Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 68

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 68

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 68 (Hiya ... Ellen!)

Joe's POV

The next morning I woke up with the biggest smile on my face ... my Nick seduced me! Oh, ... I love it when he takes my mind off things, I LOVE IT! Last night was sexy, beautiful & most of all wonderful ... every time with Nick is truly like the 1st time. He seriously is one amazing boy, whom I love so much. And now as the sunlight is breaking though our blinds, I can tell that today is going to be a glorious day. Its already nearly 80 degrees & its the middle of winter! How about that? Honestly its typical CA weather. Nick was still in dreamland looking precious as ever ... especially naked ... big time sexy & adorable.

For this morning, I decided to cook oatmeal & french toast. After pretty much getting it already, I went back to Nick & lightly shook him awake. "Nick? Baby?," I said. He murmured, "Huh? Go back to bed, its still early." He threw the covers over himself & turned on his left side. I chuckled & snapped the blanket away while his legs bent to almost be folded to his stomach. "Wakey wakey Nick. Breakfast is ready!," exclaimed. He just moaned & tried to wave me off with his hand. I decided it was time to try a different approach. I turned on the TV & found the movie Valentine's Day on HBO. I turned it up loud, as the music started with Taylor Swift's "Today Was A Fairytale." Nick still didn't budge, "Pleasse?," whined extra loudly.

He finally stirred & yawned loud. "Al right ... al right Joe! No more, I'm up, I'm up!" I pounced on top of him & smirked, "You sure? Cause it looks like I have boxers on & your still .... 100% naked." He looked down & blushed deeply, "Clothes. Now. Joe!" I wickedly chuckled  got off him & got him what he wanted. "I repeat, are sure? You look so cute when you have nothing on, especially the color of your skin ... a nicely tanned white. He just smiled & then gave my a serious look. "Got it baby, understood." I got him a pair of white boxers & the same color t-shirt for him. I know he likes to cover up, which is when I start to whine because I love seeing his sexy self.

I watched him get dressed licking my lips in the process, "Looking fine Nick," I winked at him. He spun around & shyly smiled, "Thanks you too Joe. Now, my nose detects breakfast," he sniffed inhaling the smell. "Let me take you there my prince," I picked him up carrying downstairs. He just buried his face in my neck & smiled, "Your the prince." Just as I sat him down at the table, the doorbell rang. Nick petty much jumped in his seat. He was about to run to go it, when I stopped him. "I'll get that hun. You just stay here & I'll be back in a flash," I pecked his lips.

As I headed off to answer the door, I was slightly bugged at who could be disturbing the both of us this early in the morning. Just to make sure it wasn't a swarm of paparazzi or crazy fan, I peaked through the looking hole. My eyes just blinked, .... unbelievable. It was .... Kevin Jonas. That man, ugh ..... I thought he said he wasn't to meet us at the studio. I opened the door reluctantly & see him smiling. "Morning Joe," he greeted. "Sorry to ring you guys like this, but I thought it would be easier just to pick you & Nick up & all go together to the studio." I let him in & closed the door. "Morning, Kevin. Well, actually Nick & I were just about to start eating our breakfast. We should be done soon."

"No worries Joe, no rush. I hear we have plenty of time to get there & after all I'm not used to waking up this early either. But its for Ellen, its worth it! Dani & I are such big fans of her, we don't ever miss a show. She's so funny!," Kevin went on. For someone who's a man, he can't sure shut-up. He's as hip hop-ty as a bunny. I just nodded & went back to the kitchen while he followed. The moment he saw Nick he was like, "Hey Nick! What up man? Morning!," he exclaimed. Nick had already gotten his own breakfast & was eating, something I didn't want cause I had wanted to serve him & eat together. Good grief, this Kevin is already getting on my nerves.

Nick's POV

I was eating happily away until I saw a smiley Kevin come into the kitchen along with a definitely bugged Joe. I just smiled back at both of them, "Morning, Kevin! I'm great. How are you? What are doing here?" He high-5ed me, "Doing awesome, I was just telling Joe here that I'm here to pic the two of you up & head to the studio. Looks like an amazing breakfast, let me guess Joe made it? That reminds me of when I cook for Dani every morning. I see just like how Joe here feels about you Nick, is the same way I feel about my girl. Its love." 

I laughed & gestured for him to sit while Joe sat beside silently eating, listening & watching. "Oh, what's cool Kevin, thanks. Yeah Joe is amazing cook, I love cooking for him too. Yeah love's the best." I blushed. So for the next few minutes we talked for a bit until Joe & I finished. Then after getting fully dressed we all left together. I was wearing a white t-shirt with a black leather jacket, a dark blue scarf around my neck, blue skinny jeans, & black converses. (Joe's look: (Kev's look: Just as we arrived at the studio, David greeted us all, "Hey JoBros! Glad you're all here, okay so right now we're all going to get on the jet to take us to Burbank & meet Ellen there!"

In no time we were flying over CA, Kevin still taking away & Joe just looking outside the window & David in front with the pilot. In no time we arrived & went into Ellen's set. Immediately we all found her (Ellen's look:, she looked so beautiful & classy with her suit & glasses. She came right over & eyed all 4 of us. "Well, ... if it isn't David Archuleta! How are you doing?" She hugged him & kissed his cheek, while he did the same, "Amazing Ellen, amazing. Look at you, you're looking wonderful this morning!" She smiled & turned her attention to Joe, Kevin, I. She stared & said, "So, .... y'all are the boys I get to interview today? Which one is Nicholas?," she asked.

