Deadliest Predator Ep 1-12

Deadliest Predator Ep 1-12

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

 Deadliest Predator Ep 1

In the water, it was dark and desolate anything alive had either become dinner or was hidden safely away from us. I continued to lurk in the darkness in hopes of satisfying my hunger. It wasn't much of a life, hunting most of the time on our own. Others like myself eat carnivorously never feeling, just hungrily seeking more & more. That may be for my fellow brothers, but I go by a different method. For a longtime, they've been awaiting my birth to take my place of my father. 

They said the true king of our kind would be one who is completely gay. Others were thought to be the king they were awaiting for, but most every male is bi. No one is gay. Not till I arrived that is. I'm the son of royalty and only I can assume the right to be my brothers' king. They need a strong & wise leader, which is exactly what I offer for them. Together we all reign supreme, with the addition of them taking every order from me. 

Lately though its been a challenge to control them all. They insist on eating whatever they want and refuse to listen to orders. It wasn't like this, this has only happened recently because of my change in diet. True we are the world's deadliest predators in the water, nothing stands in our way. Not even the humans. Truth is for me, I no longer wish to eat the same as them. As long as I full myself I'm fine. 

Because we're all males there really are no females to chase or fight with. I don't care for them anyways, I'm solely into males. In fact, that is what I'm searching for. My life mate. Once I find him, he'll be forever mine & I'll be his. We'll be bound together forever. This is what all us search for, it is our purpose. As males we do have the ability of becoming pregnant and giving birth. For me, I'd rather my life mate be the one to endure that part. 

In secret, I long for something else in my life mate. I don't fancy my own species, I hunger for a young human boy. I believe in instant attraction, so if I feel it from him ... he will certainly become mine regardless if he wants to or not. As for what human's call love, we don't really feel much of that. Though its something I'd be most eager to experience. I'm sure because of our shape-shifting abilities to humans, we can learn to feel this emotion. 

If my brothers knew of my desires, they'd probably start an uprising. Need I remind that they are very capable absolute destructive behavior every one of them. They're killing machines with no compassion whatsoever. What their natural animal instinct tells them is to kill. We're feared by all other creatures who live here in our domain. Humans as well, though select ones chose to hunt us for food while others try to save our race. 

Regardless we continue to survive in great numbers, unstoppable to mostly everything. I try not to condone our ruthless nature and instead advance in learning more about being more human. Which reminds me, upon dry land is where I spend most of my time when I tire of my everyday unchanging world. My brothers sometimes follow and tease me of my fascination with the land. Thats when they usually leave and shake their heads and transform back into their true selves. Good, gives me time to watch life above the water and look to the sky hoping to find my life mate. 

Deadliest Predator Ep 2

Nick's POV

I leaned against the window of the small plane that was flying me over the Atlantic Ocean back home to L.A. I was coming home from spending some time visiting Italy for a week. I'm Nick Jonas by the way, 17 and a half years old. I have exactly one more month till my birthday in September, right now its August and still so warm for the summer. I'm looking forward to returning, I had such a great trip. Sadly it was time to return to school. I'll be starting my Cal State University very soon. The news of being accepted in was super exciting, just as much as it was graduating from high school. My parent's are proud though are travelers and are not home much, so most of my life I've been taken care of by my best friend, Rina. She's 22 and an english teacher for middle school. 

As I looked out, I couldn't see much besides the wings of the plane. We were traveling in the darkness of the night, some gray clouds in the distance. I was on a private plane, so it was just me, the two pilots and the stewardess. What a way to travel all alone, right? Well, Rina had insisted on coming with me, but I turned her down. I kept complaining about how I need to journey on my own. Yet she never failed to remind me of my age, which didn't matter to me. I consider myself a very responsible careful person. And besides nothing ever remotely life threatening ever happens to me. 

I sighed softly, I suppose the sooner I get home the better. Then that way she'll cease her worry. Honestly Rina's been like my real mom, she's always been there for me while my parents pretty much were not. It doesn't bother me much, I have my world and they have theirs. Let's see what else can I bore you with? I'm bookworm and what everyone in high school called "Mr. Smart-Pants." And, oh yeah, I'm gay. 100% gay. The only one who knows is Rina, thank God. She's the only one I felt comfortable to tell. I mean I couldn't even confess it to my parents, even when they are home. 

Rina thinks I should start dating and find myself a nice smart good looking guy who's going somewhere in life. Every time she reminds of this, I can't help but laugh. Its the description of a man she wants too. But seriously, joking aside ... I have thought about this for awhile now. Call me big time nervous and scared, but most of all ... am I ready for this kind of thing? Me shy Nick who hasn't one bit of experience of anything?

