Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 64

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 64

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 64 (What A Boy Has To Do!)

Nick's POV

The last week of December went by so fast, it was like lightning. And in that time, Joe & I got together with Heather & Val & told them all about Maui, exchanging gifts & spending lots of time just hanging out. They were so glad to see us cause they had their own news, they were accepted into Cal State Fullerton. We congratulated them both, but we also realized they'd be pretty far away from us & their families. Though they said they keep in touch & always be our friends, besties for life. We also got together with David, he was excited to have us back. He had big news about the Christmas songs we released from before the honeymoon ... were number one for the whole holiday period. Fans apparently really loved it & wanted more. Already they were ready for the main album of ours to come out. I gotta say it was pretty cool. David also got Miley Cyrus aka Hannah Montana to record one one with us, which was another neat experience. She was actually ... very pretty & had a beautiful voice. 

For some reason Joe didn't really like her, but he tried his hardest not to show it. Though of course I caught cause I know when Joe doesn't like something. I tried to see why & came up with ... maybe he just was jealous when she gave me a big hug & kissed my cheek, which ... indeed made me blush because not only was Joe there, but David too. Mostly likely Joe didn't like the little cheek kiss, but I wished he understand that I have no feelings like the ones I have for him. The only thing that made me more comfortable during that moment was when Miley actually left & I left alone finishing up last touches on some of my new songs that I've have planned for awhile. In the mean time I grateful for David spending some quality time together getting to know each other, I mean after all I knew for fact Joe doesn't like him either, but this way maybe they came become friends slowly. 

Sometimes Joe just gets overprotective, if anything he shouldn't be worried like he is. And especially with David, he's been cool throughout the whole process. Joe seems to think David is gay & a liar & has a crush on me. Honestly, I think he's got it all wrong. David's a nice guy just doing what he loves the most, which is singing & writing music. Plus the more I watch him, how he acts & overall how he talks, he doesn't seem like the type at all. Though Joe says to still be cautious & to never let my guard down. All & all, its kind of ridiculous, & all this worry needs to be diminished. I love Joe so much, but that kind of talk just drives me a little crazy. I know he means well & everything, but seriously he should just relax. 

So far, every moment I've spent with David alone or all three of us together has been nothing out of the ordinary. He's been a great friend & he's helped us become noticed. Our names are becoming well known, but more importantly our music is being recognized & appreciated by many people. I just hope Joe's not interrogating him or something. Maybe I should check up on them & see what they're taking about. Normally, I'm not like this ... trying to be all sneaky. But a boy's gotta do what a boy's gotta do!

So I found the two just talking together in David's office. I listened carefully, pressing my ear against the door. "So, ... Joe you must be happy to back home with Nick?," said David. Joe was silent for a few minutes till he said, "Yeah. It was great in Maui, but its nice to home. But, honestly cut the crap!" Just then my eyes widened, he said whaaa? "What crap? You okay dude? Get to much sun?," David said chuckling.

What in the world?! "Oh, you wanna play it like that ... Archuleta? Well then, heres a tip ... you stay the ....," Joe was firing away. I couldn't take it, I burst into the room & almost falling down. "Huh??? ...," is all I got out. I looked at them .... they were just playing ... VIDEO GAMES?!

"Hey, Nick! What's up?," said David putting the game on pause & turning around from his desk chair. I realized at that exact moment ... how ridiculous I must have looked. I barged right in ... for one thing. Second, my mouth was totally open ... overall a shocked look. And thirdly, .... is there a pause & rewind button to ... stop this from happening. Final answer: no.

I could only wave child-like, my voice too caught in my throat to speak. I was now nervously smiled & trying to shake off my embarrassing moment. Joe turned around as well, putting down his controller & looking at me carefully. Uh-oh ... big time busted. Okay, okay .... think think ... Nick. What can I say??

Oh, I was just seeing whatcha y'all were up too? Just walking on by? Bye? Oh God ... thats terrible ... just thinking it. Give me a break Nick! Thats all you could come up with? Dude .... reality is hard sometimes! So as it was I finally went with, "Good David, good. What game are you guys playing?" I tried to take their attention off me & at least get them to talk about the game, ... take the heat off me.

"Wanna tell him Joe or should I?," David asked. Joe just shrugged, "Epic Mickey. You see, ... David & I have been playing ... so we got really into it. And before you came in ... I was saying that David should stay the heck away from the ship because I'm about to get the treasure 1st." 

Oh! ... Good grief-ess Nick, you sure ... got this situation all mixed up. Back at the same time, its a major relief cause for a minute ... I thought they were taking about me. See what Joe did? He made me paranoid .... oy! Wait a minute ... paranoid ... I just might ... be paranoid.

Like that I was about to run out of David's office when Joe said, "Where are you going ? Don't you wanna play?" I turned back & smiled, "I just got an idea for another song, gotta run. Maybe later, you guys go ahead." With that I took off & went back to my piano & began writing ...

I make the most of all the stress

I try to live without regrets

But I'm about to break a sweat

I'm freakin' out

It's like a poison in my brain

It's like a fog that blurs the scene

It's like a vine I cant untangle

I’m freakin' out

Everytime I turn around

Something don’t feel right

Just might be paranoid

I’m avoiding the lines cause they just might split

Can someone stop the noise?

I don’t know what it is,

but I just don’t fit

I’m paranoid

I take the necessary steps

to get some air into my chest

I'm taking all the docters meds

I’m still freaking out

That’s why my ex is still my ex

I never trust a word she says

I’m runnin' all the background checks

And she's freaking out

Everytime I turn around, something's just not right

Just might be paranoid

I’m avoiding the lines cause they just might split

Can someone stop the noise?

I don’t know what it is

But i just don’t fit

Consider me destroyed

I don’t know how to act cause I lost my head

I must be paranoid (must be paranoid)

and I never thought it would come to this

I’m paranoid

Stuck in a room of starring faces

I’m caught in a nightmare cant wake up

If you hear my cry, running through her streets

I’m about to freak

Come on rescue me

Just might be paranoid


I’m avoiding the lines cause they just might split

Can someone stop the noise? (can someone stop the noise)

I don’t know what it is

but i just don’t fit

Consider me destroyed (considered me destroyed)

I don’t know how to act

'Cause i lost my head

I must be paranoid (must be paranoid)

I never thought it would come to this

I'm paranoid 

That little bit an ex & a girl was just a random bit I threw, but all together ... it sounded exactly like I wanted it to sound. Now I just need, Joe over here. And just like magic, there he was with David just standing in front of me. "Lets hear it Nick," said David. Joe nodded & played it for them. Once Joe got familiar with the beat & lyrics we eventually sang together ... our voices taking turns & harmonizing perfectly as one. By the end, Joe just smirked at me & hugged me tightly. David also gave me a quick hug & said "Brilliant! Brilliant boy!" 

After finishing up with everything, Joe & I said our goodbyes to David & headed back to his parent's house. After all it was New Year's Eve, only six hours till midnight! And the New Year would begin, like .... whooo!

© 2013 VirgoAvatar

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Added on January 13, 2011
Last Updated on August 9, 2013
Tags: joick Jick Joeick Joe/Nick Nick



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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