Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 49

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 49

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

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Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 49 (Denise & Nick, Mother & Son-In-Law Time/Kevin & Joe, Father & Son Time)

Nick's POV

I watched as Joe & Kevin left, then sighed missing my Joe already. Denise just smiled & held both of my hands, "I know sweetie. You're so in love & today's just going to be the most magical day ever. You & Joseph are about to take the biggest step of all, are you certain you are ready for such a responsibility?" I smiled even more & looked inside my heart saying, "Yes. He's my one & only, without him I'd be who I was but alone. He brought love, laughter, & so much happiness in my life. I just know with all of my heart, that this is what I want & I'm ready to take this step with him."

Denise teared up emotionally & squeezed my hands, "Oh Nicholas, thats so beautiful. I just know you & Joseph are going to be together for life. And now that I've heard what's in your heart, I can see you're absolutely ready. So, how about some breakfast & then we'll work on getting you all ready?" I smiled in turn & nodded, "Thank you so much Denise. You're the best mother-in-law ever!," said hugging her. She hugged back & then winked saying, "And you're the best son-in-law a mother ever ask for! Now, excuse a few minutes deary while I go whip up a little something." She jumped up & ran out, I watched & couldn't help but giggle at her the childlikeness in her. 

So as she prepared breakfast in the kitchen, I went to the bathroom. Then I washed my hands & as I gazed in the mirror at myself I noticed my curls were even more messed up than usual. This made me blush bright red, not only did Joe see this, but so did Denise & Kevin! Oy, how embarrassing ... These curls, sometimes I just don't know what to do with them. I thanked God that Denise was here, she'd know what to do I'm sure. A few minutes later, I went downstairs & found buttermilk pancakes with bananas & peanut butter on top, which some might think odd but actually ever since Denise first introduced them to me ... I've been completely stuck on them. "Your breakfast is served Nicholas, so eat up & enjoy," she bubbly said. 

I sat down with her, "Thank you Denise. I don't know how you do it, but your such an amazing cook." She clapped her hands together & laughed, "Your very welcome Nicholas darling. I try & I'm so glad I succeed for you, Joseph, & Kevin. You three are the most important guys in my life, & I thank my lucky stars for all of you." I giggled & we continued to eat together. Then afterwards we rinsed our plates & put them in the dishwasher. Thats when Denise & I went back to the room. She gave my pressed & ready suit for me. So as I went to get dressed from my pjs, she was busy setting up all the hair accessories. 

Once dressed, I looked at myself in the mirror again. Despite the messy looking hair, I looked great well I at least I hope I did for Joe. Just as I came out from the bathroom, Denise squealed & stopped what she was doing & stood up. "Nicholas, ... you look fabulous! Joseph's going have a hard time taking his eyes of you!" Hearing that made me blush even more. "You think so? I just want to look beautiful for him." She took the both of my hands leading me over to the hair sitting me down & starting the process of fixing my hair. "Oh honey, trust me when I say beautiful is mostly definitely achieved. You're the handsomest prince & when I'm done with your hair you'll be even more so." I beamed with so much happiness, "What would I do without you & Kevin?"

Joe's POV 

So we arrived back at my parents house all still in good time. Dad was right, my tux was all set & ready on my bed. I got dressed & made sure to fix my hair making it look extra nice for Nick. And in the meantime, dad was preparing a home-made omelet with all my favorite veggies. In a quick 15 minutes I was fully dressed & hair ready. Downstairs the house smelled of delicious delightful smell of breakfast. Dad & I eat while chatting a little bit. Afterwards we put the dishes away in the washer & dad drove me to the final destination where Nick & I would finally say I do. 

We got there at 12:15 PM & already guests all over were making there way into the huge room. I looked around in pure amazement seeing all the beautiful decorations, I just knew this would be lifetime moment, Nick & I would never forget. The place was just swarming with people walking to get to their seats, chatting & readying their cameras for the precious moments about to come. I saw plenty of familiar faces whom of which gave me & my dad plenty of hugs & congratulations. The choir & band was already set up perfectly near the alter. And the minister was in his spot awaiting for Nick & I. My best man & old friend, Kevin Jonas ~ Not related to Joe & or Nick, just another different Jonas ~ was already set in his spot. And Nick's bridesmaids Heather & Val were dressed up & set in their spot. And Frankie my 10 year old cousin from New Jersey was dressed in a little tux of his own & ready to be the ring bearer. And our flower girl was one of celebrity guests ... Miley Cyrus' little sister Noah Cyrus. It was a last minute surprise but I think its going to turn out perfectly. Now all I'm awaiting is for my husband & mom to make their presence.

© 2013 VirgoAvatar

Author's Note

Working on adding all chapters here on WritersCafe so it be easier to access in the future

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Added on December 14, 2010
Last Updated on August 9, 2013
Tags: Joick Jick



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