This is where Rina comes in really handy, she's pretty knowledgeable of boys my age and above. Partly it comes from her having three brothers and having them as friends. She's cool and she's got a great sense of humor, unlike me she can have anyone she wants. She usually doesn't care for my low self-esteem, so she decides to get me all happy and smiley. She grabs my hand and starts randomly dancing with me. This pretty much works every single time. She's so awesome. No worries I remind myself, I'll be home all in good time. There's no awful weather in the air, like there usually is during this time of year. All is calm. Or so I thought ...

Deadliest Predator Ep 3

Pilot 1: *Driving the plane* Looks like there's some turbulence coming up ahead.

Pilot 2: *Nods* True that. I'll make the announcement. *grabs the mike, speaking into it* Attention passengers and attendants, we will be experiencing some minor turbulence in a few short moments. Don't be alarmed, it'll pass soon. *ends*

Nick's POV

Minor? Wonder what they mean by that? I took a deep breathe trying to remain calm. In the next few seconds, I felt the shaking of the plane. I gripped the handles tightly and shut my eyes, trying to picture good thoughts. The plane continued to rip through the strong force of the wind. Thats when the lights went out in the entire aircraft. I could hear to the pilots struggling to fly straight and attempting to tell me to remain calm. I further held on for dear life, silently praying that was just a dream and I really okay just hallucinating. 

Suddenly the plane lost all control and spiraled into circles. Oh. My. God! The plane is GOING DOWN! Please ... please ... this can't be the end. This isn't happening, please. It was uncontrollable, all us in the plane absolutely helpless to stop our impeding doom. I braced myself, my heart thudding hard against my chest and my ears ringing with screams from all of us. It all happened so fast, the crash ... the water immediately rushing in. I realized I had to try and escape. I unhooked my seatbelt breathing heavily and ran to the emergency exit. I pressed to unlock its door, knowing that once this was done the water would further rush in faster. 

I just had to get out and swim to the surface. I took a chance, risking my life. The door at last opened and as predicted the water came in all at once, pushing me back against the floor. I fought to get back up, but it was very hard. Just then I glanced at a life vest floating by. I grabbed it and put it on, waiting till I was out of the plane. The water was rising me up to the ceiling of the plane. Soon enough the entire plane would be submerged in water, sinking further into the dark abyss. There was only way out and there was only one hope. I had to take it. 

I took a deep breathe, unknowing of how far it was to the surface. The water was cold, but that was just something I had to tolerate. I swam through the emergency exit, just when I thought I was in the clearing my jeans caught on something. I tired to shake it free, but it wouldn't budge and time was running out. So was my air. I swam back and unhooked my caught jeans. Free at last. I swam away from the plane watching in horror as it continued to sink downward. I used the last of my strength to pop the life vest. 

It instantly inflated and pushing me upward fast. The moment I surfaced I gasped for air. I shivered and screamed as I looked around at the open ocean, darkness still covered the sky and water. There was nothing in sight and it was quite cold. I called for help ... no answer. I'm alone. I struggled to keep awake afraid of what would become of me. Just then the trauma swept over me, easily wiping me out. If it weren't for the life vest I'd surely sink and join the plane in its watery grave. I could only hope this nightmare would end and I'd awaken up in the safety of my bed.

Deadliest Predator Ep 4

The day lingered on slowly as I continued to watch. Sea birds flying high and far out in the distant there were some dolphins. Both are acceptable meals for me and my brothers, but I refused to give into my inner animal desires. If there's one thing I had complete control over, its what I eat. I laid upon the sand bare sun worshipping. I breathed in the coolness of the air. Such ... heavenly smells above the water. It delighted all of my senses. I couldn't help but drift off into a slumber as deep as the abyss itself. 

It was many hours later when I woke up, it was night. Time about midnight. Usually I slept at night, but for some reason succumbed to the tiredness of being in my human form. Might as well make the most of it and return home and try to get back to sleep. It was still too early to eat again, though it was very, very tempting. Just as I walked into the water returning into my true self, my nose detected something. Mmmhhh. Thats ... very, very ... goood. What. Is. That. My entire body burned with want. 

My eyes closed inhaling it more, the scent strong, very strong like nothing I'd ever experienced. I. Must. Have. It. I zipped through the water with super speed. My. Thats SO goooood. It smells like, a young teenage boy lost at sea. Well, ... not for long. I chuckled loudly the sound ringing through the water, sending any incoming guest a message to back off. I estimate his age almost 18. How, delightful. 

