Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 59

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 59

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 59 (One In A Million & Whisper)

(^_^) = Real Life 4 me.

Joe's POV

We got up early the next morning, already Tuesday with two more days of our vacation & went to Lahaina Front Street to check in for our whale watching trip (^_^). We ate our breakfast, took showers, & while I drove the way over. Nick was so overjoyed with excited-ness. He loves seeing animals in their natural environment & I feel the same way. Its a special thing. And especially since its whale season, its even more special ... cause now is the time when the babies will be born ... right here in Maui's water's. So after driving less than 10 minutes down the road from our resort, we parked & quickly walked over to the Pacific Foundation's shop. "Hi There," said the friendly clerk girl. "Name's please & what time is your trip?" I spoke, "Nick & Joe Jonas & its for 11:30 AM." She nodded & typing in the information in her computer. "Alright! You'll be checking in right over there at number five from across from the enormous Banyan tree. And here are you're guides for the trip & you get to choose a free poster each," she said pointing up to the wall of the display of four different posters.

"Nick, which one would you like," I asked him knowing he was already looking back & forth trying to decide. "I like number one," he said while smiling that cute smile that I love so much. "And, ... I'll take number two." She nodded & got everything for us & handed them to me. "Enjoy your trip & thank you for choosing Pacific Whale Foundation," she told us. I handed Nick the guides of Whale/Dolphin watching (^_^). Nick looked at them immediately getting intrigued by the information inside, ... I smiled ... thats my baby boy. Also we had some time still left to walk around the small store, which had everything from clothes to DVDS & photograph portraits of whales, turtles, & other sea creatures. I bought Nick a purple sweater that had a humpback whale on the front with the company's logo. He blushed, "Oh, Joe. Its so cool! Thank you," he said kissing me sweetly. He also giggled, You didn't have to." 

I waved my hand & kissed back & then lead him outside, walking hand in hand. "Its worth it Nick. I love seeing you happy & I wanted shower you with how much I adore you ... Mr. Jonas." He blushed more & tried to hide in my chest, "Mmm-hmmm. But, I wanna shower you with love too," he whispered. I rubbed his back, & whispered back, "You do. Every single say Nick. Its all I need." He looked at me & just giggled, Mr. Jonas ... you're my man. I love you." I grinned & raised my eyebrows cooly, "And I love you so much!" In the next few minutes we walked over to our area passing the tree just as the girl had mentioned. It was a pretty huge tree & its been there since 1873. Its around 60 feet tall & with its spreaded area it covers over 200 feet. And since it is the holiday season its also lilted by Christmas lights at night. Just another reason, Nick & I are going to be spending the rest of the day exploring after our trip.

At precisely 11:15 AM we bordered & took a photo together next to the boat while Nick held the Pacific Whale Foundation's donut shaped floatation device (^_^). We smiled & walked down the steps right next to Lahaina's harbor area. I helped Nick walk across the ramp area from the ground to the boat, just unable to let go of him, not that I had any fears of being on boats or out of the ocean. Its just that I want Nick to be safe plus I don't want anyone else to help him. Call me crazy & possessive, but I just Nick so very much. Once we walked in, we gazed around at the big area inside with plenty of tables & chairs to sit in, with a bar area for buying food, snacks, & drinks. There were windows on all sides of us, so just as we got into a table of our own (^_^). "This is so neat!," bubbled Nick. "I can feel were going to see them! I just know it, its going to so awesome!" I stared at him smiling endlessly, he was so beautiful. And with the days we've been here so far, Nick & I have managed to get a nice tan. He's a little darker, usually he's milky white, now ... he looks beautifully kissed by the sun, a little golden. 

It makes him shine even more. And his curly hair is just as wonderful as ever, soft as & sexy. I'm rendered breathless in his beauty. And when the sun is upon his face his eyes glitter an amazing & mesmerizing honey golden brown. I can't look away, not even if a whale were to jump out right now this every second. Yes I'm eager to see them, but my Gods ... he's .... just .... making my world stand still. Just then he looked at me noticing I was fixed on him, "Joe?" You okay?" he asked. I blinked dreamily & kinda of came back down to earth from my daydream, "Yes. So more than okay. Fantastic!" He titled his head to the side while watching me, "I'm glad. Not do you have that key lime pie whipped yoplait? I'm a little hungry." I laughed & pulled it right out, "Me too baby, me too. Indeed Nick I do. Here eat up. And I brought orange creme whipped yoplait for me. Here's a spoon & napkin," I continued while handing him them. 

