Paradise Ep 25

Paradise Ep 25

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Paradise Ep. 25 (Nick's Turn/Kevin's Arrival)

Nick: *Moans/rubs Joe's back/feels Joe & myself getting really aroused*

Joe: *Kisses & nuzzles his stomach/rubs Nick's thighs fast*

Nick: *Moans loader* Ohhh ... Joe

Joe: *Falls on top of Nick/groans/continues to tease & play mischievously with him* Mmm ... Nick

Nick: *Rolls over so that I'm on top/takes chance to kiss all over Joe's face & body*

Joe: *Groans much loader/crushes Nick closer to my body* Niicck ... 

Nick: *Enjoying this immensely/touches & rubs Joe's pelvis* Mmmm ....

Joe: *Begins to tug at Nick's boxers/breathing hotly* Come on Nickkkk ... Ohhh 

Nick: *Blushes deeply/feels Joe's length pressed hard against my thigh/moans* Ooooohh .... *slowly gets off of Joe & runs to get a condom/excitingly opens it & climbs back on top him & removes his boxers/gasps at how hard he has become/shakes head to focus/puts it on him*

Joe: *Watching Nick heatedly/groaning* Hurry baby .... *rips his boxers off/pulls Nick in front of his hard erection* You ready Nicky?

Nick: *Takes a breath/nods/feels Joe's length slide into him/tilts head back/moans* Uhhhh ... *starts to move slowly inside him/leans my hands on his chest for support*

Joe: *Biting bottom lip/groaning/grabs Nick's hips & squeezes them hard* Niicckkyy ... Uhhhhh ....

Nick: *Moves a little faster/breath becoming uneven* Uhhhhhhh! Joeeeyy ohhhhh!

Joe: *Rubbing Nick's hips faster* Uhhhhhhh mmmmmm ...

Nick: *Moving in & out/going harder/sreams* UHHHHHHHH! JJJJJJJOOOOOOEEE!

Joe: *Pulls Nick into me more/sooo in pleasure/comes* Ohhhhhhhhhh Uhhhhhhh ...

Nick: *Gasps loudly/continues moving harder* UUUUUHHHHHH! 

Joe: *Cups Nick's face/pulls him to kiss him/groaning in his mouth* Niiiiiiiiccckkk ...

Nick: *Comes/kisses Joe passionately* JOOOOOOEEEEEYYYYY!

Joe: *Nips at Nick's neck* Mmmmmm Niccccckkk ...

Nick: *Goes harder/pulls on Joe's hair* Ohhhhhhh Jooooooooooeeeeeeyyy!

Joe: *Continues sucking Nick's neck/sooooooo turned on by all of this* Niiiiiiccckkk .... 

Nick: *Really moving fast/comes/screams/feels himself getting weak, but doesn't want to stop* Uhhhhhhhhhh!!

Joe: *Opens eyes/looks at Nick/pulls hand behind his head & kisses him with such burning fire that it seems to be consuming them both*

Nick: *Screams super loud/it's soooooooooooooo hotttt!* UHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! 

Joe: *Comes/grips Nick's back tightly/groans just as loud* Uhhhhhhhhhhh! 

~ They continue for an hour ~

Nick: *Collapses onto to Joe's chest/breathing extremely heavy* 

Joe: *Presses my lips to Nick's forehead/breathing heavy as well* Oh Nick ... your ... sooooo ... amazing.

Nick: *Laughs softly* You ... too.

Joe: *Flips on top of Nick/kisses lips affectionately* Ready for more baby boy?

Nick: *Nods* Murmurs: Yes.

Joe: *Smiles wickedly/moves slowly in & out of him*

Nick: *Arches back high/moans* Uhhh ...

Joe: *Goes harder/rubs Nick's legs*

Nick: *Tilts head back* Uhhhh ... yesssss

Joe: *Comes/moving a lot faster now* Ohhhhh ....

Nick: *Arms wind around his neck/hips grip around Joe's* Yesss, yesss, ohhhh yeessss!

Joe: *Kisses Nick's nose/groans* Uhhhhhh ...

Nick: *Feels Joe's hips slamming into mine harder & harder/screams* UHHHHHHHH JOOEEE!

Joe: *Goes deeper & deeper into Nick* Uhhhhh! Mmmmmmmm ...

Nick: *Grips the sheets tight* Uhhhhhhhh! Mmmorrrrre Jjjjoeeey!

Joe: *Heat is taking them higher & higher/goes even harder than ever* Niccccccccccckkk!


Joe: *Never fails to stop going harder & faster inside of Nick/comes* Ohhhhh Nickkkky!


Joe: *Smiles/still giving it all I've got* Uhhh! And ... I loooovee yoooouu Niiiicccck!

~ Another hour goes by ~

Joe: *Carefully pulls out of Nick/hugs him close, but as delicate as possible/kisses lips lightly* Heaven ... sent ... that's ... what ... you ... are.

Nick: *Smiles tiredly/nods/cuddles into Joe/falls to sleep*

Joe: *Kisses his nose/falls to sleep with him*

~ Next morning ~

Joe: *Awakens/yawns & stretches/kisses Nick's forehead/smiles*

Nick: *Opens one eye/smiles/laughs quietly* Morning Joey.

Joe: *Kisses his lips sweetly* Morning my cute Nick. Did I wake you baby? Do want to sleep some more?

Nick: *Wipes sleepiness away/blushes* Yes & no. 

Joe: *Raises eyebrow* Which one is which?

Nick: *Giggles/hugs him* Yes you did wake me, but its okay. I wouldn't want to miss anything. *pulls away/winks* And no to the sleeping, cause we got to get ready for Kev's arrival. 

Joe: *Closes eyes/lies on back/moans. Do we have to get up?? What if we can't walk?

Nick: *Bounces out of bed happily* I think I'm getting used to it!

Joe: *Sits up surprised/looks at him* Really Nicky?

Nick: *Walks to the fridge/grabs 2 nice cold waters/takes a sip/walks back to him/offers him the other drink* Yes Joey.

Joe: *Takes the bottle/opens it & drinks it/gasps* Mmm that's good! *wraps arms around Nick's waist* But still, its not as good as you.

Nick: *Smiles brightly/kisses his lips* I love you Joey.

Joe: *Kisses back deeply* And I love you Nicky. 

~T ogether they get dressed, eat, & await Kevin's call. They decided to lay by the pool & soak up the sun ~ 

Joe: *Laying next to Nick/they're taking up 2 lounge chairs that are set together/phone vibrates/picks it up & answers it* Speakerphone: Hey Kev! You here?

Kevin: Yep! I just got in, what a long flight, whoa. So just hand tight guys, I should be there in less than half an hour! Cya real soon!

Joe & Nick: Okay! Bye Kev! *hangs up*

Kevin: *Hangs up phone/gets off private jet. Thinking: This we'll be fun, mostly. Shakes head smiling & laughs/climbs into limo & observes the island* 

Joe: *Hugs Nick close* Well looks like, this is it, Nicky. You okay?

Nick: *Rests my head on Joe's chest/nods* As long as you're here, I'm happy.

Joe: *Crushes Nick even closer/sighs* Me too, baby boy. Me too.

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

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1 Review
Added on November 5, 2010
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joe Jonas Nick Jonas



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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