Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 36

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 36

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 36 (Thanksgiving Dinner) 

Joe's POV

I woke up at 11:00 AM to the sun shining through the thin openings of the curtains. I rubbed the sleep from my face, yawning & streching. I looked at my angel whom was always so beautiful. I couldn't help but stare & get lost in watching how he looked so precious, soft, lovable, his chest rising & falling each time he breathed. It was hard to tear myself away, though I promised my parents I'd call them as soon as I woke up. I got up carefully making sure to be quiet as a mouse, getting my phone & tip toeing to the kitchen. I called them & the answered instantly. "Good morning Joseph!," my mom sang. Dad too said hello just as merrily. "Good morning, mom & dad. Sorry, but Nick's still sleeping & I don't wish to wake him just yet. So, what's the plan for today?" 

"Right! We'll the moment Nicholas wakes up, please get dressed the both of you & come over. Don't eat or drink anything, your father & I have prepared everything already. Just give a call when you two are coming. We look forward to seeing you both. We love you Joseph & Nicholas as well," said my mother in a hushed tone, but still very much happy. "Thanks, we love you too. Will do, & okay, so we'll see you both real soon. Bye, mom, dad." After we said our goodbyes, I returned to Nick's side. He still was sleeping away, my superstar. I'm so proud of him & so honored he'd wanted me to be a singer along with him. I didn't count of that part, but honestly if its with him I'll do anything. And to sing with him, in front of others & to each other is going to be a new experience for the both of us, & I look forward to facing every single moment with him. My one & only. 

Nick's POV 

I slowly opening my eyes & beamed at the figure watching over of me. Who else but, my amazing & loving future husband, Joe. He grinned lovingly & leaned in softly to kiss me. "Good morning Nicholas dear," he sang. I kissed him back & leaned up to hug him. "Good morning Joseph," I sand back. "Happy Thanksgiving baby boy," he said while putting our foreheads together. "Happy Thanksgiving my loving handsome man." He lifted me easily into his arms & spun me fast in circles. "Joe!!!!," I screamed & laughed. After a few spins, he placed me back down on our bed. "Whoa! I'm dizzy now," I giggled. He chuckled & kissed my nose, "Sorry baby, I couldn't resist. Listen, its time to get dressed. My parents have insisted that he don't eat or drink a thing, at least not till we get there to their house." 

I recovered & shook off the little dizziness that had already passed. "Al right, what are we waiting for? Lets get a move on it," I winked & got up to get dressed. Joe in turn stole one quick kiss & ran off to get dressed. In a short time, we both came back to each other admiring each other's choices. "Looking, sharp," I teased. He continued to grin & said, "Looking super adorable & sexy, how do you do it?" I shrugged, "Just happens, I guess." He pulled me into another kiss, making it sweet & long. I had to remind him & that we're keeping Denise & Kevin, so we zipped to the car. He drove, while I called them to let them know. Soon enough we arrived & as soon as Joe got out & opened the car door for me, Denise & Kevin came out running to us. "Happy Thanksgiving!," they said together in unison. We exchanged warm hugs & wished them back a Happy Thanksgiving. 

The next moment, we all went into the house & into the dining room. Joe seated me while Kevin seated Denise. Once we were all seated Kevin spoke first, "Welcome Joseph & Nicholas to our Thanksgiving dinner. Before we begin our wondrous feast, I'd like to say a pray. Please let us bow our heads together." We did just that, while Kevin continued on, "Dear heavenly lord thank you for this glorious day. We thank you for this day because its one we all can share together as a family. Thank to my loving & beautiful wife, Denise, for being my soul mate & best friend for always being there. Thank you to Joseph my son, whom I'm so very proud of. He has found love & the one who we wants to spend his life with & to that congratulations. Thank you to Nicholas my son-in-law & more importantly welcome to the family. May you & Joseph be happy forevermore. And best of the luck to both of you in your future together. Amen." 

"Amen," we said together. Joe & I said together, "Thank you to you both & Happy Thanksgiving & God bless." Throughout the meal, we dined & talked on for hours. The dinner had been one of the best dinners I'd ever experienced. Denise & Kevin had prepared beautifully. For the main course we had lobster, salmon, scallops, & shrimp. Also stuffing that was out of this world, biscuits, mashed potatoes, steamed vegetables, apple sauce & cranberries. To drink, we had hot chocolate with whipped cream, red velvet chocolate mix, sparkling cider, & hot apple cider as well. And for dessert, there was cookies, brownies, pumpkin pie, pecan, apple, blueberry, cherry, & à la mode of course to go with it. It was an incredibly big meal. 

Once we were all filled to the max, we helped each other & putting it all away for later. Then we gathered around their christmas tree & we played games like charades & uno. We watched the annual Macy's Day Parade on TV & other holiday performances. And David like he promised called us & wished me & Joe & his parents a wonderful night. Towards the evening, Denise & Kevin, wanted to hear us sing together alone & individually. We took turns, Joe & I, playing guitar or the piano, singing in perfect harmony. One song in particular we saved as our encore: ...

If time was still

The sun would never never find us

We could light up

The sky tonight

if i could see the world through your eyes

Leave it all behind

If it's you and me forever

If it's you and me right now

I'd be alright

Be alright

We're chasing stars to lose our shadow

Peter Pan and Wendy turned out fine

So won't you fly with me?

Gotta fly with me now

Now the past

Has come

And I've been given meaning

And a reason

To give all I can

To believe once again

If it's you and me forever

If it's you and me right now

I'd be alright

Be alright

We're chasing stars to lose our shadow

Peter Pan and Wendy turned out fine

So won't you fly with me?

Maybe you were just afraid

Knowing you were miles away

From the place where you needed to be

And that's right here with me

It's you and me forever

You and me right now

I'd be alright

We're chasing stars to lose our shadow

Peter Pan and Wendy turned out fine

So won't you fly with me?

If it's you and me forever

If it's you and me right now

I'd be alright

Be alright

We're chasing stars to lose shadow

Peter Pan and Wendy turned out fine

So won't you fly


Fly with me?

Thats when we Densie & Kevin bounced off their seats & embraced us. This home, this is my family, this is who I am, this is where I belong, Lord ... I have found my love ... thank you God for Joe & his parents. For friends like Val & Heather, for David & my teacher Mrs. Swanson, thank you to all. Amem. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

© 2013 VirgoAvatar

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Added on November 24, 2010
Last Updated on January 18, 2013
Tags: Joick Jick



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