Paradise Ep 46

Paradise Ep 46

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Paradise Ep. 46 (Horseback Riding With The One I Love)

Nick: *I finally woke up after like felt like the most peaceful sleep I've ever experienced. I looked at Joe, I love him so! *

Joe: *Eyes closed* I see you baby boy. Me too. 

Nick: *Gasps & chuckles* Your awake Joey? 

Joe: *Opens 1 eye* You betcha Nicky, surprised? We know each other so well. I know what you're thinking.

Nick: *Eyes roll & smiles happily* At 1st yes ... but now that I think about it SO NOT! I know you well too baby. *winks*

Joe: *Shrugs* Meant to be in every way. *kisses his lips sweetly & then pulls back to look at my watch* 1 PM, baby boy ... I have another surprise for you. 

Nick: *Cute Smile* Really? Tell me Joey.

Joe: *Leans up from the hammock, sitting up with the big towel draped over us/looks at Nick & hugs him* Lets get dressed & I'll show you. *gets up, pulling Nick up with me*

Nick: *Gets up with Joe/smiles happily* Okay Joey. ~ 15 min.'s later they're both dressed & back to their car ~ *Stops & smiles big* Horseback riding Joey ... awww! ~ Here's the beach of where our boys are at: ( ~

Joe: *Wraps arms around Nick's waist & sways him with me/whispers sexily into his ear* You like it?

Nick: *Rubs Joe's arms, puts mine onto of his/blushes* I love it! 

Joe: *Spins Nick around to face me/looks at his face, loving the blush of his cheeks/takes a finger & strokes it caressingly* I'm happy Nick, so happy. Here love, get on *helps Nick to get on the horse & joins him, sitting behind him & controlling the reins, & so starts our romantic ride. The beach is right beside where our car is parked, so I've decided to take Nick down the coast. The sun's still so bright & warm, its really nice. After spending this morning making love to Nick, I thought we'd have fun trying something different. And by the looks of it, Nick's enjoying every min., of it, just like I am*

Nick: *Okay so we're riding together on the most beautiful places I've ever seen with the one I love, I couldn't be happier than I am right now! Joe's so sweet, I just love being with him. And sharing moments like this with only him, is the best feeling in the world! My Joey ... I feel warmth, joy, extreme happiness, love, endless smiles, stars in my eyes, heart racing with such strong passion for him & more. I will forever be thankful for having Joe is my life, my super sexy man that I want to be with forever*

Joe: *Looking with Nick at the scenery, but actually enjoying Nick's presence. My God his incredibly soft curls blowing in the light wind, the smell of his skin, his body pressed against mine ... oh! Joe careful, just thinking about this is making me so aroused all over again! Part of me wants to just scoop him up & get back on top of him & kiss him all over & be inside him. No, Joe ... as much as I want too, I know Nick's still a little weak from earlier, even though he won't tell me I feel it. He smiles & always assures me that I didn't hurt him or lose control, however I know everytime I'm with him ... it just feels impossible not to want him. What he does to me, my heart, head, soul, body ... its INCREDIBLE! How I want to just want to love him over & over again, he's so irresistible to me. Control Joe, remember your control. Its so easy to lose yourself with Nick. With him I don't have to hide my love, how much I just want him in my arms always & forever*

Nick: *After like 20 min.'s of riding, I began to feel something. Thats when I gasped loud & my eyes widened/open mouthed*

Joe: *Brings the horse to a stop/tries to turn Nick to see his face/worried* Nicky? Are you okay baby boy?

Nick:: *Stunned, takes a few min.'s to just breathe/hears Joe, but can't seem to answer him & is blushing beyond red*

Joe: *Shakes Nick a little/becoming really concerned* Nick!? Please ... what's wrong? 

Nick: *Feels how hard Joe has become & gets weak just the thought of it, so pressed close against me. I didn't realize he was so aroused. Starts to feel dizzy, & sort of faints, about to fall off the horse ...*

Joe: *Quickly grabs his body to prevent him from falling* NICK! *pulls him into my lap, cradling him/scared* Please baby boy talk to me, I-I ..

Nick: *Shakes head, comes back to reality/looks at Joe confused* Joey? W-what happened? Did I faint? 

