Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 60

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 60

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 60 (Come Over Love & Table For Two)

Joe's POV

It was already Wednesday morning, but still dark outside our patio. Nick was deep in sleep. I hated the idea of waking him, especially since it was still night time, but its the only time we have left to go to Haleakala to see the sunrise. See it comes up at 7:04 AM this morning & right now its like 5:04 AM. It traditionally takes two hours by car to get there, but I actually have another way planned that will be easier for the both of us. "Nick?," I said gently shaking his shoulder a little. "Wake up honey, its time to see the sunrise." He opened one eye, while I turned on both of the small lamps beside our bed. "Mmmmm?," he said while looking at the clock. He groaned looking at the time, "Why so early?," he whined while yawning. 

He sat up a little from his cozy position looking at me. "I'm sorry baby boy, but if we don't go now, we could easily miss it. I know you're tired, but you can sleep while we go. I'll wake you when its for sure time. Please?," I begged. I knew very well that Nick wasn't a morning person & I got to admit neither was I, but I really wanted him to get a chance to see this before we leave tomorrow. He yawned once again & nodded sleepily, "Okay." I then got the warmest clothes for him & carefully dressed him. After that I dressed myself & cooked a quick breakfast to go. Holding Nick's hand I lead him to a mode of transportation, a private car with a driver all set to go. 

Though I don't think Nick really noticed cause he just climbed in, silently & immediately went back to sleeping. It was a good thing I came prepared with everything. I propped Nick's head on a nice soft extra firm pillow & covered him in a big thick warm blanket. He mumbled something, but I didn't understand what he said. I only smiled & told the driver to start our journey to the volcano. I watched for the longest time until sleep got the best of me & I cuddled with Nick. Dreaming away, it was peaceful ... well at least till I felt Nick awaken suddenly. 

"Nick? Are we here?," I asked sleepily while rubbing my eyes. When I opened them I saw him nodding along with the driver saying, "We've arrived." I looked around, it was still a little dark out with some light but not much. There were one or two other cars parked in the lot, but other than that ... it was pretty much desolate. Not many people are early risers, which is why a lot of them miss this spectacular sighting. Plus its not exactly a warm thing, its colder than you can imagine. According to my iPhone4G it says its around 40 degrees right now. And being so use to the nice & warm sunny weather of 80 degrees, its a 40 degree difference. Nick was huddling to his blanket tightly. "I-its .... f-freez-ing-g," he got out. I kissed his lips & forehead.

"I know baby. Its the way the summit is at the time. Speaking of time, its 6:30 AM right now. We've still got some time before its time. Do want anything? I know you were so tired, so I brought breakfast to go, with nice & warm hot chocolate too. Here have some," I said while passing him the food & cup. He eat & drank slowly at first, but then started to eat a little faster. "Mmmm! Thats ... so good. I ... feel better ... now." I nodded happily, "I'm glad. I was hoping that would do the trick, else ... I would have had to go for plan B instead," I winked at him. Just then, his eyes widened & he blinked in realization of what I was meaning. He blushed, "J-Joe ...," he shyly said.

"Ha ha. I'm just kidding Nick. But I might have also been serious. I don't mind ... you ... know ....," I was about to say it when Nick covered my mouth. "Ssh. Its ... way ... too early for that right now & not when there's ... another person in this car," he hissed. "Okay first of all, he left the car & is taking his break. Plus I wouldn't have let he sat & watched us. I would have told him to leave. But, ... I know baby boy. I know. But, its nice to dream." He blushed more & shook his head. "Your a marvel! You know that. You're lucky its cold up here else I'd be chasing you!" I raised both my eyebrows, "That a fact Nick? Hmmmm, I kinda like the sound of that. Go on, more please," I said teasingly.

He laughed & rolled his eyes, "Uh-uh, no way. The most I'm doing is blinking my eyes & thats it. Its still cold here you know." I knew he was bluffing, though I think I know a way to make him forget the coldness. I leaned over to him closely, as my hands found their way underneath his layers of clothes & snow jacket. He shivered slightly at the touch, but then moaned a little, "Joe ...." I loved feeling his smooth skin against my finger tips, it certainly made me feel warmer. Just like that though I changed tactics & began to tickle him. His eyes crunched together closed & tried to wiggle out of the way, but I wouldn't let him.

