Paradise Ep 51

Paradise Ep 51

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Paradise Ep. 51 (JK! Here Comes The Storm)

Nick: *I began to stir after hearing the pounding of something against the windows & ceiling. I checked the time, which was 8 AM, still pretty early. Our room was still dark, so I turned on 1 of our little lamps & put on a robe & went over to the balcony. I opened the curtains & my mouth dropped at what I saw. A massive storm was raging on outside! Whoa ... guess today we'll have to stay in. I re-closed the curtains & turned on the TV as quietly as I could, knowing my Joey was still in a blissful sleep (just as I had been). I found the local weather channel, & listened to the report. They say that the storm will last all day today, but should be clear tomorrow morning. Its just pouring with rain, really hard. I yawned, I'm still a bit sleepy. Should I go back to sleep? Thats when my stomach growled loud. Hmm. Guess that answers my question. So 1st I went to the bathroom & put on some actual clothes. I settled on an eggplant colored tank top & very short olive green shorts & of course Joey's necklace he gave me. Now ... what do I make for breakfast? I realize that I can just call room service & do it that way. I shook my head though, cause thats not what I should do for Joey. I wanna make something for him, by my self. So I searched my mind for what I could make & at the same time, went through the fridge to see what we have. Wow ... a lot of food & ingredients. This is good, I have a lot of variety to work with. Awesome. After carefully considering my surprise meal for Joey, I came up with this: ( Its called a Zucchini Egg Bake, & from the looks of this heart shaped meal ... I think its perfect! So I read the instructions & got all the ingredients, including marjoram which I learned is a herb/shrub that is sweet with pine & citrus flavors. Oh my God, this is already making my mouth watering! After I finished I did what it said to do, I let it cook for 20 Min.'s. So in the meantime I set up silverware & drinks. There ... all done. I smiled, I love this feeling of ... doing things for Joey. Well like I said yesterday in "Cater 2 U," this is just of the things I want to do for my amazing man*

Nick: *I giggled at the thought. What else can I do for him? I'll get him clothes ready for him. So I went to his drawers & picked out a black tank top & dark navy blue shorts & laid them on the chair for him. He'll look so sexy in this, though anything on him ... makes him look like a dream. Here I go ... all floaty & lovesick. Aww! Then I thought of something else, ooh this 1's going make everything sooo romantic!! I found all these candles that smelled of tropical breeze & coconut guava, so I began to light each one. Mmmmm, breathing in the scent of sweet aromas building in the air. I also checked on the meal, so far its looking good. I also wanted to include fresh fruit for Joey. So I cut some kiwis, pineapples, oranges, apples, bananas, papayas & mangos. Nothing says healthy like lots & lots of fruit. Laughs. You know its amazing, there's a storm going on outside ... yet Joe is still in solid wonderland of sleep. Its so cute I tell you! Okay so back to organizing this right. Hmm. Oh, I know! ... Nutella, yes! This will definitely go nicely with the fruit, just in case he wants something chocolate & sweet. As I continued to wait for the meal to finish baking, I ate some of the fruit & decided to use the nutella. Mmmmm, thats really good. Sighs. Even a spoonful by itself is just sooo good*

Joe: *I stretched & yawned, smacking my lips together. I gazed, no Nick. Hmm, where is that adorable baby boy at? Wait a minute, I smell something ... Mmmmm. I detect candles & breakfast. I smiled, thats my Nicky. I looked to the right & saw an outfit laid out for me. So this is what'll where today. I got up & got dressed. With every sec I sniffed the air, the more my stomach grumbled. I also paid a visit to the bathroom before I went to the kitchen. Then I realize that there was a massive loud noise coming from outside. Hmm, wonder what that could be? I opened up the curtains & saw the source of all the noise. Whoa ... thats quite a storm! Well, at long as its outside I'm not worried. Now back to finding my lovely Nicky & breakfast. I quietly made my way into the kitchen, & I tell you what I saw ... just made my heart melt. I watched, not missing a thing. My incredibly beautiful love of my life was wearing a white apron & taking out something from the oven, that not only looked delicious ... but smelled amazing!! And it was in a heart shape ... oh Nicky. I smiled & bit my lip, how I love him so. I enjoyed watching him cutting a piece for the both of us & placing it on each of our plates. I looked at the table, everything was all set so perfectly. My baby boy never misses a beat. And best of all, look at that outfit! He is SO BEYOND SEXY! I can already feel myself getting super turned on just by the sight of him. The clothes hug his small luscious body, thats making my mouth water. And those shorts ... they are very short & more importantly showing me those gorgeous long legs of his. Whew its definitely getting hot in here! I breathed & tried to calm myself before silently walking to wrap my arms around my lover's waist, while sweetly placing a kiss on top of his head*

