Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 23 & 24

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 23 & 24

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 23 (Overprotectiveness & The New Guy)

Nick's POV 

I felt my entire body go down to the ground, which kind of hurt, but then again ... someone had cushioned my fall. I leaned my hands up on the person's chest & my eyes opened. I stared in shock as I got a glimpse at a young skinny man my age, whom of which I had landed on top of. Before I could get a word out, my face turned to the left & my eyes furthered widened. "Joe?" 

I immediately jumped off the man wildly embarrassed by the position I had been in. Joe looked really upset, he eyes were in shock at the sight, he was dripping in sweat, & he was breathing heavily. I can just imagine the conclusions he mind was jumping to, so before he could even get a word out I said, "Joe, oh thank goodness! I'm so sorry I'm late, I was practicing at the piano & I lost track on time. I just was coming out from the room, when I wasn't looking where I was going & I tripped & fell on to this man." I gestured to him. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to run into you like that," I apologized to him. He brushed himself off & shrugged it off like it was no problem. He smiled while chuckling saying, "No harm done. It was my fault, you see I watching you with you music professor earlier, Mrs. Swanson, & she brought me here to meet you. I'm David ... Archuleta." He extended out his hand & I in turn shook his hand. 

Joe's POV 

What in the world? Archuleta? The American Idol runner up for the year of 2008? HE was watching NICK? With his teacher? A likely story, but I need to know more. And Nick's story sounds like he's trying to convince me that, thats what really happened. Gods I trust Nick. And as I looked into his eyes, I saw the truth. My heart sighed at somewhat of relief, but I was still weary from being so freaked out. "I'm Joe Jonas," I cut in & shook his hand. Call it being protective & jealous or whatever you want, but I'm not too trusting of guys around Nick. 

He turned to me & shook my hand saying, "Nice to meet you Joe. Are you ...," he went on. Before he come to the conclusion of brothers, I corrected his guess, "I'm his fiancé." He didn't seem fazed by my words, he just grinned like happy-go-lucky person. "Actually I was going to say boyfriend, but looks like I wasn't too far off. Its quite a pleasure to meet you both," he said to each of us. 

He continued, "Mrs. Swanson is dear friend of mine & she was going on about Nick here. She was telling me all about his musical abilities, & so I was most excited to find out for myself. After watching you play & sing, Nick, I must say I'm really impressed. As I was saying to Mrs. Swanson, I think you have true talent. And thats why I came to properly meet you. I was wondering if you & Joe would like to join me for dinner & we can also discuss this all in more detail? Or if you already have plans, perhaps we can set up a time?" 

I glanced at Nick, his eyes were open widely & he mouth semi-open. Didn't I tell you guys that people would eventually find out about him & be coming around to try to work out a deal with him. It wasn't how I thought the moment would actually happen, but then again ... I'm glad I was here to witness the event. So, HE was watching. First with the teacher & then alone. The alone part bothers me. Thats the time I was using to try & get into here. So he was probably staring, eyes unable to tear away from Nick. That very thought, made my jaw tighten a bit. 

I've heard about this Archuleta fellow, he's only 19 years old & has three albums. I've followed Idol for awhile, so of course I know who he is. And for a new star, he sure takes the news of about Nick & I being together well. I looked at him, he could very well be gay or bi or even straight just trying to get Nick. From what I've seen & heard about him, he doesn't have a girlfriend yet. Lord knows I could be overacting & jumping to ridiculous conclusions. To me though, its just be cautious & probably being overprotective. 

Nick's POV 

Joe is no doubt not enjoying this moment, I can tell. He's frustrated & irritated. He's just being protective of me. My heart is already doing its usual flips of his behavior. Trust me when I say, I love him so much. He's been telling me that I will be discovered & its happening this very moment! And best of all, he's here with me. I must admit, this isn't how I really pictured the moment. But no matter, its still very real. 

David Archuleta. Indeed I know his name & who he is, just like Joe does. I'm a fan of his music. I can't believe of all people who'd find me practicing at school & who knows my teacher is him. This is really an interesting Friday. Still though I wish I had been watching where I was going, the whole tripping thing looks really bad. I just have to brush that off my mind & focus because my lifetime dream is being offered right in front of me. I grabbed Joe's hand & stood next him, letting him know how excited I was for the moment & also how happy I was that he was here to share it with me. 

