Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 37-43

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 37-43

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 37 (Morning After & Hey, We're Gonna Be Alright)

Joe's POV 

Last night was so great! Spending the time with Nick & my parents was the best I could ever ask for. My parents really went all-out with the dinner, it was fantastic! I think thats my favorite Thanksgiving ever! With Nick in my life, so much has changed, I feel so happy. So this is love, sweet beautiful love. From what I recall of the final evening, Nick & I fell asleep on the couch together watching movies & other performances from Taylor Swift's Speak Now Live Concert, to Home Alone 1 & 2, Avatar, Miracle on 34th Street, Beauty and the Beast, & lots of other holiday films. 

At like 3:00 AM, I woke up & took a sleeping Nick into my arms ... God did he look irresistible. I gently climbed the steps to my room & walked in with him. I laid him on my bed, I considered the thought of changing his clothes. Instead I removed both of our coats, his cute scarf, shoes ... leaving him in his long sleeve shirt & jeans. I climbed in & gathered him my arms. For awhile I wasn't able to return to sleep, so I just watched over my precious angel. 

Nick's POV

I woke up the next morning at noon, still feeling tired but also hungry. I turned to see myself trapped in Joe's arms, awww! I was careful to move him away, but at the same time not wake him up. Just as I freed myself, my feet hovered over the floor, not yet touching the ground. As I looked down, I realized that I was still dressed except for my shoes & scarf & coat. I smiled, he must have not wanted to wake me & took me to his bedroom. Because from what I remember, last we were on the couch. So like a mouse, I tied toed to our of the room & downstairs to the kitchen. Just as I was about to get a glass of water, Denise surprised me out of nowhere with one. "NIcholas, Good morning! How'd you sleep? Are you hungry dear, come sit," she gestured to the table. "Breakfast is served." I walked over to sit saying, "Good morning Denise. I slept just fine, though for a second I couldn't recall how I got in Joe's room. Then I remembered. Yeah," my stomach growled causing me to blush. "How'd you know?" 

She shrugged & set a plate of pancakes in front of me, "Don't know. Guess I just know," also laughing a bit. "Eat up & enjoy. I'll be right back dear, just going to check on Kevin. Though he's probably just as asleep as can be. Joe too." Before she walked away, I thanked here & began to eat. Mmmm, so fantastic her cooking. How does, she do it? Her comment of both of guys sleeping was funny & so true, they need their sleep. After all both of them work so hard, they deserve to relax. In fact, I might be joining Joe soon. As far as I know, I'm happy staying in with Joe. And after all it is "Black Friday," the one day of the year when most all businesses open up at very, very early hours to sell their holiday merchandise for super low prices (but most of the time, things are still expensive). Honestly, I don't think neither Joe or myself or even Denise & Kevin care for going out shopping. Its most likely crazy busy & out of control. Besides, what more do I need? I have everything I want right here. 

As I finished my meal, I put the dishes in the sink rinsing them. Suddenly something caught my attention. I went over to the patio door, seeing the clear bright sun shining. The sky the clearest blue, I went outside ... whew, still nippy. All the leaves were surrounded in the backyard, already changed from green to red to a broken light brown. The wind blew lightly, the air smelled crisp, Christmastime is close indeed. I went back in & grabbed my guitar & came back out. I started playing & singing ... 

Isn't it strange 

Ain't it a shame 

People walking down broadway begging for change 

We just walk by don't hear them all cry 

We just keep on tapping on our two-ways giving in to all the people's pain 

Gotta open up our eyes 

Gotta read between the lines 

Gotta listen to the sound 

This is the life 

It's harder than it looks 

You never get enough 

The time keeps flying 

The life 

You only get one shot 

So give thanks for what you got 

One love, ooh-whoah 

Don't you worry 

Hey, we're gonna be alright 

We're gonna be alright 

Gonna be alright, yeah 

(Whoo!) hey! hey! hey! hey! 

