Paradise Ep 24

Paradise Ep 24

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Paradise Ep. 24 (Soaring & Flying High/Kevin's Call)

~ Next morning, our lovebirds have been refreshed & eat breakfast, are on their way to go parasailing ~

Joe: *With Nick/about to take away into the wind/both are set together, waiting for the signal to fly off* Are we good to go?

Motorboat Driver (MD): Yes all set! You are clear from take off boys! Enjoy! *waves & lets them go*

Nick: *Screams* Whooaaa! *laughing*

Joe: *Grinning/laughing/smiling* Whoo-hooo! We're flying babyyy! Whooo!

Nick: *Exclaiming* We're soaring!! WOW! This is AWESOME!! WHOOO!

Joe: *Gazes at the land they're passing, the baby blue sky with white puffy clouds moving by, sees green covered mt.'s, other islands nearby* Such paradise!!!! Yahooo!

~They sing "Breaking Free" from HSM & "Fly With Me" (their own song ;-)~

Nick: *Takes a breath. I'm Enjoying everything & I'm openmouthed looking in all directions* Wooo! *sees dolphins playing from afar. Ari, is that you?*

Zari: *Chuckles. Nope this is Zari (Zariana). I'm one of Ari's sisters. There's 26 of us all together, we're all girls. How are you Nick? Looks like you & Joe are having blast!*

Nick: *Smiles. Yes we are, we're great! Can you tell Ari & Malli, thank you for watching over me & for bringing Josh & Drake to us, please?*

Zari: *You got it! Take care Nick! Have fun, catcha later! waves/swims away with her sisters*

Nick: *Waves bye to Zari & thanks her*

Joe: *Looks at Nick/smiles* Is it Ari?

Nick: *Faces Joe/shakes head* No it was one of her sisters, her name was Zari. Ari has 26 sisters total! 

Joe: *Shrugs* Wow big family. Do you think we'll get to meet them all?

Nick: *Closes eyes* I'm sure we will.

~ They continue their high flying fun for the rest of the day. Now it's 5PM. And they're having an early dinner. ~

Nick: *Sipping my tropical smoothie/looking at the view. We're up at a seclusive restaurant, that has 5 levels. Our level is the very top, & we can see everything in al directions. It's really beautiful! Feels cell-phone vibrating against pants pocket/retrieves it & looks at caller ID/asnwers it. Hey Kev! How are you? *puts it on speakerphone*

Joe: *Eyes widen/stops eating*

Kevin: Just amazing, Nick! What about you & Joe? How's Fiji?

Nick: *Looks at Joe/smiles a little* It's really fun & its been the best! We're enjoying it so much! 

Kevin: *Laughs* Good to hear! So I have news, it's been really nice in Hawaii. Danielle & I just love it so! We decided to move here permanently! So Danielle, is flying back to her family to get some things & they miss her, so I told her that I will fly to you guys in the meantime, while everything is being prepared & then I'll catch a ride back with her. I'm leaving for the airpot right now, I'll call you when I get in, okay! I can't wait to see you guys! 

Nick: *Speechless*

Joe: *Shocked*

Kevin: Nick? You there?

Nick: Stammering* Y-yeah, I'm here. T-that's great Kev. C-can't wait to see you too.

Joe: *Finds voice* We look forward to it, Kev! 

Kevin: Okay ... Well cya you guys soon! Bye!

Joe & Nick: Bye ... *Nick closes the phone & looks very worried*

Joe: *Gets up from my seat/kneels in front of Nick/takes his hands gently & rubs them/looks up at him* I guess ... it's time Nick.

Nick: *Looks down/mumbles* I know, but ... what if he doesn't understand? ... I don't want him to hate us ...

Joe: *Leans up to kiss Nick so tenderly/rubs his arms up & down* Remember what Drake & Josh told us, it'll be al right. He's our brother, he won't hate us. We'll explain everything calmly, he'll accept us Nick. I feel it, so don't worry, we're in this together. 

Nick:*Nods/wraps arms around Joe's neck* Whispers: Okay. *finishes dinner with Joe/eating silently together*

Joe: *Looks at Nick/trying to think of a way to cheer him up* 

Nick: *Phone vibrates/grabs it quickly thinking Kevin has canceled/looks at the name/puts on speakerphone once again/smiles big* Drake is that you?!

Drake: *Laughs* Speaking!

Josh: Hey! I'm here too! 

Joe: *Laughs too* Hey you guys! What's up? Where are you at?

