Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 54

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 54

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 54 (Rocketeer & This Is The Life)

(^_^) = Real Life 4 me.

Nick's POV

I was awakened by ring of our alarm, 11:00 AM, 15 minutes to catch our private jet & finally journey across the Pacific Ocean to ... I can't say yet but you'll soon know. I looked over at my husband smiling wide, he was already up & getting dressed. I couldn't help but watch & giggle as he speedily took off his pjs & slipped into a long sleeve dark blue shirt & black skinny jeans along with sneakers & a long black wool winter coat & a grey scarf to top it off. Oh my gosh! He's SO super hot! "I know dearest Nick," he said sexily while jumping back into bed grabbing my face in his hands kissing me passionately. "I love you Joe," I murmured softly in his mouth. As much as I wanted to continued, I also wanted to be on time for our flight. "Gotta ... dressed," I said. He kissed my long & hard before releasing me out of his hold over me ... one that is so warm & safe, a place that I never want to leave. 

He leisurely laid on the bed folding his arms behind his head getting comfy grinning big while watching every move I made. I tried not to giggle but I failed & let it out. "And I love you, so much Nick. You better hurry up baby boy cause the sooner we get there ... the sooner I can rip those clothes right off & kiss those lips," he huskily said. Already I felt the shivers from his words, I knew that he was 100% serious & more. Just as quickly I got dressed with a white long sleeve shirt, a grey hat with a red feather, a beige long jacket, sneakers & of course my brown man purse that I've been using for awhile now thanks to Joe. He stared with pure fascination, just admiring me from head to toe. He smiled wider saying, "Whoo! Nice, very very nice." 

I smiled closing my eyes & then walked over to him grabbing his hand shaking him out of his fantasy. "Come on, you can look at me all you want when we actually get on the jet," I said while tugged his hand to the door. Our luggage was already set, & Joe got them into the car fast. Though once inside the car & seat-belted up, Joe started driving out barely out of the gated area, when we were completely swarmed by paparazzi screaming & flashing their cameras. It was madness but we drove off just smiling & waving, we still had a few minutes to get to the airport that was luckily real close by. In that time, we parked our car in the lot & walked into the airport to be greeted by David himself. He led up to our jet while two other guys got our luggage. Joe & I looked at the jet, stopping to take in that this was really happening. Joe squeezed my hand reminding me it was time to take off. David saw us off & wished up a pleasant & relaxing vacation. 

We waved to him & stepped into the jet, my it was so beautiful with lots of space, so luxurious. We sat down together & buckled up. I stared out the window watching the jet begin its starting up. Joe leaned with me watching as he put his hand on top of mine. The light soon took off speedily down the runway. One minute we we're on the ground, the next we're in the air. We continued to climb higher & higher, in no time at all we were above the clouds soaring at our cruising altitude.Looking through the window, we could see the sunlight below us, ... a blanket of clouds. We relaxed in our seats, as through our flight we were served beverages like passionfruit guava , snacks, & for a main course ... we ate a veggie quiche that was amazingly good & for dessert a big blueberry muffin. And for our flight movie watched Julia Roberts' Eat, Pray, Love, which was interesting & sweet. Joe & I cuddled together when we became to drift off as the jet flew through some mild turbulence (^_^ everything here except the private jet ... I wish!). 

Soon enough we made it to our destination. We got off together walking outside into nice warm 80 degree weather. Mmmm, the warmth was a nice change from CA. Joe took a few minutes to take pics of me & of us together, he was determined to document the entire vacation as much as possible. The sky was ever blue with the whitest clouds I've ever seen in my life. The sunlight shown through everywhere, even though it was humid I was just incredibly happy. "Welcome, ... to Maui ... Nick!," Joe sang. I hugged him & said, "You're the best Joe!" He winked, "I know. Now what do you say we get out of this airport & go check into our resort?" I smiled nodded, hand in hand we walked to our rental car (~ Car Pic here: ~ ). We were greeted with hawaiian leis & seashell necklaces with alohas! And maholos (meaning thank you) for coming for their paradise. Once our luggage was in, Joe opened up the door to our new car & he then got into his side & drove off from the airport. I looked around at my new setting, there was a cool breeze & already I felt relaxed. 

"Joe, this is so cool! How is that you know where to go? Have you been here before?" He laughed turning the music "This Is The Life" by Kolohe Kai playing down, "I'm glad you like it Nick. Excellent question my love, actually Maui is like my 2nd home. You see I've been coming here since 1996. You see my parents were vacationing in the islands trying all them out to see which one they liked the best. Maui was their final & last choice, its here that they found a timeshare & bought it. So for me its like my 2nd home & now its going to be yours too. This is my 8th time here & its sooooo AWESOME to be back!! Wait till you see the resort, its beautiful! We'll be there in less than 45 minutes baby, so hang on & enjoy the ride!" I giggled & nodded, wow ... this place is so .... wonderful. Its lush green fields with very little houses & the view of the ocean is just spectacular as it glitters thanks to the endless sunlight. In the distance I can see a small what appears to be a crescent island of some sort next to a bigger island. All together I could see four islands. They seemed so close to us, just a boat ride or flight away. The the mountains next to us were tall & so green & over them were dark clouds of rain no doubt but seemed to stay in that area only. 

