Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 25-35

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 25-35

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 25 (Getting To Know David)

Still David's POV 

I continued to drive as I was talking with Nick & Joe, "Let me in turn tell you guys about myself. My full name is David James Archuleta. I was born December 28, 1990 in Miami, Florida. My parents are Jeff Archuleta & Lupe Marie Mayorga, both whom are singers & dancers, particularity their speciality is salsa. I have two brothers & sisters. I first started singing when I tuned six. I too play the piano, keyboard, & guitar. And writing my own music is my passion, I really love it a lot. I was inspired by by a Les Misérables video. You see that musical ... is what started all of this. Then at age ten I started performing publicly when I participated in the Utah Talent Competition, singing 'I Will Always Love You' by Dolly Parton. For the performance I received a standing ovation and won the Child Division, I was so happy & my whole family was so proud of me."

"That event lead me to other TV singing appearances, like for example, at age twelve I became the Junior Vocal Champion on Star Search 2. Two of my early songs were 'Dream Sky' and 'Don't Tell Me.' 2003 to 2006 was a big time for me, a lot was happening with Star Search, The Jenny Jones Show, CBS' The Early Show, & then of course at Brigham Young University Stadium. Also I found out I had vocal paralysis & I remember everyone wanting me to go into surgery. Lets just say I was stubborn & scared, I just didn't want to give up singing. Plus the idea of surgery sounded so terrible. So from there I continued to sing ignoring the risk, & in 2007 I got a ticket to go to American Idol's audition." 

"The first song I chose was John Mayer's 'Waiting On The World,' which got me in. And even though I made it to the finals & was in the top 2, I'm so glad that I got to be apart of the Idol experience. I learned a lot & in June 2008 my dream finally came true. I got signed with Jive Records, & since then my life's been turned upside down. Its literally been the best years of my life being able to sing & share my songs with the world. Its a blessing & I know it will be for you too, Nick." 

"I also want to add I graduated high school & wanted to attend college, its just that my career took off so fast. I gotta admit I forgot about it & just concentrated on my music. Perhaps sometime in the future I will go, I really want to earn my B.A. degree in Geography. That was one of my favorite science subjects in school, really any kind of science is interesting to me ... astronomy, astrometeorology (the study of effect of stars on climate), biology & chemistry, & so much more. As for other hobbies, I love basketball myself & golf & of course baseball. I'm not much of a player of the actual sports, just a fan.And what else can I tell you guys ... I'm not in a relationship at this time, but if I could be ... I'd like to get to know Debbie Ryan from The Suite Life On Deck."

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 26 (Something 'Bout Love & Please Be Mine)

Joe's POV

Debbie Ryan? Oh please, yeah right dude. I see right through your cutesy fake innocence act. I'm not buying it. Now I must make absolutely certain to be with Nick at all times. I really hope Nick is falling for this guy's words. Especially since whenever young artists actually become famous, most of them drop of school & pursue their career. He's going to try & go back to school, yeah what year will that be?

Nick's POV

David seems to be a born singer & he's got a lot of experience. Its so great that he has family to share his dream come true with, just like it will be amazing to share with Joe. Speaking of him, as David was speaking I got a glimpse of my man in my mirror. What expression is that? Its between annoyed, yet doing his best to assume his composure. Could it be, that he doesn't like David period? Could he be overacting or does he sense something wrong? Worry filled me a bit, Joe's eyes locked with mine. He saw my eyes & his entire face soften. 

He didn't mean to upset me or worry me, he only wanted to protect me. I smiled a bit, letting him know that its okay & that I understand. I mouthed "it'll be al right" & winked. He nodded & for the rest of the remainder of the drive to Opahs he relaxed. 

David's POV

I chuckled in my mind, Joe really dislikes me a lot. I gotta say he's quite a reader, I didn't expect for him to buy my almost entire life story. The whole Debbie Ryan thing is such a big time fat lie, but I don't care. As long as Nick's feeling comfortable with things so far, thats all I care about. But upon speaking of Nick, he didn't seem to notice that I saw his expression & Joe's. 

