Deadliest Predator Ep 30

Deadliest Predator Ep 30

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Nick: *The next morning I woke up so sleepy and a little distorted, I felt so drained but .... so good at the same time. I sat up and touched my forehead, I felt warmth. I looked around, no sight of Joe. Joe .... was everything real last night? I looked down at myself and saw I was back in my same clothes as yesterday. What? No, it couldn't have been just a dream. It, .... was so real. But then again, why am I dressed and why is Joe gone? I felt sad and confused and just then I felt a pair of hands wrap around my stomach and hot breath upon my neck that made every hair of mine stand straight up. I turned around and came face to face with Joe looking at me so lovingly*

Joe: *I kissed his nose and smiled* Good morning Nick, sleep well?

Nick: *I smiled back. So it wasn't just a dream, thank God* Good morning ... Joe. Um, .... yes.

Joe: *I smiled more and leaned to kiss his lips* I'm glad, you were so amazing last night.

Nick: *I blushed and looked down*

Joe: *I pulled away and gently lifted his chin to look at me* I love you Nick.

Nick: *My heart beat was fast, my palms were sweaty and I'm pretty sure I was melting right in his arms smiling so big* I love you Joe.

Joe: *I grinned so happy and hugged him whispering in his ear* You're lovely Nick, I'm so happy to have you all to myself. And I'm sorry for making you feel pain and for my sudden strange behavior.

Nick: *I smiled wider, but then I pulled away and looked down again* Its, ... all right. I was a little scared at first. I-I, ... didn't know that would happen. A-and I was just surprised when you-

Joe: *I nodded understanding exactly what he was saying* Mean either, I was shocked too. But something tells me that was normal and it won't happen again. And I also hope I wasn't too rough with you, I know that it was both our first time together. I wanted to make it special as I could, without losing control. Being with you like that, was the most magical feeling. And I'm so happy that you were my first and I was yours.

Nick: *I bit my lip and blushed* I guess so. No, .... you were incredible ..... the feeling was indescribable. It was truly special .... all of it. You gave me my first kiss and first time, it was so amazing. I'm happy too, that I'm with you and your mine.

Joe: *I grinned and winked* And we'll be together forever.

Nick: *I smiled cutely* Yeah. For a minute there I thought I dreamed it all cause I was all dressed.

Joe: Oh yeah, about that I was originally sleeping inside of you, both of us naked. But throughout the night it got chilly because of the storm. And I know sometimes my body temperature is cold, so I pulled out of you and re-dressed you and make sure you had enough warmth. A dream? Nope, it all all 100% real. In fact, would you like to go again?

Nick: *I blushed and bit my lip gasping softly* Wow! So thats why, mmmm, makes sense and thank you, I was quite warm. .... A-again?

Joe: *I winked* Only if you want to. If not we can do something else.

Nick: *I blushed more* I ... want too, just .... I'm -

Joe: *I scooped him up and sat him on my lap* You're still tired from last night. *I said finishing his sentence* Its okay Nick. We'll just kiss and cuddle and talk. *I winked*

Nick: *I sighed* Sorry ....

Joe: *I shook my head and lightly tapped his nose* No need to apologize Nick. I love you and I just love being with you.

Nick: *I smiled* You're so wonderful. And the kissing, cuddling, and talking sounds perfect to me.

Joe: *I grinned* And if you want we can continue the signing?

Nick: *I giggled* You bet.

Joe: *I kissed him and played with his curls* So soft all over from your skin to you hair. Its so sexy.

Nick: *I blushed and kissed back* And your skin is so smooth and your arms and chest are so firm and strong.

Joe: *I smiled* I love kissing you, holding you, touching you, singing with you, being with you, and making beautiful love with you.

Nick: *I giggled again* I love feeling your lips on mine, your skin against mine, your voice in my ears, your smell, hearing you sing, and the feeling of being one.

Joe: *I chuckled* Adorable, sexy boy.

Nick: *I winked* Handsome, hot guy.

Joe: *I pecked his lips* Ready for some breakfast my love?

Nick: *I smiled and nodded* Always.

Joe: *I pulled the both of us up and carried him out to the beach*

Nick: *I laughed out loud* Joe!

Joe: *I grinned* Yes my beautiful?

Nick: *I sighed dreamily* What are we going to eat?

Joe: *I shrugged* What would you like?

Nick: *I thought about it for a few seconds and answered* How about a fruit cup and some black beans?