We eat & just as the crew was taking off. We peered out at the scenery from the harbor & the mainland. It was a perfect day after the storm. No more rain, just the sunniest day you could ever imagine. We saw surfers really close by awaiting the waves, one waved to us both (^_^). And we also saw a shipwrecked small boat in the distance. The boat took us smoothly over the ocean's flat glassy clear blue water. Nick was the 1st to jump up & starting to walk to the main deck area. I followed him closely as he went directly to the very front of the boat. Thankfully the boat was hardly crowded with tourists & other people. Nick held onto the railings as he looked out to the water. Lana'i was closer in sight.

We listened as the crew gave us detailed information about the whale's & why they come to Maui. As they did that, I swear in less than 30 minutes we saw breaching!! It was amazing! Nick was frozen with awe, luckily I was in charge of taking pics. We even got a little closer watching them spout water out, but of course we couldn't get too close of the law. Boats, kayaks, ..etc., can only view them from 100 yards, any closer will result in breaking the law (^_^). It was pretty amazing, the way they breached out like they did was just phenomenal. They were so big & made the biggest splashes that could be seen & heard from far away. Our boat attempted at observing them, but they continued to charge their course of direction, so we eventually moved on hearing that there were other whales nearby in our range (^_^). 

Nick's POV

I couldn't move. I could barely blink. I was amazed! The whales were so beautiful & they were right here in Maui's waters. It was such an awesome sight! I'm glad that Joe was the one with the camera, else I'd probably wouldn't be able to focus on getting the shots of them. Plus my hand can be unsteady when I'm excited as this. My God! Thank you so much for this, its so wonderful. The words are just all inside me swirling in my mind, but I can't seem to actually speak. I can only smile brightly & of course ... cry silently. They're just such awesome creatures & I've always dreamed of seeing them just like this ... in paradise. I was even more in shock as the crew told us that there were more nearby. Inside & out I was freaking out with absolute joy. Joe wiped my tears away & hugged me close, whispering to me, "I know baby. I know." His arms & hold on me was exactly what I need at this moment to calm me. 

We raced across the water finding another incredible sighting. We actually ... found a pair of three together very close to the island of Lana'i. They said it was one newly born calf of 2010, a large mother whale, & finally a male escort staying with the female in hopes of mating with her. I was shaking with excitement, I keep prayed to God they'd come closer & as if God himself heard my prayers ...They eventually came towards our boat really close!! I saw them up close, I saw their colors of blue & white. They looked ... so graceful like angels dancing though the water (^_^). The baby was so cute!! I couldn't believe my eyes, a newly born calf. Welcome little one to life. May you're life be blessed & you remain safe with your mother. 

Speaking of the mother she was so huge. And the male escort with her was just as large. We watched them for awhile as they moved away from us after spending a few minutes swimming right in front of us. Of course we couldn't follow them so thats when our trip came to a close. We sailed back towards the harbor ending our incredible trip. "What did you think Nick?," Joe asked as we gazed at the coast of Maui coming closer & closer into view. "That ... was ... just .... the most ... awesome ... incredible .... neatest thing ever! I still can't believe it. They're stellar!" Joe listened as I went on & on. "I agree Nick. They're pretty cool. And I got some even cooler ... shots of them. Here, take a look." He did s slideshow for me & he was right. "Whoa! Joe you're the best! You got them breaching & everything!" 

"Yep sure did. Now we have the memories with us forever not only in our mind, but in the form of actual pics." I smiled & kissed him, "Thank you Joe. So much. For everything." He wrapped his arms around me & kissed me back tenderly. "You very very welcome Nick." As the boat then stopped & we gathered up our stuff while walking off the boat. Next Joe took me all around walking around Front Street looking in every shop & taking some time to relax by the Banyan tree. Each shop had plenty of merchandise of all kinds (^_^). We had a blast just visiting each one, from art galleries to little boutique shops & more. It was so fun! And later on we eat awesome fish & chips at Kimo's. And afterwards Joe took me to get delish ice cream at Ono Gelato where we got three different flavors. We even got a bunch of pics with some colorful macaw birds, which were so cute. And in the evening we went home and swam in the ocean & water, while watching Elf for the outdoor movie presentation (^_^). After showering together & hitting the bed, we let our eyes close ... cause after all we had a full day. I looked forward to the next day, our days ... in this heavenly place. So goodnight ... mmmm ... Joe.

© 2013 VirgoAvatar

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Added on January 10, 2011
Last Updated on August 9, 2013
Tags: joick Jick Joeick Joe/Nick Nick



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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