We had each other & so many other people. No matter how much we were livin' the dream, we were still the same Joe, Nick, & Kevin. Our voices, look, appearance, whatever can change ... but we're still us*

Nick: *We're still 3 guys who came together to make music & we've done it as a band, its been the best. And now that its fall time, I've actually applied to go to Joe's same university to earn my B.A. degree. He was so proud, his parents, & Kev & Dani, that I got in. So I spent my 1st semester studying hard & doing everything I could to reach my goal. It would take only 2 years, but it was worth it cause I got to enrich myself in so many new teachings & such. And I wasn't alone it my work, Joe encouraged me to do my best. He had no doubt in his mind that I'd make it to the top. He always had so much faith & belief in me*

Nick: *And after the 2 yrs, I could continue our career together making endless music & sharing it with the world. I especially was looking forward to doing "Les Miz," at the O2 Arena. I'd gotten the part of Marius. I was so excited & such a big fan of the original play. When I 1st got the news with Joe right beside me, I totally fainted ... just like old times when I'd 1st meant Joe back in the mall. Whew, how that brought back such sweet memories. Joe was ecstatic when he saw the news. He continued to praise how proud he was of me* Joe? *I asked 1 night hesitantly while we were in our room*

Joe: Yes baby boy?

Nick: *I blushed closing up the last of my school work, trying to decide the best way to talk about what I was about to say*

Joe: *I gripped his shoulders from behind softly as he sat @ his desk* Go on baby.

Nick: *I turned even more red* Well I'm not sure how to put this. *I started playing with my fingers nervously*

Joe: *I kissed his head & spoke quietly* Try? For me baby?

Nick: *I nodded & turned around to face him* You better sit down 1st though.

Joe: *I did just that & waited for him to continue*

Nick: *I looked down biting my lip & then back @ him*

Joe: *I nodded reassuringly*

Nick: *I sucked in a deep breath & said probably a little too fast* Whatdoyouthinkofhavingkidssomeday?

Joe: *My eyes widened* I think that would be amazing baby, especially when its with you. But shouldn't we wait till school finishes for you?

Nick: Really? Whew, I wasn't sure of what you'd say about it. I did think about that though, & the more I thought about it made me realize that I want to be raise a child of our own.

Joe: *I got up & cupped his cheeks kissing him deeply speaking in between breaths* Yes baby, nothing would make me more happier than to make a baby with you. I love the sound of it already, our child. *I smiled warmly*

Nick: You don't think its too soon for us do you?

Joe: No, I don't. We know how much we love each other & that we're always going to be together. We have an amazing career & we'd both make wonderful parents. Whatever we decide together, I'll be content with because I have you & I love you with everything I have.

Nick: *I smiled lovingly* I love you so much too Joe. So I guess now thats left to decide is when do we- *I blushed stopping myself for a moment*

Joe: *I winked* Well we've got tons of practice, so its all about the right moment.

Nick: *I blushed again* And that we feel it.

Joe: *I took my reading glasses off then & grinned* Hold that thought then, wait right there. *I scooted off to get a few things*

Nick: *I bit my lip & nodded shyly. Knowing my man, he was most likely getting our fav scented candles, a lighter & rose petals. So I quickly fumbled to dim the lights & to remove my clothes as I grabbed a blue terrycloth rube covered my nakedness for the time being till my guy came back. I also ran to our bathroom just see how I looked & make sure that I looked decent. In a few short min's I heard Joe call my name. So I nervously swallowed & went into the room gasping in perfect awe at the scene he'd made for us* Joey.

Joe: *I was in my boxers only as I went over to him scoping him up in my arms & handing him a single rose* For you my love, before we begin.

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 95 (Pregnant?)

Nick: *I took the rose happily & smelled it* Mmm-mm!

Joe: *I smiled touching his cheek sweetly* You like it?

Nick: *I shook my head & pecked his lips* No, I love it Joe, thank you baby its so sweet.

Joe: *I pecked back repeatedly* You ready my love?

Nick: *I smiled nodding* Always.

Joe: *I grinned too & as he put the rose aside for now & he grabbed me pulling my head down to his for another deep & long kiss* Mmm Nicky.

Nick: *His body had slowly lowered on mine. I loved his weight on mine, it felt so divine* Joey. *I whispered*

Joe: Baby I love you.

Nick: And I love you. *I moaned as his kiss demanded more of my lips. We could never seem to get enough of each other, it was always so passionate* Joe ...

