Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 19-22

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 19-22

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 19 (So Love To)

Nick's POV

A few days went by since the month had changed, sweet old November is here. The heat had doubled for CA's weather, I must say it was kind of too much. Like I said before I don't really care much for very hot weather. However, the sun is nice. Through the days of this intense heat wave, Joe & I went to his private pool. The water was a perfect solution to the icky heat. Its coolness brought soothing relaxation to us both. Joe took the opportunity to show off his cannonballs which sure made quite big splashes. He even got me to do them too, how he makes me smile. 

It was blissful the water & Joe, the combination of both just made me light as air. The way he spun me around in circles so lovingly. We laughed, dove into the water, we raced, we chased each other (well mainly he chase me, & of course always caught me). We marveled at the sky's wonderfully clear blue sky. We watched small hummingbirds make their soft sounds, watching how they take off with such incredible speed, like one moment you see them & the next they're gone. We also see other kinds of small brown birds with cute big heads & a long tail, chirping on & on, moving from place to place. 

We could see airplanes flying high above us taking their passengers to their destinations. And other sounds of children giggling, chasing each other & playing on their bikes & scooters. Also sounds of people walking their dogs, big & small. The business of the world goes on, but I'm here with Joe just as content as can be. 

Together we sang ...

~ "Give Love A Try (Edit)" ~


You, your like driving on a Sunday 

You, your like taking off on Monday 

You, you're like a dream, a dream come true 

I, I'm just a face you never notice 

Now I'm just trying to be honest 

With myself, with you, with the world 

Joe & Nick Together: 

You might think that I'm a fool 

For falling over you 

So tell me what can I do to prove to you 

That it's not so hard to do 

Give love a try, one more time 

'Cause you know that I'm on your side 

Give love a try, one more time 


In your eyes, when I saw them for the first time, 

I Knew that I was gonna love you for a long time 

With a love so real, so right 

How did it play out like a movie, 

Now every time its beat can move me, 

And I can't get your smile off my mind 

Joe & Nick:

'Cause you might think that I'm a fool 

For falling over you 

So tell me what can I do to prove to you 

That it's not so hard to do 

Give love a try, one more time 

'Cause you know that I'm on your side 

Give love a try, one more time 

One more time

Nick: Yeah, Yeah, Oh, Oh 

Joe: One More Time

As he finished the ending, I felt him pull against him sweetly. We gazed into each others, always getting deep lost in our everlasting love. He gently cupped my cheeks sending warm tingles & color into them. I blushed so easily whenever Joe would touch me, kiss me, lets just say he's true love. His kiss was romantic, the both of us begging for more. He then picked me up & I instantly responded by wrapping my thighs around his waist, trapping & linking us even closer together. He chuckled & began to sing softly in my ear: 

I run from hate, I run from prejudice

I run from pessimists, but I run too late

I run my life or is it running me, run from my past

I run too fast or too slow it seems

When lies become the truth

That's when I run to you

This world keeps spinning faster

Into a new disaster so I run to you, I run to you baby

When it all starts coming undone

Baby, you're the only one I run to, I run to you

We run on fumes, your life and mine

Like the sands of time slippin' right on through

And our love's the only truth

That's why I run to you

This world keeps spinning faster

Into a new disaster so I run to you, I run to you baby

When it all starts coming undone

Baby, you're the only one I run to, I run to you

Whoa, oh, I run to you

This world keeps spinning faster

Into a new disaster so I run to you, I run to you baby

When it all starts coming undone

Baby, you're the only one I run to, I run to you, I run to you, yeah

Whoa, oh, I run to you

I run to you (Boy), whoa

I always run to you

Run to you, run to you

~ Lady Antebellum's "I Run To You" ~

My eyes filled with adoration, while my insides filled with endless butterflies. "I love you Joe," pecking his lips. As I pulled away I murmured in his ear, "You sing beautifully. You sure you don't want to be a singer too?" He chuckled & shook his head saying, "Its not my dream, Nick, its yours. And I want you to go for it." I gave a childish pout, "But what if they love your voice too & want you to sign with me?" 

"Then I'd reconsider my decision & go with you. That thought alone would be the most amazing thing ever. You know it could happen, since you have wonderful dreams. Tell you what, you start off & we'll figure out a way to try it together?"

I gleamed & laid my head against his strong shoulder, "So love to."

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 20 (Starlight & Fascination)

Next day Friday, Still Nick's POV

I was at school inside our music building which has rooms to privately practice. I chose one & began to play my songs. I closed my eyes feeling the words I was sung & felt my fingers knew exactly what keys to play. I poured out my heart and soul in every note, all concentration focused on naturally connecting to the sounds. I was in trance, my ears tuned to carefully listening to everything I was doing. 

Mrs. Swanson's POV

"Now you can see what I meant by so passionate, right? He's one of my top students, he shows such raw & natural talent," said Mrs. Swanson. The young man with dark short black hair nodded enthusiastically, his eyes never leaving Nick's face. 

"I think your right Mrs. Swanson. He's got a very beautiful voice that draws you in, he's a born rock star. Does he always stay after class & practice like this?," he asked. I smiled, "He indeed does everyday. I've haven't seen such strong dedication in a student in a long time. I really believe this is what he's meant to do in his life."

"Surely he is exactly the kind of person I've been searching for. I must thank you for calling my attention to Mr. Jonas. I'm throughly impressed & I see greatness in him," he said. "Splendid news, your welcome ???, it was nice meeting you," said Mrs. Swanson. 