You feel so alone 

Your problems at home 

They always seem to follow you 

Wherever you go 

Caught in a daze 

Wish you could change 

But you always tell youself 

That hope seems a million miles away 

Gotta wake up from your sleep 

Gotta stay awake to breathe 

Gotta open heart and believe, ohh 

This is the life 

It's harder than it looks 

You never get enough 

The time keeps flying 

The life 

You only get one shot 

So give thanks for what you got 

One love, ooh-whoah 

Don't you worry 

Hey, we're gonna be alright 

Hey, we're gonna be alright 

Gonna be alright, yeah 

Hey! hey! hey! hey! 

One,Two,Three, yeah! 

It's a roller coaster ride 

Up and down and side to side 

Just shout to get it right 

This is the life 

It's harder than it looks 

You never get enough 

The time, (whoo) 

Keeps flying 

The life 

You only get one shot 

So give thanks for what you got 

One love, ooh-whoah 

Don't you worry 

Hey, we're gonna be alright 

Hey, we're gonna be alright 

Gonna be alright, yeah 

Hey! hey! hey! hey! whoo! 

I ended "Hey, We're Gonna Be Alright" & I closed my eyes. "Beautiful. Very beautiful," said a voice. A voice I thought I knew, but when I turned around ... it wasn't who I thought it was. 

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 38 (Only For Nick)

Nick's POV

"David?," I said unbelieving that he was here. "What are you doing here?," I questioned. He smiled & took a fews to me saying, "Sorry Nick. I should've called you or Joe first. But I couldn't contain the news any longer, so I figured you were still over here & drove. Denise let me in, I hope this is okay. I'm sorry, its the afternoon but I thought it would be a good time. If its not, I apologize."

I smiled & said, "Its okay, really it just startled me is all. So, um ... what's the big news?" He then got serious & said, "Your ... going ... to ... be ..." It was funny to watch him pause for a dramatic effect, "a super star!!! People all over are going crazy to hear more songs from you. They're begging for a album, Nick, what do you say ... are you & Joe up to coming into the studio today? I really love that song you just sang, I'm sure you have all the songs & music together. All we got to do is record it." 

"Sounds awesome! But let me check with Joe & see if he's up. Would you like to join us for breakfast?" He grinned, "Cool! Take your time, Nick, no rush at all. Sure, I'd love to." We went back inside, walking to the kitchen Denise already way ahead of the both of us with his plate on the table. She winked & gestured to eat. I told him I'd be back down in a minute. I rushed up the stairs back to Joe, excited about the news. Wonder what'd he think?

Joe's POV

I had woken up only a few minutes after Nick got up, just guessing. Just as I was going to go downstairs, I heard his voice. I quietly opened my window & peered out as he sung & strummed his guitar. I listened to his words taking their meaning in, my heart sighing with so much love. Every note, I couldn't help but move my head getting into the beat. Just as he ended, I was about call out how wonderful he is, until my eyes caught sight of him. My eyes widened, watching every step he took towards my baby boy. I listened & focused all attention of them. After taking it all in, I continued to watch in silence as they went back into the house. He hadn't done anything, haven't said anything that I didn't like, so why is that I'm feeling like I should drag him outside the house & tell him to leave? 

Its no lie, I don't like or trust that guy, no matter what he says or how he seems like a nice guy, but I don't think he is. And the way, Nick's face went from worried to joyful. That smile to him kinda of stung me a bit. I felt jealously arising in me. No, Joe. You can't succumb to this every time Nick is with that guy. Its nothing to get worked up about. Stop making this all about myself, Nick is happy right now & I got grin & bear it. For my Nick, I must. So before, he could open up the door. I found him about to grip the doorknob, causing him to jump back in shock. "Sorry, Nick. Good afternoon baby," I said attaching my lips to his. His eyes widened & then closed as he kissed back. "Good afternoon Mr. King-Sleeper." 

Nick's POV

I wrapped my arms around his neck, as he cradled my body in his arms. His body heat transfered from him to me, warming my cheeks. I buried myself in his neck. I listened as he spoke tenderly to me, "Hello to you Mr. Angel-Like-Voice. I heard the shebang outside. I think we should definitely go record the songs, its time for sing baby," he winked. I pulled away looking into his eyes to make certain. "You sure?"

He smiled warmly & nodded, "Yes. Let's go for it."