Whatever his thoughts were on, he let go of them & snapped his attention to mine. He smiled warmly & squeezed my hand, as if saying "Me too. I love you Nick." I smiled back happily, words weren't necessary, we could communicate without them. Hands linked to together, we turned to David & said in unison, "Dinner sounds great." 

David's POV 

I watched them exchange a lovey-dovey moment & heard their words. I knew that Joe wasn't happy with finding young Nick like he did, but more importantly I knew right off the bat that he didn't like me. And truth be told, I didn't care much for him either. He isn't the one I want. He's basically a complication, one that I will need to work around. After all, I told you already ... I want Nick. And what I want I will get. And no guy, least of all Joe, will stand in my way. 

For now I must earn both of their trust & make them feel comfortable around me. And with Nick, its true I don't want to him to be uncomfortable. I want him to fall helplessly & desperately in love with me. That way he'll forget about Joe & marry me instead. The way I see it, its only a matter of time before Nick agrees to sign with me & become my protégé. And like I said, in time become all mine. 

I hadn't pictured Nick being in a relationship, but no matter. I'll need to get to know both of them more, & what excellent way to do that then dinner. I'll show them my shy nice guy side, show them that I'm down-to-earth. Its who I am, but I can also be very persistent. All & all I think this evening ahead of the three of us will go .... quite nicely. With that I said, "Awesome. Follow me guys to my car, how does Opah's sound?"

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 24 (Introducing Nicholas Jerry Jonas)

Joe's POV 

I continued to hold Nick's hand, walking with him while following him. "Sounds delightful, right Nick?" I held in a chuckle as I said this just because my baby boy was still in the state of shock. So I watched him smiled shyly & nod. When I looked back to Mr. Archuleta, I found his expression to be one of eyes closed with a smile. No matter what I'm staying on guard. Yet I don't want to seem like I'm controlling Nick to do whatever I want. This is first experience of being protective. It never occurred to me that Nick truly needed me to ward off unwanted males. 

Whatever happens tonight, I know Nick will decide in the end what's right. I want so much for him to live his dream, but now a new thought is that if he does get to why does it have to be with HIM? That means I'll have to keep a close eye on this guy. Newbie rock stars like mister here especially are notorious for being bad boys even though some do start off as nice guys. The more time you spend in 'the business' the more they change you or you become changed. 

Nick's POV

Why can't I snap of it? It ... feels too good to be true. I mean one minute I'm practicing alone & the next I know, I'm have a dinner meeting with David & Joe all at the same time. What are the odds? Sure enough every fiber of my being is very excited & scared. Millions of things were spiraling in my mind, endless possibilities of how my life was going to change. What a minute, don't ahead of yourself Nick. I mean, its just a little dinner & then chatting about what he wants to offer. Apart of me wants to just say yes, but then again I must take the proper amount of time to consider everything. 

As we all got into David's car, ~ Pic here: ~ he began to ask some questions. "So Nick, tell me more about yourself. I mean I can see you're an excellent musician & student, I'd like to know what got you interested & everything." I  took the main passenger seat next to David, though guilt struck through me. I disliked Joe being in the back. I didn't want him to feel like I didn't care that he was here. I looked back at him from my seat before answering, & he gave a warm knowing smile.

I smiled in turn, we know each other so well. I faced back forward & cleared my throat for telling my story. "My full name is Nicholas Jerry Jonas. I was born in Dallas Texas, September 16, 1992 & I'm an only child. Both of my parents are passed away & I have to other relatives. My parents left me their inheritance & at age 15 I moved to L.A. & have made that my permanent home. I'm a full-time college student & I'm working towards earning an A.A. degree & then transferring to a four-year university nearby. I recently met Joe & we fell in love & now we're engaged. As for being interested in music, I've always known from an early age that, this is what I loved doing the most. Its what I spend all my free time doing, when I wasn't in school or doing school work. I play a good variety of instruments from the piano, drums, guitar, keyboard, & more. I mostly love composing my own songs. Other hobbies of mine are drawing, painting, & playing basketball. I'm a fan of the L.A. Lakers, naturally my favorite player is Kobe Bryant. All & all, thats pretty much it." 

David's POV 

"Very interesting, Nick. You sound like a guy that knows what he wants & perseveres to achieve your goals. Outstanding I gotta say. I admire the dedication & passion, I can see you strive & excel at everything you do. And congratulations to you & Joe, its wonderful to have someone who's there for you." 

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

Author's Note

Episode 23 & 24 included here =)

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Added on November 5, 2010
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Nick Jonas Joe Jonas



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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