Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 58

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 58

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 58 (I Won't Let Go & No Gravity)

(^_^) = Real Life 4 me.

Nick's POV

I woke happy as can be to warm sunshine coming through our room & I smiled, I could really get use to a life like this. Its so ... blissful! I was still so sleepy so I drifted back to sleep. Joe & I pretty much slept in a bit later, then made pancakes again (^_^). Seriously, they're are sooooo good! Then we went swimming in the ocean & pool too, loving the water's coolness (^_^). The whole time Joe held me tight & didn't let go. I just loved being in his arms, they supported my weight easily like I weighed nothing. I attempted to play a little game of tag & took off running down the beach. He followed me with ease, not breaking a sweat & not losing any speed. He caught me pretty fast just reminding me that I'm his & I'm not going anywhere. Thats when I reminded him, that there's no where I'd rather be than with him, my sweet sweet Joe.

We floated in the ocean water just using our feet to spin us around in our own circles looking at the brilliant blue sky. What a paradise Maui is! We also enjoyed the watching others snorkel & sunbath away. One older man was in a kayak riding the waves that came & went, it was pretty neat how he maneuvered through the water with his paddle (^_^). Joe saw that I was entranced by it & immediately got a kayak for me. "Joe! Wait, ... I-I don't know how to do that ... exactly," I tried to tell him. He came back with it & put me right into it, giving me the paddle. "No worries, Nick. I'll be right here for you. Just go for it, I know you an do it," he winked. I blushed, he always had so much faith in me, just the way I had faith in everything he does. I smiled & nodded. "Alrighty, come what ever may then!," I said while beginning my paddling.

It was a good thing that the waves weren't that big, cause else I swear this would have been a lot harder. Joe was cheering the whole time & of course taking plenty of pics. Just as a wave was about to start its break I heard the older man call to me. "Go for it dude! Its totally easy, paddle for it!" I nodded & gave my all, I could feel the excited rush of the energy I put into it & in the end was cruising through the water just like the older man. "Whooo! Thats the way," he cheered on. I rode the wave all the way back to shore right in front of Joe. "You see baby?! I knew you'd could do it, I just knew it. Thats my baby boy, WHOO!," he hugged me happily. Just then the older man rode a wave over to us. "Hey! That was pretty good newbie! You totally rocked that wave," he complimented me. "Thanks," I said. "I'm Nick & this is Joe," I said introducing ourselves. He shook each of our hands, "Pleased to meet you both, name's Phil. Where are you two guys from?" 

"CA," I replied. "Cool. What part?," he asked. "South." He nodded & smiled, "Thats awesome. Well, you two enjoy Maui okay. Excuse me, I gotta get back to the waves. I'm hoping to catch me some gnarly one's. Cya guys!," he said while giving us a hang loose hand gesture & took off back to the water. "Wow!," Joe said 1st. "Yeah, ... wow," I agreed. I soon went back into the water riding more waves before Joe called me back to shore. Its time! You see at noon was our scheduled portrait photo session. I knew Joe was especially excited for this event & I was too, I got to admit. And what was really neat was that one pic, whatever we choose would be free (^_^)!

After taking a real quick shower together & grooming ourselves, we checked in at the gift shop downstairs that also had a small area for their photography business. We met our photographer named Chris & started our session (^_^). We began by following him out to the resort's beautiful flower garden where we took 24 different pics together & individually. We also got some pics in front of the gazebo too (^_^). We followed him to each picture location & followed his directions of how to pose, though I'm sure Joe pretty much did his own thing. Chris didn't seem to mind us being gay which once again made it comfortable & relaxed, plus Joe made me giggle & smile so big. Next we took the elevator down to the lower lobby to the koi ponds & their waterfalls (^_^). Chris took pics of us sitting on the bridge's edge stone sitting area & some standing up by the ponds. He also gave us two flowers to hold & making the shots even more interesting. I got a red flower while Joe got the yellow flower (^_^). 

