Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 57

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 57

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 57 (More & Endless Summer Nights)

(^_^) = Real Life 4 me.

Nick's POV

I woke up at 8:00 AM, realizing today was our island presentation in 30 minutes (^_^). I looked over at my snoring away hubby, trying not to giggle in the process. I covered my mouth in soft giggles, he looked sweetly irresistible. The way his hair was all messy & almost as curly as mine. His chest fell & rose with the air he was releasing. Plus the man was completely 100% hot looking ... naked. I blushed at recalling our previous night together, he definitely gave his all for me & I for him. Told be told I wanted more, so much more. I sighed quietly, I knew he'd feel the same way, but seriously as much as I wanted to stay like we where ... we had to get up. I decided to give him some morning sleeping time before I would wake him. Thats when I sneakily & silently slid off the bed. I too was naked, so I tip-toed quickly to into the bathroom getting dressed. I was glad that we didn't leave the curtains open for once cause then I might have been seen. And, no one .... I mean no one ... is ever seeing my naked ... except Joe.

I threw on a purple checkered boxers for the moment & a big white t-shirt that said "I Love Maui," Joe had bought me for the trip. I got to admit it was quite long & covered me down to my thighs, but didn't go pass my knees. It was cute & comfy. So after taking care of business, washing my hands & brushing my teeth ... I went over to the kitchen. I began to ready myself to cook Joe breakfast this time. I went right to work making sure to make it perfect & do it quickly in case he woke up. Mostly likely he would still be slumbering away deep in sleep, after all ... my man rocked it last night.

Soon enough I had it all ready & served at the table. Mmmmm, what a smell. I added fruit slices to the side of the main meal & juice & milk to go with it. In the mean time I also got two other glasses for Maui's own water, which was so tasty. I checked on Joe, yep .... still stuck in bed. I shook my head while smiling, you would think that would be me ... but I guess not. Thats when I opened the curtains in the living room, keeping the double doors to our room closed. I looked out seeing it was overcast, looks like a storm was really coming. I watched feeling the breeze with butterflies struggling to keep in the air. The air temperature was still warm though. As for the mountain area, it looked like it was still raining there. I listening as I heard the birds that make their home here sing melodies that you could hear from far away (^_^). 

The full moon was almost here for this sunday morning. Just then I felt hands wrapping around me & my hips. "Morning Sleepy," I teased knowing he was at last awake. That reminded me, I had left the patio door open slightly. Its no wonder I didn't hear him behind me, no matter though cause I love it when he does this. His warmth always makes me melt, just like ice cream in the summer. "Morning Sexy-Legs," he spoke in my ear while his hands found their way down my sides rubbing me. The effect made me tremble, no matter how many times we make love together, kiss, or just are in each other's arms ... it still feels like the 1st time for me. Its a magical sensation, how it takes hold over me like a snap. I feel Joe's power over me, & I love it. How he makes me feel & how he commands me. Also I know when I take control he especially loves it cause then its all up to me. So to tease him further I spun around & grinded against him causing him to groan from pleasure. He was still aroused as he was last night. And best of all, he had wrapped a single white towel around his hips. It would be so easy to rip it off him, ... all it would take is a snap of my hand & boom .... naked & so hot ... Joe.

However, we were still outside on the patio & even though we were high up on the 7th floor, we were still visible to the world down below. It was nice having the freedom of not being famous here, thankfully no one knows who we are just let, I kinda like it this way. Back to sexy Joe, I looked up at him & quickly pecked his lips & pulled him back inside. "Hurry up baby, breakfast is all set. We gotta run, or we'll be late for the meeting this morning," I said as I was about to get something just when Joe pulled me backward back to him. "Joe?! We gotta seriously move it!," I tried to tell him. Apparently he wasn't ready to let him go. He spun me around looking at me intensity, the passion like two sparks of fire in both of his eyes. Oh boy, he's so aroused. I am too, but he's even more so. I wonder why?

Joe's POV

That ... little ... tease. Uhnn! How he makes me want him all over again & again. Especially with that sexy look he has going on there, looking all adorable & innocent. His legs so beautifully in plain sight to me. And after that move of his outside, oh my Goddd ... that so did it! Forget the breakfast, who needs it?! All I need ... is Nick. Nick aone. Mmmmmmm, how tantalizing he looks & better yet ... he's trying to give me orders. How I love it! "We have plenty of time, Nick," I said trying to distract him from leaving. He blushed brightly & waved a finger, "Uh-uh! I know how you feel, later Joe. Seriously we gotta go, or we don't get the free whale watching trip." I leaned in to kiss his neck & take his soft piece of his ear in my mouth biting it. He yelped & gave me a serious look. 

"Butttt!," I pretended to whine to him. "But nothing Joe! Lets ... go!," he said while pushing me to the table to sit down. I finally gave in ... well for now. After all, my Nick's giving me ... a command. Ha ha. I sat down as he sighed in relief of finally getting me here & also sat down beside me. "But, Nick its no trouble. I could always get a tickets & tickets of whale watching trips. I'd buy them all for you." And it was completely true, though something told me that he still wasn't going to see it my way. "Joe, thats great & all, but its free & I was reading the trip is for a non-profit organization called the Pacific Whale Foundation," he replied. This I knew & I knew it was something Nick already had his heart set on it, so how I deny him of what he wants. 