Joe: *When his fingers curled in my hair, I let out a groan. His touch, his kiss, his love always sent so many sparks back & forth from each other. It was the highest kind of love for us*

Nick: *I trembled in perfect pleasure as his hands slowly went from my face down my neck all the way down to my thighs as I whined as he squeezed my them firmly* Ohh ...

Joe: *I began to rub his thighs fast as both our lower halves grew more aroused & wet*

Nick: *I moaned loud* JOE OHHH!

Joe: *I groaned too & stopped for a moment thrusting myself into him* OH GODS!

Nick: *I arched my back high as I felt him enter me & screamed* UGHN JOEY!

Joe: *I was going to wait a little more till I connected with him, but somehow I lost it & moved slowly at 1st trying to make it soft & loving for him*

Nick: *His thrusts were so gentle, but @ this point I was reaching the point of shakiness* JOE please baby give me MORE! *I begged*

Joe: *I wanted to go harder, but I didn't want it to all hard cause this moment would be a critical 1 for the both of us. We wanted to make a baby & I didn't want to get too crazy & out control* Soon baby, just a little bit longer.

Nick: *I shook my head moaning again* N-n-no, NOW baby PLEASE!

Joe: *I kept @ my pace* Sssh baby. *I muffled another groan*

Nick: *I whined* If you don't move faster & I'm gonna flip you over &-

Joe: *I didn't let him finish as I gave up & went faster & faster, out of control* NICK! OH!

Nick: *I screamed* JOE!!! UGH YES BABY THATS IT, YESS!

Joe: *He'd tightened around my length just then making me gasp so loud* UN!

Nick: *I felt his hardness & Ohmygosh did it feel so amazing. Thats when I wrapped my arms around his neck & my legs around his waist, squeezing him tighter. Already we were both covered in heavy sweat, though neither of us cared, not when we were in so much pleasure together as 1* UGHNNN!

Joe: *I gave him a few sec's to loosen up & again we screamed together each other's names over & over again*

Nick: *I loved the way he dominated me every time. As much as I loved pleasing him, I loved it even more when he was the 1 on top. And by our voices sounding all over, we both agreed. The way we moved together was pleasure times infinity. I knew that the more we moved together, the more we'd come into each other & that would lead to a baby. This what we both wanted, right here & now. No doubts, no nervousness, it was yes all the way*

Joe: *Slamming into him, giving everything we wanted as 1 was beyond phenomenal. Each movement created so much pleasure, sounds, & more. This was us, our way & we loved each other so much. Only we could pleasure each other over & over, not stopping. We came together many times. Each time hotter than the last & such an amazing feeling. We continued for hours & hours. When we spiraled out of control together, we'd realized that it was morning. We collapsed together @ last & slept the whole day almost. Later @ like 5 PM, I finally woke up & removed myself out of Nick. He was still sleeping softly. I smiled & watched him for a bit. Then I decided to take a shower. Just as I turned it on, I heard my baby's voice calling me* I'm in here Nick.

Nick: *I padded over to the bathroom naked & opened the door to join him* Hey. *I blushed*

Joe: *I grinned* Hey love, how'd you sleep?

Nick: Real good. You?

Joe: So good baby. That was quite a hot night wasn't it?

Nick: And phenomenal.

Joe: Indeed. *So we showered together washing one another & then returned drying & changing into fresh clothes & also changing our linens, returning back to bed happily. The next few weeks went by & Nick had begun throwing up in the morning. We'd grabbed the best pregnancy test & we got the results real clear & simple. Nick was pregnant*

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 96 (Fathers To Be)

Joe: *But just to make sure he was 100%, Nick & I, made an appointment to see a doctor. We arrived at the hospital in the morning before Nick would have to go to his afternoon classes. After signing in & we sat together in chairs just waiting for his name to be called*

Nick: *I was most eager to find out that I was for certain pregnant, cause even those pregnancy tests can be wrong. Besides a 2nd opinion is always good to have, especially when this'll be both Joe & I's 1st time doing this together. I was a little nervous but I knew as long Joe was here, there was absolutely no reason to fret. Even if the test I'd taken before was wrong, Joe & I promised each other that we'd try again. Secretly though I hope we'd succeeded last night. But now that I think about it, we haven't used condoms for awhile now. What if I'm just unable to produce anything even though I'm different? I shook the thought from my mind as @ last my name was called. Joe & I stood up together & we followed the nurse down the hall*

Nick: *She quickly took my weight, asked me a few basic questions & then told the both of us that the doctor would be in shortly & then she disappeared*

Joe: How do you feel?

