Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 66

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 66

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 66 (HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011!!)

Nick's POV

After the dance, Joe & I raced to our room & immediately put on a pair or water shorts & got towels & jumped right into the warm pool. We came out at both the same time. "Whooo! That, IS WARM!," Joe exclaimed. I laughed & said, "Yeah, sure is. Very, ... nice." I floated on my back & put my head in the water leaning back. I used my feet to swim through the water. I turned in circles & spread my arms out like an angel, just feeling the water's nice temperature. Joe took this moment to pounce on me & kiss me under the water. But just like that we both had to let go & surface back up for air. "Joe ...," I said. 

"Yep, present baby. Want more?," he asked getting close. "Yes ...," I said. Just about as were close to leaning in lip to lip, the water suddenly made a big splash. "Whoa!," I screamed. We both looked at the culprit open mouthed. Joe was the 1st to say, "Dad!!" I couldn't take it ... I burst out laughing. Denise whom was walking down the stairs of the pool like most people did, was also laughing. "Nice one Kevin. You not only interrupted the guys, but you soaked them even more. What am I going to do with you Kevin Paul?" 

He shrugged, "I'm sorry guys, but I just wanted to do a cannon ball so bad. Looks like I got a little carried away." I was just about to speak, when Joe went 1st "Oh yeah dad? Well how I even up the score a bit? Hmm?" Joe swam over to Kevin & dunked him in the water, from what it looked like it ... seemed like wrestling. I thought of stopping them, when Denise called to me, "Don't bother Nick. Its just a little father & son bonding time. They're just playing. So come here & tell me, did you enjoy the dancing?"

I swam over to the stair area where she was sitting, half in the water & half not. "You sure? They look like they're getting really into it. Yeah, I did. It was lovely Denise thank you. I have a wonderful time." She patted my shoulder & hugged me, "Positive Nicholas. They're always like this, just joshing around. They'll both eventually get tired out & float on over to us. Awww, I'm so glad. Kevin & I just wanted to do something special for you two. And I gotta say, filming you both ... was like a dream. Your love is undeniable, its as strong as the earth. We both see it & feel it from you & Joseph. Just promise me one thing?"

"Ha ha. Yeah you're probably right. They actually look cute playing like they are. It was so special, you & Kevin, did a wonderful job. And thanks for filming us too, thats a moment I'll want to see again. Yeah I feel that too, Joe & I, its just the most incredible bond of love. Anything Denise, what is it?" I was curious to what he wanted me to promise, so I just listened waiting for her to continue. After laughing a bit from our guys she said, "Only the cutest of cute Nicholas. Kevin & Joe are still both kids are heart, just like you. In fact, I am too. Its okay to be silly & have fun sometimes, being an adult is not always about being focused on work. Its nice to have your career & if you enjoy doing it, its even better. But still, don't lose the fun & playfulness of life. Seriousness is good, but like I said its good to relax & live life."

I nodded happily & she continued, "Anyways, I think your life with Joseph will be a grand one. All I ask is that ... you two give us grandchildren in the future." Right then & there I blushed a deep shade of red & tried to hide my face with my hands. "Denise!," I squealed. With that Joe & Kevin stopped their silliness & came swimming over. "Nick? What's wrong? Mom? ... What'd you say?," Joe questioned.

I shyly smiled & took my hands away from my face. 

"Nothing much, huh Nicholas?," she winked. I blushed further, "Yeah ..." Joe wasn't having any of it, "Mother? Nick? What were you all talking about?" Kevin sat beside Denise & patted her hands, "Come on you two. Tell us. The suspense ... its killing us here," he teased. Hmm, just like his son ... how cute. "Well, ..." she started. "It you qualify talking about the two of you joshing around like you do, then thats one thing. Another was planning you & Nicholas here a special dancing romantic evening. And thirdly, Nicholas made me a promise." 

"Oh!," said Kevin knowingly. "I get it," he said. Joe frowned, "Well, ... I don't get it. Mom what'd you make Nick promise?" She just shrugged & playfully said, "You sure you wanna know Joseph? Are you positive?" Joe was slowly loosing his patience, "Yes, mother I'd love to know. I'm completely 100% positive." She then swam away, "Well, ... its between Nick & you. I'm going to swim, coming Kevin?" Kevin swam with her & waved like gotta go, "She's right Joe. Yes dear, lets swim!" Joe's eyes just widened & then sighed heavily.

He turned his attention back on me. Uh-oh. "You, ... know ... I think I'm going to swim more too," I said trying to get away from the situation. "Not so fast," Joe said grabbing my arm & pulling me back to face him. "Now, ..." he began. "Please Nick, tell me what's going on & then we'll swim. What is it that mom asked you to promise?" I squinted one eye & leaned up to kiss his lips & pulled away whispering in his ear. "I'll tell you later, I promise. Trust me?"

Joe bit his lip & finally nodded, "Okay for now. Yes I do, I really do." I smiled reassuringly, "Good. Now, I'll race ya baby. What do you say?" He chuckled & smirked, "I'm in & its on baby boy." We counted together ... "1 .... 2 .... 3!!! Go!," We swam with all our might & in the end tied. That rest of the time we played a little volleyball & then went over to the jacuzzi. Finally 30 minutes before midnight, we all took our showers, dried off & came back down stairs in our pjs & robes to await the countdown. By the time we all arrived, we had exactly 15 minutes so we made some hot chocolate with whipped cream & watched the specials on TV from Ryan Secreast's Rockin' New Year's to Carson Daily's.

We saw performances from the Backstreet Boys & some other new group doing a song or two together, Nicki Minaj, Ke$ha, Daughtry, Far East Movement, & more. We also got to see Dick Clark say a few words as well. New York was 100% crowded with people of all ages & some had come from other places in the world. Couples were caught on camera kissing & making out. Most people had on light up & sparkly 2011 glasses & big hats almost like Dr. Seuss. Finally after some time went by, the countdown arrived. We all joined in, "10 .... 9 .... 8 .... 7 .... 6 .... 5 ..... 4 ..... 3 .... 2 .... 1! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!" 

Thats when everyone in the room hugged each other. The last thing I recall the most is ... just being together with them just like this ... as a family. And Joe's lips overtaking mine again & again. Like I said, Happy New Year people & good night ...

;-] Wait a minute! Something missing ... oh yeah ... "Tell me baby? You promised," Joe said. I whispered, "I promise Denise that ... we'd give her grandchildren." I blushed once again, just saying the words made my heart flutter wildly. "Well, ..." Joe whispered back. "I think ... thats one promise we can definitely make." And all again I melted into his arms. "Only with you," I said back. "Its a promise," he sealed it with another kiss.

© 2013 VirgoAvatar

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Added on January 14, 2011
Last Updated on August 9, 2013
Tags: joick Jick Joeick Joe/Nick Nick



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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