Next we took more pics beside the ponds with palm trees & sitting on rocks nearby the pond. And then finally we finished up on the beach (^_^). With the beach pics he wrote in the sand Maui & Joe & I took two pics together with it. Thats when Chris told us to come back to the shop to look over the 56 different pics he took in a hour & then he left. "I can't wait, Nick!," Joe bubbled on. "You looked beautiful my dear Nick! You are one sexy boy you know that?!" I shook my head & giggled, "If, ... you say so lover." He took me into his arms & brought me to face him, leaning in "Oh, ... how I say its so baby. Its the so-est of the so!" I laughed, "What? ... What does that even mean?" He pecked my lips & looked into my eyes, "It means that ... you ... are ... SO ... sexy ... beautiful ... & downright cutie pie of the year!" He said each of his words between kissing me. "Awww. And ... you ... are ... SO ... stellar ... my happiness ,,, & the most super sly hot man in the world!" He kissed me repeatedly, "You got that right baby. Mmmm, you tease. Soooo, ... what do you wanna do for a hour angel? Maybe ....," he tried to hint to me. I blushed & waved a finger, "Maybe instead lets go eat some food & go back to the water?" 

He raised a playful eyebrow & shrugged, "If you wish, Nick. You want some grub? Then wait right here & I'll be back in a few seconds," he winked too. I twisted my body side to side, almost rocking my feet back & forth & smiled nodding. Silly Joe, I have no doubt in my mind that he's turned on right this very minute. I don't like denying him & saying no, but I'm truly hungry. And as much as I love every moment with him, I'm still on a island that I've never been to before in my whole life. There's so much I long to explore & experience. This place is so dreamy, it captivates me so much. As I waited for Joe, I looked up as I saw a few clouds high above me, still cloudy by the mountains. Soon enough Joe came back with our food which was Ahi fish sandwiches this time, mmmm so yum! Then we ate & took another ocean & pool swim. 

I couldn't seem to get enough of the water. I loved it! I felt weightless, like there was ... no such thing as gravity. It was the best feeling. It felt like home & such peace & serenity. The world was almost frozen in time, it matter ... just being here a floating with Joe ... what a life. After relaxing, we made our way back to the shop & met our presenter Patricia who showed us all 56 pics of our photo session from earlier. They came out so amazing! Each one was so precious, Joe & I were pretty much blown away by them. Joe pointed out that there were 16 pics of him alone, 19 of us together in different settings, & 21 of me alone. Once we got through the entire slideshow, she explained to us all the different packages we could go with. The most expensive package was $1,250.00 called the "Mau Loa Package." It pretty much came with all 56 pics sized 8x10, some single sheets, 11x30's, 1 20x24, a little black book to put the pics in & finally a DVD disc of every single picture that we took.

Joe was pretty much sold for that package & bought it with his card. I just knew he'd wanted every pic, but at least one of the 8x10's was free. After that was finished & paid for she explained that our pics would arrive in less than week that they would be sent to the lab & once we got them they'd look even more marvelous. She also said every pic & size would be on "Pearlized Metallic Paper (^_^)." She said it would be truly the most amazing thing we've ever seen, it would be like its holographic. Then by the evening we took a walk & came back awaiting the lunar eclipse. They said tonight was the night to see it. Joe & I patiently awaited the moment, watching from our patio. Soon enough, we saw it ...  the eclipse was brown-redish, though kinda of hard to see the clouds (^_^), but luckily it cleared long enough to see it fully.  Eventually once it was over, Joe & I climbed into bed after taking a nice long bubble bath once again. We turned on the tube, finding "Shake It Up" was on Disney, so we shrugged & watched it (^_^). I found it a cute & funny show, the girls & the guys were pretty talented dancers. In no time Joe & I closed our eyes, sleep getting the best of us. Mmmm, so soft & warm in ... his arms. Good night ...

© 2013 VirgoAvatar

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Added on January 7, 2011
Last Updated on August 9, 2013
Tags: joick Jick Joeick Joe/Nick Nick



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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