Paradise Ep 53

Paradise Ep 53

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Paradise Ep. 53 (Lets Go To the Spa)

Joe: *So the next morning I woke up 1st & saw my angelic baby boy snoring lightly. Awww, it makes me heart smile & feel all warm. Last night, & in fact the whole yesterday was pretty sexy. As quietly as I could, I got off our bed & went to the patio & checked out the weather. Hmmm, look at that clear skies are back. Well, thats great back to sunny & perfect paradise. I glanced at the clock, which read 11:20 AM. Still early, okay with the sun back & all, what can my sweet Nick & I do today? With that I got dressed, & then looked through some brochures, which had a lot of awesome activities to do while on vacation. One in particular got my attention. Come relax at the spa? That sounds nice, I thought for a few min.'s, hey why not. Besides, a massage would be relaxing. And ... speaking of massages, Nick & I can each other 1. Plus we could have fun, in a private room with a jacuzzi. I was already getting super turned on, just thinking about it. Yep, thats what we're doing, no question. Now that, that is settled I better get breakfast set. Just like Nick, I went all out on making a special meal & setting everything up. I got to say, it looks great. Thats when I heard footsteps coming & I turned around to see him. God, he looks so beautiful! I immediately scoped him up in my arms, squeezing him lovingly & affectionately, of course no morning's complete without a kiss or 2* Morning lovely! 

Nick: *Giggles & smiles brightly* Morning honey! *kisses back & looks at the meal* Mmmm. *licks lips* Someone's been cooking. I'm starved baby. 

Joe: *Carried him to his seat, gently seating him & gesturing* Well then, dig in baby boy. *I took my seat next to him & begun to eat, along with him* 

Nick: Mmmm! This so amazing Joey, wow! Your such an awesome chef. *winks*

Joe: *Grins* I'm happy you like it Nicky. *laughs* Just call me ... Mr. Chef. 

Nick: *Giggles even more* Okay. *eyes close, & my hands go to cover my mouth* 

Joe: *Smirks* Thats right, Nicky baby boy, I'm Mr. Chef! And today I have a special treat for you. *hands him the brochure* What do you say?

Nick: *Looks at it & smiles big* Sounds like bliss to me! What are we waiting for? Lets go! *finishes up food & gets up*

Joe: *Gets up faster & catches Nick's tank top & pulls him to me* Easy baby boy, we'll get there. But 1st, *leans to kiss his forehead & breathes deeply in the smell of Nick's curls* Mmmmm Nicky! You smell so goood!

Nick: *Blushes & feels knees buckle underneath me, lucky Joe's incredibly strong arms support me & are wrapped around my waist* Joeey! Save it for the spa, baby! *winks*

Joe: *Groans* You sure Nicky?

Nick: *Nods & pokes his chest* Yes, come on Joey. We've got to get there & ... I'm all yours. 

Joe: *Bites lip* You tease! *releases him* 

Nick: *Shrugs* May-bee. 

Joe: *Groans again & bites lip* Alright then, ready to leave?

Nick: *Puts a finger up & dashes away to get something* Hold on 1 sec Joey, I'l be right back, okay. 

Joe: *Folds arms & shakes head. What is that boy up to now?*

Nick: *Returns to the room & waits for Joe beside the door* Okay, got it. We can go now.

Joe: *Goes to open the door for him & walks with him to their car & we both get in, I start the car* What did you get Nick?

Nick: *Holds on item* This.

Joe: *Chuckles* A camera, baby boy? Really, so I'm not the only 1 who's thinking about making some romantic moments?

Nick: *Blushes deeply* You never know what we may need. Besides, you started it!

Joe: *Nods & laughs again* Yeah, we'll finish it, together. 

Nick: *Bites lip* Yep. *gazes out the window, taking in the view* Its so nice today, looks like the storms gone. 

Joe: Yeah, its great. We'll be hitting the beach later, how about that?

Nick: *Smiles* Love it. ~ Joe continues driving, while Nick watches everything from his seat. 30 min.'s later, they've arrived. ~

Joe: *Opens Nick's door & extends hand for Nick to take* Here we are Nicky, shall we?

Nick: *Smiles & takes his hand, letting him pull me up from my seat & leading the way* We shall. 

Joe: *Opens the spa doors & goes to the front desk with Nick*

Receptionist: *Finishes call & smiles cheerfully at Joe & Nick* Welcome to Senikai Spas! May I have you names please?

Joe: Thank you. Nick & Joe Jonas. 

Receptionist: *Types in computer* Ah, yes! *gets up from seat* Follow me this way. *leads the way down the halls* Is this your 1st time here? *looks at both of them*

Joick: Yes. 

Receptionist: *Nods bubbly* Well we're glad you choose our spa, we hope you'll enjoy your day here. This is where you''ll receive our signatory 'Ulumu' face & scalp treatment and 'Bua' frangipani cleansing ritual. *motions for them to enter* Have a seat, & there's complimentary drinks & fresh fruit, so help your selves & someone will be here momentarily. *smiles & leaves*

Joick: Thank you. 

Joe: *Looks around* This is nice, huh Nick? You want something to drink?

Nick: *Looks around too* Yeah its elegant. Um, guava juice is good. 

Joe: *Goes to get our drinks* French accent: You got it, Chef Adam will get that for you.

Nick: *Giggles at Joe's silliness* 

Joe: *Continuing accent* There you are Misouir Nicholas. So you hear about Misouir Joseph from the Jonas Brothers, he's quite something, don't you think?

