Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 50 & 51

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 50 & 51

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 50 (I Will Forevermore)

Nick's POV

Denise has finished my hair at precisely 12:20 PM, & of course she was already with her outfit, make-ip, & jewelry on. We both got into her car & we drove all the way to my wedding. Already my heart was thudding in my chest, I hadn't been this nervous in a long time. I wasn't nervous of being with Joe, I was nervous because I just wanted to make it on time. It wasn't too far of a distance away but then suddenly out of no where ... traffic hit us. We were stopped dead in our tracks as every car was pretty much bumper to bumper. My heart almost sank, I prayed over & over that we'd make it through. Denise saw my expression & assured that everything would be fine & that we'd make it there on time. 

Ever look at the time & wish why does this happen or why can't things just go smoothly? Well in times like this, you got remain calm & have patience. And every other moment in my life, I've done just that. Except right now, its just really hard. Its the afternoon, & its warmer than usual exactly its borderline hot. The weather did say it would 80 degrees. Its California weather for you, one minute super hot then next freezing cold ... sometimes there's no happy medium. Please dear God, please ... I need to get to Joe. 

Joe's POV

I looked at my watch for the first time nervously, 12:40 PM. Exactly 20 minutes before the ceremony would begin & Nick & mom weren't here yet. I tried calling them both but for some weird reason all the cells & phones were down. Of all moments this had to happen. I mean never in my life had I heard of such a thing happening, but according to the news the heats disrupting the signal & they're trying to work out the problem right as this very minute. And they said that the traffic is backed up from right where I am now. I prayed with everything I had that Nick & mom would make it here safe & sound. I wanted to race over & find Nick, but I sensed in my gut that he was doing his best to come to me. 

Patience Joe, clarity peace & serenity. You've waited your whole life for this moment & its finally come, nows not the time to be filled with anxiety. Just pray. Pray that my true love & mother would arrive soon. Dad was also worried right with me, but he also knew that he had to remain calm. Our soul mates would make it, they would, I just know it. Todays a an extraordinary day & I believe that all would turn out just fine. 

Nick's POV

In the next second, its like God heard me & Denise's silent prayers & suddenly the cars were all moving again. I continued to thank God as Denise sped away to wedding. We made it in the next 10 minutes & we raced in. I was distracted for a minute as I looked at everything through the window. It looked ... like a fairy tale literally. But then out of my day dream, Denise pulled me to the room where I would await the walk down the aisle. She had already signaled Kevin that we were here. Suddenly the music started playing & everyone turn their bodies to face the door. First little sweet Noah went down the aisle looking as cute as a button with her dress & basket dropping rose petals on the ground. Then Joe's cousin Fankie made is way down with the ring on a small pillow. Next were my bridesmaids Heather & Val & two other girls. Then last at last the main theme began playing, Denise put her arm in mine as we walked together down the aisle. 

My heart was thudding even more so as I walked on, but the minute Joe turned in my direction & locked eyes with me, I smiled & any nervousness I had evaporated away from me. I couldn't look away even if I tried, our eyes had each other. He looked so amazingly handsome in his tux & his hair looked so smooth & shiny. He grinned with so much happiness & so did I. And finally, Denise lead me right up to the alter beside Joe. And so the minister began: 

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered together here in the sign of God " and in the face of this company " to join together this man and this man in holy matrimony, which is commended to be honorable among all men; and therefore " is not by any " to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly " but reverently, discreetly, advisedly and solemnly. Into this holy estate these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together " let them speak now or forever hold their peace.

Marriage is the union of two people in heart, body and mind. It is intended for their mutual joy " and for the help and comfort given on another in prosperity and adversity. But more importantly " it is a means through which a stable and loving environment may be attained.

Through marriage, Joe and Nick make a commitment together to face their disappointments " embrace their dreams " realize their hopes " and accept each other’s failures. Joe and Nick will promise one another to aspire to these ideals throughout their lives together " through mutual understanding " openness " and sensitivity to each other.

We are here today " before God " because marriage is one of His most sacred wishes " to witness the joining in marriage of Joe and Nick. This occasion marks the celebration of love and commitment with which these two men begin their life together. And now " through me " He joins you together in one of the holiest bonds.

Who gives this man ~ gestures to Nick ~ in marriage to this man?"


"His family and friends gathered here today do."


"This is a beginning and a continuation of their growth as individuals. With mutual care, respect, responsibility and knowledge comes the affirmation of each one’s own life happiness, growth and freedom. With respect for individual boundaries comes the freedom to love unconditionally. Within the emotional safety of a loving relationship " the knowledge self-offered one another becomes the fertile soil for continued growth. With care and responsibility towards self and one another comes the potential for full and happy lives.

By gathering together all the wishes of happiness and our fondest hopes for Joe and Nick from all present here, we assure them that our hearts are in tune with theirs. These moments are so meaningful to all of us, for what greater thing is there for two human souls than to feel that they are joined together " to strengthen each other in all labor " to minister to each other in all sorrow " to share with each other in all gladness.

This relationship stands for love, loyalty, honesty and trust, but most of all for friendship. Before they knew love, they were friends, and it was from this seed of friendship that is their destiny. Do not think that you can direct the course of love " for love, if it finds you worthy, shall direct you.

Marriage is an act of faith and a personal commitment as well as a moral and physical union between two people. Marriage has been described as the best and most important relationship that can exist between them. It is the construction of their love and trust into a single growing energy of spiritual life. It is amoral commitment that requires and deserves daily attention. Marriage should be a life long consecration of the ideal of loving kindness " backed with the will to make it last."

Exchange of Vows

Dearest Nicholas,

"The moment I saw your beautiful face is when I knew my world would change. Since I met you my life has been the most happiness moments I could ever experience. Everyday I've thanked God for having you by my side, my angel & precious prince. I cherish everything you are & everything you will become. You are truly my heart & soul. I love you so much," he said so lovingly & happily.

