Paradise Ep 43

Paradise Ep 43

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Paradise Ep. 43 (A Future Like This/Back In Your Arms)

~ They rest of the afternoon, Joe spent time relaxing on the beach with Nick. They kissed & embraced the whole time, not talking just looking lovingly at each other. Eventually Joe remembered to update Drake & Josh on everything. Nick also talked with them. After their conversation, & they watched the sunset & eat dinner together & danced together. Towards the end of the evening, Joe was taking a shower, & Nick finished his early & laid on Joe's bed, waiting for him to finish his ~

Nick: *Laying on Joe's bed, in grey PJ pants & a white v-neck tee-shirt & looking up*

???: *Appears out of thin air/turn to look & Nick & smiles & giggles*

Nick: *Sits up/mouth drops* S-selena?

Selena [Gomez]: *Continues smiling* Yep, its me. *shrugs* Surprise!

Nick: *Rubs eyes* A-are you really here? How'd you get in the room?

Selena: *Reveals my wand* This way. Yeah I know hard to believe right? Let me explain. You know my show Wizards of Waverly Place?

Nick: *Nods* Yeah ... but wait does this mean what I think?

Selena: *Shakes head* Yea it does, I'm a real wizard Nick. Magic is very real indeed, & as you've probably discovered being here in such paradise, that magical things have been happening left & right. That brings me to why I'm here, Nick, I've always been your best friends & when I heard the news about you & Joe, I had to pop over here & see you. First, OMG! *hugs him happily* You & Joe!

Nick: *Surprised/hugs her back* You don't think its ...?

Selena: *Pulls back/smiles* Are you kidding me? Its the sweetest thing I've ever heard! I mean I had no idea you liked guys, & even more, Joe. I'm so happy for you 2! Its super romantic. The way I actually found out wasn't from Ari or her sisters, nope, I discovered it out on my own. I took a curious journey to the future & saw you 2 so happy together & in love, it really made me cry. *sniffles* Its truly like a fairytale. 

Nick: *Open mouthed once again* You went to the future? Isn't that ...?

Selena: *Smiling & chuckles* Yep, only once though. Besides seeing you & Joe together, I also got a glimpse of my possible future with the 1 I love. As for as time travel goes, as long as you don't try to change the future, its perfectly fine. I can also travel to the past, which is fun too. The best part of time travel, no one can see you & I can go where ever I want without worrying about anything. Its pretty cool. 

Nick: *Smiles* Wow it sounds interesting. And I'm happy you found someone special Selena, I knew you would. Is it Demi [Lovato]?

Selena: *Blushes & spins in a circle* Thank you Nick! If it wasn't for you hanging out with me all the time, when actually it is Demi who I love the most. I tell you the paparazzi are such a pain sometimes, though I'm glad I can be with Demi. I really love her so much, that girl is my whole world!  ~ She means that she spent time with Nick as best friends letting the paparazzi think that they were dating ;-] ~

Nick: *Giggles* Congrats, you 2 are so adorable together! Anything for you & Demi, your 2 are like sisters to me & Joe. We love you. 

Selena: *High-5's Nick* Your awesome you know that? Joe is 1 lucky guy! 

Nick: *High-5's back* Yea, but your the best! And thanks, Demi is so lucky to have a beautiful girl in her life!

Selena: *Blushes* We're both lucky I'd say. And I realize Joe's in the shower & any moment he'll be out, so I want to show you something real quick. 

Nick: What'd you have in mind? 

Selena: Take hold on my wand & you'll see. Its a possible future that could have been. 

Nick: *Touches her wand/watches it light up. One min. I was standing in front of Selena, now I'm transported somewhere in the future* Selena?

Selena: *Voice only* Don't be afraid Nick, as I said this is a possible future. Just watch & don't worry they can't see or hear you. And when its done, I'll transport you back okay? I'll be here if you need me.

Nick: *Nods unsure. I looked around, it was daylight. I discovered I was in a house that was all white. This looks familiar. I saw a private recording studio & as I went downstairs I stopped suddenly. Oh ... my ... God. I saw myself with ... Kris! I listened to their conversation:

Future Kris: *Grinning beyond tomorrow* Oh Nick, you make me the happiest man in the whole world! I love you darling! *kisses his lips* Can you believe its been 4 months since we got married?

