Deadliest Predator Ep16

Deadliest Predator Ep16

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Joe: *I let them charge at me with all their might, but when they collided with me I stopped them right in their tracks. They were strong, but I was even stronger. I had something I was fighting for. And in the end, that feeling alone conquered all. I used my teeth to grab their tails and send them away. But they still wouldn't give up. So I hammered them hard with a body slam* Now, ... leave!

J: *I hated to admit defeat especially to him* This isn't over Jonas! We'll be back! And with the others! Mark my words Jonas, you and that piece of meat will be dead! *With that I swam away with extreme anger swirling my entire body*

M: *I just stared at Joe and then at J. I'd never seen Joe so filled with determination and such power. It was unlike him. He was definitely hiding something. I could only admit defeat for now along with J and swim away in silence*

Joe: *I breathed heavily and watched as they swam away. I stood still for awhile making absolutely sure that they were for certain gone. I then sighed and swam back to the island. I knew this was far from over with them. This was just the beginning. I knew Johnny very well, he had always hated me, but now that I bruised his monstrous ego he would forever hunt me down. He would convince my other brothers to follow him and overrule me, but none of them have the power of love on their side. In the end, It will me that will be victorious*

*Once again I transformed back into my human form and put on the shorts. Now, the part I'm no where near prepared for. What am I going to tell Nick? Its still way too early to tell him the truth. He won't understand, its too much for him. But still, I have to come up with something and fast. I may not be able to tell him all the way, but I can explain some what of it. So with a deep breath, I walked into the shelter to find Nick sitting with his knees up to his chest just rocking back and forth. I disliked him being scared so I began to speak* 

Joe: Nick, ... first of all. I'm so sorry for earlier, I didn't mean to burst out like that and run away. That was wrong of me and I apologize for it. It won't happen again. The truth is was that I was feeling angry, and took it out on you completely. I shouldn't have and I'm sorry that I left you. I hope in time you can forgive me.

Nick: *Tears welled inside me, but I fought to keep them back from spilling down my eyes. Already I was becoming a big crybaby every time he was near, I had to be composed like him* Its okay Joe. I wanted to say that I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have said those things, its my fault. It was just a dream, it didn't really happen. I forgive you, but can you forgive me for acting like a little child?

Joe: *I smiled* I forgive you Nick, its al right. And no worries, you're still a kid. *I winked*

Nick: *My eyes widened in shock and I blushed* Yeah, ... I guess. *I tried to change the subject* So what happened while you ... you know when you were gone?

Joe: *Honestly I wanted to forget that moment because the one of him on top of me was still in my mind. I couldn't forget the feeling, even if I tried. But with all my might I had to tear my daydream and answer him* Well, when I left I swam off to a nearby underwater cave in search of squid or octopus, but then I came face to face with a manta ray whom was close to stinging me. So I rose to the surface for a bit and tried hunting somewhere else. Eventually I got pretty far out to sea and had to out swim two .... *Could I really say what they were? What I am? He would further fear them if I told him. Perhaps I could substitute it with another creature with teeth* two killer whales.

Nick: *I gasped* But, ... those whales usually don't bother humans.

Joe: *I nodded and sighed* Not these two, they were fully hungry and on the charge. I barely made it away with my life. Thats why I had to get you to safety. Even when they're hungry, those whales will try to come ashore. You can't always trust the creatures of the sea to back away. You must always be on your guard. Thats why you shouldn't be floating like you were, without keeping an eye on things. I stayed outside to make sure that they left and went back into the water. Just promise me in the future, you will be more careful?

Nick: *I listened astounded by his words. Anytime he said anything, I could only hear him. Its like all other sounds didn't exist. He had a mysterious aurora about him* Thats unbelievable, no wonder you were trying to get me back here. I'm sorry that I doubted you, I wasn't sure of your intentions. Thank you for telling me and even more protecting me. That must have been scary, swimming from two killer whales. I can't even imagine the feeling, you must be wiped. So thats why you were unable to get food. I promise, ... I'm just sorry for worrying you.

Joe: *I patted his shoulder and walked over to the unorganized items that I'd collected* Its fine. I just wanted to keep you safe. Now, whatcha say to a fruit cup and baked beans?

Nick: *I laughed closing my eyes just smiling* Sounds great!

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

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Added on January 25, 2011
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joe Jonas Nick Jonas



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