Deadliest Predator Ep18

Deadliest Predator Ep18

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Joe: *In truth I'd never sung one single note in my entire life. But I did wanna give a shot and see. So I searched my mind for a song and began to sing*


I look at you, you bite your tongue 

You don't know why and where I'm coming from

But in my head I'm close to you

We're in the rain still searching for the sun

You think that I wanna run and hide?

I keep it all locked up inside

I just want you to find me

I'm not lost, I'm not lost

Just undiscovered

And when we're alone 

We're all the same as each other

You see the look thats on my face

You might think that I'm out of place

I'm not lost

No, No

Just undiscovered

Well the time it takes to know someone

It all can change before you know its gone

Before its gone

So close your eyes and feel the way I'm with you now

Believe there's nothing wrong

Nothing wrong

You think that I wanna run and hide?

I keep it all locked up inside

But, I just want you to find me

I'm not lost, I'm not lost

Just undiscovered

And when we're alone 

We're all the same as each other

You see the look thats on my face

You might think that I'm out of place

I'm not lost

No, No

Just undiscovered

I'm not running, no

I'm not hiding

If you dig a little deeper

You will find me

I'm not lost, I'm not lost

Just undiscovered

And when we're alone 

We're all the same as each other (No we're the same)

You see the look thats on my face

You might think that I'm out of place

I'm not lost

No, No


Saying, saying I'm not lost, I'm not lost 

Undiscovered (don't you know thats what we all are, we're the same as each other)

When we're all the same as each other (You know we're the same)

You see the look thats on my face

You might think that I'm out of place

Well, I'm not lost, no

Just undiscovered

Joe: *Through the entire song I put my heart and soul into the lyrics and sang them with everything I had. I just hoped Nick would be understand my hints* And finished, so ....

Nick: *For the past three minutes or more, I was completely silenced in absolute awe. For someone who's never sung before, Joe sure had a lot feeling and even more a very amazing voice. It left me speechless and also a bit shy because It almost felt like he was trying to tell me something within that song* That was amazing Joe! Whoa you're a singer no doubt! Was that James Morrison's "Undiscovered?"

Joe: *I could barely believe it myself, it if I didn't know better I would have sworn this was a dream and not real at all. I was surprised mostly at myself. Its like its been there all along. Reese? Is this another one of my special talents?*

Reese: *I chuckled. You might wanna knock first on those who are already sleeping there bud. But, to answer your question actually its not. That my friend, was all you. Great work, Joe. Now, you and Nick can sing it out together. Now if you don't mind, I would like to get back to sleep. Good night Joe*

Joe: *I laughed in my mind. Thanks Reese and goodnight. So, its all on my own. Wow. Who knew?* Thanks Nick, yeah thats the artist and song. I'm just as in awe as you are. Wow! *I was smiling from ear to ear*

Nick: *I laughed and smiled along with him* Wow indeed. Thats pretty neat. You see, I knew you could do it. 

Joe: *And what was even more astounding to me, it that Nick has believed in me. This was something I had never in my life, had I expected to feel. I actually felt happy for the first time. And even more, I felt like I made my first connection Nick. I was pleased by this, the more connections we make would maybe bring the two of us together. Just thinking of it, made me smile even further* Thank you Nick.

Nick: For what?

Joe: *I smiled warmly* For believing in me.

Nick: *I blushed and shyly smiled back* I didn't really do anything, ... but your welcome.

Joe: *In my mind, I thought he was doing everything I wanted. being here with me. Slowly getting to know each other and just hanging out* Listen, tomorrow we don't we try and sing a song together or maybe write something? Or if you already have a song, I'd be psyched to learn it. 

Nick: *I yawned* Sure. Sounds fun.

Joe: *He was tried, I could see it in his eyes* Cool. Why don't you turn in and I'll see ya in the morning?

Nick: *I blinked at first confused and then nodded getting up* Okay.

Joe: *I added* I'll be there shortly, G'night Nick.

Nick: *I blushed a bit and turned saying* Good night Joe.

Joe: *I watched as Nick went off to the shelter and then turned my attention back to the water. For once in my life, I wasn't hungry for anything sea related. I wondered if it was safe to sleep inside with Nick. Would I be able to just sleep? Especially in this form? But if I slept in the ocean, he might wake up in the middle of the night and not find me there. He might try to look for me again and end up it some kind of trouble. No, something tells me me no matter what, I have to stick by him at all times as much as possible. I'll just have to learn to control myself and it should all be fine. At least, that is what I hoped for anyhow*

*So after putting the fire out, I walked back to the shelter. Once inside I found Nick tucked in a fast sleep. I just smiled and wished him pleasant dreams. I picked a spot a little far from him, just in case anything happened. At first it was pretty uncomfortable, but over time I began to slowly drift away into a sleep of my own. The last thing I remember is dreaming of Nick throughout my mind*

*The next morning I woke up early and stretched. Nick was still into his sleep, so I figured I'd let him continue. Now my stomach was fully hungry and grumbling. I knew I had to leave Nick and hunt for fish or something. Reese? Can I talk to you?*

Reese: *Morning sunshine. Sleep well in your cave with Nick?*

Joe: *I chuckled. Morning yourself Reese. You know that I wouldn't sleep with him, without him being comfortable with it*

Reese: *I know that Joe. I just like teasing ya. So let me guess, hunting time and you need a look out for your boy? Am I right?*

Joe: *To the T, Reese. Now can you send someone please? I'm on empty and I really need something*

Reese: *So impatient sometimes, man. But of course. A dear friend of mine is on their way as we speak. So go on. Go hunt. Nick will be fine. I'll stick around the island too, just in case*

Joe: *Thanks Reese. I owe ya*

Reese: *No problem Joe. Now go dude!*

Joe: *So with that I slipped off the shorts and ran to the water. I dove right in and swam away in search of food*

Reese: *Neara, make sure you keep an eye on Nick at all times. The future king wants his absolute protection*

Neara: *You got it Ms. Reese. Right away. I'm just about there. Any sign of trouble, I'll let you know on the double*

Reese: *Nice rhyming, but enough of the jokes. I expect a smooth report, you hear?*

Neara: *Ten four commander. You can count on me!*

Reese: *I just rolled my eyes. Pelicans and their silliness. By Gods, I need new recruits. In the meantime, I patrolled the island in a circle*

Neara: *And, 1, 2, and 3. And Neara sticks the landing, whoo! Alrighty then, time to meet this famous Nick. So with a bit of wobble, I made it to Joe's shelter just as Reese had described. Behind the waterfall, bingo! I went in and found the boy wrapped up in a sleeping bag with many blankets. So this is Nick, well he looks cute. Hope he doesn't mind a pelican like myself a watching him. So, this is where Joe keeps all his human stuff, how intriguing. Boy, if his brothers ever find this place and Nick, man there's going to be a war for sure. Those guys mean business, but I hear that Joe's even stronger and can take them on. But I wonder if he can do it alone? Not really sure, but in the meantime .... might as well sit down and rest too. Sheese, that Nick sure can sleep. But I too would be exhausted after the ordeal he went through. I mean, whooo! Talk about a rough time. Poor boy. Well, nothing and no one is coming near this boy. Not if I have something to say about it! Neara is on the job and ready to kick some butt!*

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

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Added on January 26, 2011
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joe Jonas Nick Jonas



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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