He shook her hand & inclined his head respectfully, "The pleasure was all mine, Mrs. Swanson. And thank you very much. You have a wonderful day," he said as I made my closing words. 

???'s POV

I smiled & watched as she walked away, then I turned my attention back to young Nick. There was no trace of doubt in my mind that I was already fascinated by his voice. I felt instant attraction to him, he was quite a cute boy. His voice was special like my own. The sounds of his wondrous voice filled my ears, a beautiful angelic starlit. 

His music was moving me, I could already feel the passion & heartfelt of what he was trying to convey. Nick Jonas ... what a brilliant soul he was. Endless ideas swirled in my mind of duets, his own solo album, & overall worldwide tour. And in time he'd become mine. I'd make him my boyfriend & we'd be amazing pair both musically & romantically. 

I have been looking for a quiet shy boy like myself, but actually I've changed a bit. Since I've started singing & becoming famous, I've grown much more confident. And when I see something I want, I get it. But Nick ... he's completely different. An angel has appeared & this sweet boy must & will be treated like a prince. 

Though I can't deny I want nothing more than to open this door standing in my way of taking him into my arms. Those curls look so incredibly soft, I want to touch them. Easy man, don't get ahead of yourself. Oh for certain, Mr. Jonas YOU WILL BE MINE.

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 21 (Worried & Concerned)

Joe's POV 

I was on my way to pick up Nick the anticipation filled me. It had been another joyous day in my math courses. There wasn't a single detail that I had failed to understand. For me, everything flowed perfectly including the time. I do love numbers, but nothing I mean nothing is ever above my Nick. I arrived promptly, mostly excited to see him. I parked in my usual spot which was closely to his practice rooms. 

The campus was mostly emptied, most students already gone for the day, but not my Nick. I knew he always stayed & spent his time playing his songs. The thought of him doing this always touched my heart. I admired him, he's truly a wonderful person. The sun still was shining brightly & the heat lingered in the air. We could honestly use some rain right about now. Plus I knew this was the kind of weather Nick enjoyed the most. 

I walked right up to the door to the building, about to go on in when I hit complication. As I pulled it opened, I expected it to open as it always did, but instead it was clamped shut. What the heck. I tried again thinking I didn't pull it good enough, but I got the same reaction. Why would it be locked? Its 5:00 PM yes, but I know for a fact they don't lock the doors to the classrooms this soon. 

So I went around to another door nearby & the next & the next. Ugh, what is this? I tried to peer through the doors, but I couldn't see anyone. My hands went instantly to my cell phone, calling his number. I waited listening to the ringing tone going through, no answer ... no answer .... still no answer. "Please leave a message after the beep," said the automatic voicemail message. 

"Nick, it's Joe. I'm here to pick you up, but I'm having trouble getting into your building. Can you come out please? I love you, call me back okay?," I said after finishing then closing my cell. I waited, but apart of me was kind of pacing back & forth. This strange, I mean in all the times I've picked up Nick at this time I have never encountered such problems. 

Calm Joe, its probably a mistake & he'll call soon. He's probably so wrapped in his music, he didn't hear his cell or maybe he forgot to take the ringer off silent or vibrate. Yeah, thats probably it. So I sat on a nearby artistic chair, continuing to wait. Seconds ticked by, minutes came & gone. I decided to call his again, but once again I got his voicemail, so I left another message & sent him a text. 

Passionate, Persistent, & Possessive Ep 22 (NICK?!!!!!!!!!!)

Nick's POV 

As I finished my ending song I looked up at the digital clock on the wall, 5:30 PM already. Oh my, Joe! I lost track of time, he's probably wondering where I am. I quickly put my sheet music away & packed everything away. I pushed in my seat to the piano & as I was opening the door I grabbed my cell phone. Oh great, it died, so much for technology. I was still looking at it, wishing it haven't lost all its charge. I was really paying any attention to where I was going, when I suddenly bumped into someone. 

Joe's POV 

I looked at the time again, wishing it wasn't the real time: 5:32 PM. There's got to be someway to get in touch with Nick, maybe it I continue to knock on the doors & yell? So I did so. I kept on calling, trying not to let the worry fill my voice, but honestly with each second my worrying was getting worse. I don't want to jump to any conclusions, just breathe Joe. I'm sure there's a logical explanation for this. Nick's a young man, he can take care of himself, but at times its like I want to be the one there for his always. And right now this separation isn't helping. 

"NICK! ... SOMEONE LET ME IN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW," I screamed already losing all of my control. My heart heaved, sweat has formed on my face & was now dripping. I pounded on the door even more, almost to the point of busting it down. I'm a patient person but my Nick is in there, I can feel it. Something's wrong & I'm going to get in there no matter what it takes. 

I know this looks crazy, but right now I don't care. I'm going to get in there so help me God. I gave myself a good amount of space & starting running to the door. I slammed into it like a superhero but even greater because I'm in love, & broke through. Whoa! At last, I ran through the hall looking into each room, while still calling Nick's name. "NICK? NICK? NICK?!" 

I carried on searching every room & study, looking for his face. It was like dead, no one was in here. And no alarms of any kind has sounded off. What kind of college is this? My breathed heavily running as fast as my feet could go. My blood pounded throughout my entire body. Just as I was about to turn the corner, I found something ... 

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

Author's Note

Episode 19, 20, 21, & 22 included here :-]

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1 Review
Added on November 5, 2010
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Nick Jonas Joe Jonas



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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