Paradise Ep 57

Paradise Ep 57

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Paradise Ep. 57 (Joick & Delena)

???1: *It was exactly 10:45 AM, still early but we've been up for a bit. After all we're stars, not to mention early risers. Besides, if you could see what I'm looking at right now, you'd so spy on them too! So cute!!*

???2: *Pssst! Hey! We shouldn't be here, they're still sleeping, we should just let them be*

???1: *I chuckled slightly & smiled. Sorry, we're not going anywhere. This is fun, & come on you got to admit this was a great idea, I mean right?*

???2: *I sighed & rolled my eyes. Sure I love these guys & seeing them together like this, is totally making me smile. But still, they've had a long night. What if they wake up & see us?*

???1: *Thats the best part! Waking them up & surprising them, its classic! Stop worrying already, we're fine & by the looks of things they're still in a wonderful of sleep*

???2: *Yeah, like I was! Baby you promised them you'd let them call us, when they were ready for us to come over*

???1: *Well sorry about that bay-bee. I blew the love of my life a kiss & winked. I'll make it up to you, I promise you. Hey, as far as I'm concerned I did say that, but honestly where's the fun in that?*

???2: *Once again I rolled my eyes & shook my head. You amaze me, you're lucky I love you so much. And fine we'll stay*

???1: *I smiled big. Great! I'd thought you'd see it my way. Love you too!*

Nick: *I was dreaming happily of me & Joe until I heard very loud snores coming from next to me. Joe. I yawned & stretched out. I opened my eyes. Oh hey girls & I waved to them & I closed my eyes. Wait a min!* Selena? Demi?

Selena: *Okay so obviously me & Demi have been hovering for 15 min.'s over Joe & Nick. Well specifically, I was hovering over by Nick's side & Demi was over by Joe's side. I didn't think he'd wake up so soon, but looks like he's glowing happily as always. I used my magic to put me & Demi down standing right next to Joe & Nick's bed, right in front of Nick. I waved & smiled big* Yep, morning Nick! 

Demi: *Smiling too* Morning Nick, sorry about the hovering. *looks at Sel* I told HER, that we should just let you & Joe sleep in.

Selena: *Shrugs & presses a kiss to her cheek* We're both sorry, but honestly I couldn't help it. The way you 2 we're snuggled closely together, I just ... can't get enough of the adorableness! 

Nick: *Laughs* Morning ladies. Its fine. Joe's snores woke me up anyways. *looks over at him*

Demi: *Covers hand in front of mouth to prevent from laughing too loud* No kidding. 

Selena: *Waves a hand like whatever* You think thats loud, you should hear me or better yet Demi here. *gestures a right thumb pointing to her*

Demi: *Hugs her fiercely* Hisses: Well you're more guilty than me! 

Nick: *Watches their cuteness & playfulness*

Selena: *Smiles & raises a right hand up high* Yep, I'd guess it would be ME. Nick, sleep is sleep & snoring is snoring. We can't help it!

Nick: *Nods & chuckles softly* True, that. 

Demi: Okay, now on to our plan for today. Sel & I talked it over & we'd like to each spend time with you guys. So Sel will be your buddy for the start & I'll be with Joe. Then of course we'll switch it up. We have a lot to cover & this our 1st time in Fiji together, its really beautiful. And- *stops talking for a moment & gasps* And, boy we need to get you dressed! Sel how about a nice beach look?

Selena: I'd love to. *Beams & works the magic* There beach perfect. What do you think? *a full length mirror appears in front of Nick*

Nick: *I observed my new clothes: a teal blue tank top with white swimming trunks* Very nice, thanks Sel. You think you could zap Joe something too?

Selena: I thought you'd never ask. *does my thing* Ta-da, oh I'm good. 

Nick: *Lifts the cover to see Joe's outfit: a white tank top with bright orange swimming trunks* Wow, he's looking good. 

Demi: *Giggles* Awesome. Now I'm sure we're all past hungry, what do you say Sel, buffet? *snaps fingers & everything from pancakes to eggs, drinks, & everything for the perfect buffet breakfast appears on the bed*

Selena: Oooh, buffet breakfast, I love it Dems. Nice touch. *starts digging in*

Nick: *Eyes widen* Demi do you have powers too?

Demi: *Eating & then stops & smiles* Clears throat: Nope not exactly. Sel's the wizard here. However, she thought it would be neat to give me a spell that allows me to snaps my fingers if I should need anything. Plus if she's busy & far from me, I can just snap & be right where she is, its so cool. 

Nick: Wow, thats awesome. Must be fun.

Selena: *Nods, still eating between bites* It is. But no worries Nick, you & Joe will experience the magic. *winks*

Nick: Al right, double awesome. 

???: So AWESOME! *Nick, Sel, & Dems jumps & looks at me* Surprise to YOU! *smells the food* Mmmmm, looks like an amazing breakfest!! Thanks girls. *starts digging into my own plate* 

Nick: *Laughs* How long have you've been up Joe?

Joe: *Grins* Since I felt new clothes on my body & about Dems power to snap her fingers to get whatever she wants. You know thats pretty cool! 

Demi: *Grins back* Sure is! Morning Joe! *gives him a big hug*

Selena: *Also gives Nick a big hug & then combines everyone in a big group hug* Awww, feeling the love!!

Nick: *Chuckles*

Demi: *Smiles lovingly* Thats my girl!