Looks like Joe has filled Nick with anxiety, how dare he! This is could be the most exciting moment in Nick's life, besides getting together with Joe I'm sure. Mister is very possessive indeed. I will have to come up with something to make this evening much more enjoyable. And I think I have the perfect means in doing so. 

"Alrighty, here we are." I parked the car & led both of them to the entrance. I went right up to the hostess & told her my name for my reservation. We all followed her to our table private & uncrowded compared to the rest of the restaurant. We all sat down, letting her explain the specials for tonight. I ordered a lemonade, while Nick chose the pink berry flavor, & for Joe ... a traditional cola. And for starters I also ordered the "A Tower of Parmesan Sweet Potato Chips" with chipotle ranch & the "Buttermilk Calamari" that features lemon beurre blanc and spicy citrus cocktail sauce. Both of which are absolute favorites of mine. ~ Opah's website here: ~

We eat & as I continued to talk, "So Nick, honestly I've been looking for a guy of your talents for quite sometime. What I want to offer is a record deal for you at my label I'm starting. They said I could chose whoever I wanted & help them in anyway to launch their career. You are free to still continue school, all I ask for the beginning do some interviews, TV specials ... you know get the word out about you. Once people hear you sing, I'm sure that you'll get an instant response of fans. Then we'll work on recording your very first solo album. If you want I can add additional background vocals & professional musicians to play beside you."

Nick's POV

I listened intently as he spoke all those words to me. It sounded like a great deal so far. What's stopping me? "Would this contact be permanent or just temporary? What if fans don't like my voice, what happens then?" 

"Well actually, its not a contract. I like to think of it as whatever you want can happen, no strings attached. You know how a lot of artists have tough schedules touring & being everywhere at once, well I came up with something that doesn't involve that. If the public really likes you & wants to hear more, than they will get you. You will make your schedule, what time you want to do things & when your free to travel for tours & whatnot. Basically its all up to you decide. And I have a strong feeling fans will love your music & voice, & if by some chance they do not, I will do everything in my power to get your signed & recognized. Hopefully that won't happen & you'll agree to my the terms of this offer. I gotta say its very random, but I think all artists should have this option," David spoke.

"Is this really true all this? It seems unfair to other artists, wouldn't this cause controversy,?" I questioned. "Exactly, Nick. I want to try to change that & spread the word. I mean some artists deserve this freedom too, while some others like how their career is. Its very real & I want to make it real for everyone. I believe in so much & I have strong faith in you. You will be my first artist. I can't tell you how excited I am in working on this project with you. And that way if you want time to be Joe here, you can. And Joe, your welcome at all times to be beside Nick in everything he does. You guys can publicize your relationship or keep it secret, whatever you chose I'm fine with it. I just want Nick & you to be comfortable with everything."

"I know its a lot to take in right now, so I don't want to pressure you two to decide in anything just yet. Take as long as you want to answer, I'm in no rush & whenever your ready I'll be waiting. This offer will always be open & it isn't going to change. What's your guys' cell? I'll give you mine too, that way we can keep in touch." 

Joe & I smiled together & exchanged our numbers. I really was liking the sound of my deal even more, but I still wanted to go over it with Joe. I want to make absolutely certain that this is the one for me or not. David seems to sincere in his words, I think it will be great working with him. 

"Awesome!," David grinned. "Now I also have a surprise for the people here & you two," he winked. Joe & I watched as David got up & was handed a mike & started singing. Everyone's heads turned to watch in silence as David spoke. 

"Good evening everyone! I'm David Archuleta & tonight I'd like to perform a song or two tonight for you all, I hope you like it." He began to sing ...

