Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 45-48

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 45-48

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 45 (Wedding Details & All That)

Nick's POV

Days went by even quicker than I thought possible. Joe & I had finally finished our semesters & earned our straight A's all across our classes. In that time, Joe had come to a decision to leave both his jobs at Nortstrums & See's Candies. I had asked him if he was positively sure about what he was doing. He said that he was absolutely sure. He said he missed being with me & now that we have a career together, there's really no need for his two part-time jobs. 

I had whined at first cause I had joked about missing the freebie chocolat that he always brought home to me. He laughed so much at this & told me that the chocolat is never gone. That he'd always buy it for me whenever & wherever we were. I smiled & had told his exactly that the chocolat didn't matter, what matter's is being you & that I you him so very much. 

Also two more of our songs had been released as singles, "SOS" & "That's Just The Way We Roll." And best of all, David had told us that our album release was going to be after New Years for sure. Joe & I was jumping up & down like kids when we heard the news. And Denise & Kevin, Val & Heather, were all equally just the same. And also, we were given a private plane to take us wherever we wanted. Together Joe & I had decided on the perfect place to vacate for this Christmas. But first we readied ourselves for a more important event ... one that would change our lives forever. Even greater than becoming famous ... being married in holy matrimony!

Our final date was December 13th. And its already December 11! Everything was ready though, Denise & Kevin went through all the planning, & Val & Heather had volunteered to help too. It was set to take place at The Grand Long Beach Event Center. ~ Website link: ~ Joe & I had already taken ... well a grand tour & we knew right away that this was the place for us. I originally hadn't wanted it to be a big wedding, but after seeing this place ... oh my God ... my mind was set. Joe said he didn't care, whatever I wanted & wherever we would stand up there & say I do ... he said just as long as we're together he'd want me to be happy. His happiness was mine & mine was his. 

I was pretty much shaking in anticipation for the day to finally arrive. David was excited to for the day as well. He had promised some surprise guests. And of course Denise & Kevin, Val & Heather & their boyfriends, my entire music class including Mrs. Swanson & her  husband. Joe invited his each of his math buddies & class plus his professor as well. And Denise & Kevin had some friends that they invited too. Overall the numbers were climbing, invitations were being sent left & right. And it was all the paparazzi & media could talk about. Our wedding date was known pretty much ... worldwide. The fans were buzzing too with hopes of being able to come to our wedding. Many people who we didn't even know us personally were begging to be invited. It was all so very surreal once again. Our faces were all over the internet & we even had a couple name: Joick or Jick (which I found so cute). And our three songs played all over the radio stations, each one was being requested more & more. And pictures were on many magazine covers as well. It was out of control, Joe & I were completely inseparable during this time. We loved each other & this ... this is our day.

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 46 (He Is Nick After All)

Joe's POV

For the entire of Friday & Saturday I spoiled Nick with everything. I made him a big breakfast which he was so amazed by & then afterwards we went to a  private beach & laid in the sun basking its warmth. The paparazzi followed us & until I cleverly gave them the slip. Even though its the middle of December, the sunlight is still very strong. There got to a point when Nick & I got too hot & raced right into the coldness of the ocean. Nick was cute cause he screamed & was just about to turn back when I grabbed his hand & got the both of us wet together. When we rose, he was screaming even more, while I know it was both very cold for us but Nick's expression just made me laugh uncontrollably. 

Eventually we got use to the waters chilly temperature & splashed each other back & forth. I enjoyed watching Nick use his body to float on top of the water, as he looked up at the sky. I so can't wait for Monday! I have my speech planned & I'm so ready to become Nick's husband & vice versa. I'm not the least bit nervous, I know in my heart that Nick is my one & only & I'm most excited to be taking this step with him. I just imagine how its going to be, Nick all dressed up looking like the most beautiful guy on the planet with those eyes that always hold my heart. And the grand moment when we're facing each other at that alter & completely focused on each other. Its going to epic!

Also I came prepared with a picnic for lunch, which again Nick enjoyed immensely. And for dessert I feed him both milk & white chocolat covered strawberries that he continued to call heavenly fruit. I held him in my arms as we fell asleep together. There was one point when I woke up & I didn't see Nick & had started freaking out to where he was. I soon saw him playing with a little boy in the sand a little far away from me. I got up & walked over to him watching in complete awe as he had befriended the boy. I couldn't help but smile so warmly, ... one day Nick & I will have kids of our own. And I just know he's going to be terrific father, his capacity to love is joyous.

