Paradise Ep 23

Paradise Ep 23

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Paradise Ep. 23 (Weak & Tired/Nick I'm So Sorry, I ...)

Nick: *My eyes opened up slowly. I looked around, the room was still dark, but I could see the sun shining some light into our room. I glanced at the time, 11AM, hmm, what time did I go to bed? I let my mind rewind, I'm guessing 12/12:30PM. I shrugged, not really caring. I looked over at Joe, who was sound asleep & snoring loudly. I smiled at him. Last night was really rough, really hot, & mostly mind-blowing! I decided that later on, I'd talk to him about everything. For now, I must get up. I feel so parched, I need water. I tried to sit up, but I felt myself whine quietly. Oh my, this hurts. I tried again, this time I managed to get off the bed & stand. But the second I stood up, my legs buckled, & I fell to the carpet. Whoa! Okay ... plan B? I tried crawling, which still hurt, but not as much as it did to stand. I felt like a baby, but I needed a drink. I arrived at the mini fridge & opened it up, & got myself a bottle of Fiji water. I drank the whole thing, mm, that's better. I gulped, then I crawled to the restroom. Once again, getting up was painful. Ouch, I can't believe I can't walk. Next, I washed my hands which was difficult cause my legs just wouldn't support me. I had to grip onto the counter & push my weight to lean over, so I wouldn't fall again. I looked at myself, my eyes were sleepy & my whole body was throbbing. Al right Nick, you're obviously drained, so back to sleep? I crawled out of the bathroom & I thought about returning to bed with Joe, but then I could hear him still snoring. I don't think I can sleep with that, so I made my way to the hammock outside on the patio. Once I got settled in, I wrapped a white sheet from the bed around me. The sun was really bright & warm, it made me feel peaceful. I should put on my boxers, I feel so vulnerable with no clothes, only a thin sheet covering me. But the journey back, would hurt me more, so I stayed put. I let myself drift off into a wonderland of beautiful tranquil sleep. I can't believe how tired I was. I let the sun, heal me, as I began to dream of relaxing with Joe like this*

Joe: *I yawned & stretched. Oh what a night! I wiped the sleep from my eyes. I looked to see Nick wasn't around. What time is it? 11:30AM, not bad. I got up, & went to the bathroom. My body was still in pain, but lucky I was still able to walk. Afterwards, I put on a pair of boxers & then I looked around for Nick, I eventually found him preciously sleeping in our hammock. He was sound asleep, he looked so serene & incredibly beautiful. I pulled a chair next to him, just watching him. God he's such an angel, I'm so blessed, I really am. So innocent, so pure, so adorable to me. I touched his curly hair, rubbing it lightly as I could. The sun almost makes him shine or is he glowing? It's like a halo surrounded him, he looks like a sweet child sleeping so gracefully. I chuckled quietly. He is still young, 17 going on 18. And look at me, 20 going on 21. Its amazing, this whole vacation has brought us together. I couldn't think of anywhere else I'd rather be, than with Nick. I do admit that I can be very possessive with him. I just waited for this moment, & yesterday's incident just bothered me so much. I never want anyone to kiss or touch Nick. I barely want another guy within range of him. Now I got be careful with everyone I meet, & I definitely will never ever leave Nick's side again. I took both, Drake & Josh's advice into count, but in a way, I shut them aside. I wanted only to think about my baby boy, & all I kept waiting for was a chance to be inside him again. Now looking back, I feel bad for going so hard on him. Part of me was insanely jealous, while another part was burning to scoop him up & show him my love. I think I went too overboard. I definitely lost all control. I looked at him worriedly, I hope he's al right. I didn't mean to hurt him, I really didn't. When he wakes up, I'm going to apologize & explain my behavior. He even told me to go slower & I didn't listen. I dismissed his plea. Oh God, please, I'm sorry. I will make this right*

Nick: *I opened my eyes, to see Joe sitting beside me, with his face in his hands, leaning over. I moved my hand to lightly touch his shoulder*

Joe: *I looked up & saw Nick smiling* Nick? .... Are you okay baby?

Nick: *Nods*

Joe: *Very concerned* Are you sure? 

Nick: *Nods again*

Joe: *Looks at Nick worriedly* Nick ... can you talk?

Nick: *Shakes head no*

Joe: *Tears building/choaked up* Nick ... I'm .... so ... sorry .... I-I

Nick: *Pulls Joe into a hug* Joey baby, please don't cry. I'm fine, I'm sorry. I was just kidding, bad joke. Sorry, Joey.

Joe: *Pulls away from him fast/eyes shocked/bites lip to prevent from yelling but it comes out anyways* Nick! Oh thank goodness! Don't ever do that, baby, you scared me! *fiercely hugs him*

Nick: Owie! Careful Joey, I can talk, but I can't walk. I had to crawl over here.

Joe: *Pulls away again/grabs Nick's face in both of my hands* Are you serious Nick?

Nick: *Smiles sheepishly* It's true Joe. I tried to stand, but I fell. I was so thirsty & I needed water, so I crawled to get it. Then I went to the bathroom, & had to force myself to stand just to wash my hands. I felt so tired & weak, and you where still sleeping & snoring loudly, so I crawled out here. I feel a little better, thanks to the sun, but I think I should try the jacuzzi too. 

Joe: *Tears resume* Oh Nick, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't been so rough, I'm really sorry baby. *sobs/looks down*

Nick: *Lifts Joe's chin/kisses his lips sweetly/wipes his tears away* Please Joey, don't cry. It's not that bad, please I'm okay really.

Joe: *Sniffles* How can you say that Nick? You can't walk, & it's all my fault. I lost control with you last night. I should have listened to you. I hurt you.

Nick: *Pulls Joe onto the hammock/gets on top of him/pecks his lips* Sssh Joey. I forgive you. *gently strokes his cheek* I understand why you did it.

Joe: *Blinks* You do?

Nick: *Beams* Yes of course I do. At first, I didn't know why, then I realized the truth. You love me Joey, & you wanted to show me how much you do. You did lose control, in fact, so did I. Apart of me was scared & wanted you just to slow down, but as you continued ... I found myself absolutely breathless & burning with the same desire you were presenting to me. Yes it was hard & rough, but baby you really entranced & sent me to heaven. I know yesterday was horrible for us both, with the whole ... *I couldn't bring myself to say his name* Look Joey, all that matters, is that it isn't your fault for what happened & I don't want you to ever blame yourself. It was a scary thing, but I'm safe thanks to you & our best friends. You're my hero, you don't have to prove your love. I already know, & I feel the same way. You've protected me since I was born, now it's my turn baby. I love you deeply, truly. *winks*

Joe: *Closes his eyes/sighs* Nick ... your right & I love you always. How'd you know how I felt?

Nick: *Giggles* Because we know each other. My heart is your heart, & your heart is my heart. We're one, you & I. And I promise you, that you're the only man for me & no one will ever come between us. We're strong together.

Joe: *Looks up at Nick/smiles a little* Your so cute, Nicky. Gods, what did I do to deserve such an angel?

Nick: *Blushes* And your soo remarkably handsome. Your blessed, & so I am. Look at you, your like a King or a God! 

Joe: *Laughs* King or a God, your still my angel & my greatest love! 

Nick: *Snuggles into Joe's neck* And you're mine. Thank you baby, last night was so much hotter than anything I've ever felt. *quivers a bit*

Joe: *Wraps arms around Nick sweetly/both fall asleep in each others arms* 

© 2014 VirgoAvatar

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Added on November 3, 2010
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joe Jonas Nick Jonas



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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