Deadliest Predator Ep14

Deadliest Predator Ep14

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Nick: *All I had wanted was for him to leave me alone for awhile or had I meant permanently? Either way, I didn't know he was going to take it so bad and yell like that. His tone certainly did not make things better. And I still don't know why I had a nightmare about Joe? I mean of all people, why him? And why did it have to end badly in my mind and in reality? We just met and already we had what appears to be a fight? Honestly I didn't want him to leave, I was just so scared. And I said things that I thought might be best, but in the end were just wrong to say. Of course I can't fully trust him till I learn more about him. What did I expect, get stranded on island, meet a handsome guy, and then become best buds or more? Get a grip Nick*

*Its confusing and crazy. I'm stuck on this island with the most handsome man I've ever met, let alone talked to and I've already managed to shoo him away like a insane person. The thing is, no matter how much I may not know him or who he truly is, he was kind to me. He could have ignored me and let me fend for myself like a young boy should be able to. No, instead he decided to care and help me out. And how did I treat him? I felt bad now and I wish he would come back. I didn't care if he only brought food for himself, I still wanted his company. I didn't like being alone. Oh my God. When have I been so needy of a person? Other than Rina, no one. I have to face it, Joe is the only other soul on this island. Else it would've just been me. Which way would I rather have had it?*

*In my mind, back home safely with Rina. In my heart, here with Joe. Thats it. I had to go and find him. I could sit here all day and mope, or I can actually do something. So with a breath, I got up from the sleeping bag and blankets and went outside the falls to look for Joe. In less than five minutes I had covered the island twice. Where did he go? I looked out at all corners of the ocean, no sight of him. I don't understand. The only logical option I could come up with, was that he was underneath the water. If that was so, he must be really good at holding his breath. So I sat on the sand and waited for him. Time went by slowly and still nothing. It was so quiet. No wind, just plenty of sun and not a white cloud in sight. No ships, boats or anything. Not even sea birds flying*

*He was right. This island is isolated perfectly. How on earth am I going to be recused? My hope has slightly been diminishing minute by minute. After an hour and a half of constant waiting, I gave up. Did he swim away to another hidden spot of his? Or did he just attempt to swim across the ocean in search of land? That last thought was crazy and ridiculous. So in the meantime, it was getting super hot sitting in the sun, so I decided to take swim for myself. The water was a perfect cooler and was incredibly flat and shallow. I dived right in, enjoying it fully. This was much better, it relaxed me. It was nice. All worries and thoughts went away. All that I feel was bliss. Maybe I judged this place too fast. I might be stuck here, but this water is so great*

The Open Ocean, Miles Away from the Island ...

???1: *I was just about to swallow up a seal, when my nose caught something else* Holy kelp, mmmmm! That smell! You smell it bro? 

???2: *I chuckled* You know your meal is trying to swim away? As if it would have a chance of out swimming our speed? 

???1: *I laughed wickedly showing my teeth* Well then brother, go get it. And bring it back in one piece, alright? Seriously you don't smell that?

???2: *I swam with quite agility and snapped the pathetic excuse for a meal in my mouth and split it into two* Here you are. *I tossed the piece to him* See, I got some control. *I ate my piece in one gulp* Now, that you mention it, that smell is quite delectable. Smells like prize to catch. What are we standing around here awaiting? Lets go pay it a little visit. Whatcha say J?

J: *I ate my piece in a snap* Mmm, good M. I say, race you to the prize!

Joe: *Suddenly I could smell Nick. Oh my God, he's nearby. He must be in the ocean!* I got to go Reese, but this conversation is not over! And thank you! *I sped off from her cave to Nick*

Reese: *Well, that was a nice take off and leave, but at least the man said thank you. Senses do say that young Nicholas is in trouble. Two of Joe's oldest brothers are on there way to get him. But as sure as the sunlight, Joe will stop them and save his life mate. He is future king after all. Good luck to the both of them*

Joe: *Merda [Translation for this in Italian: Sh**]! J and M are already on full speed making there way over to Nick. What the heck?! First I got to get Nick out of the water and then I'll deal with them. But my true form! I have two choices here, either tail slap Nick right out of the water or get him out with my human form and risk him seeing what I am. The only chance was a tail slap. Control Joe. Control. You can do this. Just hold your breath and don't smell him. So with that, I swam beneath him. I can't believe he was out this far just floating and not even watching his surroundings! I used just enough force to use my tail as a catapult and send him a flying to the beach. Thankfully the sand was soft and would break his fall*

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

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ive noticed that instead of chapters u do stories in there place to continue the story very interesting and creative at the same time pleeeze keep writing more stories

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on January 24, 2011
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joe Jonas Nick Jonas



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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