Nick is always so positive & humble, he makes life look so beautiful from the way he talks & sings to the way he moves & his overall personality. Even at 18, he's still like a little kid. Its hard not to just smile so wide cause when he's like this ... I just fall even more in love with him. And as he showed the little boy how to draw different pictures of animals from birds, whales, fish, & starfishes ... I sat quietly watching them closely. Nick's usually so shy & doesn't really talk sometimes, but I've noticed he's quite comfortable around kids. I have a feeling when he begins performing more on stage & on TV, he'll grow to be more comfortable. I know that once he's in his zone he'll be a natural. He is Nick after all. 

Together the three of us watched the sunset together seeing dolphins actually leeping out of the air & out of the water, the air smelled of fish & then the boy had to go along home. Thats when we packed up & left cause I still had more in store for my angel. I had planned a dinner privately above the cliffs alongside the ocean. Nick & I got dressed, the both of wearing the traditional festive colors of red, green, & white. If only a had some ribbon! Then I could wrap my Nicky up like a present & open him up. Though I did bring something even better ... I brought the mistletoe! After eating our lovely meal, we danced slowly & sang to each other & kissed. Finally the evening ended in snuggling up in our bed & watching Twilight: Eclipse, which was cool I guess if you like that whole vampire & werewolf thing. All I remember is falling asleep head to head, hand in hand ... as close as we could possibly be. 

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 47 (Disneyland Here We Come!)

Nick's POV

Okay so yesterday was Joe's day for me & him. Today Sunday, one day before our glorious wedding ... I wanted this day to be all for Joe. So in turn I made him a king size breakfast & did little things like catering to him. I massaged his broad shoulders, making him feel so very good. He really enjoyed that part, though I promised him the best is yet to come. Firstly after we got dressed, I drove the both of us to Disneyland cleverly avoiding the paparazzi once again. I wanted us to have fun letting loose on the rides. We went on everything we could think of & also had fast track passes so we didn't have to wait in line too long, best of its a theme park where people were too busy to coming running up to us screaming OMG its JONAS! 

We took endless pictures from loving to silly & goofy kinds. And we eat food from pizza to cotton candy, buttered pretzels, christmas sugar cookies, & so much more. We screamed as we went on rides like Indy (Indiana Jones Adventure), 

And we enjoyed the classic POTC (Pirates of the Caribbean) which made us laugh at the pirates & of course seeing Captain Jack Sparrow aka Johnny Depp. Afterwards, I got Joe & I matching dreadlocks & then took a stroll over to the Haunted Mansion seeing it decorated for Christmas. Big Thunder Mountain Railroad was crazy cause its not only super fast but whoooo its a wild ride! Then next we went on Splash Mountain & got completely soaked! Our picture for that was funny cause Joe had decided when the log that we were riding in would go straight down the steep sudden drop to the bottom ... he wrapped his arms around my chest & closed his eyes tightly ... funny enough just the same facial expression as me! 

Lucky I came prepared & brought the both of us changes of clothes, but we figured before we change ... might as well get even wetter on Matterhorn Bobsleds. Another wild ride that was! Whoo! And from there we went on the slower moving but lovable "Its All Small World After All." Joe & I decided to sing along with the music, though I'm sure the other people in the boat were probably going crazy ... we honestly weren't paying attention. And then we made our way to Toon Town & went through everything in there, from the little small roller coaster to Mickey & Minnie's houses. Joe made absolutely sure to take pictures of everything we pretty much did. Mostly I know he just loved snapping his pictures of me. 

Then we decided to go on over to the Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage which was pretty neat. I remember the submarine before this was built & I must say it was an awesome new addition to remodel & use cute characters like Nemo & Dory. Next door was something fun too, Autopia where we raced each other, both of us having the time of our lives & then went back on together just cause we loved driving. Next we went on Space Mountain, which zoomed us into the next galaxy. I swear if my hair wasn't curly mine would most definitely sticking up right about now. And gotta say that was one more goofy looking picture of us cause Joe had his mouth open cause he was between laughing & screaming with his hands in the air & I on the other hand was closing my eyes & hanging on. We continued through to Honey I Skrunk the Audience show, to Buzz Lighter Astro Blasters was super cool, to Star Wars Tours, & then we decided to relax & catch the show for Fantasmic! & the holiday parade. And lastly we marveled at the bright & beautiful spectacular fireworks that loomed the sky. 

