Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 55

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 55

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 55 (EXPLORE!)

(^_^) = Real Life 4 me.

Joe's POV

I woke up a few minutes before Nick, just quietly yawning & rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I looked out at the patio seeing the bright sunlight & Maui overall looking as beautiful as ever. I smiled, its so great to be back & even more ... with Nick. I'm married, I have someone I love with all my heart , we have a career thats going to be so much fun ... life is amazing! Just then I felt Nick starting to stir & looked at him just in time to catch those baby brown eyes open up. "Morning, Beautiful-Eyes," I said while pecking his lips. He smiled saying, "Morning, Mr. Greek-God." I wrapped my arms around him, moving him body slightly to the right to see the view. "Pretty amazing view, right?," I said while nibbling on his ear. He just nodded & quietly murmured, "U-u-huh." He tried to get up from our bed, but I pulled him back. "Your so sexy," I whispered while moving down his neck feeling him take deep breaths & moan softly. "J-Joe ...," he trailed off. Hearing my name set my off, thats when I rolled him underneath me, taking complete control. "You know there's a lot ... of places here we could explore together. What, do you say we start right ... now," I said as my hands rubbing his body. He shivered, "M-mmmm, ... I-I .... uhhh .... yesss." That was pretty much all he was able to get out.

After making sweet sweet love, Nick's stomach was growling quite loud, so we finally got up from our bed, showered & looked at the time, 9:30 AM, time to catch some breakfast. Nick put on some water shorts that were as clear blue as the ocean water & a white t-shirt with black sandals. Mmmm-mmmm, my boy is looking super fine, my God! As for me, I put on neon green water shorts & a black t-shirt with grey sandals. We left our room & went all the way down to the lower lobby which is where a majority of the fun was located at. Down there Nick & I went past a another big lounging area with sofa seats, TV, a Christmas tree, & a bookshelf. Next we passed a double koi pond bigger than the 1st one Nick had seen previously, complete with a small walking bridge over the water (^_^). The fish immediately turned their attention to us, lifting their heads slightly out of the water. "They're SO big!," Nick commented. I grinned, "Yep, indeedy! These guys are huge. And there's all sorts of colors ... look at that one is just a solid white." He nodded & giggled, "Wow! I'd say a pearl-lish color, but same thing mostly." Just then Nick turned his attention to another waterfall right across from us on the bridge. "Whoa! There's waterfalls almost everywhere I turn." I took the opportunity of catching these cute moments of Nick being excited. "Oh! You haven't seen the half of it Nick. Wait till you see the pool area! You're going to flip! ... Smile beautiful!," I said while snapping more than a few pics of him. He smiled brightly, taking my breath away just like that.

After that, we found ourselves at the pool. I tell nothing beat watching Nick's face looking completely stunned. "See? Didn't I tell you? E-norm-ous! And there's a total of three different places to eat & all of which are located right here. Oh! And there's even more waterfalls that has warm water for when it gets a little chilly. And the pool as you can see is massive, going from 4 feet all the way to 8 feet deep. And right around the corner is the ... jacuzzi. We'll explore that in due time," I said extra flirty. Continuing I said, "And there's also a small water slide for the kids, but ... adults are also permitted to have a slide or two as well. And to the left is a gym, not that either of us need cause you look SO great. And I'm a little great myself." He laughed out loud at that last bit. "Your awesome! Tell me more, I just love it when you talk!," he pleaded. "Al right, al right. Your wish, ... is my command sweet & beautiful Nick. Lets let, here ... oh! There's also scuba gear right here by the pool. There's plenty of dive masters who can teach you to scuba 1st in the pool & then in the ocean. I'm already certified for diving, so course I'll be right by your side to help & teach you. And there's the desk where you get towels & pretty much anything you need for going in the water is there. And we'll tour more in a bit. Right now I'm sure you've worked up an appetite & frankly so have I. Shall we?," I asked. He giggled & locked his arm with mine. "We most definitely shall," he said cutely.

