Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 62

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 62

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 62 (Welcome Home!)

Nick's POV

After our red-eye flight home from Maui, Joe & I slept through to the very end. Once we made it out of the airport & into the car, Joe drove us home. Immediately after we parked & walked back in, we both hit the shower together & hit the bed. We were both so tired from the flight & just had no energy to do anything ... except sleep. We snuggled into our blankets & pillows & cuddled together. Joe snored a bit, but then again probably so did I. I can't believe we were already back home in CA. Home for Christmas. I'm sure we had endless messages on our cell from Denise & Kevin & of course David, Heather & Val. Well, I promised myself that once I woke up ... I would check on the cells & get back with each of them. Right now, sleep is just ... sooo good. Plus after a flight through the night, who wouldn't be completely wiped? Its a wonder how pilots & the flight attendants handle their long hour schedules. Its pretty impressive if I do say so.

Deeper in sleep, I remember dreaming of sweet & beautiful Maui. I just smiled & sighed. I missed it already. I definitely loved it there. It was like nothing like home, it just swept me up in its serene like beauty & serenity. I prayed to go back again, real soon. After about almost six hours of sleep, my eyes finally opened. I sat up & looked around to see Joe already gone from our bed. "Joe?," I called. When I got no answer, I grabbed a nearby green robe & slipped in on along with a pair of matching fuzzy warm slippers. I walked to the kitchen calling once again, "Joe?"

Still nothing, just then an envelope with my name on it caught my eye. I opened it up & read aloud: "

Dearest Nick, 

Good afternoon lovely baby boy. I'm so sorry I wasn't there to be by your side when you woke up. My parents were calling me repeatedly & finally barged in with the spare key I gave them. I didn't want to wake you, so I'm with them right now ... taking care of a few things. Merry Christmas baby, I hope you slept wonderful & I can't wait to see you & kiss you. I'll be back as fast as I can ;-]



With that was also a single red rose. I picked it up inhaling its sweet smell. Mmm. Like I said ... he's the best! So with that I thought it was probably a good time to get dressed, but just as I about to head back upstairs ... Joe came in along with his parents. "Nick! You're awake! Merry Christmas baby, mwa!," he ran to me & scooped me right up, kissing me. I got lost in his kiss & giggled, "Mwa yourself! Yep I am. Merry Christmas Joe. I just got up a few minutes ago & read your letter. Thank you." He grinned, "Your very welcome beautiful. And, ... looks who's here?!" Just then Denise & Kevin came rushing over to give me hugs after hugs. 

"Nicholas dear! Oh my God, you look sun kissed no doubt! Merry Christmas!," Denise exclaimed. "Merry Christmas Nicholas! Wow, Maui sure tanned both of your skins perfectly!," said a just a happy Kevin. "Merry Christmas Denise & Kevin! Thank you, ... yeah Maui was ... just ...," I looked at Joe. He finished for me, "Heavenly. And, .. speaking of heavenly ... you look adorable Nick." I realized he meant my pj Christmas look. I smiled & just leaned my head on his shoulder.

For the next hours we reminisced on everything about Maui. We showed them all the pics & vids & all the little things we bought too. We also gave them an early Christmas present which was two boxes of Mauna Loa's chocolates & coffee Maui mugs, & two sweatshirts ... one pink for Denise & the other dark blue for Kevin ... that both had the words Maui on them. And there gifts to us was a new guitar for me & moped for Joe. I was so ecstatic, Joe was too. It was a good & warm familiar feeling to be back home with them here with us. Family ...

Towards the end of the night, Kevin drove us to their house where we were spending our Christmas. After settling in, Denise cooked another excellent & divine meal. Then we spent time, singing Christmas songs & watching holiday specials. This was one thing that Maui didn't feel like ... it didn't feel like Christmas there. But as the Hawaiian's say .... mele kalikimaka (Merry Christmas)!

© 2013 VirgoAvatar

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Added on January 12, 2011
Last Updated on August 9, 2013
Tags: joick Jick Joeick Joe/Nick Nick



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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