Nick: *Smiles & leans back into Joe's arms* Good morning Joey. How'd you sleep? 

Joe: *Smiles & spins Nick around to face me, kissing his lips* Good morning Nicky baby boy. Very ... very well. And you?

Nick: *Giggles* Like a dream. *motions him to sit down* Here baby ... sit down & enjoy cause breakfast is served. *winks & sits down*

Joe: *Takes seat beside from him & immediately digs in* Mmmmm! *groans appreciatively* OMG! *continues to eat happily* This is sooo good, your amazing!

Nick: *Smiles big* I try! *laughs* I'm glad you like it, so eat up Joey. 

Joe: *Savors the taste* Are you kidding? I LOVE THIS! MMMM! What is it? 

Nick: *Hands him the recipe* Its called Zucchini Egg Bake. I found it online, just random surfing. It sounded real good & looked it too. And it said, I could use fruit with it too, so I did. And ... as an added bonus I brought the nutella. 

Joe: *Shakes head* I take it back, YOU ARE INCREDIBLE! Mmmm!! *looks at him lovingly* I love you baby boy. 

Nick: *Smiles bigger* And I love you baby. *blows him a kiss*

Joe: *Catches it, left hand covers heart signifying that Nick has my heart*

Nick: *Does the same & bows head to him*

Joe: *Grins & then realizes something* Did you see the stor- ...

Nick: *Nods* The storm? Of course, thats what woke me up. According to the weather channel, its going to be like this the whole day & hopefully go back to sunny tomorrow. In the mean time, I thought we'd just kick back & relax here in our room, for a change. What do you think, Joey?

Joe: *Smiles* Well then, if its like that ... then I say of course! Anything with you baby boy. *winks*

Nick: *Blushes & continues eating meal with the love of my life* ~ A few min.'s later ... Joe has finished basically everything, together of course with Nick ~

Joe: *Pats my stomach* Oh man, that was SO AMAZING! I'm so full. *burps* Oh! Excuse me, baby boy. *covers mouth & laughs a little*

Nick: *Giggles with him* Good to know Joey. Me too, it came out so great. No worries baby. *hugs him & then begins to clear up the dishes*

Joe: *Watching him very closely, licking lips/eyes running over Nick's body from head to toe* 

Nick: *Begins to do the dishes*

Joe: *Gasps* Uh ... Nick? *goes over to him, leaning on the counter with my arms crossed* What are you doing?

Nick: *Looks at him* Doing the dishes baby. *about to grab the sponge*

Joe: *Catches Nick's hand before he can even pick it up* 

Nick: *Looks at him confused* What is it Joey? Something wrong?

Joe: *Lets go of his hand & moves my hands to wrap around Nick's waist, while untying his apron & letting it fall to the ground/pulling Nick closely to my chest* My baby boy, you've done more than enough work this morning. I LOVE what you've done, but ... this is something the dishwasher can take care of.

Nick: *Laughs & smiles*

Joe: *Raises eyebrows* Am I missing something Nick? 

Nick: *Moves Joe back a little bit, & presses a button/the dishwasher officially starts*

Joe: *Confused* Wait a min., I was watching you the whole time. * scratches head* I didn't see you put them, in there. 