Nick: *Giggles softly* Oui Misouir Adam. He's magnificent! 

Joe: *Nods* Not as magnificent as Misouir Nicholas Jonas! *walks up to Nick & grabs his cheeks & kisses him deeply* 

Nick: *Pretends to gasp* Misouir Adam, I have a boyfriend already! 

Joe: *Smiles* Well then Misouir Nicholas, its a good thing I'm Joseph. Je t'aime de tout mon coeu. (I love you with all my heart). *resumes kissing Nick*

Nick: *Kisses back & murmurs* Je t'aime pour toujours. (I love you forever). 

???: *Opens door* Oh my! Sorry for interrupting. *blushes embarrassedly*

Joick: *Blush bright red too*

Joe: *Speaks* Its okay.

Nick: *Silent, still blushing like crazy*

???: *Smiles* You 2 are Nick & Joe Jonas correct? 

Joick: *Nods* Yes. 

???: *Beams* Great. My name is Mari, I'll be your therapist for today. And this is my sister, *motions for her to come in* Nari, she'll be working with me as well. Okay, so 1st we'll get started with the 'Ulumu' face & scalp treatment and 'Bua' frangipani cleansing rituals. And then we'll move on to other treatments & the massages.

Joick: Okay. 

Mari & Nari: Follow us. *leads them to where they'll get their treatments* Please have a seat, & just relax, & we'll begin. 

Joe: *So for the time being me & Nick sat next to each other, getting our facial treatments. For both of us, we were sort of nervous cause we'd never gotten this kind of a thing done together & plus haven't gotten caught kissing. Though I gotta say, that Mari & Nari are pretty cool, they don't seem to mind at all. They're very cool & funny. While they were working, they told the both of us about themselves. We shared some things too, like about how we've been having a blast being here in Fiji. The girls recommended some fun beaches & areas to visit. We joked, laughed, & overall had a nice time talking & of course getting our facials & stuff. It was really rejuvenating & relaxing most definitely. Eventually we got to our massages, which was really nice. We each got 1 hour & a half massages, & then for a surprise, Mari & Nari taught us techniques so Nick & I could give each other massages. I spent another 1 & half, when I got to try out massaging Nick. Oh my God, it was 1 of the things I fore sure will savor forever. Nick seemed to really enjoy it too. His skin was so soft & warm, my hearts beating fast already. Nick is SO lovely!!!*

Nick: *Joe was giving my massage, & I all I can say was that I was completely lost. His touch sent chills throughout my entire body, it was pure sparks. I wanted to make it last forever, it felt so good. Oh yeah, I'm so in love with Joe. My man definitely knows how to give an amazing massage, among making me feel floaty on cloud 9. Thank goodness I'm laying down & he can't see how much I'm blushing right now. His hands moving on my back ... ohhhh the feeling is so sexy. I have to be careful though, cause if either 1 of us losses control we're going to an audience watching. I think Mari & Nari walking in on us kissing was just embarrassing enough. Its okay though, I have complete control even though Joe's still touching & rubbing my back, I can keep the pleasure I'm feeling inside, well for now that is. Sadly it came to end & my time was up, but luckily now it was my turn to return the favor. Joe & I switched places & I used everything I learned about massaging properly to give to Joe. When I touched him, I swear I could the fiery sparks heat up once again, but this time much stronger. I patted Joe's back silently reminding him to keep it cool. I got to say for the time I spent on Joe, he did quite well, more than I expected. I was happy to not only relieve any tension from him, but how he just went into a trance & I could tell he was in the same bliss I had been in when he was massaging me. Once again time went by so fast & it was time to move on to the next experience of the spa*

Mari: *Comes back in the room* How are we doing guys? 

Nari: *Also comes in the room* You ready for the private spa? 

Joe: *Nods, super relaxed* So yeah.

Nick: *Giggles* Same here. 

Mari & Nari: *Smile & giggle too* Alright, put on these robes *hands them each their own robe* & follow us. *leads the way*

Joick: *Puts on the robes & follows, excited for whats next*

Mari: *Opens door for everyone* Here we are, this is a biggest spa room & for the next 2 hours, its all yours. *smiles*

Nari: *Nods* If you need anything, just push this button & we'll be here. Enjoy. *winks & leaves with Mari*

Joick: *Looks around & then back them* Thank you girls. 

Joe: *Whistles loud* Man, this is awesome! Do I know how to pick them or what?

Nick: *Smiles, nodding* Tell me about it. *sexily walks in front of Joe* Your *pokes his stomach with 1 finger* the *moves finger up his chest* best. *moves finger to tickle underneath his chin*

Joe: *Raises an eyebrow playfully* Are you seducing me, Nick?

Nick: *Bite lip, shrugs* Depends on if you want me to? *gets close to his face & says innocently* Do you, Joe?

Joe: *Pulls Nick's robe, by the collar moving him right against me & looks at him heatedly*

Nick: *Sees the lust & love, making me smile & giggle at the same time* I take that as a, yes.

Joe: *Slams lips on Nick's, hugging his body even closer, all the while taking both of their robes off & letting them drop to the floor*

Nick: *Feels Joe's erection fully against my area, making me moan & strangely hearing them echoing off the walls. Oh. My. This is going to get very, very, HOT*

Joe: *Lifts Nick up to my body, grabbing his thighs making them wrap around my hips, while I carry the both of us into the jacuzzi, my eyes never leaving Nick's*

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

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Added on January 11, 2011
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joe Jonas Nick Jonas



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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