Drake: We in Hollywood, CA. Were ...

Josh: Just doing some interviews & then we're flying to New York, to kick off the tour. We're already booked for the entire U.S.! It's crazy! But enough about us, how are you two?

Nick: *Smile fades* We just got a call from Kevin ... he's

Joe: *Tries to smile* He's coming here to us, to visit. Apparently he's moving to Hawaii with Danielle, & she's flying to visit her family & get things set. 

Drake: Oh my gosh! Does that mean you're going to tell him?

Josh: Are you guys ready to take that step?

Nick: *Sighs* Not really. But we know we have to be honest with him. He's going to be staying with us for a few days I'm sure, so we can't push the truth away.

Joe: *Nods* We just want to tell him & be honest. I didn't think it would come so soon, this moment, but no matter what. We're all family, & we love each other, & ready or not we're going to go through with this.

Drake: *Sighs* Well you know that, Josh & I, support you guys 100%, & we want to wish you good luck. You guys will be fine, I just know it.

Josh: I agree too. If you guys need us, just give give us a call, we'll help in any way we can, right Drakie?

Drake: Of course! We'll here for you, both of you! 

Nick: Thank you guys! And when ever you need us, we'll be there for you too!

Joe: That's right! Cause we're sings: inseparable. 

Drake: Awww! You got that ...

Josh: Sooo right! Well we wish you guys the best, take care. Call if anything happens, okay! 

Nick: We will! Bye Drake & Josh! Have a fun tour!

Joe: Yeah, good luck & we'll talk to you soon!

Drake & Josh: Thanks guys, tootadles! *say goodbye & hang up*

Joe: *Closes phone/smiles at Nick reassuringly* They're right, it'll turn out all right. *winks*

Nick: *Smiles a little/still feels worried, but doesn't want to show it* Yeah ... 

Joe: *Takes Nick's hand & pulls him into a dance* ~ Michael Buble's "I've Got You Under My Skin" plays ~ 

Nick: *Breaks into a laugh* You're soo romantic, you know that?

Joe: *Grins sexily* Yes I suppose I am, but it's nothing next to you ... *moves with Nick as if in a dream* sings: You're under my skin.

Nick: *Giggles/tilts head back while Joe is moving them in circles/closes eyes*

Joe: *Hums as the orchestra break starts & resumes singing music/spins Nick*

Nick: *Gasps/trying to stop giggling, but the moment is soo sweet/listens to Joe singing to him*

Joe: Singing: "Because I got you under my skin. And I love you ... under my skin. *pulls him real close so their faces are together/kisses Nick's lips softly* ~song ends~

Nick: *Melts/kisses back smiling* Whispers: Your charming Joe. I just love you.

Joe: *In Between kisses* Thank you ... baby. You ... shine brighter than any star & celestial body ... my sweet ... adorable ... Nick. I ... love ... you. 

Nick: *Goes weak at the knees/thankfully Joe supports him/sighs blissfully/loses himself in Joe's warm loving kiss*

~Towards the end of their evening, they walk hand & hand to Joe's room. The look up at the moonlight, that is watching over them luminously~

Joe: *Looks up at the moon while walking with Nick* Its beautiful tonight *turns to Nick/smiles downright devilishly* But you're the one ... who is glowing a billion times brightly.

Nick: *Starry eyed/tee-hee's at Joe's sexiness* 

Joe: *Touches Nick's cheek/feels him tremble/stops walking & pecks his lips*

Nick: *Feels tingles at over, from head to toe/feels Joe's hot skin against mine/moans softly*

Joe: *Scoops Nick into my arms/still pecking his lips/then pulls away cause we're arrived at his room/opens the door/and carries him in & lays him on the bed gently/gets on top deepening the kiss*

Nick: *Smiles/starts trying to undress Joe blindly/hands are shaking slightly/breathing in Joe's scent & becoming dazed*

Joe: *Licks Nick's lips & moves down his neck/working his hands to free him of his clothes/pulls away for a min. to finish ripping off my jacket, unbuttoned shirt, & my pants that have been zippered down. I quickly kick off my socks & shoes, then strips down to boxers. Looks at Nick with dark desire eyes* Now it's your turn ... 

Nick: *Nods/finishes undressing & leaving me in my boxers/leans up to kiss Joe*

Joe: *Kisses Nick's face, lips, hair, all over his chest/moves my hands all over his body touching, tasting, teasing* 

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

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Added on November 5, 2010
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joe Jonas Nick Jonas



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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