I got to him quickly. My breathing instantly stopped. He's unconscious, a floating in my domain ... easy prey to swallow up. Extremely vulnerable and with the opening of my mouth, I'd consume him rapidly. Must. Fight. The. Urge. What's wrong with me? Never before had I wanted a human this much. My mouth wanted to swallow him whole. I must not. No matter how very, very inviting his blood may be. I stared in awe at him taking in all of his features. His wet curly hair, his white skin that looked frozen from the water, his long arms spread out around him, those legs dangled. He looked extremely appealing to me. 

His heart was beating, still very much alive. He must have been traveling on a plane and it went down. He seems to be the only surviver. Though I smell the other bodies who traveled with him. Looks like two pilots and a female. I have no interest in them whatsoever, I know my brothers will find them soon enough and eat them. No, my interest lies entirely focused on this boy. I wonder if he could be the one I long for? I won't know till he wakes up. 

In the meantime, I can't allow him to lie here like this. My brothers would surely find him. That won't happen, he's mine. I found him first. But he is a human and can not sleep here with me. I must take him back to land. So with that, I took the hook of his vest with my fin and swam back to my small island for it was the only one around. His entire smell was quickly overtaking me. I must hurry faster. Once upon land, I walked into the sand. His body on my back, suddenly the position no longer worked and caused me to trip and fall. The boy fell upon the sand with me on top him completely naked. For a moment, I froze unable to move off him. He was still fully asleep, softly snoring. My body instantly responded, I felt myself throbbing below. Attraction. There was no other word it. This boy ... he ... is ... my life mate. I feel it, my heart feels it and everything else.

Deadliest Predator Ep 5

It was a wonder how he hadn't woken up from my body weight being on him. He must have been through a lot for sure. As much as I wanted to stay in that position, I knew I had to move. He was soaking wet, he needed warmth. As I stood up, I leaned down to pick him up and carry him in my arms. He barely weighed anything, he felt pretty light for his age. I made a note to get up extra early to hunt for edible food for him. I'm sure he wouldn't reject to fish and I'll be sure to cook it properly for him. Soon enough, I placed him on a flat rock. I decided it would be a good thing to probably put some clothes on, just in case he woke up. I wouldn't want to startle him, though I wonder what his reaction would be. 

Over the years, many items like clothing, suitcases, and other items have drifted ashore. I've gathered them all & hidden them away for when I need them. For the sake of time, I just threw on boxers, shorts, and a t-shirt. I then quickly located enough sticks and anything I could find for a fire, all I needed now was the lighter. Thankfully thats another thing that I just happened to find. In the next few minutes, the fire was ready & creating enough heat for the both of us. I couldn't help but wonder if I should change his clothes. I'm sure that the fire would dry him soon, but in truth ... I did want to get a better view of him. Curiousity was getting the best of me. But then again, its been quite a long, long time since I've encountered a human. 

I'd actually say years. Back to the times when my brothers would coax me into watching their hunting time. I usually avoided humans, just to be sure that I wouldn't be tempted with them. However, now ... thats all changed. With this boy, I desire him highly. The feeling is over-the-top, the more I look at him. I tried to keep myself at a distance from him, but at the same I wanted to get closer. Thats when I gave in too easily. I sat beside him in the sand and breathed him in deeply. Ugh ... mmmhh, still so very, very enticing. I continued to watch throughout the night, my eyes never leaving him in case of others. He is definitely mine and nothing nor no one will take him away from me. 

Nick's POV

As I began to stir, I shivered at the breeze. I wonder where I am? I was afraid to open my eyes and find myself not alive. Is this heaven? Millions of thoughts swirled my mind, I won't know unless I look. So with fear and a uncontrollable beating heart, I slowly opened them. First, my eyes saw white, making me blink in confusion. Then I realized it was the light of the sun. I looked up it for thankful for its heat and allowing me to look at where I'm at. As I gazed to my left and right, I saw nothing but the ocean and palm trees behind me. It ... appears on I'm an island. 

How'd I get here? I tried to remember what had happened, the memory itself making me flinch. All I could recall, was the plane going down and myself struggling to escape to the surface. How ever I got on this island, I hadn't the faintest clue. Whatever the case I was grateful that I survived. 

Something then caught my attention, a spark of a small now almost gone fire. Wait a minute, a fire? Could that mean that someone saved me? Maybe the pilots or the stewardess survived as well and they found me and brought me here. Could it be? Maybe there was hope after all. As I looked around more, I found a cooked fish on a beat-up paper plate and a bottle of water. Food?! Water?! I haven't known I was even hungry till I looked at the fish. I hope it was safe to eat. I hesitantly reached for the plate looking at it. I slowly took a tiny piece and brought it to my mouth. I chewed a little, waiting for a reaction. As I swallowed, I realized it was fine, quite good actually. 