Every night it’s all the same

You’re frozen by the phone

You wait, something’s changed

You blame yourself every day

You’d do it again

Every night

There’s something ’bout love

That breaks your heart

Whoa oh oh oh

It sets you free

There’s something ’bout love

That tears you up

Whoa oh oh oh

You still believe

When the world falls down like the rain

It’ll bring you to your knees

There’s something ’bout love that breaks your heart

Whoa oh oh oh…

But don’t give up

There’s something ’bout love

When you were young

Scared of the night

Waiting for love to come along

And make it right

Your day will come, the past is gone

So take your time

And live and let live

There’s something ’bout love

That breaks your heart

Whoa oh oh oh

It sets you free

There’s something ’bout love

That tears you up

Whoa oh oh oh

You still believe

When the world falls down like the rain

It’ll bring you to your knees

There’s something ’bout love that breaks your heart

Whoa oh oh oh…

But don’t give up

There’s something ’bout love

Don’t fight

Don’t hide

Those stars in your eyes (in your eyes)

Let em’ shine tonight

Let em’ shine tonight

Hang on

Hang in

For the ride of your life

It’s gonna be alright

Hold on tight

There’s something ’bout love

That breaks your heart

Whoa oh oh oh

There’s something ’bout love

That breaks your heart

Whoa oh oh oh

It sets you free

There’s something ’bout love

That tears you up

Whoa oh oh oh

You still believe

When the world falls down like the rain

It’ll bring you to your knees (to your knees)

There’s something ’bout love that breaks your heart

Whoa oh oh oh…

But don’t give up

There’s something ’bout love

Whoa oh oh oh..

Set’s you free

There’s something bout love

That tears you up

Whoa oh oh oh

You still believe

When the world falls down like the rain

~ Song ends ~ As David finished, the entire restaurant erupted into applause. He took a bow & said, "Thank you so much. Now excuse me a minute, I have one more performance coming up," he said & winked. He ran over back to us saying, "Your turn Nick. Show them what you got." 

My heart began instantly thudding faster & faster the second I heard his words. "I-I, I can't David ... I'm not ready ...," I tried. Next thing I knew, Joe held up a finger as if saying "one minute" & got up, pulling me with him to speak in private. 

Joe's POV 

I kissed him sweetly while pulling him into me, I felt him shiver in response & softly moan. I then pulled away & looked into his eyes & gently whispered. "Don't be afraid, this is your dream Nick. I'll sing with you, please? I want them to hear you tonight, its your moment to shine baby." 

I felt my heart fill with so much warmth, my nervousness went right away. I nodded & let him pull me back out to the floor. Before we could return, I grabbed his hand fast & said, "Wait! What are we going to sing?" He smiled & whispered something in my ear. I nodded once again & we went back out together. We told David what he wanted to do & he gestured for us to go for it. We were both handed a mike each & with that, Joe & I exchanged a sweet look & began to sing ... 

They come and go but they don't know

That you are my beautiful

And I try to come closer with you

But they all say, we won't make it through

But I'll be there forever, you will see that its better

All our hopes and our dreams will come true

I will not disappoint you, I will be right there for you

Till the end, the end of time, please be mine

I'm in and out of love with you

Trying to find if its really true

How can I prove my love?

If they all think I'm not good enough

But I'll be there forever, you will see that its better

All our hopes and our dreams will come true

I will not disappoint you, I will be right there for you

Till the end, the end of time, please be mine

I can't stop the rain from fallin'

Can't stop my heart from callin' you, it's callin' you

I can't stop the rain from fallin'

Can't stop my heart from callin' you, it's callin' you

I can't stop the rain from fallin'

I can't stop my heart from callin' you, it's callin' you

But I'll be there forever and you will see that its better

All our hopes and our dreams will come true

I will not disappoint you, I will be right there for you

Till the end, the end of time, please be mine

We sang together as if there was no one there but the both of us, in perfect harmony. Our eyes never leaving each others. It took a second to realize the sounds of people clapping & cheering happily. In that moment ... I never felt happier. Joe took my hand & we bowed together. This ... was ... the ... beginning ... of ... our ... new ... life.

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 27 (Excited Much?)

Nick's POV 

The rest of the evening we just spent time talking back and forth. David, Joe, & I got along well. All of Joe's pervious behavior disappeared from my mind. I was extremely relived for that, because the last thing I wanted was for Joe to be overly jealous. I'll have to remind him later on, that Joe is the only one for me. And no one will ever take his place. Once we finished our dinner, David paid for everything and took us back to my college (back to Joe's car). We all shook hands and said goodbye, Joe & I, watching him leave. 