Joe: *Kisses forehead & hugs him tightly* Yes Nicky ... oh my God. You had me so scared there, are you okay? *pulls away & looks at his face carefully & holds his face in my hands, feeling the temp. of him* Nicky ... your hot. Are you feeling well? 

Nick: *Recalls what started this & blushes even more/nervous/looks away* U-um I-I ...

Joe: *Gently as can be, turns his face back to me* Nicky? ...

Nick: *Bites lip & looks into Joe's eyes/takes a breath to calm myself* I'm fine Joey. I'm so sorry I worried you. I just ... um fainted ... because I felt your um ... *bites lip more* your arousal against me. 

Joe: *Eyes widen/gasps* That's what you felt? Oh my gosh! I'm the one who's sorry Nicky. I was ... 

Nick: *Leans up to kiss Joe sweetly/smiles* I know. It's okay Joey. It just surprised me thats all. *looks at his bulge which is still there, weirdly enough. It caused me to blush again & giggle nervously* Do I turn you on that much?

Joe: *Follows Nick's eyes/grins* Without a doubt, Nick. You are so lovely baby boy, this is only one of the many things you do to me. I'm sorry though, I got to learn to conceal my desires for you. *laughs*

Nick: *Smiles & laughs with him/pokes his stomach lightly* Silly Joey. *moves finger down his stomach, stops right above his bulge/shyly caresses it, from the outside of his swimming shorts*

Joe: *Eyes close & longs to savor Nick's touch...* Oh Nicky ...

Nick: *Rubs him some more, then takes hand away & sighs* Yep your right, you get turned on so easily. *giggles*

Joe: *Eyes open with blazing desire & grabs Nick's hands leading him right back to me* You little tease you! Come here sweetie. 

Nick: *Resumes touching Joe* Continuing to tease: How's that feel baby?

Joe: *Groans* Uh Nickk ...

Nick: *Feels Joe getting more aroused by the min./blushes at his reaction & how hard he's become* 

Joe: *Can't take anymore, comes/groans* Uhhh ...

Nick: *Gasps once again/cheeks blushing at the site of Joe's wetness* Joey? You okay baby?

Joe: *Catches breath/smiles downright devilishly at Nick* So more than ... okay. *takes Nick's hands & kisses the tops of both of them* Perfect. 

Nick: *Rolls eyes & laughs/pulls hands away & waves a finger side to side, shaking head no* Uh-uh Joey. Later ... tonight baby. *winks* I promise. *takes the reins to continue their ride*

Joe: *Resumes sitting upright positioning with Nick* Okay cutie. *breathes hotly into his ears* Can't wait. *kisses head*

Nick: *Enjoying Joe's playfulness to the max. But I am serious about later. I'm still weak from this morning, which I sure Joe already knows, cause he finally started to behave himself. I smiled & bit my lip, thank goodness, he can't see my face right now. He never ceases to amaze me. He's so sexy to the max! I find it so funny how I turn him on, though the thing is that ... he turns me on the same way. His eyes shine so much, letting me know what he wants & how much he adores me. Its so a-m-a-z-i-n-g! The way he kisses me just leaves me like a melted ice cream. Every touch of his sends my heart facing beyond my control & my little hairs that I have on my body stand straight up, such pleasurable chills. The strength of his body always pressing, pulling, & crushing me so super close, makes me feel so safe & loved. In those arms, I'm warm & at home. The smell of his skin is so masculine, it drives me crazy. And I love when my hands tangle in his soft hair, its so sweet & fun. I enjoy pleasing Joe when ever I can, but it seems most of the time ... he likes to be the one taking control. Well I got news for you Joey ... tonight YOUR the 1 who's going relax & enjoy! All possible thoughts of what I could do to him, came flowing in my mind, I quietly laughed at my plans for him. Tonight ... Joey YOUR MINE*

