Paradise Ep 44

Paradise Ep 44

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Paradise Ep. 44 (Hotness/I'm Yours & You're Mine)

Joe: *For once I woke up 1st before Nick. He was still snoring lightly, so cute! I kissed his forehead, tenderly & softly. I just love him. I decided to turn on the TV for awhile, but not loudly after all, I didn't want to wake my baby boy. Monsters vs. Aliens was on, so was Minutemen, The Wedding Planner, Inkheart, Cars, & some other titles. In the end, I ended watching A Walk To Remember. I also ordered a special breakfast for Nick & I. I love surprising him, & seeing him smile. A few min.'s later, our meal arrived & as I shut the door, Nick was just arising. I pushed the breakfast cart next to him & kisses him deeply* Good morning my beautiful Nick.

Nick: *Wraps arms around his neck & kisses back just as deep* Good morning to you too Joey, my incredible man. *looks at the breakfast* Waffles & fruit, guava juice & milk, & ... a box? *pulls away from Joe, to reach for the box & opens it/gasps* Oh Joey ...

Joe: *Takes the gift & ties it around Nick's neck & kisses his eyes* Do you like it baby boy?

Nick: *Tears spill over/chuckles* I love it! Its so beautiful Joey, I'll wear it always. ~ Joe gave Nick a new necklace that has a symbol of a dolphin on 1 side & on the other a heart with their initials N & J, the band that holds it together is black & the coin is silver ~

Joe: *Grins* I'm glad you like it Nicky. This is just 1 your surprises for today. *winks sexily* More is a coming. 

Nick: *Starts to eat/talking in between bites* Really Joey? *smiles* Your amazing, you know that?

Joe: *Eats along with him/shrugs* Yeahhh ... & you know your sooo CUUUUTE?

Nick: *Rolls eyes* May-beee. *giggles* Hey you know, while you were in the shower, I got a surprise visitor. It was Selena. You wont believe this, but she's a real wizard! Her magic from Wizards of Waverly Place is so much! She wanted congrat us on our relationship. And she's with Demi, they're a couple too. She said the main reason she came to see me was about showing me a possible future. It was ... *So I explained all that happened, of the time travel, of the future me, Kris, & him. I could tell he wasn't happy about hearing about the Kris part, but after I told him what I told Selena last night, his smile returned*

Joe: Whoa thats quite a night! So Selena's a wizard? Neat! And I'm glad she found love with Demi, I knew they would. I tell you Nicky, its so sweet how every1s been so supportive of us, its becoming the best feeling ever, but what's even better & sweeter is being with you. I'm relived that, that future didn't come to be. I couldn't imagine being anywhere else but by your side. I do have a question baby boy.

Nick: What is it Joey?

Joe: *Takes a breath & stares seriously at Nick* Well ... its just that, I've heard Kris' side of the story, but what concerns me more is yours. I haven't heard yours yet.

Nick: Oh. *looks down & sighs/then looks back up* At the beginning I just kept trying to be Kris' friend, nothing more. As he told me his story & I got to know him more, he began confessing his feelings for me. *blushes guiltily* I allowed his kisses & embraces too many times, part of me didn't want to let it happen, while another side was curious. *embarrassed* And when I had the dream ~ Nick explains every single part of it to Joe ~ I was really freaking out, that he had got to my head like that. At times I felt sorry for him, but then I kept trying to tell him that he would meet someone that he would love more than me. He gave it a thought, yet he still pursued to flirt & convince me to choose him. I finally couldn't take it anymore & that's when he convinced me to tell him about the dream. *bites lip* This is where things got out of hand & he wouldn't let me go. I ran away up to my room & he followed, knocking to be let in. I wouldn't let him in, so he got keys & opened up the door. He lost his control & began undressing himself & I attempted to run past him & he caught me. *really embarrassed* He pressed himself up against me, & kissed me fiercely, thats when I started crying ... & he stopped rubbing & kissing me. He had such a pained look on his face, & kept apologizing. I used the moment to escape, & I ran outside as fast as I could & got in a small speed boat, attempting to get back to you. He followed me & yelling after me to come back, but I didn't listen. Thats when my boat flipped over & I lost me memory. After that, he lied to me & said I was his boyfriend. He clearly wanted me not to remember my feelings for you. And by the end of day 3 at night, I weakly surrendered to his kiss, touch, & ... ~ Explains about Kris touching inside of him. By the way, Nick is basically telling EVERYTHING that happened, no detail is left out, no words un-edited. Just for chapter purposes, I'm skipping re-telling every moment ~