Joe: *I smiled and nodded* Coming right up Nick. And then we'll sing it out?

Nick: *I nodded and giggled a little* Sounds like a plan, yep.

Joe: *I kissed his lips and we rushed off in our separate directions*

Nick: *I ran off feeling so light as feather and as happy as can be. I'm finally .... in love!*

Joe: *Nick's the best thing in my life. I've found my love!*

Reese: *Sure did Joe. Nice work and endless happiness to you both*

Joe: *Morning Reese. Isn't it just a beautiful day hmm? The suns back and the storms long gone. Life is so wondrous!

Reese: *I chuckled. Someone's quite happy. Didn't I tell you he was the one?*

Joe: *Yes, over and over. I'm pretty sure I'm the happiest man on the planet right now. At last, I have someone as sweet and wonderful as Nick is*

Reese: *Indeed my friend. Amazing feeling right? Nothing quite like falling in love*

Joe: *You got that right. Its the best!*

Reese: *Mmm. Well, not to rush you but you might want to tell Nick what you are soon cause as of right now you're brother Johnny is building up an army of your kind*

Joe: *My smiled instantly disappeared and I frowned. Nick and I just finally got together and you want me to ruin it by telling him? Johnny can bring everything he's got. He's not getting near this island or Nick*

Reese: *I'm sorry Joe, but the longer you wait the more time goes by to when your brothers will be coming. They're preparing right now as we speak. They could strike at any time, do really want Nick to find out that way? Or would you rather him know the truth?*

Joe: *Ugh! I'm going to kill him! This puts serious pressure on me Reese. I like how things are now. I can just protect Nick without telling him*

Reese: *You know in your heart that, thats not what you have to do. Nick has the right to know, you must be honest with him*

Joe: *Isn't there another way, can't we just get far away from here? They'll won't be able to find us if we just leave*

Reese: *That's where you're wrong Joe. They will be able to find you, no matter where you go human or your true form. And Nick too, they have his scent after all. You can not run from this. You must confront them, but first explain the truth to Nick*

Joe: *This is BS Reese! Who are you or any of my brothers to control everything I have to do?!*

Reese: *I understand your anger, I do, but this is how things are. Once you finish this once and for all, there will either be .... peace ... or absolute chaos. You decide what you think is right. But know whatever decision you make will affect others. So know what the consequences are and trust your heart and do what you need to do*

Joe: *Thanks a lot Reese! For everything!*

Reese: *I shook my head. Don't thank me Joe, you're the one who needs to make things right. With that, I swam away in the depths of the ocean away from the reef*

Joe: *Good riddance! Who does she think she is? Always coming here and telling me what to do? It was hard enough hiding my love for Nick and now she wants me to tell my secret like its nothing? She has no idea how hard that is. Its so complicated and I'm sure it'll be one big frighting mess. Nick won't understand. He'll fear me completely and definitely not believe the truth. I hate this, everything was so perfect just a few minutes ago and now I'm just so angry. Its all her fault. I can handle Johnny and his army easy. There's no reason to tell Nick. I can just tell him to stay here, but what if he tries to come after me? Will he stay or I tell him to? Will he listen to me?*

Nick: *I came back with the song sheets, kind of skipping like a little kid* Back Joe! *I smiled happily*

Joe: *I pulled away from my thoughts and smiled* Hey there adorable! *I l kissed his lips* I missed you!

Nick: *I giggled, kissing back* I was only gone for a few minutes.

Joe: *I grinned* I know but, still I missed you.

Nick: *I blushed* You're so sweet.

Joe: *I kissed him again* And you're even sweeter. Now, take a seat lovely while I serve you.

Nick: *I smiled and sat down*

Joe: *I pushed away all the negativity and went back to my happy mode* Alrighty, here we are! And some water to drink?

Nick: *I smiled more and took the plate* Thank you. Yes, please.

Joe: *I bowed* Your very welcome my dear. Coming right up sexy!

Nick: *I giggled again, watching him bounce off* So wonderful. *I said aloud*

Joe: *I came back with two cups of water and sat beside him* Dig in babe!

Nick: *I smiled and starting eating along with him, sipping my water in between* Looks like the storms gone. *I observed*

Joe: *I looked at the sky* Yes indeedy, back to perfect weather, just the way I like it with my lovely boyfriend, its even perfecter.