Joe explained as the road winded & curved like a snake along the oceanfront. He said that the crescent-shaped island I saw was actually a partially submerged volcanic crater that is now a bird sanctuary above & below a popular famous dive & snorkeling spot. I couldn't wait to explore it, as Joe continued to go on. Next to Molokini Crater is the island of Kaho'olawe a island that isn't accessible to people. And next to that from a distance is Lānaʻi & next that finally Molokaʻi. Lānaʻi & Molokaʻi are indeed more accessible & have their island treasures like dolphins, humpback whales that are migrating here this season & beaches that breathtaking. The more Joe went on the further I got entranced & excited to learn more. Joe was right from Kahului Airport to Kaanapali was a long drive, but the most incredible journey just looking from the sea on our left & on the right the mountains. The town areas were small & almost back in time in terms of living, so many people walking down the streets, bicycling, carrying their snorkel or surf boards & more. 

At last we arrived at our resort, & literally when I first looked at it from the top to the bottom, my mouth dropped & marveled at how large it was. Joe saw this & laughed, "Welcome to ... Lahainaluna Beach Club (LBC)! This we our home for 8 days & 7 nights," he bubbled on. ( ~ Pic of Resort here: ~). I couldn't speak, I was rendered absolutely speechless. Even was we pulled up to the main entrance as Joe got & came around to my side to open my door letting the guy park our car & allowing them to get our luggage. Joe just warmly smiling understanding my emotions & gently lead me to the lobby front desk. Everything was open & they welcomed us both happily. We checked in & were given our room key. Joe continued to lead me to the elevators as I took everything in. There were 12 floors of rooms. Our room was on the 7th floor & with supposedly a mountain view. 

The lobby was so beautiful. It had a big koi pond next to a big green tree fully decorated with lights. And right next to that was a table with 12 of the most amazing ginger beard houses I've ever seen. Each one was so incredibly well done, intricately detailed & decorated. They had their own palm trees & statues with a bronze dolphins lining the walls. There were also empty bird cages, a total of 6 all together. Each had a summary of each bird & names .... Lil Sid, Bojo, Alex, Inca, Casey, & Teresa. Six cute colorful birds, I couldn't wait to meet in the morning. Also next to elevators was a small gift shop & across from it was a VIP activity hut that Joe said we'd visit later. I followed still in awe as we got into the elevator & watched as it took us from the main lobby level to the 7th floor. We got off in the next few minutes & as Joe opened the door for me & gestured me to go in 1st. Our luggage was already here, I looked around seeing a small kitchen area on my left & a round table for four. In the middle was the living room with a couch & two chairs with a small rectangular table. And also a dresser with a flat screen TV & in the next in the room was a king sized bed with another flat screen TV with a a dresser & a small desk. Also two bedsize dressers on each side of the bed with small island lamps & the closet across from that. And lastly the bathroom was gigantic. It has two sinks, a shower & tub that could definitely fit two people & of course a bathroom with its own door. The last area was the patio that you could walk on on from our bedroom to the living room. It had a lounge chair & two chairs with a small round glass table. Our view was ... phenomenal! We could see our street, a new park according to Joe, a small shopping area, nearby resorts & homes, but mostly the luscious green mountains. The sunlight brightened it making it truly paradise. 

"You like it, Nick?," Joe softly inquired wrapped his arms around me as I looked out at the view from our patio from the railing. I couldn't speak, the words were in my mind but couldn't seem to get out. I just giggled & nodded. He spun me & looked at me carefully searching my eyes, "You sure? Because I could change our room to the presidential suit if you don't like this one. Its the best room here, an ocean view & on the 12th floor?" I shook my head & hugged him happily whispering, "Its perfect, everything. Thank you, Joe." He hugged back & kissed me tenderly picking me up & taking me back into our room where he placed me into the bed. I moaned at the softness of it & Joe's body weight slowly falling on mine. We kissed until he had me gasping for air. I leaned over to my right & twisted my finger signaling him to follow me. I didn't realize till now that I was tired from all the flying, so we took a shower together. Joe made sure to wash me throughly, not missing anything. We dried each other with the soft towels & climbed into bed ... sleep taking over us. Mmmm .... so this is paradise.

© 2013 VirgoAvatar

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Added on January 4, 2011
Last Updated on August 9, 2013
Tags: joick Jick Joeick Joe/Nick Nick



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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