Nick: Nervous & excited, mostly like I'm going to throw up again.

Joe: *I squeezed his hand* It's gonna be OK baby, I promise you.

Nick: *I smiled nodding* Mmm.

Doc: *I came into the room greeting the patients still paying attention to filling out some paperwork* Morning- *I stopped as I looked up surprised to find Nicholas & Joseph*

Nick: *I gasped* Denise? You're our doctor?

Joe: *I smiled brightly* Yeah, she's a doctor baby, remember I told you that. Hey Mom. *I gave her a hug*

Denise: Joseph dearest, good to see you baby. How are you?

Joe: Doing wonderful as ever Mom.

Denise: *I smiled* My sons, aww. *I looked @ Nicholas & went over to hug him* And how's my fav son-in-law doing?

Nick: *I smiled & hugged her* Great Denise, so great.

Denise: Excellent, so why you guys here then? *Suddenly before either of them could answer I looked @ their info sheet they filled out* Nicholas dear, you want to know if you're really pregnant?

Nick: *I gulped nervously. She knew that I might be capable of having a child, but still it was kind of embarrassing* Y-yes.

Denise: *I stared for a sec & then exclaimed* Well goodness glaciers baby, lets see for sure! OhMiGosh, the thought of you having a baby together just makes me go so awww! And Kevin is going be so thrilled @ the news too! Kay so here we go. *I asked him some q's & made some notes & then completed the test with him. Soon enough we got them* OMG happy day YES! Yes dearest Nicholas, you're indeed pregnant! Congratulations to the both of you, OMG!! *I hugged them both once again, but this time super excitedly* Kevin & I are going to be grandparents, this is beyond the most wonderful news in the whole world!

Nick: *Joe & I watched in the same happiness as we watched & listened to Denise. We all cheered together for while, till we all remembered that we were still in the hospital & if not careful we could get kicked out for the noise, so we toned it down. But the excited-ness never ceased* I can't believe it, we're going to be fathers!

Joe: *I grinned so full of warmth & love & pressed a kiss to Nick's lips* My baby's having a baby!

Denise: My sons are fathers to be! This is amazing, genuinely amazing. I can't wait to know what you 2 will be having ... a girl or a boy, oohh I'm getting goosebumps all over, this is just wondrous!

Joe: *I chuckled* So we can count you to be our doc to deliver the baby & everything right Mom?

Denise: *I nodded happily* Are you kidding, I'm going be there every step of the way, right there with you 2. Kay what time is it? *I glanced at my watch* 9 AM, alrighty. So now I'm going to give you 2 some recommendations & then you can be on your way cause I know Nicholas has to get to class. 

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 97 (9 Months)

Nick: *After getting an earful full of new info, Joe & I immediately called Kev & Dani, Mi, Dems, Sel, & Tay letting them know of our news. By now, I'm sure that Denise had called Kevin, so we were good with that. But now a new fear had taken over me as I got in the car along with Joe*

Joe: *I was smiling continuously till I looked over at Nick* What is it baby?

Nick: *I bit my lip* How are we going to hide this from the fans, paparazzi/press, & pretty much the whole world?

Joe: We don't have to tell them anything if we decide not to baby, simple.

Nick: *I shook my head*

Joe: Baby-

Nick: Joe, eventually I'm going to get a baby bump & they'll be able to see that whenever I go out.

Joe: *I thought about his words for a few min's*

Nick: Joe please say something.

Joe: I think we've got nothing to worry bout baby.

Nick: Exactly how do you figure that?

Joe: Well if you really want to keep it hidden then hidden its going to stay. Don't worry I've got a plan.

Nick: Is it full-proof?

Joe: And bullet-proof.

Nick: Joe.

Joe: No worries baby, I've got this. We'll discuss it more later, now I think before I drop you off at school, we should get some grub & pick up a couple books at B&N.