I continued to eat hungrily, almost forgetting the last time I'd eaten. After I finished, I went for the water. As I picked it up, I found it was unopened so I took a sip testing it. Again, it was good. I drank it down fast and gasped. I'd never been so thirsty before. Whoever did this is a lifesaver. I wonder where they are? I looked around in all directions from where I was sitting, still no sign of others. And out to the open sea, it looked just as desolate. I decided now was the time to see exactly what the size of this island was. As I got up, I stretched and began to walk off to the right. I kept on walking beside the shore and in no time at all found myself back to where I started. There was nothing more than a few trees, rocks, & a small waterfall.

There was no one else here. Thats strange ... Who could've did this and just left? Could they be swimming or looking for more fish? I walked around again scanning the ocean very carefully for somebody, anybody. I looked and looked, and still found nothing. Strange indeed. 

Deadliest Predator Ep 6

I was up before dawn had approached, my brain already fully awake and hungry. I needed to hunt, for the boy and myself. I disliked leaving his side, so I made sure to do everything quick and fast. I stripped and ran to the water and transformed. I swam with strong speed and soon enough found the perfect meal. I was careful to eat enough for myself before I faced him again. Once full, I caught another helpless prey and swam back to the island. I was surprised to find him, still a sleeping. But then again I was also relieved for the time I had been given. 

I watched as the sun rose up from the shadows of darkness, allowing the sky to be filled with light all over. I quickly went over to find swimming trunks and my previous t-shirt. I wondered if I should be by his side when he awakens? In the end, I decided to hide behind the waterfall where there was a secret area where I could stand. It was only a matter of time before I smelled his scent, realizing he was at last up. I came out of hiding and went over the beach, but before I could fully get back to his camp area I made sure to grab two coconuts. 

I'm sure he'd be pleased with this and accept it. I'd half expected him to scream or something or at least yell hello. Instead he kept quiet, which was probably better. If my brothers heard him, they'd be here in a instant. And I wanted to hide him for a long as I could. I knew how'd the react. They'd see him solely as their dinner. And in the end, there would mostly definitely be a fight. Only I'd win and stop anyone who comes in sight of my boy. 

The moment I saw he standing with his back facing me, looking out at the water my breath hitched. I gripped the coconuts a bit tighter, no denying I wanted him. I felt my mouth water as I kept swallowing, but kept coming back. Control I reminded myself.

???: Hello there! I see you're awake. Here ... *I offered him the coconut* I brought this ... I thought you could use a little sweet. *grins* 

Now that his eyes were open I could fully see the beautiful brownness of them. Suddenly I became fixed on them, hypnotically they drew me in. His hair was now fully dry and as I looked him up and down, I was sure that the rest of him was the same. His curls looked so sexy, the way they bounced when he walked over to me. He was almost my height, just a little shorter but not much. He looked at me with wide eyes and then smiled. That smile alone sent my mind spinning clockwise. 

He went from looking shocked to smiling with the look of hope. How I wanted to kiss that perfect smile and more. He is, so sexy. And his skin ...  the creaminess and extremely sweetness of it, how I longed to kiss it and bite it, to touch it and explore all over it. That and to tear those clothes right off his small body. Mmmm that fantasy played in my mind over and over. Reality would come soon and the experience would be downright breathtaking. I didn't even care that I'd become as hard as rock or the fact that he could probably easily see it if he bothered at all to look down. 

Of course he saw me, but did he see me? His eyes saw my face this I knew. Whether he was straight, bi, or gay he'd become mine regardless. My need for him continued to grow as he began to speak. I awaited extremely eager to hear his voice. If anything, I knew it would sound like beautiful just as he was. This boy ... maledizione! 

Deadliest Predator Ep 7

Nick's POV

Thank God! I'm not alone on this smallish island by myself, but ... he is someone I don't recognize. I don't recall there being any else on the plane but me. I shrugged it off, grateful for the company but also it gave me hope. I took the coconut and thanked him. 

Nick: Thank you. What's, your name and how, did you get stranded on this island?

???: *I smiled* The name's Joseph, but most people call me Joe. *Yeah if there was any real human beings in my life* Actually, ... this is my home. So what's yours?