Joe's POV

"Soooo, ... that was quite an evening," I started with. Nick smiled and gave me a big hug. "It was wasn't it? We actually got to sing together! In a restaurant of all places! I'm still in shock. It was so much fun and I'm just very happy you were there with me. Your voice was sexy, mister," he said bubbly and winked. 

I crushed him closer and titled his smiling chin up and kissed me nice & slow. I murmured against his very, very sweet lips, "You were breath-taking baby. You shine inside & out. I love you, Nick." He returned & kissed me back so deeply, "And, I love you, Joe." 

With that I picked him up & carried off to my car. "Ready to go home, my prince?" He nodded & giggled, looking like a little child. I carefully set him in his seat after pecked his lips once more & closing his door. I quickly rushed to the other side, getting in & driving home. I sped there, I'm not going to lie right now I'm excited. Nick looked at me & smiled, "Me too, Joe Joe." 

The pet name only made me more excited. Thank God we made it home safely, the moment we got in I jumped out of the car. I opened up the door & picked Nick up running up to the door. I fumbled with the keys, thats when Nick took over opened the door, also setting the alarm for my car. "Someone's, really distracted," he said so teasingly. 

I backed inside, sexily smiling, "Mmm-hmm. And, who ... distracts me? Does he have the softest curls I've ever felt and the voice of an angel?" He rocked on toes from front to back, "Hmmm? Sounds, ... like it could be me? Or maybe somone who looks like me in disguise?" He cutely pondered & suddenly spun around to go to the shower most likely. I caught his hands & led him, "Ah-ah, baby. Going somewhere?"

He tired to hide a giggle, "Oh, right. To the shower handsome. Its cold & I long for warmth." The last part got me the most. I pulled him, while sort of breaking into a run. I opened the door & began tugging at his clothes. "So ... covered .... why ... do ... you ... have ... to hide ... that sexy body?" He blushed & shrugged, "Because, you're the only one who can see me & take my clothes off. Or, do you want someone else to take that position?" For I minute, I froze. 

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 28 (Mine Only)

Joe's POV

My mind knew it was just intended as a joke, nothing more. But that last remark ... set something off in me. I turned serious & shared at him. "Nick. Your, mine & only mine. No. One. Else. Will. Ever. Touch. You. Let. Alone. Look. At. You." His smile faded, seeing my change in emotions. He realized eyes widening, "Oh my God! Joe! ... I ... didn't it mean it like that. I'm sorry, I was just -..." I didn't let him finish that ending sentence, far as I'm concerned I don't wanna think of that. 

I kissed him long, causing the both of us to break away from each breathing heavily. He face colored with pink & his eyes barely open. I gentled touched his cheek, "Don't be sorry Nick. I'm the one should be. I know how you meant it. I shouldn't have reacted like this. Forgive me beautiful angel?" He bit his lip & nodded. I continued to strip his clothes & then my own. We went into the shower together, making the water. 

Just when the water started to shoot out, Nick yelped for a second, "Whoo! Thats cold. H-heat please." Just then the water went to our desired heat. And I tested it this time, "Its okay now Nick. Check it out." He moved to the water & allowed him to get soaked all over. I watched hypnotically as the water rushed over him. The sight was making me grow harder. I spun him around, enjoying the way he slowly opened his wet eyes looking at me. I kissed him as he backed into the wall. The water still raining on the both of us, we kissed on & on. 

Then suddenly I got an idea, I pulled away & got out of the shower dripping with water. He called, "Where you going?" I called back, "Getting something baby, be right back." 

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 29 (Showering Love)

Nick's POV

What could he be getting when we are taking a shower together. I shrugged & just focused on shampooing & washing. Just as I was almost finished, he came back in. "Back!," he said super excitedly. He resumed kissing me, then I pulled away. "What'd you get?" My eyes swept over him, until my eyes stopped at his lower half. I blushed brightly & looked back up. His eyes told me everything. 

I watched as his hands lifted my hips to wrap around his waist. I buried my face in his neck & whispered, "Please Joe." He kissed my head & went inside of me. I cried out at the sensation. He was so hard making me shake. As he thrusted vigorously, it was lucky he supported my weight else I would have slipped and fallen. He moved with some speed that brought me to endless climaxes. 