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 39 (Two Stars Are Born)

Nick's POV

As we went downstairs hand in hand, Denise cheered "As the happy couple has arrived!" Joe & I, exchanged looks & burst out into laughter. David too was laughing & Kevin. Joe was first to speak, "Thank you so much, mom, for that intro. Good afternoon! And David too, I believe Nick has some news of his own to tell you." So as Joe seated me & sat next to me, digging into his food, while still watching everyone I spoke. "Recording studio here we come!" David spoke, "Al right! This is going to be great you guys, I can't wait to start!" 

So through afternoon time, I watched as everyone eat their breakfast & began talking about things. David keep going on & on about how amazing Denise's cooking was & how lucky Kevin was to have such a wonderful wife. He had made a comment that he wanted the same kind of relationship in the future. Denise smiled & assured him that he'd find his one & only. Kevin was at first playing a joke being all serious towards David, then loosened up. I guess like father like son, in this case like, Kevin like Joe. Afterwards, Joe & I went upstairs to change clothes & then met David at his car. Soon enough we were all in, as David drove to his studio. Once there, he introduced to us both to his team. 

According to David, whatever he needed or if we had questions we just had to ask either himself or the guys. Mostly Joe & I, were together in a sound proof room. We went over my songs & with did a lot of takes. In that time, we switched from instruments & positions ... sometimes standing or sitting. We each had our pair of headphones & music stands with my lyrics on them. At first I was nervous, but as I relaxed & Joe took my hand ... I felt like soaring. We sang together, the sounds bouncing off the walls throughout our room. It blended together perfectly, it was intimate.

Once we found our strengths together, we played back & forth relying on each other. We let the music take over. We took our time, we poured hour hearts into every lyric. We showed emotions ... happiness, love, humility, passion, heart & soul, & the power of when our voices come together & how unstoppable they are. It was stellar in every way. We learned what worked & what didn't. It felt like the most naturalist thing in the world, to be right here, right now. If was as if this was what the both of us were born to do. Born to do this together, meant to be in every way, soul mates for life, music & love as one. 

The chemistry filled the room, our hearts on our sleeves, our eyes only saw each other, hearts beat in unison, breaths in & out together. We sang always to each other, our eyes locking. We smiled & intertwined our fingers together. Always so close we were. His voice alone made me feel like the only boy in the world. The way he was just so amazing, I still can't get over how very amazing he is. He belong here with me. And I belonged with him. Life was truly wonderful. We're recording together in a studio, singing the words & music we wrote together & on our own. It was so magical, I never knew how great this would feel. It was like free-falling, like a dream with a dream. All I know is, that here & now ... this is who I am, with Joe ... & about to show the world who we are. Together ... we can do ... anything.

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 40 (When You Look Me In The Eyes)

Joe's POV

Recording with Nick ... was phenomenal! Nervous as he was, he sure got into it fast. My little rock-star is growing more & more, right before my eyes. What a sight! With him, I made sure to give him everything I had. In turn I felt him do just the same. It was perfect, no other way to describe. I believe in him so much & I believe in us. We're "Inseparable", which was one of our many songs we performed together. Another one I loved was "When You Look Me In The Eyes," the lyrics alone are still playing in my mind. His voice was beyond heavenly, I could listen to him endlessly.

I was most excited for the album to all come together & be released to the public. No matter what the reaction was, no matter what happens I made promise to him. We stand together now & forever, so let whatever come what may. I know together we are strong & reach for the stars. The sky's our limit, the time is now, live life ... laugh often ... play hard ... & finally love often. 

I loved every second, seems like the time only existed for Nick & I. Our emotions bonded together beautifully. We gave our all. We held nothing back. We let each other see what we could do & did it. We let go of our fears & anything negative. Clarity, peace, & serenity flowed like waterfalls. We went with what our hearts told us & what came natural to us. I swear it was the most staggering feeling. It was like freedom, flying without wings, soaring higher than the clouds, like floating on air. 

It was unreal, yet the realest thing to be happening. Even when we took turns on our instruments, it just was something so amazing. He played like he'd been doing this forever & the way he closed his eyes & just got into his zone ... he was stellar. I just knew that he'd make it & be doing just this, but I never imagined the feeling of it. I could definitely get use to this, & the more time I get to spend with is even sweeter. His songwriting is really something special. He writes what he's feeling or what he's experienced. He's such a genius. 