Nick: *My eyes widened, so he lives here ... but there's nothing here. No other foods other than seafood, fruit and some water, but other than that its just kinda strange. Could he be one of those beach bums that is tired of metropolitan life and is seeking life in this small paradise? Whatever the reason, its something I guess I'll learn more about once I get to know him better* Oh! ... Sorry ... I didn't mean to .... Um, .... my name's Nick. *I nervously offered my hand*

Joe: *I sensed his nervousness, though I could easily take him right this second. I struggled with my mind to keep in check. Nick. Beautiful, Nick. It suited him very nicely* No worries, Nick. Its all good. Id react the same way if it was me. *I shook his hand and I swear right then and there I felt a connection, a very strong connection. I wondered if he could feel it too?* Soooo, tell me what happened? *Oh My Gods, was his hand so soft. I didn't want to let go but in the end I had to*

Nick: *So I took a breath and sat beside at the camp site I guess you call it and explained it all to him. He mostly sat there listening intently, I wondered if he could help me get back home or at least off the island. By time I finished he still hadn't said a word, he mostly nodded* So, yeah thats it. Is, ... there any way you could help me? Is there any way to contact a ship or land nearby?

Joe: *I didn't want to be the bearer of bad news, but firstly* Nick, I'm afraid ... there is no way off this island. Its in the middle of the ocean, both directions to the US and Europe and Africa are very far away from where we are sitting. And any ships are pretty much one in a million chances of finding us here cause mainly its not easy to find let alone land on by accident. I'm sorry, but you'll have to remain here for the time being. I wish I could help but there's just no way of leaving here. 

Nick: *So yeah, hope is officially gone and I'm suck here for who knows how long it will be. What had I expected? A miracle? Something, anything to help. I took a long breath of air, its not the kind of news I wanted to hear but he did tell me sincerely. I couldn't blame him for landing here in the middle of nowhere. The only thing I could think to do in this tired situation is pray. Pray every chance that I get. Rina's gonna flip, I just know it. But I also know that she won't give up the search of looking for me. Gods, please hear me now. I need help, please help to save me from where I am* It's al right Joe. I'm just scared is all, ... I've never experienced this kind of thing. I would've rather watched movies of being lost at sea than actually being the one lost. But I'm glad that you're here. So, um ... exactly how did you get here or have you always lived here? 

Deadliest Predator Ep 8 

Two things circled my mind, one how am I going to explain what I am to him? And two, how can still be sitting here and not be all over him? Okay so I've never been soft or really cared till this moment. I don't want to lie to him, but then I don't want to tell the truth. My existence is a strange one and if there's one thing I know about human beings ... its that they freak out over anything. I'm not saying that Nick is like this, hopefully he isn't but still its the normal reaction I think for them. The truth is very shocking. He'd be afraid of me and try to run. Thats when I'll follow him and be unable to let him go. 

I think in time I'll tell him. For now, I can tell him a little bit of both. The truth but not the actual truth. And as for kissing him and making him mine, the urge is most definitely strong. Its hard to focus and telling him about myself is not something I'd really like to do. I'd rather hear about him more. Though, Nick has asked a question and for him I will answer it*

Joe: Well, ... its not much of story. You see I've lived on this island since I was born. How I've survived these years on my own is still a mystery to me. I learned though to fend for myself and make this place my own. This is my home. All of my years and not once have I had another physical person here. Your ... the first. Mostly animals take shelter here from birds and some other marine life. 

Through the years I've collected many things I've found at sea, some that washed right on the sand. Eating hasn't always been easy but I got use to it pretty fast. I know its not much here, but its safe. And there's always hope, maybe that one in the million person could happen again. Anyways, I'm glad to have someone else besides me here now. *I couldn't help where my hands landed on top of his lightly patting them. I hoped I hadn't passed the wrong boundary. I just wanted ... to touch his soft skin once more*

Nick's POV

I listened to his story taking in his words and face expression. It sounded like he lived a hard life, but at the same time managed to survive and just live. I found it amazing and pretty strong of him to do so all on his own. I couldn't imagine how he'd did it, the way he described made it sound almost like it was nothing. So I'm the first person he's ever spoken with, to see, to hear ... everything. It makes me wonder how he learned to speak and take care of him as a baby. I just couldn't picture it. Just then as he finished I felt his hands on top of mine. Something inside me, made me blush. His hands were a mixture of coldness & warmth. Strange ... how could one be both? My thoughts kind of blurred feeling him pat the tops of my hands. Was it reassurance? Comforting or something else? I looked at him considering another possibility. Gay?

Get out of here, Nick. He can't be. He's so handsome. But he doesn't look it. But then again he's never seen a boy or a girl for that matter. It could be a possibility, but it could also be a fantasy I wish was reality. He withdrew his hands suddenly quickly and I looked up at his face, his emotion unable to read. I couldn't tell what he was thinking. All I know is that it would be best if I got to know him more. Maybe he has a secret or just maybe he's been alone for so long that he's excited to see another person. If only ... if only he was gay I continued to think.