We walked over to the dining area crossing another bridge with a koi pond & were greeted by a lady (^_^). I had everything charged to our room, so once that was taken care of it. Nick & I walked over coming face to face with a feast of personal-made omelets, blueberry pancakes, potatoes & veggies, sliced pineapple & honeydew melon, vanilla yogurt, oatmeal with shredded coconut/brown sugar/yellow raisins, small bagels with all condiments, cereal with milk, & guava juice & other things to drink. "Aloha! My name's Jerry & I'll be your chef for today! What can I get for you two?," said a happy looking asian man ready to start cooking (^_^). "Aloha!," Nick & I said. "We'll both have 1's with mushrooms, spinach, onions, garlic, yellow, green, & redbell peppers & lots of cheese." Jerry immediately smiled joyously & got right to work. "You've got it!," he said while working two frying pans at once & getting our attention with his fancy tricks. Nick & I cheered & laughed watching the process in amazement. Next we got most of everything I listed above previously & sat down at a table which had an ocean view with the doors open for us to go out & explore. We eat together, Nick really loved the food & eat pretty much everything we got. We talked & stared out at the island of Molokaʻi right across from us. That was one island I wanted to show Nick just beautiful that island's coastline was most amazing beach I've ever seen. Plus I want to show him the island's famous sea cliffs, which are some of the tallest in the world. Its pretty spectacular! Looking out at the ocean, I noticed it was mostly faced with some minor waves, but definitely a warm and beautiful paradise (^_^). 

We watched people whom of which were doing it all from snorkeling, scuba diving, surfing, & SUPing (Stand Up Paddleboarding). It was like 80 degrees temperature again, but overall so nice(^_^). Then afterwards finishing our big breakfast, we walked around our humungous pool & came across an event starting, koi fish feeding. Nick was once again excited, he sure loved animals for one thing. I found it so sweet & irresistible. People gathered to receive a small cup filled with fish food, then we all walked over to their outdoor ponds with their very own waterfalls (^_^). We watched them all rush to get their meal, some jumping out in the process. Nick did most of feeding while I was snapping pics left & right. What? I can't help myself, you would too if you could see how Nick shined. Next we went snorkeling ourselves finding the water temperature a little cold at first, but not as much as CA (^_^). I rented some gear for us & we sat on the beautiful gold tan-ish sugary sand that was sooo soft not like home's. We together swam out in search of coral reefs & their fish. Soon we found them feeding, looking so cute & small (^_^). The visibility was brilliant & could see them so clearly.

 Luckily I also bought a underwater camera & made sure to capture my soul mate looking quite hot in the ocean especially the way his curls were all soaked. I tell you there's no setting where Nick doesn't look absolutely amazing to me, what a boy!!  We seen so many different species. One I recognized from reading & seeing many times is the state fish humu for short but also called the Rectangular Triggerfish or Humu Humu Nuku Nuku Apua'a in hawaiian (try saying that one fast right? (^_^). Humu's colors included orange, yellow, purple, black, white, & a little red & blue. Also we seen Orante Wrasses that were pink & blue, Red parrot fish (female) & the Blue parrot fish (male), Needle fishes that were all blue & long & skinny, also Unicornfishes that were just like their name & quite pretty with their silver blue green colors, & much more. The waves were a little rough but still swimmable. I could Nick was really enjoying our time in the water. He watched all the types of fishes in wonder, he reminded me of a little kid seeing something for the 1st time. I tell you I could say in this water forever, its just so relaxing beyond belief. The island relaxes you like you've never felt & its just so great. Its such bliss!

After swimming for what seems like hours we soon swam back to shore resting on patio chairs basking so peacefully in the sun like in a trance. The sunlight was strong but as much as it is in the summertime. Whew! During that season its pretty hard to sit in the sun & walk on the sand without getting absolutely burned super hot red. Winter is perfect cause its not as intense, but its still able to give Nick & I a nice tan for sure. We floated asleep letting all thoughts just silence, it was ... just sooo nice (^_^). Later through the day, Nick woke me up from my sweet slumber. I noticed we were both covered in sweat, I hadn't relaxed that the sun had gotten so hot. So we took another swam, running into the ocean, but at the same time we were cautious cause there was a drop off right when you step a few feet into the sea & plenty of coral rocks that had pretty cool formations, not to mention colors (^_^). 

After our watery dip, we decided to walk around exploring our territory. I showed Nick all over the resort. They had ping pong tables, a game room, miniature golf that glows in the dark at night, a teen club, a babysitting club, several local booths that had island creations for sale like plants & jewelry. And also an outside fountain with a statue of a young boy riding two dolphins. And a meeting room for taking about buying timeshares. Later on we watched Nanny McPhee Returns in the evening outside by our pool with others in patio chairs lilted by tiki torches & some lights (^_^). It was quote romantic & fun at the same time & people were in swimming in the pool while others were just watching the movie. Finally we ate dinner while finishing up the film which was quite cute & even better than the 1st one. Lastly Nick & I showered together ... then hopped into the bed. Nick was out like a light & I continued to watch as I soon went to sleep too.

© 2013 VirgoAvatar

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Added on January 4, 2011
Last Updated on August 9, 2013
Tags: joick Jick Joeick Joe/Nick Nick



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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