Paradise Ep 35

Paradise Ep 35

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Paradise Ep. 35 (Midnight Comforting/Day 2 Writing A Love Song (What Kris Thinks)

Kris: *Dries Nick's tears/grabs a towel nearby & wipes the sweat off his face* You sure Nick? Was it a really bad dream? Your sweating & very warm. Can you tell what happened?

Nick: *Breathes deeply* It was just a nightmare, I'm fine now. Thank you for coming, I'm sorry if I woke you. *glances at clock/eyes widen* Midnight? Oh my gosh! I'm sorry, it's really late, I'm going to go back to sleep. 

Kris: *Finishes drying him off/stll very concerned & not sure of his answer, but will let him sleep for now & confront him in the morning/tosses the towel to the floor/shrugs* I was up anyway, just getting a glass of milk & I was passing by your room, when I heard you. Okay, but ... if you want I can stay here till you fall back to sleep? 

Nick: *Sleepily nods & drifts back to sleep in my pillow*

Kris: *Lays on the opposite side of Nick's bed on my back & pulls hands behind my neck. I glanced at Nick, he was already sound asleep snoring lightly. I smiled, though I was still worried. I can't imagine what kind of dream it was, but from the looks of things, it didn't seem like a good one. I lightly stroked him on the cheek, my God, his skin is sooo soft. He stirred a bit & leaned over to his right side, with his back facing me. I covered him with the blanket more. Eventually I drifted to sleep too & dreamt of a beautiful fantasy with Nick. Mmm, yeah, my Nick. Smiles in my sleep*

~ Next morning, 10:30 AM ~

Nick: *Yawns quietly & stretches/rubs eyes/looks to see Kris sleeping next to him/eyes widen. What is going? I did a recap of last night ... oh yeah. My dream, Kris was there to comfort me & I guess he stayed afterward & feel asleep in my bed. But my bed! We slept together, thank goodness it was just sleep. Although ... I accidently kissed him last night. But then so did he! And that dream, I shook my head trying to get it off my mind. I got up & went to the bathroom. Okay whatever I'm feeling for Kris, is strictly a crush nothing more. I love Joe. He's my brother, my best friend, my everything. From here on, I'm not going to let Kris seduce me. And if he asks about the dream last night, I'm going not tell him the full truth. After all the dream was about Joe too. The thing that scares me the most about the whole thing is that it felt so real! And I remember every single detail. Kris was making love to me & Joe was there. Both of them were kissing me, which really felt good, but then so strange because we were all together! I went back to my room, Kris was luckily still sleeping. So I got dressed & went downstairs to eat breakfast. I decided on waffles with mango & pineapple slices. Yum, that was good. What should I do now? I looked around, & glanced outside. It was such a nice day out as always, I took my cell & walked down to the beach. I wonder if Joey is awake? I don't want to tell him about anything just yet, but I just want to hear the sound of his voice. I found his # fast & pushed on call. Beep, Beep, Beep. Hmm. He must be still sleeping. Beep, Beep, Beep. I know I'll leave a voice message* Good morning Joey! It's about 10:45AM, I just wanted to tell you I miss you & I can't wait to see you. I love you, call me back when you get this. I'm outside just sun bathing. *hangs up/sighs/looks up to the sky. I really truly love you Joe. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so weak & doubtful of our relationship. I'm happy that Kris cares so much, but he still doesn't like Joe & me together. I understand where he's coming from, I do & from now I going to be more open & not allow Kris' advances to get me. He's a just a friend, who ... loves me & wants me ... but he also said it's up to me. And I choose Joe. How could I choose anyone but him? Were been brothers forever, & now we're dating. He is my prince & I always want to be with him, for the rest of my life. I lied back in the sand & looked up at the sky watching the clouds rolls by. Such a blue sky, pure white puffy clouds, & a the big bright & warm sun. I smiled, I really love it here*

Kris: *Yawns loudly & glancing at the clock. 11:01 AM, hmm, not bad. I looked around, no Nick. I sat up fast & looked around the room. Nobody* Nick? Nick? *silence* I looked in the bathroom & on the balcony. Still no Nick. I was getting worried by the min. I quickly got dressed & went to my bathroom, then went downstairs. I looked around & saw that the dishes were being washed in the dishwasher. So he is up. I made some an egg omelet with mushrooms, tomatoes, garlic, & sliced cheese. After finished eating I cleaned up as quick as I could & I looked out the window. I saw Nick lying down on the sand & on the phone? He must be talking with Joe. Oh! Its not that I don't think Joe is a good guy, not at all. I actually think he's a great guy, but the fact still remains that he is Nick's brother. Ugh! I'm shaking just thinking about them kissing & just being in the same bed! Nick says that he understands my story, I really think he does, but is still willing to tell his parents with Joe with him. I want it to be me & Nick so bad! Its only been 1 day so far & I'm already going crazy. But no matter how much I want him to be mine, I can't force him & so far could it be instead of letting him choose ... I've been influencing him to pick me? If you think about it about, I have been flirting with him & seducing him. But so far he hasn't stopped me, good grief, its amazing that I could stop. Those lips of his, just pull me in every time. I want to mold him into my arms, kiss every inch of him, show him how deeply I care for him. I want to protect him, take of him, be near him as much as I can. He's sooo young I know, but the thing is ... he is so mature for his age. I have to look closely just to see that he is a just a boy. I am a man compared to him, but still I can't help this longing to share my love with him*

Nick: *Taking to Joe, very happy to hear him* So what you do yesterday?