Nick: *I blushed*

Joe: *After finishing up our breakfast and water, Nick and I continued off to our singing session. We started with a few movie inspired songs, one called "I Wan'na Be Like You," which was so much fun and Nick totally rocked it. Another one titled "Poor Unfortunate," was funny not to mention so wicked to sing! "Kids Of The Future," was another uplifting rocking song. He even did a song called "Baby Bottle Pop," "American Dragon Theme song," a cover of "Sweet Caroline," and a personal song to him called, "Eternity." All of which was so amazing! Other awesome ones included, "S.O.S," "Hold On," Australia," "Games," "Just Friends," Hollywood," another version of "Year 3000," "Take A Breath," and "We Got The Party." Every one was so off the charts incredible. I especially loved "Goodnight And Goodbye," "That's Just The Way We Roll," "Hello Beautiful," "Still In Love With You," Inspeperable," and above all .... the new version of "When You Look Me In The Eyes." Nick even had a cute song about himself called "Nick J Is Off The Chain," which I didn't bother singing with him on cause he sounded so cute by himself!*

*We also sang together "Live To Party," "Love Is On It's Way," "I'm Gonna Getcha Good," all of which I have a ball singing. "On The Line" and "Catch Me," were so sweet. "Girl Of My Dreams," was actually a Christmas song and now that I knew Nick was gay and in love with me, he changed all "shes and hers" to "him, boy, he," ... and so forth. "Joyful Kings," and "Summertime Anthem," were awesome Christmas songs too. "Send It On," was really inspirational and beautiful. "We Rock," "Gotta Find You," and "This Is Me," were definitely great tunes. I really enjoyed "Play Me Music," that one was so cool! "Give Love A Try," was so cute, I loved watching him sing that one alone. We eventually took a break and just laid together in the sand, close together. We ended up taking a small nap and then woke up to eat a coconut or two. Then we resumed singing and made sure to drink enough water. We went on to sing, "BB Good," "Burnin' Up," (whoa what a hot song that was!), "Shelf," "one Man Show," "Lovebug," (so sweet and tender), "Tonight," "Can't Have You," "Video Girl," Pushin' Me Away," "Sorry," "Got Me Going Crazy," "Hello Goodbye," "Out Of This World," "Infatuation," (which was brilliant cause it was both English and Japanese), "Make A Wave," (so wonderful and meaningful), "World War III," "Paranoid," (which had two versions but were still pretty much the same minus the one line lyric change), "Fly With Me," (a beautiful lyrical one), "Poison Ivy," "Hey Baby," "Before The Storm," "What Did I Do To Your Heart," "Much Better," (another favorite of mine), "Black Keys," "Don't Charge Me For The Crime," "Turn Right," (so lovely that one), "Don't Speak," and fun loving rocking fast "Keep It Real." I mentioned to Nick that he was so romantic and one of the best songwriters I ever had the pleasure of knowing let alone loving*

*Nick even had some of his own solo songs that I just loved hearing ... from ... "Rose Garden," "Who I Am," "Olive & An Arrow," "Conspiracy Theory," "In The End," "Last Time Around," a slower version of "Tonight," "State Of Emergency," "Vesper's Goodbye," "Stronger (Back On The Ground)," "Stay," (which brought me to tears), "While The World Is Spinning," a longer version of "Inseperable," and "Black Keys / A Little Bit Longer," (blended together beautifully). I told him that he was the sexist singer on the planet, his voice just was one that I could listen to for the rest of my life.  Next were "It's On," "Wouldn't Change A Thing," "You're My Favorite Song," Nick's cute fast track called "Introducing Me," "What We Came Here For," "This Is Our Song," and the very powerful and way too cool "Heart and Soul." We sang a couple others and finally "I Do," (which was the very last song and one I adored cause Nick sang it so lovingly). By the time we finished it was like sunset. What a musical day it was! So song-tastic! I mentioned to Nick that he he like more than four future albums for his record deal, which I knew he'd get hands down. We were pretty much wiped from singing that he just watched the sun down down and gazed up at the stars in silence for awhile. I knew I had to still tell Nick, but I didn't want to do it tonight, not with the happiness we both were feeling. The day was just so perfect, I didn't want to do nothing to ruin it, so I kept quiet about it. I decided that I would tell him in the morning. In the end, we I carried my sleeping beauty to our cave and cuddled him into my arms. My beautiful Nick, I love you so much, good night my love I said aloud and kissed his forehead and went to sleep with him*

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

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Added on February 5, 2011
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joe Jonas Nick Jonas



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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