Paradise Ep 31

Paradise Ep 31

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Paradise Ep. 31 (Give me 5 Days Nick) 

Kris: *Finishes his song/sees Nick's eyes building with tears* Speaks softly: I knew you'd like it. Its just a song Nick, but its nothing compared to what I feel for you. You've only just told Kevin, about being gay & loving Joe, compared to what it will be with your parents, honestly don't you think it'll not be a shock for them? I've seen videos of your dad, & he looks like the kind of person, who will not take so kindly to the news as Kevin did. Don't you realize that, this will break your family apart? Forget your career for the moment, your family will not be so understanding of you & Joes' choice. This could end very badly Nick, I've seen it before. I know Drake & Josh, made it look easy, but it really isn't. For them, it took their parents to truly get used to them dating. Their parents are not the same because of it, it almost caused the Drake & Josh show to end before the last season, not only because of Drake's car accident, but once he told his parents, it just got out of hand. I know you wish to tell your parents easily, but in order to do that, you got to just be a brother to Joe & nothing more. I don't want to tell what to do & or influence you if you feel so strongly about him, I actually have a proposition for you. You two have only begun your relationship, and already you've been through so much, but the true test is coming faster than you can imagine. Here's what I want, if you & Joe really trust each other & tell each other everything, then give me five days Nick so we can get to know each other better. You can go back to Joe & tell him, & see what he thinks, if he lets you go, then great. If not, then I honestly think he's being too possessive with you. 

Nick: *Calmly* And why would I do this?

Kris: *Smiles* Because you deserve a chance to date someone non-family & more importantly see if you don't feel the same way.

Nick: *Heart beating fast again* So what, your trying to seduce me & make me fall for you?

Kris: *Chuckles* I don't think I have to. You seem to already be falling for me. But as I said before, its all up to you Nick. I'd like you to get to know me better than what you've come to summarize. I'd also like to hear you perform your new songs from your side project album & record a duet with you. I only want to see if we have chemistry together & are as compatible as I feel we are.

Nick: Why five days? 

Kris: Well it feels like a standard week to record a new song & to chat. *pats Nick's shoulder* So what do you say Nick, do you want to hang out or do you want to leave & never see me again? It's your choice. 

Nick: *Fumbles awkwardly into a nearby chair. What should I do? I love Joe truly, but then why ... do I feel something stirring inside me to stay with Kris? What if he's like Taylor? Am I making a mistake, not listening to what he's saying about Joe & me? All these questions & more are building & burning inside me. My heart & head are conflicted. I want to see what Kris means, but then I don't. I know Joe will not like this, but shouldn't I trust my heart? I have been worrying for a long time, when Joe & I would tell our parents, & everytime I think about it, I fear the worst is yet to come. Even Kevin, my own brother accepted us, but so easily then I expected. Will it be the same with everyone else? This is big news to tell all at once, I don't want to jeopardize our family because of our decision. Could everyone who says we truly belong just not be right? What does my heart say anymore? ... I'll* Kris ... I'll stay, but only to become your friend, nothing more. 

Kris: *Claps hands together* That works for me! Al right, I thought you'd say yes & thats why I have everything all set & ready to go. All you have left to do is to call or go back to Joe.

Nick: *Nervous* I'll go back & get my things, & tell him. 

Kris: *Nods* You do what you gotta do Nick. *smiles* I'll be here waiting. I'll looking forward to it! *gets up with him to go back to the helicopter* 

~ On the the other hand, let's recap what's happened with Joe ~ 

Joe: *I was sitting outside just staring at the pool, just in a daze. I can't believe Nick just left like that? Recap of Nick's letter: Good morning Joe! I got a phone call from someone who says is an artist & wants to talk to me. He wouldn't say who the artist was, but that he's on vacation on a nearby island & that a helicopter will have me there & back fast. I'm going to check it out & see what's it all about. I'll be back soon. :-) Love, Nick. A recording artist? Who could it be & why would they be calling Nick? I really don't like this, but what choice did I have. I have to have faith in Nick, he'll be back. But still, I can't shake this feeling or being concerned*

~ Back on Kris's island ~

Kris: Good luck Nick & safe flight. *shuts the door/watches him take off/waves bye* 

Nick: *Smiles a little* Thanks. *waves back. Well here I go. I hope Joe will understand. Bites lip nervously/looks out the ocean trying to relax*

~ Arrives back on their island ~

Nick: *Waves* Thanks Darien! I'll be back shortly. *runs to find Joe/passes by the pool & sees him sun bathing/smiles* Hi Joey, I'm back! 

Joe: *Opens eyes/immediately gets up & embraces him* Nick! *pulls away & kisses lips* Don't ever just leave like that! I was worried. 

Nick: *A bit surprised by his tone, but lets it go* I'm sorry Joey, I didn't mean to worry you. 

Joe: *Rubs his back/kisses his shoulder* Its all right Nick, I'm sorry too. I didn't mean to yell, it isn't like you to just leave a note. 

Nick: *Shifts weight* It's okay, I get it. Yeah, I know. Sorry about that. 

Joe: So you going to tell me, who you met with? 

Nick: *Blushes, doesn't know if its Joe or Kris causing it* Um ... It was Kris Allen. He's on the island right across from us. He wants to record a duet with me. 

Joe: *Raises an eyebrow* Okay ... when would that be?

Nick: *Nervous* In the next five days, he wants to invite me over to work on the duet & get to know one another. He says he's looking forward to working with me. 

Joe: *Eyes widen* What?! Is he serious? *scoffs* He's the American Idol winner from last season, why would he want to get to know you?

Nick: *Guilty* Yes afraid so. I-I'm not fully sure, but um ... it's only five days. Maybe it'll be less. 

Joe: *Incredulous* I can't believe this. Well I'm coming too then. *grabs Nick's hand & walks back to their room* When do we leave? 

Nick: *Goes with Joe/blanks out. He really doesn't like the idea of this. I understand why too, even I'm shocked that I said yes. All I could think of were the words Kris had said, they echoed through my mind. I know he trusts me, but he doesn't trust Kris. And why would he? They don't know each other, in fact neither do I. But he seems to want to make an effort to connect with me. Its just a friendship, nothing more, I kept reminding myself*

Joe: *Inside their room/still waiting for him to reply* Nick? Nick?

Nick: *Snaps out of my thoughts/shakes head* Sorry Joey, did you say something? 

Joe: *Looks at him* Nick, are you okay? Your acting differently ... did something happen? Did he try something? You can tell me, Nick. 

Nick: *Reassures him* I'm fine Joe, I promise. I'm just still in stock about this whole thing. No nothing like that happened, he just is a friend. *begins to pack* Joe, I'll be fine ... by myself. I'll call you to let you know hoe everything is going. *finishes packing/grabs Joe's hand* Come on Joey, I told Kris's assistant that I'd be done right about now. 

Joe: *Shocked/doesn't move* You don't want me to come? 

Nick: *Turns around to see Joe/heart almost breaks* No of course not Joe. I just think, that this is nothing to worry about. I'm not leaving you ever *kisses his lips sweetly* Please understand. 

Joe: *Sighs/smiles a little* Al right Nick ... I trust you. Just remember to call me, please. Thats all I ask. 

Nick: *Giggles* Anything baby. *winks*

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

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Added on November 11, 2010
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joe Jonas Nick Jonas



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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