So much for trying to get clean. He kissed me with so much love, everything he does to me ... I feel his strong love all over me. I too, gave me all. I wanted so much to please him. I gripped his hair, his back, his shoulder. I moaned so loud, the sounds bouncing off the walls. He groaned at all my touches. Both of us were entirely wrapped up making love right here, right now. 

Joe's POV

I was past hungry for Nick, I burned with strongest of passions. Whatever he does, whenever we're as one ... I love so much. Nick himself is the very key to turning me on. He alone sets my heart beating, as my hands touch all over his silky body that I can never get enough of. My thrusts only continue to drive into him more, as I moved faster. His moans such are beautiful music. Tonight though, I wanted to change our love making up a bit. 

I pulled out of him & reluctantly pulled away from his lips. He breathed in & out heavily. He had he hands spread out against the wall, to support his legs that I'm sure we're ready to give out beneath him. "Joe,?" he questioned. I turned off the water & silently scooped up Nick in my arms. He still throbbed with pleasure, I could tell. In fact so did I. 

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 30 (A Love Game Huh?)

Nick's POV

My mind was spinning with confusion, mixed with the fact I still wanted more of Joe. I had no idea what he had planned, though whatever it was ... I'm in. I watched as he placed me on his bed. He smiled hotly at me & pulled up the covers. Then he went to the other side of the bed & climbed in under the covers as well. What's going on? Did I miss something?

First off we were still soaking wet & now we were laying in our bed further wetting the sheets & blanket no doubt. And the light was still on, so he's not tired & most likely wants more just like me. Yet he's not saying a word & is just lying on his back like me, & looking up at the ceiling. He's got his strong arms behind his head, looking completely cool & casual. What's my sexy future husband up to? 

A few minutes lingered on in silence, I couldn't take it. So I snuggled close to him, about to apply a kiss on his lips. He swiftly moved away, which put me in further puzzlement. "Joe? Something wrong?" He looked back me & shook his head. "Okay ... then ... what's up with you? I thought we'd ..." Just then I thought, what am I doing? I'll just give him what he wants. I pulled off his blankets & smiled as he looked at me like "what's going on?" 

I climbed on top of him & hugged him. "I love you, Joe. And I want to give you pleasure in return." His expression changed from clueless to the sexy man I know. "I'm listening, Nick," he said. Uh-huh, so this was his plan, what a teasingly cleaver man. "Well, ... I thought I could do this ...," I said as I allowed him to slide into to me. 

I held in a moan, feeling my heartbeat start a pounding again. 

He however, just went back to relaxing. "Sounds delightful baby, do go on. Don't let me stop you." he winked. Hmmm, he wants to play a love game huh? Well I'll show him a love game. He won't be so quiet after I begin picking up my speed. Its Nick time & I'm going to show Joe who's in control here. 

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 31 (One To Definitely Please)

Joe's POV

So far, my plan was going as planned. I knew the silence & allowing him to take control would be a very satisfying indeed. If you could see my view, whew ... its quite  sexy. My eyes didn't miss a thing. I took into everything, his beauty was beyond captivating. I couldn't even look away if I could. You have no idea how much I desire him, my soul mate. Let this night ... last forever. 

Nick's POV

I began to move very, very slowly just to tease just a little bit. At the same time, I leaned into kiss his lips just as soft, hardly applying pressure. This would drive him crazy for certain. I could already tell cause he tried to pull my head & keep my lips at his. "Nah, uh-uh," I playfully waved a finger in the air. "Patience lover," I winked. 

In meantime, I had to distract him with something else. I took my time to nuzzle all over his chest, not missing any spots in between. He chuckled a bit & moaned my name. I know he wants more, just a little bit longer. I don't rush my loving for you. 

Joe's POV

How this innocent teenager, can move this way is beyond me. He's extraordinary amazingly! I wrapped my arms around his neck, & pressed my lips to his temples. His tender love & teasing warms my heart. Though it also heats the rest of me up too. How long can I last before I flip him over & take charge? A few minutes? 20 minutes tops. If not, I'll gladly pin my weight on top of him & have him screaming & begging for more. 

