Deadliest Predator Ep 26

Deadliest Predator Ep 26

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Joe: *One minute I was crouching next to Nick, the next his feet had kicked me right off my balance and landed me perfectly on top of him. I was frozen and frankly so was he. Neither of us moved. I looked into his eyes deeply when he said my name. I was completely fixed on his face. I could feel his heartbeat, which was beating rapidly. His cheeks were slighted blushed and his eyes widened. He breathed slowly and seemed nervous. He was flat on his back with his arms beside his body straight and on the ground. I on the other hand was fallen on top of him. Our bodies were together. He was so light and small. He shivered do doubt from the cold temperature of my body. My hands leaned up to take some weight off of him, but the rest of me stayed right where I was. I just looked at him studying his entire face. He looked so sexy and cute. His beauty was like nothing I'd ever seen before, so captivating*

Nick: *He was so strong and completely shirtless .... and right on top of me! My heart was beating like there's no tomorrow. I was frozen with nervousness. All I could see was him. His hair so shiny and silky, his face so intense and eyes that pierced right through to mine. In his eyes, I could see me .... scared and shy. His lips, .... so perfect and not too far away from mine. He feels heavy compared to me, but it also ... feels so nice. I said his name, but he doesn't seem to be responding and its driving me crazy. And he feels kind of cold, the feeling makes me shiver. He's so handsome. I want him so much, but I'm so stricken with fear. I almost want him to get up off of me, but then .... I also like it. He's so fit, definitely more manly than me no question. I gulped nervously, ... oh Joe .... say something .... please. The silence is so loud and its drowning on and on. Please Joe*

Joe: *I took a breath, this is it, all or nothing, its time* Nick, I have something I need to tell you. Something I've been wanting to tell you right from the beginning.

Nick: *My heart went even faster and I trembled inside waiting for him to go on*

Joe: *I caressed his cheek and warmly gazed into his eyes and spoke gently* I like you Nick. I like you so much.

Nick: *My eyes widened and I gasped. Before I could even answer, he leaned in and kissed me*

Joe: *The moment I softly kissed his lips, a million tiny sensations went off inside me. It was amazing, his lips were so soft. I wanted more of him though. Thats when I lightly bit his l lower lip, wishing he'd open up and let me in*

Nick: *My eyes were still opened, while Joe's were pretty much closed. He likes me! He's kissing me! Oh. My. God!!! This was the moment I was waiting for and now that its finally arrived and I'm still as nervous as can be. Mmmm, his lips were so hot. They were overtaking mine softly, but I yelped a bit when he bit my bottom lip. Thats when I opened up my mouth and he slid right in, robbing me of breath. His weight was now fully back on me, oh ... how it felt .... was making every part of me weak. I shook with pleasure as his kisses got intense by the second. My heart was racing at the speed of light, I was breathless. He kissed me deeply and passionately. I tried to kiss back, but his lips hungered for more of mine. I trembled when his hands moved up my shirt touching my chest. I tried not to moan aloud, but didn't succeeded. I was so lost in his kisses and his touch. It was incredible how now his body was warming up and growing hotter which each kiss. He groaned my name and I moaned his*

Joe: *Inside he was like honey, the sweetest taste and tantalizing. I felt him kiss me back, but when it came to sharing love I lost control and became the dominant one. I felt him try to lower his moan level, but in the end he couldn't hide the pleasure and let it out so sexily. I was hard for him and in between the kisses, I managed to slide his shirt off his body up to his neck. I used my free hand to lean his head up with mine, while my other hand grabbed the short and took it right off of him. Now his chest was exposed to me. What a beautiful boy he was. And all mine. He smelled so good, it was like pure ecstasy. When at last I let his lips go from mine, I moved to his right ear and bit it lightly. He yelped again. Mmmmm, so divine. I then proceeded to move down his neck kissing, while his hands tangled in my hair and pulled somewhat making me growl with pleasure. I rubbed his stomach in circles while my lips made their way to his not hardened n*****s. I smirked and licked one. Nick arched his back and moaned my name again. His eyes were closed tight. Never before had Nick been touched like this, I grinned pleased that I would be the very first to pleasure him fully*

Nick: *I trembled inside and out as Joe moved over my body with his kisses. He had me moaning louder and louder as he touched, licked, and bit. No matter how much I tried to hold it in, I couldn't control it. The sensation made me cry out loud. Joe hadn't even waited to hear my answer to him, could have known my true feelings for him all along? Suddenly I couldn't think, .... I felt his lips fully grasp my chest. My back arched further* Oh! Joe .....

Joe: *I grinned at him* You like that Nick?

Nick: *I blushed and whined* Yesss ....

Joe: *I licked his n****e again* Want more?

Nick: *I crunched my eyes tighter and nodded fast*

Joe: *I chuckled a bit* No need to hold it in Nick.

Nick: *I breathed* H-How'd ... you ... know .... I .... felt .... the ... s-same?

Joe: *I leaned up stopping and kissed his forehead, ruffling his curls* I didn't. You just told me.

Nick: *I blushed and gasped*

Joe: *I resumed back to licking him* You do like me Nick?

Nick: *I arched my back again* Y-yes ....

Joe: *I smiled* Good, then I can do this. *I took his n****e in my mouth and bit a little harder, while rubbing the other one*

Nick: *I cried out* JOE!!!

Joe: *I kissed it and smiled* Nick, will you be my boy?

Nick: *I whined, panting and nodded*

Joe: *I went back to his lips and hovered over them whispering sexily* Say it for me Nick?

Nick: *I felt his hot breath and shivered* I-I'm .... yours.

Joe: *I grinned* And I'm yours Nick. *I kissed him lovingly, while my hands explored him, while he moaned* Don't be shy, its my first time too.

Nick: *My eyes shot open and I looked at him shocked*

Joe: *I smiled and winked* Only if you want to that is.

Nick: *I blushed brightly and shyly nodded* I-I ... want ... t-to ...

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

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this is a great so sexy and felt every word of it, keep it up!

Posted 10 Years Ago

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nick is adorable

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

SEXYYYYYYYYYY I LOVE IT YOU HAVE TO POST THE NEXT EPISODE I have a ytube account and have been following your episodes i love this

Posted 13 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on February 3, 2011
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joe Jonas Nick Jonas



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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