I blushed & raised my hand, "I am." I smiled shyly & shook her hand, "Its a pleasure to meet you Ms. Degeneres." With a little chuckle she said, "The pleasure is all mine & please call me Ellen. I'm so excited to welcome you guys all here today. What do y'all we say we get to the main interview & then I'll get each of you on your own, sound good?" We all grinned & nodded & followed her. You see right now was the filming process, they're was a group of people for the crowd, some were young girls, fans no doubt. Ellen went off to her beginning bit where the crowd cheers forever the minute she comes out on the stage. She also dig her awesome dancing & then finally sat down in her chair & began. "Al right, al right y'all settle down. In today's show we have a special guest ... David Archuleta is here! .... And joining him .... is two rising stars from .... the band you've probably heard about ..... JONAS is here! And they have a special announcement & will be performing a song from their debut album later in the show. Also, ... we have Garrett Hedlund .... from Tron: Legacy! ...," she went on.

In the next few minutes David, Joe, & I, were called out to the stage. We came out to loud cheers & screams & with one of our songs playing. We stepped up to her interview area & shared hugs & cheek kisses. "Welcome, guys. Its excellent to have Archie hear again, so tell me how you found the Jonases." David grinned & began, "Well, Ellen ... it was a good friend of mine that had Nick here in her class. She's a music teacher & was going on & on about how amazing of a musician he was. So I decided to stop by & see for myself. And I tell you right now Ellen, I .... was blown away by his talent. He is remarkable & has a gift no doubt. Thats when I met his husband here, Joe, & we all sat down & had dinner together & I laid down the deal to sign them both together."

"Wow. And now, just look at the two of you now ... superstars overnight. You're on all the magazines, TV .... everywhere. What's it like to be recognized & already known worldwide?," asked Ellen. I decided to answer & go for it, "Its been the craziest experience. We're extremely grateful for this amazing opportunity & we're just so glad to be .... living the dream." Joe added, "And we're just really blessed to have such amazing family support & friends by our sides. And especially to God for this chance of a lifetime, Nick's right ... we're living the dream." Ellen nodded & continued, "Well, y'all sound like the sweetest guys. I listened to & purchased a copy of your album, .... which already is past a million copies in less than week. I gotta tell you guys, its .... fantastic. My wife & I really love it & we both wanna wish you the best. We just know you're career is going to taking off a soaring. So, tell me Joe ... when did you & Nick tie the knot?"

Joe grinned, "We got married on December 13, 2010 Monday in L.A. Its now been a month since we've gotten married & everyday has been a dream." The crowd & even Ellen awwwwwwwwwww'ed. "Thats so adorable. Y'all are just adorable together. So, who came up the name JONAS? Is it all because y'all have the same last names?" I took this one & said, "Thank you so much Ellen. Well, Joe & I came up with the name together. Its funny because before I married Joe, my last name was already Jonas ... & we're not related in any way. But now that you mention, we have a surprise for you & the audience today. Kevin, .... why don't you come out here?," I called. He came out smiling brightly & hugged Ellen & kissed each others cheeks. "This is Kevin Jonas , everyone. And as of right now, he's the newest member of JONAS. You see, we held auditions for a guitarist & in the end chose him. He's another Jonas unrelated to Joe & I. Together we are now .... the Jonas Brothers!"

With that the crowd of people went wild with cheers & clapping. For the rest of the time, Kevin shared who he was & each of us got to talk more with Ellen. Eventually we came to the performance where Ellen announced, "I give y'all .... the Jonas Brothers/JONAS!!" Joe, Kevin, & I took the stage with our instruments & began playing .... 

Hello Beautiful

How's it going?

I hear it's wonderful in California

I've been missing you its true

But tonight I'm gonna fly

Yea tonight I'm gonna fly

'cause I could comb across the world

See everything and never be satisfied

If I couldn't see those eyes

Hello Beautiful

It's been a long time

Since my phone's rung

And you've been on that line

I've been missing you it's true

But tonight I'm gonna fly

Yea tonight I'm gonna fly

'cause I could comb across the world

See everything and never be satisfied

If I couldn't see those eyes

With that the crowd let out their claps & cheering, many smiling so widely. We all hugged Ellen & bowed & waved to them while Ellen made her closing announcements. Afterwards we all had lunch together as a group, Ellen, David, Joe, Kevin, & I. And like she said, she did interview on our own. My turn was saved for last, nervousness again swirled in me, but I was fine on the tube & I knew I could be the same for this moment. "Nick, that was an awesome show. I'm so excited for more music from you guys, y'all sounded like you've been doing this for years ... it was so natural & full of heart & soul. You guys are the next big thing, I just know it." Ellen went on. I smiled & all nerves went away, "Thank you Ellen, that means so much. We all love it out there just playing our music & having a great time together." A lot time passed between chatting with her about the band & myself & Joe. The last question she asked me though sent my heart a beating a mile a minute. "Nick, .... I don't mean to pry, but I just want to know if its true. Do you really have a the ability to get pregnant?," she asked. I blushed & nodded, "Yes. ... Its true. Its strange I know, ...," I said. She just embraced me & said, "You are so lucky. I wish I can become pregnant from my wife. Thats something you shouldn't be ashamed of Nick. Its a gift & a precious one. You & Joe, are beautiful together. Promise me when you guys decide to have kids, that you come back & see me?" My eyes widened for a minute then I just gave her a warm smile. "Thank you Ellen, for everything. And, ... we promise."

© 2013 VirgoAvatar

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Added on January 20, 2011
Last Updated on August 9, 2013
Tags: joick Jick Joeick Joe/Nick Nick



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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