I just wish he'd move a bit more. The need is strong. The passion a blazing! Just then, I pulled out of my thoughts & let out a huge groan. He had moved a bit harder. That sensation brought me to another release. And then just like that, he went back to kissing my chest. Oh. My. God!!!

Nick's POV

I continued to do this for a while. Score for me, whoo! Looks like Mr. Always In-Control (not that I mind one bit ;-) is getting weaker & weaker. I chuckled softly. I think the teasing phase is complete & its time to move more. So without further ado, I began to change my pace. I kissed him deeply, moaning in his mouth. He too, let out groans & after groans. The ... pleasure ... mmmmm .... heavenly .... 

Joe's POV

Baby boy is on fire, whoo! My ... God .... He continued for like an hour, till he at last collapsed into my neck. We breathed heavily together, the both of throbbing from the inside. "Oh Nick, I love you so much. You make me the happiest man alive, not just because of tonight but because of every night & day I spend with you. You stellar man," I said while kissing him very lovingly. 

"And I love Joe so very much. You make me feel so loved & special whenever I'm with you. I cherish everything we share together. You out of this world man," he said while kissing back & smiling. We nuzzled our noses together. "Come on baby, lets shower for real this time & then dry off. We'll cozy up together afterwards, what do you think?" He smiled happily & nodded, pulling me up with him. Together hand in hand we returned to the blanket of water warmth. 

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 32 (Done Deal)

Nick's POV

My, so much time had passed between when, Joe & I, first met David. In that time, I still hadn't given him my answer yet. You see school had just picking up cause of exams before Thanksgiving. Actually its already November 23, & I have one more day of exams/class & then I'll be finished. Plus, it is Thanksgiving in two days. Joe & I are all pretty much ready, he's just finishing up school too right about now. We're going to have dinner with his parents of course, its going to be so much fun. Over the time that I've spent with them, we've grown close. Denise & Kevin are so wonderful, they're such amazing parents. 

And when Joe & I told them of our meeting with David, they totally went absolutely crazy. They think I should give it a shot & if it doesn't work out for me, that there will always be others. I think they're right, what do I have to lose? And I, asked Val & Heather for their advice & they both agree & I quote: "What are you waiting for?!" Even Joe, wants me try too. So all thats stopping me ... is well, me. 

No more then. I will go for it. Right after class finished, Val & Heather waved & gave me 2 big thumbs up, & I called David. "Hey Nick! What's up?," David answered. "Hey David! I'm great just finished class, listen I'm sorry for my hesitancy for calling. I just wanted to give this some serious thought & after everything I've come to decision. I will sign with you." 

"Thats great news, Nick! I'm so psyched truly & don't even worry about the waiting thing. I totally understand, I would have done the same thing too. So listen, its amazing you called right now at this particular moment cause I've been getting non-stop calls from paparazzi all over to who you are & Joe. Listen, I'm nearby I'll come pick you up & we'll talk about. Or do you wanna wait for Joe?"

"Haha, thanks David! Really, thats so cool?! Um, let me call Joe first & I'll call you right back okay?" He responded, "No problem. I'll be waiting. Congrats Nick!" After both saying bye, I called Joe. "Hey Joe, where are you?" He chuckled, "On a break right baby. Did you get my message earlier? I was coming to pick you up, but I got a call from work & they really needed me ... holiday rush. What's up, you okay? You sound really happy." 

"I am Joe. I called David. I decided to take him up on his offer. He wants to pick me up & discuss it. Sorry, I didn't check my messages yet. Um, you know what never mind, I'll just call him back & tell him we'll meet up with him later. What time do you get off?" He spoke, "Thats awesome Nick, I'm so glad for you! No worries. Baby baby calm. Now, ... I'm not about to let you just wait there at the campus while I'm here at work. I think you should just ... go with David & I'll pick you up. I don't get off work till 9:15 PM." 

"But, Joe. I want you to be there. I can wait. And I could walk over to you & watch you work." He immediately said, "I know angel, but this is your moment. And I don't want you to wait anymore, so go & like I said, I'll be there as soon as I'm off the clock. I love you Nick. Go on & have fun." 

I sighed, "I love you too Joe. I will & I can't wait to see you. Bye." He spoke tenderly, "Dream your dream. And, I can't wait to see you. Bye lovely." 

