Paradise Ep 32

Paradise Ep 32

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Paradise Ep. 32 (Day 1 Hanging Out With Kris)

~ Joe & Nick walk to the beach to the helicopter that's taking him to Kris's island ~ 

Darien: Hi nice to meet you Joe Jonas! Darien Shelldon, I'm a huge fan! *extends hand* 

Joe: *Shakes his hand* Thanks, it's nice to meet you too. 

Darien: *Smiles/helps Nick with his luggage* 

Joe: *Stands in front of Nick/pulls him into a hug* Whispers: Be safe. I'll miss you. 

Nick: *Blushes/hugs back* Whispers back: I will. I'll miss you too. Mouths: I love you.

Joe: *Grins sexily* Mouths: And I love you. 

Darien: *Comes back to Joe & Nick* Alrighy, all set to go Nick? 

Nick: *Breathes* Yes. *gets in the helicopter*

Darien: *Swipes Joe's shoulder* Cya around Joe! *waves/gets in & closes the door*

Nick: *Puts his hand to the window* Mouths: Bye. 

Joe: *Waves hand, then puts it across my heart* Mouth: Bye love. 

Nick: *Takes off & watches Joe for as long as he can, then turns to face forward. He let me. Now it's time to see what Kris wants me to realize. Sighs* 

~ Arrives back at the island, it's 2PM & still so beautiful! ~

Kris: *Waiting to greet Nick & help him with his things/trying to hide his from ear to ear smile* Welcome back Nick! Here let me help you, this is going to be such a fun week. Let me show you your room. *helps him out from the copter & leads the way into his house & up the stairs, down a long hall* And ... here we are Nick, this is where you'll sleep.

Nick: *Takes a look around/sees a big white room everything is white, the bed, the walls, the carpet ... They're was also a balcony that looked like a palace's. The sun was shinning brightly in the room & their was also a skylight above in the middle of the room. It's really quite serene* Thanks Kris, this is really nice. 

Kris: *Laughs sheepishly* Your very welcome Nick. Now after all this journeying back & forth, you must be hungry. I have a meal already prepared, if you liked to get refreshed, I'll meet you downstairs in a few min.'s?

Nick: *Nods* Sounds great. I'll cya then. 

Kris: *Nods too/smiles/walks out of Nick's room, but stops when he's outside & turns around* I'm really glad your here Nick, truly. 

Nick: *Blushes a bit* Um ... its nice to be here. 

Kris: *Nods again/closes his door & leaves* 

Nick: *Falls on his bed. What's happening to me? Why do I feel like this? You love Joe, Nick. Kris is ... is ... he's just trying to confuse me, my true feelings. I can't let it get to me. I have to be strong. Gets off the bed/heads to the bathroom/finishes & goes downstairs to the dining room. Wow everything is so open here, & nicely designed. Sees Kris looking out the window/watches him turn around*

Kris: *Turns to face him* Ah there you are. *looks at him* You look lovely Nick! *goes over to his chair & pulls it out for him* I hope you'll enjoy, I made everything myself. 

Nick: *Blushes deeply* T-thank you. *looks at the mushroom ravioli in front of him* Y-you made this? 

Kris: *Sits down/bows head* Yes I did. *chuckles* Its not much, but it is my favorite meal to make. 

Nick: *Takes a bite out of his food* Oh .. my .. God! This ... is really good! 

Kris: *Sheepish smile* I'm glad you like it, I wasn't ... sure what to make honestly. I just wanted to make something from my mother's style of cooking. You think this is good ... then you should try hers, it's really something! 

Nick: *Continues to eat* So you like to cook? 

Kris: *Nods excitedly* Yeah ... beside singing, I really like cooking. Its always been one of my favorite hobbies. My mom was the one who influenced me, naturally just by watching her & helping out, I just really got into it! 

Nick: *Giggles* Well that's good your passionate about something. 

