Paradise Ep 33

Paradise Ep 33

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Paradise Ep. 33 (The Falls)

Nick: *Gasps. Am I falling ... in love with Kris?*

Olena: *I can't tell you Nick. The answer is inside you, Ari just wants you to know that your choice will be the right one & that it'll all be fine*

Nick: *Shakes head. I don't understand my feelings ... I like Kris, I've only just met him. And I only agreed to come here today, to see why he feels the way he does about Joe & I. I admit I've been having strange feelings for ... Kris. Olena is he trying to break us apart just because he disapproves?*

Olena: *Sighs. In afraid that's all I can say Nick, I'm sorry. But I must leave you now, I wish you the best I really do. It was an honor meeting you & I hope to see you again. I can say just one more thing: Takes breath - Kris is not breaking you & Joe apart, take some time to think about. The answers close at hand. Waves/jumps back into the water & swims away disappearing*

Nick: *Sits there in shock/recaps the words over & over again/thinks hard for a long time. Is .. it .. me? Do ... I ... not ... approve? Am I scared about being in love with my brother? Am I in with Joe because he is my brother & I don't want to hurt his feelings? It can't be. I just can't be, it's not like that. Whatever I'm feeling for Kris its just infatuation, at least I think so. That's it, I got to get to know him better before I decide anything. Nods/resumes paddling/arrives to beach where Kris is standing waiting for him* Hey. Um ... so where's this big surprise? 

Kris: *Grins* Follow me, & you'll see it! *leads the way from the beach to a jungle, then turns around a bolder of huge rocks, & now they arrived/looks at Nick* So ... is it not the best?

Nick: *Mouth drops open/gasps quietly* It's even better. You weren't kidding its really beautiful Kris. 

Kris: *Nods happily/drops his things & takes off his shirt & jumps into the big pool of the waterfall/rises up* Come Nick, the water is sooo nice! 

Nick: *Shyly takes shirt off, knowing Kris is watching every sec of it/tslowly gets in the water*Wow this is nice. *dives under & floats up to the surface & relaxes/sighs happily*

Kris: *Decides to have some more fun flirting/quietly moves to Nick & scoops him up my arms/watches his eyes fly open/smiles back* Whispers: Your skin is very soft, its really tempting to touch & hold. 

Nick: *Blushes* 

Kris: *Places a light kiss on his forehead* Tenderly: You are so much more than anyone I've ever known. You are so peaceful & serene. *begins to spin him around, still in my arms, in the water*

Nick: *Blushes even more/heart & head spinning/lets my arms hang back while he is spinning me/closes eyes*

Kris: *Continues & then pulls him close to my face* You take me to heaven Nick. 

Nick: *Opens eyes/feels Kris' hot skin against mine/heart is out of control & head is in a trance/trying to look away at something else*

Kris: *Delicately lifts his chin to face me* Huskily: Nick ... I'm not going to lie. I want to kiss you right now. 

Nick: *Eyes widen/blushes deeper & deeper/gasps*

Kris: *Places a hand on his chest/feets his heart beat/takes his hand & brings it to my heart* You see ... we're feeling the same. Hearts know it all. 

Nick: *Frozen & nervous/takes hand off of his heart/looks into his eyes trying to convince him to stop* 

Kris: *Begins to lean in to kiss him* I know Nick. I will, please I just want to see what it's like. 

Nick: *Gaze locked on his/can't really feel my own skin/watches him getting closer to me*

Kris: *Inches from his lips & I laugh/our eyes are still both open* Your ... very ... special ... to me. 

Nick: *Feels his breath/has lost all control to resist*

Kris: *Places lips on his/lighty kisses him* Mmm. Everything I thought & more.

Nick: *Very light hearted*

Kris: *Moves back in pecking his lips & then trying to make it deeper*

Nick: *Can feel his lips wanting to explore mine/at last loses & lets him in*

Kris: *Deeply kissing him/holding him close & smiling in between each kiss* 

Nick: *Not kissing back/just letting him kiss/breathing heavy*

Kris: *Groans in his mouth/pulls on his hair a little*

Nick: *Does everything to prevent moaning, instead whimpers*

Kris: *Pulls away/breathing just as heavy* Wow ... that ... was ... mmmm ... soooo ... gooood. *strokes his cheek & hugs him lovingly*

Nick: *Doesn't hug him back/feels his skin has even gotten hotter than a few min.'s ago* Finds voice: Kris ... 