"Al right baby boy. Lets eat then, we'll be there in a snap," I winked while starting to eat along with him. "And by the way, thank you so much for the lovely breakfast. Its amazing!" He blushed cutely & smiled, "Your welcome baby." Soon enough we were finished with the meal & dressed. Today I put on a a muscle T that was white & has red words that said "Lifeguard," with a plus sign & black board shorts. Nick on the other hand chose a yellow tank top & put on a black hoodie hiding his nicely sculpted arms & muscles. And he chose light brown board shorts & of course we both put on our brown hawaiian sandals that I bought for both of us. Overall, sexy still looked sexier. Baby boy's got style & at the same time tries to shyly hide his beauty. To me though its never hidden, cause I always love seeing the perfect & beautiful view. 

Once we made it down to the lower lobby we found the area where the presentation was being held. There were three big circular tables set for everyone to sit. In the right corner of the room was another table set with a juice & water machine, complete with coffee as well & other things. In the front of the room was an older looking man named Ryan waiting to start of the meeting (^_^). Nick & I chose the table in the middle, getting a perfect view of everything. Another lady who seemed to be helping Ryan, named Karen greeted us, also giving us a few flyers of different activities like going to the other islands nearby & other trips on Maui. She also asked a couple of questions like how long are we staying here & if we've been here before, cause she informed us that each of us were being entered into their fun little game of winning more free things. 

I gave all the information she wanted & soon the presentation became & Nick & I watched as Ryan became to talk. "Good morning everyone & aloha! Can everyone hear me okay?." To that most of us replied yes & nodded. We went on taking about the island more & what they have to offer to us visitors. Nick listened intently obviously engrossed in learning more. (~ For you curious readers check out this AWESOME site if you're interested to see & learn more about Maui: . Watch the vid its cool & if you check out the beaches ... Joick's beach is on the west side of the island called Kaanapali~). Ryan also made some jokes making all of us laugh in response. One thing he said stuck with Nick & I, "Those who've come back to Maui more than once to vacation are called something else: .... rich. Its true that Maui's like a potato chip, you keeping on coming back for more ... its addicting." The analogy was funny & pretty clever.

I agree that Maui has a certain charm that the islands don't have. After the presentation finished, we all listened in anticipation of finding out who won. Nick was 1st to win a box of Mauna Loa chocolates & I won a DVD from Maui Adventure Cruises that featured an explorer super raft going to Lana'i, watching dolphins & whales. It was pretty neat, I haven't expected us to both win something. Others won actual trips, but I didn't mind cause whatever Nick wanted to do I would book it for him. As Nick & I left the lower lobby to the pool area we found it was sprinkling a little on and off, which mostly continued throughout the day. We walked together right over to our beach area, just sitting in patio chairs watching the water. After a few minutes Nick shouted to me, "Joe! Look! OMG!" I quickly shot up from my chair & looked out to see what we was talking about it. From the beach we spotted blow hole spouts from far. "OMG indeed!," I said while fully standing up just as Nick did the same. "WHOOO!," I screamed. "I know! Its so awesome, I can't believe it! Our 1st whale sightings & right from our beach!! How many do you think there are? I see ... 1 ... 2 ... wait 3?," he said. "I estimate four to six whales more or less baby boy. No worries Nick, two more days & we'll be on our trip to see them ... a lot ... closer." He smiled happily & clapped, "I can't wait Joe!" 

Later on as our relaxing day went on is when the rain started really falling. Like the crazy in love couple we were we decided to swim in the ocean & pool. It was so cool! Nick I hit the ocean water in a snap & just splashed each other. We were already so soaked, the rain pouring a little harder but we didn't really care. "WHOOOOOOO!!!," I continued to scream. I laughed hard as I saw how Nick looked, "Ha ha baby boy! I always said you were all wet!," He giggled & then smirked & tackled me into the water. As we rose up out of the water he said, "Who's all wet now, huh?," also laughing uncontrollably. "Thats it! Pool time, hun!," I said while scooping him into my arms & carrying from our beach area to the pool. I put him down & we jumped right in immediately in. The sky was already turning dark as the sun went down but couldn't see with all the grey blueish clouds. No one was hardly outside, not even at the restaurant part, very few were in the pool. Mostly we were the only ones & free to have all the fun in the world. 

I spun Nick around in my arms as he floated on top of the water. It was like dancing & even though it was raining, it wasn't that cold thanks to the heated pool. Nick ... looked heavenly. He giggled in pure happiness & hung on to me tight as I continued to lead him wherever. As I watched the rain fall on him, I began to grow super hard. He looked .... so fine. I swam us both over to the 8 feet deep end & pushed him against the wall & slammed my lips on his. "Ohhh, J-J-Jooe," he moaned. I began to rub him under the water. He shut his eyes tight & through back his head trying to keep quiet, but mostly failing. "Joooeee, uhhhhh, n-not ... here ... oh ... there's ... p-people still around ...," he said. "Not really baby boy. Its raining & no one's really out here ... except us. Lets, make love," I whispered huskily. 

Nick's POV

As much as I wanted to & I knew we just couldn't. I know he's getting lost in the moment & wanted to do it, but I couldn't help but worry if we got onlookers. I just ... want our love making ...  to be private. Then we ordered fish & chips, mac & cheese up to our room (^_^). Whoa! Whoa! So after I convinced Joe to hold off the love making for now, I was actually pretty starved. So thats when we climbed out of the pool together & he ordered the food for us. We eat & then .... lets say ... wellll ... you know. Tee-hee .... yeah ... goooood .... nighttt ;-]

© 2013 VirgoAvatar

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Added on January 6, 2011
Last Updated on August 9, 2013
Tags: joick Jick Joeick Joe/Nick Nick



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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