Deadliest Predator Ep 21

Deadliest Predator Ep 21

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Joe: *Through every song Nick sang, my heart actually fell deeper and deeper in love. With every note he sang, I was completely lost in him. It spoke straight to me and his singing alone was just so breathtaking. My eyes opened wide, my ears heard his wondrous tone and heartfelt-ness of his songs. It pretty much brought me to my knees, he was a born singer and songwriter. He would change music as we know it. In truth, I really felt that with every song we sung together was also bringing a whole string of connections. It was nothing less than the best day in my whole entire existence*

Nick: Do you wanna go swimming?

Joe: *My eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. Swimming? There's no way I could do that, not with him right there in the water. So I tried to play it cool* Nah, you go ahead but don't swim off too far. I'll just be right here.

Nick: *I was a little disappointed at his decision, but I just shrugged it off* Okay. *So with that I ran off towards the water, not even bothering to take my shirt off. It was the perfect cooler to the intense heat. I still wished that Joe would have joined, but I can't pressure him. So I just waved and swam around a bit*

Joe: *I could only watch while the love of my life splashed and smiled happily. I wanted nothing more than to join him, but as usual my true form but a damper in a things. So I just smiled and waved back* Do you want a snorkel mask so you can see the fish? *I called to him*

Nick: *I called back* Sure!

Joe: *He might think that I'm joining him, but thats not what I planned. So I ran off to get the mask and I went as close as I could to the shore without the water actually hitting me* Here! *I tossed it to him*

Nick: *I caught it in mid-air* Thanks! *I put it on and began snorkeling, even though without the snorkel part I had to keep coming back up to the surface for air, but I didn't mind it one bit cause the reef fish were pretty cool*

Joe: *I just stood there watching and silently laughing. I knew he was enjoying the local fish. It was just so cute to see him enjoying himself. I guess thats all I could do for now, make him happy. Just then a heard a flapping of wings behind me. Hello, Neara*

Neara: *Hey Joe! Hey, how'd you know it was me?*

Joe: *Lucky guess. So what are you doing here? Done feeding? I don't really need protection for Nick right now, I'm watching him*

Neara: *I figured that, but I came here anyways. I like Nick, he's a nice guy. And for funny, now that you mention it I'm pretty stuffed. So lemma guess, he's checking out the fish right? Bummer you can't swim along with him with transforming*

Joe: *Yeah, he's pretty special. And yeah he is. And Thank you so much, Neara for reminding me of that*

Neara: *Opps, sorry Joe. Butcha know he's going to find out sooner or later. How long do you expect to hide it?*

Joe: *For as long as I can. At least I hope so. I just know that when it happens, its going to be a disaster*

Neara: *Now, now don't think like that dude. You never know, humans are sometimes different, maybe Nick will make an exception*

Joe: *Yeah and take off a million miles away and never come near me again*

Neara: *Negativity doesn't help mister. You gotta think positivity*

Joe: *That right? You know your quite a talker. Why don't you go bug someone else?*

Neara: *Sure I know, so what? Nah, thanks. Its boring elsewhere. Besides, what if you loose it with Nick or something?*

Joe: *It seems I'll be more prone to loose it with you*

Neara: *Ah-ah, Joe. Would you harm your protecter for Nick? Plus you know he's still right there. Listen, I don't mean to hassle you. I know its not my place to pry or anything, but I just wanna help*

Joe: *I suppose I'm sorry, I just don't like what I am. Why couldn't I be a measly pelican like you?*

Neara: *Eh? Watch it Bo-So, I'm a spunky pelican and I bite. And don't be so hard on yourself, we are what we are. We can't change it, only make the best of it*

Joe: *You believe that?*

Neara: *Absolutely. And you should too. You got Nick here, he'll understand in good time and all this constant worrying will blow right over. In the meantime, I think you're making excellent progress with being just his friend*

Joe: *You think so? How do you know?*

Neara: *Well according to fish there with Nick, you guys were singing together like birds of a feather. I'd say thats major awesomeness!*

Joe: *Yeah it is*

Neara: *And even more Joe, you can sing. You and Nick, are like superstars!*

Joe: *Yeah, pretty strange that I can sing. I'd say Nick is more destined for superstardom*

Neara: *Well, I think you could both be, you both got the pipes for it. I'd love to hear you guys sometime*

Joe: *I laughed. You know Neara, you're al right*

Neara: *Well thank you Joe! You're not so bad yourself*

Nick: *After constant swimming and exploring, I decided to return back to the shore* Whoo! That was fun! Oh my God Joe ... Oh! Hi Neara!

Neara: *I wobbled over to Nick and just waved a wing to signal hi*

Nick: Wowie! She's truly awesome, aren't you girl? *I crouched to her level and gave her a little pat on the head*

Neara: *Dear Lord! What a sweetheart you got Joe?!*

Joe: *You can say that again*

Nick: *In a funny way, it almost felt like a group. Joe, Neara, & myself. It was cool*

Joe: So you have a good swim Nick?

Nick: Yeah, it was pretty neat. I saw a lot of fish all over the reef.

Joe: I thought so. There's plenty of them there. I'm glad you had fun.

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

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Added on January 28, 2011
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joe Jonas Nick Jonas



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