Paradise Ep 30

Paradise Ep 30

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Paradise Ep. 30 (Another Admirer/Kris Loves Me?) 

Nick: *Month of May, 2010, 11 AM Monday. I'm just stretched out lying on our bed, while Joe is in the shower/my cell phone rings. I looked at the caller ID and saw it was unknown. I was hesitant to pick it up* Hello? 

???: Hi is this Nick Jonas?

Nick: Yes that's me. 

???: Awesome! Listen I have an artist who wants to meet you and talk with you. He says it won't take too long, he is also vacationing in the same area. A helicopter is already waiting for you to take right across the water. So you in?

Nick: *Wha??* Um who is the artist and why do I have to come so quickly? 

???: He thought you'd ask that. He says he wishes to remain anonymous for the moment, but he promises he'll introduce himself and make this a life time experience and that you'll have fun. Also he knows your busy on vacation too, so that's why he's trying to make things quick & simple. He wants to know if you'll come?

Nick: *Still unsure, but reluctantly says...* Fine. Give me 10 min.'s and I'll be right down. 

???: Fantastic! Cya you soon! *hangs up*

Nick: Bye. *hangs up/gets dressed fast/writes Joe a note/runs out to find the helicopter on the beach*

???: Hey Nick! I'm Darien. *extends hand* We spoke a few min.'s ago.

Nick: *Extends hand* Nice to meet you Darien. So where we going?

Darien: *Smiles* Likewise! Well come on & I'll fill you in! *helps him into the helicopter*

~ Flying across to a near by island ~

Darien: Welcome to Vanus Levu! This way please ...

Nick: *Gets out/looks around/sees a beautiful mansion sitting on a flat next to the beach* Wow what a beautiful house! *walks with Darien into it*

Darien: Isn't it?! My client will be very pleased, here we are Nick. *leads him into a recording studio* Just make yourself comfortable & he'll be in just a min. *winks* Can I get you anything? 

Nick: *Sits down/smiles & shakes head* No thank you. 

Darien: Alrighty! Cya later for sure! *waves him goodbye*

Nick: *waves back/takes a look around the studio. Wow whoever it is, they have everything. Goes over to play keyboard/hits a note & hums/begins to play & sing  "Inseparable"* 

???: *Silently comes into the room/looks at Nick beaming/waits for Nick to finish/claps genuinely* Beautiful voice & song. *walks over to him/extends hand cheerfully* Hi I'm Kris Allen, I'm the artist who requested to meet you.

Nick: *Shakes his hand* It's nice to meet you Kris & thank you. So um you here on vacation too?

???: Yep it's been the best being here, and if I may say so *grins bigger* now that you've here, it really is amazing! 

Nick: *Heart leaps/shrugs it off* Listen Kris, congrats on American Idol & your new record, you were really great. 

Kris: Thanks Nick, that means more than I can say. So ... I bet you're wondering why all the secrecy & flying out here just to meet you thing, am I right?

Nick: *Laughs a little* Um ... yeah. 

Kris: *Nods* Well the time for secrecy is all over, Nick. I promise you, from here its nothing but the truth. So to begin ... I'm a huge fan of yours Nick. I'll followed you & your brother's career from the very beginning. I absolutely love your music especially Nick. It really speaks to me & moves me. In fact your the reason I auditioned for American Idol, last season, I wanted to meet you in person & talk about your music. I really admire the way you carry yourself & are so humble & down to earth. And you've struggled along the way, with your diabetes, which I was rooting for you & then you found your cure. I was so happy to hear the news, it inspired me to write a new song. This is part of the reason I brought you here. And the other part is that, I say I'm a fan, but you don't know how much of a fan I really am. 

Nick: *Eyes widen/stays silent*

Kris: *Sighs* Look Nick I don't want to seem like a stalker, but I have to confess that I really do know everything about you. I know where you were born, when you first started singing & how you got into other instruments, when you dated Miley Cyrus & the real reason you & her broke up, Joe/Kevin/Frankie & your parents. But ultimately I know about your feelings for Joe & that you too are in love & just told Kevin your secret.

Nick: *Stay clam. Stay clam. He doesn't know anything!* I don't know what you're talking about.

Kris: *Eyes narrow* I think you do. Ari & her sisters know it & so do I. Yes I have the gift too, Nick. Honestly you, Drake, Dani, & the others aren't the only ones who can speak with animals. *smiles*

Nick: *Oh God! So he does know, but still that doesn't give him the right to talk to me about this* How do you know all this?

Kris: It's like I said, Ari. She has her premonitions that usually end happily. All the animals are talking about how you & Joe have the ultimate love because you two are brothers & are in deep pure love. *laughs* I gotta say though, that I disagree completely with this. Nick ... Joe is your brother. He is your flesh & blood, do you really think you two are meant to be?

Nick: That is not for you decide. He is my brother, but I know I love him & that he loves me, regardless of what you may think, we belong together.

Kris: Please understand Nick, I don't want to hassle or argue with you. I want to help you & most of all show you that, two guys can be together, just not relatives. Nick ... I love you. I've loved you from the moment I laid my eyes on you, your a wonderful person Nick. So caring, compassionate, shy, intelligent, wise, strong, dedicated, talented, pure, honest, true, wholesome, and extremely attractive. 

Nick: *Heart beating uncontrollably/face warming* That is nice of you to say, but I'm sorry, I have a boyfriend & I'm not leaving him.

Kris: *Closes eyes/takes a breath/walks to Nick & takes his hand & places a light kiss on the top/watches Nick's expression change* Well then, tell me your heart is not beating faster and your cheeks are not warming? 

Nick: *Knees beginning to bend* Kris ... I'm not ... I don't like ... you ... t-hat way.

Kris: *Lets go his hand/turns in circle* Please let me play you my song I wrote for you. *gets guitar & begins to sing*

Nick: *Listens not understanding why/hears heartfelt emotions & the feeling of love/somehow drawn to the song, but still is reminding myself of Joe*

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

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Added on November 11, 2010
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joe Jonas Nick Jonas



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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