Paradise Ep 27

Paradise Ep 27

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Paradise Ep. 27 (Acceptance?/Hugs & Kisses)

~ So Nick & Joe takes turns telling the story, recapping everything that has happened. From the beginning, Ari & her sisters, the gift, Joe's movie deal, Taylor, Drake & Josh (and their own story) ... everything they can to help Kevin understand. Kevin responds by mostly nodding & just listening taking it all in. Finally they finish, everyone is in silence ~

Nick: Whispers: Kev ...

Joe: *Pulls Nick into a hug/looks at Kevin*

Kevin: *Shallows* I don't know what to say guys, really. *gets up from his chair/grips their table/looks down for a few sec's, then looks at them & ...* Yells: Are you guys insane?! Do you know what this'll do to mom & dad?! Our family?! How could this happen?!

Nick: *Looks down* W-we're sorry Kevin ... W-we don't want to hurt anyone with our feelings ... b-but ... p-please Kev ... w-we love each.

Joe: *Rubs Nick's back, trying to comfort him* Kev ... Nick's right. Please ... you're our brother ... please don't yell. 

Kevin: *Walks over & pulls Nick away from Joe/shakes him* Nick look at me ...

Nick: *Eyes wet with tears/looks up into Kevin's eyes* 

Kevin: *Looks into Nicks eyes, sees my reflection/calms down a bit* Nick ... tell me how you feel about Joe. 

Nick: *Sobbing/voice breaking* I-I love Joe. I-I always have & always will. H-he's my heart.

Kevin: *Looks at Joe/still holding Nick's shoulders* Joe?

Joe: *Takes steps closer to Nick* And I love Nick, now & forever. He's my soul. 

Kevin: *Releases Nick/turns away, then looks back at them* Well then I guess ... I have no choice then .. but to ...

Nick: *Shuts his eyes*

Joe: *Hugs Nick tight/braces himself* 

Kevin: *Turns angry frown into a huge smile* Hug you! *embraces them fiercely*

Nick: *Opens my eyes, doesn't believe what just happened*

Joe: *Smiles a little/puzzled* Kev? ...

Kevin: *Hugs them tighter* Finally! ... You guys said it!

Nick: *Pulls away/looking back & forth between Joe and Kevin* W-what?

Joe: Are we missing ... something here? 

Kevin: *Sighs/lets them go/continues smiling* I knew. I've known all along.

Nick: Y-you what?

Joe: Yeah, um ... knew what all along? 

Kevin: *Claps hands* You guys! Seriously, I've known about you two from the very beginning. Even before you told me today, I knew! 

Nick: B-but ... how?

Joe: *Folds arms* Kev, mind explaining?

Kevin: Okay! Okay! Look as the oldest, let me start by saying that it wasn't hard to figure out. Since you were born, Nick, Joe has always clearly loved you. I could see it, you two just shared a special connection. I thought at the time, it was just brotherly love, just like any family. Then we Nick was diagnosed with diabetes, everything changed. The whole family was scared. Though, Nick said he wouldn't let it stop him, from living life, we were all struggling to be strong. It was tough for all of us, but I could see that ... it was the hardest on you, Joe. I began to notice every time on stage & when we'd do our vid's of randomness. You kept hugging Nick & you wouldn't let him go. And you'd always keep close by his side. I saw your face, & I knew then & there, that you loved Nick more than a brother. So I kept quiet, just watching the two of you. It was later on that when NIck was cured that, I saw his feelings just from the songs, emotions, & ultimately in your eyes, Nick. You gave it all away. So when you two went on this vacation, I had a strong feeling you guys would finally reveal your love for each other. And it looks like I was right. *winks* 

Nick: *Still can't believe it* B-but ... Kev ... y-you ... w-we ... I-I ...

Joe: You mean you knew all this time, & you didn't tell us?

Kevin: *Nods* Yes. Look you guys, I knew, yes, but I didn't know if you'd two would ever tell each other. So I just decided to not interfere, & let you two work it out. 

Joe: *Moves towards Kevin* And just now ... you knew ... and still you teased us?! Scaring us? Playing games Kevin?

Kevin: *Backs away a little, but then shrugs* I'm sorry! I just wanted to loosen you guys up! I could tell from the min., I arrived you guys were tense. I am sorry, really, it wasn't a nice thing to do, & I apologize for it. Please forgive me. *prays/gives puppy eyes*

Joe: *Hugs Kevin* You're forgiven bro.

Kevin: *Smiles/pulls away/looks at Nick who is just been standing there with his mouth opened/walks up to Nick & hugs him, spinning him* My baby bro & Joe has finally found true love!

Nick: *Laughs* Kevin! 

Kevin: *Raises eyebrow* What? I can't hug you Nick? You're finally together with Joe! WHOOO!

Nick: *Smiles/sniffles* I just can't believe it Kevin. I'm shocked, you accept us? 

Kevin: *Hugs Nick/extends arm to Joe* Of course I do! 

Joe: *Hugs Kevin & Nick/laughs* I glad you do, Kev. It really means a lot to us. 