Nick: *Continuing* When he did that to me, it felt good, but I also felt like it was familiar to me. Thats when I began to doubt & seek answers. I met Emmi & she showed me parts of my past & I remembered it was you who I loved the most. I told Kris this & at last he finally gave up & took me back here. I know you dislike Kris for everything that happened & he doesn't deserve forgiveness, but I really think he has changed a great deal & will be better off now. I know this doesn't excuse my behavior of letting a lot of the moments happen, & I'm sorry for that. I'm sorry that I began to doubt things with coming out to Mom & Dad, & about wanting to see what's it like to have some1 else love me. I wish it never happened. Those moments with him, I would trade them to be with you & only you. I love you Joe, & no one & nothing will ever change the way I feel about you. 

Joe: *Sighs* I see. *kisses his lips* You don't have to be sorry Nicky, I understand. You've been through a lot, & I don't blame you for your feelings for Kris. I'm more upset with him ... even when he told me, I really didn't believe it. Now that you've told me the whole story, I think I let that creep off too easy. *tenses & becomes stiff* I'm just sorry that you had to experience all that, from now on where ever we go or do, we should always be together. *slowly relaxes a little* Baby boy thank you for telling me the truth, I glad you shared this with me. Now we can put it in the past & face the future together. What do you say Nicky, ready to have THE BEST DAY EVER? 

Nick: *Smiles big* Of course Joey! Anywhere with you! *finishes eating & grabs Joe's hand*

Joe: *Squeezes his hand firmly* Good baby boy cause this it going to a day you'll never forget! ~ With that said Joe takes Nick on an adventure. Joe's driving & they're talking along the way & singing. Once Joe reached where he wanted to be/as far as he could with the car, they hiked up to a massive beautiful waterfall ~ Here we are Nicky, what do you think? 

Nick: *Stunned* Its so cool Joey!! Its so huge, oh my goodness! *jumps into the water & surfaces* Whew! Perfect, come on in Joey! 

Joe: *Grins & laughs* Oh I'm coming in, there's no doubt. Just let me do this 1st *gets the camera & takes many snap shots of Nick* Smile cutie! 

Nick: *Giggling & smiling* Alright you got your pics! Now get in here!

Joe: *Shrugs* Ohh ... okaaayy! *puts the camera away & jumps on in to the water/immediately cradles Nick into my arms* Your right this water's perfect! *moves in a circle in the water w/ Nick floating in my arms*

Nick: *Leaning back like in a dream/enjoying every sec of being with Joe*

Joe: *Hums sweetly for Nick/savoring the embrace* 

Nick: *Gets an idea & begins to tickle Joe*

Joe: *Laughing loudly* Niiiiccckkyy!! 

Nick: *Laughing along with him* 

Joe: *Tries to turn the tables by tickling Nick* Ha now's its yooour tuuurn!

Nick: *Giggling non-stop* Jooooeeeyyy!! ~ Both lose their control & tumble into the water & swim together to the falls ~

Joe: *Whooping* Whooo! God I love nature!! 

Nick: *Laughing* Wooo! Me too!! 

Joe: *Pulls Nick close to my chest & dances with him underneath the falls* 

Nick: *Blushes & holds on to Joe's shoulders & moves together with him* 

Joe: *Presses lips to Nick's* Huskily: I love you Nick.

Nick: *Gives in to the kiss & melts* Smiles: I love you Joe. 

Joe: *Deepens the kiss/exploring Nick & loving the taste of his sweet lips* 

Nick: *Moans* Oh Joey ...

Joe: *Loves Nick's moans/holds his tiny waist, presses us as close as possible* Nicky ...

Nick: *Wraps legs around Joe's waist & winds arms around his neck/moaning still* Mmm ...

Joe: *Groans/becoming so aroused/uses this moment to carry Nick out of the water, still holding him & cupping underneath his thighs to support him/awhile pecking his lips*

Nick: *So wrapped into Joe, doesn't even notice where he's taken me* 

Joe: *Out of the corner of my eye I see the perfect spot to take my lovely Nick/takes him other there*

Nick: *Feels something supporting my back/opens eyes & looks around. A thick palm tree. I looked back at Joe. He had a look that melts every part of me. I knew what he wanted & I smiled shyly & nodded*

Joe: *Lets go of Nick/playfully pushes Nick back up against the tree & slides down to pull his swimming trunks off/throws them to the side & looks at Nick so super sexily* Murmurs: Your so beautiful Nick. *rubs his thighs up & down*

Nick: *Bites lip* Ohhh ...