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 33 (Paparazzi)

Joe's POV 

The moment we hung up together, I wanted nothing more than to rush right over to his side. Patience Joe, he'll be fine. I trust him completely, thats not what concerns me though. Its the fact he's going to be alone with David. I still don't like that one bit. But I have to believe in Nick, I know he'll be able to handle himself. And if the bozo tries anything with him, oh heavens that fake smiling boy is going to regret crossing paths with Nick & I. 

Nick's POV

Okay ... I guess I have no more excuses to wait. So I called David again & he immediately picked up. I told my news & he said he be right over in a jiffy. It wasn't much a wait, the next moment David was here beside the right entrance of my class. He got out of his car & hugged me also shaking & high-fiving me hand. He then opened my door for me & drove the both of us to Wahoo's Fish Taco's for dinner. It had been raining a lot here in CA, though right now its just chilly winter weather in the air. The moon was a full & blue. The night lights seemed to glitter already for Christmas that was right around the corner. The outside mall attached to Wahoo's & many other shopping shores all were blooming with busyness. The holiday rush had definitely begun. 

David ordered us bean & cheese burritos. Also we got  maui onion rings, jumbo french fries, quesadilla's, & for dessert cookies, brownies, & ice cream. The whole meal left the both of us stuffed. And through that time, we talked about the deal. I told him I'd like to wait for Joe to talk about the paparazzi thing. Already our pictures were all over the place. Its like overnight we'd become a viral sensation. I knew that I wanted to go public with our relationship. I just wanted to make sure Joe was fine with my decision. David was pretty cool with everything, he mostly wanted whatever I wanted. 

After our big meal, David offered to take me ice skating. I was a little nervous cause I'd never skated before. He convinced me though that its not too hard & he'd be there with me. So he cleared the ice from the previous skaters, making me blush. I hope they weren't upset for being called off the ice. David said it would be for an hour. Together we put on our skates & he was the first to glide smoothly on the ice. "Show off." I called. 

He smiled & came back over to me, I was struggling to stay up thank God for the wall sides to lean on. "Take my hand, Nick. It'll be fun, I promise," he reassured. I took his hand still embarrassed. Once my hands left the wall, I had nothing but David's hand to keep me up. But we were moving, skating well him more than me. I slowly got the hang of moving left & right. In time, I began to relax & become comfortable with skating on my own. People all around gathered to watch. 

David spun in circles, doing simple tricks here & there getting the crowd's attention. Suddenly paparazzi swirled the entire outside skating rink, taking picture after picture of me & David. 

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 34 (Meet Nick & Joe Jonas!)

Joe's POV

The time flew by thankfully quickly, the second my shift ended I swear I bolted to my car & reached for my phone. I didn't care for the change in clothes right now, I just wanted to be with Nick. I called him while pulling out of the parking lot, "Nick? I'm finished. Where are you baby?" I listened as he told me of his location & what he was up to. "Al right sounds like fun. Be there in flash. Cya soon Nick." With that I drove right over to the mall & parked. I got out, whew! Its quite cold, so I pulled out my coat. Mmm, better. 

In the next minutes, I rushed over to the skating rink. And just as Nick had described, they're he was skating with him. Nick looked like prince surrounded my glimmering ice. It made me smile, how lovely he looked. Our eyes then linked & he smiled widely. He waved to me & I ran over to him. The place was crawling with photographers all over the place. I heard David call to me that the skates for me was over by the desk, to put them on & join them. So I did just that & joined them. Immediately I wobbled on the ice, but quickly got used to it & went to Nick & embraced my darling Nick. 

He giggled happily & I kissed him passionately, uncaring about the endless photos being snapped at this very moment or the rest of the world watching. Only Nick existed. I could feel he felt the same way. When we at last pulled away, Nick bit his lip cutely & giggled more. "I think its time we let the world know who we are," he spoke. David nodded reassuringly & handed Nick & me mikes. I too nodded & said, "After you, beautiful." 

"David? Your words first," he asked. He smiled & began: "Everyone, good evening & happy holidays! Well, I'd like to introduce my protégé & newly signed artist ... ladies, gentlemen, boys & girls .. I give you Nick Jonas!," he gestured with his hands. 

