Paradise Ep 26

Paradise Ep 26

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Paradise Ep. 26 (Welcome Kevin!/You Guys Are What ...?!)

Kevin: *Arrives at Joe & Nick's private resort/thanks limo driver/walks to the pool area. Maybe I should call them? Nah, I'll sneak up on them, instead! Continues to walk & stops when he sees ...*

Nick: *Playing ball with Joe in the pool/stops & smiles big* KEVIN! 

Joe: *Turns around/holds inflatable ball/grins* Kev!

Kevin: *Laughs/walks to the stair area while they're swimming to greet me* Darn I was going to surprise you, but looks like you caught me! 

Nick: *Reaches him first/hugs him* We missed you! How have you been?

Joe: *Hugs them both* Yeah we did! We can't believe you here!

Kevin: *Embraces them both/closes eyes* Yeah, well me too!  Really great guys, really great! *looks around* WOW, this place is really something, you guys weren't kidding! It's really paradise!

Nick: *Pulls away/smiles & looks around* Where's all your stuff?

Kevin: *Grins* All taken care of baby bro. So what's for lunch, I'm starved!

Joe: *Shakes head/laughs* Come on, we're having lunch on the beach! Today's special: Opah (also called Moonfish)! 

Kevin: *Licks lips* Mmmm, that's sounds delish! Let's go!

~ All go to the beach, where everything is set with a round table with all kinds of Fiji delicacies & drinks for 3~ 

Kevin: *Eating/talking in between* My God, this is really good! No, the best!

Nick: *Giggles* Yep!

Joe: *Chuckles* No finer meal, than this! *raises his glass* I'd like to make a toast to Kevin, congrats on your dream house & having a beautiful wife to share it with. And also for coming here to visit us.

Kevin: *Raises glass* Cheers!

Nick: *Does the same* Cheers!

Kevin: *Takes a deep breath* Man, this place is soo relaxing! Reminds me of Hawaii, but not as busy & crowded. Luckily, Dani & I choose a really nice part of the island. You guys will love it, it's perfect! 

Joe: That's cool! Wow, yeah we can't wait to visit! Which island did you choose though? 

Kevin: *Grins big* Only the best for my Princess! At first we tried the Big Island, which was nice, but that volcano of there's is still erupting, so that one was definitely out. Then we moved on to Maui, which we loved the most, but still wasn't the one. We tried, Lanai, Molokai, Oahu, & Kaui, until finally we came across Nihuii. It's small than the others, but really private & beautiful. We made a deal, with the owners of the island, who wanted to sell off part of the island, & we accepted!

Nick: Wow! Sounds amazing! Did you tell mom & dad yet?

Kevin: Yup! All set! I can't wait for Dani & I to go back. But in the mean time, I want to have lots of fun with you guys. What's new, besides relaxing in such paradise?!

Joe: Oh, well, we've gone parasailing, seen lots & lots of dolphins, been swimming in the pool & ocean everyday, meeting new people, just having a blast really, right Nick!

Nick: *Nods* Yeah it's been the best! 

Kevin: Sounds like it! *looks at Nick* Nick, you seem really happy & I don't know why .. but are you glowing? 

Joe: *Shrugs, trying to keep cool* It's probably the sun, it's so nice & warm here, perfect temp! 

Nick: *Fights the urge to blush/agrees with Joe* Yeah, too much sun! *laughs*

Kevin: *Not convinced, but lets it go* Hmm, okay. Well then, what do you say to some surfing? 

Joe & Nick: Yeah!

~ All 3 Jonas Brothers hit the waves, & today there seems to be some actual waves flowing in ~

Kevin: *Laughing/balancing* W-whoa!

Joe: *Riding the waves soothly & smiling* Whooo!

Nick: *Paddling for a new wave/begins to stand up, almost falls, but regains balance* Woo-hooo!

Kevin: *Falls off* Uh-oh! Whoa! *rises up* What a rush!

Joe: *Rides his wave to the shore & whoops* WHOO! I'll say! 

Nick: *Zigs & zags so cool through the waves perfectly* Yeah! 

Kevin: *Goes for another wave/cruises through the water/laughing & cheering* Whooo! Ha ha!

Joe: *Paddles back to Kevin & Nick/lays back on my board & stares up at the sky/I'm just floating, till a wave causes me to tip over* Whoa! 

Nick: *Paddles fast to Joe's side* Joe! You okay?

Joe: *Comes up/gasps/smiles* Yeah just awesome!

Kevin: *Rides wave over to them/laughing* Ha! That wave gotcha dude, big time!

Joe: *Rolls eyes* Yeah, well how about this! *pushes his shoulder*

Kevin: *Falls back* Uh-oh. *rises up/still laughing* Touche bro!

Nick: *Giggles, but then looks at what's coming at them/pointing shakily* U-um guys ...

~ All stare at a huge wave that is right in front of them ~

Joe: Look out guys!

Nick: *Screams*

Kevin: *Stops laughing* Not again! 

~ WIPEOUT! The wave is so strong, if sends them to shore with their surf boards near them ~

Kevin: *Coughing/starts laughing again* WHOA! Whata ride! Everyone okay?

Joe: *Rolls over on his back/laying on the wet sand* Great! *looks around* Nick? Nick?!

Nick: *Farther from everyone else on the sand/on his stomach/leaning up* Calls: I'm al right! Over here guys!

Joe: *Runs over to Nick/helps him up* Whispers: You sure?

Nick: *Nods/wipes face with hands*

Kevin: *Runs over/pats Nicks & Joe's shoulders* That ... was ... awesome! Wanna go again?!

Joe: *Looks at Nick unsure*

Nick: *Smiles* Sure, lets go! 

Kevin: *Grabs surfboard* Come on guys! 

~ They continue surfing for the rest of the day, till finally the sun sets & its time for dinner, where Joe 1st told Nick his feelings ~

Joe: *Sighs big* Ummm! Another excellent meal! I'm full, what about you guys?

Kevin: *Smiles* Stuffed to the max! It was sooo good! 

Nick: *Laughs a little* Yeah it was.

Kevin: Oh you guys, it's been so fun! This whole day! You think one day, you'll live here?

Joe: *Shrugs* Maybe. It is peaceful here.

Nick: *Takes a sip of water* Yeah, he's right. Maybe.

Kevin: *Nods* We'll where ever, I'm sure it'll be awesome! *changes subject* So ... Joe, have you met anyone special?

Joe: *Laughs* Like who?

Kevin: Come on Joe, like a girl?

Joe: *Shakes head* No, not really. Not actually looking. I've found something else ...

Nick: *Freezes*

Kevin: *Confused* What do you mean?

Joe: *Grabs Nick's hand/inhales deeply* Kevin ... Nick & I ... have something to tell you.

Kevin: *Looks at them* What guys?

Joe: *Exhales* I love Nick.

Kevin: Yeah, so do I. What's the deal?

Joe: *Tries again* Kevin, I'm ... in .. love .. with ... Nick.

Kevin: *Eyes widen* You what?!

Nick: *Finds voice, but speaks quietly* And ... I'm .. in love ... with Joe. W-we're a couple now, Kevin. 

Kevin: *Openmouthed/shocked* You guys are what?! 

Joe: *Trying to remain calm & at the same time serious* Nick & I have been dating. We're in love Kevin. I know this is extremely weird, at least for you, but please hear us out. We'll tell you how it started.

Kevin: *Still completely speechless, but somehow nods for them to explain*

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

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Added on November 5, 2010
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joe Jonas Nick Jonas



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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