Kris: *Agrees* Yeah, between food & music ... I feel those are my strongest influences that help me express who I am & what I'm feeling. It's fun & I enjoy it so much. With food, I like creating something delectable, whether entrées, starters & snacks, drinks, & desserts ... I love it all. The process of getting all the ingredients & utensils & following through the recipe, is so cool! And when it's finished, your eager to try it & see how it came out. Even if it doesn't come out the way you expected or if it tastes awesome, the experience is the best. I love all kinds of food, Italian, American, Hawaiian, Spanish, Indian, Swedish, & so many more. Exploring other cultures & their specialty with foods is amazing! 

Nick: Hmm. It sounds like it. Can I ask what got you started into music? 

Kris: *Takes a sip of his smoothie* Of course. From an early age, I loved listening to all different kinds of music ... pop, rock, r&b ... I actually began with playing the guitar because my dad used to play, & one day I came across it & I picked it up. I didn't know how to play & I was about 12 years old, & I was just having fun testing the strings & seeing what I can do. I just found a sort of bond with it, & so my dad began giving me lessons & at the same time I got into playing the piano. And shortly after that, I began writing short songs, & singing. My parents heard me & were very happy. They encouraged me to continue my music, & so I did. I studied more about music, practiced, & picked artists I could really relate to. I'm a fan of John Mayer, Jason Mraz, Michael Jackson, The Beatles, Chris Daughtry, The Fray, Nickelback, Train, Owl City, Lifehouse, OneRepublic, Uncle Kracker, Tim McGraw, Simple Plan, Savage Garden, Maroon 5, and more. I also love Alicia Keys, Beyonce, Carrie Underwood, Colbie Caillat, Corinne Bailey Rae, Demi Lovato, the Dixie Chicks, Duffy, Faith Hill, Miley Cyrus, Jessie James, Jordin Sparks, Kelly Clarkson, Lady Antebellum, Leona Lewis, Mariah Carey, & ... I could go on & on. There's just so many AMAZING ARTISTS  out there. 

Nick: I see, it shows ... that you care about music & have a strong connection with it. I agree there is a lot of just inspiring artists that shape music so much.

Kris: *Heartfelt smile* Yeah ... I feel it with every fiber of my being. It's best my destiny since the beginning. And ... now looking at your sound with The Administration vs. the Jonas Brothers ... you've really come a long way Nick. What I admire the most about you, is that you write your own songs & you just have such natural talent. Your very gifted, you sing, compose, play every instrument, act, perform, & in the end you know who you are. You have never changed, & that's what gets me the most. No matter what, you stay true to yourself & make things happen. I got to applaud you for being so inspiring. Every song you've ever sung & written, just shows how much you've grown & year after year, you & your brothers become a bigger music legend. 

Nick: *Smiles* Thank you Kris, we try our best to remain to live our dream. Its been the best feeling, it really has. I've listened to your music too & I think you have a lot of potential. It shows real emotions, interesting melodies, great bridges & verses. And you playing the guitar & piano is awesome. 

Kris: *Can't take it anymore/smiles & gets up from his chair/slowly hugs him* Softly: Thank you Nick ... that really means a lot to me ... you saying that. 

Nick: *Blushes/heart pounding fast* Um ... your welcome Kris. 

Kris: *Pulls away after a min/pulls his hands together & tenderly kisses them/looks into his eyes* You are marvel Nick. I love you so much. 

Nick: *Pulls away/still blushing, but even more so now* Kris ... please. You ... I-I .. don't ...

Kris: *Pulls away as well/apologetically* Your right I'm sorry Nick. I just got lost in that moment, I apologize. 

~They finish eating, continuing to talk~

Kris: So what would like to do first Nick? 

Nick: *Thinks for a moment* Show me around your island, but ... by kayak.

Kris: *Laughs* Couldn't have said it better! I'd love to, lets go! *leads him to the beach & grabs two kayaks & they get in to them & take off* Al right to start this side is of course my humble abode, we'll head this way along the coast. There's beautiful pristine beaches for miles. Most are flat & just the best for snorkeling & all kinds of fun! Down further you'll see some rocks from past volcanos erupting & trying to expand the land. As of right now we're the one's on the island, other than my assistant Darien. Oh, but before I move on, this island has a lot of natural inhabitants like many species of birds, reptiles, & many more! I choose this location because it was so cool. There's a special surprise that still gets me every time. *winks* You'll really like, I promise.