???: *Okay now I know I should let them have their romantic moments, & just stay quiet & keep on walking. Though I gotta tell you, thats pretty tough when your the 1 who can see & hear everything they're saying .... & doing. I got to say that they are such a cute couple hands down. I've never seen such strong deep affection for 2 people related. And I'm a grown man, with my own family & wife! I love my family & wife both so much, but it seems what Joe Jonas & Nick Jonas have is like the ultimate love. Ari & every1 was right about them, they are so meant to be. Its so obvious how they feel about each other. Anyways I almost forgot! I got so caught up in my thoughts, I almost forgot to introduce myself. Hiya I'm Adrienne, a brown horse with a black mane. I'm a resident of Fiji & my job is giving people rides around the island where ever on land they want to go, I'm the horse to call. My wife's name is Amara & my son's name is Alan. We're all good friends with Ari & actually every living creature on this island & all the others nearby. I didn't expect today to be the day I meet the couple the whole animal community is talking about, its pretty awesome. I think for now I'll remain silent, I'll introduce myself to them in time*

Joe: *After traveling miles along miles of white beautiful sandy beach, I was beginning to get really hungry. And I wonder if my baby boy is too* Nick- ...

Nick: *Stomach growls super loud enough for Joe to hear/blushes embarrassed* Sorry Joey. I guess I'm pretty starved. *smiles* Can we get something to eat?

Joe: *Gets of the horse & helps Nick down, carries him in my arms walking to a picnic* Already ahead of you Nicky. Lunch is served, so dig in. *winks sexily/sits down on the mat & begins to eat* 

Nick: *Sits with Joe & begins to eat too/smiling* Your ... so amazing Joey. My man. *blushes*

Joe: *Grins wickedly* Uh-uh, you said later. And trust me ... your the 1 who's beyond amazing, you sexy Nickyyy. 

Nick: *Shyly smiles/resumes eating*

Joe: *Continues to watch Nick, while eating & vice versa. There's something about being alone with Nick that sends my heart & every part of me into a spiral of pure love & adoration. I am looking forward to later & as I can tell, so is Nick. Wonder what my sweet baby boy has in mind?? Whatever it is ... I'm sure I'm going to love it. Just being with him, next to him, always with him ... I'm happy as can be. The more time I spend with Nick, the more I fall in love. It just keeps on growing, getting stronger everyday. How can love be so strong? Well when you love someone so dearly & want nothing more than to show that person how you feel ... I'd say its the kind of love thats forever. I'm forever thankful to God & our parents for bestowing such an angel right in front of me. I love Nick with everything I fiber of my being. Oh Nick ... I'm back to burning with desire ... just a kiss from those soft lips that take me away ...*

Nick: *After we finished eating, eyeing each other the whole time. I wanted to have a little fun, so we took off on the beach just jogging & eventually breaking into a run. Joe's so fast, though I can still keep the same pace as him. It takes all of my strength to pass him, & the last thing I see is his shocked expression like: "oh, no you didn't!" I don't go too far in front of him, knowing how he gets worried & I have a tendency to get into some sort of trouble. At last I'm so tired from running, I'm breathing heavy & have collapsed on the warm white sand. I see puffy pure white clouds rolling on by & the beautiful blue sky. The wind adds just the right touch of warmth & coolness, I sigh dreamily letting myself relax. I know Joe's probably watching over me, just the thought makes me smile & bite my lip. I sneaked a peak, opening my eyes slightly & yep ... I was so right. There... stood Joe smiling lovingly like he always does. Awwwwwww! Thats when I sat up & looked across the shallow water & saw the greenest mountains one could ever see. Wow so tall & close by*

Joe: *Follows Nick's gaze & smiles in awe too* I know baby boy, what beautiful mountains. *kneels beside Nick & puts an arm around him sweetly* What do you say we explore them sometime? 

Nick: *Leans head to rest on Joe's shoulder* I'd love to. 

Joe: *Kisses Nick's forehead* Sounds wonderful to me baby boy.

Nick: *So we sat there the rest of the afternoon just staring out at the water & mountains. We also went swimming in the ocean, splashing & enjoying the coolness of the water, with the sun shining its strong sunlight on us. Finally when the sun when down, we left & I suggested we go see a movie. We ended up seeing Iron Man 2 with Robert Downey Jr., which was pretty neat with the ending & all. ;-)

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

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Added on December 15, 2010
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joe Jonas Nick Jonas



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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