By the end of the evening we were so super tired out that we went immediately home & like crashed. Of course we took our shower together first & then hit the bed. The water soothed us both making our eyes close. The last thing I remember was Joe whispering ... tomorrow's our day baby. I love you. Pray we don't sleep in & miss our very own ... wedding.

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 48 (The Morning Of)

Joe's POV

I was first to wake up quickly checking the clock, 11:15 AM not bad. We still have time, but I'm sure my parents are busy bee's buzzing already. I carefully pecked Nick's cheek & tip toed to turn on my cell. Wow, 5 messages already. I listened to one right after another. Mostly it was my mom calling & saying Good morning ... are you up yet? ... get up or you'll miss you're own wedding! ... please call me when you wake up .... Thats it! Your father & I are on are way over there right now! Cya you soon sweetie, love you, bye! 

I chuckled, I'm sure she's 100% serious on that last message. In that case ... I'd best wake Nick up before they have a chance to knock on the door. But just as I was heading back to Nick, just like magic I heard a knock & doorbell. Parents ... we'll they're hear. I quickly went over to the door & opened it up to find my parents smiling. "Good morning mom & dad," I hugged them both. "I got your messages guys & I just woke up. Nick's still sleeping though." 

They hugged me tightly back, while my dad ruffled my already messed up bed-hair & mom was busy kissing my cheek repeatedly, reminding me of when I was a little kid & showered with lots of affection. "Al right, al right you guys! I'm excited too! Here, come on in. Do you want some coffee or tea to drink?" I led them to the kitchen but they sneaked up the stairs to our bedroom. "Mom! Dad!," I hissed softly. "Let him sleep please! There's still plenty of time," I tried to tell them. 

They both raised their fingers to sshh me & as quietly as they could be went into our room. All three of us gazed at him slumbering so beautifully & peacefully away. It made me smile inside & out. I carefully sat on the edge of the bed close to him & cupped his cheek & ran my hands through his curls. Just then his eyes opened up & dear Gods .... he looked heavenly. "Good morning my love," I said while pecking his lips. He pecked back, his lips forming a smile. As we pulled away, he stretched & his eyes went from mine to the clocks. His eyes suddenly widened & gasped at the time. Then he looked back at me & at last noticed my parents still in the room behind me waving. 

"Good morning Joe & Denise & Kevin! Oh my gosh, is that the time?! We've got to get going!," Nick said. Mom was the first to move, she immediately sat down next to me speaking to Nick. "Good morning dear Nicholas! Todays the day you two," she continued looking at the both of us warmly & at dad. "Soooo, I think its best that I help Nick throughout the rest of this glorious morning. And Kevin will help Joseph get ready. Now everythings going to be wonderful, sooo you two guys run along. And we'll see you soon!," she promised. 

I couldn't help it, I wanted to stay. But if anything I knew, my sweet Nick was in very good hands. I leaned in & gave him one last kiss before winking & saying, "Very well. See you two very soon!" With that dad & I walked out together leaving the two of them alone. As we were going downstairs dad commented, "You nervous now son? You're about to tie the knot with Nicholas, you sure this is what you want?" I smiled spoke right from the heart, "The only nervousness I feel is not being with him & having him in my life. He's the one dad & I feel with every fiber in my being that this is what my heart wants."

Dad chuckled & patted my back, "Just checking son. You know that you're mother & I have been together for 30 years so far, & we've never seen you as happy as this. We're just as happy as you are, that you've found someone special. Nicholas is such a smart & handsome young man, you two will be very happy together." I grinned, "Thanks dad. Its a lot of happiness & today I want that to shine all over cause todays a happy day." We were just about to go out the door, when suddenly I looked down & noticed I was in my pjs still. 

Dad took note of this & said, "Don't worry about it Joseph. Your mother & I have your tux at our house. You can wear those for now & we'll both change when we get there." I nodded & walked with him to my car allowing him to drive, "What would I do without you & mom?" 

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

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Added on January 10, 2011
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: joick Jick Joeick Joe/Nick Nick



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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