Nick: I hope you're right. *I nodded as his drove us off. Thinking bout it more & more, I can't believe I never thought about our careers in this. If Joe & I, allowed the press & every1 to know about our baby, oh boy it would be a field day for sure. Its not everyday that a boy can just become pregnant & give birth to a child. What would they think? Would they be able to accept it or would it end badly? Just then Joe patted my hands & then rubbed my stomach soothingly. His loving touch reminded me that I was never ever alone in this. No, no matter what we'd be together & whatever was coming well ... we planned to be ready for it*

Joe: *The day went on by slowly as I waited for Nick to get out of his class. I'd missed him every time, we'd parted, but now it was even stronger now he was pregnant. I was so happy, we both were. I'm beyond excited just like my parents & friends. To raise a baby with Nick is going to be amazing. I know together we'll always work together as a pair & do our best. In the meantime, I was reading up on everything so I know what to expect. And once Nick got out, we could continue to learn together. It was all going to be epic. I know that it won't always be easy @ times from what I've read so far, but I know together we can do anything. And I know he feels the same. We trust each other & in time we're going make wonderful parents*

Nick: *When @ last I was let out of my last class, I ran to find Joe in his usual spot waiting for me* Hey Joey! *I greeted him happily, so thankful to be back with him*

Joe: *I instantly looked up to see my guy with a beautiful bright smile. I grinned & hugged him tightly* Hey Nicky, how's my baby? Class go alright?

Nick: *I pecked his lips* Fine babe. And its over thank God, I just wanna be with you.

Joe: I know me too. Hey listen I've been reading up a lot bout everything-

Nick: And lemme me guess you're an expert now?

Joe: Well kind of, I mean we still got to experience it all together.

Nick: *I giggled* I love the sound of it already. Lets go home, I'm so hungry!

Joe: *I chuckled* I bet & alrighty lets go. *I grabbed his hand & we went to the car to be swarmed by the usual paparazzi snapping shots till we left & arrived home* Bean tacos or spaghetti baby?

Nick: Both hun! *My stomach growled loudly & we both laughed as we cooked together. After eating our excellent meal, we took a nice long tub bath together & then totally crashed on the bed watching an old movie with Hugh Grant & Julianne Moore in 9 Months (1995 film). Joe soon fell asleep 1st cause he'd reread everything he had read earlier to me. It was so sweet & he was so the expert. I knew between him & his parents, we'd be just fine. 9 months, here we come!*

Joe: *Weeks went by so fast & Nick's baby bump had developed beautifully. He was truly lovely & glowing. Our working together on everything was going perfectly. Nick & I were experts now together. We both made sure to eat healthy, to keep up with visits to my mom, exercising regularly, & also going to parenting classes. And in school he was keeping up & acing everything, together we worked hard to make sure he'd do his best. And in the end, we decided to hide the pregnancy for as long as we could even though they're were a lot of curious people pressing why he was getting bigger & bigger. There were times when he'd be in tears & his mood swings were all over the place, but that didn't stop me from making sure I was there by his side taking care of him & loving him. Soon it came time to see the results of what our baby was. He was absolutely stunning when we found our the sex of the baby, but nothing prepared us for the biggest shocker of all*

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 98 (It's Time!)

Nick: *1 morning I woke up feeling a lot of pain. Aft 1st I tried to push it away, but it didn't seem to help, so I stirred Joe awake* Baby ... I don't feel so good.

Joe: *My eyes snapped open fast* Do you think-

Nick: *I held my stomach & writhed in pain* OH GOD!!

Joe: *I quickly grabbed my already packed bags & helped Nick down to the car. As soon as we were both in, I took off at full speed racing to the hospital. I didn't care about thing else. I just knew I had to get there fast. Once there, I parked quickly & people came running out to give Nick a wheel chair. It all happened quite fast, we ran in fast & went immediately to the emergency room* Its going to OK baby, I promise you it will be.

Nick: *I nodded trying not to think of the pain that was seriously taking over me*

Denise: *I arrived over to both boys lightning fast* I'm here guys, I'm going to take of this. *We hurried into the room* Joseph I think you should call every1 stat.

Joe: *I shook my head* No, I want to stay here with Nick Mom.

Denise: *I patted his shoulder* Nick's going to be fine, but he & I need to call every1 please. Trust me son, it'll only take a few min's, this whole process is going to take a long, believe me you won't miss anything important.

Joe: *I bit my lip, nodding once* I'll be back in no time. *I walked out of the room & quickly dialed my Dad 1st* Dad, its me. Yeah Nick's going into labor.

