Paradise Ep 42

Paradise Ep 42

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Paradise Ep. 42 (Day 5 The Truth Comes Out/Memory Recovery)

~ The Next morning: 10 AM. Nick & Kris have both risen & are preparing to leave. Kris helped Nick finished packing his things, cooked him breakfast, & called for his helicopter. So far Joe, doesn't know that they're coming. Nick wants to surprise him ^_^ ~

Joe: *Siting by the pool just playing with my tropical smoothie so bored. Without Nick, its been so lonely here. My day with Ari was probably the best of the days so far, but today is just 1 more day till I get to see him. I hope he's doing okay, I miss him so much, my baby boy. Sighs sadly*

Nick: *From far away at the other side of the pool, immediately sees Joe/eyes tears up & heart races joylessly* JOE!

Joe: *Looks up & can't believe what he sees* NICK?! ... *blinks* NICK! *runs to him*

Nick: *Giggling/runs to him* JOE! *jumps into his arms, knowing this is where I belong forever & always* Oh Joe! I'm back! And I-

Joe: *Before he could say the words I love so much, I kissed him full of sweetness & passion I could ever give/holding him lovingly & spinning him in circles, while kissing him*

Nick: *Everything right there happened so fast. Before I could confess my love for Joe, everything came rushing back. Everything. I'm back! I know who I am! I was so giddy with love, I kissed Joe back giving him my heart & everything I could ever give. Warm tears ran down my face, but I didn't care. I was back with my love at last. Oh! I missed this beyond imaginable* In between breaths & smiling: I ... love ... you ... so ... much .... Joey! 

Joe: *Heat melting* So tenderly: And I love you so much Nicky, my sweet baby boy, my love, my heart, I missed you! *I could feel our heartbeats, were 1 ... We've always been, always will be*

Kris: *I took my time walking to see the two of them confessing their love for each other. It was strange, but somehow I found myself smiling. This is where he belongs. Nick & Joe are the ultimate love. And the more I watched them, the more I was smiling for them. They're so in love & happy together. Its like nothing I've ever seen, its truly better than a fairytale. I'm sure now that Nick has regained his memories. I feel he's back to himself. I sighed, I'm happy for him. This is love for them & its here to stay*

Joe: *Pulls away/rests my forehead on Nicks/wipes his tears & looks at him smiling & chuckling* I can't believe you're back. I'm so happy right now Nicky. I couldn't stop thinking about seeing you tomorrow, & now its even better than I dreamed. Your here now & I love you. *strokes his cheeks* You know you could have told me that you were coming?

Nick: *Gazes happily into Joe's beautiful brown eyes* And spoil my surprise? No way! *kisses his lips* I love you Joey, I couldn't stop thinking about you too. I will never ever again leave you like that, I promise you. I'm here to stay with you forevermore.

Joe: *Deepens the kiss/laughs* Your the best. And you better not, cause I don't think I can ever bear to be away from you ever again either. I'm yours for infinity & beyond.

~ After 15 min.'s of nonstop kissing/hugging/embracing/crying/laughing/smiling/blushing & spinning, the boys remembered their guest ~

Nick: *Pulls away/walks with Joe to Kris/for a min. it seems like Me, Joe, & Kris just stared at each other, not staying a thing* Finally I broke the silence: Kris you have a lot of explaining to do. 