Nick: *Laughs* Well ... in the mean time *points finger* what is that?

Kris: *Uses hand to block the intense sunlight & get a better look* Oh! That ... Nick is the only mt. on this whole island. It's not the tallest, but it's a great climb! Do you think you'll want to try in tomorrow or in the next few days? 

Nick: *Shrugs* Why not, looks like adventure. *sees something swimming by my side/gasps* Oh my! Hello there! 

Kris: *Looks over to him* Indeed! Hey girl! How's it going? 

???: *Continuing to swim in between Kris & Nick's side. Hi Kris! I'm very well, can't complain in such paradise. Giggles/looks at Nick. You must be Nick Jonas, I've heard a lot about you & your brother from Ari. Everyone's buzzing with the news, congrats on your guys' success with Kevin! I'm Olena by the way. It's very nice to finally make your acquaintance Nick*

Nick: *Smiles happily. Thank you Olena. It's wonderful to meet you too*

Kris: *Smiles too. So what are you up to today?*

Olena: *Well for one I wanted to officially meet Nick & I was wondering I could join you on your tour*

Kris: *Of course. We're halfway around already! Whoo!*

Olena: *Are you planning on showing Nick the best part?*

Kris: *Winks. Naturally! What better way to end then the very best of the best?!*

Nick: *Okay now I'm really curious. Can someone give me a hint?*

Olena: *Besides what Kris has said about it being the best, well ... it's really magnificent*

Kris: *No worries. We'll be there in no time at all. Just a little bit longer Nick. Smiles* 

Nick: *Sighs. Al right then*

Olena: *Kris do you mind if you go on ahead, while I talk with Nick for a few min.'s?*

Kris: *Not at all, take your time. I'll cya you guys there! Continues to paddle till he's pretty far away/almost out of sight*

Nick: *Stops paddling. What's up Olena? Anything wrong?*

Olena: *Looking up at Nick/decides to climb into the kayak with him. Whoa! Not easy sometimes being a sea turtle! Laughs/shakes off water/looks back at him. No nothing wrong at all Nick. First I'd like to say I've been rooting for you & Joe. I think your such a great couple!*

Nick: *Blushes. Thank you, but um how does everyone already know. I haven't spoken to Ari in awhile*

Olena: *Well since you two first met, she's been try to gather up all the animals of both land & sea to spread the news. She is very concerned about keeping you safe & looking out for you & your brother. Today she asked me to come because I was not only the closest to Kris, but I'm such a fan of your music! She said to go on & go meet you & I was delighted! So back to your original question. Everyone is basically here for you Nick. You have friends of land & sea to help you when ever to need us. What Ari wanted to ask you is: how do you feel about Kris?*

Nick: *Blushes deeper. He is a friend, just a friend*

Olena: *Nods. That's what Ari thought. She knows how strong your feelings are for Joe, but she felt something else from you. She says that Kris will help you realize the truth of who you love*

Nick: *W-what? I love Joe, no one else*

Olena: *She doesn't mean Joe, Nick. She is talking about Kris, after he has a huge crush on you & it's the real thing. Ari says to still trust your heart & listen to what it's saying. Your heart will always be your true guide. Know this: Kris is not a negative person, he's nothing like that. He respects you & values your feelings. He also wants to show you who he is as a person, not just as an artist. Though he highly disapproves of you & Joe's relationship, & once you get to know him more, you'll see why. He doesn't want to hurt you, but he does really want you to give him a chance at ... your feelings for him*

Nick: *Eyes Widen. N-no ... n-no. I-I don't have feelings for Kris*

Olena: *Oh but you Nick, I see it & feel it. So does Ari, even Kris is beginning to see it & feel it. Its not that you don't love Joe, your head & heart are conflicting, & blocking you from the truth*

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

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Added on November 11, 2010
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joe Jonas Nick Jonas



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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