Joe: *Leans up Nick's body to kiss him* Your turn sweetie.

Nick: *Smiles & bends to take off Joey's swimming trunks in return & throws them with mine/gasps how Joe is beyond aroused/stares at how large it is/blushes deep red*

Joe: *Laughs* I know baby boy, this is what you do to me. *leaves Nick for a sec to put on a condom* There ... *walks back to Nick & looks him up & down hungrily* You ready Nicky?

Nick: *Continues to lean on the tree trunk for support (super weak in the knees)/smiles* Mouths: Yes.

Joe: *Nods & grabs Nick to wrap his legs once again around my waist & his arms around my neck/kisses him making it their deepest kiss yet*

Nick: *Moaning* Joooeee ...

Joe: *Moves to carefully kisses every part of Nick's face, to his neck lingering the most there* Mmmm Nicky ...

Nick: *Tilting head back/still against the tree* Joooeeyyy ohhhh ...

Joe: *Kisses all over Nick's chest/rubbing it at the same time* 

Nick: *Panting* Ohhh Joooeee pllleeeeassse ...

Joe: *Knows that Nick's probably had enough sweet torture & presses length into him/groans* Uhh Nick ...

Nick: *Moans loud/shaking/waiting for the pain to go away* OHH Joe ...

Joe: *Moves slow inside Nick/presses lips to his forehead*

Nick: *Pleasure is now beginning/so immersed into Joe* Yesss ...

Joe: *Moves faster thrusting/kisses his lips deeply*

Nick: *Kisses back/moaning* Ohhhh yessss ....

Joe: *Thrusts even harder/groaning* Uhhhh Niiiicck ...

Nick: *Feels him going much faster/holds on tighter* Uhhhhhh ...

Joe: *Giving my all now/our skin's are hotter than ever now* 

Nick: *Screams* JOEEEEEEE!

Joe: *So turned of by Nick/goes deeper into him* 

Nick: *Eyes open & continues to scream* UHHHH!

Joe: *Plays with Nick's curls with 1 hand, while the other rubs his breast in circles* 

Nick: Mmmmm ... ooohhhhh .... Jjjjooooee!

Joe: *Uses both hands to rub Nick's chest, every part of it/comes in to him*

Nick: *Moans* Uhhhhhh!

Joe: *Moves hands to cup Nick's bottom, while thrusting faster than ever* Uhhh ...

Nick: *Breathing heavy & holding on to Joe closely/thighs wrap around Joe's waist tighter* Ohhhh ...

Joe: *Rubbing his thighs/also gripping them* Ohh Nick ...

Nick: *Eyes close in such a pleasurable trance/moves hands down Joe's chest lightly caressing him* Joeyyyy ...

Joe: *Kisses Nick's eyes repeatedly/groans feeling Nick's touch* Mmmmmm ooooohhh ...

Nick: *Comes into Joe/screams* Uhhhhh! ....

Joe: *Smiles* Nickkk ....

Nick: *Tilts head back in such pleasure* Ohh mmmm ...

Joe: *Feels light drops of water hit my skin & Nick's/looks up & laughs softly*

Nick: *Looks up too & feels drops of water fall in my mouth/swallows the water, finds it warm & an interesting taste* Mmm ...

Joe: *Looks at Nick & grins wickedly*

Nick: *Looks at Joe* W-what?

Joe: *Scoffs* Hmm? 

Nick: *Bites lip* W-what are you thinking Joey?

Joe: *Leans in to lick every droplet of rain off of Nick's face, chest, arms* Thisss ....

Nick: *Laughs* Joooeeeyy, that ... tickles *giggles*

Joe: *Continues to lick & swallow* Thats the point baby boy. Plus that "Mmm" made me a bit jealousss ...

Nick: *Can't stop giggling* Ohhhhh Jooeeeyyy ... I-is that all?

Joe: *Sexily* You can tease me all you want Nicky, but in the end ... I'm happpy to return the favor. 

Nick: *Kisses his head* Y-you! ...

Joe: *Resumes thrusting harder than ever* I what? ..

Nick: *Screams* JOEEEY! AHH! 

Joe: *Smiles* Thats what I thought ... *groans*

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

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so hot :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on December 6, 2010
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joe Jonas Nick Jonas



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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