Everything comes to him just as natural as breathing. I believe he's going to be the next big thing for sure. Once people hear his voice, I'm certain they'll love in fall & be hooked. I mean, how can you not be? Whenever he sings, you just stop everything & listen to him. He's one of a kind, the brightest star I've ever seen. There's not where in the world, I'd rather be then with him ... singing our songs & playing as one. 

David's POV

I listened carefully observing everything Nick & Joe did. Well, mostly I focused on Nick. My God, he's even more amazing than when I first heard him! Oh boy indeed. Every part of me wanted to kiss him passionately. I honestly just wish he'd forget Joe. I mean, I see why Nick loves him so & I see that Nick is just so awesome & thats exactly why Joe would be crazy to let him go. I see things are going to get a lot more tougher. Their bond is very strong, I feel it. But my determination is equally so. 

I dislike to lose & in this case the stakes are high. I'm fighting against Joe for Nick, & neither of them know it. I suspect that Joe is still very watchful of me. No matter, I'll just have to set up something to show Nick how Joe really is. He's too possessive thats for certain. In the end, I might need some help with this situation. Its time to get to know Joe even more & see what I can use to my advantage. 

But enough of that thinking for right now. I'm eager yes, but right now Nick's voice is pulling me back in. Once they had finished their last song together, I stood up from my seat & came into their room. I clapped & smiled, the performance was brilliant. In total they had recorded more than 15 songs, more than enough for a album or two. I even had this idea of them two working with a friend of mine, Miley Cyrus or aka Hannah Montana. 

So we talked for a while, going back & forth on how incredible everything turned out. And as for Miley idea, they were both psyched for it. So I promised to give her a call & set up a time when all of us could meet. Nick's "We Got The Party," was off the chain, all I think it needed was a feminine touch. By the end of the evening, we celebrated with dinner & then finally parted at around 8:00 PM. As for as everything goes, I had a lot of work to do. The media was already so focused on them & wanted to know more. It was a good thing during our time, I was able to find out more about them so I could give them the information. The rest I decided they could tell on their own. All & all, this December's going to be epic. And its going to be even more so, once Nick becomes mine. All mine ... I couldn't help but chuckle wickedly.

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 41 (Blushing Baby/Irresistible 2)

Nick's POV 

Two weeks flew by so fast from the time, Joe & I recorded our very first album together. Between the two of us, we're both so very excited. One song was already uploaded to iTunes, our beautiful duet "When You Look Me In The Eyes." And so far the song itself has been doing so well. People all over are requesting more & its becoming a big time hit. One in particular was really neat, I was my class with Val & Heather came by too, & suddenly we all heard on the speakers of Mrs. Swanson's computer the song itself. Both girls jumped up together & cheered loudly. The rest of the class too paused from chatting & tuned in to listen. Once the song was over, everyone was clapping non-stop.

Mrs. Swanson was smiling so much & gave me a big hug to congratulate me. Everyone else just circled around me & continued to do things like telling me how awesome the song was, amazing job, keep it up ... It was wonderful listening to them go on & how they just really connected with the song. Thats what I wanted overall, to be able to show others how I feel when I'm with Joe & how much fun we have together. All the while, I was still so new to this sudden fan response so I mostly blushing. I wasn't really use to people actually paying attention to me, but as they smiled & patted me back & gave me thumbs up signs ... I began to relax, my heart filled with happiness by their kindness & excited-ness that they showed me. 

I thought the moment I stepped out of my class, I'd just go outside quietly & wait for Joe. Instead the paparazzi swirled all around me. The took their pictures, which I was beginning to get use to the endless bright flashes of their lights. The yelled from all over trying to ask me simple questions. I did my best to answer, but in the end there was just too many. "Afternoon Mr. Sexy-Superstar!," I heard a familiar voice sing. Instantly my heart skipped a few beats in hope of seeing him. You all know him so well. That him. 