Nick: *Gasping* Uh Kev ... Joe ..  you guys are crushing me.

Kevin: *Lets go* Sorry Nick. I'm just so happy for your guys! Frankie even said that you two would make a cute couple. *laughs* And he was right, we're placing bets when you'd guys would tell each other. I won cause I said on this vacation! Frankie's guess was before you guys left & came here. Ha! I knew it would be here! 

Nick: *Smiling happily* You're sure your not mad at us? 

Kevin: Are you kidding me?! Yeah it was weird finding out on my own, but hearing it now confirmed, I couldn't be happier for you! 

Joe: Wait, Frankie knows? Who else does?

Kevin: *Counts fingers* Me, Dani, Frankie, Drake & Josh for you guys and Ari & her sisters, and unfortunately Taylor. I can't believe that guy! Well he got his, we just got to tell everyone else to warn them of him. Anyways thats pretty much it. When are you planning on telling the rest of the family?

Nick: *Smile fades/looks down*

Joe: *Bites lip* We're hoping soon, maybe when we're finished here.

Kevin: *Nods* That's probably the best thing. Well ... when you do *pats both of their shoulders* I'll be here for you two. After all, we're brothers! *smiles cheerily*

Nick: *Giggles softly* Thank you Kevin ... but how did you know about Ari?

Kevin: *Waves a playful thing back & forth* Whoa, whoa, one thing a time! *closes eyes & sighs* When we went snorkeling one morning in Molikini Crater, Maui, we came across a group of bottlenose dolphins playing. We couldn't believe our eyes! There were so many! One particularly came up to Dani, while I was taking pics. Dani said the dolphin could speak to her mentally, we were both in shock. I almost didn't believe her until, the dolphin named Bia, explained everything. She told us not to be alarmed, she is a friend sent to give each of us a message. For Dani, it was about realizing her gift & to congratulate on her on our marriage. More importantly, Bia wanted to speak with me & since Dani is the one with the gift, it was the only way to communicate with me. She said that she is one of 26 sisters & that her sister, Ari knows Nick & Joe. So I listened along with Dani quietly. She said that I will be the one to understand a secret that you guys have been keeping for some time. At first, I couldn't think, and told her I don't know what she means. She told me to look harder & you'll be able to see it. So continued on, that I would be very supportive and that is what you guys wanted the most. She thanked me and said she was honored to have meet Dani & I. And that she & her sisters will be watching you. She wished us good luck & to take care. And with that she left & we haven't seen her since. It was right after that, that I understood what she meant. It was Joe & you! So I called you quick & arranged to come here & talk to you guys.

Nick: Wow. 

Joe: *Scratches head* I'll say. 

Kevin: I know right? I'd like to call this whole experience ... magic. Hearing dolphin's thoughts, confronting you two ... wow what a vacation, huh?

Nick: So what now?

Joe: *Looks at watch* It's still early, why don't we play some miniature golf? 

Nick: That sounds- ...

Kevin: *Interrupts* Mini golf guys? Come on! I know thats not what you want to do, so how about this? *brings 1 finger as in "wait just a min." & goes out of the room*

Joe: *Wraps a arm around Nick/watching with him where Kevin left to* Well that went better than I thought it was going to be.

Nick: *Leans against Joe* I still can't believe it. He knew all along, do you think everyone else might know?

Joe: *Sighs* I don't know baby boy, I guess we'll see soon enough. 

Nick: *Hugs Joe* I love you.

Joe: *Caresses his cheeks* And I love you. *kisses his lips tenderly*

Nick: *Wraps arms around his neck*

Joe: *Holding Nick's waist*

Nick: *Moans softly* Mmm Joey ...

Kevin: *Tip toes back in & smiles to see his brothers sharing an intimate moment, but enough of that ... & hits a button for music/"Never Gonna Give You Up" By Rick Astley begins* Surprise!!

Joe: *Pulls away to see flashing party lights & speakers blasting* Whoa!

Nick: *Laughs* Oh, my God! 

Kevin: *Whoops* Yea! Party time! *dances freely*

Joe: *Joins the fun, doing all these silly & crazy moves that I can think of*

Nick: *At 1st watches them laughing & enjoying their playful & silliness*

Kevin: *Grabs Nick's hands & pulls him into a dance* Oh no you don't Nick! No watching, only dancing! Whoo!

Nick: *Spins together with Kevin, laughing* 

Joe: *Joins them, all 3 are now holding hands & are dancing together in a circle* 

~ They rest of the evening they dance together having a blast. Finally towards the end of the evening everyone goes to their rooms, well Kevin to his & Joe and Nick together in theirs. Enter Joe's room: ... ~

Joe: *Showered along with Nick & ready for bed* That was quite a night Nicky! 

Nick: *Already snuggled into the covers & pillow* Sleepily: Yeah, it was.

Joe: *Climbs into bed & hugs Nick close* Aww go to sleep baby boy, tomorrows another day. *winks*

Nick: *Yawns & cuddles into Joe's chest*

Joe: *Kisses his head & falls into a slumber along with Nick* 

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

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Added on November 5, 2010
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joe Jonas Nick Jonas



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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