Paradise Ep 28

Paradise Ep 28

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Paradise Ep. 28 (JoBro Fun)

Kevin: *The next morning I woke up bright eyed & ready for another day with Joe and Nick. Today I wanted go jet skiing & to see more of this fabulous island. I called Danielle last night & told her everything that happened, & she was so happy for Joe and Nick. I  missed her so I called her again this morning & chatted with her about my plans for them today. She laughed & said to have fun, & she that she couldn't wait to hear more later. I got dressed & went over to my brothers room. Hmm, Nick or Joe's room? Like duh, Joe's room of course! I arrived within a few min.'s, uh-oh no key. What do I do now? I thought for a min & then it hit me. Yes I got it! I chuckled at the thought. I went around to the balcony which was open & went to their patio door, which was luckily open. Yeah, this is just too easy! I had to cover my mouth from laughing boisterously. I opened the door & went inside & saw THE CUTEST THING EVER! Aww to the max! They're still sleeping & cuddled close together, how sweet! Oh my gosh, photo op! Good thing I brought my camera, I took pics from as many angles as I could. Very CUTE indeed! And they're so in wonderland sleeping & snoring. Ha ha, nothing beats this moment! As much as this moment is adorable, we gotta get going. So I opened up the curtains allowing the natural sunlight to brighten the entire room* Rise & shine boys! Come on up & adam! 

Joe: *Groans* Just a few more min.'s Kev!

Kevin: *Shakes head* Nope! *pulls sheets off them. Thank Goodness they're in their PJs* 

Nick: *Stirs & sits up, wiping the sleep from my eyes* Morning Kev.

Joe: *Decides to sit up with Nick* Yeah Morning sleep waker!

Kevin: *Jumps on their bed, jumping up & down* Morning lovebirds! Come on, get dressed, we've got an island to explore!

Nick: *Laughs as I feel myself bouncing up & down with Joe* Okay, okay we're up. *raises hands like "you got me"*

Kevin: Good! But you know ... this is fun! Great bounce!

Nick: *Gets off the bed & goes to drawers to get swimming trunks & a t-shirt/goes in to the bathroom*

Joe: *Wipes my eyes/yawns loudly* What time is it?

Kevin: Noon bro! Now get up! *still bouncing*

Joe: *Hits him with a pillow* Yeah? Take that! 

Kevin: *Dodges it & bounces harder* Yep, well take this!

Joe: *Actually bouncing up & down while sitting up* Kevin!

Kevin: *Smiles* Thats me! Whooo! 

Joe: *Rolls eyes & gets dressed*

Kevin: *Turns on the TV, views the weather for today* Ha! You see perfect temp. always, its awesome! Gotta love it. 

Joe: *Finishes putting on v-shaped t-shirt & swimming trunks* All set. 

Nick: *Comes out of the bathroom all dressed* Ready to go guys?

Kevin: *Clicks TV off* You know it! Come on guys I got the whole day already mapped out!

~ So after eating another excellent breakfast, Kevin drives Joe & Nick somewhere special. What the boys don't know that Kevin watched a vid of Fiji's attractions & interesting places to see. And of course our boys have ventured out & explored a little, but not that much. Kevin's mind acts like a natural GPS, who has a perfect sense of direction. While driving together they sing & hum songs of different artists like Lady Antebellum, Rascal Flatts, Lifehouse & more. Eventually they all arrive at ... ~

Kevin: *Parks car* We're here! What do you guys think? 

Nick: *Looks around & sees a harbor of boats, ships & more* Cool Kev. Are we going sailing?

Joe: *Takes a guess* Or rafting?

Kevin: *Shakes head* Sorry, both are wrong. Actually ... *leads them to where I want them to be* we're going to do this!

Nick: *Eyes widen* Jet skiing & scuba diving?

Kevin: *Nods bubbly* Yeah & parasailing, snuba, & of course more surfing! 

Joe: *Grins excitedly* Well ... what are we standing here for? Lets go!

Nick: *Laughs* Yeah, race ya! *jumps onto a jet ski & takes off at full speed/cheering*

Kevin: *Gets on jet ski* Your SO on!

Joe: *Surprised, but recovers & jumps on to my own jet ski* Wait up Nick!! 

Nick: *Slows speed a little, cause I know Joe will get worried*

Kevin: *Races past Nick* Whoo!!!

Joe: *Joins Nick's side* Whew! That's better, come baby boy lets dance! 

Nick: *Bites lip & giggles joyfully/keeps of with Joe, moving together on their jet ski's in a perfect time & harmony*

Kevin: *Turns in a circle, watching them/beaming for them* 

Joe: *Smiles wickedly & speeds up & completely drenches Kevin* Ha, gotcha!

Nick: *Stops & covers mouth to stop laughing so much* You ... okay Kev?

Kevin: *Shakes the water off* Oh! Never better baby bro. *looks at Joe* Your so going to get it now! *speeds up & chases Joe* Yeah YOU better run! 

Nick: *Smiles. Kev's so playful, I've missed this ... being all together. Its always a blast*

Joe: *Looking back & speeding away at the same time* Whoo! Just try to catch me Kev!!

Kevin: *Gaining more speed* You watch man, I'm gonna getcha! 

Nick: *Speeds up to catch up with them* Wait up guys! 

Joe: *Blows a strawberry at Kevin* Kev can't catch me!

Kevin: *Smirks* You THINK so bro?! *at last catches up to him & actually jumps onto his back, sending them both flying into the water*

Nick: *Gasps* Guys! 

Joe: *Comes up, laughing so much* Whoa what a tumble! You see that Nick? Totally-..

Kevin: *Comes up, gasping/looks at Joe & splashes him* AWESOME! Whew!

Joe: *Splashes back*

Nick: *Watches/laughing with them* Okay you guys, ready to explore the sea?

Kevin: *Stops splashing & looks at Nick* Maybe ... after this *pulls him into the water* Ha!

Joe: *Swims under Nick & rises up out the water with Nick sitting on my shoulders, lucky its not deep & I can still stand. I held onto his his thighs* I gotcha Nicky!

Nick: *Blushes & rests my hands on his head* Joey!

Kevin: *Snaps a pic with my waterproof camera* Aww, smile! 

Joe: *Grins happily*

Nick: *Smiles big* 

Kevin: *Gives a thumbs up sign & takes the pic, along with many more* Sings: Picture perfect! *puts away the camera* Al right, scuba time, gear up you 2, we're about to go below. ~ Everyone gets suited up & together they all dive down. And close enough is deeper water, surrounded by coral & fish galore ~

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

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Added on November 5, 2010
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joe Jonas Nick Jonas



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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