Future Nick: *Giggling* And you make me the happiest boy in the whole world, I just love you so baby! *kisses him back with passion* I know, its been the best 4 months ever! *winks*

Future Kris: *Huskily* Your so adorable lovely. I love making love to you, you are my heaven Nicky. I can' t wait to make a baby with you.

Future Nick: *Teasingly* And you are sexy sweetie. *blushes* Hey, I just LOVE being with you. You're my hero. *presses a finger to his lips* Soon baby, soon. *kisses his cheeks*

Nick: *Gulps. This ... was 1 of my possible futures, being married to Kris? Wow. I admit that it looks like a happy future, except for 1 person. Where is Joey? And then like that ... I was transported to another place, but in the same time, well at least I think. I was back at my home, I was in Joe's room. Whoa things look different, I wonder what's going on. Then suddenly Joey came into the room & slammed the door & let himself collapse onto the bed. He looks unhappy. I watched him more:

Future Joe: *Searches for a pic & stares at it for a long time, then throws in to the ground* Out loud to himself: Why Nick! Why'd you have to marry HIM? Its not fair, I love you so much more. *sighs deeply* I wish I told you how I feel. Why couldn't I just be open with you, like I always am. Why couldn't I say: "Nick I'm in love with you. I've always loved you." I'll never get used to seeing you married, & even worst, having ... *shudders* Oh Nick, your so happy, but I'm sorry, but I'm not. Mom & Dad are fine with it now, Kevin & Frankie accepts you, but I don't. I want you to be happy, I love you Nick. *starts crying*

Nick: *Heartbreaks. He's crying! How could I do something so selfish to him?! Going off & marrying Kris, & leaving Joey alone & heartbroken? The very thought of it brought me to intense tears. Thank you Selena for showing me this. I'm further convinced that there is only 1 person for me: the one who's been there from the very beginning, my bestest friend in the entire world, the one who makes me glow with ever loving happiness, the one who makes my heart beat fast, the one who makes me smile, the one who is always by my side, the one who has always loved me, the one who wants nothing more than to make me happy, when he's the only 1 who can. I love Joe! And I will never doubt ever again, as long as I'm with you & your with me were bonded together in love. And with that said, I was transported back to Joe's room with Selena standing there crying & smiling at the same time. I embraced her full of warmth, joy, friendship, & happiness* Murmurs: Thank you Selena. 

Selena: *Smiles full of warmth* Your welcome Nick. As you can see you made a wise choice, even though you lost your memory, you still felt something for Joe. Remember what you saw might have happened or not, in the end, its always up to you. The future can always change, nothing is ever set in stone. *pats his shoulder* I'm so proud & happy for you Nick. And I want to promise you, that I'll be here you always *winks* And you better invite me to the wedding! 

Nick: *Blushes bright red* I will, trust me, every1 we love, will be there. That'll be the most magical day of all, just to be with Joe forever, I couldn't ask for more.

Selena: *Claps my hands together* Awesome! Well ... I have to go now, Nick, but trust me ... this is not the end. You'll be seeing me & Demi again! *smiles* Good night, Nick! *disappears*

Nick: *Laughs* Goodbye Selena. Cya soon. *All of a sudden I felt a wave of sleepiness, & I couldn't keep my eyes open. I got under the covers & drifted off to sleep. I wanted to be awake when Joey got out of the shower, but I just couldn't shake this. It must be the time traveling, I'm not used to it like Selena is. I'll tell Joe in the morning all about it. Snoring*

Joe: *Walks out of the bathroom, with a towel around my waist. I looked at Nick ... awww! My baby boy is sleeping already. I smiled & lightly rubbed his forehead/hair. He's so sweet, & he had a long week. I'm still in shock of all that's happened in that time. I wanted to discuss it, but now I see that he 's so tired, I'll talk to him about it later. I just happy that he's back in my arms, my adorable angel, Nick ... my Nicholas, oh I'm blessed, thank you God. He's so divine & pure & innocent. I missed hearing his heart beat, his breath upon my face, his arms wrapped around me, those lips that I want to kiss non-stop, his soft curls that I love to play with with & smell, his cheeks to caress & kiss, ... my soulmate is here with me ... & I'm never letting him go. I got dressed & laid next to Nick, just watching him peacefully sleeping, until I drifted away to sleep*

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

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Amazing and sweet! loved it!

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1 Review
Added on December 6, 2010
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joe Jonas Nick Jonas



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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