Kris: *Pulls back & nods understandingly/releases him sweetly/swims to the falls* 

Nick: *Still completely shocked. He ... kissed ... me. But ... what's ... more ... I .. let ... him. Why? It .. was ... just ... a ... kiss wasn't it? No, this is more. There ... is ... something ... about ... him. What is this feeling that comes over me everytime he is near. It's like he's trying to convince me, but then allowing me the freedom to choose him or Joe. This getting out of hand. It's barely been a full day & look what's already happened. Its like he's trying to posses me & claim my soul. His words, his touch, his kiss, I can't fall any deeper in this, I can't do this. I'm only 17, & how old is he? Can I trust him? So many questions, I got to get this all clear once & for all. Swims over to him/looks at him seriously* Tell me more about yourself, start from the beginning to now. 

Kris: *Nods again* My full name is Kristopher Neil Allen. I was born in Jacksonville, Arkansas. My birthdate is June 21, 1985; I'm 24. My parents are Kimberley & Neil Allen, & I have no siblings. My family is Christian just like yours. I have always been religious & been close with God. I believe in faith, hope, miracles, love & happiness. Later on in my career I decided to take part in missionary work in places like South Africa & Thailand. And like a said before, I got into playing guitar at an early age. I also played the viola in elementary school, which I continued to high school. So in order, I started with the viola, then guitar, to piano, keyboard, electric guitar, & lastly my vocals. I just loved music, especially playing all these amazing instruments. It was age 13 when I discovered I could sing, I was just playing the piano after school & I was singing along to Michael Jackson's "Man In The Mirror" & my parents came home & were so excited to hear my new found talent. They couldn't believe it, & in fact, neither could I. So after graduating high school I decided to attend the University of Central Arkansas, in Conway. I really wanted to pursue music farther, but I got into being a business major, though honestly it wasn't just for me. I eventually dropped out & went back to my music, but at the time I have to get a job & work at bars singing just trying to save up my money. I thought of going to New York to finish college & with a thought of being discovered & being signed as an artist, but then I got this idea to audition for American Idol. It was the best thing I ever did, & you inspired me Nick. And after finally making it in season 8, I got my dream & made it to the top 2. It was the greatest thing in my life, & even though I wasn't #1, I didn't care. I made it this far & thats exactly what I wanted. 

Nick: *Taking it all in/occasionally nodding*

Kris: *Continues* I first started listening to you when your debut album came out. I was so moved by your voice & I was so excited to buy the CD. I loved every song it, you have such a young & powerful voice. It's so natural & it brought me to tears because you were so amazing beyond anything I've ever heard. I can't believe that critics didn't like it, it was the best! My favorite song by far is "Dear God," "Don't Walk Away," & "Time For Me To Fly (Your version)." So I continued to watch you & your brothers take off with your music. I loved It's About Time, Jonas Brothers (your breakout CD), A Little Bit Longer, & Lines Vines & Trying Times. Every song, everything you did was AWESOME! I tried to keep up with you guys, where ever you toured, shows, magazines ... anything I could to  see what you were up to. After seeing so many vids online of you & Joe hugging & doing all these random things, I began to suspect that you two had something going on. And then when you cured of your diabetes, I saw a change in your personality. It was much more happier & showing more emotion. I heard that you were on vacation & I decided that this would be my only opportunity to meet you. You recently confessed to Joe about your feelings & he did the same too. And then Taylor Launter tried to invade the scene & it got me very irritated just like Joe. I wanted to march right over & tell him off. I kept cool & hoped he would leave you alone, but then I got a call from my mom & she said she was flying in with my dad to visit me cause they were also on vacation in New Zealand. At the time they came, that was when Joe left & Taylor saw the opportunity to get you. Lucky Drake & Josh was around & Ari heard your cries. I only found out after my day with my parents, late at night! I was so mad, then I was relived that someone was at least able to save you. I was so scared if you have gotten hurt & hear I was so close by, & unable to do a thing. 