Deadliest Predator Ep 9

Nick's POV

Like yeah right Nick. You're a dreamer. I got snap out of my silly fantasies and get back down to reality ... after all there is a extremely gorgeous man right in front of me. "Wow, ...," was all I could respond to his story. 

Joe: Yeah, ... I know it seems like a bad situation but once you get used to it ... its almost nice living in this smallish paradise. So enough on that, tell me more about you? Where are you from? *I wanted to only listen to him talk, but still the animal side of me wanted him ... so very bad*

Nick: Well, ... I was vacationing in Italy by myself. I've always wanted to go there, so my best friend Rina who's been like a mother to me let me go for about a week. I was going home to L.A., in California before this ... happened. And now it looks like I won't be able to make it home. I'm sure she's worried out of her mind. I still can't believe this happened, of all people ... me. I was just about to start my fall semester at my university. I got accepted over the summer and I was so looking forward to going and ... now its just not going to happen. I'm sorry, Joe ... I just don't want to talk about it anymore. This is ... too much ... sorry.

Joe: *I listened hearing every word Nick had said. I listened and took it all to heart, it made me feel for him. It seems from what I can gather, he either is independent or has lost both of his parents. Strongly I feel, its the second reason and if I'm right that means he's mostly alone except for that Rina he mentioned. And of course, he would be going to a university. He looks smart even though he's still so young, just a kid. I'm impressed though, he must be really into school. It intrigues me even more. So L.A., one of my favorite destinations but its been a while since I've visited. An ocean and city boy, mmmm ... how my desire for him continues to soar. But I can't think of that right now, not with him unhappy like this. He's truly upset, I got to remember that he might be trying to be strong but inside he's scared and tired*

No worries Nick. Its al right, I'm sure its been quite a traumatic experience for you. I'm sorry for bringing it up, perhaps in time ... we'll get to know each other. *I smiled sincerely and gestured for him to follow me*

Nick: *His words just then calmed my sudden almost outburst. It wasn't like me to just almost break down like that almost exposing tears. The guy would have thought I was too girly or something. I got up and followed him. But just as I started taking a few steps, I stupidly tripped like the natural klutz I am. I probably fell right into the sand which thankfully would be a softer landing than my usual trips. Funny enough I opened my eyes and looked up at Joe who had caught me in his arms. I blushed bright red and tried to speak* Um, ... sorry ... I didn't mean to ... um ... I'm kinda of clumsy. 

*But just as I finished speaking, something about his look silenced me. His eyes were really a nice brown, his hair almost a blackish color and in his arms ... I felt so weightless. He was strong, his muscles were visible to me. And he smelled like fish. Thats when I blurted out something before I could stop myself* Are you g- ... * Thankfully I caught myself before I spilt what my mind really wanted to say. Are you going to put me down? I ... I'm okay. Sorry, like I said a I'm a grade A klutz. *I tried to put myself down trying to make him forget most almost spill*

Joe: *I almost pounced right there and then. It almost seemed like he was going to say ... nah couldn't be ... could it? Please let it be, else I'm going to lose control and make love to him right now.

Deadliest Predator Ep 10

Joe: *I smiled and released him. In truth I did not want to let go. Half of me wanted his body underneath me right now, while my other half said to be patient and wait. Honestly our species have no sense of the word patience. It does not even exist for us. What we want we get. There's no questions or this little voice warning us to stop, we go for it every time. But, because I'm different from my brothers and others, my ways are almost like a human's. Still,  I do not like waiting and this urge to have him is robbing my entire mind. I can not turn my attention, not even for a little bit*

Its okay, Nick. No worries at all, dude. *I gestured him to continue and follow me* We're here, this is my secret hiding place as well as a great shelter when one tires from the sun or if there is a storm. It will protect you well. I know its not much once again, but it works. And its where I keep everything as you can see, that I find from the sea. There's clothes, some shoes not you really need them here, some worn out snorkel gear, watches, old calendars, inflatable beach balls and chairs, matches and lighters, plastic forks, spoons and knives, empty water bottles, band-aids, towels, some canned food that haven't been opened but are still good, a hand can opener, dried out toilet paper, a old fashioned CD player but the batteries are dead, and some more stuff. So, you hungry or thirsty for anything? I know this island very well and I can get other types of food.

