Paradise Ep 55

Paradise Ep 55

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Paradise Ep. 55 (Jealously & Love)

Nick: *Soon enough, Joe & I got dressed & went to dinner together. We ordered & eat, talking & laughing. Joe looked so dreamy tonight, it was kind of hard to focus. He looked so strong & sexy. And he smelled amazing, I gulped, he's just so hot*

Joe: *Waves hand* Nick? Earth to Nick?

Nick: *Blinks fast shaking head, blushes embarrassed* Sorry, Joe. Um, what were you saying? 

Joe: *Chuckles & pats Nick's shoulder* No its okay. I was just saying how you'd like to spend tomorrow? I was thinking some kayaking, snorkeling, exploring, & whatever else we can find. *winks*

Nick: *Smiles & nods* Sounds like fun to me, it always is. *giggles* 

???: *Appears in front of their dining table, standing up & holding a message* Hey guys! How'd is hanging?

Nick: *Turns to look left & gasps* David? 

Joe: *Looks too* What are you doing here? 

David [Henrie]: *Snaps his fingers revealing a magical message* This! ~ A swirl of colorful lights zoom around in a spiral, making an invisible screen pop up. Selena arrives on it & speaks: Hey you 2! I'm sorry that I'm not there to give you this message in person. Me & Demi wanted to let you know we're going to dropping in tomorrow to visit you guys. Well I should say popping in *winks* We're super excited to spend time with you & hear whats been going on. Love you & can't wait till tomorrow! Love Always, Selena & Demi ;-) (End of message) ~

Nick: *Giggles & claps* Awesome, Selena & Demi's coming! Thanks for the message David. 

David: *Grins* No problem, my pleasure. I'd come & hang out too but I have work to do. As Selena's probably told you guys, we're really wizards. Cool, huh?

Joe: *Nods* Yeah pretty neat. What are you working on?

David: *Puts a finger to my lips* Well its hush-hush, but we're planning on making on releasing a movie for Wizards on the big screen. *winks* But, ... you didn't hear it from me. *pretends to zip lips sealed* Anyways, I wanna say congrats to Joe & you, Nick. *goes to hug Nick* You look great, you both do. *then hugs Joe* I kind of always though you'd 2 wind up together, its really sweet. Joe, your incredibly lucky to have a wonderful guy like Nick. *smiles at both of them* 

Joe: *Gets up from my chair & pulls Nick from his seat, wrapping my hands firmly around his waist* Thanks, he's mine. *eyes David seriously*

Nick: *Shivers at Joe's power over me, blushing*

David: *Eyes widen, waves both hands side to side* Whoa, whoa, whoa. I admit it, I'm gay too, but I actually have someone I really love. 

Nick: *Gasps & squeals* You do? Who is he?

David: *Smiles brightly just thinking about him* Oh, he's someone super special to me & so adorable. Its- ...

???: *Appears right beside David* Baby, whats taking so long? *smiles & wraps arms around David's waist, looking up at him like a little child* 

David: *Chuckles* Just giving these 2 their message. *gestures at the 2 JoBros* I didn't know you would be popping in, sweetie.

???: *Giggles & shrugs* Well, to tell you the truth I knew what you were doing. I wanted to pop in & say hello to every1. *smiles at Joe & Nick* I think its so CUTE that you 2 are finally together! *leans against David*

Nick: *Waves finger back & forth from David & Jake [T. Autsin]* You 2 are are a couple?

Jake: *Winks* You bectha! He's my Davie! *smiles truly happy to be saying this*

David: *Looks at Jake super lovingly* He's my baby boy. *leans in to kiss him* My Jakie. *sweetly kisses him*

Jake: *Smiles & wraps arms around David's neck, letting him deepen the kiss* 

Nick: *Leans into Joe's chest* Whispers to Joe: Thats so cute. 

Joe: *Cuddles Nick more into my chest. For the past min.'s everything seemed to blur together. From 1 min. I'm burning with jealously & trying to protect Nick, when suddenly I find out that David already has his true love, Jake. Now I feel like jerk, thinking that David was hitting on Nick. I have to say something to make this better* It is. You guys are so in love, we can tell. 

Jake: *Pulls away, smiling like there's no tomorrow* Thanks, means a lot. 

Joe: *Clears throat* Listen, David I'm sorry for my behavior from before. Its just, I'm so protective of Nick. A lot's happened to us & its just ...

David: *Shakes head* Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe no worries at all. Me & Jake here know the whole story with you guys Its totally fine, bro. Hey, I'd feel the same way too. You have a right to be cautious of who you trust, we all know in this business that there are certain people who can't be trusted. I'm just as protective over Jake, just as you are over Nick. Its our job as boyfriends to take care of the ones we love. *winks*

Joe: *Laughs & grins* Yeah, thats true. 