Joe: *Laughs & grins*

Nick: *Accidently trips & falls on ... *

Demi: *Covers her mouth*

Selena: *Laughing hysterically*

Nick: *Blushes like crazy*

???: *Grins sexily & laughs a little* I always knew, you'd end ON TOP of things, Nick.

Demi: *Laughing so hard*

Selena: *Roll over the floor laughing*

Nick: *Turns even redder, embarrassed* JOE!!

Joe: *Smiles evilly* Thats me, Nick! *takes his head into my hands, crashing my lips on his*

Nick: *Melts into Joe & moans*

Demi: *Zaps up a camera & starts snapping pics* Introducing ... Joick!

Selena: *Gets up off the floor, but still laughing & smiling, zaps my own camera* Al right boys now ... show me the love, the adorableness with tenderness & smoking hot passion! 

Nick: *Pulls away & smiles* You guys!! 

Demi: *Shrugs innocently* What? Can't miss an opportunity of catching pics of you 2. 

Selena: *Pulls Demi's waist to mine* Besides, catchin' the love on camera is .... precious! *kisses Demi passionately, while the magical camera snaps pics by itself* 

Demi: *Pulling her even closer, making it deeper, getting lost into it*

Joe: *Pulls Nick & myself up off the bed, just standing there staring at them, smiling* Awww, (sings:) introducing Delena!

Nick: *Giggles & clears throat* Um, ... girls?

Demi: *Pulls away & grins* Mmm? Guys can't you see I love this girl with all my heart?

Selena: *Blushes & smiles goofily* Back at cha babe-bee! *winks*

Demi: *Shakes head & laughs* Al right, now that the passion is settled, you guys must wonder what's going to happen for today, right?

Nick: I already know. Do you Joe?

Joe: *Shrugs* Bring it on, Dems! 

Demi: *Snaps fingers* You got it Joe-Joe! *And with that the 2 of us disappear* 

Selena: Ready, Nick? *readies my wand*

Nick: You bet! 

Selena: Awesome! *swirls wand causing us to disappear as well* 

Nick: *I closed my eyes for a brief second, & the next min. I open them to the most AMAZING thing I've ever seen* Oh ... My ... God!

Selena: *Blows wand & puts it away for now* You like?

Nick: *I looked around open mouthed & shocked in awe* Do, I like it? We're flying on a carpet in the air around the island, this is so COOL!

Selena: *Giggles* I thought so. So I bet you're wondering what the rules of wizardry are?

Nick: Well, yeah besides who's driving this thing.

Selena: Right. Well, basically I'e known from birth that I was a wizard. My parents were freaked out, just like any perfect normal person would be. Thats when Ari appeared in her human form & explained everything. She said that magic is very real & that they're are many wizards out there. I was relived to know I wasn't alone & at the same time super excited to have powers. She mentioned to me & my parents, that it would be best to keep the wizard-ness a secret cause we all know what happens when people find out about this kind of stuff. We all naturally agreed & from that moment on, I studied & in time became a pretty great wizard. The rules of course are never tell unless you are sure you can, other than that its pretty unlimited rules. Though they're are 3 main 1's that EVERY wizard must follow: (clears throat) 1.) You may travel back to past freely, but you CAN NOT change the past. 2.) You can travel to the future, but just like the past you CAN NOT change the future. And 3.) you can NEVER bring people back from the dead, however you can visit them. So, what do you think?

Nick: *Eyes wide, mouth still open* Whoa, whoa, whoa back it up girl. Can you explain those 3 rules more please?

Selena: Sure thing Nick. Okay so back to #1 & #2: Basically whenever you travel to the past or future, we are invisible to everything & everyone. So even if you wanted to change the past or future, you couldn't do anything anyways. You can't touch anything or anyone, your almost like a ghost just there to observe. So time travel is pretty fun & harmless, definitely not like Back To the Future (laughs). And ... as for #3: say if someone dies, a normal person will not be able to see them. But but as long as a human's are in company of a wizard or even just a wizard by yourself, you can travel to heaven, hell, see ghosts, spirits, you name it. You can talk with anyone & hang out with them, but a wizard DOES NOT have the power to bring them back to life. Its just not done, once someone is dead, thats it. 

Nick: Wow thats some pretty heavy stuff there. Weird & strange, yet kind of cool. But what about other wizards, do they ever want to expose themselves & tell the world about magic?

Selena: Well thats pretty much classic, (rolls eyes) so many have tried to tell the secret of magic. Just there's one other rule, I almost forgot. So its like this, we have the right & will to tell whomever we want, there's no law against it. However, if that person they tell, decides to tell the world then thats where things get crazy. You see when that happens, that wizard who told them will lose their powers for good & not remember anything about being a wizard or anything, they start brand new with a new mind. And the human they told of course, gets there memory erased of meeting & hearing the secret of magic, & if they told anyone same thing happens to them. See, this way people whom we don't want to know about wizards & magic, won't ever find out about us. 

Nick: Whoa. What if you trust a human & after time decides to tell the world?

Selena: The wizard & human will both forget it, like I said. It doesn't matter if you can't no longer trust them, cause thats what will happen. Its just how it is, no way of stopping it, trust me on this. So wizards all over are really careful when we decide to share our secret. 

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

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Added on January 20, 2011
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joe Jonas Nick Jonas



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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