Kevin: *I gasped & quickly got my things heading for my car* OMG say no more, I'll be right there! Cya in a few son. *We then hung up as I pulled out of the driveway*

Joe: *Next I called Kev & Dani, Mi, Dems, Sel, & Taylor & a few others. Once done I put away my cell & returned to the room finding myself somewhat relieved till I heard Nick scream out in pain* NICK! *I was by his side in snap* Mom hows he doing?

Denise: He's just experiencing contractions dear, keep in mind that this isn't easy for him, so you gotta to remind him to keep breathing in & out while I time everything.

Joe: *I nodded & followed her instructions* No worries baby, you can do this. You just gotta breathe just like we practiced. *As I did it with him*

Nick: *I did as he said & eventually some of the pain went away* H-how long is this going to take?

Joe: Not sure baby, but no matter how long may past & I'm going to be right here for you. I love you Nick so much. *I kissed him softly stroking his cheek*

Nick: *Tears fell from my eyes as I kissed him back, so grateful for him being in my life, being here with me* I-I love you too Joe so much. *I pulled away* I-I'm scared.

Joe: *I whispered humming our song* Don't be baby, I'm here. And we're going to get through this together.

Nick: *I relaxed more as his song filled my ears & I hugged him*

Kevin: *I arrived then & parked fast & ran all the way to the check in counter* Nicholas Jonas please. *The secretary gave me the room # & I took the elevator to the 5th level & followed the signs to the room* Hello every1. *I waved*

Joe: *Mom & I smiled together & went over to embrace him* Glad you could make it Dad.

Kevin: Are you kidding? I wouldn't miss this for the world. Both of my sons are about to become fathers.

Denise: And we're finally grandparents! Isn't it lovely Kevin?

Kevin: Most definitely, this is a happy day for all of us. So how is my Nicholas doing? *I went over to him*

Nick: Alright for far Kevin, just lots of contractions. *I smiled*

Kevin: *I rubbed his stomach softly* Its going to be fine my boy, you're in extremely good hands. You just take you're time & continue your breathing alright?

Nick: I know, you're right. And I will.

Mi: *All of us girls arrived next & we instantly got gasps from every1 in the room cause of who we were, but we paid them no mind knowing we had to find Nick & Joe. We were given his room # & level, so we went over, but were stopped just before we got to the door* Um, a little help here some1?

Joe: *I turned around to see all 4 girls being stopped by a security guard* Its alright, let them in, they're with us.

Mi: *Once free we all went in* Thanks for the call, we'd would all been here sooner if not for the fans chasing us all the way to the doors. They've completely surrounded the outside.

Dems: And the press too.

Sel: Its crazy out there, but never mind that how's Nick doing?

Tay: Is he breathing in & out like-

Nick: *I smiled @ the girls* Yes I am, thanks for the concern. Its gonna be fine.

Mi: *We gathered around him squealing* You look like you're glowing Nicky.

Tay: I can't believe its time!

Dems: Do you have the names picked out?

Sel: And the nursery all complete?

Nick: *Joe & I smiled & nodded together* I know. Yes, yes & yes. Joe & I are so ready*

Mi: This is so exciting & we brought our gifts for you guys & the little ones!

Dems: Plus a big cake!

Sel: And drinks too!

Tay: And snacks of course!

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 99 (Life W/ The Family)

Mi: Thats right we're here for you Nicky & Joey. *We all patted his shoulder together*

Nick: Thanks girls, we love you.

Joe: And appreciate you being here with us to witness this blessed moment.

Dems: We love you guys too.

Sel: We're like family all of us.

Tay: We're always there for you.

Mi: Always & forever.

Nick: *Just as I was about to say more, I screamed out in pain, this time it was much stronger* AH!!!

Denise: *I was over at Nick's side fast* Alright it may be time every1, girls I'm going to ask you to wait outside till we call you back in.

Kevin: Come on girls, good luck Denise & sons. *I kissed her sweetly & then left to wait outside their room waiting & listening*

Denise: Now Joe, I need you to guide Nicholas. What I tell you, you tell him.

Joe: *I nodded serious* Got it.

Denise: *I positioned myself in front by Nick's lower half* Okay you gotta push baby boy.

Joe: Push baby.

Nick: *I screamed to the top of my lungs* OMG!!!

Denise: Thats it Nicholas, you're doing beautifully, I can see the baby's head. Give me another push please.

Joe: *His hand gripped my hand tighter than ever* Go on baby, push with all your might.

