Deadliest Predator Ep 22

Deadliest Predator Ep 22

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Nick: *I beamed* Yeah I did. So you and Neara were just hanging out?*

Joe: Yeah, she just arrived a few minutes ago. You know she really has taken a liking to you Nick.

Nick: Awww, me too. She's so cute and such a smart girl.

Neara: *Sweet mother of pearl, he's divine! Just for that, I feel the need to do something. So with a flap of my wings, I took off in search of a gift for him*

Nick: *I watched in awe* Where's she going?

Joe: Don't know, guess we'll see.

Neara: *I eyed the entire island and focused on something good. Thats perfect! I broke it away from the palm tree and carried it to Nick, but it slipped from my beak*

Joe: Whoa! Watch it Neara!

Neara: *Wups, my bad. Sorry Joe! I meant to drop it in front of him*

Joe: *S'okay*

Nick: I picked up what she had dropped* A coconut?

Neara: *Yep! My way of saying thanks*

Joe: *I laughed and grinned* I think its a gift from her.

Nick: *I smiled brightly and gave her another pat* Thank you, Neara. You're the best!

Neara: *Awww! No thanks needed cutie. I'm your bestie and land protector!*

Joe: *For the rest the day, the three of us just hung out. Nick was becoming more attached to Neara by the minute. It made me feel a little left out, but I shrugged it off. Of course he would fall in love with the pelican, but when it comes to me .... oy vei*

Neara: *Correction, he's not in love with me. He's just excited to have a pet pelican. Plus, I really think he likes you*

Joe: *What makes you think so?*

Neara: *Well, he's always smiling at you and I see the nervousness he gets when I waddle away to do something. I think he has crush on you, plus the boy does blush easy*

Joe: *I hope you're right. But do you think he could be-?*

Neara: *I don't know for sure, but it could be true. I mean the kids these days do seem to be into that kind of thing, so its possible. And if so, you two would have the hots for each other!*

Joe: *Well, I do. I can only hope he does too*

Neara: *He's young and innocent. He doesn't look like he's been a relationship before. He's shy and quiet at times. He's a good boy*

Joe: *Yeah I know. Thats another thing I worry about. He doesn't seem to have any experience with love, same as me*

Neara: *Well, thats just something that both of you will get to experience. And when you do, oh my God ... its like the best feeling in the world. Humans tell so many stories about it, in movies, songs .... Its beautiful*

Joe: *You sound like you know a lot about it*

Neara: *Yeah, kind of. Cause I'll flown around to the mainland a couple of times and watched them. Its pretty fascinating to watch*

Joe: *I see. Well, what about you Neara? Ever been in love?*

Neara: *Well, I do have someone I love, but I'm not sure he feels the same way*

Joe: *Why do you say that?*

Neara: *I don't know. He's kind of shy like Nick. Maybe I'm too out going or spirited or whatever*

Joe: *You forgot loud*

Neara: *Hey! I know. I just don't know what to do. He does like to hang out with me, but he's never made a move*

Joe: *Maybe he's just nervous and just really likes you too. Like you're telling me, give it some time. If he really cares about you, he'll show it*

Neara: *Guess so*

Nick: *Eventually the day went on by and in rolled the night. Thats when Neara left and Joe and I just were left alone* That was awesome today you know?

Joe: Yeah, it was. Listen, Nick can I ask you something?

Nick: Sure. What's up?

Joe: Where are your real parents?

Nick: *I looked down and my smile went away, when I spoke quietly* In, .... heaven.

Joe: I'm sorry, Nick. What, happened to them?

Nick: *I wiped away a bit of tears* They were always so busy traveling around the world that I barely saw them. I wasn't even one year old, according to Rina, when they were doing some work related stuff in Paris. They, were driving finishing up their job to spend time together, thats when they- ...

Joe: *By the look of Nick's expression ... I could guess what he was going to say* They, got into a car crash?

Nick: *I couldn't speak it out loud, so I just nodded. But then my tears were unconcealed to Joe*

Joe: *I felt bad for bringing the painful memory up for him, so I went over and comforted him at best as I could*

Nick: *I sobbed quietly* I'm sorry- ...

Joe: *I patted his back in circles and spoke quietly* You don't need to say you're sorry. It must be hard being without parents, I mean ... I can relate. Listen, I'm the one that should be apologizing, I didn't mean to make you upset.

Nick: *I shook my head and brushed my eyes with my arm* Its okay.

Joe: *I couldn't stand to see him so low, so I pulled him into a hug into my arms*

Nick: *I was surprised by this this, but then just forgot about it and relaxed into his embrace. It felt warm for once. Thats when I think I drifted off and fell asleep*

Joe: *When I felt Nick fall asleep I carefully carried him back & put him into his sleeping bag and placed him in it. I continued to watch over for the rest of the night, till I too went to sleep*

*The next morning I did my usual routine of hunting and called Reese to get Neara over, lucky that pelican was always close by to come over. Once again I had made one step closer getting to know Nick, but there was still much left to cover. And I looked forward to every single detail, no matter if he would start to cry or get upset because I'd be there every step of the way to comfort him*

Neara: *It was pretty early in the morning, but I was already up hunting too myself. Besides, I don't mind one bit visiting Nick. He's the most adorable human I've ever had the pleasure of getting to know. And even though he doesn't realize that I can talk just yet, he still manages to treat me like a human being*

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

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the dialogue is great. . Good workthe dialogue is great. . Good work

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on January 28, 2011
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joe Jonas Nick Jonas



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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