Deadliest Predator Ep 28

Deadliest Predator Ep 28

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Joe: *I smiled and used my free hand to rub his forehead*

Nick: *His finger pushed right inside me, in and out making my moan* Ughnnn ...

Joe: *I added a second finger and moved a little faster*

Nick: *I shut my eyes and shook with pleasure*

Joe: *I pecked his lips and added another finger*

Nick: *My back arched high and I grabbed his shoulders tightly* J-J-Joe ... ughnnn!

Joe: *I smiled more and finally added my other two fingers*

Nick: *My eyes shot open and I sat up fast* UGHN!!

Joe: *I moved faster within him, knowing he was close again*

Nick: *I moaned continuously* OH! .... UGHNNN! .... J_JOE!!

Joe: *I smirked and whispered in his ear* I know you're trying to hold it in. Come for me Nick.

Nick: *I screamed and came* UGHNNNNN!

Joe: *I kissed his lips sweetly* Amazing Nick, thats what you are.

Nick: *I panted and weakly kissed him back* Oh ... Joe ....

Joe: *I ran my other hand through his curls* You're so cute.

Nick: *I blushed and closed my eyes, I was still shaken by the pleasure*

Joe: *I touched his cheek* You ready to continue Nick?

Nick: *I nodded and breathed deeply*

Joe: *I kissed his eyes and his nose* You sure sweetie?

Nick: *I opened my eyes and spoke softly* Without a doubt yes.

Joe: *I smiled warmly* All right Nick. But first I have a something I wanna say. The truth is that I don't just like you, I'm in love with you.

Nick: *I gasped and looked at him* Y-you do?

Joe: *I nodded and wet my lips* I do. I love you Nick.

Nick: *My heart sighed happily and I smiled big* And, I love you Joe.

Joe: *I smiled brightly* Nick, ... you have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that. It's been so hard hiding my love for you. I knew when I found you that I was in love. I just felt a connection.

Nick: *I smiled cutely* Me too, I was so nervous to tell you. I'm so happy that you feel the same. I felt it too, ... our connection.

Joe: *I pecked his lips repeatedly* Ready to feel even stronger connection?

Nick: *I blushed and shyly smiled* Yes.

Joe: *I nodded happily and took off his shorts and just stared at him*

Nick: *I blushed more and bit my lip* W-what?

Joe: *I just licked my lips and sexily smiled* You're perfect Nick. Just I still wondered if you were trying to tempt me with that outfit of yours today?

Nick: *I giggled shyly* So thats why you were ... staring. Um, ... I didn't think of it like that ...

Joe: *I kissed his stomach* I did. It was super sexy, in fact it turned me on the second I seen you.

Nick: *I moaned softly* Oh .... Y-you were ...?

Joe: *I took some of his skin and bit it lightly * 100%.

Nick: *I yelped* OH!

Joe: *I licked it and groaned* And I am right now. You taste so heavenly Nick.

Nick: *I whined* J-Joee ....

Joe: *I rubbed his thighs and place kisses all over his stomach* Your skin is so soft and milky white, so delectable.

Nick: *I whined more* P-please .... Joeeeee .... ohh ....

Joe: *I smiled* My sweet Nick, mmmm. *I then pulled away to take off my shorts* Open your eyes love.

Nick: *I did just that and gasped loudly*

Joe: *I smirked* Something wrong Nick?

Nick: *My mouth was open, my eyes were wide. I just shook my head fast and blushed* I-I-I'm .... fine.

Joe: *I chuckled* Don't worry my love, I will go soft with you. *I winked*

Nick: *I blushed further and bit my lip nervously and nodded*

Joe: *I climbed back on top of him, looking into his eyes deeply* I don't have any condoms or lube Nick, but I promise to take it slowly. Any pain you feel, please tell me. I don't want to do anything that will hurt you. I love you Nick.

Nick: *I took a breath and nodded* I will. I love you Joe.

Joe: *I kissed his lips and carefully pushed myself inside of him, groaning from the sensation* Ah ...

Nick: *My eyes snapped open and my back arched from the ground* Uhhh ....

Joe: *I rubbed his back to comfort him, while I inched in a little more*

Nick: *Tears filled my eyes and I felt pain. He was so big .... could he fit inside of me?*

Joe: *I kissed his tears away and rubbed him more* Y-you okay Nick?

Nick: *I nodded and shut my eyes super tightly, wishing the pain was cease* I-I-It ... just ..... h-hurts a little.

Joe: *I tried not to groan too loud. I knew Nick was in pain I really disliked it* D-do want me to stop?

Nick: *I shook my head and tried my hardest to push it away* N-n-n-o ...

Joe: *I nodded and kissed his lips, pushing in fully* Mmmm, Nick!

Nick: *I cried out loud* OHHHH! .... JOE!!!

Joe: *Just as I was about to thrust I felt something trickle down me. I looked down and gasped loudly* Nick! 

Nick: *I shut my eyes in fear* W-what's .... wrong ... J-J-oe?

Joe: *I couldn't speak, something inside of me was burning clouding all thoughts*

Nick: *When he didn't answer, I looked down scared and saw what he had gasped about. I .... was ..... bleeding a little. It too made me gasp and small tears filled my eyes and I looked up at Joe who looked just frozen with fear as I was* J-J-oe ...?

Joe: *I heard him, but couldn't answer him. My eyes couldn't look away from the blood and it had gotten on me as well. It filled my nose and I became hungry for it. I fought mentally with myself to stay away. One wrong move and I could seriously hurt Nick. This is the exact thing I was worried to the max about. I tried to look away and shut my eyes, but whatever my mind would say, ...  but my body wouldn''t do*

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

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I have not read the other chapters of this so I might be missing something that is very critical to the storyline. I feel like it might have made a huge difference if there was some sort of connection to the feelings that Joe felt when he realized that Nick was bleeding. It kind of felt like he knew what he was doing and even though he says it hurts him he continues to make it worse. Other than that this was very interesting and held my attention.

Posted 1 Year Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 5, 2011
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joe Jonas Nick Jonas



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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