Dearest Joseph,

"I never knew I could be so in love till I met you. Seeing you that day again was fate & I'm forever grateful for getting to know you, for falling in love, & becoming yours. You are my best friend & companion for life. Your the man of my life. I love you with everything I have & so much more. You're my soul mate & I know we'll be inseparable," choked up & emotionally I said.


"Do you Joseph Adam Jonas take Nicholas Jerry Jonas to be your husband " to live together after God’s ordinance " in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse, in sadness and in joy, to cherish and continually bestow upon him your heart’s deepest devotion, forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto him as long as you both shall live?"


"I will."


"Do you Nicholas Jerry Jonas take Joseph Adam Jonas to be your husband " to live together after God’s ordinance " in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse, in sadness and in joy, to cherish and continually bestow upon him your heart’s deepest devotion, forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto him as long as you both shall live?"


"I will."

~ Exchange of Wedding Rings ~


"What token of your love do you offer? Would you place the rings in my hand? ~ Frankie hands the rings to the mister ~

May these rings be blessed as the symbol of this affectionate unity. These two lives are now joined in one unbroken circle. Wherever they go " may they always return to one another. May these two find in each other the love for everyone all year. May they grow in understanding and in compassion. May the home which they establish together be such a place that many will find there a friend. May these rings on their fingers symbolize the touch of the spirit of love in their hearts."

Handing ring to the Joe


"Joseph, in placing this ring on Nicholas' finger, repeat after me: Nicholas Jerry Jonas, you are now consecrated to me as my husband from this day forward and I give you this ring as the pledge of my love and as the symbol of our unity and with this ring, I thee wed."

I watched in mesmerization as Joe spoke the same words to me placing the ring on my finger.

Handing ring to the Nick


"Nicholas in placing this ring on Joseph's finger, repeat after me: Joseph Adam Jonas, you are now consecrate to me as my husband from this day forward and I give you this ring as the pledge of my love and as the symbol of our unity and with this ring, I thee wed."

I repeated the words back to Joe, placing the ring on his finger, the both of beaming uncontrollably.



"May you always share with each other the gifts of love " be one in heart and in mind " may you always create a home together that puts in your hearts " love " generosity and kindness.

In as much as Joe and Nick have consented together in marriage before this company of friends and family and have pledged their faith " and declared their unity by giving and receiving a ring " are now joined.

You have pronounced yourselves husband and husband but remember to always be each other’s best friend.

What " therefore " God has joined together " let no man put asunder.

And so, by the power vested in me by the State of California and Almighty God, I now pronounce you husband and husband " and may your days be good and long upon the earth.

You may now kiss your husband. Everyone, ...I present to you Mr. and Mr. Jonas!"

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 51 (If I Never Knew You, My Love)

Joe's POV

With all the passion & love I could give, I cupped Nick's face & kissed him before everyone. In the background I heard the cheers erupt all over the room, the clapping the happiness that filled the entire room. We're ... married! In that moment, I all I could think of was kissing Nick repeatedly over & over again. He smiled & giggled kissing me back with just as much passion & love. He looked so beautiful, his hair, his tux, ... he was dream. My dream. A dream that I will never let go of as long as I live. When we at last pulled away from our kiss, we took each others arms & took our ... very first steps as husband & husband. 

Nick & I walked as if on air, beamed like there's no tomorrow & chuckled together at the amazing-ness of it all. Once we got outside, the paparazzi had surrounded us both. We quickly made our way to the right & as Nick did his his flower bouquet throwing. I watched as he he stood on high on platform & turned his back readying himself to toss the bouquet. All the single girls of all ages gathered to try to catch it. Nick smiled & closed his eyes as he threw it back & turned around to see who would get it. In the end, ... it was actually Miley Cyrus herself that caught it. Nick & I exchanged a surprised look & just continued to beam with smiles. 

Next we cut our very delicious & eloquently designed wedding cake together & gave each other a bite of it. We sat together closely as mom & dad gave their proud & emotional speeches. My best man Kevin, & of course Heather & Val & David gave each their own speeches to wish us the best of the best in our new life together. It was the happiest day of my life, & I could tell Nick felt the same way. I'd never seen him so filled with joy till now, he looked lovely.

Finally for the rest of the day we talked & eat, but the highlight of the day was going on small cruise around the ocean & harbor. We got to see the fantastic colors of the sunlight fill the sky. And once the sun was officially down, we made our way back to the shore. After all, we didn't want to miss our party!

The first dance of the night was just Nick & I to our song, "If I Never Knew You." We moved together as one, Nick following me every step of the way. Together we sang the song to each other as it played. Then we took turns dancing with my parents & our friends. We danced on & on to many different songs from holiday to pop to R&B to rock & much much more. 

Nick & I even sang together for everyone because everyone kept on cheering for us to well ... shake things up. We sang our favorites & some of our own. Next we let Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato & Selena Gomez each do their thing. And other pop singers included Justin Bieber, Big Time Rush, The Cheetah Girls, Ashley Tisdale, Aly & A.J., & Jesse McCartney. David also performed some of his songs too holiday & pop. Overall, we were all having the time of our lives. I couldn't been happier than being right here with the one I love with all my heart. I never left his side the rest of the evening. Wherever we went, ... we went together. Whenever he needed me, I was there & vice versa. Whenever he wanted love, I showered him with so much love. Whenever it got to be too loud & crazy we pulled away together & went out to the garden gazing up at the stars. And as we arrived back at home after making sweet sweet love & showering ... we curled up together & as I whispered my words to him. "I love you forevermore Nick."

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

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Added on December 14, 2010
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joeick Joe/Nick Nick



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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