Nick: *Smiles wickedly* Yeah, I figured that. *winks* I'd knew you'd be so focused on my movements, that you'd loose track of what I was actually doing. Which was putting them into the dishwater & making you think I was going to really do them. *bursts out laughing, can't no longer hold it in*

Joe: *Bites lip & smirks* Ohh ha ha ha, baby boy. You got me, but ... *picks up Nick in marriage style, carrying him* I've got you.

Nick: *Still trying to cover my laughter with my mouth, but I can't help myself. My eyes are closing & my feet are swinging/kicking up & down*

Joe: *Continues carrying him back to their bedroom/lets him laugh cause ... now I have a plan. I gently set him down on the bed, & climbed on top of him, & I leaned in to nibble his neck*

Nick: *Laughing turns into a sweet giggle* Okay, okay, you got me! *moans softly* Joey ...

Joe: *Holds Nick's hands over his head, while pinning my weight on him. I can feel his heartbeat with mine. Thats when I began to move my kisses to his arms, while rubbing his chest in circles*

Nick: *Arches back & moans a little louder* 

Joe: *Crawling down Nick's body, moving to his thighs placing kisses, breath, & hands on them*

Nick: *Wiggles in pleasure* Softest whisper: ... Joey ...

Joe: *Still moving down to his knees, to his ankles* 

Nick: *Leans up to place a tender kiss on Joe's lips, wrapping my arms around his neck/pushing my body into his*

Joe: *Deepens the kiss, driving deeper into Nick, tasting, teasing, loving the sweetness of his lips on mine*

Nick: *Wraps legs around Joe's waist, trying to be as close to Joe as I possibly can*

Joe: *Rubs his back up & down/getting super turned on*

Nick: *Moans in his mouth/pulls away after a few min.'s. I'm breathless right now*

Joe: *Touches his cheek, stroking softly* Told you, I'd get you. 

Nick: *Regains voice & smiles* I know. I surrendered didn't I? *flops down on the bed, looking up at the ceiling* 

Joe: *Lies down with him on my right side facing him/plays with his curls* That you did. *pulls him to face me & stares into his innocent brown eyes* I love you Nick. 

Nick: *Dreamy gaze* I love you Joe. 

Joe: *Leans in to kiss his forehead* Its official. 

Nick: *Head tilts to the left* What is, Joey?

Joe: *Breathes* That your the most beautiful loving person in the world & I'm really obsessed with you. 

Nick: *Bites lip & giggles lightly* And your the most handsome compassionate man in the world & I'm so obsessed with you. 

Joe: *Chuckles* Hmm, looks like we're the same lovely. And its amazing, I've found my soulmate. 

Nick: *Pecks Joe's lips* Yep, it definitely is sexy. So amazing. And I've found mine, my Joey. *pulls away & blushes* Joey ... can I ask you something?

Joe: Anything Nick. What's on your mind?

Nick: *Blushes deeper* Um, well ... I've been thinking. We've been dating for a while now, & I've never really asked you how ... *takes a breath* you know how to make love so well? 

Joe: *Surprised by his question, ends up smiling* Well, when I'm with you Nick everything I do ... just comes natural to me. To be honest, I've had so many dreams of making love to you that it just takes over me, my heart & soul. The feelings I have for you are so strong, they've always been & always will be. Whatever my heart feels, I do & thats how I don't even have to think about anything, I feel it. 

Nick: *Nods, still blushing* Thats exactly how I feel. I just was wondering if I ... was doing everything right. 

Joe: *Kisses his lips sweetly* What you do to me & make me feel is beyond incredible. How can I tell you when it comes so natural to you? Your heart & soul guides you the best, I can never change my baby boy. I love everything you do, nothing is ever just right ... its beautiful bliss. 

Nick: *Blushes even more* Joey. 

Joe: *Presses my forehead to his* Nicky. I'm happy you asked that, cause I love telling you how you make me feel. 

Nick: *Sighs dreamily* And I you, baby. ~ So for the rest of the morning the 2 lovers cont. to stare into each other's eyes, not moving from their bed. ~

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

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Added on January 7, 2011
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joe Jonas Nick Jonas



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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