Nick: *I screamed again, as I groaned when I felt the body release from mine* UGH!

Denise: *The 1st baby came out crying as my assistants & I cut the umbilical cord & then wrapped him in a blanket giving him to Nick* Congradualtions my sons, its a boy just I said it would be.

Nick: *I was crying looking at how beautiful he was* Oh my God, he's-

Joe: *I was in tears too as my heart beat increased* I know baby he's beautiful.

Nick: *I smiled warmly at him* Welcome to the world my love, my Sorren Jeramy Jonas. *I kissed my baby boy's forehead as he cried softly & moved a little in my arms*

Joe: My Gods, he looks just like you Nick. *As Nick handed me Sorren, I felt so proud & happy beyond words could ever describe* Hello my Sorren, my baby boy. *I kissed his cheek softly* 

Nick: *Just then I screamed again*

Joe: *I quickly grabbed Nick's hand again as we repeated the process again*

Nick: *I groaned again loud*

Denise: Wonderful job Nicky, you're 2nd baby boy is out, now just 1 more Nicky. Give me 1 great last push.

Joe: *Soon I was holding both of our sons & as I returned back to Nick's side* Push my love.

Nick: *I screamed like there's no tomorrow & @ last I heard the soft cries of my baby girl* OH GOD! *I slumped back into the bed* Ahh.

Denise: *Soon enough I handed their last baby to Nick as was Joe's hand were busy with the baby boys* Congrats my sons, you did it together. Beautiful team work. *I kissed their heads & then smiled as I called every1 back into the room. No 1 spoke, we just all gazed in awe at the triplets*

Nick: *I spoke softly* Oh Joey, they're all beautiful.

Joe: *I was crying so much in happiness* They are my love, that they are.

Nick: *I kissed my baby girls nose* Hello my Sasami Aurora Jonas & my other son ... Skylar Nate Jonas.

Joe: *Our babies were a true blessing. Every1 in the room was in tears, hugging, all of us celebrating together. It was the most wonderful we could ever imagine. Nick had given birth to all 3 babies so beautifully. My 1 true love had given me the most amazing happiness I could ever feel. Everything about it was magical & extraordinary*

Nick: *I never felt so speechless in my entire life. The warmth in the room was so amazing. My babies were so adorable. I couldn't believe how much they looked like Joe & I. It just brought so many emotions & tears. This day was truly heaven on earth* I love you all. *I cooed to my babies as I watched them settle down & drift sweetly of to sleep. Carefully I handed them to Densie & Kevin, who had arrived during when Sorren 1st came out, to hold & then each of the girls*

Denise: Oh Kevin, just look at them how peaceful & small.

Kevin: *I smiled* They're gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous.

Dani: *I wiped tears away with a tissue* They're so cute.

Kev: And are going to be wonderful kids just like they're parents. *I smiled happily @ Joe & Nick*

Mi: I've never seen such a sight so wonderful as this.

Dems: Its incredible.

Sel: They are so precious.

Tay: God bless them & their loving & amazing parents.

Nick: *Joe & I exchanged hugs together & many kisses. In time we all began the party & continued to celebrate for hours* I love you so much Joseph. *I softly whispered*

Joe: And I love you Nicholas & the beautiful 3 babies you've given me. I am so proud of you baby.

Nick: And I love you. Without you I couldn't have did this.

Joe: Baby you're my whole word.

Nick: *I kissed him back passionately* And you're mine.

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 100 (Happiness Is A Gift)

Nick: *The years flew by so quickly. Joe & I had raised our kids & become great fathers together. Our children were all so amazing in their own unique ways. And life as rockstar never changed. Joe, Kev, & I had succeeded in winning a grammy together for our music. We all accomplished many things from being on American Idol various times, making more music, touring, visiting all around the world, doing some more acting & theater acting for myself. And each our solo CDs had done extremely well. As for Denise & Kevin, they're happy grandparents & we've never failed to see them along with our kids. Kev & Dani are expecting a little 1 of their own & are still our fav, couple to chill with, the kids just love them. And Mi, Dems, Sel, & Tay are doing amazing too, they've all had many successes themselves & also visit us often cause they are also our aunts to the kids & their fav babysitters when Kev & Dani are not available*