"Joeeee! That, .... ha ha .... tickles ... stoppppp .... its ... too ... muchhhh ...," he giggled & laughed on & on. Eventually it brought him to tears & he collapsed in my arms tiredly, breathing in & out. "Warm now precious angel?," I mused. He smiled & nodded dazed, "Yes." I leaned in & kissed his lips upside down as he was laying in my lap. "Mwa, your so beautiful Nick," I said. I felt his hands wind around my neck, gently holding me over his head. "Me too Joe. I love you," he said. Just as I was about to make the kiss more passionate, I glanced at the time ... 6:55 AM. "Nick! ...," before I could even finish ... "I know. Lets go!," he said holding my hand. We got out of the car together & at 1st he took the lead, but ... that didn't last for long because Nick hadn't been here before. 

I took his hand, as we walked up the trail to the visitor center. We found a quiet spot for the both of us & watched intently as the sun rose up from the sea. It was ... everything they said it was & more. It was beautiful & with Nick, it was even more so. We watched as it rose so quickly, though at the same time I was also capturing it on vid. The sun shined brightly, warming the areas still covered in darkness. "Wow! ...," was all Nick could say for the moment. I too was just as in awe as he was. I've seen it a few times before with my folks, but never with the one I love. Nick himself is my happiness. All it takes for me to smile is him. Him alone can brighten my world. 

"I see now. That was so beautiful Joe. I've never seen the sun rise like that above the clouds. Its wondrous. Its heaven on earth. Thank you ... thank you so much for bringing me here. I love it & I love you," he finished while kissing my lips passionately. I kissed him deeply & pulled his body closer to mine, together our warmth & hearts were as one. "Your very welcome, Nick & my pleasure. I love you my adorable boy." For the rest of that morning, I showed his all around the visitor center. We even did some small hiking of our own, finding a small traces of the rare Hawaiian plant ... called the silversword. We took pics of it & then took a nap on the lava rocks basking in the sun's warmth all across the top of the summit. 

Once we woke up, we made our own rock piles where we tried to balance a bunch of rocks on top of each other. Mine crumbled after seven rocks on top of one of another gave out & lost its balance. Nick's however, stayed together. His had eight rocks, but once he attempted to put a 9th on top, it too went to pieces. We laughed & walked back to the center. I didn't want to leave just yet, not without showing Nick the inside of the volcano area. So I rented two horses & we rode down the many steep trails. We explored all around, Nick commented that it was like being on Mars surface. Indeed it was almost like another planet ... this particular place. After two hours of horseback riding, Nick & I decided to head down from the summit. 

Our driver drove us back down, this time Nick was fully awake to see upcountry's beautiful & tranquil scenery. We made some stops at a winery getting a few dessert treats & at a local goat cheese farm, which was nothing sort of delish. As we drove back to our resort, I had another idea. I told our driver to take us to the Ma'alaea's harbor area. I had another destination in mind. I rented a private sail boat & sailed right over to Lana'i. It was indeed another beautiful day in Maui, the water was calm & serene. The islands all around were clear. It was bliss. And in the process, Nick got to see Molokini Crater & Kahoolawe. Once to Lana'i, we docked our sailboat & went ashore. It was a small island, but it also had some amazing beaches. 

After exploring almost the entire island, Nick & I had a picnic lunch aboard our sail boat. And as we did, we were also greeted by endless spinner dolphins all around us. They jumped out & pretty much entertained us. It was the best! Plenty of pics were captured, Nick was beaming uncontrollably. I was grinning the whole time. I can't remember not smiling, thats how much fun it all was. Next, I took Nick back to Molokini Crater & we snorkeled for hours. We also did snuba. We seen plenty of fish, butterfly kinds & more. Green sea turtles & octopus' were present too, it was the coolest thing ever. Next, I took Nick over lastly for our island tours ... to Moloka'i. This is where we explored one of Hawaii's oldest islands. We took a helicopter seeing everything from the air. Its sea cliffs were an awesome sight, the way the were formed & how they were right against the ocean water, it was just stunning. 

For the evening, I took Nick aboard a private sunset romantic dinner cruise. We dined while watching the sun disappear. Then we danced together, just enjoying the breeze & the night sky shine with its stars & moon in a crystal clear view. By the time we arrived back at the resort, we just took a swim in the pool & ended our day by taking a tub bath together & falling right asleep once we hit the sheets of the bed. What ... a .. day!

© 2013 VirgoAvatar

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Added on January 11, 2011
Last Updated on August 9, 2013
Tags: joick Jick Joeick Joe/Nick Nick



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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