Deadliest Predator Ep 27

Deadliest Predator Ep 27

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Joe: *I looked at him seriously* Are you really sure?

Nick: *I bit my lip and nodded* I-I ... am ...

Joe: *I hugged him and kissed his lips tenderly* Not you're not. Its okay Nick. We'll wait.

Nick: *I shyly shook my head* B-but, ... I-I am, .... i-its just that-

Joe: *I looked at him* What's on your mind Nick?

Nick: *I bit my lip again and shyly looked down* I-I'm ... just nervous .... J-Joe, I'm different, .... from other ... g-guys ...

Joe: *I raised an eyebrow* Aww, Nick I understand. I am too. I think you're unique.

Nick: *I shook my head* Thats, ... not ... what ... I mean ...

Joe: *I touched his cheek* Than what is it?

Nick: *I shut my eyes and took a deep breath, grabbing his hand and drawing it down to my lower area*

Joe: *I watched his expression and was puzzled over where his hand was taking mine*

Nick: *I hesitantly stopped his hand right above my belly button and took another deep breath and pulled his hand to touch inside my shorts and awaited his response*

Joe: *My eyes widened at what I felt. Oh. My. God. He didn't have a disco stick, instead it was a feminine area. Never had I expected to feel that. Was that even possible? How could that be? He didn't have breasts like a woman, he was male, but yet had this? I was shocked no doubt, so I calmly started to speak* Nick-

Nick: *Before he could get the words out I wanted to tell him first* I know what your going to say. Its weird I know, story of my life but its true. I was born this way, I didn't have a sex-change or anything like that. Doctors were puzzled, my parents were shocked, the .... only one who understood was Rina. Everyone else looked at me like I was an oddball and a mistake. Its the main reason I never got close to anyone, relationship and friend wise. I was afraid of someone finding out and the word getting out, ruining my entire life. So I kept it secret, ... till now. I didn't expect to tell you this soon, but since you confessed that you like me and want to ... um ... I thought I should tell you first. I get it though if you don't wanna be with me now. 

*My eyes watered with tears, oh great now I must look even more like a joke to him. I shouldn't have let this happen, what was I thinking? I've never trusted the secret with any one else in my whole entire life, why did I just do it now? Maybe Joe's right, I should have called that part of it over. Now I've probably doomed our relationship before it could really begin. I can't even look at him right now, I'm too ashamed and embarrassed of myself. I'm not normal and will never be*

Joe: *All I was going to say was tha-* Nick, I don't care about that. I care about you. And I like you, all of you.

Nick: *I shook my head and cried trying to cover my arms with both of my arms*

Joe: *I grabbed his arms gently and kissed his forehead, cheeks, and then finally his lips* Nick, please look at me.

Nick: *My tears were still running down my face and I opened them up slightly*

Joe: *I kissed away his salty tasting tears and tenderly spoke to him* I'm not gonna lie to Nick, its different yes and I was shocked. I didn't think something like that was possible. But thats not the only thing I wanted to tell you. I meant what I said before. Nick, I like you. And I'm not leaving you ever. I think its sexy and who you are Nick, its a precious gift.

Nick: *I stopped crying and looked at him* D-do ... you ...r-really ... mean ... t-that?

Joe: *I smiled* With all my heart, I do. The truth is that I want you so much, but if you want to wait ... I will. I want what you want, your happiness is my happiness.

Nick: *I resumed crying and hugged him* T-thank you, ... Joe.

Joe: *I hugged him tighter and whispering in his ear* Its all right Nick. Don't cry. *I wanted to tell him right then and there my true feelings for him, but I knew that I couldn't. Already Nick was overwhelmed by everything. I'll tell him in good time. Suddenly I heard the wind howling fiercely. Just then, thunder and lighting truck throughout the sky. Nick jumped and hid his face in my chest. I soothed him rubbing his arms and spoke* Its just the storm, don't worry. Hopefully it will soon pass. 

Nick: *I looked up at Joe and bit my lip* We'll be safe ... r-right?

Joe: *I smiled and pecked his lips* Without a doubt. I'll be here with you. 

Nick: *I blushed and pecked back softly* Good.

Joe: *I smiled happily* You make me so happy Nick, thank you.

Nick: *I blushed more and looked at him shyly* I feel the same, and I should be thanking you.

Joe: *I chuckled* No need Nick, being here together with you and finally being able to kiss you is enough for me. You're adorable. *I kissed his cheeks*

Nick: *I giggled* And you're amazing in every way possible.

Joe: *I raised a playful eyebrow* That right? Well, nothing could compare to you beautiful. You're the cutest boy I've ever seen in my life.

Nick: *I giggled more* Yep. *I joked* Yeah, right. The only boy.

Joe: *I grinned* Indeed cutie pie. So what do say we kiss a bit more and have some fun? * I winked*

Nick: *I went back to blushing and bit my lip* O-okay. 

Joe: *I kissed him again* I really like you Nick and I promise I will never do anything to hurt you ever. How ever far you want go is all up to you. Just command me and I will do what you say.

Nick: *I felt my heart beat fast again* All ... r-right. *The truth is I wanted him to ..., but I couldn't find the words just yet*

Joe: *I wished I could read his mind and hear his thoughts. I long to see what he sees and what he feels. I leaned in and kissed his lip seeking his lips over and over again. Maybe he wasn't ready for me to be inside him yet, but I could prepare him. So my hand touched down his chest, to his stomach to his underneath his shorts*

Nick: *I gasped and bit my lip harder* Joe ...

Joe: *I looked into his eyes* Its okay Nick, I just wanted to prepare you for what it would feel like. But if you don't want me too, I will stop.

Nick: *I blushed bright red and shyly nodded* P-please ... go ... o-on ...

Joe: *I got closer to his face and searched his eyes* You sure this is what you want?

Nick: *I bit my lip and nodded fast* Yes.

Joe: *I nodded too* Okay then. Now just relax Nick, I'm going to make you feel real good. 

Nick: *I shook my head yes and waited for his next move*

Joe: *I first rubbed him softly*

Nick: *I whined* J-Joe ....

Joe: *I needed him to come first before I could push inside him with my fingers* Mmm, thats right Nick just let it all out, don't hold anything back. 

Joe: *I rubbed him harder*

Nick: *I squeezed my eyes shut* Ughn!

Joe: *I went faster and harder*

Nick: *I arched my back up high* Uhnn .... uhhhnn!

Joe: *He was close, I could feel it so went even faster*

Nick: *I screamed* UGHNN! JOE!! *And I came*

Joe: *I smiled and kissed his lips* You okay Nick?

Nick: *I nodded, panting*

Joe: *I passionately kissed him* You're so beautiful Nick, inside and out.

Nick: *I kissed back weakly* Mmmm!

Joe: *I pulled away and smiled warmly* Now I'm going to show you a little what you'll feel. *I pushed one finger inside of him*

Nick: *My eyes shot open fast and I gasped loudly* J-J-Joe!

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

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Added on February 4, 2011
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joe Jonas Nick Jonas



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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