Nick's POV

*At first I was skeptical of where he was taking me, but when I see what he meant ... I understood. Behind the waterfall was a cave suitable for one, even two or three. He wasn't kidding when he said he had found a lot of miscellaneous stuff. It even had a area set up as a bed. It was a sleeping bag with multiple blankets and small air blown pillows. My heart skipped beats in the process of seeing such a small but cute gesture. I smiled* Thank you ... Joe. This is amazing. Um, no I'm fine for now. Thanks.

Joe: *I grinned back* Your welcome. Anything you need, just say the word. I'll get it. For the time being, you can take a nap if you want? *I watched him lean down on his feet to climb into the sleeping bag*

Nick: Thank you again Joe. Yeah, I'm sorry ... I'm still worn out from everything ... *And just like that I drifted off, I was so tired*

Joe: *I stayed silent as he fell immediately to sleep, his eyelids closing. I had wanted to try and talk some more, but obviously he was too tired. I can't blame him, but him being asleep like this is .... is getting me curious again. I went over to his side and watched him, his chest rise and fall from breathing. He smelled so amazing, the scent is too overwhelming. I couldn't stop myself from touching his hair and stroking its incredible softness. Thats when I couldn't stand it one more minute, I leaned in close to his lips. I could easily kiss him and wake him back up, and tear those measly clothes right off his body. Our skins could be against each other and he would cry out for me to touch him and enter inside him. I would fiercely grant his wish and give him more. I would thrust and thrust and he would moan and scream my name. And with that I was go faster and faster and never stop until he's satisfied. I could pleasure him like no other and send him higher than any ordinary human being could. And I would kiss him and his body all over. And I'd hold him down with my strength if he tried to get away. I would make endless love to him, this sweet and innocent virgin child. And once bound together as one, he'll forever be mine. Mine to love till the end of time.

Deadliest Predator Ep 11

Nick's POV

*I was deep in sleep dreaming of something that at first I couldn't identify till the very end. I was back home in my bed just lying there with my eyes open. Everything seemed to be normal, all my things were still in there same place. For some reason it was quiet, almost too quiet. Just as I was about to sit up from my bed, a hand pushed at my chest. It was so fast I closed my eyes for a few seconds and fell back against the bed with a bit of a thud. As I opened my eyes to see who did this, my lips were covered with a kiss. I couldn't see who was kissing me, but whoever it was wasn't letting me go. I tried to push this person off of me, but it didn't work cause they just held my arms over my head tightly in a grip I could not break from. I was scared and shaking, yet for strange reason I was enjoying the kisses immensely. I was moaning for more. It was so passionate, it left me breathless. The person's lips demanded more as well. Even when I got a few chances to pull away and actually catch my breath, whoever it was just continued back to kissing me over and over. Then the person's tongue entered my mouth with such force and so much hotness.

They robbed my of my thoughts and blurred my senses until I felt so weak from everything this person was making me feel. Whoever it was rubbed all over my body, giving me chills as cold as winter. I'd never been touched like this before, in fact never. It was mesmerizing the sensations and pleasure that was taking me over the top. This person was a bit rough and sexy the way they took complete control over me. I should scream for help and push this person off me with all my might, but I can't. I didn't know I could feel like this though. It was addicting and at the same time scary. I feel helpless, as I surrendered to this person. But if I don't stop them soon, my virginity could be easily taken away from me. Do I want that? I'm still a kid, there's no way I'm ready to let that happen. So with the little strength I had left I finally managed to grab the person's arms from their hold they had on me. My eyes still couldn't see the mystery person, but once I was able to flip to my side and roll off my bed I tried to make a run for it. Suddenly the room was surrounded with darkness, I could not see in front of me.

I was scared for my life, but I knew I had to pray that I could find the way out of this nightmare or whatever it was. But before I could move forward, the person wrapped their arms around me in a tight grip. The more I would struggle and resist, the more the person would just ignore it and continue to drag me back. Suddenly my clothes were ripped off, every single piece leaving my completely bare. I shook with fear. This person just threw on the bed and climbed on top of me. I could feel that their skin too was naked like mine. Again, I tried to resist, but the pleasure of our skins together filled my mind. I whined and cried out for help. This person seemed to have no compassion or love, they only seem to want one thing and one thing only. Without warning the person went inside me. They penetrated right into me thrusting with such strong force, I was screaming so loudly. The tears were streaming down my face, the feeling hurt so much but then soon left me moaning in so much pleasure. Each thrust was harder and faster than the last, it was too much. This person, was a male. A very strong and forceful male. No matter how I screamed and tried to escape, I just couldn't. My virginity was now in the hands of this male. At the end of it, the male finally stopped thrusting into me, but didn't pull out. I was throbbing all over, shocks of pleasure were still rocking me inside and out. I never felt so drained of all my energy. I could barely breath, let alone move my extremely tired body. What had this male done to me?