Nick: *Gasps*

Kris: *Exhales/nods* Exactly. Anyways I kept trying to think of a good way to get in touch with you without Joe stopping you from coming. I knew he would not take kindly to trying to tell you how I felt. He's just as protective of you, as I feel. So let me rewind a little here. How'd I become gay? Well I've had girlfriends when I was younger, pure & innocent relationships, nothing beyond kissing I assure you. Then in my junior high of school, I started dating my best friend Katy O'Connell. We really just clicked & had known each other since pre-school. We both revealed that we liked each other more than just best friends. We were so in love & if not for what happened, she would have been my wife. At the end of high school I began to realize my feelings for you Nick, it wasn't just an obsession. Because I had so many dreams of making love to you & having you in my arms. And sadly, Kathy began to realize, especially when she tried to get me to have sex with her. She thought she was ready, but I for sure was not. And thats when I told her I was gay. She was truly shocked & did not understand it. She broke up with me & told my parents. I can tell you that I was not ready to come out to my parents, I was so embarrassed. They took the news very bad. My mom was crying hysterically & crying out why, why, over & over again. My dad was furious & appalled. He screamed & after yelling for like seem like forever, he couldn't even look at me. I thought they were going to tell me to leave & move somewhere else, but they didn't. I tried to explain everything to make them understand, but the more I tried the worse it got. So I gave up & decided this is who I am & that I tried my best. I let time take over & slowly day by day they started to talk to me again. My mom was the first to fully get used to me, but it did her several months. She apologized over & over saying how sorry she was for her reaction & shutting me out like she did. I told her that forgive her & she told me she loved me. As for dad, he took the longest to get used to me being gay. Even now I still feel he doesn't like it, but he realized that I am his only son & that even though I'm gay, he still loves me too. 

Nick: *Eyes full of tears*

Kris: *Nods* That was how I was too. I didn't know I could cry so hard. This is why I wanted to seek you out. I won't be able to save you from the emotions your parents will feel of your news, but I can make it easier on you & them. The bottom line is, Nick, being in love with your brother is not normal & I don't recommend it for you. I care for you deeply & I just wanted you to know everything. I want you to give me a chance, just see if you like or love me too. If you don't feel the same way, I'll let you go. I'll be sad, but if you don't feel the same way, I don't want to make you feel the same way.

Nick: *Rubs eyes/looks at him* What about your gift & Ari? What did she tell you?

Kris: *Stretches* I found out about my gift in 2007. I was in Malibu, CA, surfing & chilling, when Ari herself approached me & began speaking to me. I was like is this really happening or am I dreaming. She cleared things up & told me her about what she feels for my future. She said I was in love with someone who is already in love with someone else. She said that I shouldn't try to break the couple up, but to tell him what I'm feeling. She said if I do this, I might have a chance of him feeling the same way. But then again, its all up to him, I can't make him do anything, only explain myself. She said that this person is young & shy, that I can't never take advantage of him & I can't hurt him. "You must be honest & tell him your story, so that he can make his decision." Then when she left me, I realized that she meant you & Joe. I couldn't not believe it, I mean I knew it, but still it hurt me. It also made my stomach curl in sickness. I couldn't understand how'd something like this would happen. Being gay is becoming common every day, but incest ... *gags* ... Nick how could you give up your innocence to your brother? 

Nick: *Blushes* Because I love him. We ARE inseparable & soul mates. 

Kris: *Eyes widen* You ... still ... feel ... this ... for ... him? You don't feel anything for me? 

Nick: *Looks down* Yes. As for you ... I understand now. I like you Kris I do, but its till too soon for me to give my heart to anyone else. And now hearing your story I don't think you & I could ever be. Your already 24 going on 25. I'm only 17 going on 18, we have too many years in between us. It won't work out. My parents will not be able to accept Joe & I, not immediately, but you & me would be a whole different situation. Joe is more my age & my brother & I trust him. I think we should just record the duet & I'll play any songs you want, but after the fifth day, I'm leaving back to Joe & staying with him. He may be my brother, but I'm not going to break his heart for someone else. My heart would break to leave him. So ... Kris lets just spend these days as friends, please. 

Kris: *Nods sadly* 

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

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Added on November 11, 2010
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joe Jonas Nick Jonas



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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