Joe: *Sighs* Well I went surfing like all day & then I took a walk down the beach until the sun went down. Then I walked back & eat dinner, then went up to the room & watched TV. I tell you, it was kind of hard finding stuff to do. I mean everything is fun here, naturally, but without you with me, I doesn't feel the same.

Nick: *Feels bad* I'm sorry Joey. I feel the same way, being here. Just think though ... just a few more days & I'll be back with you. I miss you so much!

Joe: *Laughs* I miss you baby boy! Tell me though, is that Kris treating you alright?

Nick: *Half smiles* Yes Joe. He's a nice guy, he wouldn't do anything to me. 

Joe: *Not fully convinced about Kris, but does believe Nick* Al right ... Sorry I'm just being paranoid I'm sure. I just feel like since Lautner, I can't trust any boy or man around you, especially when I'm not there. So do you think you'll work on your guys' song today? 

Nick: It's okay Joey, I understand. Um ... I don't know. But I think so, cause we don't start the process now, I don't think it will happen. I heard of some of his songs, they're like are sound, but leaning more towards full pop. I'm sure we'll come up with something. *giggles* Baby why don't you spend time with Ari & her sisters, I'm sure you'll have more fun with them?

Joe: Well I wish you good luck, not that you need it. Your so blessed when it comes to writing music! ... Why not? Sounds like an idea! Thank you Nicky, your so cute when you give advice! 

Nick: *Continues to giggle* You inspire me! And your the one who is cute, loving, & the best!

Joe: *Huskily* Ooh you don't know how much I want you in my arms right here, right now, kissing you endlessly.

Nick: *Blushes* Soon baby. Soon, I promise. Listen I have to go, I'll call you later & let you know how things turn out. I love you you Joe.

Joe: *Tenderly* Okay baby boy, you take care & I look forward to your call. And I love you so much Nick.

Nick: *Smiles big* Bye Joey.

Joe: Bye Nicky. ~they both hang up at the same time~

Nick: *Gets up & stretches arms/turns around to see Kris standing behind him* Oh ... Morning Kris. I didn't know you were awake, sorry. I was just talking with Joe, & it got me started in thinking about the song you wanted to do with me. What do you say we start right now?

Kris: *Smiles* Morning Nick! No worries I already ate, & I see you did too, so sure absolutely. Let's get started! ~both head to the recording studio/4 hours later about 4:30 PM~

Kris & Nick: *Performing their new song together. Nick is playing the piano & Kris is playing the acoustic guitar. Towards the chorus, they take their own microphones & begin a beautifully composed ballad. They harmonize perfectly together, so in sync, the music speaks from their hearts. Its moving & captivating, fun & meaningful, sweet & friendship (well at least for Nick)*

Nick: *Finishes playing & singing/gasps* Wow! 

Kris: *Smiles* I'll say! That ... was exactly what I thought it would be like, but ... its even more than I hoped for! God! ... That is a great song, whooo! *hi-5's Nick* You were amazing, your vocals just bring so much soul to everything, its giving me chills!

Nick: *Laughs* You were awesome too! Your voice adds harmony & a pop-rock feel, maybe even country here & there. It was a great song, I can't wait to tell Joe about it. *puts down microphone*

Kris: *Sting of jealousy/frowns* You know when you return to ... him ... I'd actually like to come with you & meet him in person. I'm sure he's been uneasy of me, & I have been letting you tell him about what's going on. But I'd like to just explain myself, & perhaps get to know him better as well.

Nick: *Looks up* I think that would great. He has been curious about all this secrecy, & honestly I don't like not being honest with him. I want you to know that when I get back, I plan to tell him what happened here ... with me & you. And those 2 kisses, I should have not allowed. From now on Kris, we're just friends, nothing more.

Kris: *Nods* I understand. I am sorry Nick. I realize that I've been engaging all the moves. I shouldn't let myself lose control with you, after all I am 24. I should know better, but still ... *walks closer to him* I feel the need & desire to be close to you. *lifts his chin* You have no idea what you do to me Nick. It's stronger than anything I've ever felt for anyone.

Nick: *Blinks* Apology accepted. However ... I think you'll find the one you love most if you allow yourself to come out to that person.

Kris: *Raises an eyebrow* You do? How do you know? 

Nick: *Nods/smiles a little* Are you kidding me? You're a great guy Kris. You have achieved your dream, & at any moment you could meet someone who you will love more than me. 

Kris: *Sighs* I think the downside there is the word "could."

Nick: *Shakes head* No, I don't think so. Its a positive. Just open up & meet people & who knows ... Mr. Right could be right behind you.

Kris: *Laughs cheerfully* When did you become so wise? 

Nick: *Shrugs* Its how I see things. I have faith in you Kris, you'll find your #1 soon.

Kris: *Nods/still laughing* What if i don't? *teasing* Can I seduce you then?

Nick: *Blushes/quickly shakes head* You will. And nope, nope, nope. You promised remember?

Kris: *Nods again/pats his shoulder lightly* I did, sorry ... again. *raises both hands up* Guilty!

Nick: *Laughs a little/smiles* Al right so now that we done, what should we do now?

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

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Added on November 11, 2010
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joe Jonas Nick Jonas



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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