Like the parting of the red sea, the people moved for my to see my handsome loving most adorable man. He grinned at me, our eyes locked. I smiled & blushed, he looked so beautiful. I noticed he held a mike & that is how I & everyone else hear was able to hear his voice above the crowd. I giggled, such a clever guy. As we walked to each other, I could hear the voices fading out of my mind. The lights flashed even more so, now that we were both here together. The moment we were in front of each other, Joe wrapped his arms around me & spun me around. I closed my eyes laughing, getting swept up in that moment alone. 

He tenderly pulled me into a sweet kiss that bonded as together. His lips on mine, my whole world always spiraled. I couldn't help but whisper back, "Afternoon you super hot Greek God!" He chuckled wickedly, "Ready to go home my prince?" I pulled away & looked into his eyes nodding. He began to walk with me leading all the way. "Thank you ladies & gentlemen, goodnight & goodbye! Nick & I will all see you again soon!," Joe said while winking. The crowd "awwwed" & watched us leave. Who knew being two stars in love would become an instant sensation? 

"Well, ... how can they not love you baby boy? You stole my heart at first sight, they've heard you're voice & now they know your face. I'd say they're only going to love you more. Your irresistible you know." I blinked, of course I spoke out loud. I always did with Joe. I giggled & closed my eyes thinking. "Ooh, your thinking. May I ask what it is baby?" I opened one eye & looked at him, "Maybe." I waited a few seconds letting that drive him a little crazy. "Please?," he begged. "Or am I going to have to get my hands & touch all over you?," he continued seductively. I closed my eye immediately, I know he'd do just that & more if I didn't tell him. So for now I gave into his curiousness. 

"I was thinking that they love you too you know. You may think I'm irresistible, but that doesn't compare to you. You're drop dead gorgeous Joe. Girls & guys mouths open when they see you. And with your voice, you've swept them away even more. 

You're amazing just the way you are," I sang the last part.

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 42 (Only BOY In The World)

Joe's POV 

I smiled bigger than ever happy firstly because we were home & secondly because the moment I killed the engine I got out of my seat & flew over to Nick's side. I opened the door fast & scooped him up in my arms, while pushing the lock button on my remote to lock the car. Nick giggled uncontrollably, "Joe! Joeee! Put me down, come on!" I know he didn't want anything he just said. I smiled with love & carried him to our room. I gently placed him on the bed. With lighting speed, I grabbed the mike & began to sing to him ...

La la la la

La la la la

La la la la


I want you to love me, like I’m a hot pie

Keep thinkin’ of me, doin’ what you like

So boy forget about the world cuz it’s gon’ be me and you tonight

I wanna make your bed for ya, then imma make you swallow your pride


Want you to make me feel like I’m the only BOY in the world

Like I’m the only one that you’ll ever love

Like I’m the only one who knows your heart

Only BOY in the world…

Like I’m the only one that’s in command

Cuz I’m the only one who understands how to make you feel like a man

Want you to make me feel like I’m the only BOY in the world

Like I’m the only one that you’ll ever love

Like I’m the only one who knows your heart

Only one…


Want you to take me like a thief in the night

Hold me like a pillow, make me feel right

Baby I’ll tell you all my secrets that I’m keepin’, you can come inside

And when you enter, you ain’t leavin’, be my prisoner for the night


Want you to make me feel like I’m the only BOY in the world

Like I’m the only one that you’ll ever love

Like I’m the only one who knows your heart

Only BOY in the world…

Like I’m the only one that’s in command

Cuz I’m the only one who understands, like I’m the only one who knows your heart, only one…


Take me for a ride

Oh baby, take me high

Let me make you first

Oh make it last all night

Take me for a ride

Oh baby, take me high

Let me make you first

Make it last all night


Want you to make me feel like I’m the only BOY in the world

Like I’m the only one that you’ll ever love

Like I’m the only one who knows your heart

Only BOY in the world…

Like I’m the only one that’s in command

Cuz I’m the only one who understands how to make you feel like a man

Only BOY in the world…

BOY in the world…

Only BOY in the world…

BOY in the world…

As I finished the ending notes he covered his face from me, laughing happily. Then he jumped up & ran to me embracing me fully. Thats when I lifted him up to me, making his thighs wrap right around just where they belong. "Amazing song & performance baby. I enjoyed it so much. So is those words a hint for tonight?," he asked. I kissed him deeply & once we pulled away both breathing heavily, "That answer you question mister beautiful?" He nodded & leaned his head on my shoulder whispering to me, "Take me away." 