Nick: *As for the fans, paprazzi, & press, they soon found out the everything about our triplets, but it didn't matter because we found they every1 had come to accept it & had even wished us many wonderful wishes to both us & our kids. In the end, I'd been worried for nothing. As for Joe & I, we've continued to live life together still very much in love. And kids are now all 5 yrs old, Joe & I can't believe it. Sorren our oldest loves guitar & soccer, he's just like Joe in every way. Skylar, Joe says looks like me & acts like me is a singer & an amazing chess player. And lastly our little princess & only girl, Sasami is a kinda of combo of Joe & I together, she's just as silly as Joe, but just as wise as I can be. She can pretty much do anything, she's got so much talent. We love them all so much. They've grown so fast. They're all geniuses & the most adorable bunch of kids ever to exist. They never fail to make Joe & I smile. We're raised them teaching them wisely of right & wrong & so far they've done wonderfully*

Nick: *One night back in L.A. we were performing as the JoBros & as a surprise to our fans who came to the show, Joe & I allowed our kids to come on stage as well* Ladies & gentlemen, boys & girls, please welcome to the stage now ... Sorren, Skylar, & Sasami Jonas! *Every1 in the audience was clapping & cheering including Joe, Kev & I & our band*

Joe: *A crew member handed me 3 mikes, in which I gave to my kids* So you 3, how does it feel to be here on stage with us?

Sorren: *I spoke 1st* Feels like Feelin' Alive!

Joe: *I chuckled with Nick & every1*

Skylar: *I spoke next* Well it seems to me, like it feels Much Better!

Sasami: *I giggled at their competitiveness & spoke last* It feels like its Time For Me To Fly!

Nick: Well then, what should we sing for them?

Sorren: L.

Skylar: A.

Sasami: *I smiled cutely screaming* BABY!

Joe: Alright! Lets do it then! *The song started & all together we sang the song as all 5 of us moved around the stage. After we finished our kids got a standing O & we continued the concert & finished at 10 PM* Bye L.A. & thank you, Goodnight!

Nick: *We all took our bows together & then waved bye & kisses to our every1 & then hurried backstage to embrace our family* YOU WERE ALL AMAZING! *I kissed them & hugged them happily*

Joe: *I joined in on the hug* STELLAR TEAM WORK OUT THERE, WHOO! *I high-5ed them*

Sorren: Ha ha, it was a blast!

Skylar: It was most definitely cool!

Sasami: You think they loved us daddies?

Joe: *Nick & I exchanged warm smiles* How could they not baby girl? We're sure they adored you all.

Nick: Not to mention probably wanna meet you 3 & takes pics.

Sorren: Awesome! Lemme get a pen!

Syklar: And a dictionary so he can spell correctly just in case.

Sasami: Or duct tape for you 2! *I giggled*

Joe: *I laughed* Now now, easy easy you 3. We'll get to it together. *I winked*

Nick: He's right. Now who's ready to go greet them?

Sorren: Me!

Skylar: Me, me!

Sasami: Ready daddies as can be!

Nick: Alrighty lets do this & then we'll go home & eat some dinner together & fall asleep to a movie you guys can pick, hows that sound?

Sorren: Oh, oh I wanna watch Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Part 2!

Syklar: No! I wanna watch Cars 2!

Sasami: Their choices are too scary, I wanna see Gnomeo & Juliet!

Skylar: But Sassie we've seen that 1 too many times.

Sasami: So what Sky? I love it & its so cute!

Sorren: I still think Harry Potter is better!

Skylar: No Cars is!

Sasami: Nah-uh, mine is perfect!

Sorren: Yah, perfectly too girly right Sky?

Sasami: *I blew a raspberry @ him*

Skylar: Look mine should be the winner cause its Cars!

Sorren: Says who?

Sasami: Oh! I love that song!

Sorren: Yah yah we know Sas, its Aunt Selly's hit single.

Sasami: Well its true!

Skylar: You guys just shush kay?

Sorren: You shush Sky, we're trying to pick a movie here.

Skylar: Well yours is sort of scary Sor, Sassie has a point.

Sorren: Yah & my point is that its just a movie.

Skylar: So you won't mind my choice then.

Sasami: Boys, boys mine's the winner. Its decided.

Sorren: Who decided that?

Sasami: *Points to Joick* Them.

Nick: *Joe & I just smiled as we watched them talk it out so cutely. This was our family, our life & best of all all this was a gift. Happiness is a gift*


© 2014 VirgoAvatar

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that was pretty hot :D

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 5, 2011
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: joick Jick Joeick Joe/Nick Nick



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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