Kris: *Nods* Yes, I know. Let me start off by staying its very nice to make your acquaintance Joe. *extends hand to him*

Joe: *Extends hand/shakes Kris' hand* The feeling is mutual, Kris. ~ Everyone sits at a table, of course Nick & Joe are sitting closely together ~

Kris: *Takes a breath. I began telling my story, why I wanted to meet Nick & what I wanted (basically everything I could tell about myself & everything that happened). So far things were going well, at least in my mind. Although, Joe had gone from smiling to absolute "I'm going to kill you" look. Nick looked angry with me too, but stayed calm. At last I finished & Joe & Nick sat in silence, for a long time*

Joe: *Speaks* You ... you ... your sick! I knew you couldn't be trusted!! I knew it! How dare you! I-I ... should sue you for what you've done to Nick! How could you! *extremely furious*

Kris: *Nods in agreement* I am & I'm sorry truly sorry to both of you. I've been the worst person & I should be thrown in jail. *winces at the thought, but knows its what I deserve* I know I shouldn't ask for your forgiveness, I don't deserve any of it. I'm horrified at myself & I will not forgive myself for my actions. I hurt you Nick, I tried to force you to love me, I lied & deceived you both, I hate everything I've put the 2 of you through. I never wanted it to go this far. *puts face in his hands* I understand that you hate me & never want to see him again. And nothing I do will ever make what I did, right. *looks at them sincerely* I just want you 2 to know I will always be sorry. 

Joe: *Slightly ceases screaming* Your right. We can never forgive you, however ... I am glad you told us the truth. I only wish you had done so sooner, else none of this would have never happened. I want you to leave here & never return. You are never to come within a close distance of either of us. I won't sue you or press charges even though I should, I'm not, but if you ever come near Nick again ... so help me, I will have you put behind bars! And if you ever tell anyone & I mean anyone about what happened, you regret the day you became a pop star! 

Kris: *Nods again* I understand. I give you my word & *pulls out a paper* Here you can write your conditions here, & I'll sign it, so you'll have it in writing.

Joe: *Begins to fill out paper*

Nick: *Looks at Kris* Are you sure this what you want to do?

Joe: *Stops writing & looks at him* Nick?

Kris: *Looks equally confused* What do you mean? I have to do this, after I all I've done, this is something small, but I want to do it.

Nick: *Heavy sigh* I'm angry at what you did Kris, but in a strange way ... I also understand why. You've been acting terribly, but at the same time ... you've changed. I want to thank you ... even though you tried to break us apart ... actually you helped strengthen our bond. My previous fears of anxiety of coming out to our parents have vanished. Kris ... I forgive you.

Kris: *Tears well deep from inside & spill over*

Joe: *Shocked* Nick? He ...

Nick: *Looks at Joe* I know Joey, but I see that he is tearing himself over his actions. He has sinned no doubt, so long as he is truly sorry, I can accept his apology.

Kris: *Crying harder* N-n-nick ... please don't say that. I don't deserve forgiveness! *sobbing/choaked up* Please I'm not a good person.

Nick: *Stands up & goes to pat his shoulder lightly* Your heart is good, its your mind that got the best of you. 

Joe: *Stands up & hugs Nick* You forgive him Nicky?

Nick: *Hugs back & rests head of his shoulder* Yes because else this is all he'll know. I forgive him.

Joe: *Pulls away/turns to Kris* Well ... I can't. I won't be able to for awhile. *resumes filling out paper & hands it to him* Now its your turn to sign.

Kris: *Wipes away tears & prints, dates, & signs the paper & hands it back to him* I-I don't expect you to. I wouldn't either. 

Nick: *Looks at Kris* You didn't have to do that. 

Kris: *Sighs* I had to Nick. Its my 1st step in clearing my sins. I plan to make things right, & this is where I got to start. 

Nick: *Nods* Very well. I meant what I said though.

Kris: *Smiles a little* I know, & it makes me feel better hearing you say that. But you shouldn't have. I just want to say thank you to both of you ... your right I have changed for good & its because of meeting you 2 together. I wish you the best. *gets up & bows to them & walks away & leaves them forever* 

Nick: *Watches him leave/crys a bit* Quietly: Goodbye Kris ...

Joe: *Hears him/wraps his arms his stomach from behind him* You okay Nicky?

Nick: *Brushes tears away/nods* Yea. 

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

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awww Nick is a good person :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on December 4, 2010
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joe Jonas Nick Jonas



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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