When he said that, I immediately got so turned on by his words. "It would be my pleasure my beautiful Nick." I walked over to bed which wasn't far from where we were standing. I gently put him down & stepped away. He leaned up on his elbows watching my actions. I smirked teasingly & began to remove every inch of clothing I had on. By the time I stood before him fully naked, his eyes were wide like a cute baby owls. He looked at me, biting his lip a bit. I sat beside him & pulled his face in for a kiss. "Your turn baby." 

He nodded & got off the bed. I watched fascinated by his movements. The littlest of things turned me on greatly. Anything he did looked so sexy to me. I pressed my lips together as he in turn removed his clothes. Gods! He had so much clothing on ... It hid his beauty from others & the moment I saw him all ... I just couldn't help but swallow the water that was in my mouth. Nick was beautiful, he always will be. 

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 43 (All I Want For Christmas Part 1)

Still Joe's POV

My eyes wandered all over his body never missing any area. Best of all, he was all mine. Mr. Nicolas Jerry Jonas, the only love in my life. Just then he walked away, whoa like wait a minute! I shook my head in confusion, "Nick?" He held up one finger & looking in the closet for something. I relaxed a little, very curious to what he was looking for. I thought for a minute trying to figure it out on my own. A condom? Well that is true, I'm not wearing one yet & I'm pretty sure that Nick won't like getting pregnant just yet.

So I got up quickly going to the bathroom in search on one. In the next few seconds I found one & put it on myself & went straight back to the bed. I sat back down & saw that Nick was no longer in the room. "Nick?" Suddenly his voice called back, "I'm in here Joe." I looked around in confusion once again, my ears followed the sounds of his voice. In the end, I looked towards the closet? "Nick? Are you in- ...," I trailed off. He spoke back, "Yep, I'm in the closet." I laughed at his silliness. "Um, okay baby. But why are you in there?" 

"I want you to close your eyes. Do that & I'll come out," he said. My eyebrows raised & I wondered even more now. I shrugged & did as he wanted, "As you wish baby." With that I closed my eyes, "Eyes are a closed. What's next?" I heard him giggle, "Are you sure? You can't sneak a peak." Did I mention I'm still as hard as can be & growing harder. "Nick, ... I promise you that my eyes are completely shut. And make even further certain, I'm covering my hand over them. All I see right now is, darkness. But I do hear giggling. Is that another game of yours Nick? If so, I really really like it ... but please baby hurry up. I'm ...," I trailed off again. 

He giggled again, "You'll see baby. Alrighty, your ready Joe. And I'm hot for you too."  I could feel his voice close by. "You can open your eyes & remove your hand," he said. With that I did just that & my eyes went from normal size to as wide as can be. "Oh. My. God. Nick!!" I stared at him grinning. "When did you get one of those?" 

I recalled decorating happily with him within our house. He must have bought that during one of the times I wasn't with him or maybe he just got it for free. "You, like it?," he pirouetted. My mouth instantly opened, Gods .... holy Moses!!! With the way he spun like that, I think I already came. He looked beyond tantalizing. He had me past want & need, very hot desire filled me. My breath caught in my throat, he IS very irresistible.

"Like it? LIKE IT?! I ... LOVE IT!!! Baby boy you look so & ... oh my God ...," I couldn't even get the words out. I smiled even bigger when he shyly blushed. If there's anything that I love more than Nick, its his shyness. Its so like Nick & I love him for that. My shy boy is looking freakin' SEXY! Whoo-whoo!

"Thank you. I, ... got you one too. So ... we match," he handed one to me. I raised a playful eyebrow, "Your very very welcome Nick. And believe me ... thank YOU." I happily accepted his gift & put it on. "Voilà! How does it look?" He laughed & smiled brightly, "You looking super fine! I'm so glad that you love it. It was just something I thought of at the last minute."

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

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Added on November 29, 2010
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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