Nick's POV

I took the mike & spoke into it for the first time: "Hello everyone! Thank you, David for the introduction. Yes, my name's Nick Jonas & I'm an new artist. And this man beside me is my best friend, fiancé, & singer, Joe Jonas!" With that the lights flashed out of control, people all over talking over one another, others clapping & cheering loudly. All attention was centered on Joe & I. The entire evening was dreamlike. Joe & posed for picture after picture. And with David too. I can't believe ... my dream has at last come true! Right here, right now. I felt so much joy mixed with excited-ness & the feeling of being on roller coaster. Thank you heavens, God, Joe, David, everyone who believed in me & told me to go for my dream. I'll forever remember this moment. The flashing lights, the people, the smell of winter on its way, the feeling of Joe hugging me & kissing me. Life is going to change, I can feel it. This Thanksgiving week, I sense a lot coming my way. And as long as I'm with Joe, we'll face them together. I'm so happy, my heart is racing out of chest. Its true, reach for the stars & your dreams. Never give up, cause there's always a way. "Joe, I love you," I whispered pulling him into a sweet loving kiss.

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 35 (Thank You Val & Heather)

Nick's POV

After talking with all the photographers, doing mini interviews cause after the holidays I was already booked to be on Ellen. Me, Joe, & David. I still don't believe it! Didn't I say it was like a dream? Also we were all able to talk all together at the end, & I requested that Joe be a singer with me. David happily agreed & thought it was a splendid idea. And best of all we came up with a name for us: Jonas. We both have the same last name & going to be married, so I thought the name was just incredibly perfect. At long last, David congratulated Joe & myself, hugging us & shaking our hands. He wished us a wonderful Thanksgiving & promised to give us a call tomorrow. 

In the meantime, Joe carried me off to his car, driving the both of us home. The warmth of being inside was nice & cozy. Joe & I showered, & snuggled up together. The next morning, I went to my last day of class & Joe went to his. The rain had moved on towards the east. The sun shown through, breaking the popcorn white clouds, the air smelled of fireplaces & just overall fresh air. I love the rain.

After class I met up with Val & Heather. They immediately starting asking my 20 questions to what had happened. I smiled & giggled, recapping every detail for them. "Nick! Thats so awesome dude, I'm psyched for you big time!," Val cheerfully said. and with that she whipped out a camera & started snapping away pictures of us together & Heather too. We all broke out into laughter. "Well, I just remember this moment with the newly famous Nick Jonas from Jonas," she continued. "Yeah Mr. Rock-Star! You rock the world with your music boy, just don't forget who you are & about us, " added Heather. 

I started to sing, "Don't forget, don't forget, ... don't forget about me." Val chuckled & rolled her eyes playfully. Heather smiled & said, "Yeah & when you meet Demi Lovato, remember we want autographs or something!," she also winked. "I'll remember this too, always girls. You two are my besties & I wanna thank you for being in my life," I hugged them both. We all "awwww'ed" together. "So, you're career's launched & Joe's going to with you, which is even more awesome. Next is tying the knot," said Heather. 

"Yeah, true that. Its going to be an amazing moment, I can't wait!" Heather clapped & Val said, "It will definitely be unforgettable, Nick. We can't wait either. So tomorrow you going to have a fun time eating with Joe's parent's right?" I nodded, "Yeah, its going to great. Its been so long since I've spent time with a family, & now I'm apart of one again. Joe, Denise & Kevin, You & Heather ... you all are my family. I love you guys." Val & Heather touched each of my shoulders, "And as family, we love you too," they both said in unison. That rest of the afternoon we talked & laughed all together, until it Joe came to pick me up. We all did one big super hug & wished each other a safe & peaceful holiday. Once again, Joe & I, went home relaxing & watching tender sweet movies of Christmas on ABC family. Films from "Holidays In Handcuffs" with Mario Lopez & Melissa Joan Hart, & others. In no time, we fell asleep wrapped together tightly letting our sleep take hold. 

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

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Added on November 14, 2010
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Nick Jonas Joe Jonas



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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