What happened next was unexpected and even more confusing to me. The male spoke to me, asking me how I felt. I couldn't response, I had already given in to too much. I didn't want to speak, so I just shook my head. He gently cupped my face and stroked my cheek. The tenderness was soft and not like how he had touched me before. I tried to move away and push all of it away, but he turned my chin to him. In the darkness all I could do was listen to the eerie yet beautiful voice of the male. He told me not to be scared, that I belonged to him. I shook my head further, this can't be happening to me. I don't belong to him or anyone. Just because he did this do me doesn't mean I'm his. His voice was deep and rang through my ears. He said that he loves me and that I'm his forever. I finally spoke and told him I don't feel the same way and that I'm not his and I'd never be. He chuckled wickedly and told me that I didn't have a choice, that we're bonded together for life. And he also told me that he knows what my heart feels for him, that I haven't come to listen to it. I screamed that I don't love him and this is a nothing but a nightmare and that I don't even know him. His last words were the most shocking of all, he said sure I know him. That he is Joe. With that I woke up screaming aloud*

Deadliest Predator Ep 12

Nick's POV

*I was instantly awake and scared for my life. Suddenly there were hands on my cheeks. I opened my eyes with tears a falling. It was Joe. My eyes widened with fear and realization of the dream. I pushed him away with all my strength and yelled at him* Get away from me! Stay away! You, you-! *I was shaking so much, I held my knees close to my chest and rocked a little. He just looked confused and shocked for my sudden behavior twist, but I could care less. That dream was so real and the guy was Joe! He sounded like him and it the end even looked like him from the very last image I was able to see. I watched him get up swiftly and carefully take steps to me. I watched with scared and wide eyes* I, said stay away! Leave me alone!

Joe: *One moment I was fantasising about Nick and I, when he woke up screaming. I was quick enough to get away from his lips before that could hit mine and cause me to overtake him right there and then. He was upset and crying hysterically. He also looked frightened like the prey I ate. I was shocked at his sudden outburst and a bit of anger was swarming inside my stomach to the way he had pushed me so fiercely away. Looks like I underestimated his strength, but one thing still remains clear had I anticipated his movement I could of maneuvered out of the way or even if I had wanted, I could have turned the tables of him and pinned him down hard. I had to slow my breathing and calm myself down, there must be a reasonable explanation for this. I must not loose control, not yet anyway* Nick, its al right. Its just me. Did you have a nightmare or something? You wanna talk about it?

Nick: *Should I let him talk after what I just saw? I mean I know it was a dream or just a nightmare or whatever, but I can't but wonder if it was trying to tell me something. It was so clear and it felt so real, every detail and feeling is still in my mind. I can still see it. Can I trust Joe? Or is it a twisted way of something I want to experience with him? I do like him, I like him a lot and I don't even fully know him. But that shouldn't cloud my judgment, should it? Its confusing. I wish Rina was here. I wish I was home. I wish I never came here. I wish I could rewind and stop myself from getting on that darn plane. I'm upset no doubt, but I gotta slow myself and calmly talk this out. But can I? What will he think if I tell him exactly what happened in the dream? Am I crazy? I can't tell him the entire truth, but maybe I can still get out what I'm feeling*

*I sighed and took a breath* Yeah. I did. It was about you, you did something to me and were hurting me. It was so real. I'm sorry, but I don't know if I can trust you. Maybe its best, we just keep away from each other.

Joe: *I sat a few feet away in front of him and just listened as he talked. So he had a dream about me and somehow it turned into a terrible nightmare. He's already scared of me and doesn't know the truth about me. What the crap! I was frustrated and annoyed. My temper was already back to almost full rage. I can't believe after one dream he says all this. Well, I won't have it! He's mine! I don't care anymore, I'm going to show me how real a nightmare can be* Fine! I'm leaving to go hunting and I won't come back to bother you, I'll find another shelter for myself! *And with that I stormed off and went directly to the water. I transformed and the clothes just tore into a million pieces, which I could care less. I was furious big time. I knew that if I had stayed with Nick, I would have took it out on him. And the last thing I wanted to do was harm him in any way. I just needed to hunt, I was burning with so much anger that I ate more than usual. I ate ferociously and eventually my second youngest brother came and asked me what's wrong. I just said nothing and swam away from him. I needed to cool down, so I swam at top speed while my brother left and went back to the group most likely. I know if I spilled one drop about Nick, him and all the rest of the guys would over to the island faster than you can say its dinner time.

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

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Added on January 21, 2011
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joe Jonas Nick Jonas



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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