Nick: Hey whenever you guys are free, we'd love to hand out & share stories, mainly hear how you 2 got together. 

Jake: *Places a hand on David's stomach & the other forms a thumbs-up sign* For sure JoBros! Sorry, but we got to run. *winks* Don't worry, we'll all see each other real soon. Take care! 

David: *Wraps arms around Jake & waves at them & then whips out my wand swirling it* Goodbye you 2, cya super soon! *disappears with jake* 

Nick: *Waves with Joe* Well ... that was interesting. *looks at Joe* Did you really get jealous?

Joe: *Nods & looks into Nick's eyes, brushes fingers over his lips* Yes. Yes, I did. I'm sorry Nick. I, I just don't want to ever lose you. Not to anyone or anything. I love you so much. *kisses him deeply*

Nick: *Moans & tilts head back, letting Joe's lips take me* 

Joe: *I can feel my body practically boiling hot with desire. Thats when I scoped Nick up in my arms & carried him out of the restaurant, all the way to my room, to our bed & set him down gently. I stood there for a min., just sharing at him, God, he's so beautiful*

Nick: *Blushes & leans up from the bed, just about to get up when ...*

Joe: *Quicker than Nick, firmly grips his wrists* Where are you going?

Nick: *Smiles shyly* Shower. *looks down & then back up* Um, could you let me go?

Joe: *Grins* Mind if I join you? *gasps* Opps, sorry. 

Nick: *Gets up pushes him back a little (sexy give)* Not tonight. *goes into their bathroom & shuts door/locking it*

Joe: *Open mouthed shocked. Did he just say, no? Man! I let myself fall on the bed & rubbed my eyes with my hands. Joe, you idiot, you pretty much ruined this day for Nick. Now I know he says its fine & stuff, but I know him so much better than that. Yes I Joe Jonas got jealous tonight because of David. Its just that I feel so protective of Nick, I really do. I shouldn't be acting like this, after all I am 20 yrs. old going on 21, I'm an adult. So why can't I be calm & collective like Nick? Looking at him tonight, he looks so hot & divine, its mouth watering. He's mine, mine, MINE! Ugh, I need to calm down. I guess I'll go take a shower in Nick's room*

Nick: *Okay, okay I know this may look like I'm mad at Joe, but I'm not, & I don't blame him for his behavior for anything that happened today. Thats not whats worrying me. Its just thinking back to what Ari said about Joe & his jealousy & how he will act. Joe has always be so protective of me, even before we admitted that we both love each other. Its really sweet, but can also be a little scary cause he just looks mad. I know David wasn't flirting with me or anything, after all he is a great friend of ours. Though, I got to say I had no idea that he was gay! Well I'm happy he has found someone who he really loves. Now back to more pressing matters, Joe. I don't want him to be jealous or having him to always feel like he has to constantly guard people away from me* What should I do? 

???: *Appears in the bathroom, blindfolded & not facing Nick* Once again, I think I can help. 

Nick: *Screams* SELENA?! What are you doing here? 

Selena: *Shrugs* Helping, what does it look like? Look Nick, its no big deal, I have my eyes blindfolded & I promise I won't look. After all, I'm with Demi & plus you're with Joe. Speaking of Joe, David & Jake, gave us the story on what happened tonight. Looks like Joe got majorly jealous. Well no worries, I'm here to help you fix that! Okay, so here's my plan: its obvious that Joe likes to be in control in this relationship, but that doesn't mean you can't have some fun too. The way I see it is to, show him that you can be in control too. So I can give you a spell to finish up your shower here, get dressed & ready to sleep & then make him think you're already deep in sleep, & he'll eventually grow tired & falls asleep. Thats when you wake up & show him some fun in control loving! Or there's always your way, whatever ideas you have. Sooo, what do you think?

Nick: *Laughs* Wow, Selena, thats quite a plan. Thanks, I appreciate the thought & you helping me, but I think I need to do what comes natural to me. Besides, the way tonights going I don't think Joe will really go for me being the 1 in control. We'll work it out, we always do. *smiles* And we're looking forward to hanging with you & Demi tomorrow. By the way, isn't Demi wondering where you are? 

Selena: *Laughs* Your welcome Nick, its nothing. *smiles* Gotcha, a little natural love, I like it! For sure, me & Demi are super psyched. You know its funny that you mention that, cause she's absolutely freaking out right now, about popping in & coming with me here to see you. I told her to let me handle it, but not before we brainstormed this idea for you 2 together, pretty much based on the things we do with each other. She & I were just having a some loving time, so I got to run again, can't keep her waiting for too long. Cya tomorrow Nick, just call me when you guys are ready to hang out & we'll be there. And goodluck! *disappears returning to my girlfriend* 

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

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Added on January 20, 2011
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joe Jonas Nick Jonas



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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